Corporate Social Responsibility: As A Business Strategy
Corporate Social Responsibility: As A Business Strategy
Corporate Social Responsibility: As A Business Strategy
As A Business Strategy
BBA - 6A
Presented By:-
What Is Corporate
Social Responsibility?
Refers to a corporation’s aims, goals and Economic responsibility refers to the practice of
objectives for actively bettering society as making financial decisions based on a
a whole. commitment to doing good
Benefits Of Corporate
Social Responsibility
Better Brand Operational costs
Recognition savings
a) after taking into account the The Board of every company referred
recommendations made by the to in sub-section (1), shall ensure that
Corporate Social Responsibility the company spends, in every financial
Committee, approve the Corporate year, at least two per cent of the
Social Responsibility Policy for the average net profits of the company
company and disclose contents of such made during the three immediately
Policy in its report and also place it on
preceding financial years, in
the company's website, if any, in such
pursuance of its Corporate Social
manner as may be prescribed
Responsibility Policy:
Provisions of CSR Under Section 135 of
Companies Act 2013
Provided that the company shall Provided further that, if the company
give preference to the local area fails to spend such amount, the
and areas around it where it Board shall, in its report made under
operates, for spending the amount clause (o) of sub-section (3) of
earmarked for Corporate Social section 134, specify the reasons for
Responsibility activities not spending the amount.
Characteristics Of Corporate
Social Responsibility
To Government
CSR practices ethically towards government by adhering
to regulations, paying taxes promptly, engaging in
transparent lobbying practices, and supporting public
welfare initiatives.
FAQs Related to
Corporate Social Responsibility
The Group’s initiatives towards CSR in the past include setting up of Aurobindo Public School at
Baddi, Sri Aurobindo College of Commerce & Management at Ludhiana, Village Cluster Adoption
Program (VCAP) for improvement in cotton quality for benefit of farmers, Research on Treated
Wastewater for Irrigation Purpose, Capability Enhancement Training Programs, providing aid during
disasters/natural calamities and energy saving and conservation of natural resources through
environmental management etc.
CSR Policy of the Company
1. PROMOTION OF EDUCATION: To continue our endeavor for promoting education by setting
up schools, colleges to deliver high quality education to students of all strata of society
including wards of VSSL employees. It, inter-alia, includes various other initiatives such as
grant of scholarships to deserving-needy students, computer education and supply of
equipments to students and developing innovative teaching methods.
sustain and continuously improve standards of Environment, Health and Safety through the
collective endeavor of Company and its employees at all levels towards attaining world
class standards.
3. DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL: To encourage the development of human capital
through skills development, vocational training programmes.
4. RURAL DEVELOPMENT: To contribute to development in rural areas through agricultural
research and knowledge sharing, productivity and quality and other agri-extension practices
such as soil and moisture conservation and watershed management etc.
Thank You
Have a Great Day