Discharge Permit (New) Evaluation Form

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Company Name: _______________________________________________
Project Name: _________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
A. Application Form
 completely filled out  notarized
 acceptable water balance  LC/LE attached
 with signature of PCO/Rep.  certification/proof of start of operation
 with signature of CEO  schedule of discharge (if by-batch)
B. Water Bills/Reading
 in the name of the applicant/owner of the building
Source of water is from the supplier/water provider
 water bills/reading for the last three months
Source of water is from groundwater/deepwells
 water permit or water application from NWRB
Source of water is from surface water
 water permit or water application from LLDA
C. Water Treatment Facility/Septic Tank/ OWS/Grease Trap Lay-out
 with complete specification of the treatment process
 duly signed and sealed by a licensed civil/sanitary engineer
D. Engineer’s Report or Technical Report
 project description, area and location
 declaration of product capacity stating the quantity or volume and the
generic name (s) of the product(s) if applicable
With wastewater discharge
 nature and characteristic of applicant’s waste including its chemical
 total daily volume of discharge of raw waste
 treatment process and estimated treatment efficiency
 total daily volume of discharge of finally treated waste or effluent
 with attached results of laboratory analysis
 signed by preparer
No wastewater discharge (Zero discharge) / With storage of used oil,
chemicals, or hazardous waste
 nature and characteristic of waste including its chemical composition
 nature of zero discharge scheme
o recycle/re-use
o haul by service provider/treated
o containment/loss by evaporation

Other Remarks:_________________________________________________

Evaluated by:_________________________ Date: ____________________

Name & Signature

Checked by:_________________________ Date: ____________________

Name & Signature

LLDA-CPD-Form 13 Issue Date: August 2022 Issue No.: 04

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