The total amount of energy from the light source is called [ ]
A) Brightness B) Reflectance C) Luminance D) Radiance 2. Compressed image can be recovered back by [ ] A) Image Enhancement B) Image Contrast C) Image Decompression D) Image Equalization 3. Image compression comprised of [ ] A) Encoder B) Decoder C) Frames D) Both A And B 4. Coding redundancy works on [ ] A) Pixels B) Matrix C) Intensity D) Coordinates 5. Sequence of code assigned is called [ ] A) Code Word B) Word C) Byte D) Nibble 6. Every run length pair introduce new [ ] A) Pixels B) Matrix C) Frames D) Intensity 7. If the pixels are reconstructed without error mapping is said to be [ ] A) Reversible B) Irreversible C) Temporal D) Facsimile 8. Points exceeding the threshold in output image are marked as by [ ] A) 0 B) 1 C) 11 D) X 9. First derivative approximation says that values of intensities at the onset must be [ ] A) Non-zero B) Zero C) Positive D) Negative 10. Image segmentation is also based on ways [ ] A) Morphology B) Set Theory C) Extraction D) Recognition 11. Image whose principle features are edges is called [ ] A) Orthogonal B) Isolated C) Edge Map D) Edge Normal 12. Laplacian images need [ ] A) Contraction B) Expansion C) Scaling D) Enhancement 13. Sobel is better than prewitt in image [ ] A) Sharpening B) Blurring C) Smoothing D) Contrast
14. Intensity's local changes can be detected through [ ]
A) Differentiation B) Derivation C) Addition D) Integration 15. Prediction residual pyramid is computed in? [ ] A) 2 Steps B) 3 Steps C) 4 Steps D) 5 Steps 16. Integer wavelet translates are [ ] A) Pentagonal B) Square C) Orthogonal D) Oval 17. Decomposition in subband coding is performed to [ ] A) Segment Image B) Reconstruct Image C) Blur Image D) Sharpened Image 18. Decomposing image into band limit components is called [ ] A) Low Coding B) High Coding C) Intense Coding D) Subband Coding 19. The apex of image pyramid contains. [ ] A) Low Resolution B) High Resolution C) Intensity D) Blurred Portion 20. Lowpass Gaussian filtering produces [ ] A) Gaussian Pyramids B) Pyramids C) Mean Pyramids D) Equalized Histogram
21. In the coding redundancy technique, we use [ ]
A) Fixed Length Code B) Variable Length Code C) Byte D) Both A and B 22. Information per source is called [ ] A) Sampling B) Quantization C) Entropy D) Normalization 23. Types of data redundancy are [ ] A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 24. If the pixels cannot be reconstructed without error mapping is said to be [ ]
A) Reversible B) Irreversible C) Temporal D) Facsimile
25. Replication of the pixels is called [ ] A) Coding Redundancy B) Spatial Redundancy C) Temporal Redundancy D) Both B And C 26. Information lost when expressed mathematically is called [ ] A) Markov B) Finite Memory Source C) Fidelity Criteria D) Noiseless Theorem 27. Transforming the difference between adjacent pixels is called [ ] A) Mapping B) Image Compression C) Image Watermarking D) Image Equalization 28. For line detection we assume that lines are [ ] A) Thin B) Thick C) Sharp D) Blur 29. Pixels where intensity changes abruptly are called [ ] A) Area Pixels B) Line Pixels C) Point Pixels D) Edge Pixels 30. Point detection is done using filter that is [ ] A) Gaussian B) Laplacian C) Ideal D) Butterworth 31. Two regions are said to be adjacent if their union forms [ ] A) Connected Set B) Boundaries C) Region D) Image 32. Blurring attenuates the [ ] A) Pixels B) Points C) Cross Gradient D) Intensity 33. Digital functions' derivatives are defined as [ ] A) Differences B) Multiplication C) Addition D) Division 34. For finding horizontal lines we use mask of values [ ] A) [-1 -1 -1; 2 2 2; -1 -1 -1] B) [2 -1 -1; -1 2 -1; -1 -1 2] C) [-1 2 -1; -1 2 -1; -1 2 -1] D) [-1 -1 2; -1 2 -1;2 -1 -1] 35. The term, Curvature is defined as: [ ] A) Rate of Change of Area B) Rate of Change of Slope C) Slope D) Rate of Change of Diameter 36. Orthonormal filter is developed around filter called [ ] A) Up Sampling B) Filtering C) Digital Segment Filtering D) Prototype 37. The base of image pyramid contains [ ] A) Low Resolution B) High Resolution C) Intensity D) Blurred Portion 38. FWT stands for [ ] A) Fast Wavelet Transformation B) Fast Wavelet Transform C) Fourier Wavelet Transform D) Fourier Wavelet Transformation 39. Wavelet series equation is the sum of [ ] A) Scaling Coefficient B) Detail Coefficient C) Span Coefficient D) Both A and B 40. DWT stands for [ ] A) Discrete Wavelet Transform B) Digital Wavelet Transform C) Discrete Wavelet Transformation D) Digital Wavelet Transformation