Apendicitis en Niños
Apendicitis en Niños
Apendicitis en Niños
Appendicitis in Children
Lindsay A. Gil, MD, MPHa,
Katherine J. Deans, MD, MHScb,
Peter C. Minneci, MD, MHScc,*
Pediatric Surgery Research Fellow, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, OH 43206, USA; bDepartment of
Surgery, Nemours Children’s Health, Delaware Valley, 1600 Rockland Road, Wilmington, DE
19803, USA; cDivision of Pediatric Surgery, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State
University Wexner Medical Center, 611 East Livingston Avenue, Columbus, OH 43206, USA
Pediatric appendicitis Non-operative management Shared decision-making
Key points
Patient history, physical exam, laboratory results, and ultrasound as first-line
diagnostic imaging modality should be considered together to improve diag-
nostic accuracy of pediatric appendicitis.
Treatment options primarily depend on whether the patient has uncomplicated or
complicated appendicitis.
Patient/family shared decision-making should be utilized in the treatment choice
between non-operative and operative management for uncomplicated
Pediatric appendicitis constitutes a considerable burden of disease in children
and is associated with substantial health care cost and resource utilization.
Research surrounding the diagnosis and management of pediatric appendicitis
has led to continued advancement in practices, development of standardized
evidence-based treatment algorithms, and promotion of patient-centered ap-
proaches to management. This review summarizes the current evidence and
controversies surrounding contemporary approaches to the management of
acute appendicitis in children.
0065-3101/23/ª 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Laboratory tests
There is no known biomarker that is specific for appendicitis. Commonly used
laboratory tests such as white blood cell count (WBC), absolute neutrophil
count (ANC), and c-reactive protein (CRP), are limited in their ability to
discriminate between appendicitis and other inflammatory conditions and
cannot be used in isolation to diagnose appendicitis. Although reported values
for sensitivity and specificity for these tests vary widely [14–17], they have been
shown to be useful in improving diagnostic accuracy when used in combination
with radiographic imaging [18]. A recent retrospective study investigating chil-
dren with suspected appendicitis demonstrated that among children with a non-
diagnostic ultrasound, the combination of having >72 hours of symptoms and
a normal WBC had an NPV of 100% [19]. Lab tests also have been shown to
have time-dependent accuracy with a prospective cohort study demonstrating
that WBC peaked at <24 hours and CRP peaked at 24 to 48 hours of pain for
non-perforated appendicitis, and WBC peaked at 24 to 48 hours and CRP
peaked at >48 hours of pain for perforated appendicitis [20].
[47]. The PAS was externally validated and found to be useful in ruling out
appendicitis with a score 2 and ruling in appendicitis with a score 7 [48].
The AIR score is an 8-point scoring system developed via weighted ordered
logistic regression analysis involving characteristics of the patient history, phys-
ical exam, and laboratory testing, including vomiting, right lower quadrant
tenderness, rebound tenderness, fever 38.5 C, the proportion of polymorpho-
nuclear leukocytes, WBC, and CRP [49]. The score was recently validated by the
authors in a large prospective study involving 3878 children and adult patients
presenting with <5 days of abdominal pain. The authors found that the AIR
scoring system was more accurate in detecting appendicitis in patients <15 years
of age with a receiver operating curve (ROC) area of 0.87. It performed even
better when detecting complicated appendicitis with an ROC area of 0.93 [50].
The most recently developed scoring system for pediatric appendicitis is the
pediatric Appendicitis Risk Calculator (pARC) which includes age, sex, tem-
perature, nausea/vomiting, pain duration, pain location, pain with walking,
pain migration, guarding, WBC, and ANC. The score ranges from 0% to
100% and stratifies patients across seven clinically actionable risk categories
(<5%, 5%–14%, 15%–24%, 25%–49%, 50%–74%, 75%–84%, and 85%),
each corresponding to a negative appendectomy rate of 8.8%, 7.7%, 6.8%,
5.2%, 5.5%, 2.6%, and 1.2%, respectively. In the authors’ validation sample,
the pARC had an AUC of 0.85, outperforming the PAS which had an AUC
of 0.77 [51]. The pARC was externally validated across 11 community emer-
gency departments in patients 5 to 20.9 years of age who presented with
abdominal pain. In this patient population, the pARC similarly outperformed
the PAS with a ROC curve of 0.89 versus 0.80 [52].
Several comparative studies have investigated differences in diagnostic accu-
racy of the various pediatric appendicitis risk scores [53–55]. Based on these
studies, pediatric appendicitis risk scores do not appear to be sufficient alone
to determine the diagnosis of appendicitis without imaging. The scores can
be valuable tools in clinical algorithms for triaging patients with a higher likeli-
hood of appendicitis to undergo additional workup including imaging to deter-
mine if appendicitis is the cause of the patient’s symptoms.
(continued on next page)
Table 1
(continued )
treatment Early treatment Early failure Late failure
Author, year Study design Study population Antibiotics success success NOM NOM
Mahida Prospective 14 children 7–17 years of Piperacillin-tazobactam 2/5 (40%) 3/5 (60%) 2/5 (40%) 1/3
et al [67], nonrandomized age with uncomplicated or ciprofloxacin (33.3%)
2016 controlled trial appendicitis (5 NOM) þ metronidazole
Minneci Prospective 102 children 7–17 years Piperacillin-tazobactam 28/37 35/37 2/37 (5.5%) 7/35
et al [68], nonrandomized of age with uncomplicated or ciprofloxacin (75.7%) (94.6%) (20.0%)
2016 controlled trial appendicitis (37 NOM) þ metronidazole
Minneci Prospective 1068 children 7–17 years Piperacillin-tazobactam 245/370 317/370 53/370 72/317
et al [69], nonrandomized of age with uncomplicated or ciprofloxacin (66.2%) (85.7%) (14.3%) (22.7%)
2020 controlled trial appendicitis (370 NOM) þ metronidazole
Mudri Retrospective 52 children 6–17 years of Ceftriaxone 17/26 26/26 0/26 (0.0%) 9/26
et al [70], review age with uncomplicated þ metronidazole (65.4%) (100.0%) (34.6%)
2017 appendicitis (26 NOM)
Perez Otero Randomized 39 children 6–17 years of Piperacillin-tazobactam 14/20 17/20 3/20 3/17
et al [71], controlled trial age with uncomplicated (70.0%) (85.0%) (15.0%) (17.6%)
2022 appendicitis (20 NOM)
Sajjad Randomized 180 children 5–15 years of Meropenem 75/90 85/90 5/90 (5.6%) 10/85
et al., controlled trial age with uncomplicated þ metronidazole (83.3%) (94.4%) (11.8%)
success rate of 90.5%. The authors also demonstrated that appendicolith was asso-
ciated with increased risk of treatment failure with a risk ratio of 10.43 (95% CI
1.36–74.26) [78]. Other studies have demonstrated that factors such as rebound
tenderness, muscle guarding, appendiceal diameter >9 mm, intraluminal appen-
diceal fluid, higher pain scores, and longer duration of pain are significantly asso-
ciated with recurrence [64,73,82].
The largest prospective clinical trial investigating non-operative management of
pediatric appendicitis to date includes 1068 children 7 to 17 years of age across 10
tertiary children’s hospitals. Non-operative management consisted of hospital
admission with a minimum of 24 hours of intravenous antibiotics and observation
with subsequent discharge home with oral antibiotics for a total course of 7 days of
therapy. Of the 370 patients who underwent initial non-operative management, 53
(14.3%) patients had early treatment failure and required appendectomy during
their initial hospitalization. Of the 317 patients with early treatment success, 72
(22.7%) had late treatment failure requiring appendectomy. After adjusting for
baseline patient sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, the overall success
rate of non-operative management at 1 year was 67.1%. The authors also
compared disability days between groups and found that non-operative manage-
ment was associated with significantly fewer patient and caregiver disability days
compared to surgery at 30 days and 1 year and higher quality-of-life scores at
30 days [69]. Given the results of this study and the previous evidence demon-
strating the safety and efficacy of non-operative management of pediatric appendi-
citis, many have advocated that the decision surrounding treatment approach
should be the patient/family’s choice and shared decision-making should be the
standard of care [83–90]. Through this approach, patients and their families are em-
powered to make a treatment decision that is aligned with their unique priorities
and values based on the different risks and benefits associated with surgery (ie,
higher disability days, post-operative pain, risk of post-operative complications)
as compared to non-operative management (ie, risk of early treatment failure or
subsequent recurrence) with antibiotics alone.
Operative management of uncomplicated appendicitis is associated with
complication rates ranging from 5% to 15%, including intra-abdominal abscess,
superficial and organ space surgical site infections, small bowel obstruction, and
ileus [91,92]. Given the time-dependent pathophysiology of acute appendicitis
with increasing risk of appendiceal perforation as time passes without interven-
tion, several studies have investigated the association of operative timing and
risk of post-operative complications. One study including 2429 children who
underwent appendectomy within 24 hours of presentation across 29 hospitals
in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program-Pediatric (NSQIP-Pedi-
atric) database demonstrated that there was no evidence of a significant associ-
ation between timing of operative intervention and post-operative
complications [93]. However, a subsequent study including 18,927 children
who underwent appendectomy within 24 hours of presentation found that pa-
tients who underwent appendectomy 16 to 24 hours after presentation were
more likely to have operative findings of complicated appendicitis, higher rates
The management of pediatric appendicitis continues to advance with the devel-
opment of evidence-based treatment algorithms and a recent shift toward
patient-centered treatment approaches. The available evidence can be used to
develop standardized institution-specific diagnostic and treatment algorithms
based on available resources (eg, use of scoring system to triage to imaging;
choice of secondary imaging modality after ultrasound) to decrease rates of
missed diagnosis and appendiceal perforation, and to promote patient-
centered care that can minimize disability, complications, and health care
resource utilization.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
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