Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2011
Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2011
Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2011
Choose the best option for each question then blacken the correct space on the answer sheet. 1 Which of the following does not relate to physics field? A. movement of gas particle. B. phenomenon of rainbow. C. covalent and ionic bonding. D. to produce more shiny diamond Which of the following physical quantities consists of derived quantities? A Temperature, time, force B Electric current, length, time C Force, velocity, electric charge D Velocity, force, length Which of the following is a derived physical quantity? A. mass C. electric current B. temperature D. weight Which of the following is a scalar quantity? A Distance C B Velocity D Acceleration Force
Which of the following value of prefix is correct? Prefix Value of prefix A Giga 10 8 B Desi 10-1 C Milli 10-6 D Nano 10-7 A radio station transmit a radio waves at 90.3 MHz. What is the frequency in units of Hz ? A. 90.3 X 104 Hz C. 90.3 X 106 Hz 5 B. 90.3 X 10 Hz D. 90.3 X 107 Hz 9 E. 90.3 X 10 Hz The equatorial diameter of earth is 12 760 000 m. Which is written with the correct prefix? A. 1.276 Mm. C. 0.1276 Gm B. 0.01276 Gm D. 12.76 m Which of the following is the correct converted unit ? A 1 000 mm3 = 1.0 x 10 -4 m3 B 100 mm3 = 1.0 x 10-2 m3 C 450 mm3 = 4.5 x 10-7 m3 D 45 mm3 = 4.5 x 10 -6 m3 A physical quantity is defined as the product of velocity and time. What is the S.I. unit of this quantity? A. kg m s-2 C. m s-1 B. kg m s-1 D. m10.
Diagram 1 shows the scales on a pair of analogue stop watch and digital stop watch . 1
Digital stop watch Diagram 1 Which comparison is correct about the sensitivity of the analogue stop watch and digital stop watch when measuring time? Analogue stop watch Digital stop watch
Low sensitivity
Low sensitivity
Low sensitivity
High sensitivity
High sensitivity
Low sensitivity
High sensitivity
High sensitivity
Vernier Callipers
Diagram 2 11. The vernier calliper reading in Diagram 2 is A. 0.05 cm C. B. 0.35 cm D. 0.55 cm 1.50 cm
Four students A, B, C and D use metre rule (R), vernier callipers (V) and micrometer screw gauge (M), to measure the thickness of a book. The measurements obtained are recorded in a table below. Which record is correct? R ( cm ) V ( cm ) M ( cm )
Diagram 3 below shows a method of estimating the diameter of a wire using a ruler 20 turns Rod
The equation below shows the relationship between image distance, v with magnification, M, for a convex lens. v 10 = 10 M Which of the following graphs shows the relationship between v and M for the above equation? A C
Which of the following is not a purpose of plotting graph in scientific investigation? A Giving a consistent measurement B Finding relationship between two variables C Find the values that out of range D Interpreting data Which of following describe vector quantities A. Energy is needed to melt the ice B. The thrust needed to launched rocket. C. Capacitance of capacitor D. Speed of the car. Diagram 4 shows the journey of a bus from city A to reach city D.
Diagram 4
128 km 220 km
Diagram 5 shows a graph of velocity against time for the motion of a bus.
How far does the bus reaches a steady velocity? A. 10 m C. 100 m B. 20 m D. 200 m 19. Diagram 6 shows a obtained from an experiment 4
travel before it
trolley A of mass 2 kg and a trolley B. Trolley A was released from one end of platform so that it moves downwards and collides with the stationary trolley B. After the collision they stick and move together. What is the mass of trolley B?
Before collision Diagram 6 A 0.5 kg C. 1.5 kg B 1.0 kg D. 2.0 kg Diagram 7 shows a Formula-1 racing car.
After collision
Diagram 7 Why does the cars design engineer use light composite materials for making the body of the car although its engine is powerful ? A Acceleration increases if mass decreases. B A small mass produces a large force. C A large force produces a large inertia. D The cost of composite material of small mass is low. 21. Diagram 8 below shows two objects with different masses are dropped simultaneously from a height. Which quantity is same for both of the objects?
Diagram 8
A B 22.
Weight Velocity
Diagram 9
What is the acceleration and displacement of the vehicles? Acceleration/ ms-2 Displacement/ m A 4 800 B 6 600 C 4 400 D 6 400
Diagram 10 Which statement describes the motion of the car? OX XY A Uniform acceleration Uniform deceleration
Uniform velocity
Uniform deceleration
Uniform acceleration
Uniform velocity
Uniform velocity
Uniform acceleration
Diagram 11 shows a car is accelerating with a frictional force of 6000 N acting on it. 6
Accelerati on
What is the force exerted by the engine of the car ? A. equal to 6000 N B. greater than 6000 N C. smaller than 6000 N D. 0N 25. Diagram 12 shows Proton Exoras crumple zone.
Diagram 12 What happen if there is no crumple zone for the cars? A Time of impact will increase and increase the level of injuries B Time of impact will increase and increase the impulsive force to the car C Time of impact will decrease and increase the impulsive force to the car D Time of impact will decrease and avoid the driver from injuries 26 The following item is for safety features in vehicles, except. A rubber bumper B larger rim C anti-scatter windscreen D Anti-Lock-Breaking System (ABS) A force can do the following except. A move a stationary object B stop a moving object C decelerate a moving object D alters the quantity of matters of the object Diagram 13 shows trolley A and B of same mass on a frictionless plane. Trolley A moves and collides with the stationary trolley B.
28 .
After collision
Diagram 13 Which of the following statements is true? A The collision is an elastic collision B Both trolleys do not undergo changes in momentum C The total momentum before and after the collision is the same D The total kinetic energy before and after the collision is conserved 29. Diagram 14 shows a coconut falling from a tree.
Diagram 14
Accelerati on
Acceleratio n
Diagram 15 shows a boy walking, thrown forward when he accidentally kicked a stone
Diagram 15 Which of the following physics concept is responsible for the boy thrown forward? A Momentum C. Impulse B Inertia D. Energy 31. A Which of the following has the highest net force? C
Length/ cm
Diagram 16
Time/ t
If 50 Hz frequency is used, calculate the acceleration A 20.0 cms-2 C 160.0 cms-2 -2 B 100.0 cms D 200.0 cms-2 -2 E 250.0 cms 33. Which of the velocity-time graph below shows a movement of a car which is slowing down and then stops? velocity A C velocit y
tim e velocit
tim e
Kasim kicks a stationary ball of mass 1.2 kg with a force of 15 N and the time of impact between his boots and the ball is 0.2 s. Calculate the maximum velocity achieved by the ball. A 2.5 ms-1 C 25.0 ms-1 B 15.0 ms-1 D 30.0 ms-1 E 90.0 ms-1 A coconut falls from a tree of height 2.3 m. Which of the following quantities relating to the coconut remains unchanged during the fall? A The gravitational potential energy of the coconut B The velocity of the coconut. C The acceleration of the coconut. D The displacement of the coconut. The diagram below show the forces acting on a block. Which block experiences the highest net force? A
Between the following statements, which is not true about an object which is moving with constant acceleration? A. The object is moving in a straight line B. No force is acting on the object C. The resultant force on the object is greater than zero D. The resultant force on the object is constant Diagram 17 below shows two vectors a and b.
Diagram 17
Which of the following correctly represents the vector addition of the vectors a and b which results in the resultant vector c? A C
Diagram 18 shows two objects being dropped during the moon exploration.
feather Diagram 18
Moon surface Which of the is true when both objects were dropped? A. The velocity of plasticine and feather are constant. B. The rate of change of velocity of plasticine and feather are the same. C. The momentum of plasticine and feather are the same. D. The plasticine dropped faster than the feather 40. Diagram 19 shows an aeroplane flying horizontally with increasing velocity.
Diagram 19 Weight Which of the following statement is correct? A Weight > Lift B Lift > Weight Section B (30 marks) Answer all questions 1. Diagram 1 shows a micrometre screw gauge when the jaws are closed.
Diagram 1 a) Name the part label R. .. [1 mark] What is the function of the part label R? [1 mark] What is the value of zero error shown by the micrometre above? [1 mark] Identify the sensitivity of the micrometre screw gauge [1 mark]
Diagram 2a(i) 2.
Diagram 2a(ii)
Diagram 2a(i) shows a boy pushing a shopping cart at the start of a shopping trip and Diagram 2a(ii) shows the cart at the end of the shopping trip. (a). (i) Define mass. . [1 mark] State whether mass is scalar quantity or a vector quantity. [1 mark] (b) (i) Compare the mass of the cart in Figure 2a(i) and Figure 2a(ii). [1 mark] Which cart would be more difficult to start moving? . [1 mark] Which cart would be more difficult to stop once its moving? .. [1 mark] Based on your answers in b(i)-(iii), state the relationship between mass and the rate of change in motion. [1 mark] .Name the physics concept involved in (b). .. [1 marks]
Diagram 2b(i) and Figure 2b(ii) show tankers with the same capacity but built differently. Which tanker is safer to be used? [1 mark]
Diagram 3.1 and 3.2 show two watermelons fall off a table and drop on to surface A and surface B respectively.
Surface A
Surface B
Diagram 3.2
[1 mark] (b) With reference to Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, (i) Compare the force on the watermelons that strike on Surface A and Surface B. [1 mark] (ii) . (iii). [1 mark] State the relationship between the force produced in a collision and the time of impact. (c) [1 mark] Mark with a ( ) for the correct statement about the change of momentum of the watermelons in both situations above. The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 3.1 is greater than that of the watermelon in Diagram 3.2. Compare the time of impact of the watermelons on Surface A and Surface B.
The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 3.2 is greater than that of the watermelon in Diagram 3.1. The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 3.1 is equal to that of the watermelon in Diagram 3.2. [1 mark] Suggest a suitable material for surface B. [1 mark]
Diagram 3.3 By referring to the Diagram 3.3, explain how the driver is able to avoid serious injuries when the car stopped suddenly. . . [2 marks] A boy with mass 50 kg climbs up a 2.5 m wall from the ground level and jump down as shown in Diagram 4.
Diagram 4
Name the energy gained by the boy before the jump? ................. [ 1 mark ] State the energy change experienced by the boy before the leg hit the ground.
[ 1 mark] (b) Based on the information given on Diagram 4, calculate (i) the speed of the boy just before his legs touch the ground.
[ 2 marks] (ii) the impulsive force produced when the time of action between his legs and the ground is 0.03 s.
[ 2 marks ] Impulsive force can caused severe damage. Suggest a method to reduce the impact of the impulsive force in eggs drop competition from a height during a science carnival. Your answer should base on the following criteria (i) The eggs casing . Reason . [ 2 marks] Method for soft landing Reason [ 2 marks]
Diagram 5.1 shows a goal keeper catch a ball using a pair of gloves. The ball is stopped within 0.5 s. Diagram 5.2 shows a taut racket string is used to hit a tennis ball. The time taken by the racket to hit the ball is 0.01 s. The ball moves at high velocity.
. [ 1 mark ] 17
Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, compare the types of surface used to catch and hit a ball with the time taken. Relate the reaction time and the force to deduce a relevant physics concept. . [5 marks ] Before starting a volleyball match, the ball that will be used must have suitable air pressure. Explain why a low pressured ball is not suitable to be used in volleyball match. . . [4 marks]
Diagram 5.3 Diagram 5.3 shows a model of a car. As an engineer, you are given a task to modify the car to be a racing car for a Formula One Grand Prix at Sepang Circuit. Suggest modifications that need to be done on the car so that (i) The car can move faster and stable while it is being driven (ii) The car is comfortable and does not bounce when passes bumpy track (iii) The cars driver is safe if any accident happens. Reason
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