Oelservice BMW
Oelservice BMW
Oelservice BMW
Place car horizontally on hoist Place car horizontally on hoist - Car must stand level
Switch off the hoist and Switch off the hoist and on the hoist.
apply the handbrake apply the handbrake - The driven wheels or the
transmission output must be at a
standstill for at least two
Connect the tester in order minutes before checking the oil
to read off the transmission oil Carry out the repair work level.
temperature and engine speed Apply the handbrake.
- Move selector lever to P.
- EGS must not be in emergency
Connect the tester in order program.
Start the engine to read off the transmission oil - Switch the main consumers,
temperature and engine speed for instance the air conditioning,
either on or off according to the
car manufacturer's instructions.
Select gears with engine With the engine stopped,
running, add oil until it reaches
at idle speed the overflow lip
Öleinfüll-Schraube und
Ölstands-Kontrolle M18x1,5
Oil filler screw and
oil level screw Ölablass-Schraube M16x1,5
Oil drain plug
Innensechskant 8mm Innensechskant 8 mm
Internal hexagon Internal hexagon
Anziehdrehmoment 35 Nm ± 3,5 Nm Anziehdrehmoment 8 Nm
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Ölservice 6HP19x BMW
Oil service 6HP19x BMW
Öleinfüll-Schraube und
Ölstands-Kontrolle M18x1,5
Oil filler screw and
oil level screw Ölablass-Schraube M16x1,5
Oil drain plug
Innensechskant 8mm Innensechskant 8 mm
Internal hexagon Internal hexagon
Anziehdrehmoment 35 Nm ± 3,5 Nm Anziehdrehmoment 8 Nm
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Ölservice 6HP26 BMW
Oil service 6HP26 BMW
Öleinfüll-Schraube und
Ölstands-Kontrolle M18x1,5
Oil filler screw and
oil level screw Ölablass-Schraube M24x1
Oil drain plug
Innensechskant 8mm Innensechskant 12 mm
Internal hexagon Internal hexagon
Anziehdrehmoment 35 Nm ± 3,5 Nm Anziehdrehmoment 8 Nm
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Ölservice 6HP26x BMW
Oil service 6HP26x BMW
Ausführung Kunststoff-Ölwanne
Version plastics oil pan
Ausführung Metall-Ölwanne
Version metal oil pan
Öleinfüll-Schraube und
Ölstands-Kontrolle M18x1,5
Oil filler screw and
Ölablass-Schraube M24x1 oil level screw
Oil drain plug
Innensechskant 10 mm Innensechskant 8mm
Internal hexagon Internal hexagon
Anziehdrehmoment 8 Nm Anziehdrehmoment 35 Nm ± 3,5 Nm
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Ölservice 6HP32 BMW
Oil service 6HP32 BMW
Öleinfüll-Schraube und
Ölstands-Kontrolle M18x1,5
Oil filler screw and
Ölablass-Schraube M10x1 oil level screw
Oil drain plug
Innensechskant 5 mm Innensechskant 8mm
Internal hexagon Internal hexagon
Anziehdrehmoment 12 Nm Anziehdrehmoment 35 Nm ± 3,5 Nm
Tightening torque Tightening torque
Ölservice 6HP32x BMW
Oil service 6HP32x BMW
Öleinfüll-Schraube und
Ölstands-Kontrolle M30x1,5
Oil filler screw and
oil level screw Ölablass-Schraube M10x1
Oil drain plug
Innensechskant 17mm Innensechskant 5 mm
Internal hexagon Internal hexagon
Anziehdrehmoment 80 Nm ± 8 Nm Anziehdrehmoment 12 Nm ± 1,2 Nm
Tightening torque Tightening torque