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Colegio de


Analysis of the natural regeneration of the

white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C.F.
Gaertn. with dasometric variables during the
drought season
Sánchez-Díaz, Baltazar1,2; Sol-Sánchez, Angel1*; Hernández-Melchor, Gloria I.3;
Gerón-Cano, Hugo E.1; Zaldívar-Cruz Juan M.1

Colegio de Postgraduados - Campus Tabasco, Periférico Carlos A. Molina S/N Km. 3, Periférico Carlos A.
Molina S/N, Ranchería Río Seco y Montaña, Heroica Cárdenas, Tabasco, México, C. P. 86500.
Tecnologico Nacional de México - Campus Comalcalco, carretera vecinal, Paraíso - Comalcalco Km. 2, RA
Occidente 3ra sección, Comalcalco, Tabasco, México, C. P. 86650.
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, Facultad Maya de Estudios Agropecuarios, Carretera Catazajá-
Palenque, Km. 4, . Catazajá, Chiapas México, C. P. 29980.
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Citation: Sánchez-Díaz, B., Sol-

Sánchez, A., Hernández-Melchor, G. ABSTRACT
I., Gerón-Cano, H. E., & Zaldívar- Objective: To analyze the natural regeneration of the white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa L.) with
Cruz, J.M. (2024). Analysis of the dasometric variables, during the drought season, in the ejido La Solución Somos Todos in Paraíso, Tabasco,
natural regeneration of the white Mexico.
mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa (L.)
Design/Methodology/Approach: The structural variables of white mangrove —diameter at breast height
C.F. Gaertn. with dasometric variables
(DBH), height, and canopy diameter— were measured in three sampling plots. A statistical analysis was
during the drought season. Agro
Productividad. https://doi.org/10.32854/
performed with the resulting data and the mean data were determined for the three sampling plots.
agrop.v17i7.2673 Results: The following data were recorded for each sampling plot: DBH (0.34, 0.37, and 0.42 cm), height (134,
128, and 158 cm), and canopy (44.18, 38.56, and 39.83 cm).
Academic Editor: Jorge Cadena Study Limitations/Implications: In the dry season, erosion can expose rocky and sandy substrates that are
Iñiguez not suitable for mangrove growth.
Guest Editor: Juan Franciso Aguirre Findings/Conclusions: The white mangrove —which undergoes its brinzal (seedling) stage during the dry
Medina season— recorded statistically significant differences in growth between sampling plots using the dasometric
variables (DBH, height, and canopy diameter).
Received: September 02, 2023.
Accepted: May 18, 2024.
Keywords: mangroves, conservation, sustainability, water, salinity.
Published on-line: August 02, 2024.

Agro Productividad, 17(7). July. 2024.

pp: 43-48.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-
The natural regeneration of mangroves is a vital process for the health of these
Commercial 4.0 International license. ecosystems, but it can be severely hindered by various factors, especially alteration of
environmental conditions (Vargas-Fonseca, 2014).
Laguncularia racemosa L. is a very attractive species for restoration
programs, because of its better chances for survival. Furthermore, its
rapid growth rate and its ability to colonize degraded areas makes
it a promising species for natural regeneration (Guerra-Santos et al.,

Image by WikimediaImages at Pixabay

AGRO PRODUCTIVIDAD 2024. https://doi.org/10.32854/agrop.v17i7.2673 44

The relationship between allometric measurements and the evaluation of natural

regeneration of Laguncularia racemosa during the drought season are crucial to understand
and address its adaptation and growth difficulties (Flores-de-Santiago et al., 2012). In
this context, dasometric measurements (e.g., height, canopy diameter, and breast height
diameter) can help to evaluate the response of plants to drought conditions and the
adaptation strategies that might be effective (Sobrado and Ewe, 2006). These strategies
could provide information on which traits are of the utmost importance for the survival
and growth of Laguncularia racemose under drought conditions, which in turn could provide
management and conservation guidelines (Sánchez-Toruño et al., 2022).
Given the crucial role of mangroves for ecosystem services and their importance in
climate change mitigation, ongoing research and conservation efforts are essential.
Measuring the dasometric variables in these ecosystems is fundamental to establish
effective conservation and restoration policies and actions. Therefore, this research aims
to analyze the natural regeneration of the white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa L.) with
dasometric variables, during the drought season in the ejido La Solución Somos Todos in
Paraíso, Tabasco, Mexico.
During the drought season, conditions such as water level, salinity, and light availability
are expected to significantly impact the growth, structure, and survival of the white
mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa L.), which will be reflected in remarkably different the
structural and dasometric variables of Laguncularia racemosa in different sample plots.


Study site
The study was carried out at the UMA (Unit for the Conservation, Management and
Sustainable Use of Wildlife) La Solución Somos Todos, located in the municipality of
Paraíso, Tabasco, north of the state capital, in southeastern Mexico. The UMA is located
in 18° 19’ 00’’ and 18° 23’ 00” N and 93° 04’ 00’’ and 93° 07’ 00” W (Figure 1).

Data collection
Field data collection was carried out during the drought season (February to June
2023), when no precipitation was recorded. During the drought season the solar radiation
reaches its maximum point in the study area and, consequently, the mangrove canopy is
in a dormant state and photosynthetic activity requires a careful use of water. Under these
conditions, the temperature increase can affect or limit the growth of the white mangrove
(Berlanga-Robles et al., 2019). Three measurements were taken in February, April, and
June. For this purposes, three 1010 m plots were established (Fonseca et al., 2007).

Each mangrove plant was labeled at the beginning of the study. A 6” Truper® stainless
steel analog vernier caliper (std and mm) was used to measure the diameter at chest height
(30 cm above the soil level). The height of the mangroves was measured with a 3 m long
graduated ruler, while the diameter of the canopy was recorded with a measuring tape.
In total, 586 plants were monitored, out of which 207, 197, and 182 were located in plots
AGRO PRODUCTIVIDAD 2024. https://doi.org/10.32854/agrop.v17i7.2673 45

Figure 1. Geographical location of the UMA La Solución Somos Todos, Paraíso, Tabasco.

1, 2, and 3, respectively. The monitoring period was 6 months during the drought season
(February to July); no precipitation was recorded during this period.

Dasometric variables
Allometric functions are used to estimate growth in relation to certain physical
parameters of the tree, such as diameter at breast height, total height, and canopy
diameter (Aye et al., 2022). The dasometric analysis includes variables such as DBH,
height and canopy diameter that are crucial to understand the structure and growth of
individual trees.

Statistical analysis
The recorded data were analyzed using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test to
estimate the growth of the species during this period.


White mangrove height
Statistically significant differences (p0.0001) were recorded among the variables
for the three plots. The height means for each of the plots were 134 cm, 128 cm, and
158 cm, respectively. The resulting data can be compared with the findings of other
researchers. For example, Elster (2000) reported that the height of L. racemosa in the
mangroves of Cénaga Grande de Santa Marta in Colombia during the drought season
ranged from 109 cm (minimum) and 140 cm (maximum). Figure 2 shows the mean
height of white mangrove brinzal in each of the three monitored plots: no statistically
significant differences were reported in plots 1 and 2, but plot 3 had statistically
AGRO PRODUCTIVIDAD 2024. https://doi.org/10.32854/agrop.v17i7.2673 46

Height (cm)


Figure 2. Statistical differences in mean brinzal height between white mangrove monitoring plots. Different
letters indicate the average and significant statistical differences.

significant differences regarding the other two plots. According to the physiological
requirements, light incidence and water availability may have influenced the growth of
the plants during the evaluation period. Meanwhile, the database shows that the water
depth on the same site reached 26 cm and 49 cm on May 5 and on May 22, respectively;
comparatively speaking, the development of the roots of the plants was much slower
and therefore the smallest were the least favored. Soil salinity and inter- and intra-
specific competition are other factors that influence the growth of these species The site
salinity data recorded 49 and 51 parts per thousand (ppt) on May 5 and 22, respectively;
nevertheless, this is an acceptable range. The lack of water in the plant generates stress
and, at a higher concentration of salt, the basal increase of white mangroves is negatively
affected. Consequently, adult plants could have few expectations (Monroy-Torres et al.,
2014; Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., 2016).�

Diameter of white mangrove at breast height

Statistically significant differences were recorded among the three plots (p0.0001)
regarding this variable. The values obtained per plot were 0.34, 0.37, and 0.42 m (Figure
3). The data obtained are comparable with other researches. For example, the L. racemosa
mangroves from Samaná Bay, Los Haitises National Park, Dominican Republic, recorded
a 0.46 cm DBH during the drought season (Sherman et al., 2000). Meanwhile, the DBH
of L. racemosa mangroves in Puerto Rico, during the drought season, was 0.56 cm (Branoff,

Canopy diameter of white mangrove

Statistically significant differences (p0.0009) were recorded for this variable among
the three plots. The canopy diameter values obtained per plot were 44.18, 38.56 and
39.83 cm (Figure 4). Increased soil temperature and decreased humidity during the
drought season can lead to a reduction in the leaf area index (LAI) of white mangrove.
This decrease in LAI may have implications for the health and productivity of the
AGRO PRODUCTIVIDAD 2024. https://doi.org/10.32854/agrop.v17i7.2673 47

DBH (cm)


Figure 3. Mean diameter at breast height of white mangrove brinzal in the different plots. Different letters
indicate the average and significant statistical differences.
Canopy (cm)


Figure 4. Mean canopy diameter of white mangrove brinzal in the different plots. Different letters indicate the
average and significant statistical differences.

mangrove ecosystem, since the white mangrove is a key species in these coastal habitats
(Flores-de-Santiago et al., 2012).

The study recorded significant differences in the height, diameter at breast height
(DBH), and canopy diameter among three monitoring plots of white mangroves. These
differences indicate variations in environmental conditions such as light incidence, water
availability, and soil salinity. These dasometric measurements are crucial for understanding
the growth and adaptation of white mangroves, as they reveal the species’ response to
environmental stressors like drought and salinity. Understanding the complex nature of
the mangrove ecosystems requires multiple variables, such as water level and salinity, to
assess their health and survival. The study suggests that the death of seedlings might be
AGRO PRODUCTIVIDAD 2024. https://doi.org/10.32854/agrop.v17i7.2673 48

a consequence of the increased salinity caused by a reduction in water intake, although

this conclusion is not backed by any corroboration measurements. Further research into
the structural variables of white mangroves during different growth stages and seasons is
recommended. Additionally, incorporating factors like water level and salinity into growth
studies can help to make informed decisions regarding sustainable mangrove use, ensuring
viable harvesting practices and the long-term health of the species.

The authors are grateful for the financial support awarded by CONAHCYT for the ScD for the year 2023-

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