Wipo Pub 450
Wipo Pub 450
Wipo Pub 450
Table of Contents
What is a Patent? 5
What is a Trademark? 8
What are intellectual Why promote and protect
property rights? intellectual property?
How does the average
person benefit?
What is
Intellectual property rights reward
a Patent?
creativity and human endeavor,
which fuel the progress of
humankind. Some examples:
What is a Patent? Why are patents necessary?
What kinds of inventions Who grants patents?
can be protected?
Patents are granted by national
An invention must, in general, patent offices or by regional
fulfill the following conditions to offices that carry out examination
be protected by a patent. It must work for a group of countries –
be of practical use; it must show for example, the European Patent
an element of “novelty”, meaning Office (EPO) and the African
some new characteristic that is Intellectual Property Organization
not part of the body of existing (OAPI). Under such regional
knowledge in its particular technical systems, an applicant requests
field. That body of existing protection for an invention in one
knowledge is called “prior art”. or more countries, and each
The invention must show an country decides whether to offer
“inventive step” that could not patent protection within its
be deduced by a person with borders. The WIPO-administered
average knowledge of the technical Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
field. Its subject matter must provides for the filing of a single
be accepted as “patentable” international patent application
under law. In many countries, that has the same effect as national
scientific theories, mathematical applications filed in the designated
methods, plant or animal varieties, countries. An applicant seeking
discoveries of natural substances, protection may file one application
commercial methods or methods and request protection in as many
of medical treatment (as opposed signatory states as needed.
to medical products) are not
generally patentable.
What is a trademark?
trademark registration and
protection. The system helps
consumers to identify and
purchase a product or service
based on whether its specific
characteristics and quality – as
indicated by its unique trademark
– meet their needs.
What is a
What do trademarks do? What kinds of trademarks
can be registered?
Trademark protection ensures that
the owners of marks have the Trademarks may be one or a
exclusive right to use them to combination of words, letters and
identify goods or services, or to numerals. They may consist of
authorize others to use them in drawings, symbols or three-
return for payment. The period of dimensional signs, such as the
protection varies, but a trademark shape and packaging of goods.
can be renewed indefinitely upon In some countries, non-traditional
payment of the corresponding marks may be registered for
fees. Trademark protection is distinguishing features such as
legally enforced by courts that, in holograms, motion, color and
most systems, have the authority non-visible signs (sound, smell
to stop trademark infringement. or taste).
They may be granted to anyone of the goods or services to which
who can certify that their products the sign would apply. The sign
meet certain established standards. must fulfill certain conditions in
Some examples of recognized order to be protected as a
certification are the internationally trademark or other type of mark.
accepted “ISO 9000” quality It must be distinctive, so that
standards and Ecolabels consumers can distinguish it from
for products with reduced trademarks identifying other
environmental impact. products, as well as identify a
particular product with it. It must
neither mislead nor deceive
How is a trademark customers nor violate public order
registered? or morality.
To avoid the need to register
How extensive is trademark separate applications with each
protection? national or regional office, WIPO
administers an international
Almost all countries in the world registration system for trademarks.
register and protect trademarks. The system is governed by two
Each national or regional office treaties: the Madrid Agreement
maintains a Register of Concerning the International
Trademarks containing full Registration of Marks and the
application information on all Madrid Protocol. Persons with
registrations and renewals, which a link (be it through nationality,
facilitates examination, search and domicile or establishment) to a
potential opposition by third country party to one or both of
parties. The effects of the these treaties may, on the basis of
registration are, however, limited a registration or application with
to the country (or, in the case of the trademark office of that
regional registration, countries) country (or related region), obtain
concerned. an international registration having
effect in some or all of the other
countries of the Madrid Union.
What is an Industrial
What is Design?
Hardly any other subject matter How extensive is industrial
within the realm of intellectual design protection?
property is as difficult to categorize
as industrial designs. And this has Generally, industrial design
significant implications for the protection is limited to the country
means and terms of its protection. in which protection is granted.
Depending on the particular The Hague Agreement Concerning
national law and the kind of the International Registration
design, an industrial design may of Industrial Designs, a WIPO-
also be protected as a work of administered treaty, offers a
applied art under copyright law, procedure for international
with a much longer term of registration of designs. Applicants
protection than the standard 10 or can file a single international
15 years under registered design application either with WIPO
law. In some countries, industrial or the national or regional office
design and copyright protection of a country party to the treaty.
can exist concurrently. In other The design will then be protected in
countries, they are mutually as many member countries of the
exclusive: once owners choose one treaty as the applicant designates.
kind of protection, they can no
longer invoke the other.
What is a
How are copyright and royalties gained from the national
related rights regulated? and international use of a work or
performance. Certain rights of
Copyright and related rights producers of sound recordings and
protection is obtained automatically broadcasting organizations are
without the need for registration sometimes managed collectively
or other formalities. However, many as well.
countries provide for a national
system of optional registration and
deposit of works. These systems
facilitate, for example, questions
involving disputes over ownership
or creation, financial transactions,
sales, assignments and transfer
of rights.
Watch: Courtesy Swatch AG
What is
the World Intellectual
Property Organization?
For more information contact the
World Intellectual Property Organization
34, chemin des Colombettes
P.O. Box 18
CH-1211 Geneva 20
41 22 338 91 11
41 22 733 54 28
[email protected]