Lessonplan - IT - 402 - Book9 - 2022 - Part A

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Information Technology Lesson Plan

Series Name: IT-402

Class: 9 - Part A

Chapter-1 Communication Cycle (Unit I)

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• know what is communication.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• understand that communication is a two-way process.
• list the features and impact of effective communication.
• get familiar with the elements of a communication cycle.
• understand barriers to effective communication.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the meaning of communication. Elaborate how with the progress in technology,
there has been a revolution in the field of communication.

Sub Topics: 1) Communication - a two-way

2) Features of effective communication Page No: 8-11
3) Impact of effective communication
4) Elements of a communication cycle
5) Barriers to effective communication
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

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1 • To understand that LESSON CONDUCT:

communication is a two-way
process • Discuss how communication is a two-way process
which involves transmission of message as well as
• To list the features and
understanding and responding to the message.
impact of effective
• List the features of effective communication.
• Emphasise importance of communication skills with
• To get familiar with the
the help of the example given.
elements of a
• List the impact of effective communication.
communication cycle
• Introduce students to the elements of a
• To understand barriers to
communication cycle. Illustrate with real-life
effective communication
• Discuss the different type of barriers to effective
• Conduct the activity on page no.11 which will help

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

them better understand effective communication.


The students will be able to communicate effectively

and learn to identify communication barriers.

2) Activity Zone Page No: 12

3) Group Discussion
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 12.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 11- 12. This activity will help students
understand the importance of developing effective communication skills and also identify communication
3) Conduct a group discussion with students on the topics given on page 12 to help them understand
communication barriers and their impact on communication cycle.

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Chapter-2 Various Methods of Communication

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• know the meaning of effective communication.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know the methods of communication.
• get familiar with verbal communication.
• list the factors of effective oral and written communication

• list the advantages and disadvantages of oral and written communication.
• get familiar with non-verbal communication.
• list the advantages and disadvantages of non-verbal communication.
• get familiar with visual communication.
• list the advantages and disadvantages of visual communication.
• improve their communication skills.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the importance of effective communication which they studied in the previous

Sub Topics: 1) Methods of communication

2) Oral communication Page No: 13-17
3) Non-verbal communication
4) Visual communication
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To get familiar with oral LESSON CONDUCT:

• List the methods of communication.
• To list the advantages and
disadvantages of oral • Elicit from students how we communicate verbally.
• List the types of verbal communication.
• Discuss the features of oral and written
• To get familiar with non-
verbal communication
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• To list the advantages and • Highlight the importance of listening during

disadvantages of non-verbal communication.
communication • List the advantages and disadvantages of oral and
• To get familiar with visual written communication.
communication • Elaborate the meaning of non-verbal communication.
• To list the advantages and • List the elements of non-verbal communication.
disadvantages of visual • List the advantages and disadvantages of non-verbal
communication communication.
• To improve their own • Conduct the game of ‘Dumb charades’ to facilitate the
communication skills understanding of non-verbal communication.
• Discuss the meaning of visual communication.
• List the advantages and disadvantages of visual

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time
2) Activity Zone
3) Group Discussion

• The students will be able to understand different

types of verbal communication and the ways to
improve oral and written communication skills.

Page No: 18

Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 18.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 18. Activity 1 will enhance
understanding of non-verbal communication skills. Activity 2 will highlight the features of different types
of communication.
3) Conduct a group discussion with students on the topics given on page 18 to help them understand how
to non-verbal may enhance or disrupt a communication cycle.

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Chapter-3 Perspectives in Communication

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• know the meaning of effective communication.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know what is meant by perspective in communication.
• understand factors affecting perspective in communication.

Teaching Aids:

• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the importance of effective communication which they studied in the previous

Sub Topics: 1) Perspective in

2) Factors affecting perspective in
Page No: 19-23

Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To know what is meant by LESSON CONDUCT:

perspective in
• Discuss what is meant by perspective in
• To understand factors
• List the factors affecting perspective in
affecting perspective in
• Discuss that visual perspective is our tendency to
focus only on what we are more inclined to notice.
Elaborate the judgments we make based on visual
• Elaborate how the interpretation of the words affects
• Discuss the impact that past experience and attitude
have on communication.
• Discuss how prejudice prevents successful
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• Highlight that we should create or chose an

environment that is conducive for communication.
• Discuss how communication may depend on how we
feel on a specific day or feel about a specific person.
Our belief system affects our behaviours which in turn
has an impact on communication with others.


• The students will be able to understand the

perspective in communications and factors affecting
perspective in communication. This understanding will
help them improve their communication skills.

Sub Topics: Assessment time
Period No. 2
Page No: 23

Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 23.

Chapter-4 Basic Writing Skills

Total Periods: 3

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• appreciate the importance of basic communication skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• appreciate the importance of writing skills.
• get familiar with the 7 Cs of communication.
• be able to construct correct phrases and sentences.
• know the different kinds of sentences.
• reinforce their knowledge of parts of speech.
• list articles and their correct usage.
• understand paragraph writing

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.
• Writing material.
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Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the various uses of written communication and its importance.

Sub Topics: 1) The 7Cs of effective

2) Writing Skills
3) Phrases and their types Page No: 24-29
4) Sentences
5) Kinds of sentences
6) Parts of a sentence
7) Parts of speech
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To understand and practice LESSON CONDUCT:

PS the 7Cs of effective

• To understand the importance
of correct grammar in
effective writing.
• To know what are phrases and
their types
• To know what are sentences
and their types

Emphasise that since non-verbal and tone play an
important part in communication, one must be extra
careful while communicating through writing.
Elaborate how clarity and conciseness is important in
conveying a message.
Discuss the importance of supporting messages with
facts and figures.
Emphasise on the importance of developing good
language skills for effective communication.
• To list the parts of a sentence
• Highlight that the message should make sense
• To know the parts of speech
logically and should answer all the questions in the
receivers mind.
• Emphasise that one must be sensitive to the feelings
of and respect the point of view of the receiver while
constructing a message.
• You can use examples to illustrate your points.
• Convey that grammar is an essential part of effective
writing skills.
• Discuss what phrases are.
• Emphasise that phrases are units of sentences but are
not meaningful on their own.
• Using examples, elaborate the different types of
• Conduct the practice exercise on page 25 to reinforce
the concept.
• Facilitate the understanding of sentences and their
kinds using examples.
• Reinforce the concept by conducting the practice
exercise on page 26.
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• Eliciting their prior knowledge of parts of a sentence,

discuss the concept of subject and predicate. Use the
examples in the book and conduct the practice
exercise on page 27 to facilitate their learning.
• List the rules of writing a sentence.
• Eliciting their prior knowledge of parts of speech and
using the examples in the book, discuss the parts of
• Conduct the practice exercise on page 29 to facilitate
their learning.


• The students will be able effectively use their

knowledge of 7 Cs of effective communication as well
as grammar to improve their writing skills.

Sub Topics: 1) Articles
2) Paragraph Writing


Learning Outcomes

• To understand what are

Page No: 29-34


• Discuss articles and their types.
• To know about definite and
indefinite articles and the rules • Using examples, illustrate the rules of using indefinite
for their usage articles.
• To appreciate the process of • Emphasise that use of indefinite articles does not
writing a good paragraph depend on the initial letter of the next word but the
sound of the word. Support this concept with
• To list the rules for writing a
• Using examples elicit and compile the use of the
definite article ‘The’ and also discuss about
• Conduct the practice exercise on page 38 to reinforce
the students’ understanding of articles.
• Discuss what a paragraph is.
• Facilitate the understanding of the process of writing
a good paragraph and its flow.
• List the rules for writing a paragraph.
• Reinforce the learning by conducting the practice
exercise on page 40.

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• The students will be able to effectively use their

knowledge of the rules and flow of writing a good
paragraph to improve their writing skills.

Sub Topics: Assessment time Page No: 35-36

Period No. 3
Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page no. 35-36.

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
Chapter-5 Importance of Self-Management (Unit II)

• know some of their strengths and weaknesses.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know the meaning of self-management.
• understand self-management skills.
• comprehend that initiative, organisation and accountability are the three key skills for achieving ones
• list the positive results of self-management.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Using an example of how a mother manages things in the house, discuss the meaning of self-management.

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Sub Topics: 1) Self-management skills Page No: 40-44

2) Positive results of self-management

Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To understand self- LESSON CONDUCT:

management skills
• Discuss that initiative, organisation and accountability
• To comprehend that
are the three key skills for achieving ones goals
initiative, organisation and
• Elaborate how taking initiative can inspire others to
accountability are the three
participate in and resolve issues. Illustrate your point
key skills for achieving ones
with examples.
• List the steps to develop organizational skills.
• To list the positive results of
• Discuss the use of SMART strategy while setting and

PS •

defining goals.
List the steps to manage time in the best possible
Conduct the activity on page 42 for students to reflect
upon how they manage their time in their daily life
and identify their areas of improvement.
List the ways in which one can imbibe or develop
Highlight the benefits of self-management

• The students will be able to apply self-management
skills in their daily life.

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 45-46
3) Group Discussion
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 45-46.
2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 46. This activity will help students
understand how to apply SMART strategy to achieve goals.
3) Conduct a group discussion with students on the topic given on page 46 to understand the positive
results of self-management.

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Chapter-6 Building Self-Confidence

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• know some of their strengths and weaknesses.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know the meaning of self-confidence.
• understand the factors that contribute in building self-confidence.
• know that attitudes of people define their level of confidence.

• know the techniques to build and sustain self-confidence.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students situations or incidences where they have felt a lack of self-confidence. Elaborate
the meaning of self-confidence.

Sub Topics: 1) Factors influencing self-

confidence Page No: 47-51
2) Various attitudes of people
3) Building self-confidence
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To know the meaning of LESSON CONDUCT:

• List the factors that contribute in building self-
• To understand the factors
that contribute in building
• Elaborate how society plays a crucial role in shaping
and building self-confidence.
• To know that attitudes of
• Discuss how a child’s development and behaviour is
people define their level of
influenced by culture. Illustrate with examples.
• List the physical factors that affect ones self-
• To know the techniques to
build and sustain self-

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• Discuss that attitudes of people like behaviour, body

language and way of speaking define their level of
• Discuss the attitudes of people with low confidence as
against self-confident people.
• List the techniques to build and sustain self-
• Discuss how SWOT analysis can be done to identify
ones strengths and weaknesses.
• Conduct the activity on page 50 to get students to do
SWOT analysis to understand their strengths and
weaknesses and identify areas of self-improvement.
• Elaborate other ways to build and sustain self-

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time
2) Activity Zone
The students will be able to build on their strengths and
overcome their weaknesses. They will be able to
implement the techniques to build self-confidence.

Page No: 52-53

3) Group Discussion
Period No. 3
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 52-53.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 53. These activities will enable
students to build their self-confidence and apply SWOT analysis in their daily life.
3) Conduct a group discussion with students on the topic given on page 46 to understand the steps to
build self-confidence.

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Information Technology Lesson Plan

Chapter-7 Introduction to ICT (Unit III)

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• be aware of basics of I.T.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know the meaning of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
• understand the role and importance of ICT.
• list ICT Tools.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students what they know about basic of I.T. and computers.

Sub Topics: 1) Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) Page No: 54-57
2) Role and importance of ICT
3) ICT Tools
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To know the meaning of LESSON CONDUCT:

Information and
• Discuss the meaning of Information and
Communication Technology
Communication Technology (ICT).
• Discuss the role and importance of ICT.
• To understand the role and
• Elaborate the role of ICT in the workplace, education
importance of ICT
healthcare, governance and business. Highlight that
• To list ICT Tools ICT is an inseparable part of our lives today
• List the features and uses of various ICT Tools


• The students will be able to appreciate the role and

importance of ICT in all aspects of life.
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Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 57
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 57.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 57. Activity 1 will give the students a
better understanding of ICT tools. Activity 2 will help students understand what the government is doing
to encourage digitization in India.

Chapter-8 Components of the Computer System

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:
The student should:
• be aware of the role and importance of ICT

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• list the basic components of a computer system.
• understand the storage unit/ memory unit
• list the units of memory.
Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the different tasks that computers can perform as well as its limitations.

Sub Topics: 1) Basic components of a

computer system Page No: 58-62
2) Storage unit/ memory unit
3) Units of memory
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

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1 • To list the basic components LESSON CONDUCT:

of a computer system
• Draw a comparison between parts of a computer and
• To understand the storage
parts of a human body.
unit/ memory unit
• Discuss the organisation of a computer.
• To list the units of memory
• Discuss about hardware and software of a computer.
• List the types of software - system software and
application software.
• List the parts of a computer – Input unit, Output unit
and CPU.
• List the components of a CPU.
• Elaborate that memory is of two types – internal and
• Discuss that internal memory is of two types – RAM and

PS • List the types of RAM and ROM.

• Discuss about cache memory.
• Discuss the meaning of external memory.
• Highlight that data is transferred from secondary
system to primary memory when required.
• List the units of memory.


• The students will know about the basic components

and storage unit and memory unit of computers.
Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time
2) Activity Zone Page No: 62
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 62.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 62. The activities will give the students
a better understanding of storage unit and components of a computer.

Chapter-9 Peripheral Devices

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Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• be aware of the I-P-O cycle in a computer system.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know what are peripheral devices.
• list the types of peripheral devices.
• identify the different input devices, output devices and storage devices.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the I-P-O cycle in a computer system.

Sub Topics: 1) Peripheral devices

2) Types of peripheral devices
Learning Outcomes
Page No: 63-68


1 • To know what are peripheral LESSON CONDUCT:

• Giving some examples, discuss how peripheral devices
• To list the types of peripheral
give additional functionality to a computer.
• List the types of peripheral devices.
• To identify the different
• Demonstrate and discuss about input devices.
input devices, output devices
• Demonstrate and discuss about output devices.
and storage devices
Elaborate and compare the different types of monitors,
printers and plotters.
• List the different secondary storage devices and their


• The students will understand how the different

peripheral devices extend the functionality of a

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Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 68
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 68.
2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 68. The activity will give the students a
better understanding of secondary storage devices.

Chapter-10 Basic Computer Operations

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:
The student should:
• be aware of basics of software and hardware components of a computer.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know the correct procedure to start and shutdown a computer.
• understand the important role of an operating system.
• list the functions of an operating system.
• know about mobile operating systems.
Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the basics of hardware and software components of a computer system.

Sub Topics: 1) Procedure for starting a

2) Procedure for shutting down a computer Page No: 69-72
3) Operating system
4) Functions of an operating system
5) Mobile operating system
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

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1 • To know the correct LESSON CONDUCT:

procedure to start and
• Discuss and demonstrate the correct procedure to start
shutdown a computer
a computer.
• To understand the important
• Demonstrate the correct procedure to shut down a
role of an operating system
• To list the functions of an
• Discuss that an operating system is a software that acts
operating system
as an interface between the user and the hardware
• To know about the mobile
• Discuss the important role of an operating system in a
operating system
• Give examples of some popular operating systems.
• Elicit and compile the functions of an operating
• Giving example, list the different types of operating
• Give details of some commonly used operating

PS systems.
• Discuss about mobile operating systems. Demonstrate
and elaborate the different kinds of mobile operating
systems like Android, Symbian, iOS and Windows.


• The students will understand the important role of

the operating system in a computer and also get
familiar with some mobile operating systems.
Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time
2) Activity Zone Page No: 72
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the assessment questions given on the page nos. 72.
2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 72. The activity will give the students a
better understanding of types of operating systems.

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Chapter-11 Operating System

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• know about role and importance of an operating system.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• understand the features of Windows 7.
• know the components and icons of the Windows screen.
• list the common desktop operations

• understand the components of the Linux operating system.

Teaching Aids:
• Computers with Windows 7 and Linux operating systems, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students their prior knowledge of operating systems and its functions.

Sub Topics: 1) Windows 7

2) Starting Windows Page No: 73-77
3) Linux
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To understand the features LESSON CONDUCT:

of Windows 7
• List the features of Windows 7.
• To know the components
and icons of the Windows • Demonstrate how to start Windows.
screen • Elicit and compile the components and icons of the
• To list the common desktop Windows screen.
operations • Discuss the options of the Taskbar and Start button.
• To understand the • Demonstrate how to shutdown Windows.
components of the Linux • Discuss about some important desktop icons and
operating system demonstrate their functionality.
• list the common desktop operations.
• Introduce the students to the Linux operating system
and list its components.
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• The students will learn about different operating

systems and their features.

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 77
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 77.
2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 77. The activity will familiarise the
students with the components of the Windows 7 desktop and their functions.

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
Chapter-12 Introduction to Internet

• know about the basics of internet.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• list the applications of Internet.
• list the disadvantages of the Internet.
• understand about the World Wide Web.
• know about web browsers.
• know about websites and webpages.
• understand protocols, home page and URL.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to Internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students their prior knowledge of operating systems and its functions.

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Sub Topics: 1) Applications of Internet

2) Disadvantage of the Internet
3) World Wide Web
4) Web browser
5) Website Page No: 78-80
6) Webpage
7) Protocols
8) Http
9) Home page
10) Uniform Resource Locator
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To list the applications of LESSON CONDUCT:


PS •

To list the disadvantage of
the Internet
To understand about the
World Wide Web
To know about web
To know about websites and
• Elicit and compile the applications of Internet.
• Elicit and compile the disadvantage of the Internet.
• Discuss about the World Wide Web.
• Giving examples, discuss about web browsers.
• Giving examples, discuss about websites.
• Demonstrate and discuss about webpages and their
• Highlight the difference between webpage and
• To understand protocols,
• Discuss about protocols and what is HTTP.
home page and URL.
• Demonstrate and discuss the meaning of Home page
and URL.


• The students will learn about the Internet and

different terms associated with it.

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 80
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 80.
2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 80. The activity will reinforce the
concept of URL.

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Chapter-13 Introduction to E-mail

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• know about the basics of internet and its applications.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• list the applications of e-mail.
• know about e-mail accounts..
• know about e-mail address and its parts.

• know about e-mail programs and popular e-mail services.
• understand an e-mail message format.
• be able to create an e-mail account.
• be able to compose, send and reply to an email as well as forward an e-mail.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to Internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students various applications of an e-mail and structure of a letter.
Sub Topics: 1) Applications of e-mail
2) E-mail accounts
3) E-mail address
4) E-mail programs
5) E-mail message format Page No: 81-83
6) Creating an e-mail account
7) Inbox
8) Compose/ Write Mail
9) Sending e-mail
10) Replying and forwarding an email
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

1 • To list the applications of e- LESSON CONDUCT:

• List the applications of e-mail.
• To know about e-mail
• Discuss about e-mail accounts.
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• To know about e-mail • Discuss about an e-mail address and its parts.
address and its parts • Discuss about e-mail programs and list popular e-mail
• To know about e-mail services.
programs and popular e-mail • Discuss and demonstrate about an e-mail message
services format.
• To understand an e-mail • Demonstrate how to create an e-mail account.
message format • Discuss what an Inbox is.
• To be able to create an e-mail • Demonstrate how to compose, and send an e-mail.
account • Demonstrate how to reply to an email as well as
• To be able to compose, send forward an e-mail.
and reply to an email as well
as forward an e-mail.

• The students will be able to create an e-mail account

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time
2) Activity Zone
Period No. 2
Page No: 84
and know how to send, reply and forward e-mails.

1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 84.
2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 84. The activity will enable students to
create their own e-mail account as well as compose and send an e-mail.
Chapter-14 Introduction to Social Media

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• know about the basics of internet and its applications.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• understand about social networking sites.
• list the features, merits and demerits of social media.
• know the features of Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp.

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Information Technology Lesson Plan

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to Internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students about their prior knowledge of social media. Elaborate on social networking sites
and their function.

Sub Topics: 1) Features available on social

2) Merits of social media
3) Demerits of social media
4) Blog Page No: 85-87
5) Twitter
6) Facebook
7) YouTube

8) WhatsApp

1 •

Learning Outcomes

To understand about social LESSON CONDUCT:

networking sites
To list the features, merits
and demerits of social media

• List the features of social media.

• List the merits and demerits of social media. You can
conduct a debate on the topic and elicit points from the
• To know the features of
Blogs, Twitter, Facebook,
• Demonstrate and discuss the features of Blogs and
YouTube and WhatsApp
types of blogs.
• List the features of Twitter.
• List the popular offerings of Facebook.
• List the features of YouTube.
• List some interesting facts about WhatsApp.
• Illustrate the various social media applications by
giving demonstrations on how to work with them.


• The students will get familiar with social media


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Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 87
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 87.
2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 87. The activity will help students
understand how to work with YouTube and WhatsApp.

Chapter-15 Types of Business Activities (Unit IV)

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:
The student should:
• have a basic understanding of what a business is.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know what are entrepreneurial skills.
• know about some entrepreneurs in the local community and associated business activities.
• list the types of businesses.
• Comprehend the types of business organisations in our community.
Teaching Aids:
• A computer with access to the internet, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit from the students the various types of businesses they are familiar with and their understanding of
what it means to start and own a business.

Sub Topics: 1) Entrepreneurial skills

2) Types of businesses
Page No: 94-100
3) Types of business organisations in our
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

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1 • To know what are LESSON CONDUCT:

entrepreneurial skills
• Facilitate the understanding of who is an
• To know about some
entrepreneur and what is entrepreneurship.
entrepreneurs in the local • Highlight the significant role of entrepreneurs in
community and associated society.
business activities • Giving examples discuss about some entrepreneurs in
• To list the types of the local community and associated business activities.
businesses • List the day to day business activities using an example
• To comprehend the types of of a grocery shop.
business organisations in our • Using the above example specify the skills one needs to
community develop to run a business.
• List the benefits of studying entrepreneurship.
• List the types of businesses based on business

PS • Giving examples, elaborate the business activities

associated with service business, merchandising
business, manufacturing business and hybrid business.
• Elaborate the main types of business organisations in
our community based on ownership.
• List the features of sole proprietorship, partnership,
corporation and cooperative and help the students
understand the differences between these types.
• Conduct the activity on page 100 to facilitate the
understanding types of businesses and the benefits
and risks associated with running a business.
• The students will understand the types of businesses
based on activities and based on ownership and also
comprehend the skills required to run a business.

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 101-102
3) Group discussion
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 101-102.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 102. Activity 1 will help students
identify the types of businesses in the local community. Activity 2 will enable them to know more about
the service sector.
3) Conduct a group discussion with students on the topics given on page 101 to help them understand
business activities and familiarise them with the process involved in converting a business idea into

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Chapter-16 Characteristics of Entrepreneurship

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• have a basic understanding of what a business is.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know who is an entrepreneur.
• get introduced to some well-known entrepreneurs.

• know what is entrepreneurship development.
• list the stages in the entrepreneurship development program.
• list factors affecting entrepreneurship growth.
• understand the characteristics of entrepreneurs.
• understand the role of entrepreneurship.
• list the rewards of entrepreneurship.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with internet access, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Give students a definition of an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. Using examples of some successful
entrepreneurs, introduce them to some of their common characteristic traits.

Sub Topics: 1) Entrepreneurship

2) Stages in the entrepreneurship
development program
3) Factors affecting entrepreneurship Page No: 103-110
4) Characteristics of entrepreneurs
5) Role of entrepreneurship
6) Rewards of entrepreneurship
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

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1 • To know who is an LESSON CONDUCT:

• Discuss the meaning of entrepreneurship
• To get introduced to some
well-known entrepreneurs
• List the stages in the entrepreneurship development
• To know what is
• List the factors affecting entrepreneurship growth.
• Giving examples, discuss the characteristics of
• To list the stages in the
• List the key factors to become a successful
development program
• To list factors affecting
• Discuss how entrepreneurship is beneficial for the
entrepreneurship growth
• To understand the
• List the rewards of entrepreneurship.
characteristics of

PS •

To understand the role of LESSON CONCLUSION:
To list the rewards of

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

• The students will be able to appreciate the
characteristics of entrepreneurship, know about
entrepreneurship development and how
entrepreneurship is beneficial for the society.

2) Activity Zone Page No: 111-112

3) Group discussion
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 111-112.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 112. The activities will enable students
to understand the factors affecting entrepreneurship skills and the core skills of a successful
3) Conduct a group discussion with students on the topics given on page 101 to help them understand the
difference between owning and running a business and doing a job.

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Chapter-17 Environment Protection and Conservation (Unit V)

Chapter Name: Environment Protection and Conservation

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:
• be familiar with some of the environmental issues the world is facing today.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know the meaning of the word environment.

• list the types of environment.
• define what is ecosystem and get familiar with its primary components.
• understand the basic needs of living organisms.
• understand the relationship between man and the environment.
• know what brings about ecological imbalance.
• appreciate the need for conservation of natural resources.
• get familiar with the steps to be taken for environment protection and conservation.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with internet access, smart board, projector etc.
Lesson Connect:
• Using some examples from their surroundings and community, elicit the environmental problems being
faced by the world because of unplanned development. Emphasise that development without taking into
account the environment has caused depletion of resources and has threatened the survival of future

Sub Topics: 1) Environment

2) Ecosystem
3) Basic needs of living organisms
4) Relationship between man and the
environment Page No: 113-120
5) Ecological imbalance
6) Conservation of natural resources
7) Environment protection and

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Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes
1 • To know about the evolution LESSON CONDUCT:
of sustainable development • Define the word environment.
• To define what is sustainable • List the types of environment. Differentiate between
development natural and man-made environment.
• To understand the concept • Define and elaborate the meaning of ecosystem and
and principles of sustainable get familiar with its primary components.
• List the basic needs of living organisms.
• To list the objectives of
sustainable development • Discuss the relationship between man and the
environment. Highlight that early humans lived in
harmony with the environment and did not harm the
environment for fulfilling their needs.
• List the effects of human activities on environment,

PS emphasizing that environmental degradation is a

global problem.
• Conduct the activity on page 116 for students to
understand the impact of human activities and
development on their surroundings.
• List the important factors that cause ecological
• Emphasise the need for conservation of natural
• List the 3Rs – reduce, recycle, reuse - that can be
adopted in our daily lives to conserve natural
• List the tips to reuse things.
• Identify the steps to be taken for environment
protection and conservation.

• The students will understand the ecological imbalance
caused by human activities and commit themselves to
mitigate these issues.

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 120-123
3) Group discussion
Period No. 2

1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 120-123.

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2) Ask the students to perform the activity given on the page no. 123. The activity will make them realise
the importance of taking initiatives for environmental conservations.
3) Conduct a group discussion with students on the topics given on page 123 to help them understand
more about the deterioration of the environment and factors influencing the environment.

Chapter-18 Importance of Green Economy

Total Periods: 2

Prior Knowledge Required:

The student should:

• be familiar with some of the environmental issues the world is facing today.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the student will:
• know how closely environment and human activity are linked to each other and affect each other..
• define what is green economy.
• list the aims of green economy.
• understand the global impact of moving towards green economy.
• appreciate the green economy initiatives in India.

Teaching Aids:
• A computer with internet access, smart board, projector etc.

Lesson Connect:
• Elicit how human activities are having adverse effects on the environment including green-house gas
emissions and pollution, resulting in global climate change.

Sub Topics: 1) Human activities and

2) Green economy
3) Aims of green economy Page No: 123-127
4) Global impact of moving towards green
5) Green economy in India
Period Methodology
Learning Outcomes

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1 • To know how closely LESSON CONDUCT:

environment and human • Using examples highlight how closely environment and
activity are linked to each human activity are linked to each other and affect each
other and affect each other other.
• To define what is green • Define green economy.
economy • List the aims of green economy. Elaborate the three-
• To list the aims of green pronged approach proposed by the United Nations
economy Environment Progamme to attain Green economy.
• To understand the global • Identify the consequences of carbon growth.
impact of moving towards • Identify the efforts required to achieve resource
green economy efficiency.
• To appreciate the green • Discuss the meaning of social inclusion. Elaborate the
economy initiatives in India meaning of Green jobs.
• List the global impact of moving towards green

PS • List the issues that the green economy initiatives in

India aim to address.
• Identify the aims of the Green Skills Development
Programme of India

• The students will understand the meaning of green
economy and the ways and means to attain it.

Sub Topics: 1) Assessment time

2) Activity Zone Page No: 128-129
3) Group discussion
Period No. 2
1) Ask the students to solve the questions of the Assessment given on the page nos. 128-129.
2) Ask the students to perform the activities given on the page no. 128. The activities will enable the
students to understand more about environmental pollution in their own city and understand more
about green economy.
3) Conduct a debate with students on the topics given on page 129 to help them understand more about
implementing means to attain a green economy and its challenges.

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