Ovf30 Opm
Ovf30 Opm
Ovf30 Opm
Prepared By: Approved By:
(Last, F I typed) (Signature and date) (Last, F I typed) (Signature and date)
Lamontagne, L. L. Lamontagne 1997-09-03 G. Wisner G. Wisner 1997-09-03
Marvin, D. D. Marvin 1997-09-03 M. Shepard M. Shepard 1997-09-05
Izard, J. J. Izard 1997-09-03
Corthouts, C. C. Corthouts 1997-09-04
Brooks, B. W. Brooks 1997-09-03
This work and the information it contains are the property of Otis Elevator Company (“Otis”).
It is delivered to others on the express condition that it will be used only for, or on behalf of,
Otis; that neither it nor the information it contains will be reproduced or disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the prior written consent of Otis; and that on demand it and any copies will be
promptly returned to Otis.
Rev Rev. Date (yyyy- Description of Change: (Include Section numbers Reason for Change:
No. mm-dd) affected)
1 For AAB:
Remove region code as a criterion for exiting
1997-10-17 shutdown mode if requested to do so by MCSS
(sections 4.1, 4.1.1, & 6.2).
1998-7-6 Added documentation for ‘DC cap failure’ fault
and service tool displays of power calculations
1998-8-5 (Sections 4.1.1, 5.2.1, & 6.3, Appendices B, E, &
1998-8-11 Added documentation for “fast-fluxing” feature
and notch-filter for converter resonance (Sections
5.3.10, Appendices C, D); Updated Appx J
Added Nregen=0 to Single Phase 1/0, Section
Added Sections 5.2.8 & 8 and modified Sections
1.3, 1.4, 4, 5.3.2, 5.3.6, 5.3.9 & Appendices
A,B,C,D for self-commissioning.
2 2000-08-07 Updated for AAC software release.
Format Update
3 2001-02-15 Updated sections 1.2 (pg11), 4.1.1 (pg 17), 5.2.1 (pg A2330288AAD &
26), 5.3.9 (pgs 43 & 45), 5.3.10 (pg 49), 6.3 (pg 74), A1930289AAD
Appendix B (pg 99), Appendix C (pgs 101 & 102), software release.
Appendix D (pg 103), Appendix E (pg 105).
2001-03-13 Updated section 5.3.9 (pg 43), Appendix C (pg 101),
and Appendix D (pg 103).
2002-12-09 Updated section 3.2. Made final updates for
A233028*AAD release.
4 2003-09-26 Made final updates for AAA3028*AAD release. AAA30288AAD &
software release.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 11
1.1. Applicable Hardware Configurations ............................................................................... 11
1.2. Applicable Software Versions .......................................................................................... 11
1.3. References......................................................................................................................... 11
1.4. Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms ............................................................................... 11
2. Software Release Notes................................................................................................... 13
2.1. Software Modifications..................................................................................................... 13
2.2. Known Bugs...................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1. HOST ............................................................................................................................................................13
2.2.2. DSP ...............................................................................................................................................................13
2.2.3. DIB................................................................................................................................................................13
2.3. Required EEPROM Changes For Drive Software Upgrade ............................................. 13
3. Installation and Startup ................................................................................................. 14
3.1. Loss of power when turning the controller on .................................................................. 14
3.2. Rotation Conventions ....................................................................................................... 14
4. Drive Operation .............................................................................................................. 16
4.1. Drive Non-operational Modes .......................................................................................... 16
4.1.1. Shutdown Mode ............................................................................................................................................16
4.1.2. Initialization Mode ........................................................................................................................................17
4.2. Drive Operating Modes..................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1. Manual Mode ................................................................................................................................................17
4.2.2. DIB Mode......................................................................................................................................................18
4.2.3. MCSS Mode..................................................................................................................................................18
4.2.4. Self Tune Mode.............................................................................................................................................18
4.3. Drive Status Definition (ASCII Display).......................................................................... 18
4.3.1. LED 3: System Fault Status ..........................................................................................................................19
4.3.2. LED 2: INIT System State ............................................................................................................................20
4.3.3. LED 1: Drive Mode.......................................................................................................................................21
4.3.4. LED 0: Drive State Display...........................................................................................................................22
5. Service Tool Operation................................................................................................... 25
5.1. Service Tool Menu Tree ................................................................................................... 25
5.2. Variable Display ............................................................................................................... 25
5.2.1. Category A (4-1-3-1).....................................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Software Configuration Number (SCN) .........................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Car speed (mm/s) ............................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Motor Speed (RPM)........................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Rotor position..................................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 LRT angle (deg) ..............................................................................................................................25
4-1-3-1 Dictated vel (mm/s).........................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Brake Bus (V) .................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Brake (A) ........................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Dict brake (A) .................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr trq (kgf@car)............................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr trq (PU) ....................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr i (RMS A) ................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr id (A)........................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr iq (A)........................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr v (RMS V)................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr vd (V) .......................................................................................................................................26
4-1-3-1 Mtr vq (V) .......................................................................................................................................26
1. Introduction
1.1. Applicable Hardware Configurations
This document covers drives with the following control boards :
• DIB : AAA21305N
• Low Voltage Interface Boards : Axx26800RN, Axx26800SA &Axx26800XU
• Processor Board : Axx26800VA & Axx26800VB
1.3. References
1. “Interface Control Document for the Motion Command Sub System, Drive and Brake Control
Sub System”, Otis document number 51081. [ICD]
2. “Design Requirements Specification Otis VF Drive Processor Board Redesign”, Simonds,
T., Otis document number 52411. [DRS]
3. “Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for OVF DBSS Host Software”, Otis document
number 52694 [HOST SRS].
4. “OVF DBSS DSP SDD”, Otis document number 53031 [DSP SDD]
5. “OVF DBSS DIB SDD” , Otis document number 53032 [DIB SDD]
6. “OVF DBSS DSP/DIB ICD” , Otis document number 53033 [DIB ICD]
7. “Modular Elevator Control System Service Tool”, Flohr Otis document number 9693B.
Iwasa, OTI, 7/4/1994
TEAM, 4/14/94
10. “Standard Work Process, “Construction Startup Procedure for E311
VF(GEM/MVS)”. [TIP1.1.12.0-1]
All known bugs are listed. Software release criteria dictates that a release shall not take place if a
Major bug is known to exist.
2.2.1. HOST
No known bugs.
2.2.2. DSP
No known bugs.
2.2.3. DIB
When in Shutdown Mode the DIB LED mode display will be “MCSS” TRIVIAL
Initially, the fault 'EEPROM data invalid' may occur. The reason for this is the data in the
EEPROM is set to values incompatible with the current SCN or that new EEPROM parameters
have not yet been set. The invalid or ‘blank’ values must be corrected. See the description of this
fault in section 6.3 of this manual.
To verify that the right Drive Type has been selected, check the Drive Scaling Parameters
(M4317) “Nregen=0 Rgen=1”.
NOTES: (1) See section 5.3.12 (Drive Scaling Parameters) of this document for more
information on this parameter.
(2) This category has restricted access, see section 5.3.3 (Hidden Parameter Category
Access) of this document for further information on hidden parameters.
Although careful attention to motor and encoder wiring should produce correct installation, tests
should be made during system startup to verify the correct phasing of motor and encoder. The
concern is primarily that due to lack of torque control, the velocity regulator will saturate at the
torque (current) limit, applying the maximum allowable current from the drive. The current limit
is typically selected for maximum accelerating current, and the drive cannot safely support this
current level for times longer than the accelerating time.
Note that reversed phasing can be corrected either by swapping any two motor leads or by
reversing either pair of encoder leads. The encoder swap is the easiest, but has the drawback of
mixing direction among units. It is best to verify correct connection of the encoder phases, and
reverse motor leads. This can also be corrected by toggling the value of the “Motor Phasng 0/1”
E2 parameter (see 4-3-1-1 Motor Phasng 0/1) through the DBSS Service Tool. This will
correct the motor phasing problem and still maintain the rotation conventions of the controller
If drifting of the platform is observed, verify proper operation of the encoder and interface using
the direction LED's on the processor board. Only the LED corresponding to the direction of
platform motion should be lit. If neither is ON, or if illumination of both LED's is observed
during continuous PVT rotation the problem must be corrected before proceeding.
Once torque production is ensured the rotation direction must be verified. With the ROTATE
DIR flag set to 1, rotation which is indicated as “R” on the Processor Board LED's (or “UP” on
newer processor boards) corresponds to speed in the positive or UP direction. Using either
MCSS inspection or Manual Mode, apply a non-zero speed reference and observe the car motion.
If motion appears well controlled, verify that the direction agrees with the selected direction. If
not, change the value of the ROTATE DIR flag through the DBSS Service Tool (see 4-3-1-1
Rotate dir (1/0)).
4. Drive Operation
This section describes the modes of the Otis VF Drive: Shutdown, Initialization,
Manual, DIB, MCSS and Self-Tune.
DBSS Modes
Drive Mode Manual Mode Jumper ASCII Display
Shutdown is ignored xx0x
Initialization is ignored xx1x
Manual Present xx2x
DIB Absent xx3x
MCSS Absent xx4x
Self Tune Absent xxAx
x in the table indicates a don't care state.
The OVF DBSS Drive Status represents a combination of the Drive Mode and three Finite State
Machines (FSM's) which are implemented in the Host software. The three FSM's are the:
Initialize System State Machine, which initializes the DSP. It is run
1. On power-up.
Drive State Machine controls running the DBSS after initialization, starting with PTR and ending
Pre-torque State Machine controls the pre-torque operation. It is called by the Drive State
A summary of the Drive Status display is included in the next table. The tables that follow detail
the meanings of the Drive Status display for LED’s 2, 1 and 0.
In these tables, displayed values are shown as "xxCx", where C is an ASCII character. This
notation is meant to show the position of the LED relative to the other characters on the display.
For the purpose of these tables, "x" means "don't care" about what is displayed on that LED.
Drive States
Drive State Drive State Description
xxx0 INIT:
The initial state. If in DIB, MANUAL or MCSS mode
If C relay is not picked, transition to UNSAFE.
If the brake is lifted, transition to ESTOP.
- Set brk_i_dict = dsp_brk_i_drop
- Set brk_picked = FALSE
- Set enable_bases = FALSE
- Set estab_mag_i = FALSE
- Set estab_torque = FALSE
- Set pick_brk_cont = FALSE
- Set pick_udx = FALSE
- Set vel_reg_on_cmd = FALSE
- Set brk_lifted_tmr = 0
- Force DSP to reset current offset filter to zero
- Wait for PTR and no abort_run, lift_brk_cmd, shutdown_reg,
or level 2..7 faults.
Pick UDX relay
When UDX is picked, advance to ESTAB MAGNETIZING
The DSP responds by performing a locked rotor test and sends
DFT coefficients to the host for magnet position angle
calculation. When the HOST calculates the magnet position and
passes it to the DSP, the DSP issues "mag_i_estab" to the HOST.
After the first locked rotor test and if the magnet position is
known, the DSP will merely issue "mag_i_estab" to the HOST in
this state .
Following is a list of all RAM variables which are available for display on the service tool along
with the Service Tool menu keystroke sequence to the left of the parameter name (i.e. 4-1-3-1
Car speed).
Below is the table showing the different E2 Parameters setting along with their respective filter bandwidth.
To use this table properly the result of the following calculation for a given elevator application must be
below the chosen filter bandwidth:
The factor of 2 is to add margin for applications that require over speed tests (operation speed greater than
Rated RPM).
This filter is no substitute for proper encoder wiring practices and is used only to help minimize the
probability of uncontrolled elevator motion due to encoder noise for PM Motor applications.
4-3-1-1 Single phase 1/0 (visible only with system type set as Nrgen=0)
This parameter is inspected and used in manual mode only. Set parameter to 1 to allow single phase
operation during construction mode. If three phase power is supplied set this parameter to 0 to enable fault
detection of phase loss.
4-3-1-1 DCV 0=375 1=750 (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter is used to select the DC Link nominal voltage. Setting the parameter to 0 selects 375V.
Setting the parameter to 1 selects 750V. The default setting is 375V. Setting the parameter to 1 (750V),
for a drive designed for 375V can cause damage to the system.
4-3-1-1 Controller ID #
This parameter is the controller unit number which must be burned in, it cannot be changed with the
service tool.
4-3-1-2 Notch #1 F0 (Hz) (visible only with Vel nch fltr 1/0 set as “1”)
One of two filters used to attenuate a resonance on a dynamometer.
4-3-1-2 Notch #2 F0 (Hz) (visible only with Vel nch fltr 1/0 set as “1”)
One of two filters used to attenuate a resonance on a dynamometer.
4-3-1-3 Brake pick (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The pick current for the brake. This is the current used to lift the brake. This current is reached during the
break ramp time before the current is switched to the Brake hold current.
4-3-1-3 Brake hold (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The hold current for the brake. This is the current that is used to hold the brake in the lifted position.
4-3-1-3 Brake drop (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
This parameter is the level of current in the brake which signals that the brake is dropped.
4-3-1-3 Brk ramp t (secs) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The amount of time taken to ramp the brake current to the pick current. After this time the brake current is
switched to the brake hold current.
4-3-1-3 Brk pick (PU) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Tolerance of full pick current, to allow brake pick to be declared with some variance of DSP feedback.
4-3-1-3 Brk drop (PU) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Percent of brake pick current. When ramping down and the DSP to Host feedback reaches this value, drop
the brake contactor.
4-3-1-3 R dbr fdfwrd (ohm) (visible only with system type set as Nrgen=0)
This is the exact value of the measured total equivalent resistance of the dynamic brake resistors (DBRs).
This value is used for the DBR feed forward control which provides better control of the DC bus voltage.
THE VALUE OF THE DBR RESISTOR, ENTER ZERO. Entering zero will revert to the old DBR control
method. It is recommened that the DBR resistance be measured to identify the correct value.
4-3-1-3 Brk sw pres ? 1/0 (visible only with system type set as Nregen=0)
Set to a 1 for non-regenerative systems which have a brake switch.
4-3-1-3 Brk Bus OVT PU (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Trip point set as percentage of brake pick current to declare a Brake bus overvoltage fault.
4-3-1-3 Brk Bus UVT PU (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Trip point set as percentage of brake pick current to declare a Brake bus undervoltage fault.
4-3-1-4 LRT DC Level (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the amplitude of the DC current offset used during the locked rotor test (LRT) for initial magnet
position detection. Varying this parameter may affect the accuracy of the magnet angle calculation and,
thus, affect available torque. The actual value used for the locked rotor test is limited between 10% and
50% of the “Rated trq i” E2 parameter to help reduce the risk of an erroneous magnet position calculation
due to mis-setting this LRT parameter. This actual value used is displayed in the Service Tool (4-1-3-2).
4-3-1-4 LRT err thsh (deg) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the locked rotor test (LRT) motion error threshold that specifies amount of allowable motion of the
motor during an LRT. This parameter is specified in electrical degrees. Machine motion during an LRT is
undesirable because it may adversely affect the magnet position calculation. If this threshold is exceeded
during an LRT, a drive fault ("LRT motion error") is declared and the LRT is aborted.
4-3-1-4 Enc err thsh (deg) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the amount of error allowed in the magnet position due to encoder slip or a bad initial magnet
detection calculation. This threshold is checked only when the motor operates above 30% of rated motor
speed. If this error threshold is exceeded, then an "Encoder pos err" fault is logged and on the next PTR
command another magnet position calculation (locked rotor test – LRT) is performed.
4-3-1-4 T/A Iq offset (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
4-3-1-4 T/A Id slope (PU) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the slope of the line that describes the relationship between the d-axis and q-axis current for
maximum torque per amp efficiency scheduling for PM motors. The equations are:
Id = -Idslope*(|Iq|-|Iqoffset|) for |Iq| > |Iqoffset|
Id = 0 for |Iq| <= |Iqoffset|
To disable maximum torque per amp efficiency scheduling set this parameter to “0”.
See also: T/A Iq offset.
4-3-1-4 Kt slope (1/Nm) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the slope of the line that describes the relationship between the d-axis current (defined in Amps) and
one over the torque constant (defined in A/Nm). This is only necessary when running the field weakening
voltage regulator on a PM motor. Modifying the torque constant in our control helps the velocity regulator
track the change in the actual torque constant of the machine during field weakening voltage regulation to
ensure better velocity loop performance.
Unless predefined in a parameter document (Otis doc# 52686 & 53015) always set this parameter to zero.
See also: T/A Id slope, T/A Iq offset, Fld Wkn level, and Fld Wkn bw.
4-3-1-4 Rated mag i (instantaneous A) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Magnetizing current at which to operate an induction motor. Expressed as the vector magnitude of the
magnetizing component of stator current, which is the peak value of the sinusoidal no-load current. To
convert from RMS current, multiply by sqrt(2).
When this parameter is changed, the slip gain is automatically compensated and field orientation is
maintained. The torque gain also changes, however, and with it the tuning of the inner velocity loop.
When changing the magnetizing current, the Rated Torque parameter (Rated trq i) should also be changed
to reflect the reduced torque produced by rated torque current at the reduced flux.
See also: Mag I Peak, Min Ramp Time, Max Flux Time, Imag DnRmp Tim.
4-3-1-4 Mag I Peak (instantaneous A) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the value to which the d-axis magnetizing current is ramped during magnetization of an
induction motor.
If this parameter is set larger than the Rated mag i parameter, then fast fluxing of the motor can be
achieved. To disable fast fluxing of the motor, set this parameter to a value equal to or smaller than the
Rated mag i parameter. In this case the magnetizing current merely ramps up to the rated magnetizing
current level specified for the motor, Rated mag i.
This Mag I Peak parameter, along with the Max Flux Time parameter, determines the flux level at which
the drive declares that the magneting current has been established which leads to the drive states of torque
current established and ready-to-run (see SVT display 4-1-3-3 Flux Lev @RTR).
Once the motor is considered fluxed (see 4-1-3-3 Flux Lev @RTR), the magnetizing current is set to (or
remains at) the rated value specified for the motor, Rated mag i. This transition is either a step or a ramp
down depending on the setting of the Imag DnRmp Tim parameter. As Mag I Peak is increased, flux time
decreases which may improve elevator flight time – but IGBT junction temperature excursions increase and
drive lifetime may adversely be affected.
Note: while this parameter can be set to 0, the value is limited to a minimum of 1.0 times the rated
magnetizing current (Rated mag i). Also, when in battery rescue mode, the value is set to the minimum
(1.0 times the rated magnetizing current Rated mag i) in order to decrease the voltage used during
See also: Rated mag i, Min Ramp Time, Max Flux Time, Imag DnRmp Tim.
4-3-1-4 Min Ramp Time (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the minimum time over which the magnetizing current is ramped to its fluxing value.
During magnetization of an induction motor, the magnetizing current is ramped to a value specified by
Mag I Peak. The time over which the magnetizing ramp occurs is normally calculated from a specified
maximum voltage to occur during the ramp and will vary depending upon the inductance of the motor. If
4-3-1-4 Max Flux Time (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the maximum time allowed for the fluxing of an induction motor.
This parameter, along with Mag I Peak, affects the desired motor flux level (see 4-1-3-3 Flux Lev
@RTR) to be achieved at the end of the induction motor magnetization process before declaring ready-to-
run and lift-brake commands.
As this parameter decreases, flux time decreases, which may improve elevator flight time – but may
adversely affect elevator rollback.
See also: Rated mag i, Mag I Peak, Min Ramp Time.
4-3-1-4 Imag DnRmp Tim (secs) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Determines the time over which the magnetizing current is ramped down to its final value.
After “fast flux” magnetization (Mag I Peak > Rated mag i) of an induction motor has been established,
the magnetizing current is ramped down from a value specified by Mag I Peak to a value specified by
Rated mag i. The time over which this ramp down occurs is determined by this parameter. If “0” is
entered for this parameter, then a step down in magnetizing current will occur as opposed to a ramp down.
A ramp down is sometimes more desirable for drives with a smaller DC link capacitance since the ramp
down will lower the voltage caused by the change in current (smaller di/dt).
Typically this parameter is set to a value of 0 unless the voltage caused by the step down in current is an
issue (i.e. drive with small DC link capacitance). The ramp down time does not affect flight time since it is
done after motor magnetization has been established.
See also: Rated mag i, Mag I Peak, Max Flux Time.
4-3-1-4 Fld Wkn level (PU) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the inverter voltage level at which the Field Weakening Controller (FWC) begins to regulate motor
voltage by dictating negative d-axis current. The FWC is a motor voltage regulator that allows higher
motor speeds without exceeding maximum sinusoidal inverter output voltage. The FWC is available for
PM motors only.
This E2 parameter is a per unit value of the maximum sinusoidal drive output voltage. In line-to-line rms it
be calculated as the bus voltage divided by 1.41. This parameter is typically set to “0.98”. To disable the
FWC set this parameter to “2”.
4-3-1-4 Fld Wkn bw (Hz) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the desired bandwidth of the Field Weakening Controller (FWC) as described above. This value is
typically set to “10”.
See also: Fld Wkn level; FWC Bulk Ld.
4-3-1-4 FWC bulk Ld (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the d-axis bulk inductance value of a PM motor that is used to tune the Field Weakening Controller
(FWC). The FWC is a motor voltage regulator that allows higher motor speeds without exceeding
maximum sinusoidal inverter output voltage. This inductance is part of the integral gain calculation of the
FWC. The FWC is available for PM motors only.
This E2 parameter is in units of millihenries. If this value is not known for a particular PM motor, then just
enter the same value as the value entered for the “4-3-1-5 Inv load Ld (mH) (visible only with motor
type set to PM=1)” E2 parameter.
See also: Fld Wkn bw.
4-3-1-4 Lq_c0 (1/mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Lq_c0, Lq_c1, and Lq_c2 are used for encoder slip fault management (see f27 “Encoder pos err”). Lq_c0
is the leading coefficient of a polynomial curve fit for the q-axis bulk inductance (Lq). The other
coefficients are Lq_c1 and Lq_c2 (see below Lq_c1 and Lq_c2). These coefficients are used to calculate
the q-axis bulk inductance value of the motor for the given operating point. The resulting bulk inductance is
used as an input to the secondary magnet position detection algorithm for encoder slip fault management. If
Lq_c1=Lq_c2=0 and Lq_c0 = 1 / Inv load Lq (mH), then the bulk inductance is made equal to the nominal
value of incremental inductance (Inv load Lq 4-3-1-5) used for the current regulator.
If Lq_c0 value is not known, just set to “0”. This will force the secondary magnet position estimation
calculation to use “Inv load Lq” as the inductance input. Setting this value to “0” also disables the use of
Lq_c1 and Lq_c2.
See also: Lq_c1; Lq_c2.
4-3-1-4 Lq_c1 (mA/mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Lq_c0, Lq_c1, and Lq_c2 are used for encoder slip fault management. Lq_c1 is the first order coefficient
of a polynomial curve fit for the q-axis bulk inductance (Lq). The other coefficients are Lq_c0 and Lq_c2
(see Lq_c0 and Lq_c2). These coefficients are used to calculate the q-axis bulk inductance value of the
motor for the given operating point. The resulting bulk inductance is used as an input to the secondary
magnet position detection algorithm for encoder slip fault management (see f27 “Encoder pos err”).
If Lq_c0 value is not known, just set Lq_c0 and this parameter to “0”. This will force the secondary
magnet position estimation calculation to use “Inv load Lq” as the inductance input. Setting Lq_c0 to “0”
will disable the use of Lq_c1 and Lq_c2.
See also: Lq_c0; Lq_c2.
4-3-1-4 Lq_c2 ((mA/mH)^2 ) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Lq_c0, Lq_c1, and Lq_c2 are used for encoder slip fault management. Lq_c2 is the second order
coefficient of a polynomial curve fit for the q-axis bulk inductance (Lq). The other coefficients are Lq_c0
and Lq_c1 (see Lq_c0 and Lq_c1). These coefficients are used to calculate the q-axis bulk inductance value
of the motor for the given operating point. The resulting bulk inductance is used for secondary magnet
position detection algorithm for encoder slip fault management (see f27 “Encoder pos err”).
If Lq_c0 value is not known, just set Lq_c0 and this parameter to “0”. This will force the secondary
magnet position estimation calculation to use “Inv load Lq” as the inductance input. Setting Lq_c0 to “0”
will disable the use of Lq_c1 and Lq_c2.
See also: Lq_c0; Lq_c1.
4-3-1-4 Rtd mtr spd RPM (visible only with Auto Tune=1)
This parameter is used when the drive is in self-tune mode only. Enter the rated motor speed in rpm shown
on the motor nameplate. Do not enter the contract rpm.
4-3-1-5 Inv load L (H) (visible only with motor type set to Induction=0)
Load inductance as seen by the inverter current regulators. This is the transient inductance of the motor
plus any filter inductance ahead of the motor. The values to be used are those in a per-phase equivalent
circuit of the motor and filter. This is the single phase model in which the applied voltage is 1/sqrt(3) of
the actual line-line voltage.
The motor inductance seen by the regulator corresponds to the locked-rotor machine model, and is
essentially the sum of the stator and rotor leakage inductance’s. It is entered as a value in Henrys.
For motors where no data are available, the transient inductance can be estimated from a bridge
measurement made at the motor terminals. Use the frequency nearest the motor operating frequency, and
4-3-1-5 Inv load Ld (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Load inductance in millihenries as seen by the inverter d-axis current regulator. For induction motors
Ld=Lq, so a single value for L is used for both the d-axis and q-axis current regulators . For PM motors Ld
may not equal Lq, so separate values for Ld and Lq are necessary to allow independent control along each
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Lq; Mtr id sat; Ldsat slope; Inv i bw; Inv load R.
4-3-1-5 Mtr id sat (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the d-axis current level at which the d-axis PM motor inductance begins to saturate (decrease). This
is a negative current level that corresponds to “Inv load Ld” on the Ld vs Id curve. For some PM motors
the motor inductance varies significantly as a function of current due to saturation of the motor iron. This
can cause control issues when using only a single value for Ld. “Gain Scheduling” is introduced that
dynamically changes the proportional current regulator gain to follow Ld as a function of motor current.
Idsat is used to help tune the dynamic current regulator proportional gain. To disable gain scheduling and
the effect of this parameter, set "Ldsat slope" to “0”.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Mtr iq sat; Ldsat slope ; Lqsat slope; Inv load R.
4-3-1-5 Ldsat slope (mH/A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the slope of the saturated PM motor d-axis inductance as a function of d-axis current. For some PM
motors the motor inductance varies significantly as a function of current due to saturation of the motor iron.
This can cause control issues when using a only single value for Ld. “Gain Scheduling” is introduced that
dynamically changes the proportional current regulator gain to follow Ld as a function of motor current.
Ldsat slope is used to help tune the dynamic current regulator proportional gain. To disable gain
scheduling, set this parameter equal to “0”.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Mtr id sat; Mtr iq sat; Lqsat slope; Inv load R.
4-3-1-5 Inv load Lq (mH) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
Load inductance in millihenries as seen by the inverter q-axis current regulator. For induction motors
Ld=Lq, so a single value for L is used for both the d-axis and q-axis current regulators . For PM motors Ld
may not equal Lq, so separate values for Ld and Lq are necessary to allow independent control along each
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Mtr iq sat; Lqsat slope; Inv i bw; Inv load R.
4-3-1-5 Mtr iq sat (A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
This is the q-axis current level at which the q-axis PM motor inductance begins to saturate (decrease). This
current level corresponds to “Inv load Lq” on the Lq vs Iq curve. For some PM motors the motor
inductance varies significantly as a function of current due to saturation of the motor iron. This can cause
control issues when using only a single value for Lq. “Gain Scheduling” is introduced that dynamically
changes the proportional current regulator gain to follow Lq as a function of motor current. Iqsat is used to
help tune the dynamic current regulator proportional gain. To disable gain scheduling and the effect of this
parameter, set “Lq sat slope” to “0”.
See also: Inv load L; Inv load Ld; Inv load Lq; Inv i bw; Mtr id sat; Ldsat slope; Lqsat slope; Inv load R.
4-3-1-5 Lqsat slope (mH/A) (visible only with motor type set to PM=1)
4-3-1-5 Cnv i bw (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Per unit open-loop bandwidth of the inverter current regulators. 1.0 PU is defined as the frequency at
which the loop delay in the current regulators adds 30 degrees of phase. Since the load should add 90
degrees of phase, this should allow 60 degrees of phase margin. The resulting open loop crossover
frequency is displayed in the service tool in 4133. Typically, this parameter should be set to 0.8.
The current regulators are proportional-integral type, implemented in the synchronous reference frame. At
crossover frequencies of interest, the load is essentially pure inductance, and the proportional gain
establishes the bandwidth. Integral gain is used to ensure zero steady-state error, and the regulator zero is
placed over the L/R pole of the load.
See also: Cnv load L; Cnv load R.
4-3-1-5 Cnv load L (H) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Load inductance as seen by the converter current regulators. This is the inductance of the line reactors.
The values to be used are those in a per-phase equivalent circuit. See Cnv AC line L for further
4-3-1-5 Cnv AC line L (H) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
AC line inductance. This includes the inductance of the AC mains and the inductance of an
autotransformer, if present. The values to be used are those in a per-phase equivalent circuit.
This parameter impacts a notch filter used to control a resonance in the converter regulator. The resonance
can exist due to the line-to-line capacitors in the EMI filter resonating with the parallel combination of the
line reactor and the AC line reactance. When the AC line is "soft", as may occur with the use of an
autotransformer, this resonant frequency may be lightly damped, causing insufficient gain margin in the
current regulator. To solve this problem, a band stop filter is used to reduce the loop gain in the vicinity of
the resonance. The center of the stop band will be at the calculated resonant frequency. The resonant
frequency is calculated as the parallel combination of the inductors and the star equivalent AC capacitance.
This parameter also impacts the gains used for the converter current regulators since the bandwidth of the
regulator is adjusted to account for the additional phase introduced by the bandstop filter.
The value of this parameter can be estimated by assuming a 5% voltage drop at rated nominal amperage:
CnvAClineL = 0.05 × 3
2πfI L
Note: the affect of the filter can be removed if this parameter is set to a relatively small value, e.g., 0.00001.
4-3-1-5 Cnv AC Caps (uF) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
AC line-to-line capacitance. This refers to the line-to-line capacitors used on the input side (converter side)
of the drive for EMI filtering. The value to be used are line-to-line start equivalent circuit.
This parameter only affects a notch filter used to control a resonance that may occur when an
autotransformer is used. See Cnv AC line L for more description.
4-3-1-5 Cnv load R (ohm) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Load resistance as seen by the converter current regulators. This is the equivalent resistance of the line
reactor, EMI filter, and AC line at the converter current regulator bandwidth. This resistance includes the
effect of core losses in the inductors, as well as the resistance of the wire itself.
4-3-1-5 CRF Ntch Dpth (dB) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter sets the amount of attenuation in the stopband of the Converter Resonance Filter.
This parameter only affects a notch filter used to control a resonance that may occur when an
autotransformer is used. See Cnv AC line L for more description
4-3-1-5 Cnv io error (PU) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Error limit for converter zero-sequence current. Each time the [three] converter currents are sampled, the
sum of the three currents is calculated and compared against this limit. If it is exceeded, a fault is declared
and all transistor bases are immediately inhibited. Worst-case response time to this fault is the execution
rate of the current regulators.
The fault is intended to protect against failure of a current sensor during drive operation, as well as against
ground faults in the line reactor or in the input leads.
The error limit is specified as a per-unit quantity on a base of the Converter Full-scale Current, and thus
should be relatively independent of drive rating. Typical values are 0.02 - 0.05.
4-3-1-5 Cnvtr OCT (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter controls the trip point for the converter over-current fault. This value is the peak (not RMS)
value at which to declare a converter over-current fault.
4-3-1-5 DCV bw (Hz) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Open loop bandwidth of the voltage regulator. This parameter is used as the unity-gain crossover
frequency, and the required gains are computed based on the internal scaling, the converter current
regulator bandwidth, and the value of the bus capacitance.
The voltage regulator is a proportional-integral type.
4-3-1-5 Cnv i err lim (PU) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This parameter defines the PU of full-scale current of filtered converter current error that is allowed before
a fault is declared. Typical value is 0.05.
A large current error in the converter is typically a result of a failure in properly switching, a failure in
proper current feedback, or the result of the main lines being disconnected. If any of these conditions
occur, the current error in the converter will become large. If the condition then corrects itself, the resulting
inrush current in the converter could be very large and potentially damaging. To prevent this, this fault will
occur before too large of an error occurs.
4-3-1-6 Analog sink (1/0) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
The drives are equipped with either a discrete temperature sensor or an analog temperature sensor, for
measurement of the heat sink. This parameter must be set to the correct type of sensor. Fault management
may not detect an incorrect setting. For an analog heat sensor set to 1. For a discrete heat sensor set to 0.
4-3-1-6 Heat sink warn (C) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
This feature is enabled if the analog heat sink temperature sensor is enabled (M4316 “Analog sink 1/0” =
1). If the temperature of the heat sink exceeds this level, a level 1 fault will be issued. This fault detection
includes hysteresis. The fault will not clear until the temperature drops 15C degrees below the setting. If
set to 0.0, the function is disabled.
4-3-1-6 k2c off (mW/Hz) (visible only with IGBT type set as 0)
IGBT turn-off loss curve coefficient. See equations given below.
The IGBT and Diode junction temperatures are found by using the above powers as inputs to the
temperature model. This model is shown here as a filter stage followed by a thermal resistance DC gain
æ dencss 2 ö
Pcs = Pcase × ç ÷
è s + dencss 2 ø
Pcase = Pjc + Pdc
The end results are the estimated IGBT junction-to-case and Diode junction-to-case temperatures.
Tjc = Rjc × Pjc
Tdc = Rdc × Pdc
Tcs = Rcs × Pcs
Tjs = Tjc + Tcs
Tds = Tdc + Tcs
5.3.12. Drive Scaling Parameters (4-3-1-7)
4-3-1-7 Nregen=0 Rgen=1
This parameter is used to control the drive type, set to Nregen (0) for non-regenerative drives and Rgen (1)
for regenerative drives.
Notes: (1) This parameter also controls display access on the service tool of e2 parameters, which are
active based on drive type. For example, if system type is set to Rgen=1, then parameters
which apply to regenerative drives only will not be displayed on the service tool.
(2) If you have a Non-Regenerative Drive and the CBR relay drops out shortly after powering up.
A possible reason for this is, that this parameter is set to Rgen=1.
4-3-1-7 Cnv i fs (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
The (instantaneous) converter output current, which results in a voltage (magnitude) of 10.0V at the input
of the V/F converter module. It includes the sensitivity (turns-ratio) of the current sensor, the burden
resistor value, and the gain of the input differential amplifier. It is the current corresponding to a value of
1.0 in the DSP internal fractional arithmetic representation.
This value is used to establish the scaling for all converter current values. If an incorrect value is entered,
damage to the drive may result. Entering a number, which is too small, will result in proportionally larger
4-3-1-7 Cnv i limit (A) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Limits the torque current reference applied to the Q-axis current regulator. The actual limit used is
corrected for the magnetizing current so that the vector sum of the two currents will not exceed the
specified limit.
The limit is applied in the synchronous reference frame. When the limit is reached, the output current
waveform remains sinusoidal, but will not increase further in amplitude. The output waveform does not
clip or otherwise become distorted when this limit is reached.
4-3-1-7 Brk fscale (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The (instantaneous) brake output current, which results in a voltage (magnitude) of 10.0V at the input of
the V/F converter module. It includes the sensitivity (turns-ratio) of the current sensor, the burden resistor
value, and the gain of the input differential amplifier. It is the current corresponding to a value of 1.0 in the
DSP internal fractional arithmetic representation.
This value is used to establish the scaling for all brake current values. If an incorrect value is entered,
damage to the drive may result. Entering a number, which is too small, will result in proportionally larger
4-3-1-7 Brk i limit (A) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
Limits the brake current to protect the brake transistor and brake.
4-3-1-7 Bus caps (uF) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
The value of the bus capacitor equivalent capacitance. This parameter is used in the tuning of the voltage
4-3-1-7 Brk dcv fscale (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The brake DC link voltage which results in a voltage of 10.0V at the input of the V/F converter module. It
includes the attenuation factor of the balanced resistor network and the gain of the input differential
amplifier. It is the voltage corresponding to a value of 1.0 in the DSP internal fractional arithmetic
4-3-1-7 Nom brk dc (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The nominal voltage on the brake DC link. This value is a result of the input AC line voltage and the ratio
of the brake transformer. This parameter is used to scale the gains in the brake current regulator.
4-3-1-7 Brk dcv chg (V) (visible only with BCM present set to 1)
The voltage on the brake DC link at which the bus is considered charged.
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus Nom DC (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
Nominal DC link voltage during Battery Rescue Operation.
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus OVT (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
Over voltage trip point for the DC link, expressed as a per unit quantity of the Battery Bus Nominal DC
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus UVT (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
Under voltage trip point for the DC link, expressed as a per unit quantity of the Battery Bus Nominal DC
4-3-1-7 Btry Bus PRE (PU) (visible only with Battry Rscue set as 1)
DC link voltage value at which the DBSS will leave the precharge state, expressed as a per unit quantity of
the specified Battery Bus Nominal DC Voltage.
4-3-1-8 IGBT Temp (°C) (visible only with Dnshft type set as 1)
This parameter determines the setpoint for the IGBT junction temperature regulator. This value should be
set in accordance with Otis Document No. 53105.
4-3-1-8 Diode Temp (°C) (visible only with Dnshft type set as 1)
This parameter determines the setpoint for the Diode junction temperature regulator. This value should be
set in accordance with Otis Document No. 53105.
4-3-1-8 Cnv dead time (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Dead time (overlap protection) enforced between turn-off of one transistor in an inverter leg and turn-on of
the opposite (complementary) device. This value should take into account the turn-off and recovery times
of the devices, as well as delays in the gating circuits.
Appropriate values are found to be 5 us for IGBT's.
4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM comp (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Compensation for the inverter dead time. This parameter should be set to the effective dead time of the
drive at the output of the IGBT’s. This is typically slightly less than the programmed dead time. Typically,
this is 4.5 us if 5us dead time is used.
4-3-1-8 Cnv PWM Adv (us) (visible only with system type set as Rgen=1)
Parameter used to set time advance of the application of converter PWM compensation. This time
advancement compensates for computation delays in the software. The unit used is the calculated loop
delay (1.0/i_reg_freq+0.5/pwm_freq). Nominally, this parameter should be set to 1.
F72 F14 R5
R5 POR F10
Figure 5-2
• The GO-ON key may be hit until the event displayed in position 1 is the most recent event. To view the
previous event in the list, hit the GO-BACK key, hitting the GO-BACK key will regress each event 1
position in the display.
For example: Hitting the GO-BACK key 2 times while viewing the screen pictured in Figure 5-2 will result
in the initial screen shown in Figure 5-1.
• The GO-BACK key may be hit until only the most recent event is displayed in position 1.
• To force the screen menu up one level, hit the CLEAR key.
6. Fault Management
6.1. Fault Log Access
All faults detected by the DBSS software are stored in a ‘Fault Log’ which is accessible through
use of the service tool. There are 2 fault logs, the current log contains information about faults
which have been detected since the most recent POR and the EEPROM backup of the fault which
contains fault information from before the most recent POR.
• Both the current fault log and the EEPROM backup of the log have the same format
Each entry in the fault log contains 2 things, the name of the fault and the elapsed time
since POR that the fault was detected.
• Enter 4-2-1 to access the current fault log, faults that have occurred since the most recent
• Enter 4-2-2 to access the EEPROM backup of the fault log, faults that occurred before the
most recent POR.
• Enter 4-2-3 to clear the current fault log.
The DIB provides the capability to monitor internal drive software control signals through:
• Digital to analog (D/A) converters which provide the capability to output signals on 4 BNC
connectors. This allows them to be displayed on an oscilloscope or similar device. These
signals can also be displayed on the 4 segment LED which is located on the DIB.
• Twenty-four LED’s which display discrete signals.
• Twenty-five pin DB connector which can also output discrete signals.
• Parallel port when using the DIB PC Test Utility software AAA30449AAA (see Otis
document # 53167, 53164, and the AAA30449AAA software configuration release
Note: Control functions are provided by the Engineering version of the DIB only.
Cover plate templates can be found for the Engineering version and the Field version in
appendices H and I.
Table 7.2
Table 7.3
8. Self-Commissioning Operation
8.1. Overview
The OVF Self-Commissioning software functions are designed to automatically measure the
induction motor parameters and adjust the service tool parameters in the OVF drive to achieve a
properly tuned drive/motor combination, with the correct magnetizing current, rotor time
constant, and inertia. The benefit of self-commissioning software is that it achieves this without
the need to unrope the elevator, remove the motor or employ special test equipment. The
software requires four values from the motor nameplate: Rated voltage, power, rpm, and
frequency. All other parameters are computed or measured by the drive to achieve correct
elevator operation at the contract speed.
The bulk of the present self commissioning software is geared to induction motors only.
Self-commissioning tests are run in three stages. The first stage is the locked rotor tests, where
the drive adjusts the current regulator and measures the motor parameters. The motor does not
turn during these tests, and the brake is not lifted. This stage is required if the motor parameters
are not known beforehand.
The second stage is a fine-adjustment of the rotor time constant and magnetizing current, to
ensure that the rotor time constant and magnetizing current are set to correct values for running at
contract speed. The second stage requires the installer to command high speed, multi-floor runs
under control of the motion subsystem. It is important that the elevator reach contract speed
during these runs, and that the car be empty. To ensure consistent and accurate measurements, all
runs must be between the same two landings, e.g., from bottom to top, or from floor 2 to 8, etc.
The third stage of self-commissioning is the inertia adjustment. The operator requirements for
this stage are identical to those for the second, i.e., to command multi-floor runs under control of
the motion subsystem.
If the only available data on the motor is the nameplate data, the complete set of self-
commissioning tests should be run. On new equipment installations, where the motor parameters
are factory-set, it is possible to run only the inertia adjustment.
The elevator runs during the second and third stage of self-commissioning may be commanded
using the service tool interface to the MCSS or the OCSS. It is also possible, and may be
preferable, to use the service tool to set up the OCSS to cycle the elevator up and down
automatically. Allow for a 15 second interval between runs, and make sure that the elevator
reaches full contract speed for at least 3-5 seconds during the run. The elevator controller may be
set to ‘Inspection” to temporarily halt the cycling, for example when it is time to save the service
tool parameters (this is further described in the step by step procedure).
The self-commissioning stages were designed to run in sequence or as standalone tests. Each
stage, however, relies on certain EEPROM parameters. These parameters should be obtained
either through self commissioning tests or entered into the EEPROM by the installer. For
example, the Fine-Tuning stage requires (Lσ), also known as the motor transient inductance, in
service tool parameter ‘Lsigma’ in menu M4314. This value can either be computed from locked
rotor tests or, if known, entered manually by the installer. Either method is acceptable.
At the end of each self commissioning test, the user is given the opportunity to save the
determined parameters to EEPROM automatically or to abort without saving. The determined
NOTE 1: Do not unplug the service tool from the drive during the self-commissioning tests. The
tests will abort when the SVT is reconnected, and all test data will be lost.
NOTE 2: The drive service tool CANNOT be used to view dynamic displays such as current,
torque or motor voltage while the self tuning tests are in progress (see following note).
NOTE 2: To abort self-commissioning tests hit Module, Function or Set key on the service tool.
NOTE 3: The drive will NOT accept PTR from L/MCSS while in self commissioning mode
(processor board displays *0Ax’) unless it specifically asked for through the service
tool during fine tuning and inertia tests. You MUST exit the self commissioning mode
(see section 8.4.8 below) to run the elevator in normal, inspection or manual mode.
All other EEPROM parameters, such as limit current, drive rating, pretorque trim, etc, must be set
correctly as they are not self-tuned. The “Mag I Pk” E2 parameter (4-3-1-4) should be set to
where Rated_frequency and Rated_RPM are the nameplate RPM speed and frequency
respectively. If number_of_poles results in a decimal number then round the number
down to the nearest even integer (4.11 would be entered as 4). Alternatively you can use
the following graph to look up the rated RPM and frequency and match it to the closest
‘pole’ line :
4 Pole Machine
6 Pole Machine
8 Pole Machine
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60
Frequency (Hz)
2. Hit the go-on key until the parameter ‘Mtr shft pwr KW’ is displayed. Enter the rated
power in kilowatts from the motor nameplate.
3. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd mtr spd RPM’ parameter. Enter the rated speed in
rpm from the motor nameplate.
4. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd motor V ln-ln’ parameter. Enter the rated motor
line-to-line rms voltage from the motor nameplate.
5. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd motor frq HZ’ parameter. Enter the rated
frequency in Hz from the motor nameplate.
6. Hit the go-on key to display the ‘Rtd Lsigma H’ parameter. Enter the motor transient
inductance (Lsigma) if known or 0.001 if not known. The drive will determine this value
during the locked rotor phase of the tests.
7. Turn the E2 write protect switch on the processor board back to the PROTECT position.
8.4.3. Initial Tests with Stationary Elevator (Locked Rotor Tests) – INDUCTION
1. Power down the drive.
2. Establish the safety chain at the drive according to correct local practices. For NAO,
apply 120 VAC to either the “U” or “D” controller relay (may be subject to controller
change). In ETO there is a contact between the drive output and the motor input leads,
this contact must also be jumpered out as follows : jumper from XSW1-13 to XSW2-13
and jumper from XSW1-33 to XSW2-33 (may be subject to controller change), this
allows the SW1 and SW2 switches to energize. If not done the motor is not connected to
the drive which defeats the object of the test. Do not forget to remove these jumpers once
the locked rotor tests are finished.
3. Power on the drive.
4. If the drive is in self commissioning mode and the safety chain is established, the
display on the processor board will read ‘*0A0’. If the display reads ‘*0AA’ then the
safety chain is not present, power the drive down and trouble shoot the safety chain
5. Reset the SVT and access category 4-4-1-1. To start the test, hit ‘Go-On’ on the SVT.
The drive will now automatically tune the current regulators and measure the motor
parameters. During the tests, the drive will display its progress on the service tool screen.
6. When the tests are finished, the SVT will display ’Lckd Rotor Tests / Complete Hit >’.
Hit the go-on key to proceed.
7. The service tool will now display ‘To save data to / EEPROM hit >’. To save the data to
EEPROM automatically hit go-on. Otherwise hit the module, function or set keys to
abort the test. If the saving operation is aborted, the determined parameters will not be
saved to EEPROM but will be available for inspection in M442 (see section 8.4.7).
8. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the CHANGE
9. The data will be saved.
10. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the PROTECT
11. Hit go-on to continue
12. The service tool will now remind you that to run the next test, fine tuning, you need to hit
M4412. Access category 4-3-1-5 and hit the go-on key until ‘Inv I bw’ is displayed. Set
this parameter to 1.0.
13. If a jumper was required to satisfy the safety chain in Step 2, power down the drive and
remove the jumper. If you need to power the drive down to remove jumpers, first access
category 4-4-2 and write down the locked rotor test results as required in the data-sheet.
These results will not be displayed in M442 once you cycle power to the drive (of course
if you saved them to EEPROM, you can search for them in the regular service tool tree,
such as rotor time constant in M4314 and the current regulator parameters in M4315).
OR - allow the elevator to cycle up and down while the drive collects data and adjusts the
SVT parameters (cycle the elevator between the two selected floors with a delay of at
least 15 seconds).
It is required that the car reach contract speed for 3-5 seconds during these runs,
and that the car be empty.
8. Step 4 will repeat several times (at least 4 cycles of up and down runs). A minimum of
three cycles is required to determine the rotor time constant. One additional cycle is
required to check the magnetizing current and determine the magnetizing inductance. If
the magnetizing current requires adjustment, the rotor time constant must be re-checked,
requiring additional up/down runs.
9. When the tests are finished, the SVT will display ‘Fine Tuning / Complete Hit >’. Hit
the go-on key to proceed.
10. The service tool will now display ‘To save data to / EEPROM hit >’. To save the data to
EEPROM automatically hit go-on. Otherwise hit the module, function or set keys to
abort the test. If the saving operation is aborted, the determined parameters will not be
saved to EEPROM but will be available for inspection in M442 (see section 8.4.7).
11. When prompted by the SVT display, turn the E2 write protect switch to the CHANGE
OR - allow the elevator to cycle up and down while the drive collects data and adjusts the
INERTIA parameter (cycle the elevator between the two selected floors with a delay of at
least 15 seconds).
The following is a list of the most common problems encountered while self commissioning the drive. Please refer
to this list if you have a problem.
Fault: E2 Write Protect The E2 write protect Set E2 write switch to the PROTECT position.
switch was left in the Reset the processor board. Re-run the test.
CHANGE position when
PTR was issued.
Motor is phased Check motor phasing and re-run test.
Fault: Inverter OCT Motor nameplate data is Check for errors in motor nameplate parameter
Motor Overload incorrect, or the elevator data (4-3-1-4). Specifically, make sure that the
duty is greater than the data entered is the nameplate data and not the
motor rating. contract data (unless they are the same).Also,
verify that the car is empty during tests in (4-4-1-
Fault: Not Empty Car The car is not empty or Check that the car is empty and/or the overbalance
the overbalance is wrong and run the test again
Fault: PTR time out The user waited longer Reset processor board and start test over. The user
than two minutes to enter has two minutes to enter a car call and run the
a PTR command from the elevator or a fault will be logged.
Fault : LR RTC is zero A serious problem with Reset processor board and restart locked rotor
internal drive software tests. If problem persists report it to Farmington
has occurred Engineering.
The following faults can occur during locked rotor tests and they will be preceded by a “Bad DSP Feedback”
warning. The occurrence of any of these faults indicate a serious problem with the drive and they should, in theory,
never be observed :
The following warnings indicate that the locked rotor tests have taken longer to converge than usually required. The
usual course of action for these warnings is to complete the tests, save data to EEPROM and try the fine tuning tests.
If the obtained parameters are not too far off the actual parameters, the fine tuning stage will recover and converge
to the correct parameters. As a last resort, the parameters “MAX Lr Ampl PU” can be increased from 0.2 to 0.25
and the tests run again.
Warning Possible Cause Steps to take
Kp did not conv Bad nameplate data. It is profitable to finish the tests and save the
Ki did not conv Bad signal to noise obtained data to EEPROM. Fine tuning
LR RTC not conv ratio when getting data. will recover from slightly off locked rotor data.
The following faults indicate a serious problem with the calculation of the operating point for the motor (the
relationship between voltage, speed and frequency) during the final stage of locked rotor tuning.
The following faults indicate a problem in the convergence of the fine tuning or inertia tests. The fine tuning and
inertia tests perform up and down runs to gather data. One set of up and down runs is considered one try. The
number of tries (and therefore up and down runs) is limited because the tests should converge fairly quickly. If
these tests do not converge then there is probably a problem in the fine tuning tests. The steps to take for these faults
are difficult to determine until we get some more experience.
Installation Data
Location :
Date :
Installer :
Hoistway Data
If you already have parameters for this system, i.e. you are only testing the software or you
want to double check your parameters with self-commissioning complete the following
section with the existing parameters. If this is not the case then proceed directly to the
Motor Data Section
Fine Tune Id V : V
Installer Comments
4314 = MOTOR
4316 = TIMIMG
4319 = SPECIAL
4413 = INERTIA
IG BT desat fault
High tem p
DBSS = 4
Motor Phasng 0/1 Norm vel resp Bcm present? 1/0 Induction=0 PM=1
Vel gain Innr Xover rad/s Brake Pick A LRT DC Level A
IInertia kg-m2 LP filter frq Hz Brake hold A LRT err thsh deg
Rotate dir 1/0 Pretrq risetime Brake drop A Enc err thsh deg
Pretrq trim PU Rotr stop tol mm Brk ramp t secs T/A Iq offset A
Encoder ppr Overspeed PU Brk pick PU T/A Id slope PU
Enc Filter 0…4 Vel nch fltr 1/0 Brk drop PU Kt slope 1/Nm
Rated rpm Notch #1 F0 Hz Brk I bw Hz Number of poles
Duty speed mm/s Notch #2 F0 Hz L brk H Vel head room PU
Dely brk lftd DV acc lim m/s/s R brk ohm Duty load kg
Delay lft brk DV Flt Time sec R dbr fdfwrd Rotor time const
AC line Vel trk err mm/s Brk sw pres? 1/0 Rated mag i A
Mtr ovl tmr secs Vel trk time sec Brk Bus OVT PU Mag I Peak A
Single Phase 1/0 Brk Bus UVT PU Min Ramp Time s
ETSC Trip vel PU Max Flux Time S
SSB Trip vel PU Imag DnRmp Tim
DCV 0=375 1=750 Rated trq i A
Auto Tune 1/0 Rated trq n-m
Max LR ampl PU Fld Wkn level PU
Man ESTOP 1/0 Field Wkn bw Hz
Man accel mm/s/s FWC bulk Ld mH
Man decel mm/s/s Lq_c0 1/mH
Man speed mm/s Lq_c1 mA/mH
Battry Rscue 0/1 Lq_c2 (mA/mH)^2
Controller ID # Cwt overbal PU
Man act load kg
Mtr shft pwr KW
Rtd mtr spd RPM
Rtd mtr ln-ln V
Rtd mtr freq HZ
Mtr Lsigma H
1 2 3 4
Disclaimer: This Appendix is provided for reference only. Refer to Regional TIP for
instructions on how to enter manual mode.
This section applies to drives using any configuration (1..n) of the RN series Low Voltage
Interface Board (AAA26800RN, ABA26800RN & ACA26800RN)
The drive provides 120VAC power to a safety chain using the manual mode plug J10 located on
the LVIB (Low Voltage Interface Board).
1. Locate connector J10 on the interface board. Remove existing plug or wires on the connector.
2. Connect pin 1 on J10 (120VAC) to the beginning of the safety devices, point A in the figure
3. Connect the end of the safety devices, point B in the figure below, to pin 9 of J10.
4. Connect pin 10 of J10 to pin 7 of J10 to complete the return path of the safety devices.
5. Connect pin 1 of J10 to pin 8 of J10 to activate the manual mode-signaling device on the
interface board.
6. Reset the drive.
7. Connect pin 9 of J10 to pin 2 of J10 to enter an UP command.
8. Connect pin 9 of J10 to pin 3 of J10 to enter a DOWN command.
9. The UP and DOWN command switches are typically interlocked with each other and the
safety devices consists of a momentary contact push-button on the manual mode control box
and/or other safety devices.
10. Replace original plug or wires on connector J10 to return to normal operation.
In the figure below, heavy lines represent external connections required for manual mode. Light lines
represent interface board circuits.
120VAC J10-1
Disclaimer: This Appendix is provided for reference only. Refer to Regional TIP for
instructions on how to enter manual mode.
Procedure To Enter Manual Mode
This section applies to drives using any configuration (1..n) of the SA series Low Voltage
Interface Board (AAA26800SA, ABA26800SA, ACA26800SA & ADA26800SA or the
AAA26800XU board).
Manual Mode in Otis non-regenerative drives requires that the drive be operated with the
controller installed and powered on (The MSVF Drive is not a standalone unit like the HSVF
Drive). It is assumed that the brake coil, brake switches, and appropriate safety devices are
properly connected to the controller.
NOTE: The diagram below is shown for reference only. Specific contract wiring diagrams are to
be used for actual manual-mode wiring.
In the diagram, heavy dotted lines represent non-factory connections required for manual mode
For more detailed information consult the following NAO documents:
To setup an Otis MSVF non-regenerative drive for manual mode operation (See Diagram):
1. Insure that the AC Machine’s Brake, Brake Switch, and Motor Thermal Contact are
connected to the controller. Verify that the brake switch is set properly and functioning. If no
brake switch is present, make sure that the Brake/Switch parameter is set to 0 in the service
2. Connector J18 pin 6 of the DBSS PCB is the Manual Mode (MO) input which requires
+30VDC to place the drive in manual mode operation. Add a JUMPER as shown.
3. Construct a suitable manual mode box – a sample is shown in the diagram. The UP, DOWN,
and START command buttons are typically momentary switches while the Manual Operation
switch is usually a toggle switch. Note that the manual mode box is wired in series with the
safety chain such that the operator can interrupt the safety chain at any time.
4. The manual mode box is wired to utilize the controller, machine, and hoistway provided
5. The diagram shows that the manual mode box is wired to the 120VAC circuits that control the
UP and DOWN relays. The UP and DOWN relay contacts provide the +30VDC control
signals to the DBSS PCB.
6. RESET the drive. This will initialize the drive to manual-mode operation.
7. Turn the manual mode box on/off switch to the ON position.
8. For an UP command, depress and hold the START push-button and then depress and hold the
UP push-button. To stop, simply release the push-buttons.
9. For a DOWN command, depress and hold the START push-button and then depress and hold
the DN push-button. To stop, simply release the push-buttons.
Procedure To Exit Manual Mode (For drives using SA or XU series LVIB)
1. Remove the manual-mode box as well as any JUMPERS that were added.
2. Reset the drive
(N o n -R e g e n e ra tiv e )
(1 2 0 V A C ) D B SS
LB I n te r fa c e P C B
R J18
M anual HL1
M ode Box 1
1 M TC
ON/ 2
120V A C PO W E R ( M o t o r T h er m a l J12
+ C o n t a c t)
2 8 H L1
+ 7
3 +30
DN 1
D U 10 HL2
H L1 HL1
( C o n tr o ll er )
(H o istw a y)