Journalpaper 1
Journalpaper 1
Journalpaper 1
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1 author:
Vasu dev
Anand Institute of Higher Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Vasu dev on 26 September 2020.
Recent trend is the development of Smart homes all around the world. Home automation has become very
affordable and many people, industries has started to automate daily routines like light, fans, setting the
temperature, etc,.While LPG is an essential need of every household, its leakage could lead to a disaster. To alert
on LPG leakage and prevent any mis-happening there are various products to detect the leakage. Here we have
developed an Arduino based LPG gas detector. If gas leakage occurs, this system detects it and makes an alert by
showing it on an LCD attached with the circuit. We have used a LPG gas sensor module to detect LPG Gas. This
type of equipment is used to detect a gas leak or other emissions and can interface with a control system so a
process can be automatically make fan ON. The main objective of this design is to build a Gas leakage detector
and monitoring using LPG gas sensor and also connect it with IoT using ESP module for safety and security.
Keywords— IOT,GSM,MQ6gassensor,Weightsensor.
The Recent trend is to bring the technology into our home and office. By making the place smart, the day-to-
day activities are becoming more and easier. The development of home automation has become mandatory in
homes as people are moving towards to the smart home concepts. This is where ‘Internet of things (IoT)’ comes
into picture. As the regular works has become smart, the things used are still the same like Gas cylinder in
homes.Sometimes it may result on an accident. So there comes the need to bring in technology to prevent
accidents. IoT is a fast-growing technology in Industries, Cars. The primary objective of the project is to detect the
gas leakage of LPG cylinders, which are commonly used in Indian homes, and an alert to the user and the
surrounding neighbourhood using IoT. The software has feature to connect with Arduino and can also connect the
user’s mobile and social media like twitter, to send notification. MQ6 LPG gas sensor is used for input. GSM
Modules is used to send alert notification to user and helps in automatic booking of LPG.
IOT Based Industrial Plant Safety Gas Leakage Detection System. Most of the fire-breakouts in industries
are due to gas leaks. These cause dreadful damage to the equipment, human life leading to injuries, deaths, and
environment. Currently available leakage detectors warn the people around using on-site alarms. So, this project
proposes a leakage detector which sends the warning to the concerned people through SMS. This detector senses
the presence of harmful gases particularly, LPG, Methane and Benzene. LPG and Methane gases catch fire easily
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Vol-6 Issue-2 2020 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396
resulting in blasts. Benzene is carcinogen effecting the health of workers, if inhaled in higher concentrations.
Hence, detection of these gases is essential.
Pipeline Gas Leakage Detection And Location Identification System.Every diminutive task in this planetary
is machine-controlled by cyberspace of belongings which makes our life easier. Now internet of things is used for
safety purpose also. Nowadays outflow of gas in pipeline is the major difficulty. The chief mental object of this
project is to detect the leakage of gases in the pipeline. Pipeline will be monitored with in an regular intervals using
gas detection sensors. If there is any leakage in the pipeline then it will be detected and information such as name
of the gas, pressure rate of the gas and its location where there is leakage of gases will be passed to the mobile
phone, laptops, etc using IOT. The accurate location for the gas leakage will be detected using the GPS.
Development of Smart Cooking Stove: Harvesting Energy from the Heat, Gas Leakage Detection and IoT
Based Notification System.The design and implementation of smart cooking stove with safety features has been
discussed in this paper. To increase the efficiency of the conventional cookingstove, an energy harvest system from
cooking heat has also been proposed in this research work. Heat absorbing body and Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC)
module are used for this purpose. Heat is absorbed to generate power by using seebeck effect through TEC module.
Generated power can be stored in a battery which can be delivered to the load. Sensor based safety feature has been
implemented which can detect the leakage of gas and notify the user through mobile message using an IoT server.
Presently wireless radio communication signal will be used to transmit the data from one place to another
place. But Radio signal will affect the human health like Cardiac Stress, Impact in Fertility, Derails Brain Function,
Affects Cell Growth.Voice and data transmission is done previously by using varies technologies like wireless
communication protocols to transmit data, such as infrared, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.Also the voice and data
transmission is done by LDR and Laser torch. The voice and data transmission is done most popular is using
wireless LAN.The home/office automation is done using the web server’s core that manages, controls, and
monitors users’ home. Also the home/office automation is done using GSM and Bluetooth.
In this proposed system, the gas leakage is detected by MQ 6 sensor which is interfaced by arduino and
automatic booking is designed and this device will be a single system with multiple applications for LPG
consumers. If the gas leakage is detected by LPG gas sensor the device gets on with buzzer alarm and displaying
alert message in LCD display simultaneously switch on the exhaust fan and start the stepper motor, external
coupling is made to turn off the gas regulator.PIR sensor also placed in the home to notify about the human
presence. If no person, automatically power off at the same time the notification will be sent to user through mobile
by warning calls and SMS.Load cell which is also known as pressure sensor is used to detect the weight of the gas
and the result will be displayed through LCD display. If the weight of the cylinder is below the threshold level
automatically the new cylinder will be booked and the delivery information send to the consumer through GSM
Scan Gas & Display in LCD After activation, the device will continuously scan gas and show the result in
the LCD display. If there is no gas, then the display will show - ‘No Gas Leaking’. If there is any gas
found, the display will show - ‘Gas leaking’.
Detection of Gas: If there is presence of any gas the display shows ‘Gas Alert’.
When the sensor finds any gas leakage in room or where the device is installed, it immediately activates
the Exhaust fan.
Stop Alert & Reset:If the gas sensor cannot find any gas leakage, then it shows that there is no gas leaking
and keeps on scanning for gas.when gas level becomes low it makes automatic booking to the registered
refilling centre.
There are two flow charts for gas leakage detection and automatic gas booking which explain the methodology
of the operation as follows:
In this model, gas spillage recognition has been given a most elevated need. MQ6 set in the region
of the gas chamber. In the appearance of spillage, the obstruction of the sensor diminishes expanding its
conductivity. Relating beat is sustained to microcontroller and at the same time switches on the ringer and
fumes fan which we can reset by a manual reset switch. Additionally a rationale high heartbeat (+5 V) is
given as a hinder to INT0 stick of Microcontroller. Microcontroller communicates something specific
"EMERGENCY ALERT: LPG gas spillage found in your home" to required mailid by means of GSM
module and a similar will be shown on LCD.
The main advantage of this simple gas leak detector is its simplicity and its ability to warn its users about
the leakage of the LPG gas. The future aspects of this detector include the gsm module and a tripper circuit
which increases the efficiency of the system and provides more safety to the users. The other advantage of this
system includes its visual warning systems. This detector is implemented successfully and is easy to use and
also a low cost product. Another advantage of this device is that even though if no one is there in the house and
then gas leaks occurs, GSM module is there to send immediate messages to the users regarding the gas leak and
thus it lowers the intensity of accidents. GSM module in this device ensures better safety regarding the gas
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