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Unit Test 4A

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Unit test 4A

1 Read the article. What is it about? become endangered. Environmentalists argue that the answer is
a The best way to preserve habitats and not to recreate species in the laboratory, but to work to preserve the
habitats of all animals so that they can continue to thrive in the wild.
save species from extinction.
b Using cloning to recreate extinct species 1 point for a correct answer 1
or save animals from extinction.
c Understanding why species become 2 Read the article again. Choose the
extinct. correct answers.
d Using cloning to create new species. 1 When scientists clone an animal they … .
e The dangers of cloning for humans. a change its genes
b add new genes to its reproductive cells
It sounds like something from a science fiction movie – the idea c use material from a single cell to create
of bringing back to life creatures that became extinct thousands a new animal
of years ago. But it seems that the idea could soon move from 2 Roger Marshall believes that … .
fiction to fact. Scientists are improving their ability to use the
a it will never be possible to clone a
technique of cloning, in which they use the genetic material from
woolly mammoth
just one cell from an animal to ‘grow’ a new version of the animal.
In May 2007, a scientist in Japan successfully cloned mice that b sooner or later, scientists will discover
had been frozen for 16 years. A group of American scientists the full mammoth genome
think that this achievement could open the door to using frozen c it will soon be possible to recreate a
remains of ancient woolly mammoths to reproduce the animals woolly mammoth
themselves. They have been working for several years on a plan 3 Scientists at San Diego Zoo … .
of what exactly they are going to ‘build’ from the single cell that
a have brought frozen animals back to life
they start with. In 2009, a group of American scientists published
a paper which contained 70% of the mammoth genome – that’s a b would like to try their successful
list of all the genes the mammoth has. This leaves just 30% to techniques on other species
figure out, and scientist Roger Marshall believes that ‘it’s just a c believe that their technique would not
matter of time before this happens’. be successful with species that are
already extinct
Other scientists are focusing on a more immediate problem – can 4 According to some people, the problem
they use cloning to save species that have recently been wiped with bringing back extinct animals is that
out or are in danger of being wiped out now? Some zoos, like the
San Diego Zoo, keep ‘frozen zoos’, in which they retain genetic
material from endangered species. In 2003, scientists at San a they would have no prey to eat
Diego Zoo successfully cloned two bantengs, an endangered b there would be too many predators for
species of ox. They did it by inserting genes from a banteng into them
the reproductive cells of a domestic cow. The cow then gave birth c there is no wild habitat for them to live
to a healthy baby banteng. They are extending their experiments in
and using similar techniques to try to clone other species in
5 Environmentalists want to … .
danger of extinction, such as giant pandas, or to recreate extinct
species like the Pyrenean ibex and the Tasmanian tiger. But a recreate the habitats of extinct species
some people are raising ethical objections to this work. For in zoos
example, mammoths, like their modern relatives, elephants, were b better maintain the environment of
intelligent and sociable animals. Some scientists argue that it living species
wouldn’t be fair to clone a single animal and keep it in captivity. c reintroduce extinct species in the wild

There are similar objections to cloning endangered or recently-

1 point for each correct answer 5
extinct species. A lot of these species are in danger because their
habitat has disappeared, so there would be nowhere in the natural
world for them to live. Furthermore, a lot of species are already in 3 Cross out the modal verb in italics
decline in the wild due to climate change and human activities. If which is NOT possible.
you suddenly reintroduce a new predator like the Tasmanian tiger,
smaller creatures will become its prey, and these species may then

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Unit test 4A Continued

1 She looks so young. She can’t / mustn’t / 4 Cycling in the city must / should / may /
couldn’t / might not be his mother. can be dangerous.
2 He’s not answering the phone. He should / 5 There were dozens of people there.
may / might / must have gone out. Somebody must / can / should / will have
3 It’s four o’clock. Our guests will / should / seen something.
may / can be here soon. 6 The shop was closed on Sunday, so I
can’t / couldn’t / won’t / mustn’t have
bought it then.
7 Look! Jack’s with a girl. It must / could /
may / can be his new girlfriend.
8 I heard a loud noise; it may / could / might
/ should have been a motorbike.
9 Jim wasn’t at the meeting – he might /
may / can / could have been off work that
10 They forecast rain tomorrow, but it might
not /
could not / won’t / may not happen.

1 point for each correct answer 10

4 Choose the correct modal verbs in

italics to complete the text.
One of the greatest unsolved art mysteries
(1) must / should be the Gardner heist. In
1990, 13 artworks, worth an estimated $500
million, by artists such as Manet, Vermeer,
and Rembrandt, were stolen from the
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston,
USA. After almost 25 years, detectives (2)
could / can finally be getting closer to
tracking down the missing artworks. The FBI
say that they (3) may / will have important
new information about the location of the
paintings, and that some of the missing
artwork (4) will / might even have been seen
in a garage in the USA.
Over the years, there has been considerable
speculation about who (5) should / might
have stolen the paintings. Many people
claim that they (6) must / should have been
stolen by the mafia as only they were
organized enough for such a large crime. But
why did they steal them? If they sold the
paintings, it (7) shouldn’t / won’t have been
easy as they’re too famous to be sold at
auction. However, they (8) should / could

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Unit test 4A Continued

have been sold secretly to private collectors.

Some people fear that they (9) would / might 1 point for each correct answer 10
have been destroyed by the criminals.
Whatever the case may be, what (10) can / 6 Complete the second sentence so that
may have happened to them remains a it has a similar meaning to the first.
mystery. We can only hope that now that Use a modal verb and up to four extra
they have been spotted, it (11) might not / words.
could not be long before they are found 1 Maybe your team won’t lose next time.
Your team might not lose next time.
2 It’s possible Jamie was there, but I didn’t
1 point for each correct answer 11
notice him.
5 Match sentences 1–10 with functions a–
e. There are two examples of each Jamie _______________________ there, but I
function. didn’t notice him.

1 Chang would stay out late and sleep all 3 I’m sure you were surprised when you
day. heard
______ the news.

2 The judge says Charley must pay all his You _______________________ surprised
speeding fines. ______ when you heard the news.

3 You can go to the party tonight if you 4 Perhaps she isn’t working today.
finish your homework. ______ She _______________________ today.
4 Perhaps you ought to reconsider the job
offer. ______
5 You may leave the table if you have
6 I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m busy just
7 My mother would always bake a cake on
8 You could always write her a letter. ______
9 Julia has to report to the police station
10 Sorry, I’d love to, but I can’t make it

a permission
b obligation
c habit
d refusal
e advice

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Unit test 4A Continued

5 It would have been a good idea to warn us B Thanks, but you ____________ bothered,
about it’s been cancelled.
the ice. 8 A Why are you always late?
You _______________________ about the ice. B You ____________ ! You’re never on time.
6 It isn’t necessary to pay in advance. 9 A I sent her a present to thank her.
You _______________________ in advance. B I ____________ so, too. She’s been so kind to you.
7 It was a mistake to go to that party last
night. 1 point for each correct answer 9
We _______________________ that party last
8 It was really unnecessary to buy so many
She _______________________ so many
9 I expect they will be here soon.
They _______________________ here soon.

1 point for each correct answer 8

7 Complete the sentences with a phrase

from the box.

should think might want wouldn’t he can

talk needn’t have shouldn’t have must
you might
could have sworn

1 A He’s done it again! He’s locked himself

out of the house.
B Well he would, ____________ . That’s just
like him.
2 A Happy Birthday! Do you like the
B Wow! It’s so beautiful! You really
____________ !
3 ____________ eat so loudly! It’s very
4 Hi, I’m Jenny. And, who ____________ you
5 Have you seen my mobile anywhere? I
____________ I left on the table.
6 A Ready to go?
B You ____________ to wear a coat – it’s
pretty cold outside.
7 A I’ve emailed Sally about the meeting.

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Unit test 4A Continued

8 Choose the correct option a, b, or c to interest on her credit card.

complete the idiom. 8 Don’t mention Matt’s weight to him. It’s a
1 It’s a _______ conclusion that Sam will get bit of a s_______ point.
the job. He’s easily the most qualified
a mixed b wishful c forgone
2 Conflict is to be avoided at all costs. War
must only be a _______ resort.
a last b end c final
3 I’ll put the document in the post. On
_______ , I’ll drop it off at your office.
a ideas b notions c thoughts
4 Mani wasn’t very hard working, but his
_______ grace was his sense of humour.
a saving b fine c level
5 She cancelled the wedding after she got
_______ feet at the last minute.
a chilly b itchy c cold
6 Opponents of genetic modification claim
that it’s a _______ slope that could lead to
designer babies.
a level b fine c slippery

1 point for each correct answer 6

9 Complete the idioms with a word. The

first letter has been given.
1 There’s a f_______ line between genius
and insanity.
2 The chest infection was the wake-up
c_______ John needed to quit smoking.
3 The regulations ensure fairness so that we
are all on a l_______ playing field.
4 ‘What are the rules about paid overtime?’
‘It’s a bit of a g_______ area, really.
Technically, they should pay it, but they
never do.’
5 Ken’s got i_______ feet and is looking to
move abroad again.
6 I might apply for this job, but it’s a l_______
shot. I think they’re looking for someone
with more experience.
7 She got a bit of a r_______ deal from her
bank. They started charging her 25%

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Unit test 4A
9 ‘Once I’ve published my book, I’ll retire to A Sure. No problem. Is there (6)
a tropical island.’ ‘Sounds like w_______ ______________ leave it a bit early. I have a
thinking to me!’ doctor’s appointment.
10 Their victory was a f_______ conclusion.

1 point for each correct answer 10

10 Match sentence beginnings 15 with

endings ae.
1 I was wondering if you could ______
2 Would you mind ______
3 Is there any chance my colleague ______
4 Could you possibly stop ______
5 Would it be alright if I ______

a could attend the meeting also?

b possibly show me the way to the bank?
c holding my bag while I look for my ticket?
d arrived a little late tomorrow?
e making so much noise?

1 point for each correct answer 5

11 Complete the dialogue with the phrases

in the box.

any chance I could don’t suppose you could

I wonder if it might be an idea I was

would it be would you mind

A (1) ______________ alright if I worked from

home tomorrow? (2) ______________ I might
ask Pedro if he could attend tomorrow’s
meeting in my place.
B I (3) ______________ work from home on
Friday instead? I think it would be useful
for you to be at the meeting.
A OK, that’s fine. In that case, (4)
______________ for Pedro to come anyway
so he can learn about the project.
B OK, that’s a good idea. (5) ______________
briefing him about the meeting
beforehand so he knows what it’s about?

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Unit test 4A Continued

Unit test 4A Total 100

B OK. But in that case, (7) ______________
you could ask Pedro to take notes during
the meeting.
A Sure, I’ll ask him to do that. Thanks.

1 point for each correct answer 7

12 Translate the sentences.

1 Our guests should be arriving around six
2 It must have been difficult not to have lost

your temper.
3 It won’t have been Mary who you met.
away at the moment.
4 You needn’t have bought more paper,
we’ve already loads of it.
5 That’s very kind of you. You shouldn’t
6 She will keep on buying new clothes! I
stop her.
7 I wonder if you could tell me when you’ll
able to finish the work by?
8 This might be a bit of a mixed blessing.
9 Do you think it would be alright if I invite a

friend to the meal?


2 points for each correct answer 18

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