Dbms Unit 3 Notes.

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Database Management System

Topic:- Relational Model

Relational Model
Object Relational Model
Object Based data Model
Brief Histor y of the Relational Model

 “A DBMS that manages data as collection of tables
in which all data relationships are represented by
common values in related tables.”

 “A DBMS that follows all the twelve rules of CODD

is called RDBMS”

Relational Database definition

All information must be represented explicitly

in one and only one way: as values in tables and
each & every datum in the database must be
accessible by specifying a table name, a column
name, and a primary key.

Data about various entities and their relationships
are stored in a series of logical tables (also known as

A relation is a two-dimensional table with certain imposed


1. Each Row is unique: No duplicate row

2. Entries in any column have the same domain.
3. Each column has a unique name
4. Order of the columns or rows is irrelevant
5. Each entry in the table is single valued:
No group item, repeating group, or array is allowed.

Note: A domain is the set of all possible values an attribute may assume.
Example: Domain of Major= (Acct, Mktg, Mgmt, ISOM, Fina)
 Relational database: a set of relations.
Relation: made up of 2 parts:
– Schema : specifies name of relation, plus
name and type of each column.
• E.g. Students(sid: string, name: string, login: string,
age: integer, gpa: real)
– Instance : a table, with rows and columns.
•#rows = cardinality
•#fields = degree / arity
• Can think of a relation as a set of rows or tuples.
– i.e., all rows are distinct

 The Relational Model developed by Dr. E. F. Codd at IBM
in the late 1960s
 The model built on mathematical concepts, which
expounded in the famous work called "A Relational
Model of Data for Large Shared Databanks ".
 At the core of the relational model is the concept of a
table (also called a relation) in which all data is stored.
 Records (horizontal rows also known as tuples) &
Fields (ver tical columns also known as attributes).
 It is important to note that how or where the tables of data
are stored makes no difference.
 Table can be identified by a unique name.
 This is quite a bit different from the Hierarchical & Network
models in which the user had to have an understanding
of how the data was structured within the
database in order to retrieve, inser t, update, or
delete records from the database.
 The data access methodology in relational
model is quite different from and better than the
earlier database models .
 Another benefit of the relational system is that it
provides extremely useful tools for database
 Meta-data (data about the table and field names
which form the database structure, access rights to
the database, integrity and data validation
rules etc).
 Thus everything within the relational model can be
stored in tables. This means that many relational
systems can use operations recursively in order
to provide information about the database.

TABLE (Relation) Domain Domain
Supplier Key
a SName Quantity City

S1 Keyur 20 Ahmedabad

S2 Vinay 10 Surat
Tuples Cardin
S3 Chirag 40 Baroda ality
S4 kevin 34 Rajkot

S5 Nayan 25 Bhavnagar

Degree 9
Attribute (field):
Member of a relation type (set / table).
Attribute Name:
All attribute names must be unique within a
table / relation.
Attribute Domain:
A set of all possible values that can be attain by
an attribute.
Attribute Value Set:
Values currently contained in an attribute.
Relation / Table Degree:
Number of attributes in a relation / table.
Tuples: Rows in a table / relation.
Cardinality: Number of tuples in a relation / table. 10
Student(studno,name,address) Schema

Student(123,Bloggs,Woolton) Instance
sid Name Login age GPA

53666 Jones Jones@ca 18 3.4

53444 smith Smith@ecs 18 3.2
53777 Blake Blake@aa 19 3.8

• Cardinality = 3, arity = 5 , all rows distinct

• Do all values in each column of a relation

instance have to be distinct?
Database Schema
The description of the database is called
database schema. A database schema is
describe during database design and not
expected to change frequently.

Schema Diagram
Displayed schema is called schema diagram.
Each object in schema is called a schema
Database instance (occurrence or state)
The data in a database at a particular
moment of time.

Intension & Extension

The schema is sometimes called the
intension and a database instance is called
an extension of the schema.


CD_ID Title Artist Genre
1 The Wall Pink Floyd Rock

Record 2 Blue Train John Coltrane Jazz

3 Requiem W.A. Mozart Classical


 The actual data values for the attributes of a relation

are stored in tuples, or rows, of the table.
 It is not necessary for a relation to have rows in order
to be a relation; even if no data exists for the relation
 The relation remains defined with its set of attributes
 The term attribute refers to characteristics.This
simply means that what the column contains will be
defined by the attribute of the column


 Built in data integrity
 Data consistency and accuracy
 Easy data retrieval and data sharing
 How and where the tables of data stored make no difference
 You can access child table with out accessing parent table.
 Non-navigational in nature
 Find the data on the basis of the data values themselves.
 One point data administration
 Controlling redundancy
 Data abstraction
 Provide security
 Data entry , update and deletion will be efficient.
 Changes to the of the database is somewhat self-
 Support multiple users

The concepts of relationships is It is based on the concept
missing in a DBMS. If it exits it is
very less. Of relationships

Speed of operation is very slow Speed of operation is very Fast

Hardware and Software requirements Hardware and Software
are minimum requirements are High

Platform used is normally DOS Platform used can be any DOS,

Uses concept of a file Uses concept of table

DBMS normally use 3GL RDBMS normally use a 4GL

Examples are dBase, FOXBASE, etc Examples are ORACLE, INGRESS,

SQL Server 2000 etc
 • Oracle
 • Sybase
 • Microsoft SQL Server
 • Informix
 • Ingress
 • DB2


Country Capital Country Currency

Italy Rome Italy Lira
India New Delhi India Rupee
China Beijing China Quan
France Tokyo France Yen
Japan Paris Japan Francs


Engine Body Chassis

Left Door Right Door Hood Roof

Handle Window Lock



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