Production Plan
Production Plan
Production Plan
1. Estimated Yield:
4. Total Income:
- Total Income per Field: R60,000
5. Direct Costs:
- Land Preparation: R5 000
- Seedlings/Seeds: R7 000
- Irrigation System Installation: R8 000
- Fertilizers: R4 000
- Pesticides and Fungicides: R3 000
- Labor (Including Planting, Maintenance, Harvesting): R15,000
- Equipment Rental: R2 000
- Miscellaneous Expenses: R3 000
Total Direct Costs: R47 000
Planting Schedule:
- Start of the farming season: September
- Planting time: Mid-September to Early October
- Transplant seedlings into the field: Late October to Early November
Harvesting Schedule:
- First harvest: Late December to Early January
- Peak harvesting period: January to March
- Last harvest: April
A. Income Poor Expected Good
Yield (kg/per m2) 4 800 6 000 6 700
Price (per kg): 12kg 10 10 10
Total Income 48 000 60 000 67 000