EE1702 Power System Operation and Control Department of EEE 2024-2025
EE1702 Power System Operation and Control Department of EEE 2024-2025
EE1702 Power System Operation and Control Department of EEE 2024-2025
24) What are the advantages of computer control in power system? What are the BL2
types of computer control? (May 2015)
28) Write the implication of high diversity factor and list any two methods BL3
employed to increase the diversity factor. (May 2018)
29) State the factors affecting the load forecasting. (May 2018) (Nov 2023) BL2
30) Explain briefly daily load curve and monthly load curve (Apr 2019) BL2
31) Define per unit droop. (Nov 2022) BL1
19) Discuss the overview of system operation and control. (Nov 2018) BL3
1) A power system has a maximum demand of 30000kW, load factor of 65%, plant BL6
capacity factor of 55% and a plant use factor of 75%.
Find (i) Daily energy produced (ii)Reserve capacity of the plant (iii) Maximum energy
that could be produced daily if the plant, operating in accordance with operating
schedule, is fully loaded when in operation.
2) Two generators rated 400 MW and 700 MW are operating in parallel. The droop BL5
characteristics of their governors are 4% and 5% respectively from no load to full load.
Assuming that the generators are operating at 50 Hz at no load, how would a load of
900 MW is shared between them? What will be the system frequency at this load?
Assume free governor operation. Determine the full load speed for each machine.
(Apr 2024)
3) Two generators rated 200 MW and 400 MW are operating in parallel. The droop BL6
characteristics of their governors are 4% and 5% respectively from no load to full
load. Assuming that the generators are operating at 50 Hz at no load, how would a load
of 600 MW be shared between them? What will be the system frequency at this load?
Assume free governor operation. Also find the load sharing if both governors have a
drop of 4%. Determine the full load speed of the machine (Nov 2018)(Nov 2023)
4) A generating station has the following daily load cycles. BL5
Draw the load curve and find i) Maximum demand ii) Units generated per day iii)
Average load iv) Load factor. (Nov 2021)
5) Two 50 Hz power stations are connected by means of inter connected cable sothat BL5
the station in parallel. The following are the data pertaining to the system.
A 10 MW 2.5% 7 MW
B 2 MW 4% 2 MW
Determine the load shared by each generator for a total load of 7 MW
4) What is area frequency response coefficient with respect to load frequency BL2
5) Why an integral control is added to Speed Governor System? (Nov 2023) BL2
6) Define the term damping factor BL2
7) How the single area controlled system is protected? BL3
8) What is meant by tie–line bias control? (May 2016, Nov 2019) (Nov 2020) BL2
9) What are the parts of speed governing system? (May 2018) BL1
10) Specify the use of static and dynamic response of the ALFC loop (Nov 2021) BL2
11) What is the need for very large mechanical forces in speed – governing system? BL2
12) Specify the disadvantages of ALFC loop? BL2
13) Why the frequency is maintained same throughout the grid? BL2
14) Draw the speed – droop characteristics of generators BL1
15) Draw the transfer function model of the single area uncontrolled system. (Nov BL1
16) Define inertia constant. BL1
17) What is area control error? (May 2016) (Nov 2022) BL1
18) Why is demand affecting the frequency of the grid? BL2
19) What you mean by steady state instability? BL2
20) What are the assumptions made in dynamic response of uncontrolled case. BL2
21) State the control objective of two area load frequency control. (Apr 2023) BL2
22) Brief the application of secondary ALFC loop in power system networks. (Nov BL2
24) Distinguish between primary and secondary loops in load frequency control. (May BL4
3). A two area system has two identical areas with parameters and operating conditions BL6
Rated capacity of the area = 1500 MW Normal operating load = 750MW Nominal
frequency = 50HZ Inertia constant of the area = 5s Speed regulation = 3% Damping
co–efficient = 1% Governor time constant = 0.06s Turbine time constant = 0.25s A
load increase M1 is equal to 30MW occurs in area1. Determine change in frequency and
compare the change in frequency obtained in single area. (May 2017)
4). A sub–grid has total rated capacity 2500MW. It encounters a load increase of 50 MW BL5
if the normal operating load is 1000MW. Assume inertia constant (H) to be 5sec and
regulation of the generators in the system as 2 Hz/p.u MW. Find (i) ALFC loop
parameters (ii) Static frequency drop, (iii) Transient response of the ALFC loop.
Assume load frequency dependency to be linear. (May 2015)
5). The two system connected by a tie line describe the following characteristics: BL5
Area 1 Area 2
R=0.01 p.u R=0.02 p.u
3) What are the points to be considered in static performance of AVR loop? BL2
4) When is feedback stability compensation used in the Automatic Voltage BL2
Regulator Loop? (Nov 2021)
13) Write about static VAR compensator (SVC).(May 2016) (Nov 2021) BL2
14) What is saturated reactor? BL2
15) List the advantages of series compensation. (Nov 2020) BL1
16) Write the applications of synchronous condenser. BL1
17) What is tap changing transformers and write the types of tap changing BL2
18) What is the use of off–load tap changer and TUCL? (Apr 2019) BL2
19) What is the drawback of series capacitors? (Nov 2020) BL2
20) State the advantages of switched capacitors in voltage control. (Nov 2018) BL1
28) State the main objective of reactive power and voltage control in power systems BL2
(May 2018)
29) Outline the role of Synchronous generators adopted for generation and absorption BL2
of reactive power. (May 2018)
30) What are the different types of static VAR compensators (SVC)?(Nov 2018) BL1
31) What is the condition to determine K value of AVR loop? (Nov 2022) BL2
32) Draw the V–I Characteristics of SVC (Nov 2019) BL1
33) What are the functions of Automatic Voltage Regulator? (Apr 2024) BL2
34) What are the uses of SVC? BL2
PART – B (C402.3)
1) Draw the diagram for a typical excitation system and develop the transfer BL3
function model of the Excitation system explain the operation of static exciter system.
or Explain with neat block diagram the excitation system and it modelling with relevant
transfer functions. (Nov 2019) (Nov 2023) (Apr 2024)
2) How will you maintain the voltage by using tap changing transformer (Nov 2018) BL3
(Apr 2024)
3) What is the impact of following devices in voltage profile, BL4
(a) Synchronous condenser (b) Shunt Capacitor.
4) Explain the static and dynamic response characteristics of the AVR loop.(Nov 2022) BL3
5) Write short notes on the following, i) stability compensation ii) effects of generator BL3
loading. (Apr 2024)
6) Write short notes on the following, i) Series capacitors ii) On line tap changing BL4
transformer iii) Thyristor switched capacitors – Thyristor controlled reactors.
7) Explain the different methods of voltage control. (Apr 2019) (Nov 2021) (Nov 2023) BL3
3). Two sub–station are connected by two lines in parallel with negligible impedance, but BL5
each containing a tap–changing transformer of reactance 0.22pu on the basis of its
rating of 200 MVA. Find the net absorption of reactive power of the transformer taps
are set to 1:1.08, and 1:0.95 respectively. Assume pu voltages to be equal at the two
ends. (Nov 2020)
4). Find the rating of synchronous compensator connected to the tertiary winding of a BL5
66KV star connected, 33KV star connected, 11KV delta connected three winding
transformer to supply a load of 60MW at 0.8p.f.lagging at 33KV across the secondary.
Equivalent primary and tertiary winding reactance are 18ohm and 0.12 ohm
respectively. While the secondary winding reactance is negligible. Assume that V1 is
66kv and maximum off nominal setting between transformer primary and secondary is
1:1.1. (Nov 2020)
PART – A (C402.4)
1) What is optimal dispatch? BL2
2) Define unit commitment. BL1
3) What are the constraints in UC problem (Dec 2014 & May 2017) (Nov 2019) BL2
4) Define minimum – up time constraint BL1
5) Define minimum– down time constraint BL1
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering 12
EE1702 Power System Operation and Control Department of EEE 2024-2025
6) Define cold (cooling) and hot start (banking) (Nov 2020) BL2
7) Explain the term must run and crew constraints.(Nov 2018) BL2
8) What are the three different methods for solving Unit commitment Problem? BL1
(Apr 2019)
30) Compare unit commitment and economic dispatch problems. (May 2018) (Nov BL2
2018) (Apr 2024)
31) What is a blackout? (Apr 2019) BL2
15) The fuel inputs per hour of plants 1 and 2 are given below as BL5
F1= 0.2 P12+40P1+120 Rs/hr F2 = 0.25P22+30P2+150 Rs/hr
Determine the economic operating schedule and the corresponding cost of generation.
The maximum and minimum loading on each unit is 100 MW and 25 MW. Assume
that the transmission losses are ignored and the demand is 180 MW. Also determine
the saving obtained if the load is equally shared by both the units. (Apr 2019)
16) Determine priority list using fullload average production cost for the data given BL3
(Nov 2021)
17) A plant has two generators supplying the plant bus and neither is to operate below 20 BL3
MW or above 135 AM Incremental costs with PG 1 and PG2 in MW are
dF1/dPg1 = 0.14 PG1 +21 Rs / .MWhr
dF2/dPg2 = 0.225 PG2
+ 16.5 Rs / MWhr G2
For economic dispatch, find the plant A when the demand equals (a) 45 MW; (b)
125MW; (c) 250 MW.
Part-C (C402.4)
1) A power plant has three units with the following cost characteristics: BL5
C1 = 0.05 PG12 + 23.5 PG1 +700 Rs/hr
6) Obtain an optimum economic schedule using priority list method of a three BL5
generators for a total load of 900MW. The details of fuel cost functions are given
F1 = 392.7+5.544P1+0.001093P12,150<P1<600
F2 =217+5.495P2+ 0.001358P22 ,100<P2<400
F3 = 65.5+6.695P3+0.004049P32,50<P1<200
PART – A (C402.5)
1) List some important control system functions. (Dec 2015) BL1
2) What is meant by SCADA? (Apr 2019) BL2
3) Write the non–critical functions of SCADA system. (Nov 2021) BL2
28) List out the conditions for normal operation of a power systems.(Nov 2021) BL1
29) List the basic function of EMS. (May 2018) (Apr 2024) BL1
30) Draw the state transition diagram. (Nov 2020) BL1
31) State the weighted least square criterion. (Nov 2018) (Nov 2022) BL1
32) What is the importance of state estimation in power system? (Apr 2024)
PART – B (C402.5)
1) Explain the operation of Energy Control Centre. (Or) Construct with neat schematic BL3
diagram, the information flow between various function in an operational energy
control centre computer system (or) Explain the role of energy control centre in the
modern power systems with a net block diagram (Nov 2019) (Nov 2022)
2) Draw the block diagram to show the hardware configuration of a SCADA for a power BL3
system operation and explain the application of SCADA in monitoring and control of
power system. (Nov 2020)(Nov 2021)(Nov 2023)(Apr 2024)
3) Draw and explain the various states and their transition. (or) Discuss with neat state BL4
transition diagram outlining the various operating state transitions and control strategies
in power system. (Nov 2021) (Nov 2022)(Nov 2023)(Apr 2024)
4) How computer is used effectively in power system control. BL3
5) Explain state estimation in power systems BL3
6) Explain security monitoring and control. BL3
7) How bad data are treated in power systems. BL3
8) How network topology is determined in power systems for state estimation. BL3