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Engineering Center

Five Farm Springs

Farmington, CT 06032

Original Date: 1997-07-31 Document: 52686

Project Number: R909 PC Number: N/A Sheet: 1 of 120
Dwg / Part No: N/A

OVF DBSS Operating Manual


Per notification document 53627.

Prepared By: Approved By:
(Last, F I typed) (Signature and date) (Last, F I typed) (Signature and date)
Lamontagne, L. L. Lamontagne 1997-09-03 G. Wisner G. Wisner 1997-09-03
Marvin, D. D. Marvin 1997-09-03 M. Shepard M. Shepard 1997-09-05
Izard, J. J. Izard 1997-09-03
Corthouts, C. C. Corthouts 1997-09-04
Brooks, B. W. Brooks 1997-09-03


(See Page 2 for Description of Changes)
Rev Rev Date Project/ Revised By: Approved By:
No. (yyyy-mm-dd) PC (Last, F I typed) (Last, F I typed) (Signature and date)
1 1998-08-11 R909 Czerwinski, C. Wisner, G. George Wisner 1998-10-13
2 2000-08-07 D303 Brooks, W. Czerwinski, C. Chris Czerwinski 2000-08-14
Greiner, N.
Piedra, E.
3 2002-12-09 D115 Piedra, E. Piedra, E. Edward Piedra 2002-12-09
Agirman, I.
4 2003-09-26 D115 Colon, J. Piedra, E. Edward Piedra 2003-09-26

This work and the information it contains are the property of Otis Elevator Company (“Otis”).
It is delivered to others on the express condition that it will be used only for, or on behalf of,
Otis; that neither it nor the information it contains will be reproduced or disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the prior written consent of Otis; and that on demand it and any copies will be
promptly returned to Otis.

Form PA1021 Unpublished Work - Copyright © Otis Elevator Company

Rev. 2000-06-05
Document: 52686
Sheet: 2 of 118


Rev Rev. Date (yyyy- Description of Change: (Include Section numbers Reason for Change:
No. mm-dd) affected)
1 For AAB:
Remove region code as a criterion for exiting
1997-10-17 shutdown mode if requested to do so by MCSS
(sections 4.1, 4.1.1, & 6.2).
1998-7-6 Added documentation for ‘DC cap failure’ fault
and service tool displays of power calculations
1998-8-5 (Sections 4.1.1, 5.2.1, & 6.3, Appendices B, E, &
1998-8-11 Added documentation for “fast-fluxing” feature
and notch-filter for converter resonance (Sections
5.3.10, Appendices C, D); Updated Appx J
Added Nregen=0 to Single Phase 1/0, Section
Added Sections 5.2.8 & 8 and modified Sections
1.3, 1.4, 4, 5.3.2, 5.3.6, 5.3.9 & Appendices
A,B,C,D for self-commissioning.
2 2000-08-07 Updated for AAC software release.
Format Update
3 2001-02-15 Updated sections 1.2 (pg11), 4.1.1 (pg 17), 5.2.1 (pg A2330288AAD &
26), 5.3.9 (pgs 43 & 45), 5.3.10 (pg 49), 6.3 (pg 74), A1930289AAD
Appendix B (pg 99), Appendix C (pgs 101 & 102), software release.
Appendix D (pg 103), Appendix E (pg 105).
2001-03-13 Updated section 5.3.9 (pg 43), Appendix C (pg 101),
and Appendix D (pg 103).
2002-12-09 Updated section 3.2. Made final updates for
A233028*AAD release.
4 2003-09-26 Made final updates for AAA3028*AAD release. AAA30288AAD &
software release.

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Rev. 2000-06-05
Document: 52686
Sheet: 3 of 118

Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 11
1.1. Applicable Hardware Configurations ............................................................................... 11
1.2. Applicable Software Versions .......................................................................................... 11
1.3. References......................................................................................................................... 11
1.4. Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms ............................................................................... 11
2. Software Release Notes................................................................................................... 13
2.1. Software Modifications..................................................................................................... 13
2.2. Known Bugs...................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1. HOST ............................................................................................................................................................13
2.2.2. DSP ...............................................................................................................................................................13
2.2.3. DIB................................................................................................................................................................13
2.3. Required EEPROM Changes For Drive Software Upgrade ............................................. 13
3. Installation and Startup ................................................................................................. 14
3.1. Loss of power when turning the controller on .................................................................. 14
3.2. Rotation Conventions ....................................................................................................... 14
4. Drive Operation .............................................................................................................. 16
4.1. Drive Non-operational Modes .......................................................................................... 16
4.1.1. Shutdown Mode ............................................................................................................................................16
4.1.2. Initialization Mode ........................................................................................................................................17
4.2. Drive Operating Modes..................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1. Manual Mode ................................................................................................................................................17
4.2.2. DIB Mode......................................................................................................................................................18
4.2.3. MCSS Mode..................................................................................................................................................18
4.2.4. Self Tune Mode.............................................................................................................................................18
4.3. Drive Status Definition (ASCII Display).......................................................................... 18
4.3.1. LED 3: System Fault Status ..........................................................................................................................19
4.3.2. LED 2: INIT System State ............................................................................................................................20
4.3.3. LED 1: Drive Mode.......................................................................................................................................21
4.3.4. LED 0: Drive State Display...........................................................................................................................22
5. Service Tool Operation................................................................................................... 25
5.1. Service Tool Menu Tree ................................................................................................... 25
5.2. Variable Display ............................................................................................................... 25
5.2.1. Category A (4-1-3-1).....................................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Software Configuration Number (SCN) .........................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Car speed (mm/s) ............................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Motor Speed (RPM)........................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Rotor position..................................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 LRT angle (deg) ..............................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Dictated vel (mm/s).........................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Brake Bus (V) .................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Brake (A) ........................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Dict brake (A) .................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr trq (kgf@car)............................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr trq (PU) ....................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr i (RMS A) ................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr id (A)........................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr iq (A)........................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr v (RMS V)................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr vd (V) .......................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr vq (V) .......................................................................................................................................26

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Rev. 2000-06-05
Document: 52686
Sheet: 4 of 118
4-1-3-1 Cnv i (RMS A)................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Line-Line Voltage ...........................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Line Power (kW).............................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 Cnv Power (kW) .............................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 Inv Power (kW)...............................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 Drive Loss (kW)..............................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 Ht Sink CUR degC..........................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 Ht Sink MAX degC.........................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 CPU util MIN % .............................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 CPU util CUR % .............................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-1 CPU util MAX %............................................................................................................................27
5.2.2. Category B (4-1-3-2) .....................................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-2 DC link (V) .....................................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-2 DBR lower limit (V) .......................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-2 Est mag off (deg).............................................................................................................................27
4-1-3-2 Bck-emf rpm est (rpm)....................................................................................................................28
4-1-3-2 LRT DC level (A) ...........................................................................................................................28
4-1-3-2 LRT init angle (deg)........................................................................................................................28
4-1-3-2 LRT L min (mH).............................................................................................................................28
4-1-3-2 LRT L max (mH) ............................................................................................................................28
4-1-3-2 Lq bulk (mH) ..................................................................................................................................28
4-1-3-2 X offset (A) .....................................................................................................................................28
4-1-3-2 Y offset (A) .....................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 Z offset (A) .....................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 X phase (A) .....................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 Y phase (A) .....................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 Z phase (A) .....................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 ioffs mean (A) .................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 ioffs vari (A) ...................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 VF bias frq (MHz)...........................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-2 Accelmtr fdbk mg ...........................................................................................................................29
5.2.3. Category C (4-1-3-3) .....................................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-3 Cnv PWM frq (Hz) .........................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-3 Inv PWM frq (Hz)...........................................................................................................................29
4-1-3-3 Inv Dshft frq (Hz) ...........................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Inv Eff PWM Hz .............................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Inv I bw (Hz)...................................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Inv I bw ds (Hz) ..............................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Cnv I bw (Hz) .................................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 i reg frq (Hz) ...................................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Field or frq (Hz) ..............................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Vel reg frq (Hz)...............................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Brk reg frq (Hz) ..............................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Eff shv diam (mm) ..........................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Car vel fs (mm/s).............................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Motr vel fs (RPM)...........................................................................................................................30
4-1-3-3 Vel inner gain..................................................................................................................................31
4-1-3-3 Bias Torque Constant......................................................................................................................31
4-1-3-3 Slip gain Hz/Tr................................................................................................................................31
4-1-3-3 Inv Z base (Ohm) ............................................................................................................................31
4-1-3-3 Flux Lev @RTR (%).......................................................................................................................31
5.2.4. Category D (4-1-3-4).....................................................................................................................................31
4-1-3-4 Brake lifted (TRUE/FALSE) ..........................................................................................................31
4-1-3-4 IO 7..0 (HEXADECIMAL).............................................................................................................31
4-1-3-4 IO 15..8 (HEXADECIMAL)..........................................................................................................31

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Rev. 2000-06-05
Document: 52686
Sheet: 5 of 118
4-1-3-4 IO 23..16 (HEXADECIMAL)........................................................................................................31
4-1-3-4 Abort run (TRUE/FALSE)..............................................................................................................31
4-1-3-4 Init Request (TRUE/FALSE) ..........................................................................................................31
4-1-3-4 Prepare to run (TRUE/FALSE).......................................................................................................32
4-1-3-4 Ready to run (TRUE/FALSE).........................................................................................................32
4-1-3-4 Bases Enabled (TRUE/FALSE) ......................................................................................................32
4-1-3-4 DC undervoltage (Volts) .................................................................................................................32
4-1-3-4 M1 pick voltage (Volts) ..................................................................................................................32
5.2.5. MCSS Comm Category (4-1-3-5) .................................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 MCSS DV mm/s ...........................................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Dict accel mm/s/s ............................................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Load percent....................................................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Prepare To Run (TRUE/FALSE) ....................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Lift brake cmd (TRUE/FALSE)......................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Ready to run (TRUE/FALSE).........................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Hydro BDI ......................................................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Brake lifted (TRUE/FALSE) ..........................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Car moving up (TRUE/FALSE) .....................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Car moving down (TRUE/FALSE)................................................................................................32
4-1-3-5 Drive limit (TRUE/FALSE)............................................................................................................33
4-1-3-5 Drive fault (TRUE/FALSE) ............................................................................................................33
5.2.6. Discrete Inputs Category (4-1-3-6) ...............................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Brk sw1 dropped (TRUE/FALSE)..................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Brk cont picked (TRUE/FALSE)....................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Brk sw2 dropped (TRUE/FALSE)..................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 UDX picked (TRUE/FALSE) .........................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 UDX dropped (TRUE/FALSE).......................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 C picked (TRUE/FALSE) ...............................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Battery rescue (TRUE/FALSE) ......................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Manual Input (TRUE/FALSE)........................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Manual Down Input (TRUE/FALSE) .............................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Manual Up Input (TRUE/FALSE)..................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Brake desat fault (TRUE/FALSE) ..................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 IGBT desat fault (TRUE/FALSE)...................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 High temp (TRUE/FALSE) ............................................................................................................33
4-1-3-6 Gate supply fault (TRUE/FALSE)..................................................................................................34
5.2.7. Discrete Outputs category (4-1-3-7)..............................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 Etsc contact (TRUE/FALSE) ..........................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 Udx relay (TRUE/FALSE) .............................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 Brake relay (TRUE/FALSE)...........................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 SSB relay (TRUE/FALSE) .............................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 M1 contactor (TRUE/FALSE) ........................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 Fan relay (TRUE/FALSE) ..............................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 Precharge relay (TRUE/FALSE) ....................................................................................................34
4-1-3-7 REM relay (TRUE/FALSE)............................................................................................................34
5.2.8. Self Commissioning Display Menu (4-4-2 ) (see Section 8 to view) ............................................................34
4-4-2 Auto inv load L (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1) .....................................................................34
4-4-2 Auto inv load R (ohm) (visible only when AutoTune=1).................................................................34
4-4-2 Lckd Rot Lsig (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1) .......................................................................34
4-4-2 Lckd Rot RTC (sec) (visible only when AutoTune=1).....................................................................34
4-4-2 Lckd Rot Lphi (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1) .......................................................................34
4-4-2 Lckd Rot Imag (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1) ......................................................................35
4-4-2 Lckd Rot Itrq (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1).........................................................................35
4-4-2 Fine Tune RTC (s) (visible only when AutoTune=1).......................................................................35
4-4-2 Fine Tune Imag (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1) .....................................................................35

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4-4-2 Fine Tune Lphi (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1)......................................................................35
4-4-2 Fine Tune Itrq (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1) .......................................................................35
4-4-2 Inertia (kg-m2) (visible only when AutoTune=1).............................................................................35
4-4-2 Rated Torque (Nm) (visible only when AutoTune=1)......................................................................35
4-4-2 Fine Tune Id V (V) (visible only when AutoTune=1) ......................................................................35
5.3. Contract Data Parameters ................................................................................................. 35
5.3.1. General ..........................................................................................................................................................35
5.3.2. Enabling/Disabling Access For Optional Parameters....................................................................................36
5.3.3. Hidden Parameter Category Access ..............................................................................................................36
5.3.4. Entering EEPROM Values ............................................................................................................................37
5.3.5. EEPROM Parameter Menu Tree ...................................................................................................................37
5.3.6. Field Adjust Parameters (4-3-1-1).................................................................................................................37
4-3-1-1 Motor Phasng 0/1 ............................................................................................................................37
4-3-1-1 Vel gain...........................................................................................................................................38
4-3-1-1 Inertia (kg-m2) ................................................................................................................................38
4-3-1-1 Rotate dir (1/0)................................................................................................................................38
4-3-1-1 Pretrq trim (PU) ..............................................................................................................................38
4-3-1-1 Encoder PPR ...................................................................................................................................38
4-3-1-1 Enc Filter (0...4) ..............................................................................................................................38
4-3-1-1 Rated RPM......................................................................................................................................39
4-3-1-1 Duty speed (mm/s) ..........................................................................................................................39
4-3-1-1 Dely brk lftd (ms)............................................................................................................................39
4-3-1-1 Delay lft brk (ms)............................................................................................................................40
4-3-1-1 AC line voltage (V).........................................................................................................................40
4-3-1-1 Mtr ovl tmr (secs)............................................................................................................................40
4-3-1-1 Single phase 1/0 (visible only with system type set as Nrgen=0) ...................................................40
4-3-1-1 ETSC Trip Vel (PU) .......................................................................................................................40
4-3-1-1 SSB Trip Vel (PU) ..........................................................................................................................40
4-3-1-1 DCV 0=375 1=750 (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ...............................................41
4-3-1-1 Auto Tune 1/0 .................................................................................................................................41
4-3-1-1 Max LR ampl PU (visible only with Auto Tune=1) .......................................................................41
4-3-1-1 Man ESTOP (1/0) ...........................................................................................................................41
4-3-1-1 Man accel (mm/s2)..........................................................................................................................41
4-3-1-1 Man decel (mm/s2) .........................................................................................................................41
4-3-1-1 Man speed (mm/s)...........................................................................................................................41
4-3-1-1 Battry Rscue 0/1..............................................................................................................................41
4-3-1-1 Controller ID # ................................................................................................................................41
5.3.7. Velocity Regulator Parameters (4-3-1-2) ......................................................................................................41
4-3-1-2 Norm vel resp..................................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 Inner Xover (rad/s)..........................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 LP filter frq (Hz) .............................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 Pretrq risetime (sec) ........................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 Rotor stop tol (mm).........................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 Overspeed (PU)...............................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 Vel nch fltr 1/0 ................................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 Notch #1 F0 (Hz) (visible only with Vel nch fltr 1/0 set as “1”) ...................................................42
4-3-1-2 Notch #2 F0 (Hz) (visible only with Vel nch fltr 1/0 set as “1”) ....................................................42
4-3-1-2 DV acc lim (m/s2)...........................................................................................................................42
4-3-1-2 DV Flt Time (sec) ...........................................................................................................................43
4-3-1-2 Vel trk err (mm/s) ...........................................................................................................................43
4-3-1-2 Vel trk time (sec).............................................................................................................................43
5.3.8. Brake/DBR Parameters (4-3-1-3)..................................................................................................................43
4-3-1-3 Bcm present? (1/0) ..........................................................................................................................43
4-3-1-3 Brake pick (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)................................................................43
4-3-1-3 Brake hold (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ...............................................................43

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4-3-1-3 Brake drop (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ...............................................................43
4-3-1-3 Brk ramp t (secs) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ............................................................43
4-3-1-3 Brk pick (PU) (visible only with BCM present set to 1).................................................................43
4-3-1-3 Brk drop (PU) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ................................................................43
4-3-1-3 Brk i bw (Hz) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) .................................................................43
4-3-1-3 L brk (H) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ........................................................................44
4-3-1-3 R brk (ohm) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)....................................................................44
4-3-1-4 R dbr fdfwrd (ohm) (visible only with system type set as Nrgen=0) ..............................................44
4-3-1-3 Brk sw pres ? 1/0 (visible only with system type set as Nregen=0)................................................44
4-3-1-3 Brk Bus OVT PU (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ...........................................................44
4-3-1-3 Brk Bus UVT PU (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ...........................................................44
5.3.9. Motor Parameters (4-3-1-4)...........................................................................................................................44
4-3-1-4 Induction=0 PM=1 ..........................................................................................................................44
4-3-1-4 LRT DC Level (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1).....................................................44
4-3-1-4 LRT err thsh (deg) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) .....................................................44
4-3-1-4 Enc err thsh (deg) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1).......................................................44
4-3-1-4 T/A Iq offset (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) ........................................................44
4-3-1-4 T/A Id slope (PU) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1).......................................................45
4-3-1-4 Kt slope (1/Nm) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) .........................................................45
4-3-1-4 Number of poles..............................................................................................................................45
4-3-1-4 Vel head room (PU) ........................................................................................................................45
4-3-1-4 Duty load (kg) .................................................................................................................................45
4-3-1-4 Rotor time const (sec) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0).......................................46
4-3-1-4 Rated mag i (instantaneous A) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)..........................46
4-3-1-4 Mag I Peak (instantaneous A) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0) ..........................46
4-3-1-4 Min Ramp Time (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0) .....................................46
4-3-1-4 Max Flux Time (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0).......................................47
4-3-1-4 Imag DnRmp Tim (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0) ..................................47
4-3-1-4 Rated trq i (instantaneous A)...........................................................................................................47
4-3-1-4 Rated trq (N-m)...............................................................................................................................47
4-3-1-4 Fld Wkn level (PU) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) ...................................................47
4-3-1-4 Fld Wkn bw (Hz) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) ......................................................48
4-3-1-4 FWC bulk Ld (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)...................................................48
4-3-1-4 Lq_c0 (1/mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)............................................................48
4-3-1-4 Lq_c1 (mA/mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)........................................................48
4-3-1-4 Lq_c2 ((mA/mH)^2 ) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) ................................................48
4-3-1-4 Cwt overbal (PU) ...........................................................................................................................49
4-3-1-4 Man act load (kg) ...........................................................................................................................49
4-3-1-4 Mtr shft pwr KW (visible only with Auto Tune=1) ........................................................................49
4-3-1-4 Rtd mtr spd RPM (visible only with Auto Tune=1)........................................................................49
4-3-1-4 Rtd mtr ln-ln V (visible only with Auto Tune=1) ...........................................................................49
4-3-1-4 Rtd motor freq HZ (visible only with Auto Tune=1) ......................................................................49
4-3-1-4 Mtr Lsigma H (visible only with Auto Tune=1) .............................................................................49
5.3.10. I Regulator Parameters (4-3-1-5)...................................................................................................................49
4-3-1-5 Inv i bw (PU) ..................................................................................................................................49
4-3-1-5 Inv load L (H) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)...................................................49
4-3-1-5 Inv load Ld (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) .......................................................50
4-3-1-5 Mtr id sat (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) .............................................................50
4-3-1-5 Ldsat slope (mH/A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)....................................................50
4-3-1-5 Inv load Lq (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) .......................................................50
4-3-1-5 Mtr iq sat (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1) .............................................................50
4-3-1-5 Lqsat slope (mH/A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)....................................................50
4-3-1-5 Inv load R (Ohm) ............................................................................................................................51
4-3-1-5 Inv i0 error (PU)..............................................................................................................................51
4-3-1-5 Inv vd limit (PU) .............................................................................................................................51

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Rev. 2000-06-05
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4-3-1-5 Inv vq limit (PU) .............................................................................................................................52
4-3-1-5 Invtr OCT (A) .................................................................................................................................52
4-3-1-5 Inv i high lev (A).............................................................................................................................52
4-3-1-5 Drive Limit (PU).............................................................................................................................52
4-3-1-5 MAX sine freq (Hz) ........................................................................................................................52
4-3-1-5 ioffs mean lim (A)...........................................................................................................................52
4-3-1-5 ioffs vari lim (A) .............................................................................................................................52
4-3-1-5 Cnv i bw (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ........................................................53
4-3-1-5 Cnv load L (H) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1).......................................................53
4-3-1-5 Cnv AC line L (H) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) .................................................53
4-3-1-5 Cnv AC Caps (uF) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) .................................................53
4-3-1-5 Cnv load R (ohm) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ..................................................53
4-3-1-5 CRF Ntch Wdth (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)............................................54
4-3-1-5 CRF Ntch Dpth (dB) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1).............................................54
4-3-1-5 Cnv io error (PU) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)...................................................54
4-3-1-5 Cnvtr OCT (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ......................................................54
4-3-1-5 AC ln ph imbl (PU).........................................................................................................................54
4-3-1-5 DCV bw (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ........................................................54
4-3-1-5 Drive rtd i RMS (A) ........................................................................................................................54
4-3-1-5 Mtr ovl i fac (PU)............................................................................................................................54
4-3-1-5 Cnv i err lim (PU) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)..................................................55
5.3.11. Timing Parameters (4-3-1-6).........................................................................................................................55
4-3-1-6 Brk hold delay (ms).........................................................................................................................55
4-3-1-6 0 mm/s t lim (ms) ............................................................................................................................55
4-3-1-6 Brake settle (sec).............................................................................................................................55
4-3-1-6 PVT threshld (PU) ..........................................................................................................................55
4-3-1-6 PVT threshld (mm/s).......................................................................................................................55
4-3-1-6 Analog sink (1/0) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ...................................................55
4-3-1-6 Heat sink warn (C) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1).................................................55
4-3-1-6 Heat sink fault (C) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) .................................................56
4-3-1-6 IGBT Type (0...3) ..........................................................................................................................56
4-3-1-6 Rjc (°C/Watt) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) .....................................................................56
4-3-1-6 Rdc (°C/Watt) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) ...................................................................56
4-3-1-6 Rcs (°C/Watt) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)....................................................................56
4-3-1-6 k1 (W/A2) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)..........................................................................56
4-3-1-6 k1c (W/A) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) .........................................................................56
4-3-1-6 k2 on (mW/A/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) .............................................................56
4-3-1-6 k2c on (mW/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) ...............................................................56
4-3-1-6 k2 off (mW/A/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0).............................................................56
4-3-1-6 k2c off (mW/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)...............................................................56
4-3-1-6 k3 (W/A2) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)..........................................................................56
4-3-1-6 k3c (W/A) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) .........................................................................56
4-3-1-6 numjcs1 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) ....................................................................57
4-3-1-6 numjcs2 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) ....................................................................57
4-3-1-6 numjcs3 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) ....................................................................57
4-3-1-6 denjcs1 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)......................................................................57
4-3-1-6 denjcs2 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)......................................................................57
4-3-1-6 denjcs3 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)......................................................................57
4-3-1-6 dencss2 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0) .....................................................................57
5.3.12. Drive Scaling Parameters (4-3-1-7)...............................................................................................................58
4-3-1-7 Nregen=0 Rgen=1 ...........................................................................................................................58
4-3-1-7 Inv i fscale (A) ................................................................................................................................58
4-3-1-7 Inv i limit (A) ..................................................................................................................................58
4-3-1-7 Cnv i fs (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ............................................................59
4-3-1-7 Cnv i limit (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) .......................................................59

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4-3-1-7 Brk fscale (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1).................................................................59
4-3-1-7 Brk i limit (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ................................................................59
4-3-1-7 Bus fscale (V) .................................................................................................................................59
4-3-1-7 Bus ovt (PU) ...................................................................................................................................59
4-3-1-7 AC Line OVT (PU).........................................................................................................................59
4-3-1-7 Bus caps (uF) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) .........................................................59
4-3-1-7 Line fscale (V) ................................................................................................................................59
4-3-1-7 PLL Unlock (PU) ............................................................................................................................60
4-3-1-7 Brk dcv fscale (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ..........................................................60
4-3-1-7 Nom brk dc (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) ..............................................................60
4-3-1-7 Brk dcv chg (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1) .............................................................60
4-3-1-7 DC link UV (PU) ............................................................................................................................60
4-3-1-7 AC Line UVT (PU).........................................................................................................................60
4-3-1-7 M1 pick V (PU) ..............................................................................................................................60
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus Nom DC (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1) ..........................................................60
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus OVT (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)........................................................60
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus UVT (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)........................................................60
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus PRE (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1).........................................................60
5.3.13. Clocks & PWM Parameters (4-3-1-8) ...........................................................................................................60
4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM frq (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) ................................................60
4-3-1-8 Inv PWM frq (Hz)...........................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Min Inv frq (Hz)..............................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Brake PWM frq (Hz).......................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Inv dead time (us) ...........................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Inv PWM comp (us)........................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Inv PWM Adv (PU) ........................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM Type (0/1) .....................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Inv PWM Type (0/1).......................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 Dnshft Type (0/1)...........................................................................................................................61
4-3-1-8 IGBT Temp (°C) (visible only with Dnshft type set as 1) .............................................................62
4-3-1-8 Diode Temp (°C) (visible only with Dnshft type set as 1) .............................................................62
4-3-1-8 Downshift frq Hz (visible only with Dnshft type set as 0)..............................................................62
4-3-1-8 Downshift i A (visible only with Dnshft type set as 0) ..................................................................62
4-3-1-8 Cnv dead time (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1).................................................62
4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM comp (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1) .............................................62
4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM Adv (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)...............................................62
5.3.14. Special Parameters (4-3-1-9).........................................................................................................................62
5.4. Event List Operation ......................................................................................................... 62
5.4.1. Specification..................................................................................................................................................63
5.4.2. Event List Access ..........................................................................................................................................63
6. Fault Management .......................................................................................................... 64
6.1. Fault Log Access............................................................................................................... 64
6.2. Fault Severity Level and Response................................................................................... 64
6.3. Fault Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 65
7. Diagnostic Interface Board (DIB) Operation ............................................................... 78
7.1. Overview........................................................................................................................... 78
7.2. Maintenance Notes............................................................................................................ 78
7.3. DIB Kit Part Number Ordering Information .................................................................... 79
7.4. DIB Kit Hardware............................................................................................................. 79
7.5. DIB Connection and Power Up ........................................................................................ 80
7.6. DIB Disconnection and Power Down............................................................................... 80
7.7. Four Character LED Display ............................................................................................ 80
7.7.1. Engineering Version DIB 4 Character LED Display.....................................................................................80

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7.7.2. Field Version DIB 4 Character LED Display................................................................................................81
7.8. Analog Outputs and Analog Gain Settings....................................................................... 81
7.8.1. Analog Signal Output Specifications ............................................................................................................81
7.8.2. D/A Output Selection ....................................................................................................................................81
7.8.3. D/A Output Signal Gain Settings ..................................................................................................................82
7.9. Discrete Variable Output Selection .................................................................................. 82
7.10. DIB Operating Mode ........................................................................................................ 84
7.10.1. Entering DIB Operating Mode ......................................................................................................................84
7.10.2. DIB Control Mode Selection........................................................................................................................84
7.10.3. Mode 1 - DIB Torque Mode..........................................................................................................................85
7.10.4. Mode 2 - DIB Inner Velocity Loop Mode.....................................................................................................85
7.10.5. Mode 4 - DIB Stator Torque & Magnetizing Current Reference ..................................................................85
7.10.6. Mode 5 - DIB Stator Magnetizing Current Excitation Mode ........................................................................86
7.10.7. Mode 7 - DIB PWM Open Loop Mode.........................................................................................................86
7.10.8. Mode 9 - DIB Velocity Mode .......................................................................................................................86
7.10.9. Mode A - DIB Converter D Current Reference Mode Applies to regenerative drives only..........................86
7.10.10. Mode B - DIB Bus Voltage Reference Mode Applies to regenerative drives only .......................................86
7.10.11. Mode D - DIB Magnet Position Alignment Mode ........................................................................................87
7.10.12. Performing a Run in DIB Operating Mode ...................................................................................................87
7.10.13. Exiting DIB Operating Mode ........................................................................................................................87
8. Self-Commissioning Operation...................................................................................... 88
8.1. Overview........................................................................................................................... 88
8.2. EEPROM parameters........................................................................................................ 89
8.3. How do I do this …........................................................................................................... 89
8.4. Running Self-Commissioning Tests ................................................................................. 90
8.4.1. Entering Auto Tune Mode.............................................................................................................................90
8.4.2. Entering Motor Nameplate Data and Number of Poles.................................................................................90
8.4.3. Initial Tests with Stationary Elevator (Locked Rotor Tests) – INDUCTION MOTOR ONLY!! .................92
8.4.4. Checking Motor Phasing ...............................................................................................................................92
8.4.5. Motor Fine-Tuning Tests - INDUCTION MOTOR ONLY!! .......................................................................93
8.4.6. Inertia Adjustment – Induction Motor or PM Synchronous Motor ...............................................................94
8.4.7. Parameter Display .........................................................................................................................................94
8.4.8. Exiting Auto Tune Mode...............................................................................................................................95
8.5. Troubleshooting Notes...................................................................................................... 96
Appendix A Service Tool Menu Tree ................................................................................... 101
Appendix B Variable Display Menu Tree ........................................................................... 102
Appendix C EEPROM Parameter Menu Tree.................................................................... 106
Appendix D EEPROM Data Form ....................................................................................... 108
Appendix E Fault Codes and Severity Levels ..................................................................... 110
Appendix F DIB Discrete Display Variables ....................................................................... 111
Appendix G DIB Analog Display Variables......................................................................... 113
Appendix H Engineering Version DIB Template ............................................................... 117
Appendix I Field Version DIB Template............................................................................ 118
Appendix J Proc. to Enter and Exit Manual Mode ............................................................ 119
Appendix K Proc. to Enter and Exit Manual Mode............................................................ 120

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1. Introduction
1.1. Applicable Hardware Configurations
This document covers drives with the following control boards :
• DIB : AAA21305N
• Low Voltage Interface Boards : Axx26800RN, Axx26800SA &Axx26800XU
• Processor Board : Axx26800VA & Axx26800VB

1.2. Applicable Software Versions

This document covers software sets with Host EPROM version AAA30288AAD, DSP EPROM
version AAA30289AAD and DIB EPROM version AAA30290AAA. Applicability to other
SCN's is uncertain.

1.3. References
1. “Interface Control Document for the Motion Command Sub System, Drive and Brake Control
Sub System”, Otis document number 51081. [ICD]
2. “Design Requirements Specification Otis VF Drive Processor Board Redesign”, Simonds,
T., Otis document number 52411. [DRS]
3. “Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for OVF DBSS Host Software”, Otis document
number 52694 [HOST SRS].
4. “OVF DBSS DSP SDD”, Otis document number 53031 [DSP SDD]
5. “OVF DBSS DIB SDD” , Otis document number 53032 [DIB SDD]
6. “OVF DBSS DSP/DIB ICD” , Otis document number 53033 [DIB ICD]
7. “Modular Elevator Control System Service Tool”, Flohr Otis document number 9693B.
Iwasa, OTI, 7/4/1994
TEAM, 4/14/94
10. “Standard Work Process, “Construction Startup Procedure for E311
VF(GEM/MVS)”. [TIP1.1.12.0-1]

1.4. Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

The following abbreviations, acronyms and terms are used in this document:
BCM Brake control module. Used in systems where the current through the brake
coil is regulated by the DSP.
DBSS Drive and Brake Control Sub System.
DF Drive Fault. Signal declared by DBSS and sent to MCSS.
DIB Diagnostics Interface Board. An engineering tool used to access internal
DSP variables.
DL Drive Limit. Signal declared by DBSS and sent to MCSS.
DSP Digital Signal Processor. One of the two main processors on the processor
board. The DSP is responsible for control of the machine and the brake (if a
BCM is present).

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EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ESTOP Emergency Stop
EVENT Occurrence of any of the following:
1) A POR
2) Detection of a fault condition.
3) A single or series of runs during which no faults were detected.
EVENT LIST A series of EVENT’s displayable on the SVT.
E2 Abbreviation for EEPROM.
FALSE Zero value input/output from/to discrete variable.
fdbk Feedback.
FL Fault Log. Area of memory used by the FM software to record information
about detected faults. Two FL’s exist: a volatile fault log resides in RAM
and holds fault data recorded since POR; a non-volatile fault log exists in
EEPROM, storing fault data from before POR.
FM Fault Management.
FPGA Field programmable gate array.
FR Fault reset button on Host processor board.
HOST Intel 80186EC Processor. One of the two main processors on the processor
board. The HOST is responsible for communications with other parts of the
system, the service tool and is a master to the DSP.
HSVF High Speed Variable Frequency drive.
Hydro Hydraulic elevator.
I&M Installation and Maintenance. Generally refers to operations that can be
performed with the service tool.
LEM Current sensor.
MCSS Motion Command SubSystem. Applies to MCSS and LMCSS.
Non-regenerative Drives which have a diode bridge rectifier as an interface between the AC
mains and the DC bus.
OCT Overcurrent trip.
OVT Overvoltage trip.
POR Power On/Reset. Either the power to the processor board is turned on, the
processor board reset button was pushed, the Host processor watchdog timed
out, or the Host processor reset by some other means.
PTR Prepare To Run signal from MCSS
PU Per Unit. A PU parameter is specified as a fraction of another value.
PVT Primary Velocity Transducer. The velocity encoder on the shaft of the
PX_DRV1 Precharge relay, discrete output from the DBSS.
Regenerative Drives which have an active converter as an interface between the AC mains
and the DC bus.

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REM Remote Elevator Monitoring system, notified by DBSS through a discrete
signal output.
REM_DRV1 Discrete output signal from DBSS to notify REM.
RTR Ready to Run signal declared by DBSS and sent to MCSS.
SAS Stop and Shutdown request signal declared by DBSS and sent to MCSS.
SCN Software Configuration Number (i.e. AAA30288AAA)
SCRD Software Configuration Release Document
SDD Software Design Document
SRS Software Requirements Specification
SVT Service Tool
TRUE Non-zero value input/output from/to discrete variable.
UVT Undervoltage trip.
V2F Voltage to frequency converter hybrid. Used on the processor board to
digitize analog signals for use by the DSP.

2. Software Release Notes

2.1. Software Modifications
Refer to the applicable Software Configuration Release Document’s.

2.2. Known Bugs

3 levels of software bug severity are identified:

MAJOR: Misoperation could cause callback or impact safety.

MINOR: Possible misoperation will not cause callback or impact safety.
TRIVIAL: No impact on performance or operation.

All known bugs are listed. Software release criteria dictates that a release shall not take place if a
Major bug is known to exist.

2.2.1. HOST
No known bugs.

2.2.2. DSP
No known bugs.

2.2.3. DIB
When in Shutdown Mode the DIB LED mode display will be “MCSS” TRIVIAL

2.3. Required EEPROM Changes For Drive Software Upgrade

Drives being upgraded to this Software Configuration Number may require some EEPROM
parameters' values to be changed or added. It is strongly recommended that a copy be made of
the currently working EEPROM. After copying, set aside the original EEPROM and install the
newly made copy.

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Initially, the fault 'EEPROM data invalid' may occur. The reason for this is the data in the
EEPROM is set to values incompatible with the current SCN or that new EEPROM parameters
have not yet been set. The invalid or ‘blank’ values must be corrected. See the description of this
fault in section 6.3 of this manual.

3. Installation and Startup

3.1. Loss of power when turning the controller on
When you power-up the controller, if CBR trips before the drives M1 contractor has closed, the
problem maybe that the wrong Drive Type has been selected. (For example: you have a Non-
Regenerative Drive, but the Drive Type is set to Regenerative).

On ReGen Drives: (J3-39) - Px_Out is: PCR (Pre-Charge Relay)

On Non-ReGen Drives: (J3-39) - Px_Out is: CBR

To verify that the right Drive Type has been selected, check the Drive Scaling Parameters
(M4317) “Nregen=0 Rgen=1”.

NOTES: (1) See section 5.3.12 (Drive Scaling Parameters) of this document for more
information on this parameter.
(2) This category has restricted access, see section 5.3.3 (Hidden Parameter Category
Access) of this document for further information on hidden parameters.

3.2. Rotation Conventions

For proper system operation, self-consistency must be achieved among the various pairs of
rotation comparisons. The three pairs that must be matched in direction are:
1. PVT rotation and motor winding phase rotation
2. MCSS dictation direction and elevator motion direction
3. MCSS dictation direction and buffered PVT rotation direction
The encoder rotation is defined such that for counterclockwise rotation viewed from the encoder
end of the motor, the drive PVT input X track leads the Y track. The Otis VF Processor Board
classifies this rotation as FORWARD (or DOWN on newer processor boards – red LED), and
gives the resulting angular displacement and velocity a negative sign. This negative rotation
corresponds to a drive current sequence of XYZ (UVW).
If the encoder and windings are phased oppositely, the motor will be unable to produce torque
properly when rotating. For Induction Motors at locked rotor, the slip is determined only by the
commanded torque, and is the correct magnitude though it may be in the wrong direction. When
the motor rotates, the stator currents rotate at the rotor speed ± the slip speed. If the encoder and
windings are oppositely connected, the resulting "slip" between rotor motion and current vector
motion becomes approximately twice the rotor rotational speed. At even a small rotational speed,
this becomes a very large slip and the rotor flux collapses. The resulting torque is quite small and
is simply eddy-current braking opposite the direction of rotation.
For PM Synchronous Motors, the drive and motor will have the ability to produce torque but the
incorrect encoder feedback will cause the current regulators to lose field orientation. Once this
occurs, the drive and motor lose the ability to produce torque and eventually cause an overcurrent

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Although careful attention to motor and encoder wiring should produce correct installation, tests
should be made during system startup to verify the correct phasing of motor and encoder. The
concern is primarily that due to lack of torque control, the velocity regulator will saturate at the
torque (current) limit, applying the maximum allowable current from the drive. The current limit
is typically selected for maximum accelerating current, and the drive cannot safely support this
current level for times longer than the accelerating time.
Note that reversed phasing can be corrected either by swapping any two motor leads or by
reversing either pair of encoder leads. The encoder swap is the easiest, but has the drawback of
mixing direction among units. It is best to verify correct connection of the encoder phases, and
reverse motor leads. This can also be corrected by toggling the value of the “Motor Phasng 0/1”
E2 parameter (see 4-3-1-1 Motor Phasng 0/1) through the DBSS Service Tool. This will
correct the motor phasing problem and still maintain the rotation conventions of the controller

If drifting of the platform is observed, verify proper operation of the encoder and interface using
the direction LED's on the processor board. Only the LED corresponding to the direction of
platform motion should be lit. If neither is ON, or if illumination of both LED's is observed
during continuous PVT rotation the problem must be corrected before proceeding.
Once torque production is ensured the rotation direction must be verified. With the ROTATE
DIR flag set to 1, rotation which is indicated as “R” on the Processor Board LED's (or “UP” on
newer processor boards) corresponds to speed in the positive or UP direction. Using either
MCSS inspection or Manual Mode, apply a non-zero speed reference and observe the car motion.
If motion appears well controlled, verify that the direction agrees with the selected direction. If
not, change the value of the ROTATE DIR flag through the DBSS Service Tool (see 4-3-1-1
Rotate dir (1/0)).

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4. Drive Operation
This section describes the modes of the Otis VF Drive: Shutdown, Initialization,
Manual, DIB, MCSS and Self-Tune.
DBSS Modes
Drive Mode Manual Mode Jumper ASCII Display
Shutdown is ignored xx0x
Initialization is ignored xx1x
Manual Present xx2x
DIB Absent xx3x
MCSS Absent xx4x
Self Tune Absent xxAx
x in the table indicates a don't care state.

4.1. Drive Non-operational Modes

Non-operational drive modes consist of Shutdown Mode and Initialization Mode. When the drive is in
Initialization mode, PTR command is always ignored. The following table summarizes the drive response
to a PTR command when in Shutdown mode.

DBSS Response to PTR when in Shutdown Mode

Previous Drive Mode PTR Command
Initialization is ignored
Manual is ignored
DIB is ignored
MCSS *is accepted
Self Tune *is accepted

Note1: * NAA Firemen’s Service code requirement.

Note2: * For certain faults, PTR will NOT be accepted. See “Shutdown Mode” section following.
It is important to note that when Shutdown mode is exited, the drive will always revert to the
previously established drive mode.

4.1.1. Shutdown Mode

This mode is used to protect the drive from possible damage and to notify a remote station REM, that the
DBSS is not running. When in Shutdown mode the drive performs the following functions:
• Send a SAS (stop and shutdown request) to MCSS.
• Set discrete output signal MX_DRV to FALSE. (Open M1 contactor)
• Set discrete output signal REM_DRV1 to TRUE. (Close REM notify contact)
• Set discrete output signal PX_DRV1 to FALSE. (Open pre-charge relay contactor)
The DBSS will enter Shutdown mode in response to faults defined as a level 6 or level 7. Following is a
list of these faults and their responses. For a full description of fault levels and responses see section 6.2.

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1. ‘Cnvtr i sum’
Response: ESTOP, immediately enter Shutdown mode, ignore PTR, set DF. POR is required to exit
shutdown mode from this fault.
2. ‘Cvtr phase imbal’
Response: Complete the current run then enter Shutdown mode. Set DF. A POR, FR, PTR (from
MCSS), or the fault condition clearing will take the drive out of shutdown mode.
3. ‘Cnvtr AC UVT’
Response: Same as ‘Cnvtr phase imbal’
4. ‘Cnvtr AC OVT’
Response: Same as ‘Cnvtr phase imbal’
5. ‘PLL unlocked’ If on a non-regenerative drive
Response: Same as ‘Cnvtr phase imbal’
6. ‘PLL unlocked’ If on a regenerative drive <- defined as a level 4 fault to force ESTOP
Response: ESTOP, immediately enter Shutdown mode. Do NOT set DF. A POR, FR, PTR (from
MCSS), or the fault condition clearing will take the drive out of shutdown mode.
7. ‘Man mode mtr ovl’
Response: ESTOP, immediately enter Shutdown mode, ignore PTR, set DF. POR is required to exit
shutdown mode from this fault. (Same as ‘Cnvtr i sum’.)
8. ‘DC cap failure’ Regenerative drive only.
Response: Log fault, force emergency stop, send drive fault (DF) to MCSS and force drive
IMMEDIATELY into shutdown mode. PTR will NOT be accepted. A POR is required to take drive
out of shutdown mode!
9. ‘Inv i high flt’.
Response: Log fault, send drive fault (DF) to MCSS and force drive IMMEDIATELY into shutdown
mode at the end of an elevator run. PTR will NOT be accepted. A POR is required to take drive out
of shutdown mode!

4.1.2. Initialization Mode

Initialization mode is entered when an initialization request is generated. An initialization request is
generated when any of the following conditions exist.
• When the power is cycled either on power-up or if the POR button on the board is hit.
• When entering or exiting Shutdown mode.
The drive will enter and exit Shutdown mode based on logic in fault management routines.
• When a change is made to an EEPROM parameter.
If the software initialization does not complete successfully the drive will stay in initialization mode and a
fault will be logged.
When the software initialization does successfully complete, the initialization request will be reset and the
operating mode will be entered. If a drive operating mode has not yet been established then it will be
determined and entered, otherwise the previously established mode will be entered.

4.2. Drive Operating Modes

4.2.1. Manual Mode
Manual mode is used primarily during construction. The Manual Mode velocity profile is determined by
the setting of three EEPROM parameters, “Man accel”, “Man decel”, and “Man speed”. There are no
acceleration or deceleration limits other than these EEPROM settings. An overspeed trip is also provided
and is based on “Man speed” and “Overspeed PU ” (a per unit parameter).

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Special care should be taken when using Manual mode. Note that a safety chain must be provided to the
drive or Manual mode operation is not possible.
Two restrictions are placed on the operation of the up and down command inputs:
1. Both up and down inputs cannot be asserted at the same time. If stopped, the drive will not run; if
moving the drive will decelerate and stop even if the opposite direction input is de-asserted while the
drive is decelerating.
2. While running, if the asserted input is released the drive will decelerate and stop even if the input is
reasserted while the drive is decelerating.
See Appendix sections J and K for procedures to enter and exit Manual Mode.
An option is provided to terminate a Manual mode run with either a timed ramp deceleration or an ESTOP.
This option is selected by setting the EEPROM parameter “Man ESTOP?” which is located in the ‘Field
Adjust’ category.

4.2.2. DIB Mode

DIB mode can be activated only when an Engineering Version of the DIB is connected to the system. For
the DIB operating instructions, see section 7. For more detailed information see [DIB SDD].

4.2.3. MCSS Mode

MCSS mode is the normal elevator operating mode. It is a default mode entered if no other mode is
detected by the host processor. In MCSS mode, the Velocity reference is obtained from the velocity
dictation supplied by the MCSS.

4.2.4. Self Tune Mode

Self Tune Mode is a parameter tuning mode. A full description is contained in Section 8.

4.3. Drive Status Definition (ASCII Display)

The OVF processor board has a 4-character ASCII LED display, which is controlled by the
HOST software. These LED’s are used to display Drive Status and fault information and are
referred to in this document as LED’s 3-2-1-0.

Display Toggling Sequence

“*” Init System State Drive Mode Drive State
When rotating (0-E) (0-4) (0-E)
indicates s/w is
alive & well
“!” Init System State Drive Mode Drive State
Indicates that a fault (0-E) (0-4) (0-E)
has been detected
and will toggle
…scrolling message “CHECK FAULT LOG...M421”

The OVF DBSS Drive Status represents a combination of the Drive Mode and three Finite State
Machines (FSM's) which are implemented in the Host software. The three FSM's are the:
Initialize System State Machine, which initializes the DSP. It is run
1. On power-up.

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2. When an EEPROM parameter is changed.
3. When a hard DSP fault is detected.
4. When drive transitions into or out of shutdown mode.

Drive State Machine controls running the DBSS after initialization, starting with PTR and ending
Pre-torque State Machine controls the pre-torque operation. It is called by the Drive State

A summary of the Drive Status display is included in the next table. The tables that follow detail
the meanings of the Drive Status display for LED’s 2, 1 and 0.

In these tables, displayed values are shown as "xxCx", where C is an ASCII character. This
notation is meant to show the position of the LED relative to the other characters on the display.
For the purpose of these tables, "x" means "don't care" about what is displayed on that LED.


Heartbeat Init System State Drive Mode Drive State
* ‘*’ Rotating (alive)
! ‘!’ Fault message
0 Initialize Shutdown Init/wait for PTR
1 Reset DSP Initialize Energize UDX
2 Enable DSP Manual
3 Load DSP DIB Establish Mag I
4 DSP Initializing MCSS Establish Torque
5 DSP Check-summing Enable Converter
6 DSP Checksum Done Ready to Run
7 DSP ChkSum Failed Lift Brake
8 DSP Go Hold Brake
9 DSP Process Go Drop Brake
A DSP Enable WD Self Tune Unsafe
B Precharge DC Bus
C Energize M1
D Prechg Brk DC
E Energize Brake ESTOP

4.3.1. LED 3: System Fault Status

1. When LED 3 displays a rotating “*" this means that there are no current faults and the remaining
LED’s, 2-1-0 will display the Drive Status.
2. When LED 3 displays an exclamation mark”!” this means that a fault has been detected. LED’s 2-1-0
will display the Drive Status for 1 second. After 1 second, the Drive Status is replaced by the message
"CHECK FAULT LOG...M421" which scrolls across the 4 LED’s. Note: 'M421' signifies the SVT
keystrokes required to access the Fault Log. The Drive Status/scrolling message will continue to
toggle until the fault is no longer present and a new PTR has been received or the fault is no longer
present and the Fault Reset button has been hit. Two conditions are necessary for the display to stop
scrolling the check fault log message.

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• The fault condition must no longer be present.
• Either a new PTR is received or the Fault Reset button is hit.
This means that even though the fault condition is no longer present the LED’s will indicate that a
fault has occurred until a new PTR is received or the Fault Reset button is hit.

4.3.2. LED 2: INIT System State

Initialize System State Machine initializes the DSP. It is run in 4 cases:
1. On power-up, when the DSP is reset and programmed.
2. When an EEPROM parameter is changed
3. When a hard DSP fault, such as a watchdog trip, is detected, an attempt is made to reset and
reprogram the DSP.
4. When the drive transitions into or out of shutdown mode.
The following table describes the Initialize System State Machine. Much of the description involves very
low-level activities taking place between the Host and the DSP microprocessors. Note: This table refers to
the Drive State Machine, which is described in section 4.3.4

INIT System INIT System State Description

State Display
x0xx INIT:
Power-up condition.
Remain here unless Drive State also = INIT.
Then check LOAD DSP CMD.
- If TRUE, DSP needs reprogramming, either due to an
EEPROM parameter being changed or a hard DSP fault.
cancel any DMA that may be in progress, and go to RESET
- If FALSE, drop M1 & fan relays, and go to PRECHG DC.
DSP reset forced due to POR or EEPROM parameter change.
This 2-step process is required to reboot the DSP. Set DSP
DSP has been enabled, but takes 50 ms to transfer its code from
ROM to RAM before it is ready for HOST communications.
Run a timer to force the HOST to wait in this state, then clear the
timer and go to LOAD DSP.
x3xx LOAD DSP:
- Verify DSP EPROM is compatible with HOST EPROM.
- Verify DSP Boot User Checksum OK
- Verify DSP Boot User & Power-up Checksum OK
- Begin downloading TABLE 0 (the scaling and constants table),
and advance to DSP INITING
If DSP responded with Table 0 checksum and it is correct (= 0),
advance to DSP GO. Timing the wait of the checksum for fault

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x8xx DSP GO:
Take DSP out of DMA mode and issue GO command to it.
Watch DSP's command vector register. After the DSP has read
the GO command, verify DSP Code Checksum and advance to
DSP ENABLING WD. A failure is indicated if the checksum is
Watch discrete inputs for DSP WATCHDOG ENABLED =
TRUE. When it is, advance to PRECHG DC.
Wait for the DC link to be charged up, based on the DSP voltage
value messages. When it is, advance to ENERG M1.
xCxx ENERG M1:
Pick the M1 relay.
If the fan timer has not timed out, pick the fan relay.
Wait 20ms for the M1 contactor to settle.
Check the Brake Control Module:
- If TRUE, then transition to PRECHG BRK DC.
- If FALSE, Set "init_request" = FALSE and go back to INIT.
Wait for the DC Brake to be charged up, based on the DSP
voltage value messages. When it is, advance to ENERG BRK.
Pick the brake precharge relay.
Wait 20ms for the Inverter relay contactor to settle.
Set "init_request" = FALSE and go back to INIT.

4.3.3. LED 1: Drive Mode

For a full description of DBSS Drive Modes see sections 4.1 and 4.2 .
The five Drive Modes are:
1. Shutdown
2. Initialize
3. Manual
4. DIB
with Manual, DIB, and MCSS considered to be the Drive Operating Modes. The following table describes
the Drive Modes.

Drive Mode Drive Mode Description

Ignore PTR.
Open M1 contactor, close REM_DRV1 and drop precharge.
Set init_request which will transition drive mode to INIT.

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xx1x INIT:
Power up condition
Set lift brake and prepare to run commands to FALSE
Run the INIT SYSTEM state machine
xx2x MANUAL:
Read discrete input MAN_I to see if the Manual Mode hand held
switch controller is connected.
Accept prepare-to-run from either the UP or DOWN button.
Synthesize the lift brake command.
Calculate "dictated velocity" from manual mode profile generator
xx3x DIB:
This is a special mode used for Engineering test only.
Read DSP messages for status of DIB-PRESENT switch.
Accept prepare-to-run from the DIB-PTR switch.
Accept lift-brake from the DIB-LB switch.
Depending on the DIB mode of operation, various references
(such as speed, torque and PWM duty cycle) are taken from the
DIB pots and the analog input on the break out box.
xx4x MCSS:
The default mode entered if not in any of the others.
Accept prepare-to-run, lift brake, and dictated velocity from the
MCSS serial message.
xxAx Self Tune:
See section 8 on how to enter and exit this mode.

4.3.4. LED 0: Drive State Display

The following table describes the Drive State Machine.

Drive States
Drive State Drive State Description
xxx0 INIT:
The initial state. If in DIB, MANUAL or MCSS mode
If C relay is not picked, transition to UNSAFE.
If the brake is lifted, transition to ESTOP.
- Set brk_i_dict = dsp_brk_i_drop
- Set brk_picked = FALSE
- Set enable_bases = FALSE
- Set estab_mag_i = FALSE
- Set estab_torque = FALSE
- Set pick_brk_cont = FALSE
- Set pick_udx = FALSE
- Set vel_reg_on_cmd = FALSE
- Set brk_lifted_tmr = 0
- Force DSP to reset current offset filter to zero
- Wait for PTR and no abort_run, lift_brk_cmd, shutdown_reg,
or level 2..7 faults.
Pick UDX relay
When UDX is picked, advance to ESTAB MAGNETIZING

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Issue "estab_mag_I" to DSP.


The DSP responds by ramping up a DC current through the X
phase of the machine. This current has an amplitude determined
by the EEPROM parameter "Rated mag i". Once the
magnetizing current reaches the predetermined amplitude, the
DSP issues "mag_i_estab" to the HOST.

The DSP responds by performing a locked rotor test and sends
DFT coefficients to the host for magnet position angle
calculation. When the HOST calculates the magnet position and
passes it to the DSP, the DSP issues "mag_i_estab" to the HOST.
After the first locked rotor test and if the magnet position is
known, the DSP will merely issue "mag_i_estab" to the HOST in
this state .

When the DSP responds with "mag_i_estab", issue

"estab_torque" to DSP. Transition to ESTAB TORQUE
The DSP responds to the Host command 'estab_torque' by
enabling the reference of the q (torque) current regulator. At this
point torque can be produced, but the torque reference is held at
zero since the output of the velocity regulator is held at zero in
this state.
When "torque_estab" response is received:
- If “cnvtr_present” is received,
- Then, transition to ENABLE_CONVERTER.
- Else, set Ready_to_run = TRUE and transition to
Set “ready_to_run” = TRUE and transition to
On lift brake command:
- Instruct the DSP to enable the velocity regulator output which
provides a reference for the q (torque) current regulator.
- run the EEPROM timer "Delay lft brk ms". On time out,
transition to LIFT BRAKE
If lift brake command goes away, instruct the DSP to disable the
velocity regulator output.
If lift brake command is present pick the brake contactor. When
the brake contactor is picked,
- If there is a brake switch, look for it.
- Run the EEPROM timer "Delay brk lftd ms". When this times
out, "Brake-Lifted" is sent as TRUE to the MCSS.
Once 'Brake_lifted' is established as TRUE, run the brake hold
timer for "req brake hold time" (EEPROM parameter), then
transition to HOLD BRAKE.
If lift brake command is not present, release the pick relay, and
transition to DROP BRAKE

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Pick the brake hold relay.
If lift brake command goes away, in manual mode ramp velocity
to 0 +/- EEPROM parameter "DSP 0 Velocity Tolerance"
Transition to DROP BRAKE
When lift brake goes away, drop the brake-pick relay.
If lift brake is re-issued, transition to LIFT_BRAKE.
otherwise, when PTR is dropped transition to INIT.
It can be entered FROM and EXIT to INIT state only. Based on
the state of the safety chain. If ‘C’ is not picked then remain
It can be entered FROM and EXIT to INIT state only. Based on
brake lift signal. If brake is not lifted then remain in ESTOP

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5. Service Tool Operation

As with all Otis Modular Elevator Control subsystems, the Service Tool is the user's
access to the subsystem software. In the Otis VF DBSS it is used to view and set
parameters in EEPROM, to view the run-time value of data in 80186EC HOST RAM,
and to examine the Fault Log.
5.1. Service Tool Menu Tree
Access to Service Tool functions is through keystroke responses to prompts shown on the Service
Tool screen. A summary of the Installation & Maintenance menu is shown in Appendix A .

5.2. Variable Display

The menu structure for accessing DBSS RAM variables is included in Appendix B.
• The Service Tool can be used to display quantities computed during drive operation. These
variables are either measured values of external quantities or values which are computed
• Please note: The service tool updates the RAM display every 200ms. A user would have
difficulty reading a display of shorter duration. Many variables are re-calculated every 10ms.
This means that a variable can change state without the user being able to see the change on
the service tool display.
• Variables whose value is either TRUE or FALSE are presented in either UPPER CASE
(TRUE) or lower case (false).

Following is a list of all RAM variables which are available for display on the service tool along
with the Service Tool menu keystroke sequence to the left of the parameter name (i.e. 4-1-3-1
Car speed).

5.2.1. Category A (4-1-3-1)

4-1-3-1 Software Configuration Number (SCN)
This is the baseline release number of the Host and DSP software set installed and running on the processor

4-1-3-1 Car speed (mm/s)

Velocity is derived from the PVT in a traction elevator.

4-1-3-1 Motor Speed (RPM)

This is a fundamental quantity, dependent only on the "Encoder PPR" parameter in EEPROM. It is as
accurate as the crystal supplying the encoder FPGA.

4-1-3-1 Rotor position

The angular (mechanical) position of the rotor in units of "normalized angle". The values range between
±1, corresponding to angles of ± PI. At DSP reset, the rotor position is always initialized to -1.0.

4-1-3-1 LRT angle (deg)

Used only for PM motors.
The angular electrical position of the rotor magnetic north pole relative to the initial Rotor Position (at
P.O.R) in units of degrees. This is the result of the locked rotor test (LRT) magnet position calculation.
This value is used for aligning the d-axis to the magnetic north pole of the motor. The values range between

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±180. A display value of “0.00” may mean that the locked rotor test for initial magnet position detection
has not yet been performed.

4-1-3-1 Dictated vel (mm/s)

Velocity dictation received from MCSS or calculated by the DBSS (Manual Mode only).

4-1-3-1 Brake Bus (V)

Used only in systems with a BCM.
The voltage read from the DC bus of the Brake Control Module (BCM), if there is one. Without a BCM, it
may be meaningless.

4-1-3-1 Brake (A)

Used only in systems with a BCM.
The actual brake current as given by the DSP feedback.

4-1-3-1 Dict brake (A)

Used only in systems with a BCM.
The brake current reference.

4-1-3-1 Mtr trq (kgf@car)

The torque current reference, converted to an equivalent linear force (in kilograms) at the car. To compute
this value from the per-unit torque, the "Rated Torque" and "Eff shv diam" are used .
This value is displayed to simplify system calibration using test weights.

4-1-3-1 Mtr trq (PU)

The torque current reference relative to the "Rated Torque Current" specified in EEPROM. A value of 1.0
corresponds to rated torque.

4-1-3-1 Mtr i (RMS A)

The RMS value of the current references.

4-1-3-1 Mtr id (A)

The d-axis (magnetizing) current reference.

4-1-3-1 Mtr iq (A)

The q-axis (torque) current reference.

4-1-3-1 Mtr v (RMS V)

The RMS value of the voltage references. It is the magnitude of the vector sum of magnetizing and torque
voltage references.

4-1-3-1 Mtr vd (V)

The d-axis voltage reference.

4-1-3-1 Mtr vq (V)

The q-axis voltage reference.

4-1-3-1 Cnv i (RMS A)

The RMS value of the current references.

4-1-3-1 Line-Line Voltage

The line to line voltage present at the input side of the drive.

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4-1-3-1 Line Power (kW)
The power in kW at the line, calculated using R,S & T current feedbacks and converter PLL voltage
feedbacks. Available only for regenerative drives (displays 0 otherwise). The signal is processed with a 2
Hz low pass filter.

4-1-3-1 Cnv Power (kW)

The power in kW at the converter IGBT terminals, calculated using R, S, & T current feedbacks and
converter voltage references. Available only for regenerative drives when converter is active. The signal is
processed with a 2 Hz low pass filter.

4-1-3-1 Inv Power (kW)

The power in kW at the inverter IGBT terminals, calculated using U, V, & W current feedbacks and
inverter voltage references. Available only when inverter is active. The signal is processed with a 2 Hz low
pass filter.

4-1-3-1 Drive Loss (kW)

The power in kW lost in the drive. Calculated as the difference between Line Power and Inv Power.
Available only for regenerative drives (displays 0 otherwise). The signal is processed with a 2 Hz low pass

4-1-3-1 Ht Sink CUR degC

Heat Sink temperature from an analog temperature sensor mounted on the heat sink, since P.O.R. Reading
is valid only if sensor is present and M4316 “Analog sink 1/0” is set to 1. The signal valid range is 0-
100C. The signal is processed with a 2 Hz low pass filter.

4-1-3-1 Ht Sink MAX degC

The maximum Heat Sink temperature detected from an analog temperature sensor mounted on the heat
sink, since P.O.R. See above, “Ht Sink CUR degC” for restrictions.

4-1-3-1 CPU util MIN %

The minimum Host CPU utilization detected over 5 second periods, since P.O.R.

4-1-3-1 CPU util CUR %

The Host CPU utilization detected over the last 5 seconds.

4-1-3-1 CPU util MAX %

The maximum Host CPU utilization detected over 5 second periods, since P.O.R.

5.2.2. Category B (4-1-3-2)

4-1-3-2 DC link (V)
Actual voltage measured on the DC Link.

4-1-3-2 DBR lower limit (V)

The lowest Bus voltage at which the DBT will fire.

4-1-3-2 Est mag off (deg)

Used only for PM motors.
The back-emf based estimated magnet position error offset. Loss of magnet position fault management is
based on this estimate only above 30% of rated motor speed. At very low motor speeds (i.e. at zero) the
estimate becomes inaccurate.

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4-1-3-2 Bck-emf rpm est (rpm)
Used only for PM motors.
The back-emf based estimated motor speed. The accuracy of this estimate is speed dependent. The
accuracy increases as motor speed increases. May not be accurate for all PM motors and is displayed for
informational purposes only. Future fault management may be based on this estimate once these issues are
worked out.

4-1-3-2 LRT DC level (A)

Used only for PM motors.
The actual DC level of the injected signal of the locked rotor test that is used for initial magnet position
detection. It will reflect the value entered in the “LRT DC level” E2 parameter only over an acceptable
range of values. This range is limited to 10% through 50% of the “Rated trq i” E2 parameter. This
limitation was implemented to help reduce the risk of calculating an erroneous magnet position angle due
to a bad “LRT DC level” E2 parameter.

4-1-3-2 LRT init angle (deg)

Used only for PM motors.
The approximate angular electrical position of the rotor north pole relative to the initial Rotor Position (at
P.O.R) in units of degrees. The value is used to initialize a search algorithm for the locked rotor test
(LRT) magnet position calculation, the result of which is the LRT angle described above. The values range
between ±180. A display value of “0.0” means that a locked rotor test for initial magnet position detection
has not yet been performed or that the DSP was reset, as would occur by changing an EEPROM parameter
(this behavior does not apply to the LRT angle parameter above).

4-1-3-2 LRT L min (mH)

Used only for PM motors.
The minimum inductance in mH measured during the locked rotor test (LRT). This corresponds to the d-
axis inductance of the machine at the north pole. This value will be similar in value to the d-axis inductance
specified in the current regulator only when the LRT frequency (LRT freq PU) is less than half the
bandwidth of the current regulator (see Inv I bw). A display value of “0.0” means that a locked rotor test
for initial magnet position detection has not yet been performed or that the DSP was reset, as would occur
by changing an EEPROM parameter (this behavior does not apply to the LRT angle parameter above).

4-1-3-2 LRT L max (mH)

Used only for PM motors.
The maximum inductance in mH measured during the locked rotor test for PM motors. This corresponds to
the q-axis inductance of the machine. This value should match the q-axis inductance specified in the current
regulator only when the LRT frequency (LRT freq PU) is less than half the bandwidth of the current
regulator (see Inv I bw). A display value of “0.0” means that a locked rotor test for initial magnet position
detection has not yet been performed or that the DSP was reset, as would occur by changing an EEPROM
parameter (this behavior does not apply to the LRT angle parameter above).

4-1-3-2 Lq bulk (mH)

Used only for PM motors.
This parameter displays the q-axis bulk inductance of a PM motor as a function of the q-axis motor current.
This display value is relevant only if the E2 parameters Lq_c0, Lq_c1, and Lq_c2 are entered correctly for
a given PM motor (see “4-3-1-4 Lq_c0 (1/mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)”). This Lq
bulk inductance is used for the encoder slip fault management (see Fault Descriptions for “Encoder pos

4-1-3-2 X offset (A)

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Offset compensation being applied to the X-phase current feedback. When the drive is idle (Prepare-to-
Run not asserted), the value is zero. At the time of Prepare-to-Run, values being read from the current
sensors are latched and used for offset correction during the subsequent run. The value being used can be
read during a run in this location.

4-1-3-2 Y offset (A)

See "X offset".

4-1-3-2 Z offset (A)

See "X offset".

4-1-3-2 X phase (A)

Present value of X-phase current, lowpass filtered @ 1.6 Hz .

4-1-3-2 Y phase (A)

See "X phase".

4-1-3-2 Z phase (A)

See "X phase".

4-1-3-2 ioffs mean (A)

Mean (average) of the filtered current offsets of the three inverter output phases. Used to determine
whether to trim the V/F bias frequency.

4-1-3-2 ioffs vari (A)

Total absolute error of the filtered phase offset currents about the mean. Computed by summing the
absolute difference between each current and the current mean. A large value indicates that one or more
current feedback’s is faulty or out of tolerance.

4-1-3-2 VF bias frq (MHz)

Actual value of bias frequency being used for the V/F converter input processing. The value indicates how
much "tuning" was done to achieve acceptable value of current mean. It should always be very close to the
nominal value (1.2500 MHz) specified in EEPROM.

4-1-3-2 Accelmtr fdbk mg

Used only in hydro elevators.
Acceleration as read from the on-car accelerometer. It is scaled to read milli-g's, and its primary use is to
monitor the accelerometer offset voltage and to verify scaling and calibration by observing this quantity
while inverting the accelerometer package (if dynamic range permits).

5.2.3. Category C (4-1-3-3)

This category allows display of significant internal values computed from EEPROM parameters during
system initialization.

4-1-3-3 Cnv PWM frq (Hz)

The actual PWM switching frequency of the converter. It reflects any quantization effects of the ASIC
clock frequency.

4-1-3-3 Inv PWM frq (Hz)

The actual PWM switching frequency of the inverter when it is not downshifted. For regenerative drives, it
reflects the constraint of being a factor of 1, 2, 4, or 8 different from the converter PWM switching
frequency. For non-regenerative drives, it reflects any quantization effects of the ASIC clock frequency.

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4-1-3-3 Inv Dshft frq (Hz)
The actual PWM switching frequency of the inverter when it is downshifted. It reflects the constraint of
being a factor of 1, 2, 4, or 8 different from the inverter PWM switching frequency.

4-1-3-3 Inv Eff PWM Hz

Displays the commanded effective inverter PWM frequency when the drive has been given PTR. This
value diplays an average inverter PWM frequency if random PWM is present, or the actual inverter PWM
frequency if random PWM is not present. This value reflects any PWM downshifting. If PTR has not been
given, the maximum inverter PWM frequency is displayed.

4-1-3-3 Inv I bw (Hz)

The open loop bandwidth of the inverter current regulator when not downshifted. This is a function of the
PU bandwidth parameter as well as the PWM frequency and the current regulator sample frequency.

4-1-3-3 Inv I bw ds (Hz)

The open loop bandwidth of the inverter current regulator when downshifted. This is a function of the PU
bandwidth parameter as well as the downshifted PWM frequency and the current regulator sample

4-1-3-3 Cnv I bw (Hz)

The open loop bandwidth of the converter current regulator when not downshifted. This is a function of the
PU bandwidth parameter as well as the PWM frequency and the current regulator sample frequency.

4-1-3-3 i reg frq (Hz)

The actual sampling rate being used for the current regulators. It reflects any quantization effects of PWM
carrier frequency. It will be the frequency closest the value specified in EEPROM which is integrally
divisible into the PWM frequency.

4-1-3-3 Field or frq (Hz)

The actual computation rate for the Field Orientation calculations. It must be integrally divisible into the
current regulator frequency.

4-1-3-3 Vel reg frq (Hz)

The actual computation rate for the velocity regulator. It must be integrally divisible into the field
orientation frequency.

4-1-3-3 Brk reg frq (Hz)

The actual computation rate for the brake current regulator. It must be integrally divisible into the velocity
regulator frequency.

4-1-3-3 Eff shv diam (mm)

If the elevator system were a 1:1 roped gearless traction elevator with the "Rated RPM" and "Duty Speed"
specified in EEPROM, it would have a sheave of this size. In geared systems or 2:1 roping, the effective
sheave will be appropriately smaller. It will be related to the actual sheave dimensions by the gear ratio
and roping ratio. It is provided as an additional value for consistency checks.
In hydro systems, this quantity reflects the effective "gear ratio" between the pump and the car, It is the
diameter of a sheave attached directly to the motor shaft which would have a surface speed equal to the car
speed at any operating point.

4-1-3-3 Car vel fs (mm/s)

In hydro systems, this quantity reflects the scaling of the PPT velocity.

4-1-3-3 Motr vel fs (RPM)

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The rotational speed corresponding to 1.0 in the DSP internal fractional arithmetic representation. This is
the maximum speed, which can be represented in the DSP. It will always be larger than "Vel headroom" *
"Rated RPM", but less than twice that quantity. It is provided as a consistency check on internal scaling

4-1-3-3 Vel inner gain

Value used internally in the DSP as the gain term in the inner velocity loop. It is computed from EEPROM
values to give the desired bandwidth, and is provided here for use in checking scaling and calculations.

4-1-3-3 Bias Torque Constant

Value calculated from the EEPROM parameters Velocity Regulator Frequency and Pretorque Risetime.
Sent from Host to DSP to trigger the pretorque operation.

4-1-3-3 Slip gain Hz/Tr

Used only for Induction motors.
The slip gain in units of Hz (electrical) at the rated torque current. This value displays “0.00” if a PM
motor is present.

4-1-3-3 Inv Z base (Ohm)

The base impedance for scaling current regulator gains. It is the per-phase equivalent resistance through
which 1.0 per-unit voltage will produce full-scale current. It includes the effects of quantities such as
PWM gains, overmodulation factors, full-scale current, and DC bus voltage. It is typically around 1 Ohm.

4-1-3-3 Flux Lev @RTR (%)

Used only for Induction motors.
The desired flux level to be achieved at the end of the induction motor magnetization process which leads
to drive states torque-established and ready-to-run. This level is determined by the E2 Service Tool
parameters Mag I Peak (4-3-1-4) and Max Flux Time (4-3-1-4).

5.2.4. Category D (4-1-3-4)

This category allows display of certain internal software and hardware values as seen by the 80186EC Host

4-1-3-4 Brake lifted (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal sent from DBSS to MCSS.

4-1-3-4 IO 7..0 (HEXADECIMAL)

Discrete input values seen by Host on 82c55 port A.

4-1-3-4 IO 15..8 (HEXADECIMAL)

Discrete input values seen by Host on 82c55 port B.

4-1-3-4 IO 23..16 (HEXADECIMAL)

Discrete output values written by Host to 82c55 port C.

4-1-3-4 Abort run (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal which results in forcing the DBSS to Drive State Init, with UDX and bases
dropped, but M1 contactor still pulled in.

4-1-3-4 Init Request (TRUE/FALSE)

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Internal software signal which results in forcing the DBSS to Drive State Init, with UDX and bases
dropped, and M1 contactor dropped.

4-1-3-4 Prepare to run (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal sent to DBSS from Manual Controller or MCSS, which takes the drive out of the
Init state.

4-1-3-4 Ready to run (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal sent from DBSS to MCSS.

4-1-3-4 Bases Enabled (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal sent from DSP to HOST indicating DSP has enabled bases.

4-1-3-4 DC undervoltage (Volts)

Value of DC link voltage which will cause an Undervoltage Trip. Set in EEPROM.

4-1-3-4 M1 pick voltage (Volts)

DC link voltage required to pull in the M1 contactor. Set in EEPROM.

5.2.5. MCSS Comm Category (4-1-3-5)

This category allows display of certain software values that are used in MCSS serial communications.

4-1-3-5 MCSS DV mm/s

Velocity in mm/s as dictated by the MCSS to DBSS.

4-1-3-5 Dict accel mm/s/s

Acceleration in mm/s/s as dictated by the MCSS to DBSS.

4-1-3-5 Load percent

Signal from MCSS to DBSS

4-1-3-5 Prepare To Run (TRUE/FALSE)

Status of prepare to run signal as sent by MCSS, not if accepted by DBSS.

4-1-3-5 Lift brake cmd (TRUE/FALSE)

Status of lift brake command as sent by MCSS.

4-1-3-5 Ready to run (TRUE/FALSE)

DBSS status indicating that DBSS has received PTR and is waiting for a lift brake command.

4-1-3-5 Hydro BDI

Used only in hydraulic applications.

4-1-3-5 Brake lifted (TRUE/FALSE)

DBSS signal to MCSS indicating that the brake has lifted and all associated timers have expired (i.e., delay
brake lifted timer which is EEPROM parameter selectable).

4-1-3-5 Car moving up (TRUE/FALSE)

Signal from DBSS to MCSS indicating which direction the drive thinks it is moving in.

4-1-3-5 Car moving down (TRUE/FALSE)

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Same as above.

4-1-3-5 Drive limit (TRUE/FALSE)

Signal from DBSS to MCSS indicating a drive limit condition.

4-1-3-5 Drive fault (TRUE/FALSE)

Signal from DBSS to MCSS indicating that the drive has experienced a condition which forced an
emergency stop. Depending upon the severity of the fault condition, the drive may also go into shutdown

5.2.6. Discrete Inputs Category (4-1-3-6)

4-1-3-6 Brk sw1 dropped (TRUE/FALSE)
Internal software signal indicating state of the brake switch 1 discrete input.

4-1-3-6 Brk cont picked (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the Normally Open contacts of the brake contactors in series.

4-1-3-6 Brk sw2 dropped (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the brake switch 1 discrete input.

4-1-3-6 UDX picked (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the Normally Open contact of the UDX relay.

4-1-3-6 UDX dropped (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the Normally Closed contact of the UDX relay.

4-1-3-6 C picked (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the C_NO_I discrete input.

4-1-3-6 Battery rescue (TRUE/FALSE)

Indicates when the drive is running on battery power.

4-1-3-6 Manual Input (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the MAN_I discrete input.

4-1-3-6 Manual Down Input (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the DN_I discrete input.

4-1-3-6 Manual Up Input (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the UP_I discrete input.

4-1-3-6 Brake desat fault (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the brake desat fault input

4-1-3-6 IGBT desat fault (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating state of the IGBT desat fault input

4-1-3-6 High temp (TRUE/FALSE)

Signal from DBSS to MCSS indicating an overtemperature condition in the drive and requesting the MCSS
to shutdown after completing the current run.

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4-1-3-6 Gate supply fault (TRUE/FALSE)
Signal indicating that the hardware has detected a loss of power from the supplies for the IGBT gate drives.

5.2.7. Discrete Outputs category (4-1-3-7)

4-1-3-7 Etsc contact (TRUE/FALSE)
Internal software signal indicating state of Emergency terminal speed contactor discrete output.

4-1-3-7 Udx relay (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating whether the UDX relay should be picked.

4-1-3-7 Brake relay (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating whether the Brake relay should be picked.

4-1-3-7 SSB relay (TRUE/FALSE)

Only a PAO requirement for Short Stroke Buffers. Internal software signal indicating whether the Short
Stroke Buffer relay is picked due to an overspeed condition.

4-1-3-7 M1 contactor (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating whether the M1 contractor should be picked.

4-1-3-7 Fan relay (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating whether the Fan relay should be picked.

4-1-3-7 Precharge relay (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating whether the Precharge contractor should be picked.

4-1-3-7 REM relay (TRUE/FALSE)

Internal software signal indicating whether the REM relay should be picked.

5.2.8. Self Commissioning Display Menu (4-4-2 ) (see Section 8 to view)

4-4-2 Auto inv load L (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1)
Proportional gain of current regulators determined during self commissioning locked-rotor tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Auto inv load R (ohm) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Integral gain of current regulators determined during self commissioning locked-rotor tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Lckd Rot Lsig (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Motor Transient Inductance (L1 –Lm2/L2) determined during self commissioning locked-rotor tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Lckd Rot RTC (sec) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Rotor time constant (L2/R2) determined during self commissioning locked-rotor tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Lckd Rot Lphi (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

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Effective magnetizing inductance (Lm2/L2) determined during self commissioning locked-rotor tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Lckd Rot Imag (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Magnetizing current determined during self commissioning locked-rotor tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Lckd Rot Itrq (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Torque current that produces motor rated torque. Determined during self commissioning locked-rotor tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Fine Tune RTC (s) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Final value of rotor time constant (L2/R2). Determined during self commissioning fine-tuning tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Fine Tune Imag (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Final value of magnetizing current. Determined during self-commissioning fine-tuning tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Fine Tune Lphi (H) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Final value of effective magnetizing inductance (Lm2/L2). Determined during self commissioning fine-
tuning tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Fine Tune Itrq (A) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Final value of motor torque current. Determined during self commissioning fine-tuning tests.
See Section 8.

4-4-2 Inertia (kg-m2) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Rotating inertia of elevator system referred to the motor shaft. Determined during self commissioning
inertia test. See Section 8.

4-4-2 Rated Torque (Nm) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Motor torque produced at the rated torque current and rated magnetizing current. Determined during self
commissioning tests. See Section 8.

4-4-2 Fine Tune Id V (V) (visible only when AutoTune=1)

Motor voltage at end of constant-speed portion of elevator down run. Parameter determined during self
commissioning. See Section 8.

5.3. Contract Data Parameters

5.3.1. General
To modify an EEPROM parameter, put the Write Protect switch in the "Not Protected" position.
1. Periodically the Host software accesses the EEPROM device without user intervention. This
happens at startup and when faults occur. At startup, the software performs checks on the E2
device and then stores fault information in EEPROM. When the EEPROM is being used by the
Host software, the user cannot change E2 parameters. If the user tries to change an E2 parameter

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during this time, the service tool screen will display the message “E2 busy pls wait”. After a few
seconds the message will be replaced by the parameter data field and changes will then be
2. DBSS cannot start a run with EEPROM writes enabled. PTR will be ignored and a fault will be
declared. If this occurs, simply put the switch back in the "Protected" position.
3. If desired, the switch may be put into the "Unprotected" position during a run without error, if
EEPROM changes are to be made when the run ends.
4. If a parameter is modifiable, its name and the data entry field, indicated by X's, will be displayed.
5. If the write protect switch is in the "Protected" position, the message "WRT PROT" will replace
the data entry field.
6. If PTR is present, the message "PTR" will replace the data entry field.
7. After a new value is entered, the message "WAIT" appears on the ASCII display, and the message
"Please wait..." appears on the Service Tool. Do not change the position of the write protect
switch until the “WAIT” message disappears on the LED’s, this is to allow time for the new
EEPROM checksum to be calculated and stored on the E2 device.

5.3.2. Enabling/Disabling Access For Optional Parameters

Many EEPROM parameters are optional based on information such as drive type or motor type. Several
parameters have been created to act as switches to control access to all other parameters and to prevent the
service tool from displaying those that are unnecessary or unused. Setting these switches correctly will turn
on or off access to optional parameters.
These are several parameters which should be set first and when set correctly, will enable or disable access
to all other parameters. Note: To access EEPROM parameter categories 2-9 you must first perform
the key sequence which is described in section 5.3.3 Hidden Parameter Category Access.
1. System type, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-7, “Nregen=0 Rgen =1”, set to 0 for non-regenerative
drives, 1 for regenerative.
2. Battery rescue hardware present, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-1, “Battry Rscue 0/1”, set to 1 to run
features for battery rescue, otherwise set to 0. Note: Battery rescue features require special
3. Brake control module present, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-3, “BCM present? 1/0”, set to 1 if a
brake control module is present.
4. Enable self commisioning, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-1, “Auto Tune 1/0”, set to 1 to run self
commisioning, 0 otherwise.
5. Enable velocity notch filters, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-2, “Vel nch fltr 1/0”, set to 1 to enable
velocity notch filters for use on a dynamometer only, 0 otherwise.
6. Motor type, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-4, “Induction=0 PM=1”, set to 0 for induction motors, 1 for
PM motors.
7. IGBT type, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-6, “IGBT Type 0…3”, set to 0 to manually input IGBT loss
model parameters, 1 for IGBT p/n PM300DSA120 (HSVF 416 drive) loss model parameters, 2 for
IGBT p/n CM400HA-24H (HSVF 428 drive) loss model parameters, 3 for IGBT p/n
MBI600PX_120 (HSVF 428X drive) loss model parameters.
8. PWM downshift type, keystroke sequence 4-3-1-8, “Dnshft Type 0/1”, set to 0 for downshifting
based on inverter current amplitude and frequency, 1 for downshifting based on IGBT and diode
temperature observers.

5.3.3. Hidden Parameter Category Access

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All parameters which would normally be modified are grouped together in the first EEPROM category
called “Field Adjust”. All other parameter categories are ‘hidden’ until a special key sequence is entered.
Once the sequence is entered all categories are accessible. The key sequence is “Shift 7, shift enter” and
must be entered when the service tool menu level is at Module 4 displaying either the ‘Monitor 1,
Diagnostics 2, or Setup 3’ screen. Hidden parameter access can be turned off by either repeating the
special key sequence when at the correct menu level or by disconnecting and re-connecting the service tool.
A POR will also reset the hidden parameter access.
NOTE: The Field Adjust screen will display the go-on and go-back (<>) keys when the hidden parameter
categories are accessible.
To turn ON access to hidden EEPROM categories:
Module 4, shift 7, shift enter.
To turn OFF access to hidden EEPROM categories:
Module 4, shift 7, shift enter.
disconnect and re-connect the service tool.

5.3.4. Entering EEPROM Values

Some parameters are entered and displayed as integers, or whole numbers, but most are floating point
numbers. Floating point parameters are numbers displayed with decimal points, while integer parameters
are numbers without a decimal point, like the current value of 750 below:
parameter name
750 > XXXXX
To change an integer parameter, simply enter the new number and press ENTER. The message '...please
wait' appears momentarily on the service tool screen, then the new value appears in the current value field.
Changing the value of floating point parameters is the same as changing an integer number except that the
display contains a decimal point. When entering data, the display will ‘skip over’ the decimal point to the
next X. When clearing an incorrect entry, the clear key will work the same way, it will skip over the
decimal point to the previous X. Floating point parameters with a maximum allowed value of 100 or more
will be displayed as ‘XXXXX.XX’ with 5 digits to the left of the decimal point. Floating point parameters
that have a maximum allowed value of less than 100 will be displayed as XX.XXXXX with only 2 digits to
the left of the decimal point.

5.3.5. EEPROM Parameter Menu Tree

The diagrams in 0 illustrate menu access to the EEPROM parameters. The first diagram shows the first 4
categories; the second diagram shows the next 5. The last category is #9:
Following is a description of the parameters listed by category along with the Service Tool menu keystroke
sequence to the left of the parameter name (i.e. 4-3-1-1 Vel Gain).

5.3.6. Field Adjust Parameters (4-3-1-1)

4-3-1-1 Motor Phasng 0/1
Toggle this parameter to effectively swap any two motor phases if a wrong motor phasing condition is
detected (see section 3.2). A wrong motor phasing condition exists if the machine rotational direction
convention is not consistent between the motor phasing sequence and the encoder feedback signal
sequence. This is usually corrected by swapping any two motor phases. This can now effectively be
achieved by toggling this parameter. For example, if “Motor Phasng 0/1” is set to “0” and a wrong motor
phasing condition is detected, then set the “Motor Phasng 0/1” parameter to “1” for a consistent rotational
convention between the encoder and the motor phasing.

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4-3-1-1 Vel gain
The Integral Gain of the (outer) velocity regulator. The outer velocity loop has a proportional-plus-integral
(PI) regulator with the transfer function G(Rs+1)/s, where G is called the Gain and R the Response. The
integral gain is thus G, and the proportional gain is G*R.
The (closed) inner velocity loop is the "plant" controlled by the outer PI regulator. It has unity gain at DC
and a dominant real pole established by the loop gain. With the zero of the outer PI regulator set to cancel
the inner loop pole, the G term (Vel gain) establishes the unity-gain crossover frequency of the outer
velocity regulator.
The closed-loop bandwidth of the outer loop (in radians/sec) is approximately equal to G. The tracking
delay of the velocity regulator (in seconds) is approximately equal to 1/G.
A nominal value of 8 for G produces good landing performance for elevator systems with leveling gains of
2.5 - 3.0 /sec. This corresponds to a velocity closed-loop bandwidth of 8 rad/s (1.3 Hz), and a tracking
delay of 125 msec.
See also: Norm vel resp; Inner Xover.

4-3-1-1 Inertia (kg-m2)

The total equivalent inertia seen at the shaft of the motor. This is expressed as a rotational inertia in SI
For hydro systems, it is the effective rotating inertia, including the fluid mass coupled to the pump. See
also: Inner Xover.

4-3-1-1 Rotate dir (1/0)

Logical parameter (1/0) to set the direction of rotation corresponding to positive velocity dictation from
MCSS. The effect of this parameter is to multiply the velocity reference by +1.0 or -1.0 prior to sending it
to the DSP. It has no effect on the relationship between encoder rotation sense and motor lead connection,
nor on the sense of buffered PVT signals sent from DBSS to MCSS.
This parameter is ineffective in hydro systems, and should be set to 1.
See also: Rotation conventions.

4-3-1-1 Pretrq trim (PU)

Fine tuning factor to adjust scaling of bias torque. The LOAD PERCENT command from MCSS specifies
the amount of torque to apply as a force effective at the car, expressed as a percentage of the duty load of
the elevator. The drive generates the required torque current, as computed from the torque gain of the
motor, the effective sheave diameter and the duty load of the car. This factor multiplies the computed
torque current to scale it prior to application. Values larger than 1.0 increase the bias torque.
The nominal value of this parameter is 1.0. If the value deviates significantly from unity, it indicates an
error in one of the parameters used to compute the torque current. The least easily verified parameter is the
torque gain of the motor. Deviations from unity in the pretorque trim typically indicate the need to
verify/calibrate the torque gain of the motor.

4-3-1-1 Encoder PPR

The number of Pulses-per-Revolution (PPR) of the PVT encoder. This is the number of full cycles from
either the X or Y track in a full shaft revolution. If this number is incorrect, torque production will be
impaired because the current vector will not properly track the rotor position, and the error appears as slip.

4-3-1-1 Enc Filter (0...4)

This parameter will allow the user to enable or disable a digital low pass filter for the encoder feedback
signals. The user will also have the ability to specify the filter bandwidth.
This filter is used in the GEN 2 NAA elevator application with a PM Motor where knowledge of the
magnet position is critical for proper velocity control. Encoder noise could cause the drive to lose
knowledge of the magnet position, which could cause uncontrolled motion of the elevator car. This filter

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can help prevent the Drive from losing knowledge of the magnet position thus preventing undesirable
elevator motion.

This parameter can be set to:

0 = Disable ASIC Digital Filter

1 = Enable ASIC Digital Filter at 1/2 ASIC Clock Frequency
2 = Enable ASIC Digital Filter at 1/4 ASIC Clock Frequency
3 = Enable ASIC Digital Filter at 1/8 ASIC Clock Frequency
4 = Enable ASIC Digital Filter at 1/16 ASIC Clock Frequency

Below is the table showing the different E2 Parameters setting along with their respective filter bandwidth.

E2 Parameter Filter Bandwidth (Mega pulses per

Setting second)
0 Disable N/A
1 Enable 0.833
2 Enable 0.5
3 Enable 0.278
4 Enable 0.147
(Valid for the ABA26800 VB and the ACA26800VB DSP Processor Boards only - Filter not available for
the AAA26800 VB DSP Processor Board)

To use this table properly the result of the following calculation for a given elevator application must be
below the chosen filter bandwidth:

2 * (Encoder ppr) * (Rated RPM) / 60

The result of this calculation will be in pulses per second.

The factor of 2 is to add margin for applications that require over speed tests (operation speed greater than
Rated RPM).

This filter is no substitute for proper encoder wiring practices and is used only to help minimize the
probability of uncontrolled elevator motion due to encoder noise for PM Motor applications.

See also: Encoder ppr; Rated RPM.

4-3-1-1 Rated RPM

Rotational speed of the motor (PVT) at the rated elevator duty speed. This parameter is used to establish
the scaling of the numerical velocity values within the DSP.
It is also the base speed for the DIB overspeed setpoint, which is specified as a per-unit quantity.
See also: Duty speed; Vel headroom; Bias trq trim.

4-3-1-1 Duty speed (mm/s)

The linear duty speed of the elevator car. This number must represent car speed with the motor (PVT)
rotating at the "Rated RPM" parameter. This value is used to compute the "effective sheave diameter",
which includes the effects of gear ratios and/or roping configurations.
The "effective sheave diameter" establishes the scaling between MCSS dictated linear velocity and the
motor rotational speed.
See also: Rated RPM; Vel headroom; Bias trq trim.

4-3-1-1 Dely brk lftd (ms)

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Time delay between sensing that the brake is lifted and sending the BRAKE_LIFTED message to MCSS.
This time is available to delay the onset of MCSS dictation to ensure that the brake is fully cleared.
In manual mode, this parameter should be set to approximately 400 ms in order for the PVT loss protection
to work correctly.

4-3-1-1 Delay lft brk (ms)

Time delay between receiving LIFT_BRAKE message from MCSS and beginning to lift the brake. This
period of time is provided to allow pretorquing to occur and settle.
It is primarily useful in system adjustment to allow time to observe the torque current produced by the load
weighing signal for comparison with the torque at the end-of-run.
In normal system operation, this delay can be adjusted if the brake is lifting before the correct bias torque is
reached due to extremely fast brake action and/or extremely long settings for pretorque risetimes. Inherent
response time of drive torque is < 10 ms.

4-3-1-1 AC line voltage (V)

The nominal RMS line-line voltage of the mains supply. This value is used to compute the pull-in voltage
for the charging contactor, and the undervoltage trip point for the DC Link voltage.

4-3-1-1 Mtr ovl tmr (secs)

This parameter specifies the maximum time the drive is allowed to operate at the current level specified by
“Drive rtd i RMS” (4-3-1-6). The maximum time allowed at other operating currents is prorated and is
calculated as:
æ I2 − Icont
t = çç ovl ÷÷t ovl , i > Icont
è i − Icont
2 2
t = ∞, i ≤ Icont
Iovl = parameter “Drive rtd i RMS”
Icont = Mtr ovl i fac (PU) x Iovl
tovl = parameter “Mtr ovl tmr sec”
i = actual drive current (Arms)
See also: Drive Rtd i and Mtr ovl i fac (4-3-1-6).

4-3-1-1 Single phase 1/0 (visible only with system type set as Nrgen=0)
This parameter is inspected and used in manual mode only. Set parameter to 1 to allow single phase
operation during construction mode. If three phase power is supplied set this parameter to 0 to enable fault
detection of phase loss.

4-3-1-1 ETSC Trip Vel (PU)

This parameter is used for the Emergency Terminal Speed Limiting feature, which prevents shutdowns
caused by nuisance trips of the existing governor mounted speed limiting sensing device. The feature
controls a relay which is used to override the sensing device when the DBSS detected speed is equal to or
less than the EEPROM adjustable per unit value, relative to duty speed. The override can occur only while
the DBSS is in the LIFT BRAKE, HOLD BRAKE, or DROP BRAKE mode. Comparison of the detected
speed to the Trip Velocity occurs every 10ms. Setting the parameter to 0.0 will disable the feature.

4-3-1-1 SSB Trip Vel (PU)

This parameter is used for the Emergency Terminal Speed Limiting feature, which prevents shutdowns
caused by nuisance trips of the existing governor mounted speed limiting sensing device. The feature
controls a relay which is used to override the sensing device when the DBSS detected speed is equal to or
less than the EEPROM adjustable per unit value, relative to duty speed. The override can occur only while

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the DBSS is in the LIFT BRAKE, HOLD BRAKE, or DROP BRAKE mode. Comparison of the detected
speed to the Trip Velocity occurs every 10ms. Setting the parameter to 0.0 will disable the feature.

4-3-1-1 DCV 0=375 1=750 (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter is used to select the DC Link nominal voltage. Setting the parameter to 0 selects 375V.
Setting the parameter to 1 selects 750V. The default setting is 375V. Setting the parameter to 1 (750V),
for a drive designed for 375V can cause damage to the system.

4-3-1-1 Auto Tune 1/0

This parameter enables self-commissioning tests. Set to 1 to enable, 0 otherwise. Must issue POR for
setting to take effect. See Section 8 for detailed description of self-commissioning.

4-3-1-1 Max LR ampl PU (visible only with Auto Tune=1)

Parameter used by self-commissioning. This limits the drive current during the locked-rotor portion of the
self commissioning tests. This value should be set to 0.2, which corresponds to 20% of the rated drive
current. See Section 8 for detailed description of self-commissioning.

4-3-1-1 Man ESTOP (1/0)

This manual mode operation parameter specifies that a manual mode run be terminated by either a timed
ramp decel (0) or an ESTOP (1). A “0” is the default. During an ESTOP, the brake is dropped
immediately to quickly stop the car.

4-3-1-1 Man accel (mm/s2)

Manual mode operation provides a simple profile generator in DBSS to ramp velocity up, hold it at a
specified level, and ramp it down to a stop. The profile generator provides for separate rates of acceleration
and deceleration. Note that in manual mode, the manual mode controller switches are wired in such a way
that the safety chain is lost when one of the switches is released. This will cause the drive to shut down and
drop the brake before the deceleration phase of the profile.

4-3-1-1 Man decel (mm/s2)

See: Man accel

4-3-1-1 Man speed (mm/s)

See: Man accel
Note: The value of this parameter should always be higher that the value of “PVT threshld (mm/s)”
parameter (4-3-1-6) in order for the system to detect a PVT tracking error. If the manual mode speed is
lower than the PVT fault threshold, then the PVT tracking error fault management will be defeated. When
lowering the manual mode speed, the PVT fault threshold should be lowered as well.

4-3-1-1 Battry Rscue 0/1

Set this parameter to select the options associated with battery rescue operation. If set to 0 then features
requiring special hardware for battery rescue will NOT be allowed. When running a system with battery
rescue hardware, the parameter should be set to a 1 thereby allowing battery rescue options to execute.
Note: This parameter also controls display access on the service tool of e2 parameters which are affected by
region selection. For example, if “Battry Rscue 0/1” is set to “0”, then BAT_ONLY parameters will not
be displayed on the service tool.

4-3-1-1 Controller ID #
This parameter is the controller unit number which must be burned in, it cannot be changed with the
service tool.

5.3.7. Velocity Regulator Parameters (4-3-1-2)

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4-3-1-2 Norm vel resp
In hydro systems, this parameter is not normalized. It is the time constant of the PI regulator, expressed in

4-3-1-2 Inner Xover (rad/s)

The unity-gain crossover frequency of the inner velocity loop. This specifies the desired location of the
dominant real pole in the inner velocity loop, and thus the closed-loop bandwidth of the inner loop.
The actual gain term in the inner-loop proportional regulator is computed to produce the specified unity-
gain crossover frequency. This computation involves all of the other implicit and explicit gains present in
the inner loop, and the scaling factors representing these gains must be correctly entered. With the
exception of the system inertia, all of these parameters are known from drive and motor manufacturing
See also: Inertia; encoder PPR; Rated trq i; Rated trq; Inv i fs (all of these terms affect inner loop scaling).

4-3-1-2 LP filter frq (Hz)

Rolloff frequency of the lowpass filter in the outer velocity loop. The outer PI velocity regulator is
followed by a lowpass filter to reduce the effect of quantization and noise in the velocity dictation.
Typically, a value of 4 Hz is used.

4-3-1-2 Pretrq risetime (sec)

In traction system, this parameter sets the time constant for the rise of the pretorquing current.
In hydro systems, this parameter sets the decay time of motor torque after check valve closing, and the
filter dynamics processing the initial pump speed ramp-up. A value of 50 ms seems to work well here.
See also: Pretrq trim; Rotor stop tol.

4-3-1-2 Rotor stop tol (mm)

Threshold of position change used to declare motion of the motor. At the start of run as bias torque is
applied, the integral part of the velocity regulator is disabled and the bias torque is applied as the initial
condition of the integrator. As the brake is lifted, motion of the motor will occur due to small errors in the
applied torque. Once movement of the motor is detected, it is clear that the applied torque is incorrect to
support the load imbalance, and it must be corrected by the velocity regulator. At this point, the bias torque
reference is removed and the integrator is enabled to respond to velocity error.

4-3-1-2 Overspeed (PU)

Specifies the trip point for motor overspeed protection. For hydro systems operating in all modes and all
other systems operating in DIB mode, it’s the Duty speed times Overspeed. In manual mode (for all
systems except hydros) it’s Man speed times Overspeed. In MCSS or Auto-Tune modes, this trip point is
not active.
In hydro systems, the DBSS does not provide car overspeed protection from the PPT. However, an
overspeed limit is applied to the motor speed to cause a shutdown if the pressure relief valve opens.

4-3-1-2 Vel nch fltr 1/0

If a dynamometer is present, this parameter can be set to “1” to enable the velocity notch filters.

4-3-1-2 Notch #1 F0 (Hz) (visible only with Vel nch fltr 1/0 set as “1”)
One of two filters used to attenuate a resonance on a dynamometer.

4-3-1-2 Notch #2 F0 (Hz) (visible only with Vel nch fltr 1/0 set as “1”)
One of two filters used to attenuate a resonance on a dynamometer.

4-3-1-2 DV acc lim (m/s2)

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When the difference between the previous MCSS dictated velocity and current MCSS dictated velocity
exceeds the DV acc lim value a “DV WARNING” level 1 fault is logged.
If a “DV WARNING” is detected, do not use the current dictated velocity from MCSS. Apply the previous
valid MCSS dictated velocity as the current dictated velocity.
If the “DV WARNING” fault continues for ‘DV Flt Time sec’, a “DV FAULT” level 4 fault is logged an
emergency stop is performed.
Note: Set to 0 to disable dictated velocity error detection.

4-3-1-2 DV Flt Time (sec)

See DV acc lim.

4-3-1-2 Vel trk err (mm/s)

In all operating modes, the dictated velocity which is being sent to the DSP is compared against the dictated
velocity feedback provided by the DSP.
If a deviation exists which exceeds the Vel trk err for Vel trk time a fault is logged.
Note: Set to 0 to disable velocity tracking error detection.

4-3-1-2 Vel trk time (sec)

See Vel trk err.

5.3.8. Brake/DBR Parameters (4-3-1-3)

4-3-1-3 Bcm present? (1/0)
Set to 1 if a brake control module is present. Note: Also controls display of BCM e2 parameters. If set to 0
then BCM parameters will NOT be visible with the service tool.

4-3-1-3 Brake pick (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The pick current for the brake. This is the current used to lift the brake. This current is reached during the
break ramp time before the current is switched to the Brake hold current.

4-3-1-3 Brake hold (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The hold current for the brake. This is the current that is used to hold the brake in the lifted position.

4-3-1-3 Brake drop (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
This parameter is the level of current in the brake which signals that the brake is dropped.

4-3-1-3 Brk ramp t (secs) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The amount of time taken to ramp the brake current to the pick current. After this time the brake current is
switched to the brake hold current.

4-3-1-3 Brk pick (PU) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Tolerance of full pick current, to allow brake pick to be declared with some variance of DSP feedback.

4-3-1-3 Brk drop (PU) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Percent of brake pick current. When ramping down and the DSP to Host feedback reaches this value, drop
the brake contactor.

4-3-1-3 Brk i bw (Hz) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)

The bandwidth of the current loop controlling the current in the brake.

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4-3-1-3 L brk (H) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Load inductance as seen by the brake current regulators.

4-3-1-3 R brk (ohm) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)

Load resistance as seen by the brake current regulators.

4-3-1-3 R dbr fdfwrd (ohm) (visible only with system type set as Nrgen=0)
This is the exact value of the measured total equivalent resistance of the dynamic brake resistors (DBRs).
This value is used for the DBR feed forward control which provides better control of the DC bus voltage.
THE VALUE OF THE DBR RESISTOR, ENTER ZERO. Entering zero will revert to the old DBR control
method. It is recommened that the DBR resistance be measured to identify the correct value.

4-3-1-3 Brk sw pres ? 1/0 (visible only with system type set as Nregen=0)
Set to a 1 for non-regenerative systems which have a brake switch.

4-3-1-3 Brk Bus OVT PU (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Trip point set as percentage of brake pick current to declare a Brake bus overvoltage fault.

4-3-1-3 Brk Bus UVT PU (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Trip point set as percentage of brake pick current to declare a Brake bus undervoltage fault.

5.3.9. Motor Parameters (4-3-1-4)

4-3-1-4 Induction=0 PM=1
Set this parameter to “0” when using an induction motor. Set this parameter to “1” when using a
permanent magnet motor. The setting of this parameter will hide certain other parameters not associated
with the respective motor type.

4-3-1-4 LRT DC Level (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the amplitude of the DC current offset used during the locked rotor test (LRT) for initial magnet
position detection. Varying this parameter may affect the accuracy of the magnet angle calculation and,
thus, affect available torque. The actual value used for the locked rotor test is limited between 10% and
50% of the “Rated trq i” E2 parameter to help reduce the risk of an erroneous magnet position calculation
due to mis-setting this LRT parameter. This actual value used is displayed in the Service Tool (4-1-3-2).

4-3-1-4 LRT err thsh (deg) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the locked rotor test (LRT) motion error threshold that specifies amount of allowable motion of the
motor during an LRT. This parameter is specified in electrical degrees. Machine motion during an LRT is
undesirable because it may adversely affect the magnet position calculation. If this threshold is exceeded
during an LRT, a drive fault ("LRT motion error") is declared and the LRT is aborted.

4-3-1-4 Enc err thsh (deg) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the amount of error allowed in the magnet position due to encoder slip or a bad initial magnet
detection calculation. This threshold is checked only when the motor operates above 30% of rated motor
speed. If this error threshold is exceeded, then an "Encoder pos err" fault is logged and on the next PTR
command another magnet position calculation (locked rotor test – LRT) is performed.

4-3-1-4 T/A Iq offset (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)

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This is the amount of q-axis current above which d-axis current may be injected for maximum torque per
amp efficiency scheduling for PM motors. To disable maximum torque per amp efficiency scheduling set
“T/A Id slope” to “0”.
See also: T/A Id slope.

4-3-1-4 T/A Id slope (PU) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the slope of the line that describes the relationship between the d-axis and q-axis current for
maximum torque per amp efficiency scheduling for PM motors. The equations are:
Id = -Idslope*(|Iq|-|Iqoffset|) for |Iq| > |Iqoffset|
Id = 0 for |Iq| <= |Iqoffset|
To disable maximum torque per amp efficiency scheduling set this parameter to “0”.
See also: T/A Iq offset.

4-3-1-4 Kt slope (1/Nm) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the slope of the line that describes the relationship between the d-axis current (defined in Amps) and
one over the torque constant (defined in A/Nm). This is only necessary when running the field weakening
voltage regulator on a PM motor. Modifying the torque constant in our control helps the velocity regulator
track the change in the actual torque constant of the machine during field weakening voltage regulation to
ensure better velocity loop performance.
Unless predefined in a parameter document (Otis doc# 52686 & 53015) always set this parameter to zero.
See also: T/A Id slope, T/A Iq offset, Fld Wkn level, and Fld Wkn bw.

4-3-1-4 Number of poles

The number of poles (twice the number of pole pairs) of the motor. This parameter establishes the ratio
between [synchronous] electrical angle and [stator] mechanical angle. If it is incorrect, the drive/motor
combination will be unable to produce significant torque due to excessive slip.

4-3-1-4 Vel head room (PU)

Factor used to ensure additional range of operating velocity above rated duty speed. It only affects the
numerical scaling within the DSP, and ensures that scaling is established to allow the representation of
velocities higher than duty speed without numerical saturation of values internal to the processor.
To maximize dynamic range, the velocity scaling in the DSP is chosen based on the duty so that the
maximum operating speed is less than the largest value which can be represented in the internal 24-bit
fixed-point numerical representation. The dynamic range is established by a shift operation, and thus
moves as powers of two.
The "Velocity headroom" parameter is used to guarantee a "buffer zone" of operability above the specified
duty speed. This is required because of small overshoots that can occur during normal operation, as well as
for the overspeed operation required in code-related tests.
The typical value for this parameter is 1.25, allowing operation at 25% above duty speed for safety, buffer,
and governor trip tests.
This parameter only affects internal scaling. It does not affect the voltage available from the drive nor does
it extend the speed range available before output voltage saturation. Deliberate overspeed operation
generally requires field-weakening by reducing the rated magnetizing current to avoid voltage saturation.
This also reduces the available torque, and may require reduction of acceleration limits.

4-3-1-4 Duty load (kg)

Full load capacity of the elevator car. This parameter is only used in calculating the scale factor for bias
torque. MCSS commands bias torque as a force applied at the car as a percentage of the rated full load of
the car.

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4-3-1-4 Rotor time const (sec) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
The natural decay constant of the rotor circuit, established (basically) by the magnetizing inductance and
the rotor resistance. It is the (only) parameter used to tune the drive field-orientation to the motor, and
should be adjusted based on static torque testing of the motor.
The rotor time constant is used to compute the slip gain for the field-orientation control. Slip gain
multiplies the torque command to give the required slip, which is then used to advance the current vector
relative to the rotor position.
The correct slip gain to maintain field orientation is flux dependent, and as magnetizing current changes,
slip gain must also. The slip gain calculation includes the magnetizing current parameter, and assumes
linear magnetics. As magnetizing current is varied in small amounts around the rated operating point, the
slip gain will be adjusted accordingly. Magnetic saturation will result in a slight detuning of field
orientation, but it is a second-order effect.

4-3-1-4 Rated mag i (instantaneous A) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Magnetizing current at which to operate an induction motor. Expressed as the vector magnitude of the
magnetizing component of stator current, which is the peak value of the sinusoidal no-load current. To
convert from RMS current, multiply by sqrt(2).
When this parameter is changed, the slip gain is automatically compensated and field orientation is
maintained. The torque gain also changes, however, and with it the tuning of the inner velocity loop.
When changing the magnetizing current, the Rated Torque parameter (Rated trq i) should also be changed
to reflect the reduced torque produced by rated torque current at the reduced flux.
See also: Mag I Peak, Min Ramp Time, Max Flux Time, Imag DnRmp Tim.

4-3-1-4 Mag I Peak (instantaneous A) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the value to which the d-axis magnetizing current is ramped during magnetization of an
induction motor.
If this parameter is set larger than the Rated mag i parameter, then fast fluxing of the motor can be
achieved. To disable fast fluxing of the motor, set this parameter to a value equal to or smaller than the
Rated mag i parameter. In this case the magnetizing current merely ramps up to the rated magnetizing
current level specified for the motor, Rated mag i.
This Mag I Peak parameter, along with the Max Flux Time parameter, determines the flux level at which
the drive declares that the magneting current has been established which leads to the drive states of torque
current established and ready-to-run (see SVT display 4-1-3-3 Flux Lev @RTR).
Once the motor is considered fluxed (see 4-1-3-3 Flux Lev @RTR), the magnetizing current is set to (or
remains at) the rated value specified for the motor, Rated mag i. This transition is either a step or a ramp
down depending on the setting of the Imag DnRmp Tim parameter. As Mag I Peak is increased, flux time
decreases which may improve elevator flight time – but IGBT junction temperature excursions increase and
drive lifetime may adversely be affected.
Note: while this parameter can be set to 0, the value is limited to a minimum of 1.0 times the rated
magnetizing current (Rated mag i). Also, when in battery rescue mode, the value is set to the minimum
(1.0 times the rated magnetizing current Rated mag i) in order to decrease the voltage used during
See also: Rated mag i, Min Ramp Time, Max Flux Time, Imag DnRmp Tim.

4-3-1-4 Min Ramp Time (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the minimum time over which the magnetizing current is ramped to its fluxing value.
During magnetization of an induction motor, the magnetizing current is ramped to a value specified by
Mag I Peak. The time over which the magnetizing ramp occurs is normally calculated from a specified
maximum voltage to occur during the ramp and will vary depending upon the inductance of the motor. If

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the minimum time specified by this parameter is greater than the calculated ramp time, then the minimum
time overrides the calculation and is used as the actual ramp time.
Typically this parameter is set to a value of 0.1. The actual ramp time will increase only with larger motors
with large inductances.
See also: Rated mag i, Mag I Peak, Max Flux Time, Imag DnRmp Tim.

4-3-1-4 Max Flux Time (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the maximum time allowed for the fluxing of an induction motor.
This parameter, along with Mag I Peak, affects the desired motor flux level (see 4-1-3-3 Flux Lev
@RTR) to be achieved at the end of the induction motor magnetization process before declaring ready-to-
run and lift-brake commands.
As this parameter decreases, flux time decreases, which may improve elevator flight time – but may
adversely affect elevator rollback.
See also: Rated mag i, Mag I Peak, Min Ramp Time.

4-3-1-4 Imag DnRmp Tim (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the time over which the magnetizing current is ramped down to its final value.
After “fast flux” magnetization (Mag I Peak > Rated mag i) of an induction motor has been established,
the magnetizing current is ramped down from a value specified by Mag I Peak to a value specified by
Rated mag i. The time over which this ramp down occurs is determined by this parameter. If “0” is
entered for this parameter, then a step down in magnetizing current will occur as opposed to a ramp down.
A ramp down is sometimes more desirable for drives with a smaller DC link capacitance since the ramp
down will lower the voltage caused by the change in current (smaller di/dt).
Typically this parameter is set to a value of 0 unless the voltage caused by the step down in current is an
issue (i.e. drive with small DC link capacitance). The ramp down time does not affect flight time since it is
done after motor magnetization has been established.
See also: Rated mag i, Mag I Peak, Max Flux Time.

4-3-1-4 Rated trq i (instantaneous A)

Torque component of motor current at the rated operating point. Expressed as the vector magnitude of the
torque component of stator current, which is the peak value of the torque component.
This parameter is used only to compute the torque gain of the motor for setting velocity loop gains and bias
torque scaling. The rated magnetizing current, torque current, and torque parameters must form a
consistent set; i.e., they reference a common operating point. The selected operating point need not
correspond to the machine nameplate nor to the duty conditions of the elevator. Using motor nameplate
conditions, however, provides a convenient reference point and best use of manufacturer-supplied model

4-3-1-4 Rated trq (N-m)

The torque produced by the motor at the rated magnetizing and torque currents specified above.
See also: Rated mag i; Rated trq i; Rotor time const.

4-3-1-4 Fld Wkn level (PU) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the inverter voltage level at which the Field Weakening Controller (FWC) begins to regulate motor
voltage by dictating negative d-axis current. The FWC is a motor voltage regulator that allows higher
motor speeds without exceeding maximum sinusoidal inverter output voltage. The FWC is available for
PM motors only.
This E2 parameter is a per unit value of the maximum sinusoidal drive output voltage. In line-to-line rms it
be calculated as the bus voltage divided by 1.41. This parameter is typically set to “0.98”. To disable the
FWC set this parameter to “2”.

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See also: Fld Wkn bw; Fld Wkn bw; FWC Bulk Ld.

4-3-1-4 Fld Wkn bw (Hz) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the desired bandwidth of the Field Weakening Controller (FWC) as described above. This value is
typically set to “10”.
See also: Fld Wkn level; FWC Bulk Ld.

4-3-1-4 FWC bulk Ld (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the d-axis bulk inductance value of a PM motor that is used to tune the Field Weakening Controller
(FWC). The FWC is a motor voltage regulator that allows higher motor speeds without exceeding
maximum sinusoidal inverter output voltage. This inductance is part of the integral gain calculation of the
FWC. The FWC is available for PM motors only.
This E2 parameter is in units of millihenries. If this value is not known for a particular PM motor, then just
enter the same value as the value entered for the “4-3-1-5 Inv load Ld (mH) (visible only with motor
type set to PM=1)” E2 parameter.
See also: Fld Wkn bw.

4-3-1-4 Lq_c0 (1/mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Lq_c0, Lq_c1, and Lq_c2 are used for encoder slip fault management (see f27 “Encoder pos err”). Lq_c0
is the leading coefficient of a polynomial curve fit for the q-axis bulk inductance (Lq). The other
coefficients are Lq_c1 and Lq_c2 (see below Lq_c1 and Lq_c2). These coefficients are used to calculate
the q-axis bulk inductance value of the motor for the given operating point. The resulting bulk inductance is
used as an input to the secondary magnet position detection algorithm for encoder slip fault management. If
Lq_c1=Lq_c2=0 and Lq_c0 = 1 / Inv load Lq (mH), then the bulk inductance is made equal to the nominal
value of incremental inductance (Inv load Lq 4-3-1-5) used for the current regulator.
If Lq_c0 value is not known, just set to “0”. This will force the secondary magnet position estimation
calculation to use “Inv load Lq” as the inductance input. Setting this value to “0” also disables the use of
Lq_c1 and Lq_c2.
See also: Lq_c1; Lq_c2.

4-3-1-4 Lq_c1 (mA/mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Lq_c0, Lq_c1, and Lq_c2 are used for encoder slip fault management. Lq_c1 is the first order coefficient
of a polynomial curve fit for the q-axis bulk inductance (Lq). The other coefficients are Lq_c0 and Lq_c2
(see Lq_c0 and Lq_c2). These coefficients are used to calculate the q-axis bulk inductance value of the
motor for the given operating point. The resulting bulk inductance is used as an input to the secondary
magnet position detection algorithm for encoder slip fault management (see f27 “Encoder pos err”).
If Lq_c0 value is not known, just set Lq_c0 and this parameter to “0”. This will force the secondary
magnet position estimation calculation to use “Inv load Lq” as the inductance input. Setting Lq_c0 to “0”
will disable the use of Lq_c1 and Lq_c2.
See also: Lq_c0; Lq_c2.

4-3-1-4 Lq_c2 ((mA/mH)^2 ) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Lq_c0, Lq_c1, and Lq_c2 are used for encoder slip fault management. Lq_c2 is the second order
coefficient of a polynomial curve fit for the q-axis bulk inductance (Lq). The other coefficients are Lq_c0
and Lq_c1 (see Lq_c0 and Lq_c1). These coefficients are used to calculate the q-axis bulk inductance value
of the motor for the given operating point. The resulting bulk inductance is used for secondary magnet
position detection algorithm for encoder slip fault management (see f27 “Encoder pos err”).
If Lq_c0 value is not known, just set Lq_c0 and this parameter to “0”. This will force the secondary
magnet position estimation calculation to use “Inv load Lq” as the inductance input. Setting Lq_c0 to “0”
will disable the use of Lq_c1 and Lq_c2.
See also: Lq_c0; Lq_c1.

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4-3-1-4 Cwt overbal (PU)
This parameter is used when the drive is in manual mode only. Manual mode load compensation for
balanced car. The load compensation value is calculated using ‘Cwt overbal PU’ and ‘Man act load kg’ .
When these parameters are set to zero, a zero value for load compensation is used.

4-3-1-4 Man act load (kg)

This parameter is used when the drive is in manual mode only. Actual load in car.

4-3-1-4 Mtr shft pwr KW (visible only with Auto Tune=1)

This parameter is used when the drive is in self-tune mode only. Enter the motor power in kilowatts shown
on the motor nameplate.

4-3-1-4 Rtd mtr spd RPM (visible only with Auto Tune=1)
This parameter is used when the drive is in self-tune mode only. Enter the rated motor speed in rpm shown
on the motor nameplate. Do not enter the contract rpm.

4-3-1-4 Rtd mtr ln-ln V (visible only with Auto Tune=1)

This parameter is used when the drive is in self-tune mode only. Enter the rated motor voltage shown on
the motor nameplate.

4-3-1-4 Rtd motor freq HZ (visible only with Auto Tune=1)

This parameter is used when the drive is in self-tune mode only. Enter the rated motor frequency in Hertz
shown on the motor nameplate.

4-3-1-4 Mtr Lsigma H (visible only with Auto Tune=1)

This parameter is used when the drive is in self-tune mode only. Enter the motor transient inductance (Lσ)
if known. If not known, enter 0.001. The drive will determine this value during the self-commissioning

5.3.10. I Regulator Parameters (4-3-1-5)

4-3-1-5 Inv i bw (PU)
Per unit open-loop bandwidth of the inverter current regulators. 1.0 PU is defined as the frequency at
which the loop delay in the current regulators adds 30 degrees of phase. Since the load should add 90
degrees of phase, this should allow 60 degrees of phase margin. The resulting open loop crossover
frequency is displayed in the service tool in 4133. Typically, this parameter should be set to 1.0.
The current regulators are proportional-integral type, implemented in the synchronous reference frame. At
crossover frequencies of interest, the load is essentially pure inductance, and the proportional gain
establishes the bandwidth. Integral gain is used to ensure zero steady-state error, and the regulator zero is
placed over the L/R pole of the load.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Inv load L (H) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Load inductance as seen by the inverter current regulators. This is the transient inductance of the motor
plus any filter inductance ahead of the motor. The values to be used are those in a per-phase equivalent
circuit of the motor and filter. This is the single phase model in which the applied voltage is 1/sqrt(3) of
the actual line-line voltage.
The motor inductance seen by the regulator corresponds to the locked-rotor machine model, and is
essentially the sum of the stator and rotor leakage inductance’s. It is entered as a value in Henrys.
For motors where no data are available, the transient inductance can be estimated from a bridge
measurement made at the motor terminals. Use the frequency nearest the motor operating frequency, and

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divide the line-line value by 2 to get the per-phase equivalent value. This value should be corrected by
measuring the current regulator open-loop transfer function with an FFT analyzer under operating
conditions and trimming the inductance value until the specified bandwidth is achieved.
This is a single inductance value that is used for both the d-axis and q-axis current regulators. Some PM
motors may require separate inductance values and, thus, separate d-axis and q-axis current regulator gains.
See also: Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Inv load Ld (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Load inductance in millihenries as seen by the inverter d-axis current regulator. For induction motors
Ld=Lq, so a single value for L is used for both the d-axis and q-axis current regulators . For PM motors Ld
may not equal Lq, so separate values for Ld and Lq are necessary to allow independent control along each
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Lq; Mtr id sat; Ldsat slope; Inv i bw; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Mtr id sat (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the d-axis current level at which the d-axis PM motor inductance begins to saturate (decrease). This
is a negative current level that corresponds to “Inv load Ld” on the Ld vs Id curve. For some PM motors
the motor inductance varies significantly as a function of current due to saturation of the motor iron. This
can cause control issues when using only a single value for Ld. “Gain Scheduling” is introduced that
dynamically changes the proportional current regulator gain to follow Ld as a function of motor current.
Idsat is used to help tune the dynamic current regulator proportional gain. To disable gain scheduling and
the effect of this parameter, set "Ldsat slope" to “0”.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Mtr iq sat; Ldsat slope ; Lqsat slope; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Ldsat slope (mH/A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the slope of the saturated PM motor d-axis inductance as a function of d-axis current. For some PM
motors the motor inductance varies significantly as a function of current due to saturation of the motor iron.
This can cause control issues when using a only single value for Ld. “Gain Scheduling” is introduced that
dynamically changes the proportional current regulator gain to follow Ld as a function of motor current.
Ldsat slope is used to help tune the dynamic current regulator proportional gain. To disable gain
scheduling, set this parameter equal to “0”.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Mtr id sat; Mtr iq sat; Lqsat slope; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Inv load Lq (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Load inductance in millihenries as seen by the inverter q-axis current regulator. For induction motors
Ld=Lq, so a single value for L is used for both the d-axis and q-axis current regulators . For PM motors Ld
may not equal Lq, so separate values for Ld and Lq are necessary to allow independent control along each
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Mtr iq sat; Lqsat slope; Inv i bw; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Mtr iq sat (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the q-axis current level at which the q-axis PM motor inductance begins to saturate (decrease). This
current level corresponds to “Inv load Lq” on the Lq vs Iq curve. For some PM motors the motor
inductance varies significantly as a function of current due to saturation of the motor iron. This can cause
control issues when using only a single value for Lq. “Gain Scheduling” is introduced that dynamically
changes the proportional current regulator gain to follow Lq as a function of motor current. Iqsat is used to
help tune the dynamic current regulator proportional gain. To disable gain scheduling and the effect of this
parameter, set “Lq sat slope” to “0”.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Mtr id sat; Ldsat slope; Lqsat slope; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Lqsat slope (mH/A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)

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This is the slope of the saturated PM motor q-axis inductance as a function of q-axis current. For some PM
motors the motor inductance varies significantly as a function of current due to saturation of the motor iron.
This can cause control issues when using only a single value for Lq. “Gain Scheduling” is introduced that
dynamically changes the proportional current regulator gain to follow Lq as a function of motor current.
Lqsat slope is used to help tune the dynamic current regulator proportional gain. To disable gain
scheduling, set this parameter equal to “0”.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Mtr id sat; Mtr iq sat; Ldsat slope; Inv load R.

4-3-1-5 Inv load R (Ohm)

Load resistance as seen by the inverter current regulators. This is the AC resistance of the motor plus any
filter resistance ahead of the motor. The values to be used are those in a per-phase equivalent circuit of the
motor and filter. This is the single phase model in which the applied voltage is 1/sqrt(3) of the actual line-
line voltage.
The motor resistance seen by the regulator corresponds to the locked-rotor machine model, and is
essentially the sum of the stator and rotor resistance’s. It is entered as a value in Ohms.
Measurement of the DC resistance of the motor windings gives an estimate of the stator resistance only.
Measurement of the rotor resistance requires AC excitation in a locked-rotor test.
This parameter is used to set the integral gain of the current regulators, and should be adjusted to achieve
desired performance of the regulators. It has been observed that the values used are somewhat higher than
those measured as described above, and insufficient integral gain can result, with poor regulator tracking.
See also: Inv i bw; Inv load L.

4-3-1-5 Inv i0 error (PU)

Error limit for inverter zero-sequence current. Each time the [three] inverter currents are sampled, the sum
of the three currents is calculated and compared against this limit. If it is exceeded, a fault is declared and
all transistor bases are immediately inhibited. Worst-case response time to this fault is the execution rate of
the current regulators.
The fault is intended to protect against failure of a current sensor during drive operation, as well as against
ground faults in the motor windings or in the output leads.
The error limit is specified as a per-unit quantity on a base of the Inverter Full-scale Current, and thus
should be relatively independent of drive rating. Typical values are 0.02 - 0.05.

4-3-1-5 Inv vd limit (PU)

Output limit for D-axis (magnetizing component) current regulator during magnetizing current ramp-up.
Each time the inverter is energized, initial operation of the current regulators is monitored during the
application of a controlled input reference.
With the torque current held at zero, the magnetizing current reference is ramped up at a controlled rate and
the output voltage required to establish this ramp rate in the load impedance is monitored. If it exceeds the
limit specified by this parameter, a fault is declared and the bases are immediately inhibited.
The intent of this fault is to sense any stability problem in the current regulator loops. In conjunction with
the i0 limit described above, this technique can detect any combination of reversed, swapped, or failed
current sensors or feedback connections. Many combinations of inoperable switching devices and
disconnected or swapped bases are also detected. When properly set to avoid nuisance trips, it is virtually
impossible to damage output devices due to misconnection of gate connections or current feedback’s.
Once magnetizing current has been successfully established, this test is disabled until the next inverter turn-
on. With all feedback’s properly connected, failure of a sensor during a run will be sensed by the limit on
zero-sequence current (current sum).
The regulator output limit is a per-unit quantity on a base of the full available output voltage. Typical
values are 0.05-0.35.
See also: Inv I0 error; Inv vq limit.

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4-3-1-5 Inv vq limit (PU)
Output limit for Q-axis (torque component) current regulator during magnetizing current ramp-up. Each
time the inverter is energized, initial operation of the current regulators is monitored during the application
of a controlled input reference to the D-axis.
Although output current is flowing only in the D-axis, the Q-axis regulator is active to maintain zero
current in the Q-axis despite disturbances introduced by the current changing in the D-axis. The Q-axis
regulator has only to compensate for small system imbalances; it does not have to drive output current
during magnetizing current ramp-up. For this reason, the limit on Vq can be somewhat less than that on
The regulator output limit is a per-unit quantity on a base of the full available output voltage. Typical
values are 0.05-0.10.
See also: Inv I0 error; Inv vd limit.

4-3-1-5 Invtr OCT (A)

This parameter controls the trip point for the inverter over-current fault. This value is the peak (not RMS)
value at which to declare an inverter over-current fault.

4-3-1-5 Inv i high lev (A)

This parameter controls the trip point for the excessive inverter current warning and the excessive inverter
current fault (see "Inv i high warn" and "Inv i high flt" in sec. 6.3 Fault Descriptions). This value is the
peak (not RMS) value at which to declare an excessive inverter current warning and fault. Entering “0” will
disable this fault checking.

4-3-1-5 Drive Limit (PU)

Torque limit set point triggers message to MCSS and logs event in DBSS Fault log.

4-3-1-5 MAX sine freq (Hz)

Not used during elevator operation.

4-3-1-5 ioffs mean lim (A)

Threshold of mean offset current to initiate retuning of the V/F converter bias frequency.
An automatic tuning feature is provided to adjust the bias frequency used in the V/F converter signal
processing to minimize offsets in the inputs. The quantity minimized in the tuning process is the averaged
(mean) offset of the inverter current inputs. These are the only inputs for which a zero input can be forced,
and the use of all three tends to reduce the effect of random offsets in the individual sensors.
As the offset currents are lowpass-filtered in the DSP, the mean (sum over 3) is computed and sent to the
host processor. The mean is monitored, and when it exceeds this threshold, a new bias frequency is
computed which will bring it to zero. The bias frequency in use is available as a Service Tool display.
Typical values for this threshold are around 0.001 per-unit, indicating offset adjustment to within 0.1% of
full-scale. This would be expressed in amperes for this parameter, or 0.5 A for a 400A full-scale drive.
See also: I offs vari lim.

4-3-1-5 ioffs vari lim (A)

Error limit for difference between offsets of current sensors. This is used to avoid bias frequency retuning
to chase a hardware fault, as this retuning operation affects all other V/F inputs, and in particular the DC
link voltage.
When the mean of the current offsets is computed, so is the sum of the absolute difference from the mean
of the three sensors. This should be a small number if all sensors are functional. In the event of an
abnormally high offset in one sensor, it will show up as a high "variance". This check is made prior to
retuning to avoid "chasing" a failed sensor.

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The "variance" is the sum of all three sensors, not divided by 3. Typical values for this parameter would be
approximately 3% of the full-scale current for the drive, or 12 A for a 400A drive.
See also: I offs mean lim; I offset LPF.

4-3-1-5 Cnv i bw (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Per unit open-loop bandwidth of the inverter current regulators. 1.0 PU is defined as the frequency at
which the loop delay in the current regulators adds 30 degrees of phase. Since the load should add 90
degrees of phase, this should allow 60 degrees of phase margin. The resulting open loop crossover
frequency is displayed in the service tool in 4133. Typically, this parameter should be set to 0.8.
The current regulators are proportional-integral type, implemented in the synchronous reference frame. At
crossover frequencies of interest, the load is essentially pure inductance, and the proportional gain
establishes the bandwidth. Integral gain is used to ensure zero steady-state error, and the regulator zero is
placed over the L/R pole of the load.
See also: Cnv load L; Cnv load R.

4-3-1-5 Cnv load L (H) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Load inductance as seen by the converter current regulators. This is the inductance of the line reactors.
The values to be used are those in a per-phase equivalent circuit. See Cnv AC line L for further

4-3-1-5 Cnv AC line L (H) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
AC line inductance. This includes the inductance of the AC mains and the inductance of an
autotransformer, if present. The values to be used are those in a per-phase equivalent circuit.
This parameter impacts a notch filter used to control a resonance in the converter regulator. The resonance
can exist due to the line-to-line capacitors in the EMI filter resonating with the parallel combination of the
line reactor and the AC line reactance. When the AC line is "soft", as may occur with the use of an
autotransformer, this resonant frequency may be lightly damped, causing insufficient gain margin in the
current regulator. To solve this problem, a band stop filter is used to reduce the loop gain in the vicinity of
the resonance. The center of the stop band will be at the calculated resonant frequency. The resonant
frequency is calculated as the parallel combination of the inductors and the star equivalent AC capacitance.
This parameter also impacts the gains used for the converter current regulators since the bandwidth of the
regulator is adjusted to account for the additional phase introduced by the bandstop filter.
The value of this parameter can be estimated by assuming a 5% voltage drop at rated nominal amperage:
CnvAClineL = 0.05 × 3
2πfI L
Note: the affect of the filter can be removed if this parameter is set to a relatively small value, e.g., 0.00001.

4-3-1-5 Cnv AC Caps (uF) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
AC line-to-line capacitance. This refers to the line-to-line capacitors used on the input side (converter side)
of the drive for EMI filtering. The value to be used are line-to-line start equivalent circuit.
This parameter only affects a notch filter used to control a resonance that may occur when an
autotransformer is used. See Cnv AC line L for more description.

4-3-1-5 Cnv load R (ohm) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Load resistance as seen by the converter current regulators. This is the equivalent resistance of the line
reactor, EMI filter, and AC line at the converter current regulator bandwidth. This resistance includes the
effect of core losses in the inductors, as well as the resistance of the wire itself.

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4-3-1-5 CRF Ntch Wdth (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter sets the stopband width of the Converter Resonance Filter.
This parameter only affects a notch filter used to control a resonance that may occur when an
autotransformer is used. See Cnv AC line L for more description

4-3-1-5 CRF Ntch Dpth (dB) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter sets the amount of attenuation in the stopband of the Converter Resonance Filter.
This parameter only affects a notch filter used to control a resonance that may occur when an
autotransformer is used. See Cnv AC line L for more description

4-3-1-5 Cnv io error (PU) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Error limit for converter zero-sequence current. Each time the [three] converter currents are sampled, the
sum of the three currents is calculated and compared against this limit. If it is exceeded, a fault is declared
and all transistor bases are immediately inhibited. Worst-case response time to this fault is the execution
rate of the current regulators.
The fault is intended to protect against failure of a current sensor during drive operation, as well as against
ground faults in the line reactor or in the input leads.
The error limit is specified as a per-unit quantity on a base of the Converter Full-scale Current, and thus
should be relatively independent of drive rating. Typical values are 0.02 - 0.05.

4-3-1-5 Cnvtr OCT (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter controls the trip point for the converter over-current fault. This value is the peak (not RMS)
value at which to declare a converter over-current fault.

4-3-1-5 AC ln ph imbl (PU)

This parameter defines the allowable AC line phase imbalance in PU of AC line voltage. Typical value is

4-3-1-5 DCV bw (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Open loop bandwidth of the voltage regulator. This parameter is used as the unity-gain crossover
frequency, and the required gains are computed based on the internal scaling, the converter current
regulator bandwidth, and the value of the bus capacitance.
The voltage regulator is a proportional-integral type.

4-3-1-5 Drive rtd i RMS (A)

This parameter is required for motor overload protection. The protection works on the assumption that
there is a maximum current that the drive can produce for a given amount of time. This parameter
represents this maximum current which should usually be the rated drive current. The parameter Mtr ovl
tmr (secs) represents the maximum amount of time that this current can be produced without causing
damage to the drive components. A typical combination for these two parameters is the rated drive current
and 6 seconds for the timer, so for a 120 A drive the Drive Rtd i RMS would be 120 and the Mtr ovl tmr
(secs) would be 6. The control software will now monitor the current produced and shut down if it exceeds
these limits. For currents lower than this parameter, the control software scales the time so that lower
current will be sustained for longer periods of time while higher current will be sustained for shorter
periods of time. Note that currents which are lower than or equal to half the Drive Rtd i RMS (A)
parameter can be sustained indefinitely.
See also: Mtr ovl i fac (4-3-1-6) and Mtr ovl tmr (4-3-1-1)

4-3-1-5 Mtr ovl i fac (PU)

This parameter sets the continuous current rating for the motor overload protection in PU of Drive rtd i
RMS (A).

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See also: Drive rtd i RMS (4-3-1-6) and Mtr ovl tmr (4-3-1-1)

4-3-1-5 Cnv i err lim (PU) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter defines the PU of full-scale current of filtered converter current error that is allowed before
a fault is declared. Typical value is 0.05.
A large current error in the converter is typically a result of a failure in properly switching, a failure in
proper current feedback, or the result of the main lines being disconnected. If any of these conditions
occur, the current error in the converter will become large. If the condition then corrects itself, the resulting
inrush current in the converter could be very large and potentially damaging. To prevent this, this fault will
occur before too large of an error occurs.

5.3.11. Timing Parameters (4-3-1-6)

4-3-1-6 Brk hold delay (ms)
Time to maintain brake pick current after lifting of the brake has been detected. This ensures enough time
to fully seat the cores before reducing to the hold current. At the end of this delay, either the brake current
reference will ramp down to the hold current, or the brake hold relay is picked, depending on the state of
BCM present.

4-3-1-6 0 mm/s t lim (ms)

In Manual Mode, the DBSS synthesizes PTR and LB from the hand-held controller buttons. In Manual
Mode, in the HOLD_BRAKE state, when LB goes away, this parameter is the time required to be at 0
velocity +/- some scaling tolerance, before advancing to the DROP_BRAKE state.

4-3-1-6 Brake settle (sec)

Time delay to allow brake to seat, applied between sensing brake drop and assuming the brake dropped.
After this timer times out, the torque current is dropped to zero at the rate specified by Pretorq Risetime and
the Brake Dropped message is sent to MCSS.

4-3-1-6 PVT threshld (PU)

When in manual mode, the drive must monitor the difference between the dictated velocity and the PVT
velocity to determine if the elevator’s speed is being controlled. This parameter defines the allowed error
(in PU of dictated). Typical value is 0.5.

4-3-1-6 PVT threshld (mm/s)

When in manual mode, the drive must monitor the difference between the dictated velocity and the PVT
velocity to determine if the elevator’s speed is being controlled. When starting a run, the PU threshold as
defined above will be too small and will cause nuisance trips. This parameter defines the minimum error
threshold which will override the PU threshold defined above during the beginning (and end) of a run. It
should be noted that if the manual mode speed is less than this value, then the loss of PVT signals would
not be detected. Typical value is 75 mm/s.

4-3-1-6 Analog sink (1/0) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
The drives are equipped with either a discrete temperature sensor or an analog temperature sensor, for
measurement of the heat sink. This parameter must be set to the correct type of sensor. Fault management
may not detect an incorrect setting. For an analog heat sensor set to 1. For a discrete heat sensor set to 0.

4-3-1-6 Heat sink warn (C) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This feature is enabled if the analog heat sink temperature sensor is enabled (M4316 “Analog sink 1/0” =
1). If the temperature of the heat sink exceeds this level, a level 1 fault will be issued. This fault detection
includes hysteresis. The fault will not clear until the temperature drops 15C degrees below the setting. If
set to 0.0, the function is disabled.

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4-3-1-6 Heat sink fault (C) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This feature is enabled if the analog heat sink temperature sensor is enabled (M4316 “Analog sink 1/0” =
1). If the temperature of the heat sink exceeds this level, a level 1 fault will be issued. This fault detection
includes hysteresis. The fault will not clear until the temperature drops 15C degrees below the setting. This
will also shut down the drive, if it is in DIB or self tuning mode.

4-3-1-6 IGBT Type (0...3)

This parameter selects the IGBT model used by the temperature observer.
0 = User-defined parameters. Selecting a zero will reveal a hidden parameter set in the Timing Parameters
1 = 416 Drive IGBT model (Powerex PM300DSA120).
2 = 428 Drive IGBT model (Powerex CM400HA-24H).
3 = 428x Drive IGBT model (Fuji MBI600PX_120)
If the temperature observer is not selected (see “Dnshft Type 0/1” parameter 4-3-1-8), then set to 1.

4-3-1-6 Rjc (°C/Watt) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT junction-to-case thermal impedance. The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations
given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 Rdc (°C/Watt) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT diode-to-case thermal impedance. The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations
given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 Rcs (°C/Watt) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT case-to-sink thermal impedance. The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given
below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 k1 (W/A2) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT conduction loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

4-3-1-6 k1c (W/A) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT conduction loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

4-3-1-6 k2 on (mW/A/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT turn-on loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

4-3-1-6 k2c on (mW/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT turn-on loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

4-3-1-6 k2 off (mW/A/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

IGBT turn-off loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

4-3-1-6 k2c off (mW/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)
IGBT turn-off loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

4-3-1-6 k3 (W/A2) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

Diode conduction loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

4-3-1-6 k3c (W/A) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

Diode conduction loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.

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4-3-1-6 numjcs1 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)
The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 numjcs2 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 numjcs3 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 denjcs1 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 denjcs2 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 denjcs3 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given below uses this parameter.

4-3-1-6 dencss2 (PU) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)

The IGBT temperature observer as indicated in the equations given below uses this parameter.

I = IGBT collector current

I2 = Diode current
It = effective transistor current
Id = effective diode current
FSW = Inverter switching frequency

IGBT _ conduction _ loss = (k1c + k1× I) × It

æ æ k 2c _ on k 2 _ on ö æ k 2c _ off k 2 _ off ö ö
IGBT _ switching _ loss = çç ç + × I÷ + ç + × I ÷ ÷÷ × FSW
è è 1000 1000 ø è 1000 1000 øø
Diode _ conduction _ loss = (k 3c + k3 × I2 ) × Id

Total _ IGBT _ Loss = IGBT _ conduction _ loss + IGBT _ switching _ loss

Total _ loss = Diode _ conduction _ loss + Total _ IGBT _ Loss

The IGBT and Diode junction temperatures are found by using the above powers as inputs to the
temperature model. This model is shown here as a filter stage followed by a thermal resistance DC gain

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é numjcs1× s 2 + numjcs 2 × s + numjcs3 ù

Pdc = Diode _ conducton _ loss × ê ú
ë denjcs1× s + denjcs 2 × s + denjcs3 û

é numjcs1× s 2 + numjcs 2 × s + numjcs3 ù

Pjc = Total _ IGBT _ Loss × ê ú
ë denjcs1× s + denjcs 2 × s + denjcs3 û

æ dencss 2 ö
Pcs = Pcase × ç ÷
è s + dencss 2 ø
Pcase = Pjc + Pdc
The end results are the estimated IGBT junction-to-case and Diode junction-to-case temperatures.
Tjc = Rjc × Pjc
Tdc = Rdc × Pdc
Tcs = Rcs × Pcs
Tjs = Tjc + Tcs
Tds = Tdc + Tcs
5.3.12. Drive Scaling Parameters (4-3-1-7)
4-3-1-7 Nregen=0 Rgen=1
This parameter is used to control the drive type, set to Nregen (0) for non-regenerative drives and Rgen (1)
for regenerative drives.
Notes: (1) This parameter also controls display access on the service tool of e2 parameters, which are
active based on drive type. For example, if system type is set to Rgen=1, then parameters
which apply to regenerative drives only will not be displayed on the service tool.
(2) If you have a Non-Regenerative Drive and the CBR relay drops out shortly after powering up.
A possible reason for this is, that this parameter is set to Rgen=1.

4-3-1-7 Inv i fscale (A)

The (instantaneous) inverter output current which results in a voltage (magnitude) of 10.0V at the input of
the V/F converter module. It includes the sensitivity (turns-ratio) of the current sensor, the burden resistor
value, and the gain of the input differential amplifier. It is the current corresponding to a value of 1.0 in the
DSP internal fractional arithmetic representation.
This value is used to establish the scaling for all inverter current values. If an incorrect value is entered,
damage to the drive may result. Entering a number which is too small will result in proportionally larger

4-3-1-7 Inv i limit (A)

Limits the torque current reference applied to the Q-axis current regulator. The actual limit used is
corrected for the magnetizing current so that the vector sum of the two currents will not exceed the
specified limit.
The limit is applied in the synchronous reference frame. When the limit is reached, the output current
waveform remains sinusoidal, but will not increase further in amplitude. The output waveform does not
clip or otherwise become distorted when this limit is reached.
Note that this limit cannot protect against overcurrents resulting from an incorrect value for full-scale
current. Furthermore, the D-axis (magnetizing) current is not limited, and may be set to any value up to
"inv i fscale".

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The current limit is specified as the current vector magnitude (peak value), which is sqrt(2) times the RMS
current at the limit. The limit setting should be no higher than the rated accelerating current for the drive.

4-3-1-7 Cnv i fs (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
The (instantaneous) converter output current, which results in a voltage (magnitude) of 10.0V at the input
of the V/F converter module. It includes the sensitivity (turns-ratio) of the current sensor, the burden
resistor value, and the gain of the input differential amplifier. It is the current corresponding to a value of
1.0 in the DSP internal fractional arithmetic representation.
This value is used to establish the scaling for all converter current values. If an incorrect value is entered,
damage to the drive may result. Entering a number, which is too small, will result in proportionally larger

4-3-1-7 Cnv i limit (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Limits the torque current reference applied to the Q-axis current regulator. The actual limit used is
corrected for the magnetizing current so that the vector sum of the two currents will not exceed the
specified limit.
The limit is applied in the synchronous reference frame. When the limit is reached, the output current
waveform remains sinusoidal, but will not increase further in amplitude. The output waveform does not
clip or otherwise become distorted when this limit is reached.

4-3-1-7 Brk fscale (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The (instantaneous) brake output current, which results in a voltage (magnitude) of 10.0V at the input of
the V/F converter module. It includes the sensitivity (turns-ratio) of the current sensor, the burden resistor
value, and the gain of the input differential amplifier. It is the current corresponding to a value of 1.0 in the
DSP internal fractional arithmetic representation.
This value is used to establish the scaling for all brake current values. If an incorrect value is entered,
damage to the drive may result. Entering a number, which is too small, will result in proportionally larger

4-3-1-7 Brk i limit (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Limits the brake current to protect the brake transistor and brake.

4-3-1-7 Bus fscale (V)

The DC Link voltage which results in a voltage of 10.0V at the input of the V/F converter module. It
includes the attenuation factor of the balanced resistor network and the gain of the input differential
amplifier. It is the voltage corresponding to a value of 1.0 in the DSP internal fractional arithmetic

4-3-1-7 Bus ovt (PU)

Overvoltage trip point for the DC Link voltage, expressed as a per-unit quantity on a base of the nominal
DC Link voltage. This is a fast trip operation, with the check executed at the current regulator rate. It is
intended to protect against DBR faults during regeneration.

4-3-1-7 AC Line OVT (PU)

Overvoltage trip point for the AC line voltage, expressed as a per-unit quantity on a base of the nominal
AC line voltage. It is intended to prevent the DBR feedforward control from dumping line power into the

4-3-1-7 Bus caps (uF) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
The value of the bus capacitor equivalent capacitance. This parameter is used in the tuning of the voltage

4-3-1-7 Line fscale (V)

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The AC line voltage which results in a voltage of 10.0V at the input of the V/F converter module. It
includes the attenuation factor of the balanced resistor network and the gain of the input differential
amplifier. It is the voltage corresponding to a value of 1.0 in the DSP internal fractional arithmetic

4-3-1-7 PLL Unlock (PU)

This parameter defines the maximum allowable error in the PLL. 1.0 PU is defined as 180 degrees.
Typical value to be used is 0.05 (9 degrees).

4-3-1-7 Brk dcv fscale (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The brake DC link voltage which results in a voltage of 10.0V at the input of the V/F converter module. It
includes the attenuation factor of the balanced resistor network and the gain of the input differential
amplifier. It is the voltage corresponding to a value of 1.0 in the DSP internal fractional arithmetic

4-3-1-7 Nom brk dc (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The nominal voltage on the brake DC link. This value is a result of the input AC line voltage and the ratio
of the brake transformer. This parameter is used to scale the gains in the brake current regulator.

4-3-1-7 Brk dcv chg (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The voltage on the brake DC link at which the bus is considered charged.

4-3-1-7 DC link UV (PU)

DC link undervoltage trip point, expressed as per unit of the fully charged DC link voltage computed as
sqrt(2) times the specified AC line voltage.

4-3-1-7 AC Line UVT (PU)

Undervoltage trip point for the AC line voltage, expressed as a per-unit quantity on a base of the nominal
AC line voltage.

4-3-1-7 M1 pick V (PU)

DC link voltage value at which the M1 contactor will pull in, expressed as per unit of the fully charged DC
link voltage computed as sqrt(2) times the specified AC line voltage.

4-3-1-7 Btry Bus Nom DC (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
Nominal DC link voltage during Battery Rescue Operation.

4-3-1-7 Btry Bus OVT (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
Over voltage trip point for the DC link, expressed as a per unit quantity of the Battery Bus Nominal DC

4-3-1-7 Btry Bus UVT (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
Under voltage trip point for the DC link, expressed as a per unit quantity of the Battery Bus Nominal DC

4-3-1-7 Btry Bus PRE (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
DC link voltage value at which the DBSS will leave the precharge state, expressed as a per unit quantity of
the specified Battery Bus Nominal DC Voltage.

5.3.13. Clocks & PWM Parameters (4-3-1-8)

4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM frq (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)

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This parameter specifies the PWM switching frequency for the converter of a regenerative drive. Due to
the resolution of the clock used to generate the frequency (20 MHz), the exact frequency specified may not
be used. The actual rate is displayable on the Service Tool (4-1-3-3).

4-3-1-8 Inv PWM frq (Hz)

This parameter specifies the PWM switching frequency for the inverter. In a regenerative drive, the actual
inverter PWM frequency must be equal to the converter PWM frequency divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 to disable
random PWM. Otherwise, random PWM will average two PWM frequencies to achieve the effective
inverter PWM frequency. In a non-regenerative drive, the inverter PWM frequency will be as close to the
value entered as the ASIC clock frequency allows. The actual rate and the effective inverter PWM
frequency are displayable on the Service Tool (4-1-3-3).

4-3-1-8 Min Inv frq (Hz)

This parameter specifies the minimum effective PWM switching frequency for the inverter when it is
downshifted. The minimum inverter downshift PWM frequency must be equal to the converter PWM
frequency divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 (if regenerative drive present) or the inverter PWM frequency divided by
1, 2, 4, or 8 (if non-regenerative drive present) in order to disable random PWM. Otherwise, random PWM
will average two PWM frequencies to achieve the effective minimum inverter PWM frequency. The actual
rate and the effective inverter PWM frequency are displayable on the Service Tool (4-1-3-3).

4-3-1-8 Brake PWM frq (Hz)

Carrier frequency of the PWM used to drive the chopper transistor for the brake current regulator or the
DBR control. This is a "sine-sawtooth" type PWM, and the current ripple frequency is the same as the
carrier frequency. Typical value is 1250 Hz.

4-3-1-8 Inv dead time (us)

Dead time (overlap protection) enforced between turn-off of one transistor in an inverter leg and turn-on of
the opposite (complementary) device. This value should take into account the turn-off and recovery times
of the devices, as well as delays in the gating circuits.
Appropriate values are found to be 5 us for IGBT's.

4-3-1-8 Inv PWM comp (us)

Compensation for the inverter dead time. This parameter should be set to the effective dead time of the
drive at the output of the IGBT’s. This is typically slightly less than the programmed dead time. Typically,
this is 4.5 us if 5us dead time is used.

4-3-1-8 Inv PWM Adv (PU)

Parameter used to set time advance of the application of inverter PWM compensation. This time
advancement compensates for computation delays in the software. The unit used is the calculated loop
delay (1.0/i_reg_freq+0.5/pwm_freq). Nominally, this parameter should be set to 1.

4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM Type (0/1)

PWM algorithm implemented by converter. The converter can use a Sine-Triangle PWM algorithm (0) or
an Alternate PWM algorithm (1) designed to reduce IGBT switching losses.

4-3-1-8 Inv PWM Type (0/1)

PWM algorithm implemented by inverter. The inverter can use a Sine-Triangle PWM algorithm (0) or an
Alternate PWM algorithm (1) designed to reduce IGBT switching losses.

4-3-1-8 Dnshft Type (0/1)

0 = Inverter PWM frequency is modified based on the inverter current level and output frequency.
1 = Inverter PWM frequency is regulated based on the observed IGBT temperature.

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Selecting “ 0 “ will reveal “Downshift frq Hz” and “Downshift I A” immediately following “Dnshft Type
0/1” in the parameter list. Selecting “ 1 “ will reveal "IGBT Temp degC" and "Diode Temp degC"
immediately following “Dnshft Type 0/1” in the parameter list. These parameters should be input in
accordance with Otis Document No. 53015 to ensure proper drive operation.

4-3-1-8 IGBT Temp (°C) (visible only with Dnshft type set as 1)
This parameter determines the setpoint for the IGBT junction temperature regulator. This value should be
set in accordance with Otis Document No. 53105.

4-3-1-8 Diode Temp (°C) (visible only with Dnshft type set as 1)
This parameter determines the setpoint for the Diode junction temperature regulator. This value should be
set in accordance with Otis Document No. 53105.

4-3-1-8 Downshift frq Hz (visible only with Dnshft type set as 0)

This parameter, in concert with Downshift i A, defines the condition under which the inverter will change
its switching frequency. If the inverter frequency is less than Downshift frq Hz and the inverter current is
greater than Downshift i A, then the PWM frequency of the inverter will “downshift”.

4-3-1-8 Downshift i A (visible only with Dnshft type set as 0)

This parameter, in concert with Downshift frq Hz, defines the condition under which the inverter will
change its switching frequency. If the inverter frequency is less than Downshift frq Hz and the inverter
current is greater than Downshift i A, then the PWM frequency of the inverter will “downshift”.

4-3-1-8 Cnv dead time (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Dead time (overlap protection) enforced between turn-off of one transistor in an inverter leg and turn-on of
the opposite (complementary) device. This value should take into account the turn-off and recovery times
of the devices, as well as delays in the gating circuits.
Appropriate values are found to be 5 us for IGBT's.

4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM comp (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Compensation for the inverter dead time. This parameter should be set to the effective dead time of the
drive at the output of the IGBT’s. This is typically slightly less than the programmed dead time. Typically,
this is 4.5 us if 5us dead time is used.

4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM Adv (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Parameter used to set time advance of the application of converter PWM compensation. This time
advancement compensates for computation delays in the software. The unit used is the calculated loop
delay (1.0/i_reg_freq+0.5/pwm_freq). Nominally, this parameter should be set to 1.

5.3.14. Special Parameters (4-3-1-9)

This category includes three sets of parameters. The first set of four (DAC 0 DISPLAY # - DAC 3
DISPLAY #) is used to select DAC displays on the DIB. Appendix G is a list of possible settings for DAC
Next is a set of ten test parameters named SPARE 0.. SPARE 9. These are used by Engineering to simplify
modifications during system development and they should not be set in the field.
The last set of parameters named DIB Dscrete Ch 0 ..Ch7 control the DIB discrete output channel displays.
Appendix F is a list of possible settings for the DIB discrete outputs parameters.

5.4. Event List Operation

The SVT will show an Event List, which is a series of faults and runs on a single screen.

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5.4.1. Specification
The complete list of displayable events is:
1. END - No further events in the event list.
2. Fnn - A fault id code which is less than 100.
3. fnn - A fault id code which is greater than or equal to 100. The maximum value
of Fnn is 99, it will display fault code 100 as f0. When the fault id code
exceeds 99, the ‘F’ will change to lowercase.
4. POR - Power on reset, means that the software was restarted.
5. Rnn - Number of runs defined as cycles completed through all states of the drive
finite state machine.
6. rnn - Number of runs defined as cycles completed through all states of the drive.
The maximum value of Rnn is 99, it will roll-over to 0 at 100. When the
number of runs exceeds 99, the “R” will change to lowercase. For further
information on the drive state machine and what defines a ‘run’, see
section 4.2.2 of this document.
7. NF - No fault since PTR, POR or FR.
A maximum of 20 events will be stored and displayed in the event list. If more than 20 events occur, the
most recent event will overwrite the oldest event.

The event list screen has the following format:

Event #1 Event #2 Event #3
Most recent Fault 14 Five runs took
failure. If no occurred place between
fault is present, before F72, events #4 &
“NF” will be with no runs in #2.
displayed. between.

F72 F14 R5

Event #4. Event #5 Event #6

There was a The non-volatile There are no
power-on/reset fault log indicates more events in
before the 5 an F10 was the log.
runs. detected some
time before the

Figure 5-1: Service Tool Displaying a Typical Event List

5.4.2. Event List Access

If more events exist than fit on the 2 × 16 SVT screen, the user will have the ability to scroll through the

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• To access the event list, enter keystrokes 4-1-1.
• To clear the event list in RAM and the EEPROM backup of the event list enter keystrokes 4-1-2.
• To advance each event 1 position in the display, hit the GO-ON key.
• For example: Hitting the GO-ON key 2 times while viewing the screen pictured in Figure 5-1 will result in
the following screen shown in Figure 5-2.

R5 POR F10


Figure 5-2

• The GO-ON key may be hit until the event displayed in position 1 is the most recent event. To view the
previous event in the list, hit the GO-BACK key, hitting the GO-BACK key will regress each event 1
position in the display.
For example: Hitting the GO-BACK key 2 times while viewing the screen pictured in Figure 5-2 will result
in the initial screen shown in Figure 5-1.
• The GO-BACK key may be hit until only the most recent event is displayed in position 1.
• To force the screen menu up one level, hit the CLEAR key.

6. Fault Management
6.1. Fault Log Access
All faults detected by the DBSS software are stored in a ‘Fault Log’ which is accessible through
use of the service tool. There are 2 fault logs, the current log contains information about faults
which have been detected since the most recent POR and the EEPROM backup of the fault which
contains fault information from before the most recent POR.
• Both the current fault log and the EEPROM backup of the log have the same format
Each entry in the fault log contains 2 things, the name of the fault and the elapsed time
since POR that the fault was detected.
• Enter 4-2-1 to access the current fault log, faults that have occurred since the most recent
• Enter 4-2-2 to access the EEPROM backup of the fault log, faults that occurred before the
most recent POR.
• Enter 4-2-3 to clear the current fault log.

6.2. Fault Severity Level and Response

Every fault condition detected by the DBSS must have a defined response, ranging from ‘Log
Only’ to ‘Emergency Stop’. Table 6.1 summarizes fault severity level responses.

Fault Severity Level Fault Response Description

1 Log only.
2 Log fault and send drive limit (DL) to MCSS
3 Log fault, send SAS to MCSS, DOES NOT set drive fault (DF).
4 Log fault, force emergency stop, DOES NOT set drive fault (DF).

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5 Log fault, force emergency stop, send drive fault (DF) to MCSS
Another run cannot occur until MCSS clears and then re-asserts PTR,
fault is cleared by PTR.
6 Log fault, complete current run, DOES NOT set drive fault (DF)
send SAS and enter shutdown mode. Will exit shutdown mode if FR,
POR, PTR (from MCSS) or failure condition clears.
7 Log fault, force emergency stop, send drive fault (DF) to MCSS and
force drive IMMEDIATELY into shutdown mode. PTR will NOT be
accepted. A POR is required to take drive out of shutdown mode!
Table 6.1

6.3. Fault Descriptions

The following list includes all faults detected along with their severity level, a possible cause and
potential solutions. The number in bold type to the right of the fault id indicates that faults
severity level. See Appendix E for a list of fault codes id’s.

F1 Gate Supply Fault 5

Hardware detected a loss of power from the supplies for the IGBT gate drives. This results in an
instantaneous inhibit of all gate drive signals in the interface board hardware, turning all IGBTs off as
quickly as possible. Operation of the IGBT's with reduced gate drive voltage has a high probability of
device damage. If the positive supply is low, the devices may turn on slowly or incompletely, resulting in
excessive dissipation. If the negative supply drops first, the IGBTs can be turned on, but not off, resulting
in shoot-through.
In the geared/hydro systems, the switching power supply is monitored and this fault occurs if it ceases to
In the gearless systems, there is a separate DC-DC converter for each IGBT, located on the phase module
assemblies. The output voltage of these converters is monitored by a zener diode and optocoupler to detect
undervoltage conditions. The optocouplers for all 12 IGBT's are connected as a series string and sensed by
a discrete input on the interface board. Loss of any one of these supplies will produce the fault.
Some noise problems have been observed in gearless systems, producing F00 trips at high current levels,
particularly on the AAA revision interface boards. A mod is available to reroute a PC board trace to reduce
the noise susceptibility.
F2 Converter OCT 5
This fault is declared when a converter overcurrent occurs. The overcurrent protection is implemented in
the DSP, which drops the bases when the fault is detected. The protection is provided by comparing the
magnitude of the current with a preset trip point, which is an E2 parameter. The value represents a peak
line current.
F3 IGBT Desaturation 5
Excessive current has been drawn from the drive on the inverter (motor) side. This typically signifies a
problem with the IGBT devices and their related circuitry such as gate drivers. Check that all IGBT’s are
operating correctly.
This fault is detected solely by hardware. The current limit is set by pot VR1 on the gearless and geared
interface boards. This fault will occur if this pot is set too low.
F4 D current fdbk 5
F5 Q current fdbk 5
These faults indicate a failure of a self-health check which is performed during establishing magnetization
(ramp-up of magnetizing current for induction motors or initial magnet position detection locked rotor test
for PM motors) each time the drive is energized for a run. They apply to the inverter (motor) side of the

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drive, only. Note that these faults are only detected during magnetization. Once the magnetization is
established, these conditions are not checked again until the next prepare-to-run sequence. Failure of a
current sensor during operation is through the current sum error.
The outputs of the d- and q-axis synchronous reference frame current regulators are monitored during the
ramp up of the d-axis current. If either regulator output exceeds its limit established in EEPROM (typically
<0.2 per-unit), a fault is declared and the run is aborted. If the drive can successfully establish
magnetization in the motor (drive state 0x3) without either of these faults occurring, it typically means that
all IGBTs and all current sensors are correctly connected and properly functioning.
These faults occur due to virtually any malfunction which interferes with the proper control or sensing of
current by the drive. In particular, a problem with a current sensor, a disconnected current sensor, two
swapped current sensors, or a reversed current sensor will cause one of these faults. Also, a faulty or
disconnected gate drive signal or swapped gate leads can result in these faults. A connection problem
between motor and drive will also produce one of these faults.
The occurrence of these faults indicates the need to carefully check all wiring and connections to the
IGBTs, the current sensors, and the motor. Verify that all leads are properly attached and that connections
are tight. Observe the orientation of the current sensors and the polarity of gate leads. In systems with
output contactors in the motor leads, a failure to energize the contactors or a contact problem can produce
these faults.
The Following Is Only For Induction Motors At First Drive Power-up
During d-current ramp-up (only), orientation is fixed so that the d-axis aligns exactly with the X-phase of
the motor. The X-phase will therefore carry the full magnetizing current into the motor. The magnetizing
current out of the motor is equally split between the Y and Z phases so that Ix=Iy+Iz. During ramp-up, the
d-axis current regulator maintains the correct value of current, supplying voltage to overcome both winding
resistance and the Ldi/dt voltage required by the ramp rate. The q-axis regulator passes none of the
magnetizing current, serving only to keep Iy=Iz. Thus a q-axis fault suggests a problem in the Y or Z
phases, whereas a d-axis fault is more likely in the X-phase. Disconnecting all three phases will typically
show up as a d-axis fault. These "rules of thumb" are subject to the relative levels of the d- and q- axis trip
points, among other things, and should not be relied on absolutely.
F6 Current fdbk sum 5
This fault is detected by the DSP software if the sum of the three inverter output currents differs from zero
by more than the per-unit value in the EEPROM parameter "Inv io error".
This fault can be caused by problems with the motor, or the current sensing circuitry which includes : the
current sensing devices (LEMS), voltage to frequency converters, processor board to interface board
connectors and the FPGA’s.
F7 Overtemp 1
This fault is declared when the heatsink thermal switch in the drive is tripped. In certain elevators, the
motor thermal contact is wired in series with the heatsink thermal switch. When this is the case, the
tripping of the motor thermal contact will also cause this fault. If the motor thermal contact is not wired in
series with the heatsink thermal switch fault "Mtr Thrml Cntct" is declared. In addition to the DBSS
response to this fault, the DBSS sends a ‘stop & shutdown request’ to the MCSS.
If the EEPROM parameter value for “Analog sink (1/0)” is set to a 1, because an analog heat sink sensor is
present, the fault occurs when the temperature of the heat sink has exceeded the EEPROM “Heat sink fault
(C)” value. The fault detection includes hysteresis, and will not clear until the temperature of the heat sink
drops to 15C degrees below the setting. This fault detection can not be disabled.
F8 Motor overload 5
CSA-required detection of motor overload condition. This fault is governed by the three EEPROM
parameters “Drive rated i RMS”, “Mtr ovl i fac (PU)” and “Mtr ovl tmr sec”. “Drive rated i RMS” and
“Mtr ovl i fac (PU)” define the continuous current rating of the drive. “Drive rated i RMS” and “Mtr ovl
tmr sec” define the maximum current rating and the maximum time allowed at this current. Given these
three parameters, it is possible to calculate the maximum times allowed for any other currents. A fault is
declared if a current is held for an excessive period of time.

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F9 Current mean 4
The three inverter currents are added when the drive is idle and their mean is checked against the service
tool parameter “i offs mean lim”. If the mean is out of bounds, the V2F converters are “trimmed” by
changing the bias frequency subtracted from V2F counter values obtained from the FPGA’s. This fault is
declared every time the current mean is out of bounds.
This fault can be caused by a LEM problem, or a V2F or FPGA problem.
This fault has also been observed when the MCSS is disconnected from the drive. Check that MCSS to
drive communications are in order.
F10 Current variance 5
The variance of the three inverter currents is computed when the drive is idle and checked against the
service tool parameter “i offs vari lim”. This fault usually indicates that one or of the current feedback
signals is substantially different from the other two. Since this test is performed while the drive is idle,
there should be zero current through the motor and all three current feedback’s should be fairly close in
value to each other. This fault is caused by a LEM problem, or a V2F or FPGA problem.
F11 DC link OVT 5
An overvoltage on the DC link was detected which exceeded the Overvoltage Trip point in EEPROM.
This is specified by the parameter "Bus OVT" in per-unit of the nominal DC link voltage. This comparison
is performed in software by the DSP. Assuming that the trip point is properly selected, this fault is
normally due to a loss of bus voltage regulation during regenerative braking of the elevator motor. An
overvoltage trip immediately inhibits the IGBT gate signals to stop all switching activity and protect the
devices from operating into a high bus condition.
In gearless systems, the converter regulates the DC link voltage by pushing power back to the utility. If the
converter is operating and the regulator adjustment does not have a stability problem, this fault should not
occur. The most likely cause is a misadjustment of the bus voltage regulator, causing oscillation or
overshoot. Because the bus voltage regulator in the gearless drives operates whenever the inverter is
running, this fault may be seen at times other than during regenerative braking.
In non-regenerative (geared/hydro) systems, the dynamic braking resistor is controlled to dissipate the
energy removed from the motor during dynamic braking. The DC link regulator begins turning on the
dynamic braking transistor (DBT) at 110% of the quiescent bus voltage, and the DBT is fully on when the
bus reaches 115% of quiescent voltage. The quiescent bus voltage is calculated as 1.414*"AC line
voltage". If the DBR ohmic value is too large for the duty or decel rate, it cannot dissipate enough energy
even when fully on and the bus voltage will climb until an OVT occurs.
Relevant EEPROM parameters: Nominal bus DC, DC Link OVT PU, AC line voltage, Bus fscale.
F12 DC link UVT 5
The DC link voltage is monitored by the drive and a fault is declared if it ever falls under a threshold set
with service tool parameter “DC Link UVT”, which is a per unit value of the quiescent DC bus voltage.
This fault may be caused by low AC input line on geared systems. The DC bus initially charges up to a
value determined by the AC line amplitude. Thus if the AC line parameter in the drive is set to 480 volts,
the drive expects the DC bus to charge up to 679 volts. If the parameter “DC Link UVT” is set to .8 then an
undervoltage will be declared if the DC bus voltage falls below 543 volts. However, if the input AC line is
only 360 volts (480 - 25%) the DC bus will charge up to 510 volts. The drive will then declare this fault,
even though there is no problem with the DC bus itself. If this is the case in non-regerative drives, this
fault will be preceded by a converter under voltage fault.
F13 Overspeed 5
This fault is detected for hydro systems operating in all modes and for all other systems operating in DIB
mode or manual mode only. It indicates that the motor speed has exceeded the threshold set by service tool
parameter “Overspeed” in per unit of either the rated motor speed or manual mode speed.
F14 PVT tracking error 5
This fault is detected only in Manual Mode and typically indicates a problem with the PVT. Check all
wiring to and from the PVT, make sure the PVT leads to the drive are not reversed and that the PVT power

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supply is adequate. The threshold for this fault is set with service tool parameters “Pvt thrshld PU” and
“Pvt thrshld mm/s”. Typical settings for these parameters are 0.5 and 150. For PM motors this fault will
force another locked rotor test (for magnet position detection) on the next PTR command.
NOTE: This fault may occur when the motor leads (U and V) are reversed.
This fault may be caused by improper setting of “Man act load kg”. This parameter controls load
compensation in manual mode. To disable load compensation in manual mode, set “Man act load
kg” to 0.0.
This fault may also be caused by improper setting (too high/low) of “Inertia kg-m2”.
F15 Brake IGBT Desaturation 5
Elevators with a BCM only.
This fault is detected by the interface board and it indicates an overcurrent in the break circuit Possible
causes include: a shorted brake coil, a bad drive-brake connection or a bad brake transistor.
The threshold for this fault is controlled by pot VR2 on the interface board. If this pot is set too low, the
fault will trip even though there is no overcurrent.
F16 Brake state 4
The HOST detected that a brake switch is lifted BEFORE a run starts or is still lifted AFTER the run
completes and the allowed time frame has expired.
F17 Brake relay 5
The HOST commanded the brake to pick or drop, but the signal which indicates the state of the brake relay
did not acknowledge the operation within the allowed time frame.
F18 MCSS timeout 5
F19 MCSS orun 1
F20 MCSS parity 1
F21 MCSS framing 1
F22 Svc tool orun 1
F23 Svc tool framing 1
The DUART on the Processor Board is used for asynchronous serial communication with both the MCSS
and the Service Tool, with one DUART channel dedicated to each device. The receive hardware in the
chip detects and reports errors for overrun, parity, and framing for each of the two channels.
If the Host finds one of these errors when reading a received message byte, that byte is ignored along with
the message frame it is contained in.
F24 Tbl 0 dma 1
F25 Tbl 1 dma 5
F26 Tbl 2 dma 5
F27 Tbl 0 bad checksum 1
F28 Tbl 1 bad checksum 5
F29 Tbl 2 bad checksum 5
F30 Tbl 0 no checksum 1
F31 Tbl 1 no checksum 5
F32 Tbl 2 Upl terminate 5
F33 Unexpected DSP Xfer 1
F34 Unexpected DMA 2 1
Inter-processor communication between the Host and DSP takes place through a sequence of interrupts and
high-speed DMA transfers. Numerous handshakes and checks are implemented to monitor the proper
execution of the communication protocol by the two processors. The faults listed above indicate that a
problem in the inter-processor communication has been detected, and provide details to help in its isolation.
These faults should never be observed, as they represent internal system operating problems. If they are
seen, contact Otis Field Engineering or the Farmington Engineering Center with as many details as

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F35 HOST divide by 0 5
F36 HOST math error 5
The Host software includes the full floating-point math libraries of the C++ compiler. These functions are
used extensively during initialization to compute scaling and operating parameters for the DSP, and during
Service Tool operations to compute, scale, and display values. The library routines contain numerous traps
for error handling., and these are logged as faults to assist in debugging.
The most likely cause of any of the above faults is an EEPROM parameter which produces unexpected
results when used in internal math calculations. If the above faults occur during initialization, the drive will
not proceed in its power up sequence; activity is limited to using the Service Tool to access EEPROM.
Verify the contents of the EEPROM parameters against the list provided with the drive as contracted.
Correcting the bad values and resetting the processor should eliminate these faults.
F37 HOST watchdog 1
Host detected a time out of its 30 ms watchdog. This is implemented to indicate software errors. Please
contact Otis Field Engineering or the Farmington Engineering Center with as many details as possible.
F38 DSP watchdog 5
The Host detected a time out in the 1 ms DSP watchdog. The DSP processor must trigger a one shot on the
processor board every ms to ensure that the DSP code is executing correctly and the processor is not hung
up or malfunctioning. When detected, the Host will make an attempt to reboot the DSP. This operation
has a similar appearance to using the Service Tool to modify an EEPROM parameter, i.e., 'WAIT' is
displayed on the ASCII LED’s.
This fault can be caused by a failure in hardware or the DSP processor code. If this fault occurs, check that
the one shot associated with the DSP watchdog is operating correctly, i.e. it decays in one ms and can be
retriggered. In addition check that the one shot is a 74HC123 and not a 74HC123A, check that the
capacitor and resistor which set the retrigger timing are the correct values and that any logic around the
watchdog is functioning properly.
If the hardware checks out and the fault is due to a code failure please contact Otis Field Engineering or the
Farmington Engineering Center with as many details as possible.
F39 Bases Dropped 5
The DSP sends a bit to the host which indicates whether the IGBT bases are enabled or disabled, i.e.
whether or not the transistors are allowed to switch. Once PTR is received, the bases should be enabled
and remain enabled until the end of the run. This fault is declared if for some reason the transistor bases
enable line is inhibited by the DSP in a drive state where the bases should be enabled.
F40 Torq estab state 5
The 80186EC HOST processor sends commands to the DSP processor via a 24 bit word in which the
HOST instructs the DSP in the correct sequence of events to prepare the drive for a run. Two of these
commands are establish magnetizing current and establish torque current. Once the DSP has achieved
these two states, it sends a message back in a different 24 bit word indicating the success of the operation.
Once these states have been achieved, the bits in the DSP to HOST word should never be reset to 0 until
the run is ended and the brake is dropped. If for some reason the bits are reset to 0 before the end of the
run, the HOST will issue these faults.
These faults could indicate a problem with either DSP software or communications between the HOST and
the DSP.
F41 Sfty chain state 1
The safety chain has been lost.

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F42 UDX pick no 5
F43 UDX pick nc 5
F44 UDX not pickd no 5
F45 UDX not pickd nc 5
The UDX relay has two contacts, a normally open contact and a normally closed contact. These faults
indicate that one of the two contacts is not in the state dictated by the Host. For example, "UDX pick no"
indicates that the normally open contact on the UDX relay was instructed to pick but it did not.
These faults usually indicate a problem with the UDX relay on the interface board or may occur if the
safety chain has dropped.
F46 E2 write protect 5
PTR was issued from the DIB, Manual Mode controller, or the MCSS with the EEPROM write protect
switch in the not protected position. The DBSS will not allow a run with EEPROM writes enabled. Place
the switch in the protected (NO EE WRITE) position to proceed with drive operation.
F47 Mtr therml cntct 1
The motor thermal contact has changed state indicating that either the motor is overheating or there is a
problem with the contact circuitry. Check the motor temperature and the thermal contact.
Although motor thermal contacts can be normally open or normally closed, the drive always expects a
normally closed contact. If the thermal contact is normally open, a modification must be made to adapt it to
the drive. Note: In addition the DBSS response to this fault, the DBSS also sends a ‘stop & shutdown
request’ to the MCSS.
F48 Dyn Brk Trnsistr 5
Non regenerative and hydro elevators only.
Detects a failed-on condition of the dynamic braking chopper transistor circuit and removes power from the
drive to avoid excessive continuous dissipation in the dynamic braking resistor.
In geared/hydro drives, the voltage across the Dynamic Braking transistor is monitored. The collector-
emitter voltage is compared against the DC link voltage, and if it falls below 10% of the bus voltage, a
discrete input to the 80186EC is set. The Host processor checks this discrete whenever prepare-to-run is
not asserted: if the DBT is ON with the base drives inhibited, a fault is declared. The Host processor
closes a relay on the interface board which is used to activate the shunt trip coil of the input circuit breaker
to the drive, removing AC mains power from the drive. This is necessary, as it is the only way to shut off
power to the DBR in the event of transistor failure.
Note that in practice, this fault is rarely observed, as the drive power is shut down by the occurrence of the
fault. Note the ASCII display on the processor board will prompt for Fault Log access while the switching
power supply discharges.
F49 Drive Limit 2
Used only in systems with MCSS.
The drive sends a 1-bit message on the serial link to MCSS indicating a high level of torque. The
EEPROM parameter "Drive Limit" establishes this setpoint as a per-unit fraction of the actual torque limit
current set into the EEPROM. When this value of torque is produced, the bit is set in the serial message
and the condition is recorded in the drive fault log.
The Drive Limit function is provided to satisfy the MCSS/DBSS ICD. At present, no MCSS functions use
this signal. It is recorded by the drive as a diagnostic aid only: no action is taken. Torque limiting in the
drive is established by the Current Limit parameter, not by this function.
F50 Brake dropped 5
Used only in drives with brake switches.
The drive detected the opening of the brake switches while the brake should have been lifted. In other
systems, the lifting of the brake is determined by the brake contactor or the brake lifted timer (set in

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EEPROM). In these latter systems the fault indicates that the contactor opened or the brake lifted timer
timed out.
F51 Cnvtr i sum 7
Regenerative drives only.
This fault is detected by the DSP software if the sum of the three converter output currents differs from
zero by more than the per-unit value in the EEPROM parameter "cnv i0 error".
This fault can be caused by problems with the motor, or the current sensing circuitry which includes: the
current sensing devices (LEMS), voltage to frequency converters, processor board to interface board
connectors and the FPGA’s.
F52 Converter phase imbal 6
The AC line input phases are unbalanced, i.e. the amplitudes of the voltages differ from each other by more
than the parameter “Cnvtr ph Imbal” in the service tool. This usually indicates a problem with the mains.
F53 Converter AC UVT 6
The drive measures the voltage on the mains and declares this fault if the amplitude of the voltage is less
than the value in the new service tool parameter “AC line UVT” which sets the lower limit on the AC line
input voltage for safe drive operation as a per unit value of the nominal AC line input voltage. The fault is
cleared when the measured voltage is greater than 1.04 times the fault threshold voltage.
F54 HOST EPROM chksm 1
On power-up the 80186EC Host performs a checksum test on its EPROM. If the test fails, this fault is
F55 DSP user chksm 1
F56 DSP pwr-up chksm 1
F57 DSP code chksm 1
During the boot process, the DSP loads three different segments of code and executes them. As each is
loaded into RAM, its checksum is computed and verified. If any of the three fails the checksum test, a fault
is declared, identifying the particular segment with the problem. A failure here usually indicates an
EPROM problem.
F58 E2 checksum err 1
On power-up and after each EEPROM parameter change the 80186EC Host performs a checksum test on
its EEPROM. If the test fails, this fault is declared.
F59 E2 data invalid 5
One or more of the parameters in the service tool are out of bounds, i.e. higher or lower than predetermined
This fault will be logged as many times are there are invalid parameters. The service tool error log will
indicate which parameter is invalid.

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F60 HOST Scheduler orun 1
F61 HOST 10ms Task orun 1
F62 HOST 40ms Task orun 1
F63 HOST 200ms Task orun 1
F64 DSP Velocity Task orun 5
F65 DSP Power factor Task orun 5
F66 DSP Inverter Current Task orun 5
F67 DSP Field orientation task orun 5
F68 DSP Brake Task orun 5
The real-time executives in the HOST and DSP software monitor their own task execution to ensure the
detection of problems that result in a task being invoked (again) before it has completed from the previous
execution. These faults indicate that this has occurred, and identify which task overran.
These should never be observed. If they are, contact Field Engineering or the Farmington Engineering
Center with as many specific details as possible.
F69 MCSS Invalid Message 1
Data transmitted serially from MCSS to DBSS must adhere to a bit protocol specified in the MCSS-DBSS
I.C.D., document #51081. This fault indicates that during an otherwise normal message reception, data was
received that did not conform to the expected bit pattern. In other words, DBSS received invalid data from
This is typically due to a noisy communications line. Check grounds, shields, and connections.
F70 PLL Unlocked For non-regenerative drives. 6
See below for pll unlock fault on regenerative systems
This fault is declared if the PLL phase error becomes too large. This usually indicates that the PLL has
unlocked and its output is no longer a sinewave with the same frequency as the AC mains. The unlocking
of the PLL can cause problems in the operation of the converter in regenerative drives and in the detection
of AC line undervoltage and phase imbalance both in regen and non regen drives. Conversely, this fault
may be caused by AC line undervoltage and phase imbalance. Check that there are no problems with the
AC mains or the sensing path from the mains to the processor board.
F71 DSP Wrong SCNum 1
The Host and DSP software versions are incompatible with each other. Replace EPROMs with current,
compatible chips. Note the VF DBSS software is released as a set consisting of a DSP EPROM and a Host
F72 UDX pick nc warning 4
F73 UDX pick no warning 4
Two new warnings have been created to prevent false drive faults from being sent to the MCSS. These
warnings are declared if the safety chain is lost before PTR is dropped. This occurs when MCSS is in
inspection mode. Declare a drive fault if PTR is not dropped within 200ms of the safety chain being
F74 DSP Initialization timeout 1
This fault is declared when the DSP has failed to initialize . It is most likely due to incompatible software
versions of the Host and DSP EPROMs being used together. The Host will attempt 5 consecutive retries to
re-boot the DSP when this fault is detected.

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F75 DSP is Dead 5
This fault is declared when the Host has attempted 5 consecutive retires to re-boot the DSP and has not
been successful. The most likely cause is trying to run with incompatible software versions of the Host and
DSP EPROMS. see fault log for version of DSP that the HOST requires.
F76 BOD_I changed 1
This fault is declared when the discrete input battery rescue input has changed state. It is sampled once at
startup to determine if the drive is on battery operation. The fault is declared when the input changes state
after initialization.
F77 Precharge DC Low 1
This fault is declared when the DC Bus fails to reach the M1 pick voltage during normal operation or the
precharge voltage during Battery Rescue Operation. For each case the fault is generated 25 seconds after
initialization. If the voltage is not reached, the system will remain in the precharge state, even if the bus
eventually reaches the required voltage. A system reset is required to reboot. The M1 pick voltage is equal
to (M1 pick V PU) * (Sqrt(2) * (AC Line)). The precharge voltage is equal to (Btry Bus PU) * (Btry Bus
Nom DC). If the fault occurs during normal operation the precharge relay is dropped.
F78 Converter current control loss 5
This fault is declared when the filtered q current error in the converter is larger than the EEPROM
parameter “Cnv i err lim (PU)”. This fault will typically occur when the switching of the converter has
been interrupted for some reason. If the threshold is set too small, then this fault may occur at the
beginning of a run when there is a transient current pulse while the regulator locks to the exact AC line
voltage and phase.
F79 DIB comm failure 5
This fault is declared when the DIB fails to communicate with the DSP for 3 consecutive cycles,
while in a DIB control mode. The fault is not declared if the DIB is only in a monitoring mode.
F80 DIB power down 1
This fault is declared when the DIB power is disconnected while the drive is in a DIB control mode.
This fault is not declared if the DIB is only in a monitoring mode.
F81 Battery DC link OVT 5
(Can be declared only when region parameter is set to PAO)
Drive exceeded trip point set as Btry Bus OVT PU for battery bus nominal DC voltage.
F82 Battery DC link UVT 5
(Can be declared only when region parameter is set to PAO)
Drive went below trip point set as Btry Bus UVT PU for battery bus nominal DC voltage.
F83 Brake charge timeout 1
(Can be declared only when BCM present is set to 1)
This fault is declared when the DSP’s brake DC voltage does not reach the charged value within 10
seconds of initialization.
F84 Brake bus overvoltage 1
(Can be declared only when BCM present is set to 1)
Drive exceeded the trip point Brk Bus OVT PU set as percentage of brake pick current to declare a Brake
bus overvoltage fault.
F85 Brake bus undervoltage 1
(Can be declared only when BCM present is set to 1)
Drive went below the trip point Brk Bus UVT PU set as percentage of brake pick current to declare a Brake
bus overvoltage fault.

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F86 Dictated velocity warning 1
When the difference between the previous MCSS dictated velocity and current MCSS dictated velocity
exceeds the DV acc lim value a “DV WARNING” level 1 fault is logged.
If a “DV WARNING” is detected, do not use the current dictated velocity from MCSS. Apply the previous
valid MCSS dictated velocity as the current dictated velocity.
F87 Dictated velocity fault 4
If the “DV WARNING” fault continues for ‘DV Flt Time sec’, a “DV FAULT” level 4 fault is logged an
emergency stop is performed.
F88 Velocity tracking fault 5
In all operating modes, the dictated velocity which is being sent to the DSP is compared against the dictated
velocity feedback provided by the DSP.
If a deviation exists which exceeds the Vel trk err for Vel trk time a fault is logged.
F89 DSP acceleration task overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of a control loop for reading an external accelerometer prior
to scheduling the next execution for the loop, the fault “DSP acl tsk orun” is declared and the bases are
F90 DSP converter current task overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the converter current control loop prior to scheduling the
next execution for the loop, the fault “DSP cnv i orun “ is declared and the bases are dropped.
F91 DSP PLL task overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the PLL control loop prior to scheduling the next execution
for the loop, the fault “DSP PLL tsk orun” is declared and the bases are dropped.
F92 DSP DCV task overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the DCV control loop prior to scheduling the next execution
for the loop, the fault “DSP DCV tsk orun” is declared and the bases are dropped.
F93 DSP PVTA task overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the PVTA control loop prior to scheduling the next
execution for the loop, the fault “DSP PVTA orun” is declared and the bases are dropped.
F94 DSP PPTA task overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the PPTA control loop prior to scheduling the next
execution for the loop, the fault “DSP PPTA orun” is declared and the bases are dropped.
F95 DSP accl overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the acceleration control loop prior to scheduling the next
execution for the loop, the fault “DSP accel orun” is declared and the bases are dropped.
F96 DSP ovel overrun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the outer velocity regulator control loop prior to scheduling
the next execution for the loop, the fault “DSP ovel orun” is declared and the bases are dropped.
F97 DIB timeout 5
This fault is declared when the DSP is in a DIB mode and DIB communication is not operational for over
one second.
F98 DIB comm warning 1
This fault is declared when the DIB fails to communicate with the DSP for 3 consecutive cycles,
while in a DIB control mode or monitoring mode.

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F99 Heat sink fail 3
This fault is declared when the EEPROM parameter value for “Analog sink (1/0)” is set to a 1, and the
correct LVIB board is present, but the analog heat sink sensor is not connected or has failed.
f0 Heat sink warning 1
This fault is declared when the EEPROM parameter value for “Analog sink (1/0)” is set to a 1, and an
active value for EEPROM parameter “Heat sink warn” exists, and the temperature of the heat sink has
exceeded the warning value. The fault detection includes hysteresis, and will not clear until the
temperature of the heat sink drops to 15C degrees below the setting. This fault detection can be disabled by
setting “Heat sink warn” to zero.
f1 Inverter OCT 5
This fault is declared when an inverter overcurrent occurs. The overcurrent protection is implemented in
the DSP, which drops the bases when the fault is detected. The protection is provided by comparing the
magnitude of the current with a preset trip point, which is an E^2 parameter. The value represents a peak
line current. For PM motors this fault will force another locked rotor test (for magnet position detection)
on the next PTR command.
f2 PLL unlocked For regenerative drives only 4
See above for pll unlock fault on non-regenerative systems
This fault is declared if the PLL phase error becomes too large. This usually indicates that the PLL has
unlocked and its output is no longer a sine wave with the same frequency as the AC mains. The unlocking
of the PLL can cause problems in the operation of the converter in regenerative drives and in the detection
of AC line undervoltage and phase imbalance both in regenerative and non-regenerative drives.
Conversely, this fault may be caused by AC line undervoltage and phase imbalance. Check that there are
no problems with the AC mains or the sensing path from the mains to the processor board. This fault is the
one exception to the fault level and retry type definitions. In addition to sending a stop and shutdown
request to MCSS the fault will force an ESTOP and will force the drive into shutdown mode immediately.
If this fault forced the drive into shutdown mode then, when this fault condition is cleared, the drive will
automatically come out of shutdown mode (assuming no other level 6 or 7 faults are present)
f3 Man mode mtr ovl 7
The detection of motor overload condition while the drive is in Manual mode. This is a level 7 fault which
will force the drive into shutdown mode. A POR will be required to reset this fault. For further information
about motor overload faults refer to F08 “Motor overload”, earlier in this section.
f4 Ac/DcV e2 settng For regenerative drive only 5
This fault is declared when the “AC line voltage (V)” parameter and the “DCV 0=350, 1=750” parameters
do not agree with each other. If the “AC line voltage (V)” parameter is greater than 280V and the “DCV
0=375, 1=750” is set to 0 (375V) or the “AC line voltage (V)” parameter is less than or equal to 280V and
the “DCV 0=375, 1=750” is set to 1 (750V), then the fault will be called. To facilitate testing this fault is
not detected when the drive is in DIB mode.
f5 DC cap failure For regenerative drive only 7
This fault is declared when the estimated power loss in the drive exceeds a limit. This indicates that
excessive power is being dissipated in the drive and is a strong indication that a DC link capacitor has
failed. This is a level 7 fault which will force the drive into shutdown mode. A POR will be required to
reset this fault.
f6 – f26 Auto Tune Faults These faults are reserved for self commissioning – See Section 8
f27 Encoder pos err For PM motor only 1
If the drive loses knowledge of the actual north pole magnet position beyond a certain threshold (see “Enc
err thsh” 4-3-1-4), then this fault will be declared. This condition may be caused by either the encoder
physically slipping with respect to the motor, a non-optimal initial magnet position calculation during the
locked rotor test, or bad motor parameters (see Motor Parameters (4-3-1-4)). This fault is necessary to

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prevent a loss of torque production and to prevent motor velocity instability. This fault detection is
possible because of a secondary magnet position estimator that is based on the back EMF of the motor.
Since this estimator is back EMF based, the fault detection is enabled only when either the motor velocity
feedback or the dictated velocity is above 30% of the rated motor speed E2 setting (see 4-3-1-1 Rated
RPM). This is a level 1 fault that allows the elevator to finish a run. On the next PTR command the fault
will clear and another locked rotor test will be performed to re-determine the north pole magnet position.
f28 LRT motion error For PM motor only 5
When operating a PM motor, a locked rotor test (LRT) is performed before the first run after a power-up to
determine the position of the magnets. This fault is declared if the rotor moves during the test. The
threshold for the fault is typically set to ½ electrical degree (see “LRT err thsh” 4-3-1-4). If this fault
occurs, the LRT is aborted. This fault may be indicative of the brake not being set properly.
f29 DSP fld wkn orun For PM motor only 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the FWC control loop (field weakening controller) prior to
scheduling the next execution for the loop, the fault “DSP fld wkn orun” is declared and the bases are
f30 Brk fbck timeout For drives with BCM only 5
In drives with a Brake Control Module (BCM) the brake current feedback is compared to a brake pick
current threshold. Once the brake feedback current exceeds this threshold, the software declares
“brake_picked” to be true. If the brake feedback current does not exceed the threshold within 10 seconds, a
“Brk fbck timeout” fault is declared.
f31 DSP tmp obs orun 5
If the DSP is not able to complete execution of the TOBS control loop (IGBT temperature regulator) prior
to scheduling the next execution for the loop, the fault “DSP tmp obs orun” is declared and the bases are
f32 Converter AC OVT 6
This fault detects a high AC line. The drive measures the voltage on the mains and declares this fault if the
amplitude of the voltage is greater than the value in the new service tool parameter “AC line OVT” (4-3-1-
7) which sets the upper limit on the AC line input voltage for safe drive operation as a per unit value
(typically set 1.11) of the nominal AC line input voltage. This fault will prevent the DBR feedforward
control from dumping line power into the DBRs. If fault is logged, drive will complete present elevator run
and send a stop and shutdown request to the (L)MCSS. Fault clears when AC line falls 2% below trip point
(hysteresis). This fault will perform an e-stop only in DIB mode.
f33 DBR cntrl err (Non-regen drives only) 5
This fault detects the case of the DBRs firing while the drive is not regenerating. This includes the case of
the "AC line OVT" fault detection failing, where this fault would pick up the dangerous operating condition
of dumping line power to the DBRs. The drive response to this fault is an e-stop.
This fault will also occur if there is an “AC line OVT” condition only in DIB mode.
f35 Inv i high warn 1
This warning is declared when excessive inverter current is detected. This fault is designed to protect the
drive from excessive occurrences of a high inverter current condition (specifically the current caused by an
NTSD run for the 428X drive). The protection is provided by comparing the magnitude of the current with
a preset trip point (see 4-3-1-5 Inv i high lev (A)). The drive response when this threshold is exceeded
is to only log a fault (once per elevator run). After about ten occurrences of this type, the drive will then
enter a shutdown and an “Inv i high flt” (see below) fault is declared. The drive will leave this shutdown
only if there is a system or processor board POR (host reset). This will protect the drive from being
subjected to excessively high inverter currents on a regular basis.
f36 Inv i high flt 7
This fault is declared when about ten events of an “Inv i high warn” warning is declared (see above). The
drive response is a shutdown. The drive will leave this shutdown only if there is a system or processor

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board POR (host reset). This will protect the drive from being subjected to excessively high inverter
currents on a regular basis.

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7. Diagnostic Interface Board (DIB) Operation

The Diagnostic Interface Board (DIB) is an engineering development and test tool which
is not required for DBSS installation or setup in normal elevator contracts. The DIB is
useful in the development, qualification and production testing of drives and in mating a
drive to a new motor type or application for the first time. The capabilities provided by
the DIB may also be helpful when troubleshooting at problem field sites. The DIB is
expected to be used by Otis Field Engineers and Engineering personnel only.
7.1. Overview
The DIB is available in several arrangements or versions. The two main versions are referred to
as the Engineering version and the Field version. Except where noted, information will apply to
both versions. To see the difference between the two versions, cover plate templates can be
found for the Engineering version and the Field version in appendix sections H and I.
Logic which is resident in the normal drive control software enables the DIB to access drive data
at loop control rates and during all modes of operation including normal elevator operation. The
DIB serves primarily as a window into the DSP control loops.

The DIB provides the capability to monitor internal drive software control signals through:
• Digital to analog (D/A) converters which provide the capability to output signals on 4 BNC
connectors. This allows them to be displayed on an oscilloscope or similar device. These
signals can also be displayed on the 4 segment LED which is located on the DIB.
• Twenty-four LED’s which display discrete signals.
• Twenty-five pin DB connector which can also output discrete signals.
• Parallel port when using the DIB PC Test Utility software AAA30449AAA (see Otis
document # 53167, 53164, and the AAA30449AAA software configuration release

Note: Control functions are provided by the Engineering version of the DIB only.

7.2. Maintenance Notes

The software located in the DIB is boot software which establishes communication with the OVF
processor board through a serial connector. DIB functionality software is downloaded to the DIB
from the DSP. This means that increases to functionality of the DIB will not require a physical
change to the DIB itself, the logic will instead be added to the DSP software which is located on
the processor board.

The DIB is available in four different arrangements:

Engineering version with DRAM
Engineering version without DRAM
Field version with DRAM
Field version without DRAM
The DRAM is additional memory which will be used when future DIB monitoring functions are
added. The DIB will not require software modifications to support future monitoring functions;

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however, a DRAM may have to be added. Units without the DRAM will still be equipped with a
socket to allow for field upgrade.

7.3. DIB Kit Part Number Ordering Information

Part Number Description
AAA21305N1 Engineering version without DRAM
AAA21305N2 Field version without DRAM
AAA21305N3 Engineering version with DRAM
AAA21305N4 Field version with DRAM
Note: The ‘N’ number specifies a DIB Kit. To order the DIB box only replace the ‘N’ with ‘H’
(i.e. AAA21305H4 specifies the Field version DIB with DRAM; no cables will be supplied)

7.4. DIB Kit Hardware

All four DIB kit arrangements are shipped with the following items:
• (1) Serial link cable
• (1) 24v universal power supply capable of handling 90-250v.
• (2) Power supply output connectors. These connectors are useful only when an alternate
power supply is used. If using the power supply listed above then disregard these
• (3) Mains cords. Choose the cord that applies to your region. They are supplied for
the following regions:
United Kingdom

Cover plate templates can be found for the Engineering version and the Field version in
appendices H and I.

All DIB versions contain the following hardware functions:

• A four character LED display for alphanumeric output of drive status or data variables.
• A rotary hex switch for selection of data variables to output on the LED display.
• A momentary button for DIB processor reset.
• A 9 pin male DB connector for attachment of the DIB/DBSS interface cable.
• A 25 pin female DB connector for attachment to a printer or personal computer.
• A 5V TTL compatible 25 pin male connector for digital output of 24 drive discrete data
• 24 LED’s for display of 24 discrete data parameters.
• A “POWER OK” LED for DIB power quality.
• A “RESET” LED for DIB processor reset.
• Four 16-bit Digital to Analog Converters (DACs) for analog output of data variables.

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• Four Rotary hex switches for selection of gain for the four analog DACs.

Additional hardware which is included in the Engineering version only:

• Four dip switches and a rotary hex switch for selection of DIB operating modes.
• A momentary button for initiating a change of DIB operating mode.
• A slide switch for activation of PTR.
• A slide switch for activation of LB.
• Three rotary pots for input of analog variables.
• One analog BNC connector for input of an external excitation signal.

7.5. DIB Connection and Power Up

The drive does not have to be powered down when connecting the DIB.
1. Connect one end of the serial link cable to the 9 pin connector located on the end panel of the
2. Attach the other end of the cable to connector J7 on the OVF Processor Board.
3. Connect the power supply to the DIB.
Note: The DIB uses an independent power supply which can be either AC or DC. The DC input
supply can vary from 12V to 60V DC. The AC specification is not yet complete.

7.6. DIB Disconnection and Power Down

The drive does not have to be powered down when disconnecting the DIB.
To prevent nuisance DIB communication faults from occurring, the following sequence should be
1. Disconnect the power supply from the DIB.
2. Disconnect the serial link cable from the processor board.

7.7. Four Character LED Display

Both versions of the DIB (Field and Engineering) include a four character LED.

7.7.1. Engineering Version DIB 4 Character LED Display

For the Engineering version only, the LED display can be configured to show two different sets
of data. Setting DIP switch #4 controls which set is selected for display.

If DIP switch #4 is ON (up), the drive Operating mode is displayed.

The operating mode displays are:
• “MCSS” for MCSS mode.
• “MAN “ for MANUAL mode.
• “DIBX” for DIB mode ( X represents the DIB control-mode, 0-B hex )

If DIP switch #4 is in the OFF (down) position:

The LED display will show a data variable. Refer to Table 7.1 for a list of variables which are
available for display. The variable to be displayed is selected by using the 16 position hex

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switch. The variables will be displayed in hexadecimal format using the 16 most significant bits
of the 24-bit value.

7.7.2. Field Version DIB 4 Character LED Display

Dip switches are not provided on the Field version of the DIB. The 4 character LED display will
show a data variable. Use the 16 position hex switch to select a variable to be displayed. Refer to
Table 7.1 for a list of variables which are available for display. The variable will be displayed in
hexadecimal format.

Display Mode Variable Description

Hex Switch Displayed
0 VEL_REF Velocity Reference
1 VEL_FBCK Velocity Feedback
2 TRQ_REF Internal DSP torque reference
3 FLX_REF Internal DSP flux reference
4 R_PVT Normalized rotor position angle
5 SLIP Electrical slip speed
6 OMEGA_E Electrical synchronous reference speed
7 OMEGA_E Electrical synchronous reference speed
8 I_X_VF V2F converter X phase current feedback
9 I_Y_VF V2F converter Y phase current feedback
A I_Z_VF V2F converter Z phase current feedback
B DIG_INL Digital input word showing status of DIB switches
C VF_BRK_I V2F converter brake current feedback
D I_TORQ_E Inverter torque current reference
E FLT_REG DSP fault register
F FLT_REG DSP fault register, shifted left 8 bits
Table 7.1

7.8. Analog Outputs and Analog Gain Settings

All versions of the DIB contain four 16-bit D/A converters which can be used to output internal
DSP data variables as analog signals. The analog signals are output through BNC connectors.

7.8.1. Analog Signal Output Specifications

• Within the DSP software, all signals are scaled to fit in the range of -1.0 to +1.0. This corresponds to a
range of -5.00V to +5.00V on the analog outputs when the gain is set to 1 by setting the hex switch to
position 0.
• The DIB D/A converters support an expanded analog range of -10.00V to +10.00V. This allows the
gain switches to be used to amplify the voltage range of the signal being monitored.
• Signals beyond the -10V and +10V limits are peak limited.
• All analog outputs are simultaneously updated at the same rate as the drive control loops.

7.8.2. D/A Output Selection

The service tool is used to select which signals will be output as analog signals. Each D/A converter
channel is assigned an EEPROM parameter which is used to specify the desired output variable on that
channel. The DAC display assignments EEPROM parameters can be found in service tool menu 4-3-1-9

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“Special parameters”. See section 5.3 for information on how to use the Service Tool to set EEPROM
For a complete list of signals which are available as analog outputs see Appendix G.

7.8.3. D/A Output Signal Gain Settings

All versions of the DIB are provided with four hex switches labeled ‘GAIN0..GAIN4’. These switches
control the gain settings for the D/A converter channels and allow the output signals to be amplified. The
gain changes are implemented by left-shifting the 24-bit value before writing it to the 16-bit D/A converter
resulting in a ‘digital’ gain rather than analog. The effect is to make more signal information available
from the least significant bits rather than just making the signal larger.
The gain produced by each switch setting is listed below:
Switch Setting Gain Switch Setting Gain
0 1 8 256
1 2 9 512
2 4 A 1024
3 8 B 2048
4 16 C 4096
5 32 D 8192
6 64 E 16384
7 128 F 32768

7.9. Discrete Variable Output Selection

• All versions of the DIB contain 24 LED’s which can be used to output discrete signals.
• Data that is output through the LED’s is also hard-wired to the 25 pin DB connector located
on the side of the DIB.
• Eight of the LED output variable assignments can be controlled by the user while the
remaining sixteen are pre-assigned and cannot be changed. The service tool is used to select a
discrete variable for output.
• Each of the eight programmable LED’s is assigned an EEPROM parameter which is used to
specify the desired output variable. The LED display assignment EEPROM parameters can
be found in service tool menu 4-3-1-9 “Special parameters”. See section 5.3 for information
on how to use the Service Tool to set EEPROM parameters. Note: To disable a discrete
output channel, set the EEPROM parameter for that channel to zero.
• For a complete list of signals that are available as discrete outputs see Appendix F.

Refer to DIB Discrete Output Assignments

Table 7.2 for a list of the DIB discrete output assignments

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Discrete Output Definition Source Update Pin
Variable Rate
SAFE Active if safety is complete (C relay Host 10 ms 24
E2 WRITE Active if E2 WRITE PROTECT is OFF Host 10 ms 25
BASES ENABLED Active if bases are enabled HOST 10 ms 23
M1 PICKED Active if the M1 relay is picked HOST 10 ms 22
PREPARE TO RUN Active if Prepare To Run request is active HOST 10 ms 20
READY TO RUN Active is Ready To Run to is active HOST 10 ms 21
LIFT BRAKE Active if Lift Brake request is active HOST 10 ms 19
BRAKE LIFTED Active if Brake Lifted is active HOST 10 ms 18
DOWNSHIFT Active if drive is in down shift mode HOST 10 ms 16
DRIVE LIMIT Active if drive limit active HOST 10 ms 17
DRIVE FAULT Active if a drive fault exists HOST 10 ms 15
STOP & Active if a Stop & Shutdown request exists HOST 10 ms 14
MCSS COMM Active if a MCSS communications fault HOST 10 ms 3
FAULT occurred
DIB COMM FAULT Active if a DIB communications fault DIB Comm 2
occurred Rate
PC COMM ACTIVE Active if DIB is communicating with a PC DIB Comm 4
PRINTER ACTIVE Active if DIB is communicating with a DIB Comm 5
printer Rate
CH0 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 0’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 7
CH1 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 1’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 6
CH2 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 2’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 8
CH3 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 3’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 9
CH4 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 4’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 11
CH5 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 5’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 10
CH6 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 6’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 12
CH7 Active if ‘DIB Dscrete Ch 7’ is non-zero HOST 10 ms 13
DIB Discrete Output Assignments

Table 7.2

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7.10. DIB Operating Mode
The Engineering version of the DIB allows the drive to input control signals to the drive. This is
allowed only when the drive is in DIB operating mode.

7.10.1. Entering DIB Operating Mode

Special care must be taken when in DIB operating mode or equipment damage may result! For
example, feeding a constant torque current to an unloaded machine can cause the speed to increase out
of control!!
1. Attach the DIB as instructed in section 7.5. These steps allow the DIB to communicate with the OVF
processor board and to run as a monitor.
2. Set DIP switch #1 ON.
3. Verify that both the PREPARE TO RUN and LIFT BRAKE slide switches are set to OFF. The drive
will not enter DIB operating mode unless both of these switches are OFF.
4. Turn the rotary switch labeled ‘DIB Mode’ to select a DIB control mode. See Table 7.3 for a list of
available DIB Control modes.
5. Press the momentary button labeled ‘Mode Change’. This will change the drive operating mode to
DIB mode. The MCSS (if attached) will now be ignored and the drive will operate independently
under control of the DIB.
Note: When in DIB operating mode the safety chain is monitored and must be established. Jumpers
may have to be added to allow the drive to perform a run in DIB mode.

7.10.2. DIB Control Mode Selection

When the drive is in DIB operating mode, it is also in a DIB control mode. For this reason, the steps listed
in section 7.10.1 include selection of a DIB control mode. Perform steps 3, 4 and 5 listed in section 7.10.1
to change the DIB control mode. Table 7.3 summarizes the control modes available and the corresponding
switch position required to enter that mode.

‘DIB Mode’ DIB Control Mode

Switch Setting
1 Torque Mode
2 Inner Velocity Loop Mode
4 Stator Torque & Magnetizing current
5 Magnetizing current mode
7 PWM Open Loop Mode
9 Velocity Mode
A Converter D Current Reference Mode
B Bus Voltage Reference Mode
D Magnet Position Alignment Mode

Table 7.3

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When the rotary switch for selection of a DIB control mode is turned, the display will momentarily display
the switch position. The display of the switch position will end several seconds after completion of rotating
the switch.
The following sections include descriptions of the DIB Control modes.

7.10.3. Mode 1 - DIB Torque Mode

In this mode the reference for the torque current is the sum of DIB POT 2 and the DIB analog input. The
pot value is squared before it is added to the analog input, therefore the torque current reference obtained
from the pot does not vary linearly with the position of the pot. In this mode, the DSP regulates the
currents in the machine but not the speed. The current that the drive can produce is still limited by the
parameter “inv i limit”.
To determine access to EEPROM parameters, see appendix C.
Relevant variables which may be helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• I_TORQ_E : torque current reference
• I_Q_SYN : torque current feedback
• INQ_ERR : Inverter torque current PI regulator error
• V_Q_E : Inverter torque current PI regulator output

7.10.4. Mode 2 - DIB Inner Velocity Loop Mode

In this mode the reference for the inner velocity loop mode is the sum of DIB POT 1 and the DIB analog
input. The pot value is squared before it is added to the analog input, therefore the velocity reference
obtained from the pot does not vary linearly with the position of the pot. Speed is regulated in this mode,
but since the outer velocity loop is completely bypassed speed control may not be perfect. Relevant
variables which may be helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• VELI_REF : Inner velocity loop velocity reference
• VELI_ERR : Inner velocity loop PI regulator error
• VLI_OUT : Inner velocity loop PI regulator output
• MOT_VEL : Motor velocity feedback

7.10.5. Mode 4 - DIB Stator Torque & Magnetizing Current Reference

Induction machine stator torque and magnetizing current references are produced independently of the field
orientation requirements by varying separately their frequency and amplitude. The frequency is controlled
by POT 1 on the DIB. This pot is squared, so the frequency of the currents does not vary linearly with the
position of the pot. The maximum frequency of the current can be changed by parameter “Max sine
frequency”. The amplitude is controlled by POT 2 on the DIB. This pot is not squared. The currents
produced by the drive are still limited to the value entered for “inv i limit”.
To determine access to EEPROM parameters, see appendix C.
Relevant variables which may be helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• I_X_VF : X phase current feedback before offset
• I_Y_VF : Y phase current feedback before offset
• I_Z_VF : Z phase current feedback before offset
• I_X_SEN : X phase current feedback after offset
• I_Y_SEN : Y phase current feedback after offset
• I_Z_SEN : Z phase current feedback after offset

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7.10.6. Mode 5 - DIB Stator Magnetizing Current Excitation Mode
In this mode the reference for the magnetizing current is the sum of DIB POT 2 and the DIB analog input.
The pot value is squared before it is added to the analog input, therefore the magnetizing current reference
obtained from the pot does not vary linearly with the position of the pot. In this mode, the DSP regulates
the currents in the machine but not the speed. The current that the drive can produce is still limited by the
parameter “inv i limit”.
To determine access to EEPROM parameters, see appendix C.
Relevant variables which may be helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• I_MAG_E : magnetizing current reference
• I_D_SYN : magnetizing current feedback
• IND_ERR : Inverter magnetizing current PI regulator error
• V_D_E : Inverter magnetizing current PI regulator output

7.10.7. Mode 7 - DIB PWM Open Loop Mode

This mode should NEVER be used with voltage on the DC link or damage to the IGBT’s may result from
uncontrolled output currents!
The PWM duty cycles for inverter X, Y, Z and converter R, S, T phases are obtained from POT 1 for X and
R, POT 2 for Y and S, POT 3 for Z and T. Each phase duty cycle is independently adjustable. The inverter
and converter operate in open loop, i.e. currents are not regulated. The PWM duty cycles can be examined
at the connectors which carry signals from the interface board to the gate drivers.

7.10.8. Mode 9 - DIB Velocity Mode

In this mode the reference for the velocity of the machine is the sum of DIB POT 1 and the DIB analog
input. The pot value is squared before it is added to the analog input, therefore the velocity reference
obtained from the pot does not vary linearly with the position of the pot. Speed is regulated in this mode.
Relevant variables which may be helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• VEL_REF : Velocity loop reference
• VEL_ERR : Outer velocity loop PI regulator error
• VEL_INT : Outer velocity loop PI regulator integrator output
• VEL_OUT : Outer velocity loop PI regulator output
• MOT_VEL : Motor velocity feedback

7.10.9. Mode A - DIB Converter D Current Reference Mode Applies to regenerative

drives only
In this mode the reference for the D current in the converter is the sum of the Power Factor Controller
output, the DIB analog input, and DIB POT 3. The pot value is squared before it is added to the analog
input, therefore the converter d current reference obtained from the pot does not vary linearly with the
position of the pot. This mode is useful for tuning the converter current loop regulators. Relevant variables
which may be helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• CNV_D_E : Converter d current regulator reference
• CND_ERR : Converter d current regulator error
• CNV_ID_S : Converter d current feedback
• V_D_E_C : Converter d current regulator output

7.10.10. Mode B - DIB Bus Voltage Reference Mode Applies to regenerative

drives only

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In this mode the reference for the bus voltage is the sum of the DIB analog input and 93% of the nominal
bus voltage. This mode is useful for tuning the voltage loop regulator. Relevant variables that may be
helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• DCV_REF : Voltage regulator reference
• DCV_ERR : Voltage regulator error
• VF_VDC : Voltage regulator feedback
• DCV_OUT : Voltage regulator output

7.10.11. Mode D - DIB Magnet Position Alignment Mode

For PM Motors only
This mode was created to help evaluate the accuracy of the initial magnet position detection routine (locked
rotor test) for PM motors. The torque current is held at zero while the magnetizing current is the sum of
DIB POT 2 and the DIB analog input. The pot value is squared before it is added to the analog input,
therefore the magnetizing current reference obtained from the pot does not vary linearly with the position
of the pot. The current that the drive can produce is still limited by the parameter “inv i limit”.
First, power up drive from a completely off state (or perform a host reset). Then, switch to DIB Mode D.
Verify that DIB POT 2 is at 12 o’clock. Lift the PTR and LB DIB switches. To align the north pole
magnet with the drive d-current vector, turn DIB POT 2 clockwise. To align the south pole magnet with
the drive d-current vector, turn DIB POT 2 counterclockwise. Drop PTR and LB switches and switch to
DIB mode 9. Lift PTR switch to run locked rotor test. Check magnet position calculation result in Service
Tool display menu 4-1-3-1 (“LRT angle deg”). This value should be close to 0 degrees when aligned with
the north pole magnet and 180 degrees when aligned with the south pole magnet.
To determine access to EEPROM parameters, see appendix C.
Relevant variables which may be helpful in this mode and can be displayed are:
• I_MAG_E : magnetizing current reference
• I_D_SYN : magnetizing current feedback
• R_PVT : present rotor angle position
• MAG_CPOS : calculated initial magnet position

7.10.12. Performing a Run in DIB Operating Mode

Once the drive is in DIB operating mode you can use the following steps to perform a run. Refer to section
7.10.1 for instructions on how to enter DIB operating mode.
Note: A run can be performed from any control mode.
1. Verify that all three POT switches on the DIB are set to ‘50’ which is equivalent to 0. Once a ‘prepare
to run’ signal in generated, the drive responds to these three POT switches.
2. Verify that the safety chain has been established. Jumpers may have to be added. See regional TIP’s
for information on how to establish the safety chain.
3. Move the PREPARE TO RUN slide switch on the DIB to the ON position.
4. Move the LIFT BRAKE slide switch on the DIB to the ON position.
5. Use the POT switches to control the run. See the descriptions of the individual control modes in the
previous sections to determine which POT switches to use.
6. To end the run, move the LIFT BRAKE switch on the DIB to the OFF position.
7. Move the PREPARE TO RUN switch on the DIB to the OFF position.

7.10.13. Exiting DIB Operating Mode

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To terminate the DIB mode operation, press the drive processor board reset. The drive will re-boot into a
non-DIB mode. Every time the OVF processor board is reset, the drive will exit DIB mode.

8. Self-Commissioning Operation
8.1. Overview
The OVF Self-Commissioning software functions are designed to automatically measure the
induction motor parameters and adjust the service tool parameters in the OVF drive to achieve a
properly tuned drive/motor combination, with the correct magnetizing current, rotor time
constant, and inertia. The benefit of self-commissioning software is that it achieves this without
the need to unrope the elevator, remove the motor or employ special test equipment. The
software requires four values from the motor nameplate: Rated voltage, power, rpm, and
frequency. All other parameters are computed or measured by the drive to achieve correct
elevator operation at the contract speed.
The bulk of the present self commissioning software is geared to induction motors only.

Self-commissioning tests are run in three stages. The first stage is the locked rotor tests, where
the drive adjusts the current regulator and measures the motor parameters. The motor does not
turn during these tests, and the brake is not lifted. This stage is required if the motor parameters
are not known beforehand.
The second stage is a fine-adjustment of the rotor time constant and magnetizing current, to
ensure that the rotor time constant and magnetizing current are set to correct values for running at
contract speed. The second stage requires the installer to command high speed, multi-floor runs
under control of the motion subsystem. It is important that the elevator reach contract speed
during these runs, and that the car be empty. To ensure consistent and accurate measurements, all
runs must be between the same two landings, e.g., from bottom to top, or from floor 2 to 8, etc.
The third stage of self-commissioning is the inertia adjustment. The operator requirements for
this stage are identical to those for the second, i.e., to command multi-floor runs under control of
the motion subsystem.
If the only available data on the motor is the nameplate data, the complete set of self-
commissioning tests should be run. On new equipment installations, where the motor parameters
are factory-set, it is possible to run only the inertia adjustment.
The elevator runs during the second and third stage of self-commissioning may be commanded
using the service tool interface to the MCSS or the OCSS. It is also possible, and may be
preferable, to use the service tool to set up the OCSS to cycle the elevator up and down
automatically. Allow for a 15 second interval between runs, and make sure that the elevator
reaches full contract speed for at least 3-5 seconds during the run. The elevator controller may be
set to ‘Inspection” to temporarily halt the cycling, for example when it is time to save the service
tool parameters (this is further described in the step by step procedure).
The self-commissioning stages were designed to run in sequence or as standalone tests. Each
stage, however, relies on certain EEPROM parameters. These parameters should be obtained
either through self commissioning tests or entered into the EEPROM by the installer. For
example, the Fine-Tuning stage requires (Lσ), also known as the motor transient inductance, in
service tool parameter ‘Lsigma’ in menu M4314. This value can either be computed from locked
rotor tests or, if known, entered manually by the installer. Either method is acceptable.
At the end of each self commissioning test, the user is given the opportunity to save the
determined parameters to EEPROM automatically or to abort without saving. The determined

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parameters are available for inspection in the self-commissioning display menu 4-4-2 until the
processor board is reset or the drive powered down.

NOTE 1: Do not unplug the service tool from the drive during the self-commissioning tests. The
tests will abort when the SVT is reconnected, and all test data will be lost.
NOTE 2: The drive service tool CANNOT be used to view dynamic displays such as current,
torque or motor voltage while the self tuning tests are in progress (see following note).
NOTE 2: To abort self-commissioning tests hit Module, Function or Set key on the service tool.
NOTE 3: The drive will NOT accept PTR from L/MCSS while in self commissioning mode
(processor board displays *0Ax’) unless it specifically asked for through the service
tool during fine tuning and inertia tests. You MUST exit the self commissioning mode
(see section 8.4.8 below) to run the elevator in normal, inspection or manual mode.

8.2. EEPROM parameters

The following is a list of all the EEPROM parameters determined by self commissioning (listed
by test):

Test Menu Parameters

Locked Rotor 4311 ‘Inertia’ (estimate)
4314 ‘Rotor time const’, ‘Rated mag I’, ‘Rated trq I’,
‘Rated trq’.’Lsigma’
4315 ‘Inv Load L’, ‘Inv Load R’
Fine Tuning 4314 ‘Rotor time const’, ‘Rated mag I’, ‘Rated trq I’,
‘Rated trq’
Inertia 4311 ‘Inertia’

All other EEPROM parameters, such as limit current, drive rating, pretorque trim, etc, must be set
correctly as they are not self-tuned. The “Mag I Pk” E2 parameter (4-3-1-4) should be set to

8.3. How do I do this ….

The following table is intended to help the user determine which self commissioning tests to run
based on the available motor and hoistway data.

Situation Tests to Run Steps to take

Modernization job, no data Locked Rotor Start with section 8.4.1. Stop before section 8.4.5.
available except for motor
nameplate data and duty data.
Only manual mode elevator
operation required.
Modernization job, no data Locked Rotor, Start with section 8.4.1. Perform all self
available except for motor Fine Tuning, commissioning tests.
nameplate data and duty data. Inertia
L/MCSS connected and
Have reasonable estimate of Locked Rotor, Start with section 8.4.1. Perform all self

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Situation Tests to Run Steps to take
motor parameters and current Fine Tuning, commissioning tests.
regulator parameters but do Inertia
not know motor Lsigma
(transient inductance)
Have reasonable estimate of Fine Tuning, Enter the following SVT parameters :
motor parameters and current Inertia M4315 - ‘Inv Load L’, ‘Inv Load R’
regulator parameters and M4314 - ‘Number of poles’, ‘Rotor time const’,
have reasonable estimate of ‘Rated mag I’, ‘Rated trq I’, ‘Rated trq’,
motor Lsigma (transient ‘Mtr shft pwr’, ‘Rtd mtr spd’, ‘Rtd mtr
inductance) and inertia. volt’, ‘Rtd mtr frq’.’Lsigma’
M4311 - enter your best guess for inertia.
Check that elevator runs in inspection or manual
mode. If it does not start with section 8.4.1, else
start with section 8.4.5.
Elevator runs ok, but require Inertia Enter your best guess for inertia in M4311.
better inertia estimate Start with section 8.4.6.

8.4. Running Self-Commissioning Tests

8.4.1. Entering Auto Tune Mode
1. Turn the E2 write protect switch on the processor board to the CHANGE position.
2. Use the SVT to access category 4-3-1-1 and hit the go-on key until the parameter ‘Auto
Tune 1/0’ is displayed. Set the parameter to 1.
3. Hit the go-on key to display the parameter ‘Max LR ampl PU’. Make sure that this
parameter is set to 0.2. This parameter controls the amplitude of the test current. 0.2
corresponds to 20% of drive rated current.
4. For Locked Rotor Test only (section 8.4.3) and not necessary for Fine Tuning or Inertia
Access category 4-3-1-5 and hit the go-on key until the parameter ‘Inv i bw’ is displayed.
Set this parameter to 0.6 for D25 machines, 0.8 for all other machines.
5. Verify that ‘Motor Nameplate Data’ and ‘Number of Poles’ (see section 8.4.2) are
entered correctly.
6. When ‘WAIT’ is no longer displayed on the processor board ASCII LED’s hit the
RESET button on the processor board to POR the drive. Hitting RESET will allow the
drive to change modes. The ASCII LED display on the processor board will show
“0AA” or “0A0” to indicate that the drive is in auto-tune mode. Go to section 8.4.3 to
perform the ‘Locked Rotor Test.’ For a description of drive modes, see Section 4.

If the ASCII LED display on the processor board is not ‘*0AA’ or

‘*0A0’ STOP HERE and see section 8.5: ‘Troubleshooting Notes’

8.4.2. Entering Motor Nameplate Data and Number of Poles.

1. With the E2 write protect switch still in the CHANGE position use the SVT to access
category 4-3-1-4 and hit the go-on key to display the ‘Number of Poles’ parameter. Enter
the number of poles in the motor. The number of poles in a motor can be determined
with the following formula :

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Rated _ frequency
number _ of _ poles = 120 *
Rated _ RPM

where Rated_frequency and Rated_RPM are the nameplate RPM speed and frequency
respectively. If number_of_poles results in a decimal number then round the number
down to the nearest even integer (4.11 would be entered as 4). Alternatively you can use
the following graph to look up the rated RPM and frequency and match it to the closest
‘pole’ line :

RPM vs Frequency for different pole configurations















4 Pole Machine
6 Pole Machine
8 Pole Machine

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60
Frequency (Hz)

2. Hit the go-on key until the parameter ‘Mtr shft pwr KW’ is displayed. Enter the rated
power in kilowatts from the motor nameplate.
3. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd mtr spd RPM’ parameter. Enter the rated speed in
rpm from the motor nameplate.
4. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd motor V ln-ln’ parameter. Enter the rated motor
line-to-line rms voltage from the motor nameplate.
5. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd motor frq HZ’ parameter. Enter the rated
frequency in Hz from the motor nameplate.
6. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd Lsigma H’ parameter. Enter the motor transient
inductance (Lsigma) if known or 0.001 if not known. The drive will determine this value
during the locked rotor phase of the tests.
7. Turn the E2 write protect switch on the processor board back to the PROTECT position.

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8.4.3. Initial Tests with Stationary Elevator (Locked Rotor Tests) – INDUCTION
1. Power down the drive.
2. Establish the safety chain at the drive according to correct local practices. For NAO,
apply 120 VAC to either the “U” or “D” controller relay (may be subject to controller
change). In ETO there is a contact between the drive output and the motor input leads,
this contact must also be jumpered out as follows : jumper from XSW1-13 to XSW2-13
and jumper from XSW1-33 to XSW2-33 (may be subject to controller change), this
allows the SW1 and SW2 switches to energize. If not done the motor is not connected to
the drive which defeats the object of the test. Do not forget to remove these jumpers once
the locked rotor tests are finished.
3. Power on the drive.
4. If the drive is in self commissioning mode and the safety chain is established, the
display on the processor board will read ‘*0A0’. If the display reads ‘*0AA’ then the
safety chain is not present, power the drive down and trouble shoot the safety chain
5. Reset the SVT and access category 4-4-1-1. To start the test, hit ‘Go-On’ on the SVT.
The drive will now automatically tune the current regulators and measure the motor
parameters. During the tests, the drive will display its progress on the service tool screen.
6. When the tests are finished, the SVT will display ’Lckd Rotor Tests / Complete Hit >’.
Hit the go-on key to proceed.
7. The service tool will now display ‘To save data to / EEPROM hit >’. To save the data to
EEPROM automatically hit go-on. Otherwise hit the module, function or set keys to
abort the test. If the saving operation is aborted, the determined parameters will not be
saved to EEPROM but will be available for inspection in M442 (see section 8.4.7).
8. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the CHANGE
9. The data will be saved.
10. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the PROTECT
11. Hit go-on to continue
12. The service tool will now remind you that to run the next test, fine tuning, you need to hit
M4412. Access category 4-3-1-5 and hit the go-on key until ‘Inv I bw’ is displayed. Set
this parameter to 1.0.
13. If a jumper was required to satisfy the safety chain in Step 2, power down the drive and
remove the jumper. If you need to power the drive down to remove jumpers, first access
category 4-4-2 and write down the locked rotor test results as required in the data-sheet.
These results will not be displayed in M442 once you cycle power to the drive (of course
if you saved them to EEPROM, you can search for them in the regular service tool tree,
such as rotor time constant in M4314 and the current regulator parameters in M4315).

8.4.4. Checking Motor Phasing

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1. After the locked rotor tests, the elevator should move in manual mode or inspection
mode. Power up the drive, exit auto tune mode (see section 8.4.8) and check that the
elevator runs by using manual or inspection mode.
2. If the elevator fails to move and a motor overcurrent fault is logged, check the phasing of
the motor with the appropriate procedure. One such procedure is outlined in

STOP HERE if you plan to run in manual mode only.

8.4.5. Motor Fine-Tuning Tests - INDUCTION MOTOR ONLY!!

1. If necessary, power on the drive and reset the SVT. Ensure that the drive is in auto-tune
mode see section 8.4.1 (The LED should display ‘0A0’ or ‘0AA’).
2. Disable hall calls, car calls and parking operations before proceeding. Also, disable
doors so that passengers cannot enter the car.
3. Make sure that the four correct motor nameplate parameters are entered in M4314.
4. If the locked rotor tests were not run or the parameters obtained not saved, make sure that
the correct value of Lsigma (transient inductance) is entered in service tool parameter
‘Lsigma’ in menu M4314.
5. Before starting the test, select two floors between which you want to run. Ensure that the
car is at the lower of the two floors (first requested run is up). If this is not the case, put
the drive in L/MCSS mode and move the car as necessary. Then re-enter auto tune mode
(see section 8.4.1)
6. Access menu 4-4-1-2, and hit ‘go-on to start the test.
7. When prompted by the SVT, issue an up call through the MCSS. Then, When prompted
by the SVT, issue a down call through the MCSS.

OR - allow the elevator to cycle up and down while the drive collects data and adjusts the
SVT parameters (cycle the elevator between the two selected floors with a delay of at
least 15 seconds).

It is required that the car reach contract speed for 3-5 seconds during these runs,
and that the car be empty.

8. Step 4 will repeat several times (at least 4 cycles of up and down runs). A minimum of
three cycles is required to determine the rotor time constant. One additional cycle is
required to check the magnetizing current and determine the magnetizing inductance. If
the magnetizing current requires adjustment, the rotor time constant must be re-checked,
requiring additional up/down runs.
9. When the tests are finished, the SVT will display ‘Fine Tuning / Complete Hit >’. Hit
the go-on key to proceed.
10. The service tool will now display ‘To save data to / EEPROM hit >’. To save the data to
EEPROM automatically hit go-on. Otherwise hit the module, function or set keys to
abort the test. If the saving operation is aborted, the determined parameters will not be
saved to EEPROM but will be available for inspection in M442 (see section 8.4.7).
11. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the CHANGE

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12. WAIT will be displayed on the processor board ASCII leds while the data is saved.
13. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the PROTECT
14. Hit the ‘go-on’ key to continue
15. The service tool will now remind you that to run the next test, inertia tuning, you need to
hit M4413

START HERE to run Inertia test only

8.4.6. Inertia Adjustment – Induction Motor or PM Synchronous Motor

1. If necessary, power on the drive and reset the SVT. Ensure that the drive is in auto-tune
mode see section 8.4.1 (LED should display ‘0A0’ or ‘0AA’)
2. Disable hall calls, car calls and parking operations before proceeding. Also, disable doors
so that passengers cannot enter the car.
3. Before starting the test, select two floors between which you want to run. Ensure that the
car is at the lower of the two floors (first requested run is up). If this is not the case, put
the drive in L/MCSS mode and move the car as necessary. Then re-enter auto tune mode
(see section 8.4.1)
4. Access SVT menu 4-4-1-3 and hit the ‘go-on’ key to start the test.
5. When prompted by the SVT, issue an up call through the MCSS. Then, When prompted
by the SVT, issue a down call through the MCSS.

OR - allow the elevator to cycle up and down while the drive collects data and adjusts the
INERTIA parameter (cycle the elevator between the two selected floors with a delay of at
least 15 seconds).

6. Step 3 will repeat several times (at least 2)

7. When the tests are finished, the SVT will display ‘Inertia Tuning / Complete Hit >’. Hit
the go-on key to proceed.
8. The service tool will now display ‘To save data to / EEPROM hit >’. To save the data to
EEPROM automatically hit go-on. Otherwise hit the module, function or set keys to
abort the test. If the saving operation is aborted, the determined parameters will not be
saved to EEPROM but will be available for inspection in M442 (see section 8.4.7).
9. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the CHANGE
10. The data will be saved.
11. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the PROTECT
12. Hit the ‘go-on’ key to continue.
13. The service tool will now remind you that to view the results of the tests you can display
them by hitting M-442.

8.4.7. Parameter Display

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1. Access SVT menu 4-4-2 to display parameters which were determined during the self-
commissioning tests.
2. Hit go-on or go-back to move back and forth between the different display parameters.
Please note that some parameters may be zero if the test has not been performed yet or if
the processor board was reset between tests.

8.4.8. Exiting Auto Tune Mode

1. Turn the E2 write protect switch on the processor board to the CHANGE position.
2. Use the SVT to access category 4-3-1-1 and hit the go-on key until the parameter ‘Auto
Tune 1/0’ is displayed. Set the parameter to 0.
3. When ‘WAIT’ is no longer displayed on the processor board ASCII LED’s hit the
RESET button on the processor board to POR the drive. Hitting RESET will allow the
drive to change modes. The ASCII LED display on the processor board will no longer
show “0AA” or “0A0” to indicate that the drive is in auto-tune mode. For a description
of drive modes, see Section 4.

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8.5. Troubleshooting Notes

Caution : Most of these faults have never been observed and are not expected to ever occur. They have been
included for debugging purposes only. Experience will dictate whether or not they will appear in the next

The following is a list of the most common problems encountered while self commissioning the drive. Please refer
to this list if you have a problem.

Symptom Possible Cause Steps to take

The LED on the processor board Processor board was not Make sure that “Auto Tune” parameter in menu
does not display “0AA” or reset after setting “Auto 4311 is set to 1 and reset processor board.
“0A0” Tune” parameter to 1 in
The LED on the processor board The safety chain is not Repeat Step 2 in section 8.4.3
displays ‘*0AA” instead of established . The 4th character in the LED display reflects the
‘*’0A0” and the drive will not state of the safety chain, when it is ‘A’, the safety
run chain is open.
Locked rotor test aborts and a Nameplate data is Verify that the motor nameplate data are entered
Host math error is declared in incorrect correctly. Re-run locked rotor test (4-4-1-1)
the fault log 4-2-1
The SVT ‘Module’ key Re-run the test.Hitting the ‘Module’ key will abort
has been hit. the self-commissioning teste and put the drive into
Drive does not accept a run shut-down mode.
command from LMCSS and
no faults are declared. The SVT was unplugged Re-run the test.Unplugging the service tool has the
during the test and same effect as hitting the ‘Module’ key.
plugged back in.
Service tool screen displays A severe fault has been Access the fault log using the service tool
FLT! Test halted and ASCII detected. keystrokes Module 4-2-1 to determine cause of
LED’s display !000 or !00A fault. For a full description of drive faults, see
Section 6.

Fault: E2 Write Protect The E2 write protect Set E2 write switch to the PROTECT position.
switch was left in the Reset the processor board. Re-run the test.
CHANGE position when
PTR was issued.
Motor is phased Check motor phasing and re-run test.
Fault: Inverter OCT Motor nameplate data is Check for errors in motor nameplate parameter
Motor Overload incorrect, or the elevator data (4-3-1-4). Specifically, make sure that the
duty is greater than the data entered is the nameplate data and not the
motor rating. contract data (unless they are the same).Also,
verify that the car is empty during tests in (4-4-1-
Fault: Not Empty Car The car is not empty or Check that the car is empty and/or the overbalance
the overbalance is wrong and run the test again
Fault: PTR time out The user waited longer Reset processor board and start test over. The user
than two minutes to enter has two minutes to enter a car call and run the
a PTR command from the elevator or a fault will be logged.
Fault : LR RTC is zero A serious problem with Reset processor board and restart locked rotor
internal drive software tests. If problem persists report it to Farmington
has occurred Engineering.

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Symptom Possible Cause Steps to take
Fault : FT Itrq not comp The torque current was Restart fine tuning tests.
not computed at the end
of fine tuning tests.
Possible problem with
magnetizing inductance.
Warning : Car mvd opp dir The car moved in the up Run the car in the direction asked for by the
direction when the drive service tool. It may be advantageous to restart the
SVT asked for a down test.
run or viceversa

The following faults can occur during locked rotor tests and they will be preceded by a “Bad DSP Feedback”
warning. The occurrence of any of these faults indicate a serious problem with the drive and they should, in theory,
never be observed :

Fault Possible Cause Steps to take

Kp Not Computed The cause of any of There is no action to be taken by the user.
Ki Not Computed these faults is a bad A fault of this nature should be reported to
Lsig Not Comptd feedback from the DSP Farmington Engineering
LR RTC Not Init This usually indicates a
LR RTC Not Comp severe problem.

The following warnings indicate that the locked rotor tests have taken longer to converge than usually required. The
usual course of action for these warnings is to complete the tests, save data to EEPROM and try the fine tuning tests.
If the obtained parameters are not too far off the actual parameters, the fine tuning stage will recover and converge
to the correct parameters. As a last resort, the parameters “MAX Lr Ampl PU” can be increased from 0.2 to 0.25
and the tests run again.
Warning Possible Cause Steps to take
Kp did not conv Bad nameplate data. It is profitable to finish the tests and save the
Ki did not conv Bad signal to noise obtained data to EEPROM. Fine tuning
LR RTC not conv ratio when getting data. will recover from slightly off locked rotor data.

The following faults indicate a serious problem with the calculation of the operating point for the motor (the
relationship between voltage, speed and frequency) during the final stage of locked rotor tuning.

Fault Possible Cause Steps to take

Id & V Diverge Possible problems with Rerun entire locked rotor tests.
magnetizing or transient
inductances calculated in
previous tests.
Op Pnt Not Found The nameplate data is not Check nameplate data, rerun entire set of locked
correct or there is a rotor tests.
problem with
magnetizing or transient
inductances calculated in
previous tests.
Imag > Drive Rtd The nameplate data is not Check nameplate data, rerun entire set of locked
correct or there is a rotor tests.
problem with
magnetizing or transient
inductances calculated in
previous tests.

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The following faults indicate a problem in the convergence of the fine tuning or inertia tests. The fine tuning and
inertia tests perform up and down runs to gather data. One set of up and down runs is considered one try. The
number of tries (and therefore up and down runs) is limited because the tests should converge fairly quickly. If
these tests do not converge then there is probably a problem in the fine tuning tests. The steps to take for these faults
are difficult to determine until we get some more experience.

Fault Possible Cause Steps to take

FT RTC not conv Rotor time constant fine Restart fine tuning tests.
tuning took longer than
ten tries.
Fin Tn not conv The drive took longer Restart fine tuning tests.
than five rotor time
current sets to fine tune.
FT Id not conv Magnetizing current fine Restart fine tuning tests.
tuning took longer than
ten tries
Inertia not conv Inertia tuning took longer Restart inertia test.
than 10 tries

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Self Commissioning Data Sheet Sheet: 99 of 122

Installation Data

Location :

Date :

Installer :

Hoistway Data

Duty Load : kg Machine (e.g. 18ATF) :

Duty Speed : m/s Rise : m

Gear Ratio : Sheave Diameter : m

Roping (1:1 or 2:1) : Guides (Slide/Roll) :

Drive Setup Data

Drive Rating : Amps Otis copyrt (4131) :

Inv PWM Frq (4133) : Hz Inv Dshft frq (4133) :

I reg frq (4133) : Hz

Velocity Gain (4311) : AC Line Voltage (4311) : V

rated rpm (4311) : rpm Norm Vel Resp (4312) :

Innr Xover (4312) : rad/s inv_i_bw (4315) : p.u.

Downshift frq (4318) : Hz Downshift I (4318) : A

If you already have parameters for this system, i.e. you are only testing the software or you
want to double check your parameters with self-commissioning complete the following
section with the existing parameters. If this is not the case then proceed directly to the
Motor Data Section

Existing Drive Parameters Affected By Self Commissioning

Inertia (4311) : kg-m2 Rotor time const (4314) : s

Rated mag I (4314) : A Rated trq I (4314) : A

Rated trq (4314) : N-m Inv load L (4315) : H

Inv Load R (4315) : Ohms

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Motor Data (from nameplate - enter in SVT 4-3-1-4)

Manufacturer : Model No. :

Rated Power : kW Rated Voltage : V

Rated Speed : rpm Rated Frequency : Hz

Self-Commissioning Process Data

Test (4-4-1-2) RTC Fine Tuning Test (4-4-1-3) Inertia Tuning

Length of Run : Length of Run :

# UP/DOWN runs : # UP/DOWN runs :

Self-Commissioned Parameter Values (SVT Menu 4-4-2)

Auto inv load L : H Auto inv load R : ohm

Lckd Rot Lsig : H Lckd Rot RTC : sec

Lckd Rot Lphi : H Lckd Rot Imag : A

Lckd Rotor Itrq : A

Fine Tune RTC : s Fine Tune Imag : A

Fine Tune Lphi : H Fine Tune Itrq : A

Inertia : kg-m2 Rated Torque : N-m

Fine Tune Id V : V

Installer Comments

After self-commissioning, is the elevator performance OK? YES NO

If NO, what is wrong?

How difficult was self-commissioning to use? Easy 1 2 3 4 5 Hard

List any faults that occurred during Self-Commissioning:

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Appendix A Service Tool Menu Tree

DBSS = 4





4135 = MCSS COMM.






4313 = BRAKE /DBR

4314 = MOTOR


4316 = TIMIMG


4318 = CLOCKS & PWM

4319 = SPECIAL



4413 = INERTIA


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Appendix B Variable Display Menu Tree

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M O D U LE 41 = M O N IT O R 413 = V A R IA B LE D IS P LA Y
DBSS = 4

4131 = 4132 = 4133 = 4134 = 4135 =


O tis V F S C N N o. D C link V C nv P W M frq H z B rak e lifted M C S S D V m m /s

C ar speed m m /s D B R low er lim V Inv P W M frq Hz IO 7..0 D ict accl m m /s/s
M otor speed rpm E st m ag off deg Inv D shft frq Hz IO 15..8 Load percent
R otor position B ck -em f rpm est Inv E ff P W M H z IO 23..16 P repare to run
LR T angle deg LR T D C level A Inv I bw Hz A bort run Lift brak e cm d
D ictatd vel m m /s LR T init angle deg Inv I bw ds Hz Init request R eady to run
B rak e B us V LR T L m in mH C nv I bw Hz P repare to run H ydro B D I
B rak e A LR T L m ax mH i reg frq Hz R eady to run B rak e lifted
D ict brak e A Lq bulk mH F ield or frq Hz B ases enabled C ar m oving up
M tr trq k gf @ car X offset A V el reg frq Hz D C undervoltage C ar m oving dow n
M tr trq PU Y offset A B rk reg frq Hz M 1 pick voltage D rive lim it
M tr i RMS A Z offset A E ff shv diam m m D rive fault
M tr id A X phase A C ar vel fs m m /s
M tr iq A Y phase A M otr vel fs rpm
M tr v RMS V Z phase A V el inner gain
M tr vd V ioffs m ean A B ias trq const
M tr vq V ioffs vari A S lip gain H z/T r
C nv I RMS A V F bias frq MHz Inv Z base
Line-Line V A ccelm tr fdbk m g F lux Lev @ R T R %
Line P ow er kW
C nv P ow er kW
Inv P ow er kW
D rive Loss kW
H t S ink C U R degC
H t S ink M A X degC
C P U util M IN %
C P U util C U R %
C P U util M A X %

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D BSS = 4


4136 = 4137 = Auto inv load L (H)


Lckd Rot Lsig (H)

Brk sw1 dropped Etsc contact Lckd Rot RTC (sec)
Brk cont picked U DX relay Lckd Rot Lphi (H)
Brk sw2 dropped Brake relay Lckd Rot Im ag (A)
UDX picked SSB relay Lckd Rotor Itrg (A)
UDX dropped M 1 contactor Fine Tune RTC (s)
C picked Fan relay Fine Tune Im ag (A)
Battery rescue Precharge relay Fine Tune Lphi (H)
M anual input R em relay Fine Tune Itrq (A)

M an. down input Inertia (kg-m 2)

M anual up input Rated Torque (Nm )

Brake desat fault Fine Tune Id V (V)

IG BT desat fault

High tem p

G ate supply fault

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Appendix C EEPROM Parameter Menu Tree

DBSS = 4

4311 = 4312 = 4313 = 4314 =


Motor Phasng 0/1 Norm vel resp Bcm present? 1/0 Induction=0 PM=1
Vel gain Innr Xover rad/s Brake Pick A LRT DC Level A
IInertia kg-m2 LP filter frq Hz Brake hold A LRT err thsh deg
Rotate dir 1/0 Pretrq risetime Brake drop A Enc err thsh deg
Pretrq trim PU Rotr stop tol mm Brk ramp t secs T/A Iq offset A
Encoder ppr Overspeed PU Brk pick PU T/A Id slope PU
Enc Filter 0…4 Vel nch fltr 1/0 Brk drop PU Kt slope 1/Nm
Rated rpm Notch #1 F0 Hz Brk I bw Hz Number of poles
Duty speed mm/s Notch #2 F0 Hz L brk H Vel head room PU
Dely brk lftd DV acc lim m/s/s R brk ohm Duty load kg
Delay lft brk DV Flt Time sec R dbr fdfwrd Rotor time const
AC line Vel trk err mm/s Brk sw pres? 1/0 Rated mag i A
Mtr ovl tmr secs Vel trk time sec Brk Bus OVT PU Mag I Peak A
Single Phase 1/0 Brk Bus UVT PU Min Ramp Time s
ETSC Trip vel PU Max Flux Time S
SSB Trip vel PU Imag DnRmp Tim
DCV 0=375 1=750 Rated trq i A
Auto Tune 1/0 Rated trq n-m
Max LR ampl PU Fld Wkn level PU
Man ESTOP 1/0 Field Wkn bw Hz
Man accel mm/s/s FWC bulk Ld mH
Man decel mm/s/s Lq_c0 1/mH
Man speed mm/s Lq_c1 mA/mH
Battry Rscue 0/1 Lq_c2 (mA/mH)^2
Controller ID # Cwt overbal PU
Man act load kg
Mtr shft pwr KW
Rtd mtr spd RPM
Rtd mtr ln-ln V
Rtd mtr freq HZ
Mtr Lsigma H

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DBSS = 4

4315 = 4316 = 4317 = 4318 = 4319 =


Inv i bw PU Brk hold dly ms Nregen=0 Rgen=1 Cnv PWM frq Hz DAC 0 display #
Inv load L H 0mm/s t lim ms Inv i fscale A Inv PWM frq Hz DAC 1 display #
Inv load Ld mH Brk settle secs Inv i limit A Min Inv PWM Hz DAC 2 display #
Mtr id sat A Pvt threshld PU Cnv i fs A Brake PWM frq Hz DAC 3 display #
Ldsat slope mH/A Pvt thrshld mm/s Cnv i limit A Inv dead time us SPARE 0
Inv load Lq mH Analog sink 1/0 Brk fscale A Inv PWM comp us SPARE 1
Mtr iq sat A Heat sink warn C Brk i limit A Inv PWM adv us SPARE 2
Lqsat slope mH/A Heat sink flt C Bus fscale V Cnv PWM Type 0/1 SPARE 3
Inv load R Ohm IGBT Type 0…3 Bus ovt PU Inv PWM Type 0/1 SPARE 4
Inv i0 error PU Rjc degC/Watt AC Line OVT PU Dnshft Type 0/1 SPARE 5
Inv vd limit PU Rdc degC/Watt Bus caps uF IGBT Temp degC SPARE 6
Inv vq limit PU Rcs degC/Watt Line fscale V Diode Temp degC SPARE 7
Invtr OCT A k1 W/(A ) PLL unlock PU Downshift frq Hz SPARE 8
Inv i high lev A k1c W/A Brk dcv fscale V Downshift i A SPARE 9
Drive Limit PU k2on mW/(A*Hz) Nom brk dc V Cnv dead time us DIB Dscrete Ch 0
Cnv pwm comp us
MAX sine frq Hz k2con mW/Hz Brk dcv chg V DIB Dscrete Ch 1
Cnv PWM adv us
ioffs mean lim A k2off mW/(A*Hz) DC link UV PU DIB Dscrete Ch 2
ioffs vari lim A K2coff mW/(A*Hz) AC Line UVT PU DIB Dscrete Ch 3
Cnv I bw PU 2
k3 W/(A ) M1 pick V DIB Dscrete Ch 4
Cnv load L H
k3c W/A Btry Bus NOM DC DIB Dscrete Ch 5
Cnv AC line L H
Cnv AC Caps uF numjcs1 PU Btry Bus OVT PU DIB Dscrete Ch 6
Cnv load R ohm numjcs2 PU Btry Bus UVT PU DIB Dscrete Ch 7
CRF Ntch Wdth Hz numjcs3 PU Btry Bus PRE PU
CRFNtch Dpth dB denjcs1 PU
Cnv I0 error PU denjcs2 PU
Cnvtr OCT A
denjcs3 PU
AC ln ph imbl PU
dencss2 PU
DCV bw Hz
Drive rtd I Rms
Mtr ovl I fac PU
Cnv I err lim PU

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Appendix D EEPROM Data Form

APPLICATION DATA T/A Id slope PU Rjc degC/Watt
Location Kt slope 1/Nm Rdc degC/Watt
Drive Number of poles Rcs degC/Watt
Proc Bd Rev Vel head room PU k1 W/(A^2)
Host S/W SCN Duty load kg k1c W/A
DSP S/W SCN Rotor time const sec k2 on mW/(A*Hz)
Motor Rated mag I A k2c on mW/Hz
Date Recorded Mag I Peak A k2 off mW/(A*Hz)
4311 – FIELD ADJUST PARAMETERS Min Ramp Time sec k2c off mW/Hz
Motor Phasng 0/1 Max Flux Time S k3 W/(A^2)
Vel Gain Imag DnRmp Tim S k3c W/A
Inertia kg-m2 Rated trq i A numjcs1 PU
Rotate Dir 1/0 Rated trq n-m numjcs2 PU
Pretrq trim PU Fld Wkn level PU numjcs3 PU
Encoder ppr Field Wkn bw Hz denjcs1 PU
Enc Filter 0…4 FWC Bulk Ld mH denjcs2 PU
Rated rpm Lq c0 1/mH denjcs3 PU
Duty speed mm/s Lq c1 mA/mH dencss2 PU
Delay brk lftd ms Lq c2 (mA/mH)^2 4317 – DRIVE SCALING PARAMETERS
Delay lft brk ms Cwt overbal PU Nregen=0 Rgen=1 0/1
AC line voltage Man act load kg Inv i fscale A
Mtr ovl tmr secs Mtr shft pwr kW Inv i limit A
Single phase 1/0 Rtd mtr spd RPM Cnv i fs A
ETSC Trip Vel PU Rtd mtr ln-ln V V Cnv i limit A
SSB Trip Vel PU Rtd mtr freq Hz Brk fscale A
DCV 0=375 1=750 V Mtr Lsigma H Brk i limit A
Auto Tune 1/0 4315 - I REGULATOR PARAMETERS Bus fscale V
Max LR ampl PU Inv i bw PU Bus ovt PU
Man ESTOP 1/0 Inv load L H AC Line OVT PU
Man accel mm/s/s Inv load Ld mH Bus caps uF
Man decel mm/s/s Mtr id sat A Line fscale V
Man speed mm/s Ldsat slope mH/A PLL unlock PU
Battry Rscue 0/1 Inv load Lq mH Brk dcv fscale V
Controller ID # Rd only Mtr iq sat A Nom brk dc V
4312- VEL REGULATOR PARAMETERS Lqsat slope mH/A Brk dcv chg V
Norm vel resp Inv load R Ohm DC link UV PU
Innr Xover rad/s Inv io error PU AC Line UVT PU
LP filter frq Hz Inv vd limit PU M1 pick V PU
Pretrq risetime Inv vq limit PU Btry Bus NOM DC V
Rotr stop tol mm Invtr OCT A Btry Bus OVT PU
Overspeed PU Inv i high lev A Btry Bus UVT PU
Vel nch fltr 1/0 Drive Limit PU Btry Bus PRE PU
Notch #1 F0 Hz Max sine frq Hz 4318 – CLOCKS & PWM PARAMETERS
Notch #2 F0 Hz Ioffs mean lim A Cnv PWM frq Hz
DV acc lim m/s/s Ioffs vari lim A Inv PWM frq Hz
DV flt time sec Cnv i bw PU Min Inv PWM Hz
Vel trk err mm/s Cnv load L H Brake PWM frq Hz
Vel trk time sec Cnv AC line L H Inv dead time us
4313- BRAKE / DBR PARAMETERS Cnv AC Caps uF Inv PWM comp us
BCM present? 1/0 Cnv load R ohm Inv PWM Adv PU
Brake pick A CRF Ntch Wdth Hz Cnv PWM Type 0/1
Brake hold A CRF Ntch Dpth dB Inv PWM Type 0/1
Brake drop A Cnv i0 error PU Dnshft Type 0/1
Brk ramp t secs Cnvtr OCT A IGBT Temp degC
Brk pick PU AC ln ph imbl PU Diode Temp degC
Brk drop PU DCV bw Hz Downshift frq Hz
Brk i bw Hz Drive rtd i Rms Downshift i A
L brk H Mtr ovl i fac PU Cnv dead time us
R brk ohm Cnv i err lim PU Cnv pwm comp us
R dbr fdfwrd ohm 4316 – TIMING PARAMETERS Cnv PWM Adv PU
Brk sw pres? 1/0 Brk hold dly ms 4319 - SPECIAL PARAMETERS
Brk Bus OVT PU 0mm/s t lim ms DAC 0 Display #
Brk Bus UVT PU Brk settle secs DAC 1 Display #
4314 – MOTOR PARAMETERS Pvt threshld PU DAC 2 Display #
Induction=0 PM=1 0/1 Pvt thrshld mm/s DAC 3 Display #
LRT DC Level A Analog sink 1/0 Spare 0
LRT err thsh Deg Heat sink warn C Spare 1
Enc err thsh Deg Heat sink flt C Spare 2
T/A Iq offset A IGBT Type 0…3 Spare 3

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Spare 4
Spare 5
Spare 6
Spare 7
Spare 8
Spare 9
DIB Dscrete Ch 0
DIB Dscrete Ch 1
DIB Dscrete Ch 2
DIB Dscrete Ch 3
DIB Dscrete Ch 4
DIB Dscrete Ch 5
DIB Dscrete Ch 6
DIB Dscrete Ch 7

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Appendix E Fault Codes and Severity Levels

Fault ID Fault Name Severity Fault ID Fault Name Severity
F1 Gate supply flt 5 F59 E2 data invalid: 5
F2 Converter OCT 5 F60 Scheduler orun 1
F3 IGBT Desaturatn 5 F61 Task 10ms orun 1
F4 D current fdbk 5 F62 Task 40ms orun 1
F5 Q current fdbk 5 F63 Task 200ms orun 1
F6 Current fdbk sum 5 F64 DSP ivel orun 5
F7 Overtemp 1 F65 DSP pw fctr orun 5
F8 Motor overload 5 F66 DSP inv i orun 5
F9 Current mean 4 F67 DSP fld o orun 5
F10 Current variance 5 F68 DSP brk orun 5
F11 DC link OVT 5 F69 MCSS invalid msg 1
F12 DC link UVT 5 F70 PLL Unlocked 6
F13 Overspeed 5 F71 DSP wrong SCNum 1
F14 PVT tracking err 5 F72 UDX pk nc wrning 4
F15 Brake IGBT Desat 5 F73 UDX pk no wrning 4
F16 Brake state 4 F74 DSP init timeout 1
F17 Brake relay 5 F75 DSP is dead 5
F18 MCSS timeout 5 F76 BOD_I changed 1
F19 MCSS orun 1 F77 Precharge DC low 1
F20 MCSS parity 1 F78 Cnv i cntrl loss 5
F21 MCSS framing 1 F79 DIB comm failure 5
F22 SVC tool orun 1 F80 DIB power down 1
F23 SVC tool framing 1 F81 Btry DC link OVT 5
F24 Tbl 0 DMA 1 F82 Btry DC link UVT 5
F25 Tbl I DMA 5 F83 Brk chg timeout 1
F26 Tbl 2 DMA 5 F84 Brk bus OVT 1
F27 Tbl 0 bad chksum 1 F85 Brk bus UVT 1
F28 Tbl 1 bad chksum 5 F86 DV warning 1
F29 Tbl 2 bad chksum 5 F87 DV fault 4
F30 Tbl 0 no chksum 1 F88 Vel track flt 5
F31 Tbl 1 no chksum 5 F89 DSP acl orun 5
F32 Tbl 2 Upl term 5 F90 DSP cnv i orun 5
F33 Unexptd DSP Xfer 1 F91 DSP PLL tsk orun 5
F34 Unexpected DMA 2 1 F92 DSP DCV tsk orun 5
F35 HOST divide by 0 5 F93 DSP PVTA orun 5
F36 HOST math error 5 F94 DSP PPTA orun 5
F37 HOST watchdog 1 F95 DSP accl orun 5
F38 DSP watchdog 5 F96 DSP ovel orun 5
F39 Bases dropped 5 F97 DIB timeout 5
F40 Torq estab state 5 F98 DIB comm warning 1
F41 Sfty chain state 1 F99 Heat sink fail 1
F42 UDX pick no 5 f0 Heat sink warn 1
F43 UDX pick nc 5 f1 Inverter OCT 5
F44 UDX not picked no 5 f2 PLL unlocked 4
F45 UDX not picked nc 5 f3 Man mode mtr ovl 7
F46 E2 write protect 5 f4 Ac/DcV e2 settng 5
F47 Mtr therml cntct 1 f5 DC cap failure 7
F48 Dyn Brk trnsistr 5 f6-f26 Self Commissioning faults See Sec.8
F49 Drive limit 2 f27 Encoder pos err 1
F50 Brake dropped 5 f28 LRT motion error 5
F51 Cnvtr i sum 7 f29 DSP fld wkn orun 5
F52 Cvtr phase imbal 6 f30 Brk fbck timeout 5
F53 Convtr AC UVT 6 f31 DSP tmp obs orun 5
F54 HOST EPROM chksm 1 f32 Cnvtr AC OVT 6
F55 DSP user chksm 1 f33 DBR cntrl err 5
F56 DSP pwr-up chksm 1 f35 Inv i high warn 1
F57 DSP code chksm 1 f36 Inv i high flt 7
F58 E2 checksum err 1

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Appendix F DIB Discrete Display Variables
1) PTR 111) Cvtr phase imbal
2) RTR // Voltage faults: 112) Cnvtr AC UVT
3) LB 70) DC link OVT 113) HOST EPROM chksm
4) BL 71) DC link UVT 114) DSP user chksm
5) DRIVE FAULT 115) DSP pwr-up chksm
6) ABORT RUN* // Velocity faults: 116) DSP code chksm
7) INIT REQUEST* 72) Overspeed 117) E2 checksum err
8) BASES ENABLED* 73) PVT tracking err 118) E2 data invalid
9) SAFE ( Short Stroke Buffer ) 119) Scheduler orun
10) STOP & SHUTDOWN // Brake faults: 120) Task 10ms orun
11) ETSC 74) Brake IGBT desat 121) Task 40ms orun
12) C1 75) Brake state 122) Task 200ms orun
13) K5(M/C FAN) 76) Brake relay 123) DSP ivel orun
14) K4 (M1/MX) 124) DSP pw fctr orun
15) CAR MOVING UP // Comm faults: 125) DSP inv i orun
16) CAR MOVING DOWN 77) MCSS timeout 126) DSP fld o orun
17) UDX_NC 78) MCSS orun 127) DSP brk tsk orun
18) UDX_NO 79) MCSS parity 128) MCSS invalid msg
19) MANUAL INPUT* 80) MCSS framing 129) PLL Unlocked (Nrgen only)
20) UP(MAN.) 81) Svc tool orun 130) DSP wrong SCNum
21) DOWN MAN. 82) Svc tool framing 131) UDX Pk NC wrning
22) BATTERY RUN 83) Tbl 0 dma 132) UDX Pk NO wrning
23) K3 (NEW) 84) Tbl 1 dma 133) DSP init timeout
24) BRAKE SW. 85) Tbl 2 dma 134) DSP is dead
25) BRAKE RELAY PICKED 86) Tbl 0 bad chksum 135) BOD_I changed
26) BRAKE RELAY DROPPED 87) Tbl 1 bad chksum 136) Precharge DC low
27) MCSS LIFT BRAKE CMD 88) Tbl 2 bad chksum 137) Cnv i cntrl loss
89) Tbl 0 no chksum 138) DIB comm failure
28- 39 Left as spare locations for 90) Tbl 1 no chksum 139) DIB power down
future additions 91) Tbl 2 Upl termin 140) Btry DC link OVT
40) GPS 92) Unexpected INT xfer 141) Btry DC link UVT
41) Spare 93) Unexpected DMA 2 142) Brk chg timeout
42) IOC 143) Brk bus OVT
43) DOT // Processor faults: 144) Brk bus UVT
44) MTC 94) HOST divide by 0 145) DV warning
45) BOC 95) HOST math error 146) DV fault
46) Spare 96) HOST watchdog 147) Vel track flt
97) DSP watchdog 148) DSP acl tsk orun
47- 59 Left as spare locations for 149) DSP cnv i orun
future additions // State faults: 150) DSP PLL tsk orun
98) Bases Dropped 151) DSP DCV tsk orun
// DRIVE FAULTS 99) Torq estab state 152) DSP PVTA orun
// Current faults: 100) Sfty chain state 153) DSP PPTA orun
60) Gate supply flt 101) UDX pick no 154) DSP accl orun
61) Converter OCT 102) UDX pick nc 155) DSP ovel orun
62) IGBT desaturatn 103) UDX not pickd no 156) DIB timeout
63) D current fdbk 104) UDX not pickd nc 157) DIB comm warning
64) Q current fdbk 105) E2 write protect 158) Heat sink fail
65) Current fdbk sum 106) Mtr therml cntct 159) Heat sink warn
66) Overtemp 107) Dyn Brk Trnsistr 160) Inverter OCT
67) Motor overload 108) Drive Limit 161) PLL unlocked (Rgen only)
68) Current mean 109) Brake dropped 162) Man mode mtr ovl
69) Current variance 110) Cnvtr i sum 163) Ac/DcV e2 settng

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Appendix G DIB Analog Display Variables

Service Tool Entry Analog Display Description
000 I_X_SEN X phase current feedback after offset
001 I_Y_SEN Y phase current feedback after offset
002 I_Z_SEN Z phase current feedback after offset
003 I_X_VF V/F Converter X phase feedback before
004 I_Y_VF V/F Converter Y phase feedback before
005 I_Z_VF V/F Converter Z phase feedback before
006 I_Q_SYN Synchronous reference frame torque (q-axis) current feedback
007 I_D_SYN Synchronous reference frame magnetizing (d-axis) current feedback
008 IND_ERR Inverter d PI reg input (error)
009 INQ_ERR Inverter q PI reg input (error)
010 V_D_E Inverter d PI reg output
011 V_Q_E Inverter q PI reg output
012 S_PVT_E Electrical synch ref position relative
013 R_PVT Current rotor angle pos
014 PVT_PCNT Position in No. of impulses
015 R_PVT_S Position quadrature component ( sine )
016 R_PVT_C Position quadrature component ( cosine
017 R_PPT Current rotor angle pos
018 PPT_IMPL Position in No. of impulses
019 R_PPT_S Position quadrature component ( sine )
020 R_PPT_C Position quadrature component ( cosine )
021 VF_ACCL Acceleration V/F accumulator
022 ACCL_FB Acceleration feedback
023 S_ADVC_E Ele synch ref position for advanced re
024 ADV_TIME Advanced reference time advance
025 TRIGGER DAC fault trigger
026 VF_BRK_I Brake Current
027 V_R_SEN R phase AC line voltage feedback
028 V_S_SEN S phase AC line voltage feedback
029 V_T_SEN T phase AC line voltage feedback
030 DCV_REF DC voltage reference
031 VF_VDC DC Bus Voltage V/F accumulator
032 DCV_ERR DCV PI reg input (error)
033 DCV_OUT DCV PI reg output
034 VI_3H_S Inverter third harmonic voltage
035 PLL_SIN PLL sine
036 PLL_COS PLL cosine
037 PLL_VD_E Input AC line d voltage vector Vde
038 PLL_VQ_E Input AC line d voltage vector Vqe
039 PLL_ERR PLL PI reg input (error)
040 PLL_IN_1 PLL PI reg integrator
041 PLL_INT PLL PI reg integral part
042 PLL_OUT PLL PI reg output
043 VC_3H_S Converter third harmonic voltage
044 V_ZS_AV3 Average zero sequence voltage w/ or w/o V3h
045 INV_V_DS Inverter d voltage in stator ref frame
046 I_R_VF Converter R phase V/F current
047 I_S_VF Converter S phase V/F current
048 I_T_VF Converter T phase V/F current

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049 CNV_ID_S Converter el synch d current feedback
050 CNV_IQ_S Converter el synch q current feedback
051 CND_ERR Converter d current regulator error
052 CNQ_ERR Converter q current regulator error
053 V_D_E_C Converter d regulator output
054 V_Q_E_C Converter q regulator output
055 0 Spare
056 0 Spare
057 0 Spare
058 CNV_DQ Converter dq voltage magnitude
059 INV_DQ Inverter dq voltage magnitude
060 PFC_REF PFC regulator reference
061 PFC_ERR PFC regulator error
062 PFC_OUT PFC regulator output ( d current reference)
063 CNV_CVEC Converter current vector in synch ref
064 VEL_ERR VEL PI reg input (error)
065 VEL_INT Velocity loop integrator
066 VEL_OUT Outer velocity loop output
067 LPF_INP Lowpass filter input
068 VELI_ERR Inner velocity loop error
069 VLI_OUT Inner velocity loop output
070 CNV_D Converter negative sequence voltage d filter input
071 CNV_VNSD Converter negative sequence voltage d filter output
072 CNV_Q Converter negative sequence voltage q filter input
073 CNV_VNSQ Converter negative sequence voltage q filter output
074 A1_LD a1 DFT coefficient of Ld
075 B1_LD b1 DFT coefficient of Ld
076 NF1_IN Notch filter 1 input
077 NF1_OUT Notch filter 1 output
078 NF2_IN Notch filter 2 input
079 NF2_OUT Notch filter 2 output
080 CNV_V_DS Converter d voltage in stator ref frame
081 VEL_FBKO Velocity feedback *32 with offset
082 OVL_OUT Output of motor overload
083 CND_ERRF Filtered converter d current error
084 MAG_RPOS Relative magnet position
085 PVT_AUX PVT auxiliary latched count
086 FWC_REF FWC regulator reference
087 FWC_ERR FWC regulator error
088 FWC_OUT FWC regulator output ( d current reference )
089 INV_CVEC Inverter current feedback vector ( id^2 + iq^2 )
090 DBRFF_REF DBR feed forward voltage reference
091 DBR_DTCY DBR duty cycle
092 CURR_SUM Inverter current sum
093 CNV_CSUM Converter current sum
094 CND_OUT Converter d PI regulator output before filter
095 DCV_INT DCV PI reg integral part
096 VF_VDC DC Bus Voltage V/F accumulator
097 DCV_ERR DCV PI reg input (error)
098 VDE_HST d voltage reference to Host
099 VQE_HST q voltage reference to Host
100 TJSXU IGBT Junction-to-Heatsink Temp Estimate (X-phase Upper IGBT)

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101 TDSXU Diode Junction-to-Heatsink Temp Estimate (X-phase Upper Diode)
102 P_LINE Line side power estimate (uses PLL voltage feedbacks)
103 P_INV Inverter power estimate
104 P_LOSS Power loss estimate (P_LINE – P_INV)
105 CNQ_I_FF Converter q current feed forward
106 PLOS_HST Filtered version of P_LOSS
107 FLUX_EST Flux estimate in units of amps (Flux/Lm)
108 I_X_S X phase stator current ref
109 I_Y_S Y phase stator current ref
110 I_Z_S Z phase stator current ref
111 I_TORQ_E Torque current reference in synchronous (q-axis)
112 I_MAG_E Magnetizing current reference in synch (d-axis)
113 I_TORQ_S Torque current reference (stator d-q)
114 I_MAG_S Magnetizing current reference ( stator)
115 INV_SIN Inverter transformation angle sine
116 INV_COS Inverter transformation angle cosine
117 VEL_REF Velocity reference (car or motor, mode dependent)
118 VEL_FBCK Velocity feedback (car or motor, mode dependent)
119 ANG_SMSG Small signal angle (wt/2) for locked rotor test
120 ANG_XI Flux direction angle (xi) for locked rotor test
121 LD_OF_XI Ld value (depending on xi) for locked rotor test
122 ACCL_REF Acceleration loop reference
123 ACCL_ERR Acceleration loop error Inner vel loop
124 DBR_LPFO Filtered Brake Current or DBR error
125 OO_COMPX Inverter X phase dead-time compensation
126 VH_S_X X phase stator voltage ref
127 VH_S_Y Y phase stator voltage ref
128 VH_S_Z Z phase stator voltage ref
129 ADV_SIN Advanced reference sine
130 ADV_COS Advanced reference cosine
131 I_X_S_A X phase stat cur advanced ref
132 BRK_REF Brake current reference
133 BRK_C_ER Current error
134 BRK_PWM Brake voltage reference
135 PLL_SPHE PLL scaled phase error
136 PLL_SRMP PLL sine ramp
139 PLL_VVEC Input AC line dq voltage vector square
140 I_R_S_A Converter R phase advanced reference
141 I_S_S_A Converter S phase advanced reference
142 I_T_S_A Converter T phase advanced reference
143 I_R_S Converter R phase current reference
144 I_S_S Converter S phase current reference
145 I_T_S Converter T phase current reference
146 CNV_SIN Converter PLL sine
147 CNV_COS Converter PLL cosine
148 CNV_Q_E Converter q current regulator reference
149 R_PVT_OLD Saved normalized rotor pos after DSP reset
150 VQ_ER_H Q-axis voltage error due to magnet position error
151 RPOS_OFF Rotor Position offset
152 VD_ER_H D-axis voltage error due to magnet position error

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153 CNV_D_E Converter d current regulator reference
154 CNV_Q_S Converter stationary q current reference
155 VH_S_R Converter R phase voltage ref
156 VH_S_S Converter S phase voltage ref
157 VH_S_T Converter T phase voltage ref
158 ADVV_SIN Converter advanced reference sine
159 ADVV_COS Converter advanced reference cosine
160 ADVV_RMP Converter advanced reference ramp
161 CAR_VEL Car velocity feedback (PPT)
162 MAG_CPOS Coarse magnet position
163 A1_LD_H a1 DFT coefficient of Ld for host
164 B1_LD_H b1 DFT coefficient of Ld for host
165 CNV_D_S Converter stationary d current reference
166 CNV_VNSA Negative voltage sequence amplitude squared
167 PLL_VOLT Filtered AC voltage vector squared
168 VEL_T_TG Target torque for pretorquing
169 VELI_OUT Output of inner loop after notches
170 TRQ_REF Torque reference before limiting
171 BRK_DICT Brake current dictation
172 BPI_INT Brake curr reg intgr part
173 MPOS_ERR Magnet position error from the host
174 PLL_DCOMP Delay Compensation angle
175 PLL_FREQ PLL frequency
176 VEL_REF Velocity reference (car or motor, mode dependent)
177 VEL_FBCK Velocity feedback (car or motor, mode dependent)
178 MOT_VEL Motor velocity feedback
179 VELI_REF Inner vel loop reference
180 ACCL_ERR Acceleration loop error Inner vel loop
181 DIB_POT3 DIB Pot 3
182 VEL_PT_K Pretorquing gain
183 INV_FSW Inverter Commanded Switching Frequency
184 TJS_MAX Maximum IGBT Tjhs Estimate for all 6 Inverter IGBTs
185 DUTY_DES Diode Zero-State Duty Cycle Command
186 TDS_MAX Maximum Diode Tjhs Estimate for all 6 Inverter Diodes
187 P_TXU_LAT IGBT switching and conduction loss (X phase - Upper device)
188 P_DXU_ LAT Diode conduction loss (X phase - Upper device)
189 DIB_AI DIB analog input
190 DIB_POT1 DIB pot 1
191 DIB_POT2 DIB pot 2

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Appendix H Engineering Version DIB Template


1 2 3 4
















1997-03-12 AAA102AEB1 1997-03-12 AAA21305H

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Appendix I Field Version DIB Template















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Appendix J Proc. to Enter and Exit Manual Mode

(Drives using RN series LVIB)

Disclaimer: This Appendix is provided for reference only. Refer to Regional TIP for
instructions on how to enter manual mode.
This section applies to drives using any configuration (1..n) of the RN series Low Voltage
Interface Board (AAA26800RN, ABA26800RN & ACA26800RN)
The drive provides 120VAC power to a safety chain using the manual mode plug J10 located on
the LVIB (Low Voltage Interface Board).
1. Locate connector J10 on the interface board. Remove existing plug or wires on the connector.
2. Connect pin 1 on J10 (120VAC) to the beginning of the safety devices, point A in the figure
3. Connect the end of the safety devices, point B in the figure below, to pin 9 of J10.
4. Connect pin 10 of J10 to pin 7 of J10 to complete the return path of the safety devices.
5. Connect pin 1 of J10 to pin 8 of J10 to activate the manual mode-signaling device on the
interface board.
6. Reset the drive.
7. Connect pin 9 of J10 to pin 2 of J10 to enter an UP command.
8. Connect pin 9 of J10 to pin 3 of J10 to enter a DOWN command.
9. The UP and DOWN command switches are typically interlocked with each other and the
safety devices consists of a momentary contact push-button on the manual mode control box
and/or other safety devices.
10. Replace original plug or wires on connector J10 to return to normal operation.
In the figure below, heavy lines represent external connections required for manual mode. Light lines
represent interface board circuits.

120VAC J10-1



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Appendix K Proc. to Enter and Exit Manual Mode

(Drives using SA or XU series LVIB)

Disclaimer: This Appendix is provided for reference only. Refer to Regional TIP for
instructions on how to enter manual mode.
Procedure To Enter Manual Mode
This section applies to drives using any configuration (1..n) of the SA series Low Voltage
Interface Board (AAA26800SA, ABA26800SA, ACA26800SA & ADA26800SA or the
AAA26800XU board).
Manual Mode in Otis non-regenerative drives requires that the drive be operated with the
controller installed and powered on (The MSVF Drive is not a standalone unit like the HSVF
Drive). It is assumed that the brake coil, brake switches, and appropriate safety devices are
properly connected to the controller.
NOTE: The diagram below is shown for reference only. Specific contract wiring diagrams are to
be used for actual manual-mode wiring.
In the diagram, heavy dotted lines represent non-factory connections required for manual mode
For more detailed information consult the following NAO documents:
To setup an Otis MSVF non-regenerative drive for manual mode operation (See Diagram):
1. Insure that the AC Machine’s Brake, Brake Switch, and Motor Thermal Contact are
connected to the controller. Verify that the brake switch is set properly and functioning. If no
brake switch is present, make sure that the Brake/Switch parameter is set to 0 in the service
2. Connector J18 pin 6 of the DBSS PCB is the Manual Mode (MO) input which requires
+30VDC to place the drive in manual mode operation. Add a JUMPER as shown.
3. Construct a suitable manual mode box – a sample is shown in the diagram. The UP, DOWN,
and START command buttons are typically momentary switches while the Manual Operation
switch is usually a toggle switch. Note that the manual mode box is wired in series with the
safety chain such that the operator can interrupt the safety chain at any time.
4. The manual mode box is wired to utilize the controller, machine, and hoistway provided
5. The diagram shows that the manual mode box is wired to the 120VAC circuits that control the
UP and DOWN relays. The UP and DOWN relay contacts provide the +30VDC control
signals to the DBSS PCB.
6. RESET the drive. This will initialize the drive to manual-mode operation.
7. Turn the manual mode box on/off switch to the ON position.
8. For an UP command, depress and hold the START push-button and then depress and hold the
UP push-button. To stop, simply release the push-buttons.
9. For a DOWN command, depress and hold the START push-button and then depress and hold
the DN push-button. To stop, simply release the push-buttons.
Procedure To Exit Manual Mode (For drives using SA or XU series LVIB)
1. Remove the manual-mode box as well as any JUMPERS that were added.
2. Reset the drive

Form PA1021 Unpublished Work - Copyright © Otis Elevator Company

Rev. 2000-06-05
Document: 52686
Sheet: 121 of 122

Controller and Machine Acronyms Used

Name Description
BSR Brake Switch Relay and contacts
DN Down relay and contacts
HL Return for electrical connections
LB Lift Brake relay and contacts
MTC Motor Thermal contacts
UP UP relay and contacts

Form PA1021 Unpublished Work - Copyright © Otis Elevator Company

Rev. 2000-06-05
Document: 52686

Sheet: 122 of 118

M anual M ode A C M A C H IN E
C o n fi g u r a ti o n f o r M S V F BRAK E S W IT C H M TC

(N o n -R e g e n e ra tiv e )


(1 2 0 V A C ) D B SS
LB I n te r fa c e P C B
R J18

M anual HL1

M ode Box 1

1 M TC
ON/ 2
120V A C PO W E R ( M o t o r T h er m a l J12
+ C o n t a c t)


6 3 LB

2 8 H L1

+ 7
3 +30
DN 1

D U 10 HL2


H L1 HL1
( C o n tr o ll er )

(H o istw a y)

Form PA1021 Unpublished Work - Copyright © Otis Elevator Company

Rev. 2000-06-05

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