Black Belt Roadmap

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Kyu Syllabus

11th kyu -White belt

KIHON “Chudan-choku-zuki” while staying in place with “shizentai” From “Shizentai” step
forward with “chudan-oizuki” and back to “shizen-tai” (left/right) “Gedanbarai” while
staying in place with “shizentai”. (left/right) The same of “chudan-soto-uke” (left/right) The
same for “jodan-tate-shutouke” (left/right) The same for “chudan-tate-shutouke” (left/right)
From “heisokudachi” with “kakiwake gendanbarai” step forward with “maegen” and back
to “heisokudachi” (left/right)

10th kyu - Yellow belt

KIHON From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai” move forward with “gedanbarai” Turn
around and move forward with “chudan-oizuki” The same for “chudan-soto-uke” The same
for “jodan-ageuke” From “kokutsudachi”, move forward with “shuto-uke”. Turn around and
from “zenkutsudachi” move forward with “maegen”, From “kibadachi” move sideways with
“keage” and reTurn using the other leg to kick. The same for “kekomi” (B) KUMITE
“Gohon-kumite” once with “jodan” attachks and “ageuke” blocks and once with “chudan”
and “soto-uke” blocks. (C) KATA “Heian shodan”

9th kyu - Orange belt

KIHON From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai” move forward with “gedanbarai” Turn
around and move forward with “chudan-oizuki” The same for “chudan-soto-uke” The same
for “jodan-ageuke” From “kokutsudachi”, move forward with “shuto-uke”. Turn around and
from “zenkutsudachi” move forward with “maegen”, From “kibadachi” move sideways with
“keage” and reTurn using the other leg to kick. The same for “kekomi” (B) KUMITE
“Gohon-kumite” once with “jodan” attachks and “ageuke” blocks and once with “chudan”
and “soto-uke” blocks. (C) KATA “Heian shodan”

8th kyu - Green belt

KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai” move forward with “chudan-oizuki”. 2.

Move backward with “jodan-ageuke” 3. Move forward with “chudan-soto-uke” 4. From
“kokutsudachi” move forward with “shuto-uke” 5. From “zenkutsudachi” move forward
with “Chudan-uchiuke” 6. Turn around and move forward with “maegen” 7. From
“kibadachi” move sideways with “keage” and return using the other leg to kick 8. The same
for “kekomi (B) KUMITE “Gohon-kumite” once with “jodan” attachks and “ageuke” blocks
and once with “chudan” and “soto-uke” blocks. (C) KATA “Heian shodan”

7 & 6th kyu - Blue Belt 1 & 2

KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai’ move forward with “chudan-oizuke” 2.
Turn around and move forward with “chudan-gyakuzuki”. 3. Move backward with “jodan-
ageuke, gyakuzuki”. 4. Move forward “chudan-soto-uke, gyakuzuki” 5. Move backward with
“kokutsudachi, shuto-uke”. 6. Turn around and from “zenkutsudachi” move forward with
“uchiuke gyakuzuki” 7. Turn around and move forward with “maegen”. 8. Turn around and
from “kibadachi” move sideways with “keage” and return using the other leg to kick. 9. The
same for “kekomi”. (B) KUMITE “Gohon-kumite” once with “jodan” attachks and “ageuke”
blocks and once with “chudan” and “soto-uke” blocks and with “maegeri” attacks and
“gedanbarai” blocks. (C) KATA “Heian shodan”

5th kyu - Purple

KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai’ move forward with “chudan-oizuke”

2. Turn around and move forward with “chudan-gyakuzuki”.
3. Move backward with “jodan-ageuke, gyakuzuki”.
4. Move forward with “soto-uke, empi”, while changing stance from “zenkutsudachi”
to “kibadachi” by using “yori-ashi”.
5. Move backward with “soto-uke, empi”, with changing stance from ”kokutsudachi” to
6. Turn around and move forward with “chudan-uchiuke, gyakuzuki”.
7. Turn around move forward with “maegen”
8. Turn around and from “kibadachi” move sideways with “keage” and return using the
other leg to kick.
9. The same for “kekomi”.
10. Turn around and from free style “kamae” move forward with “mawashigeri”


“Kihon-ippon-kumite” with one “jodan oizuki” attack, one “chudan oizuki”, and one


“Heian Yondan””
4th kyu - Brown Belt !!!

KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai’ move forward with “chudan-oizuke”

2. Turn around and move forward with “chudan-gyakuzuki”.
3. Move backward with “jodan-ageuke, gyakuzuki”.
4. Move forward with “soto-uke, empi”, while changing stance from “zenkutsudachi”
to “kibadachi” by using “yori-ashi”.
5. Move backward with “soto-uke, empi”, with changing stance from ”kokutsudachi” to
6. Turn around and move forward with “chudan-uchiuke, gyakuzuki”.
7. Turn around move forward with “maegen”
8. Turn around and from “kibadachi” move sideways with “keage” and return using the
other leg to kick.
9. The same for “kekomi”.
10. Turn around and from free style “kamae” move forward with “mawashigeri”


“Kihon-ippon-kumite” with one “jodan oizuki” attack, one “chudan oizuki”, and one


“Heian Yondan

3rd kyu - Brown Belt !!

KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai” move forward with “chudan-oizuke”.
2. Turn around and move forward with “sanbon-zuki”.
3. Move backward with “chudan-ageuke, gyakuzuki”.
4. Move forward with “soto-uke, empi”, while chaning stance from “zenkutsudachi” to
“kibadachi” by
using “yori-ashi”.
5. Move backward with “shuto-uke, nukite, while changing stance from “kokutsudachi” to
6. Turn around and move forward with “chudan-uchiuke, gyakuzuki”.
7. Turn around and move forward with “maegeri”.
8. Turn around and from “kibadachi” move sideways with “keage” and return using the
other leg to kick.
9. The same for “kekomi”
10. From “zenkutsudachi” move forward with “uraken-yokouchi”.


“Kihon-ippon” with “jodan and chudan oizuki”, maegeri”, and “yoko-geri.


“Heian godann”
2nd kyu- Brown Belt l
KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai” move forward with “sanbon-zuki”.
2. Move backward with “jodan-ageuke, maegeri (with back leg)”.
3. Turn around and move forward the “soto-uke, empi” while changing stance from
“zenkutsudachi” to “kibadachi” by using “yori-ashi”.
4. Move backward with “shuto-uke, nukite”, while changing stance from “kokutsudachi” to
5. Tum around and from “zenkutsudachi” move forward with “chudan-uchiuke, gyakuzuki”.
6. Tum around with “zenkutsudachi” and move forward with “rengeri
(“maegeri” and “mawashigeri” using the other leg)”.
7. Tum around and move forward with “rengeri (“maegeri, kekomi” using the same leg)”.
8. From “kibadachi” move sideways with “rengeri (“keage” and “kekomi” using the other
9. From “zenkutsudachi” move forward with “mawashigeri”
10. Tum around and move forward with “ushirogeri”
11. Tum around and move forward with “jodan-shuto-uchi”
12. Move backward with “jodan-uraken-uchi”

(B) KUMITE “Jiyu-ippon-kumite”. Attacks are “jodan and chudan-oizuki”, maegeri”, “yoko-
geri, and “mawashigeri”,

(C) KATA “Senteri-gata”, choose from “Jion”, Bassai-dai”, “Empi” and “kanku-dai” (to be
chosen by examinee)
“Kihon-gata”, one kata chosen freely by the examiner from “Heian-nidan”, “sandan”,
“yondan”, “godan” or “tekki-shodan”.

1st kyu- Brown Black Belt

KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai” move forward with “sanbon-zuki”.
2. Move backward with “jodan-ageuke, maegeri (with back leg)”.
3. Tum around and move forward with “soto-uke, empi” while changing stance from
“zenkutsudachi” to “kibadachi” by using “yori-ashi”.
4. Move backward with “shuto-uke, nukite”, while changing stance from “kokutsudachi” to
5. Tum around and from “zenkutsudachi” move forward with “chudan-uchiuke, kizamizuki,
6. Tum around with “zenkutsudachi” and move forward with “rengeri
(“maegeri” and “mawashigeri” using the other leg)”.
7. Tum around and move forward with “rengeri (“maegeri, kekomi” using the same leg)”.
8. From “kibadachi” move sideways with “rengeri (“keage” and “kekomi” using the other
9. From “zenkutsudachi” move forward with “mawashigeri”
10. Tum around and move forward with “ushirogeri”
11. Tum around and move forward with “jodan-shuto-uchi”
12. Move backward with “jodan-uraken-uchi”

(B) KUMITE “Jiyu-ippon-kumite”. Attacks are “jodan and chudan-oizuki”, maegeri”, “yoko-
geri, and “mawashigeri”,

(C) KATA “Senteri-gata”, choose from “Jion”, Bassai-dai”, “Empi” and “kanku-dai” (to be
chosen by the examinee) “Kihon-gata”, one kata chosen freely by the examiner from
“Heian-nidan”, “sandan”, “yondan”, “godan” or “tekki-shodan

Shodan 1st DAN – Black belt

(A) KIHON 1. From “zenkutsudachi” with “gedanbarai” move forward with” sanbon-zuki”
2. Turn around and move forward with “gyakuzuki”.
3. Move backward with “ageuke, maegeri (with back leg)”.
4. Move forward with “zenkutsudachi-soto-uke, and “kibadachi-empi” with “yoriashi” and
5. Move backward with “shuto-uke, nukite”, while changing stance from “kokutsudachi” to
6. Turn around and move forward with “uchiuke, gyakuzuki”,
7. Turn around and move forward with “rengeri (“maegeri” and “mawashigeri” using the
other leg)”.
8. Turn around and move forward with “rengeri (“maegeri, kekomi” using the same leg)”.
9. From “kibadachi” move sideways with “rengeri (“keage” and “kekomi” using the other
10. Turn around and move forward with “mawashigeri”
11. Turn around and move forward with “ushirogeri”.
12. Turn around and move forward with “jodan-yoko-shuto-uchi”
13. Move backward with “jodan uraken”


“Jiyu-ippon-kumite” Attacks are “jodan and chudan oizuki”, “maegeri”, and “mawashigeri”.


“Sentei-gata”. Choose from “Jion”, “bassai-dal”, Empi” and “kanku-dai” (to be chosen by
the examinee)
“Kihon-gata”. One kata chosen freely by the examiner from “Heian-nidan”, “sadan”,
“yondan”, “godan” or “Tekki-shodan”.

Nidan 2nd DAN – Black belt

(A) KIHON 1. From Free-style kamae move forward with “kizamizuki, sanbon-zuki”
2. From Free-style kamae “gyakuzuki, maegeri” and move forward with “oizuki”
3. From Free-style kamae, step back with “ageuke, mawashigeri (with back leg), uraken”
and move forward with “oizuki”
4. From Free-style kamae, move forward with “ushirogeri, uraken and gyakuzuki”
5. From Free-style kamae, while staying in place with the back leg kick “maegeri, kekomi,
ushirogeri”, (Left/right)


“Jiyu-kumite” (free-style sparring)

“Sentei-gata”. Choose from “Jion”, “Bassai-dai”, “Empi” and “Kanku-dai” (to be chosen by
the examinees)
“Tokui-gata” one kata chosen by the examinee.”

Sandan 3rd DAN – Black belt

(A) KIHON 1. From Free-style kamae move forward with “gyaku-mawashigeri”
2. From Free-style kamae move the forward with “maegeri” kekomi, gyaku-mawashigeri,
mawashigeri, ushiro-geri, uraken and gyakuzuki”.
3. From Free-style kamae, while staying in place with the back leg kick “maegeri, kekomi,
and mawashigeri” (left/right)


“Jiyu-kumite” (free-style sparring)


“Sentei-gata”. Choose from “Jion”, “Bassai-dai”, “Empi” and “Kanku-dai” (to be chosen by
the examinees)
“Tokui-gata” one kata chosen by the examinee

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