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Biomolecules 167

Q.109. RNA on hydrolysis gave four bases but there is no relationship between their quantities, similar to
that observed to the bases obtained from DNA. From this what can be suggested about the structure
of RNA?
When RNA is hydrolysed, there is no relationship among the quantities of different bases obtained.
What does this fact suggest about the structure of RNA? (NCERT)
Ans: i) In DNA, two bases guanine and cytosine form complementary base pair. Similarly adenine and thymine
also form complementary base pair.
ii) If one of these bases is located on one chain of DNA, its complementary base is hydrogen bonded to it
and located on other chain.
iii) Hence, there is a definite relationship among the quantities of different bases in DNA.
iv) In case of RNA, there is no hydrogen bonding between complementary base pairs. Hence, there is no
relationship among the quantities of different bases in RNA.
Q.110. What are the different types of RNA which are found in the cell ?
Explain the different types of RNA found in the cells of organisms with the functions of each type.
Ans: There are three types of RNA found in the cells of organisms. They are :
i) Messenger RNA (mRNA) :
It provides a template for assembling amino acids in polypeptide chains. It carries the information
transmitted from DNA to ribosomol RNA and transport RNA.
ii) Transport RNA (tRNA) :
It carries the amino acids to mRNA template and also helps the mRNA to recognise the amino acids.
Thus, tRNA molecules serve both as carriers of amino acids and interpreters of genetic code.
iii) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) :
It is an integral part of ribosomes that also takes part in protein synthesis. About 75% of cellular
component of RNA is r-RNA.
i) The sequence of bases of messenger RNA chains determines the order in which transport RNA are
called up by messenger RNA.
ii) This is in the form of codes of amino acids like GAU, euu, GUG, UUU, cue, etc.
iii) The sequence of amino acids will be different when there is an error in reading the code.
iv) This will result in defective proteins.
v) Sometimes this may result in an increase in developing cancer cells. (NCERT)
Q.111.The two strands in D A are not identical but are complimentary.
Explain. (NCERT)
Ans: i) DNA has double helical structure in which two strands are twisted
about each other held in position by N-H-N-bonds between the
ii) The two bases guanine and cytosine form complementary base
pair. Similarly, adenine and thymine also form complementary base
iii) If one of these bases is located on one chain of DNA, its
complementary base is hydrogen bonded to it and located on the
other chain.
iv) This means that the guanine base present on one chain of DNA is
hydrogen bonded to its complementary base, cytosine present on
the other chain. Similarly, adenine is hydrogen bonded to thymine
on the other chain. Thus, two strands in DNA are not identical but
are complimentary.

i) The double helix of DNA is right handed and two chains head in opposite direction.
ii) The double helix is the secondary structure.
iii) The structure would not be a double helix if the hydrogen bonding is present between base pairs other
than adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine.
Biomolecules 168
Q.112. Draw the primary structure of RNA.
Ans: The primary structure of RNA is as shown below

Note : The single stranded helixes constitute the secondary structure of RNA.
Q.113. Write the important structural and functional difference between D
Ans: Structural differences:

i) In nucleic acids, the proportion and the sequence of heterocyclic bases is different for different nucleic
ii) Information regarding the sequence of nucleotides in the chain of a nucleic acid is called its primary
structure. Nucleic acids have a secondary structure also. James Watson and Crick gave a double strand
helix structure for DNA.
iii) DNA is the chemical basis of heredity and may be regarded as the reserve of genetic information. DNA is
exclusively responsible for maintaining the identity of different species of organisms over millions of
iv) The sequence of bases A, G, T and C stores the heredity information.
v) This information is used during DNA replication to synthesize duplicate identical DNA.
vi) It is also used for controlling protein synthesis.
Biomolecules 169

Points To Remember)
* Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones or molecules that can be hydrolysed to polyhydroxy
aldehydes or ketones.
* Carbohydrates are classified as monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.
* Monosaccharides join to form oligo or polysaccharides and the linkage between them are called glycosidic
* Carbohydrates which are sweet in taste are called sugars and others are called non-sugars.
* Those sugars which reduce Fehling's solution or Tollen's reagent are called reducing sugars.
* Proteins are polymeric molecules formed from various a-amino acids.
* There are 20 amino acids which are common in most naturally occuring proteins. Ten of these amino acids
cannot be synthesised by our body, so must be supplied through diet. These are known as essential amino
* Proteins are classified as simple or conjugated proteins on the basis of the products formed on their hydrolysis.
Simple proteins are further classified as fibrous or globular proteins on the basis of their solubility.
* Proteins are also classified as simple or conjugated proteins on the basis of the functions they perform in
living systems.
* Secondary and tertiary structures of proteins get disturbed when they are subjected to some change in pH,
temperature or solvent. This is called denaturation of proteins.
* Enzymes are biocatalysts which help in the progress of various reactions in biosystem under very mild
* Lipids are constituents of plants and tissues which are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such
as chloroform.
* Hormones are the chemicals which are secreted by ductless glands and transported to different parts of the
body by the blood stream where they control different physiological actions of the body.
* Vitamins are essential ingredients of food and their deficiency causes many diseases. They are classified on
the basis of their solubility in water or fats.
* Nucleic acids are polymeric molecules present in the cell and are responsible for the transfer of characters
from parents to offspring. Another important function of nucleic acids is protein synthesis.
* They are of two types which are called DNA and RNA. Both of these differ in their chemical functions as
well as in their chemical compositions.
Biomolecules 170

Point s To Remember)
Biomolecules 171
Biomolecules 172

Multiple Choice Questions 15. Carbohydrates are used. by body mainly

a) for obtaining vitamins
1. Carbohydrates contain group. b) as a source of energy
a) – CHO b) – C = 0 pentose? c) for all its developmental needs
c) – OH d) All of these d) for building muscles
2. Select a disaccharide from the following. 16. In maltose, the glycosidic linkage is present
a) Ribose b) Glucose between.
c) Sucrose d) Fructose a) glucose and fructose
3. Which of the following on hydrolysis gives large b) glucose and galactose
number of molecules of monosaccharides ? c) two molecules of fructose
a) Maltose b) Starch d) two molecules of glucose
c) Cellulose d) Both b) and c) 17. Simplest a-amino acid is.
4. Glucose is an example of. a) Valerie acid b) Glycine
a) aldohexose b) ketohexose c) Alanine d) Leucine
c) aldopentose d) ketopentose 18. Amylopectin is a polymer of.
5. The name 'proteins' is derived from the greek word
a)  -D-glucose b)  -D-glucose
a) protos b) protins
c) protei os d) peptidos c)  -D-fructose d)  -D-glucose
6. Sucrose on hydrolysis with diute HCI solution 19. The main structural feature of protein is
glves. a) peptide linkage b) ester linkage
a) only glucose b) only fructose c) ether linkage d) polypeptide linkage
c) Both a) and b) d) ribulose 20. Zwitterion is a
7. On large scale, glucose is prepared by acid a) cation b) anion
hydrolysis of. c) dipolar ion d) Both b) and c)
a) maltose b) sucrose 21. DNA molecule consists of units of.
c) starch d) cellulose a) base-sugar
8. Select a monosaccharide ketose from the following. b) base-sugar-phosphate
a) Raffinose b) Glucose c) base-phosphate
c) Fructose d) Maltose d) base-phosphorous
9. Polysaccharides can be represented by the general 22. After hydrolysis of sucrose, glucose and fructose
formula. are obtained, which can be separated using.
a) (C3H6O4)n b) (C6H10O5)n a) CH3OH b) HCHO
c) (C4H8O3)n d) (C2H4O3)n c) CH3COCH3 d) C2H5OC2H5
10. Which of the following does not reduce Fehling's 23. Which of the following is globular protein?
solution? a) Collagen b) Insulin
a) Glucose b) Fructose c) Myosin d) Fibroin
c) Sucrose d) Aldehyde 24. Proteins are considered as polymers of
11. Enzymes in the living systems. a) Amino acids b)  -amino acids
a) provide energy c)  -amino acids d)  -amino acids
b) provide immunity 25. Cellulose is a
c) transport oxygen a) protein b) fat
d) catalyse biological processes c) hormone d) polysaccharide
12. Which of the following monosaccharides is a 26. Nucleic acid is a polymer of.
pentose ? a) nucleosides b)  -amino acids
a) Glucose b) Fructose c) nucleotides d) glucose
c) ribose d) erythrulose 27. Ribose sugar is a component of.
13. The deficiency of vitamin-C causes. a) DNA b) RNA
a) Scurvy b) Rickets c) hormones d) enzymes
c) Beriberi d) Anaemia 28. Which of the following is not a constituent of RNA
14. The number of asymmetric carbon atoms in the ?
glucose molecule is. a) Ribose b) Phosphate
a) 1 b) 2 c) Adenine b) Phosphate
c) 4 d) 6 29. The store house for all biological information is _
Biomolecules 173
a) m-RNA b) t-RNA 40. Which of the following vitamins are soluble in
c) r-RNA d) DNA water ?
30. RNA. and DNA are collectively known as a) A and E b) D and E
a) peptides b) nucleotides c) Band C d) K
c) nucleosides d) nucleic acids 41. In the inversion of cane sugar, the mixture of
31. The amino acids, which can be synthesised in the products is laevorotatory because,.
body, are known as amino acids. a) both the products are laevorotatory
a) essential b) only one of the products is optically active and
b) non-essential it is laevorotatory
c) important c) the laevorotatory product has more optical
d) non-important rotation than dextrorotatory product
32. Which one of the following structures represents
d) cane Sugar changes the sign of rotation without
the peptide chain ?
any chemical change
42. Which of the following vitamins checks night
a) A b) B
c) C d) D
43. Vitamin B, is known as.
a) riboflavin b) cobalamin
c) thiamine d) pyridoxine
44. Which process brings about the conversion of
dipeptides to amino acids?
a) oxidation b) reduction
c) denaturation d) hydrolysis
45.  -pleated structure of proteins is.
a) secondary structure
b) primary structure
c) tertiary structure
33. Unit formed due to the attachment of a base to 1' d) quaternary structure
position of sugar is known as. 46. Name the following compound
a) nucleotide. b) nucleoside
c) biocatalyst d) none of above CH 2OCOC15 H 31
34. Ribose and 2-deoxyribose are. |
a) diastereomers b) Isomers
c) enantiomers d) aldopentose CH 2OCOC15 H 31
35. Which of' the following IS NOT a sex hormone?
a) Androgen b) Estrogen a) tristearin b) tripalmitin
c) Progesterone d) Thyroxine c) triolein d) trilinolein
36. The chemical messengers produced in ductless 47. Inflammation of tongue is due to the deficiency of.
glands are called _ a) Vitamin B1 b) Vitamin B2
a) lipids b) proteins c) Vitamin B5 d) Vitamin B6
c) hormones d) antibodies 48. Stachyose is an example of
37. Which of the following is NOT present in DNA? a) monosaccharides b) disaccharides
a) Adenine b) Guanine c) trisaccharides d) tetrasaccharides
c) Uracil d) Thymine
49. How many moles of acetic anhydride will be
38. The shape of fibrous proteins is.
required to form glucose pentaacetate from
a) spherical b) round
2M of glucose ?
c) oval d) thread-like
a) 2 b) 5
39. Purine derivative among the following bases is
c) 10 d) 2.5
a) guanme. b) cytosine
c) thymine d) uracil
Biomolecules 174

Answer Keys
1. d) 2. c) 3. d) 4. a) 5. c) 6. c) 7. c) 8. c) 9. b) 10. c)
11. d) 12. c) 13. a) 14. c) 15. b) 16. d) 17. b) 18. b) 19. a) 20. c)
21. b) 22. a) 23. b) 24. b) 25. d) 26. d) 27. b) 28. d) 29. d) 30. d)
31. b) 32. a) 33. b) 34. d) 35. d) 36. c) 37. c) 38. d) 39. a) 40. c)
41. c) 42. a) 43. c) 44. d) 45. a) 46. b) 47. b) 48. d) 49. c)

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