Deformation of Ice-Hockey Sticks From Player
Deformation of Ice-Hockey Sticks From Player
Deformation of Ice-Hockey Sticks From Player
Leixiao Zhu
A thesis
The Department
Computer Science
December 2020
c Leixiao Zhu, 2020
Concordia University
School of Graduate Studies
complies with the regulations of this University and meets the accepted standards with
respect to originality and quality.
Signed by the final examining commitee:
Dr. Olga Ormandjieva
Dr. Olga Ormandjieva
Dr. Sudhir Mudur
Dr. Abbas Javadtalab
Dr. Tiberiu Popa
Dr. Leila Kosseim, Graduate Program Director
Dr. Mourad Debbabi, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Using physics-based methods to Model the Deformation of Ice-Hockey Sticks from
player shot videos
Leixiao Zhu
In ice-hockey games, the hockey stick is usually deformed significantly when the play-
ers hit the puck. Different materials are used to make hockey sticks. Studies have been
proposed to find how different hockey sticks and their deformation affect the performance
of players. The reconstruction of a hockey stick’s deformation during a shot is the key of
many of those studies. The goal of this thesis is to model the deformation of the sticks from
player shot videos using physics-based models and compare two physics-based methods for
their performance on this problem. In this thesis, we propose two physics-based models to
deform the stick and we integrate the models into a pipeline for stick reconstruction. The
contribution of this thesis is twofold: 1) Integrate the physics-based models to the pipeline
including data pre-processing, denoising and establishing constraints. 2) Adapting, imple-
menting and comparing two physics based models. We evaluate the results by overlapping
the deformed template with reconstructed point clouds and comparing our results with the
data from a MOCAP system.
First of all, I am heartily thankful to my supervisors Dr. Tiberiu Popa and Dr. Abbas
Javadtalab, for their patient guidance and inspiration throughout my thesis work. They
are respectful and erudite scholars. Without their help, I could not have completed my
I also would like to thank my groupmate Gaurav Handa for his help and pleasant co-
operation. I also appreciate all the professors and classmates at Concordia University from
the classes I took for helping me expand my professional knowledge.
Lastly, I want to express my deep thanks to my parents for their encouragement and support
all the time.
List of Tables ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem and motivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Thesis Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Background knowledge 4
2.1 Template-based reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Multi-view stereo reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Elasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.1 Linear Elasticity and Hooke’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.3 Cauchy Strain tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.4 Cauchy stress tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Commonly used methods for elastic material simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.1 Mass-Spring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.2 Finite Element Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.3 Energy Based Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4 Time integration and Energy minimizing in physics simulation . . . . . . . 15
3 Related Works 17
3.1 co-rotational FEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 The Discrete Shell Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Least Squares Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3.1 Linear least squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3.2 Non-linear least squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4 The Methodology 23
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Pre-processing for the template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3 Pre-processing for data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3.1 Random Sample Consensus method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3.2 Polynomial curve fitting in 3D space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3.3 Separate shaft part and blade part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.4 Initializing the physics models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.4.1 Initialize system for Finite Element Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.4.2 Initialization of the thin shell energy minimizing method . . . . . . . 29
4.5 Setting Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.5.1 Adaptive alignment of template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.5.2 Projection Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.5.3 Project Constraint points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.6 Solve the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.6.1 Set constraints for solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.6.2 Solve FEM system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.6.3 Solve the discrete shell energy system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Reference 47
List of Figures
19 A few frames of a wrist shot with stick 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
20 A few frames of a wrist shot with stick 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
21 A few frames of a slap shot with stick 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
22 A few frames of a slap shot with stick 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
23 The setup for markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
24 The comparison of the two physics-based methods. The red one is the energy
minimizing method, and the blue one is the Finite Element Method. . . . 45
List of Tables
Chapter 1
The Ice hockey game is a popular team sport, especially in Canada, the United States, and
some European countries. During a shot, the hockey stick is usually significantly deformed.
Since the hockey stick is the most important equipment in an ice hockey game, the stick and
its deformation have been studied for decades. Studies such as[2][3] have been proposed to
find how the material properties, such as the shaft stiffness, affect the speed and accuracy
of a shot. In those studies, various methods are used to capture the deformation or the
curvature of bending.
In many of these studies, an optical motion capture system with markers is applied to
capture the deformation, e.g.[4]. Although those specific high-end devices come with high
accuracy, they are usually costly and non-portable. Moreover, most of the systems only
capture the curvature of bending since they only capture the trace of the markers. The 3D
reconstruction of the hockey stick is important for stick performance analysis for its intu-
itiveness. However, not much work has been reported on this problem. Our team proposed
a portable and low-cost framework to reconstruct the 3D shape of a hockey stick during a
shot[5]. We employed a stereo camera set, which consists of two 275fps high-speed cameras,
to capture the video of a shot. Then point clouds are reconstructed from the stereo videos
for every frame, and the stick part is separated from the whole scene. A stick template is
aligned to the stick point cloud. The next step is to set constraints, and finally the tem-
plate is deformed using physical based methods. Setting the constraints and deforming the
template are essential parts in our framework since it directly affects the accuracy of the
final result and the efficiency of the whole system. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is
to implement a robust physics-based module in our pipeline to set the constraints properly
and deform the template to match the player videos.
Both setting constraints and deforming the template using physics-based models are chal-
lenging. For our portable stereo setup, in order to accomplish at least 250 fps, the images
will be noisy and in low-resolution, which makes it hard to set constraints to the right place.
Meanwhile, the hockey stick is a 3D object, but it is actually hollow and thin. It can be
approximated as a 3D volumetric object or a thin shell object with no thickness. Therefore,
for our physics-based model, we applied both 3D FEM and an energy minimizing method
based on discrete shells for comparison.
1.2 Contribution
In this thesis, we integrate, adapt and test two physics-based deformation models to an end-
to-end hockey acquisition pipeline that reconstructs the deformation of a hockey stick during
a shot. We implement a module of this pipeline that sets the constraints, implements the
physics-based models, and provides solvers to get the deformed shape. We test the system
on 4 different image sequences with 2 different hockey stick templates and 2 different shot
styles. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows:
• Integrate the physical models to the pipeline including data pre-processing, denoising,
and establishing constraints.
• Chapter 2 : Background knowledge. The template-based reconstruction and multi-
view stereo reconstruction are introduced. Then the physics knowledge of elastic
material and linear elasticity is presented. The main approaches for simulating elastic
materials and shell objects are introduced and discussed.
• Chapter 3 : Related works. The co-rotational Finite element method and an energy-
based method named the discrete shells are presented. The least squares method used
for both constraint setting and energy minimizing is also introduced.
Chapter 2
Background knowledge
In this chapter, background knowledge is listed as follows. Firstly, the template-based re-
construction and multi-view stereo reconstruction are introduced. Then the background
knowledge of elasticity, Hooke’s law, and the relation between strain and stress are pre-
sented. Lastly, some commonly used methods for simulating elastic materials are introduced
and discussed.
3D reconstruction from images and videos has been a hot topic for many years. A lot of
methods have been proposed and many of them are template-based methods. In template-
based reconstruction, a template of the non-deformed shape is provided. The input can be
single images[6], RGB-D input[7], stereo image sequences, and so on. Then different meth-
ods such as motion priors and physics-based methods are applied to deform the template
to match the real objects. Since the hockey stick is a typical elastic object which follows
Hooke’s law[8], we adopt and implement physics-based models to deform the template.
the center axis of the point cloud.
2.2 Elasticity
When an object or a material is elastic, it will be deformed when applied external force and
will return to its original shape when the force is removed[11]. When an elastic material
is deformed, there are always internal forces against the deformation. The ability to resist
deformation is different for different materials. This ability determines the relationship be-
tween the internal force and deformation.
To describe this material property, the deformation is usually measured as strain (), and
the force is measured as stress (σ). Strain describes the change of length or volume. It is
defined as the differential of the deformed distance between the deformed shape and the
original shape per unit length:
ε= (x − X) (1)
where x is the deformed shape and X is the original shape.
Stress describes the force that resists the deformation. Generally it is defined as force per
unit area:
σ= (2)
For most elastic materials, if the external force does not exceed the elastic limits, the
relationship between force and deformation, or strain and stress, is linear.
This is known as Hooke’s law, and those materials are called linear-elastic or Hookean
materials. The deformation of a hockey stick when it hits the puck or the ground is a typical
case of linear elasticity. According to Hooke’s law, the relationship between internal force
and the deformation can be expressed as F = KX, where F is the internal force that resists
the deformation, X is the deformation, K is the stiffness parameter which only depends on
the material property.
The relationship between strain and stress is defined as a modulus. An elastic modulus is the
slope of the stress-strain curve in the elastic deformation region[12]. Generally, three types
of modulus are most commonly used for elastic deformation. They are Young’s modulus,
the shear modulus, and the bulk modulus. Young’s modulus describes the resistance to
the deformation along the axis where forces are applied. The shear modulus describes the
resistance to shear. The bulk modulus describes the resistance to volume change. Besides
those moduli, the Poisson’s ratio is also introduced to describe the expansion or contraction
on one axis when the material is compressed or stretched on the perpendicular axis. The
four parameters, Young’s modulus E, the shear modulus G, the bulk modulus K and the
Poisson’s ratio v are transformable with the equation:
Any two of the four parameters can be used to describe an isotropic material. An isotropic
material means its resistance to deformation is the same in all directions. The most com-
monly used pair is the Young’s Modulus and the Poisson’s ratio.
In linear elasticity, the Cauchy strain[13] (also named engineering strain) is one of the
most commonly used strain measurements. The definition of Cauchy strain is the deformed
distance per unit length: ε = L0 , where u = L − L0 . In 3-D, the Cauchy strain tensor in
matrix form is expressed as:
dux 1 dux duy 1 dux duz
2 ( dy + dx ) 2 ( dz +dx ) ε ε ε
xx xy xz
duy duy 1 duy
ε= = 12 ( du + du = εyx εyy εyz (5)
dy + dx ) 2 ( dz dy )
x z
dx dy
1 ( dux + duz )
1 duy duz duz
2 ( dz + dy ) εzx εzy εzz
2 dz dx dz
The εij where i = j means normal strain and where i 6= j means shear strain. Note that
εij = εji , so the final formula can be simplified as a 6-component vector:
εxx 0 0
εyy 0 0
∂y ux
εzz 0 ∂
= u = Bu (6)
2εxy ∂y ∂
∂x u
∂ ∂
2εyz 0
∂z ∂y
∂ ∂
2εxz ∂z 0 ∂x
Cauchy stress[13] is also a most commonly used stress in measuring linear elasticity. It is
defined as σ = Eε, Where E is a tensor of elastic modulus. Same as the strain tensor, the
stress tensor can be simplified to a 6-component vector. Therefore, E becomes a matrix
of 6x6. For isotropic materials, using the Young modulus and the Poisson’s ratio, the E
matrix is:
1−v v v 0 0 0
v 1−v v 0 0 0
v v 1−v 0 0 0
E= (7)
(1 + v)(1 − 2v) 0
0 0 1
−v 0 0
0 0 0 2 −v 0
0 0 0 0 0 2 −v
The linear elasticity we discussed above is in continuous form. However, in practice, the
continuous problems need to be divided into finite pieces. Based on different ways of
discretizing or representing the elastic material, different approaches have been proposed.
The most commonly used methods are the Spring-Mass system, the Finite Element Method
and energy minimizing methods.
In reality, a spring is a typical Hookean model. In Mass-Spring system, the elastic material
is represented as a set of points with mass connected by massless springs[14]. Then the
forces are gathered for the points, e.g., force from spring, gravity, wind, collision, etc. For
the system in 3D, the springs consist of 3 types: structural springs, shear springs, and flexion
springs. The structural spring connects adjacent points and gives the tensile force. The
shear spring connects points that are on a diagonal and gives the shear force. The flexion
springs connect a point and the point after its adjacent point column-wise or row-wise, and
gives the bending force. Figure 3 gives a picture of the three types of springs.
Figure 3: A: The structural springs. B: The shear springs. C: The flexion springs
The forces of springs are calculated using Hooke’s law: F = K∆L, where ∆L is the
length change of the springs. By applying Newton’s second law F = m dv
dt = ma, a differen-
tial equation system can be obtained for the displacement of all the points. Then standard
numerical schemes such as explicit or implicit integration can be used to solve the system.
The Spring-Mass system is widely used for simulating objects with spring-like behaviour,
such as hair[15] and clothes[16].
Among the methods for simulating elastic materials, the Finite Element Method is one of
the most widely used method in computational physics and engineering[17]. Compared to
the Mass-Spring system, it is more complex and more physically accurate, especially for
modeling 3D volumetric problems.
The idea of Finite Element Method first appeared in early works in 1940s[18][19] and has
developed over years[20]. The method subdivides a continuous geometry or a domain into
finite parts. Those finite parts are called finite elements. Each of the elements is assigned
with a local equation and those equations are then gathered into an equation system that
models the entire problem[21].
Subdivision units
Since the Finite Element Method subdivides continuum problems into finite elements, the
choice of element unit will affect the accuracy of the approximate solution. In FEM, con-
tinuum materials are usually divided into units like triangles, quadrangles, tetrahedrons,
hexahedrons, and so on. Triangles and rectangles are the mostly used ones for deformation
on surfaces, such as cloths and 2D objects. Triangle elements are more flexible, easier to
implement, while quadrangle elements deliver more accurate results[22]. Tetrahedrons and
hexahedrons are widely used for 3D problems. The tetrahedron elements are easier for
subdivision while the hexahedron elements are more accurate in solving the system[23].
Shape Function
To discretize the continuous strain-stress formula, the relation between global coordinates
and element coordinates must be established. The function to transfer element local coor-
dinates to global coordinates is called the shape function. Take 1D line segment element as
example: suppose A and B are the positions of two endpoints of a line segment, then the
position of any points on the line segment can be represented as:
h i A
C = ξA + (1 − ξ)B = ξ 1 − ξ , (8)
Where 0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1.
h i
(ξ, 1 − ξ) is the local coordinate for C, and the function P = ξ 1 − ξ , which repre-
sents the position of C with the positions of A and B is called shape function. Then the
continuous form of Cauchy Strain can be discretized by the shape function:
due due dξ
εe = = (9)
dx dξ dx
The tetrahedron, also known as the triangular pyramid, consists of four triangular faces, 4
vertices, and 6 edges. The linear tetrahedron shape function or the tetrahedral coordinate
is a function defined to obtain the elastic properties of an arbitrary particle inside a tetra-
hedron by interpolating between the 4 vertices.
The tetrahedral coordinate or the tetrahedral shape function uses 4 scalars to defined a
point inside a tetrahedron (ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 , ξ4 ). If the positions of 4 vertices are v1 (v1x , v1y , v1z ),
v1 (v2x , v2y , v2z ), v3 (v3x , v3y , v3z ), v4 (v4x , v4y , v4z ), the position of V can be obtained by:
V = ξ1 ∗ v 1 + ξ2 ∗ v 2 + ξ3 ∗ v 3 + ξ4 ∗ v 4 (10)
In matrix from:
1 1 1 1 1 ξ
x v1x v2x v3x v4x ξ2
= (11)
y v1y v2y v3y v4y ξ3
z v1z v2z v3z v4z ξ4
• ξ1 + ξ2 + ξ3 + ξ4 = 1
• 0 ≤ ξi ≤ 1
1 1 1 1
v1x v2x v3x v4x
P =
v1y v2y v3y v4y
v1z v2z v3z v4z
The function P (12) shows the partial derivatives of global coordinate respective to tetra-
hedron coordinate dξ . The inverse of function P, the function N, transforms Cartesian
coordinate to tetrahedral coordinate.
V a1 b1 c1
V a2 b2 c2
N = P −1 = (13)
6V V
a3 b3 c3
V4 a4 b4 c4
The function N (13) shows the partial derivatives of tetrahedron coordinate respective to
global coordinate dx
Tetrahedral Strain
From equation (11) and function P, we can find the partial derivatives dξi are uxi . From
dξi ai
equation (14) and function N, we can find the partial derivatives dx are 6V .
Gathering all the equations above, we can obtain the final energy equation as :
ue F = εe T σe dVe (16)
Taking εT = uT B T and σ = Eε = EBu into equation (16):
ue F = ue Be T Ee Be ue dVe (17)
The E and B are matrices of constants. And for linear isotropic materials, since its elastic
property is same in all directions, the Ve dVe can be integrated into V . So the final equation
can be written as:
F = Ve B e T Ee Be ue (18)
The final equation establishes a linear relationship between force and deformation, which
follows the Hooke’s law F = Kx.
Ke = Ve B e T Ee Be , F = Ke ue (19)
In Classical physics, the energy change of a system equals to the work made by external
force. Work can be expressed as the product of the value of force and the displacement:
E = F U . Similar to force, energy can also describe the status of elastic materials.
Take 1D spring as an example:
Z 0
E = FU = −KLdL = KL2 (20)
L 2
Where L is the length change.
Energy-based methods are usually used for more complex situations and for more phys-
ically accurate models. For example, when a thin object experience curved deformation,
the relationship between force and displacement is no longer linear and is hard to represent.
The Spring-Mass system uses a linear flexion spring to approximately represent bending
force. However, it is not physically accurate.
According to T. J. Willmore’s bending energy functional[24], the bending energy of a surface
can be expressed as:
E= (H − K)dA, or E = H 2 dA (21)
Where S is the surface domain, A is the area , H = (k1 + k2 )/2 is the mean curvature,
K = k1 k2 is the Gaussian curvatureand k1 , k2 are the two principal curvatures of the sur-
In physics simulation, time integration is a popular method for solving problems where
people want to see intermediate animations. There are mainly two types of time integra-
tion methods: the Explicit (Forward) Euler Method and the Implicit (Backward) Euler
Method[25]. The explicit Euler method uses the slope from the previous time step to esti-
mate the result of the next time step:
The explicit Euler method is easy to implement. However, in order to reduce the errors,
the time step should be as small as possible. Otherwise, the system may explode soon.
The implicit Euler method uses the slope from the next time step to estimate the result of
the next time step:
yn+1 = yn + ∆tf (yn+1 , tn+1 ) (23)
The implicit Euler method can not solve the system directly, since it needs the estimation
of next time step. The explicit Euler method could be used to estimate the result of the
next time step.
For problems that do not need to show the intermediate animations and require higher
accuracy, energy minimizing methods are usually used to solve the system, e.g.[26]. The
idea of energy minimizing method is to find the condition that minimizes the energy change
of the whole system. For elastic material simulation, the energy minimizing method is to
find the shape that minimizes the energy of deformation. Based on different models, differ-
ent regression methods can be used to solve the system. For example, for force-based linear
elastic models, such as linear finite method, to minimized energy is actually to minimize
the force. In this case, linear least squares method can be used to solve the system. For
energy based models, non-linear least squares method can be applied to solve the system.
Chapter 3
Related Works
In this chapter, two physics-based methods, the co-rotational Finite element method and
the discrete shells method, are presented. The least squares method used both for setting
constraints and solving physics models is also introduced.
In 3D elastic material simulation, the finite element method with linear tetrahedron el-
ements is widely used because of its simpleness for mesh subdivision and flexibility to fit
different situations. However, since it is a linear approximation, the model is not rotationally
invariant. The error will be large if the system experiences large rotations. The problem
can be solved by using a non-linear strain-stress measurement such as the Neo-Hookean
model[27][28]. However, non-linear methods are more complex and numerically unstable
compared to linear measures. A method called stiffness warping technique is proposed to
solve this problem for linear FEM. The method is proposed by Müller et. al[29]. The
idea is to use a non-rotated reference frame for deformation, and then rotate the deformed
reference frame to get the final result.
Figure 5: The process of co-rotational stiffness matrix
After applying the stiffness warping technique, The full equation for co-rotated FEM
will be:
F = Ve RB e T Ee Be (R−1 x − x0 ) (24)
The rotation matrix can be extracted from the shape functions of undeformed and deformed
shapes[30]. Since the tetrahedron coordinate does not change with deformation (recall the
shape function in chapter 2, the tetrahedron coordinate for a point inside a tetrahedron
will always be the same), a linear relationship can be established between the deformed and
undeformed state:
p = P β, q = Qβ ⇒ q = QP −1 p (25)
Where p is the initial shape and q is the deformed shape. The matrix A = QP −1 is an
affine transform matrix and thus can be separated into rotation R, scaling S, and transform
A = QP −1 = (26)
0 1
Where RS is the combination of rotation and scaling, which is a 3x3 matrix and T is a 3x1
To extract the rotation matrix, a polar decomposition can be applied to transform matrix
A = U SV T , R = V U T (27)
The R is a 3x3 matrix. Since it is an affine transformation, the rotation matrices for the
4 vertices of a tetrahedron are the same. Therefore, the rotation matrix for co-rotational
stiffness matrix is:
R 0 0 0
0 R 0 0
Rk =
0 0 R 0
0 0 0 R
When calculating the elastic energy of a 3D thin shell object, a main challenge is to cal-
culate the bending energy with a proper discretization method. Related works have been
proposed such as Discrete Quadratic Curvature Energies[32] and Discrete shells[33]. We
adopted the discretization method and energy functions from Discrete shells[33] for their
intuitiveness. In their work, they proposed a discrete form of energies based on the triangles
of a triangular mesh.
In their physics model for shell objects, the system consists of the energy of nonlinear
membrane and bending energies. In physics, the membrane is a very thin layer of material.
Here the nonlinear membrane means a surface with no thickness. The elastic membrane
surface has resistance to stretching and shearing. Stretching is the local change in area, and
Shearing is the local change in length while the area remains the same. In their work, the
membrane energy of Stretching and shearing is expressed on the area and length of edges
of the triangles:
The stretching energy:
A 2
Estretch = Kstretch A2 dA ≈ Kstretch (1 − ) Ao (29)
0 Ao
Where A is the area of every triangle, Ao is the area of undeformed shape and S means area
change of all the triangles.
The shearing energy:
Z L X e 2
Eshear = Kshear e2 de ≈ Kshear (1 − ) eo (30)
0 eo
Where e is the length of every edge, eo is the undeformed length and L means the length
change of all the edges.
For the discretization of bending energy, they applied shape operators which is the deriva-
tive of the Gauss map over the surfaces to evaluate the change in curvature. Then the
change in curvature can be expressed as:
Where S and So are the shape operators of deformed and undeformed shape, H and Ho are
the mean curvatures and ϕ is the affine transform function between the deformed state and
undeformed state. Then integrate this equation over the shell mesh, the bending energy
can be expressed as:
Z X eo
Ebend = Kbend 4 (H ◦ ϕ − Ho )2 dA ≈ Kbend (θ − θo )2 (32)
Ω e
Where θ and θo are the angles of deformed shape and initial shape between two triangles
over edge e, eo is the length of edge e of undeformed shape and ho is a third of the average
heights of the two triangles over edge e.
The least squares method[34] is a commonly used approach for regression. One of the main
usages of least squares is data fitting. It finds the approximate solution by minimizing the
sum of the squares of residuals of a system of equations. In our system, this method is
applied to extract the curve of the center axis of the hockey stick from the captured data,
as well as to deform the template by minimizing the total force or energy to match the
captured data.
A regression model is linear when the model is a linear combination of the parameters. For
liner least squares, ordinary least squares (OLS) is the most common estimator:
k00 · · · k0m x y
0 0
. .. .. ..
min .. ..
x0 ...xm
. . . − . = min kAx − bk2 (34)
kn0 · · · knm xn yn
The mathematical solution of the linear least squares problem using OLS is:
If we have
f (x) = Kj Gj (x) (35)
Where the function Gj (x) is a funciton of x. For expamle, Gj (x) = xj . If Xij = Gj (xi )
and yi = f (xi ) are know and we need to find Kj , then the coefficients Kj can be obtained
K = (X T X) XT y (36)
When a system is not a linear combination of parameters, such as the bending energy, it
can no longer be solved by linear least squares method. The general strategy for solving
non-linear optimization problems is to solve a sequence of approximations to the original
problem[36]. For non-linear least squares, we can split the equation using Taylor Expansion:
F (x + ∆x) ≈ F (x) + J(x)∆x. Then the minimization problem can be approximated to:
min kJ(x)∆ x + F (x)k2 (37)
∆ x 2
It is now a linear least squares problem for ∆ x. However, we cannot solve this system di-
rectly since the system may not converge properly with large step ∆ x. To have an accurate
converge approximation, the delta X should be controlled under a certain size and then the
minimization procedure is iterated until the residual under a certain threshold.
There are mainly two approaches for controlling the size of ∆ x, the Trust Region method[37],
and the Line Search method[38]. The trust region approach uses a simpler approximate
function, usually a quadratic one, instead of the original function to find a local solution on
a subset. The subset is named as the trust region. If the local solution successfully mini-
mizes the original function, the trust region is then expanded. Otherwise, the trust region
is contracted and solve the approximate function again. The line search approach first finds
a descent direction, and then the step size is computed in that direction. Generally, the
trust region method is more stable than the line search method.
Chapter 4
The Methodology
In this chapter, the proposed approaches for setting constraints and building the physics-
based models are explained.
4.1 Overview
• The first part is pre-processing. This part consists of the pre-processing for captured
data and pre-processing for the template. For the captured data, our team used
two high-speed cameras to capture stereo image sequences. Then the point cloud of
the whole scene is reconstructed, and the point set of the hockey stick is extracted
from the point cloud[5]. For the template, a triangular mesh is generated from the
original quadrilateral mesh. A tetrahedron file is also generated with the vertices of
the triangular mesh.
• The second part is building and initializing the physics models. We used two different
methods, the finite element method and the discrete shell method. The two methods
have their own pros and cons. We used Graphite[39] as GUI and the API to load the
template mesh. After loading the mesh, the initial positions of every vertex are stored.
For the FEM, additional information of the tetrahedron is also stored and then the
K matrices are built. For the discrete shell method, the vector of two points of every
edge and the indices of the 4 vertices of every two adjacent triangles are stored to
build the energy equations.
• The Third part is setting constraints. The idea is to project constraint points from the
template to the reconstructed point cloud. For denoising, the center axis of the point
cloud is extracted. The center axis is split into the shaft part and blade part. Two
quadratic polynomial curves are fitted to the two parts. Then we align the deformed
template from the previous frame to the point cloud. The constraint points are then
projected to the two curves.
• Finally, after the physics models are initialized and the constraints are set, the energy
or the force is minimized using least squares solvers. We used a linear least squares
solver for the linear FEM method and a non-linear least squares solver for the discrete
shells method.
The original mesh of the hockey stick is an industrial model, which consists of hundreds
of thousands of vertices and quadrilaterals. For the finite element method in computer
graphics, more subdivided elements do not necessarily mean higher accuracy, restricted by
the precision of floating-point numbers. However, more subdivided elements do mean more
burden on calculation. Therefore, a step to reduce the number of vertices is essential before
tetrahedralizing the mesh. There are several mature algorithms for re-meshing and mesh
generating. We used Tetgen for generating the tetrahedron mesh as well as reducing the
number of vertices. Tetgen is a mesh generator designed to subdivided any 3D mesh into
tetrahedron elements[40]. After re-meshing, the final files are a triangular mesh with around
7000 vertices for both two physics models and a tetrahedron file for FEM.
The reconstruction and extraction work is done by my teammate. After his work, the center
axes of the hockey stick point cloud is extracted and fed into the physics engine. Although
most of the noise has been removed at the extraction step, there is still a chance that some
outliers remain on the center axis. Therefore, it is necessary to remove all the outliers
before fitting curves to the center axis. We used the Random sample consensus (RANSAC)
to remove the outliers.
Repeat N iterations:
• Randomly select R points from the whole center axis. (R ¿ the degree of freedom of
the curve)
• Fit a curve to the R points using linear least squares method.
• Given a threshold S, record the points which have a smaller distance to the curve than
threshold S as inliers.
Compare the number of inlier points of every randomly selected point set. Find the point
set which has the most inliers and output the inliers and outliers.
In our case, we repeat 30000 iterations, select 6 points, and set the threshold as 0.003.
After the iterations are done, we get a clean center axis without outliers. Then a final curve
is fitted to the inliers.
In the process of RANSAC, curve fitting is repeated every iteration. After RANSAC, a
final curve is obtained by curve fitting on all the inliers. As introduced in chapter 2, the
linear least squares method is a good choice for our system.
For curve fitting in 2D, it is easy to get the coefficients. Let the polynomial curve be
y = a0 + a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn , where the a0 · · · an are the unknown coefficients.
Suppose we have m number of known y and x:
y0 1 ··· x1 2 a
. . .. .
b = .. , A = .. . . . . , x = ..
yn 1 ··· xn 2 an
In order to get the coefficients, we need to solve min kAx − bk2 . By using the Ordinary
least squares equation (36), the coefficients can be obtained by x = (AT A) AT y.
However, for curve fitting in 3D, we can not simply choose x as the variable and find
the coefficients for Y = KX and Z = KX, because for a polynomial curve in 3D space, the
relation between x, y and z may not be able to be represented by polynomial equations.
Therefore, another variable t is introduced to the polynomial equations. The variable t
represents the order of the data. Therefore it can be time, the index, or a specific order.
The equation for a 3D curve is then separated to x, y, and z dimension respectively:
X = ax0 + ax1 t + . . . + axn tn
F (t) = Y = aY 0 + aY 1 t + . . . + aY n tn (38)
Z = a + a t + . . . + a tn
Z0 Z1 Zn
In our system, because we want to fit a quadratic curve to the center axis, n should be 2.
After running RANSAC on the center axis, the shaft part of the center axis will be extracted,
leaving outliers as well as the blade part. That is because the blade part is not on the same
curve as the shaft part and is treated as outliers if we fit a quadratic curve to the center
The next step is to get the inliers of the blade part. With the shaft part extracted, we
get the blade part with outliers. However, if we run RANSAC directly on the point set,
the outliers won’t be removed, because the blade part is short, and the number of outliers
from the shaft part may even exceed the number of blade points. As a result, the outliers
start to affect the values of the estimates. A simple and efficient way to remove the outliers
from the shaft part is to find the joint point between the blade and shaft and remove all the
points above the joint point. Here the “above” means the direction from the joint to the top
of the shaft, and the joint point is at the bottom of the shaft. Since the global coordinate
is not calibrated after reconstruction, the coordinates of the two cameras and the average
position of center axis are used to find the local coordinate. Let the coordinates of the
camera on the left be C1, the camera on the right be C2, the average position be A, then
the local positive y direction can be obtained by the cross product of vector C2 − A and
vector A − C1. With the calibrated coordinate, the joint point can be found by comparing
their y coordinates.
Figure 8: By the coordinate of two cameras and the center of point cloud, the calibrated Y
direction can be found
4.4 Initializing the physics models
As mentioned in previous chapters, We adopted two models to implement the physics en-
gine. First, we used the Linear Finite Element Method to simulation the hockey stick as
a 3D volumetric object. Then we adopted an energy minimizing method with the energy
functions from the Discrete Shells Method to simulate the hockey stick as a thin shell object.
The key for initializing the Finite Element Method is to calculate the stiffness matrix for
every tetrahedron element. The initialization of the FEM can be summed as following steps:
• Record the initial position of every vertex and calculate the shape function for every
• Calculate the Elastic modulus matrix E and the stiffness matrix K = V B T EB for
every tetrahedron
Since we adopted the co-rotational stiffness method, the initial stiffness matrix K also needs
to be recorded and will not change for later calculation. Then the co-rotational stiffness
matrix Kcorotate in later iterations is obtained by RKR−1 .
The initialization of thin shell energy minimizing method is more complex. To calculate the
bending energy WB (x) = kB e (θe − θeo )2 eo /heo , the angles between every 2 neighboring
triangles, the lengths of shared edge, and the heights relative to the sharing edge need to
be calculated and stored for initial shape. We used a structure to store the information:
struct trianglePair{
vector4int indices;
float initialAngle;
float initialEdgeLength;
float initialAverageHeight
Where the ”indices” is an array of integers, which stores the indices of the 4 vertices of a
triangle pair.
P e 2
For shearing energy WL = e (1 − eo ) eo ,
the indices of the two vertices of each edge and
the length are stored in a similar structure. For stretching energy WA = A (1 − AAo ) Ao ,
the indices and the area of every triangle are stored in the same way.
The length and the area are easy to calculate. As for the angle between two triangles,
it is more complex. For arbitrary two vectors in 3D space, the angle between them ranges
from 0-180 degrees. If people use the dot product to calculate the angle between the normal
vectors of the two triangles, they will get an angle of that range. However, for arbitrary
two neighboring triangles from a 3D mesh, the angle should range from 0-360 degrees, since
there is another factor: “inside” or “outside”.
Figure 9: Although the angles between normal vectors are the same, there is another factor
“inside” or “outside” for a 3D mesh
The figure 9 reveals the difference between “inside” and “outside”. If we ignore this
difference, the system may not converge properly. Here is an example showing a not correctly
converged result:
Figure 10: The red points are constraint points. The system converges globally,deforming
the template by constraints; but does not converge locally, resulting in the uneven surface.
To get a 0-360 degree angle, a third vector is needed to determine the clockwise direction.
The third vector should be vertical to both the two vectors. With this vector, we can
determine the clockwise or counterclockwise direction and an angle larger than 180 degrees
can be obtained. For example, the angle in figure 11 is 240 degree clockwise.
For a triangle pair v1, v2, v3, v4, since a normal is vertical to its surface, the edge v2v3
is vertical to both two normal vectors. Therefore, the angle is obtained by following steps:
1. Calculate the cross product of the two normal vectors of the two triangles as c.
3. If d = −1, that means the angle is over 180o counterclockwise and the angle A is
A(x, y, z) = 2 ∗ π − arccos(f (x, y, z)), where f (X, y, z) is the function to get the angle
v1 •v2
by dot product:f (x, y, z) = |v1 ||v2 |
4. if d = 1, that means the angle is 180o counterclockwise and the angle A is A(x, y, z) =
arccos(f (x, y, z)).
The key idea is to project the points from the center axis of the template to the center
axis of point cloud. However, there is no point inside the stick template, so we chose the
center axis on one side. As a result, there will be an offset, but the deformed shape will
be the same. The constraint points are currently manually selected. The rules for selecting
constraint points are:
• Select all the points on the same side
• For the shaft part, the points should be approximately on the same straight line, since
the original shape of the shaft is straight. For the blade part, the points should be
approximately on a curve, since the original shape is curved.
The figure 13 shows how we selected the constraint points. Note that the points for the
shaft part are not exactly in the middle because for an automatically generated triangular
mesh, it is difficult to find a set of points that are in the middle and also on the same
straight line at the same time. The priority for constraint points is that they should be
approximately on the same line.
After the indices of constraint points are selected, the template is aligned to the point cloud,
and the constraint points are projected to the point cloud. The alignment of the template
affects the accuracy of constraints when projected to the curve of the center axis. We used
the Iterative closest point (ICP) method to align the template to the point cloud. The
Iterative Closest Point method minimizes the distance between two point clouds[42].
For the first several frames where the stick is deformed slightly, the alignment is accu-
rate. However, the error increases when the stick starts to bend intensely. We adopted an
adaptive alignment step to solve this problem. That is to use the deformed template from
the previous frame for alignment instead of the undeformed template. Since the bending
curvature does not differ much between adjacent frames, the error will not increase a lot
with the most bent frames. After the constraint points are projected to the targets, their
positions are transferred to the undeformed template.
At first, our method is to project the constraint points to a curved surface which is fitted
to the point set. We used the least squares method to fit a surface to the point set of
the hockey stick and then project the points to the surface. The result was not satisfying
because of the massive noise. The figure 14 shows the fitted surface, the constraints set to
the surface, and the deformed template with the fitted surface.
Then we changed our method from surface fitting to extracting the center axis and curve
fitting. It is far easier to remove noise on the center axis. By using RANSAC introduced
before, most of the noise will be totally removed. The new method returns a promising
result: Figure 15 shows the fitted curve and center axis, the constraints set to the curve,
and the deformed template with the point cloud.
Figure 14: The result using surface fitting
Figure 15: The result using center axis and curve fitting
Figure 16 is a comparison of the final results of using surface fitting and curve fitting:
Figure 16: Comparison of using surface fitting and curve fitting.A is the result of using
surface fitting. B is the result of extracting center axis and using curve fitting.
Projecting the constraint points means to find points on the curve which have the shortest
distance to them. There are several ways to find the shortest distance and the correspond-
ing point on the curve between a point and a curve, e.g., by regression and by derivative.
Here we took the derivative way.
X = ax0 + ax1 t + ax2 t2
If we have a point (x, y, z) and a quadratic curve F (t) = Y = aY 0 + aY 1 t + aY 2 t2 , the
Z = a + a t + a t2
Z0 Z1 Z2
shortest distance means solving mint (X − x)2 + (Y − y)2 + (Z − z)2 . Assume G(t) =
(X − x)2 + (Y − y)2 + (Z − z)2 , then G(t) is a quartic equation, and it is always positive.
To get min G(t), we need to calculate where G0 (t)=0 . The number of solutions for G0 (t)=0
may be from 3 to 1. If there is more than one solution, the one that gets the minimum G(t)
is the final solution. The projected point is F (t).
We applied a linear least squares solver for the FEM system and a non-linear least squares
solver for the energy minimization system. The constraint setting for both solvers is the
4.6.1 Set constraints for solver
For FEM, the stiffness matrix is actually the partial derivatives of deformation. There-
fore, the constraint setting for FEM is to set a 0 or a large value for the constraint points
in K matrix. For the thin shell energy minimizing method, it is to set a 0 or a large value
for the constraint points in the Jacobian matrix.
After we implemented the co-rotational stiffness matrix, the relationship between force and
deformation is no longer linear. However, the relationship between force and the deformed
shape is still linear: recall the formula after co-rotational stiffness: F = RK(R−1 x − xo ).
Since the values of R, k and xo are known, the formula can be written as:
Now min||Ax − b||2 is a typical linear least squares problem. For the whole system, the
final matrix of A will be a large matrix with a lot of ”0”s. In our case, the template has
around 7000 vertices and over 2000 tetrahedron elements. The size of the stiffness matrix
K is more than 24000x21000. Therefore, a sparse matrix data structure is required. We
used the Eigen library for the sparse matrix operations. Eigen is a C++ library designed
for linear algebra and numerical solvers[43].
Since we adopted the co-rotational stiffness method, the result will take several iterations
to get a good shape. The whole procedure now becomes:
3. Extract the rotation matrix R between the initial shape Xo and deformed shape X
for each tetrahedron.
4. Build the co-rotated stiffness matrix and solve for the min force: min RK(R−1 x − xo ) 2
Ideally, the more iterations, the more accurate the result is. The figures 17 and 18 show how
the results differ between 4, 16 and 256 iterations. The red template takes 4 iterations and
23 seconds. The orange template takes 8 iterations and 52 seconds. The yellow template
takes 16 iterations and 85 seconds. The green template takes 256 iterations and 1588
seconds. From the results, we can draw the conclusion that the 16 iterations one maintains
a balance between performance and efficiency, so we chose 16 iterations for our system.
Figure 18: The overlapping of results of different iterations
It is a non-linear problem. We used the ceres-solver to solve our system. The ceres-solver
is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization
problems[44]. The ceres solver supports automatic derivative. However, to set the con-
straints, we calculated the Jacobian matrix and change the variables where they are con-
straint points to the corresponding hard constraint or soft constraint value. The system is
then solved by ceres-solver using trust region method.
Chapter 5
We tested our system on different sticks and shot styles. In this section, several frames of
the results of 4 shots with 2 different sticks and 2 different shot types are provided. We
evaluate the quality of our method by overlapping the deformed shape on the reconstructed
point cloud. We also apply a commonly used quantifying method to evaluate the results
and compare them with the results of MOCAP system.
We tested our pipeline on 2 shot styles, the Slap Shot, and the Wrist Shot. The players
hit the puck from a small distance in a wrist shot, mostly using the strength from the
lower body. The slap shot is the hardest shot. Players raise the hockey stick to shoulder
high or higher and hit on the ground slightly behind the puck. The hockey stick is bent
like a spring, storing the energy, and then hits the puck. We also tested with 2 different
templates. The results promisingly reproduced the bending shape from captured images.
Since our goal is to reconstruct the deformation of hockey sticks in 3D space for better
observations, we evaluate the quality of the results by overlapping the deformed template
with the reconstructed point cloud. We also followed a current state of art quantifying
method to evaluate the bending accuracy.
Here are the wrist shots with 2 different stick template. Stick 1 is a bit shorter than
stick 2.
Figure 19: A few frames of a wrist shot with stick 1
The wrist shot style is not as severe as the slap shot. However, we can still observe the
nice bending shape from the deformed template.
In a slap shot, the player hits the puck at a very fast speed, and the stick bends more than
the wrist shot. Therefore, it is more challenging for the reconstruction of slap shots. We
tested on several slap shots, and the results are all satisfying. Here are the two slap shots
with the two stick templates.
As shown in the figures, the deformed shape matches closely to the point cloud. Even
the deformation caused by inertia is captured in the last frames.
In the industry, a commonly used method to quantify the bending of the hockey stick is to
attach markers to the stick and capture the trace of the markers using a motion capture
(MOCAP) system. The figure 23 shows how we attached the markers on the hockey stick.
We set virtual markers on the template according to the real hockey stick and markers.
The markers are divided into 3 groups A, B, and C. The three markers of each group can
define a surface, and their normal vectors are used to calculate the angles. We computed 2
angles: the angle between groups A and B and the angle between groups A and C.
And here is the comparison with the data from MOCAP system and our system with
Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Discrete Shell Energy Method (DSEM)
Slap Shot Wrist Shot
Max Angle between A and B MOCAP 21.80 20.00
Max Angle between A and B FEM 23.65 22.05
Max Angle between A and B DSEM 22.90 22.44
Diff between MOCAP and FEM 1.85 2.05
Diff between MOCAP and DSEM 1.10 2.44
Diff between FEM and DSEM 0.75 0.39
Max Angle between A and C MOCAP 26.20 23.15
Max Angle between A and C FEM 28.35 26.65
Max Angle between A and C DSEM 28.59 26.35
Diff between MOCAP and FEM 2.15 3.50
Diff between MOCAP and DSEM 2.39 3.20
Diff between FEM and DSEM 0.24 0.30
Table 1: Quantitative comparison of the maximum bending angle between the Finite Ele-
ment Method, the energy minimizing method, and the MOCAP system
The results are presented in table 1. Note that some errors may come from the set up
of the markers. The markers on the real stick are small balls stuck on the stick, while the
virtual markers are selected from the vertices. The expected difference in the maximum
bending angle is about 4 degrees.
In general, both FEM and the discrete shell energy method generate convincing results.
On the one hand, the finite element with linear tetrahedrons is more cumbersome because
it requires re-meshing the template and generating a tetrahedralization of the 3D model
while the Discrete Shell Energy Method operates directly on the triangle meshes. On the
other hand, the thin shell energy minimizing method is more difficult for solving since
it is a non-linear method. Although the FEM model is also non-linear after we applied
the co-rotational stiffness technique, it can be reduced to iteratively solving linear systems
that converges in only few iterations. From the performance perspective, the linear finite
element takes the volume into account while the thin shell energy minimizing method only
calculates the energy on triangle surfaces. We want to find how this difference affects the
final results. From table 1, we can tell that the two methods give very similar results.
Here are three frames of the two methods. Both of them generate good results, and the
overlapping suggests that their results of the deformed shape are almost the same.
Figure 24: The comparison of the two physics-based methods. The red one is the energy
minimizing method, and the blue one is the Finite Element Method.
A main difference between the two methods is their efficiency. The run-time for FEM
is mostly affected by the number of iterations for co-rotational stiffness operation. The
average run-time for each iteration is around 5.4 seconds. For the 16 iterations that we
chose, it takes an average of 87 seconds. For the energy minimizing method, the run-time
depends on the threshold of convergence. It is not stable since the convergence of each
frame is not under the same situation. The number of iterations for different frames varies
from around 600 to over 10000, and the run-time ranges from 11 seconds to 260 seconds.
The overall run-time for the energy minimizing method is shorter than that for the finite
element method. Here is the table of their run-times on the same sequence:
The Finite Element Method The Discrete Shell Energy Method
Min Run-time 85.7s 11.49s
Max Run-time 88.5s 263.45s
Average Run-time 87.3s 41.38
Table 2: Run-time comparison between FEM and the Discrete Shell Energy method
5.2 Conclusions
A main limitation is the deformation of the blade part is hard to reproduce because the
blade part only bends when it hits the puck. As a result, the reconstruction always contains
the noise from the puck and the noise is hard to remove. In the future, we are planning
to solve this problem by detecting and separating the puck in the scene. Another limita-
tion is that currently we are selecting the constraint points manually using some principles.
This could be a source of error and future works need to be done to find a method that
automatically select the constraint points.
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