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Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry ISSN 2089-6514 (paper)

Volume 13, Number 2, October 2024 | Pages: 415-421 | DOI: 10.14421/biomedich.2024.132.415-421 ISSN 2540-9328 (online)

Physicochemical Characteristics of Jelly Candy Cinnamon Powder

Koerintji Variation of Red Seaweed Carrageenan Concentration

Erwin Setiawan, Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujianti*, Iffah Muflihati, Arief Rakhman Affandi
Food Technology Department, Engineering and Informatics Faculty, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Jl. Sidodadi No. 24, Semarang, Indonesia.

Corresponding author*
[email protected]

Manuscript received: 06 July, 2024. Revision accepted: 07 October, 2024. Published: 09 October, 2024.


Jelly candy is a product that has the characteristics of being chewy and varied in texture. Carrageenan, an alternative natural raw material
as a gelling agent in jelly candy, is one of the producers of red seaweed carrageenan because it has a very complex composition.
Cinnamon contains about 91.88-94.19% cinnamaldehyde as an antioxidant compound. The study aimed to determine the value of the
antioxidant activity obtained and the correlation between the cinnamon powder jelly candy Koerintji variety and the addition of red
seaweed carrageenan with different concentration variations. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design with two
factors. Carrageenan concentrations consist of 3.5% and 5%. The results showed that the concentration of red seaweed carrageenan
significantly affected the antioxidant activity value and characteristics of cinnamon jelly candy. The best treatment was obtained at a
concentration of 1.5% cinnamon and 5% red seaweed carrageenan with chemical characteristics water content 11.49%, antioxidant
activity 50.26%, pH value 4.82%, physical characteristics colour (brightness) 40.72%, texture hardness 2.3%, adhesiveness 3.1%,
elasticity 2.76%, colour preference 4.66%, aroma preference, 4.32%, flavour preference 4.66%, elasticity texture preference 4.56%, taste
4.80%, and overall 4.04%.

Keywords: physicochemical characteristics; carrageenan; cinnamon; soft candy; red seaweed.

INTRODUCTION fight free radicals are antioxidants. Antioxidant

compounds can be obtained from various food sources.
Candy food products often found and circulating on the Antioxidant compounds produced by plants, such as
market are very diverse, including chewy candy (jelly), vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, and phenolic groups,
hard candy, chocolate candy (bounty), caramel, nougat, especially polyphenols and flavonoids, are known to
and ginger. The National Standardization Agency/SNI have the potential to reduce the risk of degenerative
(2008) states that jelly candy is a soft-textured candy diseases caused by free radicals. One of the foodstuffs
processed by adding hydrocolloid ingredients such as that contain antioxidants that are obtained naturally is
agar, gum, pectin, starch, and carrageenan. One factor cinnamon. Cinnamon is a plant known to contain solid
that can influence the process of making jelly candy is antioxidant active compounds (Andriyanto et al., 2014).
the presence of gel-forming ingredients. A gelling solid Cinnamon is one foodstuff that contains antioxidants that
agent and a chewy texture can be created in jelly candy can be obtained naturally. Cinnamon is a spice plant that
by adding ingredients that contain gelling agents. In has long been used as a fragrance or flavour enhancer in
general, jelly candy is made using gelatin as a gel- food or drinks. Cinnamon wood extract or powder has
forming material, but the raw material for commercial natural antioxidant activity because, in wood extract
gelatin is currently imported from abroad, such as Europe cinnamon powder, there are also chemical compounds
(Hidayah et al., 2013). One of the breakthroughs for such as cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, trans-cinnamic acid,
replacing the gelling agent is red seaweed carrageenan. phenolic compounds, and tannins. The antioxidant
Red seaweed also contains antioxidants. Research activity of cinnamon obtained was 45.42% (Sukandar,
conducted on the antioxidant compound content of 2014). Cinnamon contains chemical compounds,
several algae species using the free radical scavenging including cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, trans-cinnamic acid,
method by 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydidrazyl (DPPH) was phenol compounds, and tannins. One type of cinnamon
carried out by (Lestario et al., 2008) with various variety in Indonesia is the Koerintji variety cinnamon,
solvents and obtained the highest value of red seaweed which has the advantage of the Koerintji variety
antioxidant activity, namely 43.43%, obtained from the cinnamon itself, namely that it contains a very high
acetone solvent extract. Compounds that are known to cinnamaldehyde content of around 91.88 - 94.19%,
416 Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry 13 (2), 2024: 415-421

exceeding the SNI No. Standard. 06-3734-2006, namely Jelly candy making
50%. From the various explanations above, it is The procedure carried out in making jelly candy is
necessary to develop finished products that contain adding cinnamon extract, which includes several stages:
antioxidants due to people's lifestyle changes, such as preparation of ingredients, cooking, moulding, cooling,
consuming foods that contain lots of fat and oil. This and drying. Making cinnamon jelly candy refers to the
causes free radicals to form in the body. modified (Marfungah et al., 2019) method, namely 45%
sucrose and 40% fructose syrup, then heated at 80°C
with the addition of 3.5% and 5% carrageenan, adding
MATERIALS AND METHODS cinnamon powder according to the treatment. (0.5%, 1%,
and 1.5%) Moreover, 1% citric acid while stirring. After
Material mixing the ingredients evenly, the ingredients are poured
into the prepared mould. Then, leave it for 10 minutes at
The main ingredients used in this research were room temperature and put it in the refrigerator for 24
cinnamon of the Koerintji Variety obtained from Lempur hours until it solidifies and jelly candy forms. After that,
Tengah Village, Gunung Raya District, Kerinci Regency, the jelly candy was heated using a cabinet dryer at 50°C
Jambi Province, and red seaweed (Eucheuma cottoni sp.) for 6 hours.
obtained from coastal seaweed farmers in Ritabel
Village, District North Tanimbar, West Southeast Physicochemical characteristic test
Maluku Regency, sucrose (Rose Brand), fructose The physio-chemical characteristics of jelly candy
(Merck), citric acid (Merck). Meanwhile, the materials observed were water content, pH test, and texture test
used for chemical analysis include 2,2-diphenyl-1- based on the method (Marfungah et al., 2019).
picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), methanol (Merck), KOH
(Merck), and distilled water (Merck). Antioxidant activity test
A chemical test of the antioxidant activity (Miranti et al.,
Procedures 2017) of cinnamon powder jelly candy and red seaweed
The research was divided into three stages: making carrageenan using the DPPH method based on the
cinnamon powder, carrageenan, and jelly candy. Jelly method.
candy was made using a factorial Completely
Randomized Design (CRD) with two treatment factors: Preparation of sample solution
cinnamon powder concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% Weigh 5 grams of cinnamon candy and then dissolve it
and red seaweed carrageenan concentrations of 3.5% and using 50 mL of distilled water in a measuring flask up to
5%. Each treatment was carried out with three the mark until the jelly candy dissolves.
Preparation of 1.2 mM DPPH solution
Making cinnamon powder 4.8 mg of DPPH powder was weighed and put into a 20
The process of making cinnamon powder (Marfungah et mL measuring flask. The powder was dissolved in
al., 2019) with modifications: Cinnamon is cut into ± 1 methanol p.a. to the extent of the miniscus and then
cm pieces and dried in a cabinet dryer at 50°C for 8 homogenized until homogeneous.
hours. After drying, the cinnamon is then reduced in size
by blending it until it becomes powder and then sifting it Preparation of control solution
with a 60 mesh sieve until cinnamon powder is obtained. A total of 0.8 mL of 1.2 mM DPPH solution was pipetted
and put into a test tube. Add 3 mL of distilled water, then
Making carrageenan homogenize. The control solution was incubated at 25-
The red seaweed is washed with running water until 30˚C (room temperature) for 30 minutes (the reaction
clean, then put into a basin and soaked in a KOH solution tube was wrapped in aluminium foil). Then, the
containing 1,840 mL (92%) and 160 g (32%) of distilled solution's absorbance was measured on a UV-Vis
water. The function of KOH in cooling aims to reduce spectrophotometer (Spectroquant prove 300) with a
the content of other elements, such as salts and cellulose, wavelength of 517 nm.
contained in seaweed. The red seaweed is soaked for 2
hours, then after soaking, the seaweed is rewashed with Preparation of test samples with various concentrations
running water until clean, then the seaweed is tested for 8 mL of the diluted sample solution was taken, then put
pH using a PH-2011 pH meter until it obtains a pH value into a 20 mL measuring flask and added with distilled
of 7 (neutral). The red seaweed is reduced in size to ± 4 water to the mark. Next, 1 mL, 2 mL, 3 mL, 4 mL, and 5
cm in length. After reducing the size, place the red mL of this solution are taken. Distilled water was added
seaweed in a baking dish and dry it in a cabinet dryer at a up to 20 mL to obtain test solutions with different
temperature of 50°C for 24 hours. The dried red seaweed concentration variations.
is blended until smooth and then sieved using a 60-mesh
sieve until red seaweed carrageenan powder is obtained.
Setiawan et al. – Physicochemical candy cinnamon seaweed carrageenan. 417

IC50 antioxidant test 25,00 22.84d

Antioxidant activity was analyzed based on its ability to
capture DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-purcylhydrazyl) free 20,00 17.90b

Water content(%)
radicals. In a test tube, a 3 mL sample was added to a 0.8
mL, 1.2 mM methanol DPPH solution. Then, it was 15,00 12.78a 11.94a
vortexed for 3 minutes and incubated at room
temperature in dark conditions for 30 minutes. Next, the 10,00
sample's absorbance was measured using a UV-Vis
spectrophotometer (spectroquant prove 300) at a 5,00
wavelength of 517 nm. Controls were made the same
way using distilled water as a substitute for the sample. 0,00
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
IC50 is calculated using a linear regression equation,
with sample concentration as the y-axis. From the Formulation
equation y = ax + b, it can be obtained that the IC50
Figure 1. Jelly candy water content test results.
value is the same as the x value.
Description: F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F2 (0.5%
Sensory Test cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1% cinnamon, 3.5%
Testing was conducted descriptively (on a scale of 1-7) carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F5 (1.5%
on cinnamon jelly candy with 50 untrained panellists. cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5% cinnamon, 5%
carrageenan). (Values followed by different letter notations in the
This test includes brown color, cinnamon aroma, flavor, diagram indicate significantly different values) (One Way
sweet taste, cinnamon taste, aftertaste, elasticity, ANOVA Test, α = 0.05%/ F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5%
stickiness, and brightness. carrageenan), F2 (0.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1%
cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5%
Data analysis carrageenan), F5 (1.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5%
ANOVA and Duncan’s advanced test were used in cinnamon, 5% carrageenan). Letter notations on the diagram
indicate significant differences) (One Way ANOVA test, = 0.05%
statistical analysis. The software used in this test is SPSS
Figure 1 shows that the higher the concentration of
carrageenan, the resulting product will have a low water
content, and adding a low concentration of carrageenan
will result in a high water content. This is because
Physicochemical Characteristics carrageenan can bind large amounts of water; the
Water content literature states that carrageenan has hydrocolloid
The results of variance testing showed that the addition properties that can bind water. The water content of jelly
of carrageenan had a significant difference in the water candy is determined by the processing process, especially
content of cinnamon jelly candy. Figure 1 shows the during the cooking and drying of moulded jelly candy
values obtained between 11.94% - 22.84%. Formulation products (Bactiar et al., 2017). The product produced on
1 obtained a value of 22.84%, formulation 2 17.20%, average is by the standard. That is, it should be at most
formulation 3 20.16%, formulation 4 12.78%, 20%. However, in formulation 1, the results are not by
formulation 5 17.90%, and formulation 6 11.94%. The the standard, namely 22.84%; this is because the
lowest average water content value obtained in the F6 formulation uses a cinnamon raw material concentration
treatment was 11.94%. The highest water content of jelly of 0, 5%, and 3.5% carrageenan and uses 20% water to
candy was obtained in the F1 treatment, with a value of dissolve all the jelly candy raw materials. A high water
22.84%. In the one-way test results, the water content of content produces a high value in jelly candy products
jelly candy formulations 1 and 3 showed a significant because the substance contains too much water, and the
difference, whereas in formulations 2 and 5, formulations dissolved solids during the processing process are too
4 and 6, there was no significant difference. The low. Hence, the consistency value could be more
differences in each sample are due to the differences in substantial. The gel-forming consistency has too few
concentration in each jelly candy formulation, so testing components, causing the tissue in the jelly candy product
the water content using the wet basis method shows not to be strong enough to hold the liquid sugar, which
fundamental differences in the effect of each causes the jelly candy to experience syneresis and
formulation. Below is data from water content research produce a high water content value (Rismandari et al.,
using the wet basis method, presented in Figure 1. 2017). According to (Atmaka et al., 2013), gel formation
is a phenomenon of cross-linking between polymer
chains, resulting in the formation of a three-dimensional
mesh with continuity. Then, this mesh can catch the
water, which causes the formation of a solid and rigid
structure in the resulting product.
418 Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry 13 (2), 2024: 415-421

pH tends to increase with each formulation; this is thought to

The test was carried out using a pH meter to test the pH be due to the higher concentration of cinnamon powder
value obtained from the cinnamon jelly candy. After and carrageenan being added to each formulation from
testing, the pH value produced in the cinnamon jelly the lowest formulation, namely the added concentration
candy product was classified as acidic pH because the pH of 0.5% cinnamon and 3.5% carrageenan. Up to the
value was below 7 (neutral). This acidic condition is addition of the highest concentration, namely 1.5%
caused by the addition of citric acid in the processing of cinnamon and 5% carrageenan. According to (Salamah
cinnamon jelly candy. However, the amount of citric acid & Erungan, 2006) the average pH of jelly candy ranges
added to each treatment has the same composition, from 4.5 to 6.0.
namely 1%. When compared with the provisions of SNI
3547-2-2008, the pH value of jelly candy is at least Toughness Texture Test
3.55%, meaning the value is lower than the research The results of the elasticity measurement show the
results of jelly candy. The highest pH in Formulation 6 elasticity value of the jelly candy produced with the
with a value of 4.82%, and the lowest value was obtained addition of cinnamon and red seaweed carrageenan.
in Formulation 1 with a value of 4.47%. The primary raw Figure 3 shows the results of the elasticity test, which has
materials, such as cinnamon, have an alkaline pH value a fundamental influence; the highest elasticity value was
of 8, and red seaweed from which carrageenan will be obtained in formulation 6 with a value of 2.76%, and the
made has also been tested for pH with a value of 7. Data lowest value was obtained in formulation 1 with a value
from testing the pH value using a pH meter is presented of 1.90%. The resulting value does not exceed SNI 3547-
in Figure 2. 2-2008, which has a maximum value of 14%. It can be
concluded that the gel-forming material can produce
6 elasticity-based products. The elasticity value obtained
4.72c 4.82d 4.82d by cinnamon jelly candy is due to the small volume of
5 4.47b 4.45ab 4.43a the product. It has undergone several processing stages,
4 one of which is the drying process, which causes the
pH (%)

volume to decrease. In the opinion of (Bahri et al., 2020)
an increase in the water content value can cause a
2 decrease in the elasticity value, where the water
1 component in the product will diffuse into the gel so that
the gel forms to become soft and cause the elasticity to
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 decrease. Data from testing the texture value of the
elasticity parameter is presented in Figure 3.
Figure 2. Jelly candy pH test results. 3,5
3 2.63c 2.76c
F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F2 (0.5% cinnamon, 5% 2.37b
Elasticity (%)

carrageenan), F3 (1% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F4 (1% 1.90a 1.87a

cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F5 (1.5% cinnamon, 3.5% 2 1.73a
carrageenan), F6 (1.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan). (Values 1,5
followed by letters that are not the same in the diagram indicate 1
significantly different values) (One Way ANOVA Test, α =
0.05%)/ F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F2 (0.5%
cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1% cinnamon, 3.5% 0
carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F5 (1.5% F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5% cinnamon, 5% Formulation
carrageenan). (Values followed by unequal letter notations on the
diagram indicate significant differences) (One Way ANOVA Test, Figure 3. Elasticity test results.
= 0.05%)
Description: F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F2 (0.5%
Adding the same citric acid to each formulation cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1% cinnamon, 3.5%
showed significant fundamental differences, such as carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F5 (1.5%
adding the same 1% citric acid. Still, each formulation of cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5% cinnamon, 5%
carrageenan). (Values followed by letters that are not the same in
the cinnamon jelly candy had a different pH value. the diagram indicate significantly different values) (One Way
Formulation 1 obtained a value of 4.47%, formulation 2 ANOVA Test, α = 0.05%)/ F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5%
obtained a pH value of 4.45%, formulation 3 obtained a carrageenan), F2 (0.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1%
value of 4.43%, formulation 4 obtained a pH value of cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5%
4.72%, formulation 5 obtained a value of 4.82%, and carrageenan), F5 (1.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5%
formulation 6 obtained the highest pH value, namely cinnamon, 5% carrageenan). (Values followed by unequal letter
notations on the diagram indicate significant differences) (One
4.82%. The increase in pH value of cinnamon jelly candy Way ANOVA Test, = 0.05%)
Setiawan et al. – Physicochemical candy cinnamon seaweed carrageenan. 419

In the cinnamon jelly candy product, formulation 1 80

obtained the lowest elasticity value, and the highest was 64.82f 62.79e 58.52d 56.99c 54.730b
60 50.26a

IC50 (ppm)
obtained in formulation 6. This value also correlated with
the water content value, where formulation 1 had the 40
highest water content, and formulation 6 obtained the
lowest water content value. This is reinforced by the 20
opinion of (Novitasari et al., 2016), who stated that the 0
water content value could influence the elasticity value F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
of the jelly candy product produced. It can be seen from Formulation
this research that the more the water content increases,
the more elasticity the jelly candy will reduce. Figure 4. Antioxidant activity test results.

Description: F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F2 (0.5%

IC50 Antioxidant Activity Test cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1% cinnamon, 3.5%
Based on the results of the analysis of variance, it shows carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F5 (1.5%
that the Kerinci cinnamon variety has a significant effect cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5% cinnamon, 5%
(α=5%) on cinnamon jelly candy, and the concentration carrageenan). (Values followed by letters that are not the same in
of red seaweed carrageenan has a significant effect on the diagram indicate significantly different values) (One Way
jelly candy, using the DPPH (2,2 diphenyl-1- ANOVA Test, α = 0.05%)/ F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5%
carrageenan), F2 (0.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1%
picrylhydrazyl) absorbance value method. Produced by cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5%
this reduction reaction was measured at a wavelength of carrageenan), F5 (1.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5%
517 nm. Figure 4 shows that the Kerinci variety cinnamon, 5% carrageenan). (Values followed by unequal letter
cinnamon and the concentration of red seaweed notations on the diagram indicate significant differences) (One
carrageenan influence the amount of antioxidants. Way ANOVA Test, = 0.05%)
According to (Marfungah et al., 2019), a compound is
said to have a powerful antioxidant if the IC50 value is Red seaweed carrageenan has antioxidant
less than 50 µg/ml, substantial if the IC50 value is 50 compounds, which influence the antioxidant activity
µg/ml to 100 µg/ml, while if the IC50 value is 100 µg/ml value of jelly candy. This is also because carrageenan has
to 150 µg/ml, weak if IC50 is 151 µg/ml to 200 µg/ml, more hydroxyl groups, so carrageenan can form a higher
inactive if IC50 is more than 500 µg/ml. In the jelly double helix structure and protect antioxidant compounds
candy product, formulation 1 obtained an IC50 value of in the three-dimensional matrix from heat and oxygen.
50.266 µg/ml with a concentration of 0.5% cinnamon (Bactiar et al., 2017) Stated that carrageenan can protect
and 3.5% carrageenan, and the highest IC50 value was phenolic compounds from increasingly vital heating
obtained in Formulation 6 with a value of 64.823 µg/ml processes so that phenolic compounds do not experience
with a concentration of 1.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan. much damage. So, the more components of carrageenan
This shows that the higher the concentration of cinnamon concentration are added, the higher the antioxidant
and the addition of carrageenan will affect the compound value of a product. Adding Koerintji variety
antioxidant activity values obtained. These data also cinnamon also influences the antioxidant activity value
show that formulations 1 to 6 have active antioxidant of jelly candy products. Koerintji variety cinnamon itself
activity. The addition of red seaweed carrageenan also has a very high cinnamaldehyde content of around 91.88
affects the antioxidant activity value because red - 94.19%, exceeding the SNI standard of 50%, because
seaweed also contains polyphenolic compounds, which this cinnamaldehyde compound will play an active role
can potentially contain antioxidants (Amelia & Tanod, in antioxidant activity. The weak value of antioxidant
2016). Red seaweed carrageenan has antioxidant activity compounds obtained in cinnamon jelly candy
compounds, which influence the antioxidant activity products is thought to be influenced by the mixing of
value of jelly candy. This is also because carrageenan has additional ingredients such as sugar, gelling agents, and
more hydroxyl groups, so carrageenan can form a higher citric acid. It is strengthened due to a processing process.
double helix structure and protect antioxidant compounds The processing of cinnamon jelly candy in this study
in the three-dimensional matrix from heat and oxygen. used a temperature of 50˚C during the product drying
(Bactiar et al., 2017) stated that carrageenan can protect process in a cabinet dryer. This is supported by
phenolic compounds from increasingly vital heating (Marfungah et al., 2019), who states that heat treatment
processes so that phenolic compounds do not experience when processing jelly candy can reduce the levels of
much damage. So, the more components of carrageenan antioxidant compounds by 18% - 43%. This is to the
concentration that are added, the higher the antioxidant research results of (Hayulistya et al., 2021), stating that
compound value of a product. Data from IC50 the activity value of antioxidant compounds obtained in
antioxidant research are presented in Figure 4. black cumin jelly candy is relatively low, namely
obtaining a value between 0.45-3.48%; this occurs
because there are various process stages required In
420 Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry 13 (2), 2024: 415-421

processing black cumin jelly candy, namely cooking, and consumers are then instructed to choose one example
drying. they like from several examples presented. The data in
(Table 1) shows no real difference in color parameters.
Sensory Test This shows that formulation 1, formulation 2, and
This hedonic sensory testing method using 50 untrained formulation 4 are the colours the panelists prefer.
panelists is used to determine the subjective attitudes of Meanwhile, formulation 3, formulation 5, and
panelists or potential consumers towards a product formulation 5 show the neutral value chosen by the
produced and assessed based on organoleptic parameters. panellists. However, the highest score was obtained for
The results obtained are in the form of acceptance formulation 2, which shows that the panelists liked the
(accepted or rejected), liking (level of like/dislike), and jelly candy product formulation 2 with a formulation of
choice (choose one over another) towards the product 0.5% cinnamon and 5% carrageenan. Data from hedonic
(Oktafa et al., 2017). This test is usually carried out by sensory testing results are in Table 1.
comparison to the test of choice. Panellists or potential

Table 1. Hedonic sensory test results.

Formulation Colour Aroma Flavour Texture Taste Overall

F1 5,06 ± 1,25a 4,26 ± 0,85a 4,68 ± 1,05a 4,08 ± 1,39ab 5,22 ± 1,13a 5,14 ± 0,98a
F2 5,10 ± 1,14a 4,26 ± 1,08a 4,58 ± 1,12a 4,74 ± 0,87bc 5,20 ± 0,96a 5,06 ± 1,03a
F3 4,88 ± 1,17a 4,12 ± 1,00a 4,44 ± 1,14a 3,88 ± 1,28a 4,86 ± 1,06a 4,46 ± 1,03a
F4 5,08 ± 1,22a 4,36 ± 0,98a 4,48 ± 1,07a 4,48 ± 1,21ab 4,96 ± 1,06a 5,02 ± 1,02a
F5 4,60 ± 1,32a 4,46 ± 1,05a 4,68 ± 1,30a 4,84 ± 1,28c 5,06 ± 1,21a 4,96 ± 1,19a
F6 4,66 ± 1,02a 4,32 ± 1,11a 4,66 ± 1.37a 4,56 ± 1,26bc 4,80 ± 1.29a 4,84 ± 1,20a

Description: F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F2 (0.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F4
(1% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F5 (1.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan). (Values followed by
letters that are not the same in the diagram indicate significantly different values and not significantly different values) (One Way
ANOVA Test, α = 0.05%)/ F1 (0.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F2 (0.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F3 (1% cinnamon, 3.5%
carrageenan), F4 (1% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan), F5 (1.5% cinnamon, 3.5% carrageenan), F6 (1.5% cinnamon, 5% carrageenan).
(Values followed by unequal letter notations on the diagram indicate significant differences) (One Way ANOVA Test, = 0.05%)

The panelists' overall assessment of the organoleptic Acknowledgements: The author would like to thank all
test includes cinnamon jelly candy's colour, taste, aroma, parties who have helped in this research.
and texture. Parameter numbers 1 (dislike very much), 2
(dislike), 3 (dislike somewhat), 4 (neutral), 5 (somewhat Authors’ Contributions: Conceptualization, ES.;
like), 6 (like), 7 (like very much). The results of the methodology, E.S..; software, I.M.; validation, A.R.A;
overall assessment by the panellists in the organoleptic formal analysis, I.M.; resources, R,M.D.U; data curation,
test on the color, taste, aroma, and texture of jelly candy A.R.A.; carried out the laboratory work: E.S, writing—
can be seen in (Table 1) which has been statistically original draft preparation, E.S.; writing—review and
tested using the One Way method (α=0.05%) and does editing, R.M.D.U.; visualization, E.S.; supervision,
not show any fundamental differences between the R.M.D.U, I.M. and A.R.A.; project administration, E.S.;
cinnamon breeds. Jelly candy in various formulations. funding acquisition, E.S. All authors read and approved
However, the highest overall favorability rating was the final version of the manuscript
obtained for F1, namely 5.14. In this formulation, the
components consist of 0.5% cinnamon and 3.5% Competing Interests: The authors declare that there are
carrageenan, thus showing that the product that the no competing interests.
panelists prefer is F1.

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