2023 Answer
2023 Answer
2023 Answer
2023 年香港物理奧林匹克競賽
Organisers 合辦機構
Education Bureau
The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
14 May, 2023
2023 年 5 月 14 日
Rules and Regulations 競賽規則
1. All questions are in bilingual versions. You can answer in either Chinese or English, but only ONE
language should be used throughout the whole paper.
2. The multiple-choice answer sheet will be collected 1.5 hours after the start of the contest. You can
start answering the open-ended questions any time after you have completed the multiple-choice
questions without waiting for announcements.
3. On the cover of the answer book and the multiple-choice answer sheet, please write your 8-digit
Contestant Number, English Name, and Seat Number.
在答題簿封面及選擇題答題紙上,請填上你的 8 位數字参賽者號碼、英文姓名、及座位號碼。
4. After you have made the choice in answering a multiple choice question, fill the corresponding circle
on the multiple-choice answer sheet fully using a HB pencil.
選定選擇題的答案後,請將選擇題答題紙上相應的圓圈用 HB 鉛筆完全塗黑。
5. The open-ended problems are quite long. Please read the whole problem first before attempting to
solve them. If there are parts that you cannot solve, you are allowed to treat the answer as a known
answer to solve the other parts.
The following symbols and constants are used throughout the examination paper unless otherwise
除非特別注明,否則本卷將使用下列符號和常數 :
Three blocks of identical mass are placed on a frictionless table as shown. The center block is at rest, whereas the other two
blocks are moving directly towards it at identical speeds v. The center block is initially closer to the left block than the right
one. All motion takes place along a single horizontal line.
如圖所示,將三個質量相同的物體放在無摩擦的桌子上。 中間物體處於靜止狀態,而其他兩個物體正以相同的速度
! 直接朝它移動。中間物體最初更靠近左側物體。 所有運動都沿著同一條水平線發生。
1. Suppose that all collisions are instantaneous and perfectly elastic. After a long time, which of the following is true?
1. 假設所有碰撞都是瞬時的並且是完全彈性的。 過了很長時間,以下哪項是正確的?
Answer: D
2. Suppose, instead, that all collisions are instantaneous and perfectly inelastic. After a long time, which of the following is
2. 相反,假設所有碰撞都是瞬時且完全不彈性的。 過了很長時間,以下哪項是正確的?
A. The center block is moving to the left. 中心物體向左移動。
B. The center block is moving to the right. 中心物體向右移動。
C. The center block is at rest somewhere to the left of its initial position. 中心物體在其初始位置左側的某處靜止。
D. The center block is at rest at it initial position. 中心物體在其初始位置處於靜止狀態。
E. The center block is at rest somewhere to the right of its initial position. 中心物體在其初始位置右側的某處靜止。
Answer: E
3. An object is thrown with a fixed initial speed !! at angles " relative to the horizon. At some height ℎ above the launch
point the speed ! of the object is measured as a function of the initial angle ". Which of the following best describes the
dependence of ! on "? (Assume that there is no air resistance.)
3. 一個物體以固定的初始速率 !! 以相對於地平線的角度 " 被拋出。在距離發射點高度 ℎ 處,測量物體的速率 ! 作為
初始角 " 的函數。以下哪個最能描述 ! 與 " 的關係?(假設沒有空氣阻力。)
Answer: C
According to the principle of conservation of energy, the kinetic energy and speed of an object are solely determined by the
height ℎ from which it was launched, regardless of the angle " at which it was thrown. Therefore, the speed (!) of the object
is independent of α.
4. In a lightweight seesaw, Albert (mass 70 kg), Isaac (mass 80 kg), and Marie (mass 60 kg) are seated in order with equal
spacing of 2 m between them. Isaac is positioned between Albert and Marie in a way that balances the seesaw. Neglecting
the mass of the seesaw, determine which person exerts the greatest magnitude of torque (relative to the center of the
seesaw) on the seesaw.
4. 在一個輕型蹺蹺板上,Albert(質量 70 kg)、Isaac(質量 80 kg)和 Marie(質量 60 kg)按順序坐下,他們之間的
間距為 2 m。 Isaac 位於 Albert 和 Marie 之間,並且維持蹺蹺板的平衡。 忽略蹺蹺板的質量,請問哪個人在蹺蹺板上
Answer (A)
In equilibrium, we have
70(2 − ,) = 80, + 60(2 + ,)
⇒ 140 − 120 = (80 + 60 + 70),
The torque exert by Albert, Isaac and Marie are
3' = (2 − ,)704 = 13336
3( = ,804 = 766
3) = (2 + ,)604 = 12576
5. A mass is suspended from the ceiling of a box by an ideal spring. The mass is given an initial velocity
and oscillates vertically while the box is held fixed. When the mass reaches the lowest point of its
motion, the box is released and fall. To an observer inside the box, which of the following quantities
does not change when the box is released? Ignore air resistance.
5. 一個物塊通過一個理想彈簧懸掛在盒子的天花板上。 質量被賦予初始速度並於盒子固定静止
時垂直振盪。 當物塊到達其運動的最低點時,盒子被釋放並下落。 對於盒子內的觀察者,當盒
子被釋放時,下列哪個量不會改變? 可忽略空氣阻力。
Answer: (B)
6. Two objects A and B are launched at the same time and place from ground on the Moon (no air). Object A is launched with
speed 10 m/s at an angle of 8 above horizon. Object B is launched with speed 10 m/s at an angle of 8 + 60° measured in the
same way. What is the distance between A and B after two seconds. It is given that at this moment neither A nor B has hit the
ground yet.
6. 兩物體 A 和 B 同時同地從月球表面(沒有空氣)發射。物體 A 以 10 m/s 的速率從地平線向上以角度 8 發射。物體
B 以 10 m/s 的速率從同一方向地平線向上以角度8 + 60° 發射。兩秒後 A 和 B 之間的距離是多少?假設此時 A 和 B 都
A. 5 m B. 10 m C. 10√2 m D. 10√3 m E. 20 m
Solution: E
Method 1: Relative Motion
A and B are under the same acceleration and so there is no relative acceleration. So the motion of B observed by A is a constant
velocity motion. The constant velocity is just the initial relative velocity of B wrt A, !⃗*⁄' .
The distance is 10 × 2s = 20m.
Method 2
,' = 20 m cos 8
? 1
B' = 20 m sin 8 − 4(2 s).
,* = 20 m cos(8 + 60°)
? 1
B* = 20 m sin(8 + 60°) − 4(2 s).
E(,* − ,' ). + (B* − B' ).
= E400m. (cos(8 + 60°) − cos 8). + 400m. (sin(8 + 60°) − sin 8).
= 20mE(−2 sin(8 + 30°) sin 30°). + (2 cos(8 + 30°) sin 30°).
= 20mEsin. (8 + 30°) + cos. (8 + 30°) = 20 m
7. All numbers in this question are in units of m/s and F̂ and Ĥ are two perpendicular unit vectors.
An object consisting of two parts of unknown masses separated by a massless compressed spring moves with constant initial
velocity F̂. At a certain moment the spring is released to push the two parts apart. Which of the following velocities is/are
possible at a certain time after the spring is released?
7. 本題中所有數字的單位都是 m/s,F̂ 和 Ĥ 是兩個垂直的單位向量。
一個物體由兩未知質量的部分組成,被無質量壓縮彈簧分開,並以恆定的初始速度 F̂ 運動。彈簧在某個時刻伸展並將
Solution: E
By momentum conservation
(I' + I* )F̂ = I' !⃗' + I* !⃗*
I' I*
F̂ = !⃗ + !⃗
I' + I* ' I' + I* *
So it is possible only if
F̂ = J!⃗' + (1 − J)!⃗*
for some 0 < λ < 1.
I. !⃗' and !⃗* are linearly dependent and not in the direction of F̂.
/ /
II. F̂ = . !⃗' + . !⃗*
III. F̂ = −!⃗' + !⃗*
. /
IV. F̂ = 0 !⃗' + 0 !⃗*
Solution E
I: A and B hit the ground at the same time, which is the same as that of the first launch. So M1) = M.
II: A hits the ground first and experiences a horizontal impulse in positive x direction. Also the total time of flight is longer
than that of the first launch
III. A hits the ground first but experiences no horizontal impulse. However, the total time of flight is longer than that of the
first launch.
9. A 1.00-kg mass is attached to a horizontal spring with a spring constant of 10 N/m to move on a rough horizontal surface.
Let the line of motion be the x-axis and the mass is at the origin when the spring is unstretched. The coefficient of static
friction and kinetic friction are 0.40 and 0.30, respectively. The mass is initially at the origin, and is given an initial speed of
1.00 m/s in the positive x direction. What is the position at which the mass will come to a complete stop?
9. 一個 1.00 千克的物體連接到彈力係數為 10 N/m 的水平彈簧上,並在粗糙的水平表面上移動。設物體沿 , 軸運動,
並在彈簧未伸展時位於原點。已知靜摩擦係數和動摩擦係數分別為 0.40 和 0.30。物體最初於原點以初始速度 1.00 m/s
向正 , 方向運動。問物體最終將完全停止於什麼位置?
Solution: A
1 1
I! . = O, . + P3 I4,
2 2
where , > 0.
1 . 1
O, + P3 I4, − I! . = 0
2 2
−P3 I4 ± EP3. I. 4. + OI! .
Reject negative root,
EP3. I. 4. + OI! . − P3 I4
,= ≈ 0.138 m
P4 I4 ≈ 3.92 N > O, ≈ 1.38 N
10. Following question 9, what is the answer if the initial velocity is increased to 2.00 m/s in the positive x direction?
10. 續題 9,假設物體向正 , 方向的初始速度增加到 2.00 m/s,則答案該為什麼?
Solution: A
EP3. I. 4. + OI! . − P3 I4
,/ = ≈ 0.403 m
P4 I4 ≈ 3.92 N < O, ≈ 4.03 N
1 . 1 .
O, = O, + P3 I4(,/ − ,. )
2 / 2 .
where ,. < ,/ .
1 . 1 .
O, − O, − P3 I4(,/ − ,. ) = 0
2 / 2 .
O(,/ + ,. )(,/ − ,. ) − P3 I4(,/ − ,. ) = 0
O(,/ + ,. ) − P3 I4 = 0
2P3 I4
,. = − ,/ ≈ 0.185 m
P4 I4 ≈ 3.92 N > O, ≈ 1.85 N
11. Two identical triangles with mass I are placed on a frictional horizontal surface. A sphere with mass V is held by the
triangles without falling, as shown in the diagram below. Consider that the surface between the sphere and triangles is
frictionless, find the minimum value of the coefficient of static friction between the triangle and the surface such that the
triangles will not slide away.
11. 兩個相同的質量為 I 的三角形放在有摩擦力的水平面上。 如下圖所示,質量為 V 的球體被三角形固定而不會掉
落。 考慮球體與三角形之間的表面是無摩擦力的,求三角形與表面之間的靜摩擦係數的最小值使得三角形不會滑
# %$ " $ $
A. B. C. D. E.
$ # % #'$ %# ' $
Answer: E
Free body diagrams:
!! !!
n o n
45 45
mg mg
From the free body diagrams, one writes down the corresponding Newton’s 2nd Law as
2) sin 45∘ − 01 = 0 (1)
∘ (2)
) sin 45 + 61 − 7 = 0
) cos 45 − :) = 0 (3)
Combining (1) and (2), we have
+ 61 = 7
Combining (1) and (3), we have
= :)
The coefficient of static friction
:) 2 0
<) ≥ = =
7 01 + 61 0 + 26
12. If the angle, W, between the cable and the string hanging the mass is 90∘ , what is the magnitude of the friction between
the ring and the cable?
12. 如果纜索和懸掛質量的繩子之間的角度 W 是 90∘ ,那麼環和纜索之間的摩擦力大小是多少?
"6 "6
A. 0 B. I4 C. D. E. 2I4
. 7
Answer: A
Normal force
friction from the cable
" = 90∘
The tension and the normal force by the cable are perpendicular to the motion of the ring and they
cancel each other.
Since the ring is massless, the net force acting on the ring must be zero as
>⃗*+, = 6@⃗ = 0
The net force is the friction if it exists. Therefore, the friction on the ring must be zero when A = 90∘ .
If A < 90∘ , the friction will cancel the component of the tension along the cable so that the net force is
13. If the mass is accelerating down along the dotted line, what is the minimum value of W?
13. 如果質量沿著虛線加速下降,則 W 的最小值是多少?
A. 30∘ B. 45∘ C. 60∘ D. 90∘ E. 120∘
Answer: C
Tension T
" = 60∘
When the angle W = 60∘ , the tension is vertical. According to the freebody diagram, it is not possible to have a net force
pointing both to the right and down (the acceleration, blue arrow direction). In order to have a net force pointing to right and
down, the tension must not point vertically upward. Instead, it must have a non-zero component point to the right.
Therefore, the critical angle for the ball to accelerate down is W = 60∘ .
14. Consider a mass I which is hanging vertically by a spring with spring constant O under constant gravity. The spring-mass
system undergoes a simple harmonic oscillation with amplitude X. The largest magnitude of net force that acts on the mass
during the oscillation is
14. 考慮一個質量 I 在恆定重力下由彈簧常數 k 的彈簧垂直懸掛。 這彈簧—質量系統經歷振幅為 X 的簡諧振動。振
A. OX − I4 B. OX C. I4 D. IY. X E. IY. X + I4
Answer: B or D
The motion of a simple harmonic oscillation is described by the function
,(Z) = X cos(YZ − W)
One can obtain the acceleration of the object by taking 2nd time derivative of ,(Z)
\. ,
[(Z) = . = −Y. X cos(YZ − W)
The maximum value of the acceleration is Y. X = " X.
The maximum force is then ]"#$ = I["#$ = OX = IY. X
15. A constant force ] = 800 N applied horizontally to a block with mass I = 100.0 kg pushes the block up a surface that
is inclined by 8 = 15° (see figure). The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is P3 . Under the
application of the force, the velocity of the block increases from its initial value !/ = 1.50 m/s to a final value !. = 3.50
m/s over a distance of \ = 2.20 m along the surface. What is the work done by friction?
一道恆定的力 ] = 800 N 水平地施加在質量為 I = 100.0 kg 的方塊上,將方塊沿着一斜面向上推,該斜面與水平
傾斜 8 = 15°(見圖)。方塊與斜面之間的動摩擦系數為 P3 。在該力的作用下,方塊的速度從其初始值 !/ =
1.50 m/s 增加到最終值 !. = 3.50 m/s,並沿斜面移動了 \ = 2.20 m。 摩擦力所作的功是多少?
m d
q µk
Answer: A
Work-energy theorem states: ^898 = Δ`
1 1
Δ` = I a!:. − !%. b = (100)(3.5. − 1.5. ) = 500 J
2 2
Total work done on the box consists is
^898 = ^:;%<8%9& + ^6;#=%8> + ^:9;<?
^:9;<? = ] \ cos 8 = (800)(2.20) cos 15∘ = 1700 d
^6;#=%8> = −I4 \ sin 8 = −(100)(9.8)(2.20) sin 15∘ = 558 d
16. A cubic wooden block of width 20 cm is floating on a tank of water. When we push the block from the top side and
displace it by a little, the block undergoes an up and down motion. Assume that the up and down motion of the block can be
modelled as simple harmonic motion. What is the period of the simple harmonic motion of the block? The density of wood is
600 kg/m3. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
16. 一個邊長為 20 cm 的木質立方體浮在一個水槽上。當我們從頂部推動木塊並使其稍微移動時,木塊會上下運動。
假設木塊的上下運動可以被建模為簡諧振動,該木塊的諧振運動週期是多少?木材密度為 600 kg/m0 ,水的密度為
1000 kg/m0 。
Additional upthrust:
> = −D- @% E1 = −FG
6 D) @. D) @
H = 2I J = 2I K %
= 2I K = 0.70L
F D- @ 1 D- 1
17. A rectangular block with dimensions 1.5 m × 1 m × 1 m is placed on a slope that makes an angle of 30∘ with the
horizontal. The square side of the rectangular block is initially put on the slope. The coefficient of static friction between the
block and the slope is 0.5. Will the block slide down the slope, topple over, or neither?
17. 一個尺寸為 1.5 m × 1 m × 1 m 的長方體方塊被放在一個與水平面成 30∘ 角的斜面上。長方體的正方形面最初放在
斜面上。方塊和斜面之間的靜摩擦系數為 0.5。該方塊會往下滑動、傾倒或是兩者都不會發生?
A. The block will slide down the slope, but will not topple over. 方塊會往下滑動,但不會傾倒。
B. The block will topple over, but will not slide down the slope. 方塊會傾倒,但不會往下滑動。
C. The block will both slide down the slope and topple over. 方塊既會往下滑動也會傾倒。
D. The block will neither slide down the slope nor topple over. 方塊既不會往下滑動也不會傾倒。
E. Not enough information to decide. 資訊不足,無法確定。
Let angle of slope is M and < is the coefficient of friction. The dimension of the block is ℎ × @ × @.
It will slide if the component of the weight of the block along the slope is larger than the frictional force.
It can be written as
tan M > <
It will topple when its weight through the center of gravity does not go through the surface of contact. It
can be written as
tan M > @/ℎ
In our case,
tan M = ≅ 0.577
< = 0.5
@/ℎ = 0.667
< < tan M < @/ℎ
18. A block of mass I is being pulled along an inclined surface at a constant velocity using two massless pulleys as shown in
the diagram. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.3. What is the magnitude of the pulling
force ] required to maintain the constant velocity? Assume the strings are massless and inextensible, and the mass of the block
is 0.3 kg. The angle of inclination is 8 = 30°.
18. 如圖所示,一個質量為 I 的物體,被兩個無質量滑輪沿著斜面以恆定速度拉動。物體和斜面之間的動摩擦系數為
0.3。問維持恆定速度所需的拉力 ] 的大小是多少?假設繩子是無質量和不可伸長,物體的質量為 0.3 kg。傾斜角度
為 8 = 30°。
2> = 61 sin U + </ 61 cos U
⇒>= (sin U + </ cos U) = 1.127
19. A man standing on a movable cart throws a ball towards a fixed wall outside the cart. The ball has an initial velocity of
15 m/s and bounces back from the wall, which the man then catches. The ball has a mass of 2 kg, the cart (with the man) has a
mass of 80 kg and is initially at rest before the ball is thrown. Find the final speed of the cart. We assume the collision between
the ball and the wall is elastic and the mass of the wall is much larger than that of the ball.
19. 一個站在可移動手推車上的人向著車外的一堵固定牆扔了一個球。球的初速度為 15 m/s,並且從牆上反彈,然後
被接住。球的質量為 2 kg,手推車(和人)的質量為 80 kg,且在球被扔出去之前為靜止。求手推車的最終速度。假
Let 6, 0 be the mass of the ball, cart (with man) respectively. The velocity of the ball and the cart is W
(to the left) and X (to the right) just after the ball is thrown. The final velocity of the cart (with man and
ball) is X′.
6W + 0X = (6 + 0)X′
26W = (6 + 0)X0
⇒ X0 = = 0.73 6/L
20. The rotor of an centrifuge rotates at 12,000 rpm (revolutions per minute). A particle at the top of a test tube (mounted on
the centrifuge) is 5.00 cm from the rotation axis. Calculate the effective gravity of the particle feels. Assume the effect of the
original gravity is negligible in this case.
20. 離心機轉速為 12,000 轉每分鐘。一顆位於測試管頂部,距離轉軸 5.00 cm 的微粒,所感受到的有效重力為多少?
2I12000 %
>/6 = Z [ = \ ] 0.05 = 789576L !%
Open Problems (15 Points Each) 開放題(每題 15 分)
1. [15 points] A small block X with mass I initially at height ℎ starts to slide down a ramp from rest. It collides with a
stationary small block Y on a horizontal surface, which has a mass of OI for some number O > 0, as shown in the figure.
Assume all collisions are perfectly elastic and friction can be neglected in this problem.
1. [15 分] 一個初始高度為 ℎ、質量為 I 的小塊 X 從靜止狀態開始滑下斜坡。 它與水平表面上靜止的小塊 Y 相撞,該
小塊 Y 的質量為 OI,O > 0 為某一數值,如圖所示。 假設所有碰撞都是完全彈性的,並且在此問題中可以忽略摩
(a) [3] What is the velocity of X right before the collision with block Y?
(a) [3] X 在與 Y 碰撞之前的速度是多少?
(b) [3] What are the velocities of blocks X and Y after the first collision?
(b) [3] 第一次碰撞後小塊 X 和 Y 的速度是多少?
(c) [3] If two blocks can only collide exactly once, what condition must be satisfied for the value of O?
(c) [3] 如果兩個小塊只能碰撞一次,那麼 O 的值必須滿足什麼條件?
(d) [3] Suppose the value of O does not satisfy the condition you found in part (c) and two blocks encounter the second
collision. What are the velocities of blocks X and Y after the second collision?
(d) [3] 假設 O 的值不滿足你在 (c) 部分中找到的條件並且兩個小塊發生第二次碰撞。 第二次碰撞後小塊 X 和 Y 的速度
(e) [3] If two blocks can only collide exactly twice, what condition must be satisfied for the value of O?
(e) [3] 如果兩個小塊只能碰撞兩次,那麼 O 的值必須滿足什麼條件?
(a) By the conservation of mechanical energy,
I4ℎ = Ii@. ⇒ i@ = E24ℎ
(b) By the conservation of energy and momentum during the collision,
Ii@ = I!@ + OI!A (1)
1 1 1
Ii@. = I!@. + OI!A.
2 2 2
⇒ (i@ − !@ )(i@ + !@ ) = O!A.
⇒ i@ + !@ = !A (2)
From equations (1) and (2), we have
i@ = !@ + O(i@ + !@ )
1−O 1−O
⇒ !@ = i@ = E24ℎ
1+O 1+O
!A = E24ℎ
(c) If order to collide exactly once, we have
!A > |!@ |
2 1−O
⇒ >k k
1+O 1+O
Case 1: 0 < O < 1
Case 2: O > 1
(d) if O > 3,
!@ = E24ℎ < 0
Block X will go uphill, return and then collide with block Y again with velocity !@B = −!@ = 3D/ E24ℎ > 0. By the
conservation of energy and momentum,
(−!@ ) + O!> = l@ + OlA (3)
!@. + O!A. = l@. + OlA.
⇒ (!@ − l@ )(!@ + l@ ) = O(lA − !A )(lA + !A )
⇒ −!@ + l@ = !A + lA (4)
From equations (3) and (4), we have
l@ + O(−!@ − !A + l@ ) = −!@ + O!A
⇒ (1 + O)l@ = (O − 1)!@ + 2O!A
O−1 . 2 . 4O − (O − 1).
l@ = − m n E24ℎ + m n OE24ℎ = o p E24ℎ
O+1 1+O (1 + O).
O−1 2 4O − (O − 1). (O − 3)(O + 1) + 4O − (O − 1).
lA = ! B@ − !A + l@ = o − + p E24ℎ = o p E24ℎ
O+1 O+1 (1 + O). (1 + O).
O . + 2O − 3 − O . + 2O − 1 4O − 4
=o p E24ℎ = m n E24ℎ > 0
(1 + O). (1 + O).
⇒ 4O − 4 > (O − 1). − 4O
⇒ 4O − 4 − O . + 2O − 1 + 4O > 0
⇒ O . − 10O + 5 < 0
The roots of the equation are
10 ± √80
O± = = 5 ± 2√5
Since 5 − 2√5 < 3, we have
⇒ 5 + 2√5 > O > 3
2. Part I 第 I 部分
A ball with mass I moving towards North at speed !/ hits a moving wall that it makes a 45∘ angle with the East and is
travelling towards West at speed !! . The ball then bounces away from the wall at speed !. at South 8 of West as shown in
the Fig. 2a. The wall is very heavy, so its velocity does not change due to the collision.
質量為 I 的球以速度 !/ 向北移動,撞到與東方成 45∘ 角的移動牆,並以速度 !! 向西移動。 然後球以速度 !. 在西面
的南 8 處彈離牆壁,如圖 2a 所示。 牆很重,所以它的速度不會因碰撞而改變。
(a) [5] Assume that the collision is elastic in the rest frame of the wall. Find the speeds i/ and i. , and the angle W in the rest
frame of the wall shown in Fig. 2b, in terms of !! , !/ and I.
(a) [5] 假設碰撞在牆的靜止坐標系統中是彈性的。求速度 i/ 和 i. ,以及牆的靜止坐標系統中的角度 W,如圖 2b 所
示。答案以 !! 、!/ 和 I 表示。
(b) [4] Find angle 8 and speed !. in the rest frame of the ground (Fig. 2a) in terms of !! , !/ and I.
(b) [4] 求在地面的靜止坐標系統 (圖 2a) 中的角度 8 和速度 !. 。答案以 !! 、!/ 和 I 表示。
Part II 第 II 部分
Gravity Assist is a technique to achieve acceleration (or deceleration) of a spacecraft using the gravity of the planet that the
spacecraft is flying by. The drawing below shows an example of how a spacecraft launched from Earth executes a gravity
assist when flying by Jupiter to change direction and accelerate to fly far away from the Sun’s gravity.
「重力輔助」是一種利用航天器飛過的行星的重力來實現航天器加速(或減速)的技術。 下圖展示了從地球發射的
Consider a spacecraft executing gravity assist flying by Jupiter as shown in Fig. 2d. In the rest frame of the Sun (assuming the
Sun is absolutely at rest), the Jupiter is moving to the left at speed !! . The spacecraft comes in at incident speed !/ and exits
at speed !. (!. will not change any further) with a deflection of its trajectory with angle r and !⃗. is parallel to !⃗! .
考慮一個由木星執行重力輔助飛行的航天器,如圖 2d 所示。在太陽的靜止坐標系中(假設太陽完全靜止),木星以
速度 !! 向左移動。航天器以入射速度 !/ 進入木星引力範圍並以速度 !. 離開(!. 不會再改變),其軌跡偏轉角度 r
並且 !⃗. 平行於 !⃗! 。
The mass of Jupiter is much larger than the spacecraft. One can assume that, in the rest frame of Jupiter, the spacecraft’s
mechanical energy (sum of its kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy due to Jupiter) is conserved when it flies by.
木星的質量比航天器大得多。 可以假設,在木星的靜止坐標系統中,航天器飛過木星時的機械能(其動能和木星引
(c) [4] Find the speed !. of the spacecraft when it flies away from Jupiter in the rest frame of the Sun in terms of
!! , !/ and r.
(c) [4] 求航天器在太陽靜止坐標系統中飛離木星的速度!. 。答案以 !! 、!/ 和 r 表示。
(d) [2] Given r = 120∘ , find the speed of spacecraft !/ in terms of !! such that the spacecraft exits at three times its incident
speed !. = 3!/ .
(d) [2] 設 r = 120∘ ,要使得航天器以其入射速度的三倍的速度離開 !. = 3!/ ,求航天器 !/ 的速度。答案以 !! 表示。
The velocities relative to the wall are
_⃗" = W⃗" − W⃗- = W- `̂ + W" b̂
_⃗% = W⃗% − W⃗-
X" = JW-% + W"%
Since the collision in the rest frame of the wall is elastic, X% = X" = cW-% + W"% .
The angle
A = 45∘ − tan!" \ ]
In the rest frame of the ground, the velocity
=X _⃗% + W⃗-
= [−X% cos(45∘ − A) − W- ] `̂ − X% sin(45∘ − A) b̂
W" W-
= f−JW-% + W"% − W- g `̂ − JW-% + W"% b̂
cW-% + W"% cW-% + W"%
= (−W" − W- ) `̂ − W- b̂
The speed W% is cW-% + (W- + W" )% = cW"% + 2W- (W- + W" )
The angle U is
U = tan!" \ ]
W- + W"
In the rest frame of Jupiter, the incoming and outgoing velocities of the spacecraft are
X_⃗" = W⃗" − W⃗-
X_⃗% = W⃗% − W⃗-
(⃗# X
_⃗% W⃗-
! *
Since in the rest frame of Jupiter, one can assume the mechanical energy of the spacecraft is conserved,
one has
_⃗" |% = |X
|X _⃗% |%
⇒ W"% + W-% − 2W- W" cos(I − i) = (W% − W- )%
⇒ W% = JW"% + W-% + 2W- W" cos(i) + W-
For i = 120∘ ,
W% = 3 W"
JW"% + W-% + 2W- W" cos(i) + W- = 3W"
jJW"% + W-% + 2W- W" cos(i)k = (3W" − W- )%
W"% + W-% − W- W" = 9W"% − 6W- W" + W-%
8W"% = 5W- W"
W" = W-
3. [15 points] We consider an asteroid coming across the Earth, tracing out a hyperbolic trajectory on the x-y plane as
1 + w cos 8
where u = E, . + B . is the radial distance of the current asteroid position measured from the Earth at origin and 8 is the angle
measured from the positive x-axis, as shown in the figure below. The parameters of the trajectory, ℓ and w, are positive
constants, which can be determined from the initial condition. For an asteroid coming at a perpendicular distance x and speed
!FGH at infinity, the asteroid has a speed !I , pointing in the negative y-direction, at the closest point P of radial distance uI on
the x-axis. The asteroid will then leave to infinity with its original direction being deflected by an angle W if the asteroid has
not hit the Earth.
3. [15 分] 我們考慮一顆行星從地球經過,其在 x-y 平面上追蹤出一條雙曲線軌跡,其方程式為
1 + w cos 8
其中 u = E, . + B . 是行星當前位置與地球原點之間的距離,而 8 則是從正 x 軸起算的角度,如下圖所示。軌跡的參
數 ℓ 和 w 是正常數,可以從初始條件中確定。對於一顆從無限遠處以速度 !inf 以及與地球的垂直距離為 x 運動的行
星,行星在最靠近點 P 時有一速度 !I ,其指向負 y 方向。如果行星未撞擊地球,則它將以偏轉角度 W 離開地球,並
In this problem, we have assumed the Earth is in an inertial reference frame as simplification. For the hyperbolic trajectory, we
have w > 1 and 8 satisfies 1 + w cos 8 > 0. Unlike circular motion, the velocity vector y = !$ ,z + !> Bz is not always
perpendicular to the position vector { = uû = ,,z + BBz. To ease the discussion, it is given that y ⊥ (û + w,z), as a geometric
fact of the hyperbola. We are also given constants: Mass of Earth V = 5.97 × 10.M kg. Radius of Earth } = 6.38 × 10N m.
在這個問題中,我們假設地球處於慣性參考系中作為簡化。對於雙曲線軌跡,我們有w > 1並且 8 滿足1 + w cos 8 >
0。不像圓形運動,速度向量 y = !$ ,z + !> Bz 並不總是垂直於位置向量 { = û = ,,z + BBz。為了方便討論,已知 y ⊥
(û + w,z),這是雙曲線的一個幾何事實。我們還給出常數:地球的質量 V = 5.97 × 10.M kg。地球的半徑 } =
6.38 × 10N m 。
(a) [3] Suppose the asteroid is able to hit the Earth. Find the minimum speed at the moment of impact. Please ignore the effect
of atmosphere in decelerating the asteroid.
(a) [3] 假設小行星能夠撞擊地球。找出撞擊時的最小速度。請忽略大氣層在減速小行星方面的影響。
(b) [2] Now, we are given the initial conditions that x = 10,000 km and !FGH = 20 km s-1 while other parameters such as ℓ, w
and uI are assumed to be derived quantities. According to Kepler’s second law which is valid even if the trajectory is
hyperbolic, the trajectory sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time. Calculate the numerical value of the sweeping area
per unit time which should be a constant along the whole trajectory.
(b) [2] 現在,我們假設初值條件為 x = 10,000 km 和 !inf = 20 km s-1,而其他參數如 ℓ, w 和 uI 被假定為可推導得出的
(c) [5] With the given initial condition, calculate the numerical value of the closest radial distance uI . You may need to use the
results of last part.
(c) [5] 根據給定的初始條件,計算最接近地球的徑向距離 uI 的數值。你可能需要使用上一部分的結果。
(d) [5] With the same initial condition, calculate the angle of deflection W. (Hint: You can consider a point of the trajectory on
the y-axis )
(d) [5] 在相同的初始條件下,計算偏轉角度 ϕ。(提示:你可以考慮軌跡在 y 軸上的一個點)
1 . ~V 1 .
! − = !%&: ≥ 0
2 } 2
which is also the escape velocity for an object on earth to escape to infinity as the time-reversed trajectory.
(b) The sweeping area per unit time is x!FGH /2 = 10// m. /s at u → +∞. See the figure below for evaluating the area of
the sweeping area of a triangle.
(c) The sweeping area per unit time at 8 = 0 is uI !I /2 since position vector {I and yI are perpendicular to each other.
According Kepler’s 2nd law, sweeping area per unit time of last part and the one at current P point are equal to each
x!%&: = uO !O
Conservation of energy:
1 . 1 ~V
!%&: = !O. −
2 2 uO
Eliminating !I from the above two equations, we have
. .
1 ~V 1 ~V
o − . . p = .+o . . p
uO x !%&: x x !%&:
1 ~V 1 ~V
= . . +Ä .+o . . p
uI x !%&: x x !%&:
. = 1.0 × 10 mC/
x. !%&:
we evaluate uI by
uI = = 9.05 × 10N m
1.0 × 10CP + E(10CQ ). + (1.0 × 10CP ).
Solution: (d) This is the tricky part that we need to consider an intermediate location. We pick 8 = œ/2 (defined as point L
on trajectory). In this case, u = ℓ and w!$ + !> = 0 from the geometric property of the hyperbola y ⊥ (û + w,z), i.e.
=! /
sin " = = .
R=!" D=#
" S? " D/
Then, the sweeping area per unit time at 8 = œ/2 is the same one x!%&: /2 at u → +∞:
1 1 ℓ!T 1
ℓ!T sin " = = x!%&:
2 2 √w . + 1 2
Conservation of energy:
!T. − .
= !%&:
1 1 2~V w. 1
+ . = +
x. ℓ x. !%&: ℓ. ℓ.
. .
w. 1 ~V 1 ~V
⇒ .
+o − . . p = .+o . . p
ℓ ℓ x !%&: x x !%&:
. .
/ U) / U)
Subtracting the similar equation in part (c), m − " n = +m " n , from above, we have
;$ V " =%&' V" V " =%&'
w. 1 1 1 1 2~V
= o − po + − . . p
ℓ uO ℓ uO ℓ x !%&:
From the hyperbola equation at 8 = 0, we have uI = ℓ/(1 + w). Substituting it into the above, we arrive
x. !%&:
ℓ= = 1.0 × 10P m
ℓ. 1.0 × 10P
w. = 1 + .
=1+o p = 101
x 1.0 × 10Q
From w, by recognizing the 8 at positive infinite u is cosC/ (−1/w), we can obtain the deflection angle as
W = 2 cosC/ m− n − œ
= 2 cos m− n−œ
= 11.4°
4. [15 points] In an air show two helicopters are at rest at the same height above ground at a distance M to each other. At Z = 0,
one of them launches a projectile, called A, with speed !' at an angle of 8' measured upward from the direction of the other
helicopter. At the same time, the other helicopter also launches a projectile, called B, with speed !* at an angle of 8* measured
upward from the same direction, as shown in the figure below. It is given that the changes in heights during the motions of the
projectiles are much smaller than the radius of the Earth and the helicopters are very high above ground so that there is no need
to consider the projectiles hitting the ground. Ignore air resistance.
4. [15 分] 在一次飛行表演中,兩架直升飛機停留在彼此距離為 M 且距離地面相同高度的位置。在 Z = 0 時,如下圖
所示,其中一架直升飛機發射一枚稱為 A 的彈丸,速率為 !' ,從另一架直升機的方向向上測量的發射角度為 8' 。與
此同時,另一架直升機也發射了一枚彈丸,稱為 B,速率為 !* ,從同一方向向上測量的發射角度為 8* 。假設彈丸運
(a) [5] Find the minimum distance and the time when A and B are at this distance. Express your answers in terms of M, !' , !* ,
8' and 8* . Find all possible answers in different cases.
(a) [5] 求 A、B 間的最小距離及 A、B 達到這個距離的時間。用 M, !' , !* , 8' 和 8* 表達你的答案。考慮所有可能情況
(b) [5] Hence, or otherwise, find the condition in terms of !' , !* , 8' and 8* , such that B will hit A, and the time taken for B to
hit A after being launched, in terms of M, !' , !* , 8' and 8* .
(b) [5] 據上,或以其他方法,找到以 !' , !* , 8' 和 8* 表示的 B 將擊中 A 的條件,以及以 M, !' , !* , 8' 和 8* 表示的 B
在發射後擊中 A 的時間。
(c) [5] Hence, or otherwise, find 8* in terms of 8' such that B will hit A if !' = !* and 0 ≤ 8' < . . At what time, in terms of
M, !' , and 8' , will B hit A?
(c) [5] 設 !' = !* 及 0 ≤ 8' < . ,據上,或以其他方法,找到以8' 表示的 8* ,使得 B 會擊中 A。找到以 M, !' , 和 8'
表示的 B 擊中 A 的時間。
(a) Method 1:
\. = (M + !* Z cos 8* − !' Z cos 8' ). + (!* Z sin 8* − !' Z sin 8' ).
= [(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* ). + (!' sin 8' − !* sin 8* ). ]Z . − 2MZ(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* ) + M.
= [!'. + !*. − 2!' !* (cos 8' cos 8* + sin 8' sin 8* )]Z . − 2MZ(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* ) + M.
= (!'. + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* ))Z . − 2MZ(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* ) + M.
!'. + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* ) ≥ !'. + !*. − 2!' !* = (!' − !* ). ≥ 0
!'. + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* ) = 0
iff !' = !* and 8' − 8* = 2¤œ (i.e., !⃗' = !⃗* ) for which we have \ = M for all Z ≥ 0.
Case 1: !' = !* and 8' − 8* = 2¤œ, \,FG = M, at all Z ≥ 0.
Case 2: Otherwise, it is a quadratic polynomial with minimum value
[2M(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* )].
\,FG = M. −
4(!'. + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* ))
(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* ).
= M. o1 − . p
!' + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* )
!'. sin. 8' + !*. sin. 8* − 2!' !* sin 8' sin 8*
= M.
!'. + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* )
(!' sin 8' − !* sin 8* ).
= M. .
!' + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* )
|!' sin 8' − !* sin 8* |
\,FG = M
E!' + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* )
Method 2:
Alternatively, consider relative motion.
For !' cos 8' ≥ !* cos 8*
By cosine law,
•!⃗'⁄* • = ¶!'. + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* )
|!' sin 8' − !* sin 8* | |!' sin 8' − !* sin 8* |
\,FG = M sin " = M =M
•!⃗'⁄* • E!'. + !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* )
\,FG = M, at Z = 0.
\,FG = M, at all Z ≥ 0.
(b) Method 1:
\,FG = 0 ⇔ !' sin 8' = !* sin 8*
The time taken is
M(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* )
Z,FG =
+ !*. − 2!' !* cos(8' − 8* )
M(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* )
= .
(!' + !*. − 2!' !* cos 8' cos 8* − 2!' !* sin 8' sin 8* )
M(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* )
= .
(!' + !* − 2!' !* cos 8' cos 8* − !'. sin. 8' − !*. sin. 8* )
Method 2: For B to hit A, they must be able to reach the same height at the same time, hence !' sin 8' = !* sin 8* . A must also
have larger horizontal constant velocity than B, i.e., !' cos 8' > !* cos 8* . Z,FG is the time taken for A to travel horizontally a
distance D more than B. Hence
(!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* )Z,FG = M
Z,FG =
!' cos 8' − !* cos 8*
For !⃗'⁄* to point to the right, !' cos 8' > !* cos 8* .
(c) Method 1:
sin 8' = sin 8* ⟹ 8* = 8' or œ − 8'
cos 8' > cos 8* ⟹ 8* = œ − 8'
Z,FG = = =
!' cos 8' − !* cos 8* !' cos 8' − !' cos(œ − 8' ) 2!' cos 8'
Method 2:
Consider relative motion …..