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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.



Diagram NOT accurately drawn

The solid shape, shown in the diagram, is made by cutting a hole all the way
through a wooden cube.
The cube has edges of length 5 cm.
The hole has a square cross section of side 3 cm.

(a) Work out the volume of wood in the solid shape.

................................. cm3

The mass of the solid shape is 64 grams.

(b) Work out the density of the wood.

................................. grams per cm3

(Total 4 marks)

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

Q2. A water trough is in the shape of a prism.

Diagram NOT accurately drawn

Hamish fills the trough completely.

Water leaks from the bottom of the trough at a constant rate.

2 hours later, the level of the water has fallen by 20 cm.

Water continues to leak from the trough at the same rate.

How many more minutes will it take for the trough to empty completely?

......................... minutes
(Total 6 marks)

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com


Diagram NOT accurately drawn

The diagram shows a prism.

All measurements are in cm.
All corners are right angles.
The volume of the prism is V cm3.

Find a formula for V.

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

V = .................................
(Total 4 marks)


Diagram NOT accurately drawn

A cylinder has base radius x cm and height 2x cm.

A cone has base radius x cm and height h cm.

The volume of the cylinder and the volume of the cone are equal.

Find h in terms of x.
Give your answer in its simplest form.

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

h = .............................
(Total 3 marks)

Q5. The diagram shows a storage tank.

Diagram NOT accurately drawn

The storage tank consists of a hemisphere on top of a cylinder.

The height of the cylinder is 30 metres.

The radius of the cylinder is 3 metres.
The radius of the hemisphere is 3 metres.

(a) Calculate the total volume of the storage tank.

Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

...................................... m3

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

A sphere has a volume of 500 m3.

(b) Calculate the radius of the sphere.

Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

....................................... m
(Total 6 marks)

Q6. The graph can be used to convert between gallons and litres.

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

The diagram shows a central heating oil tank.

The oil tank is in the shape of a cylinder of length 180 cm and radius 60 cm.

The oil tank contains 200 gallons of oil.

(a) Is the oil tank more or less than full?


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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

The oil has a density of 0.85 g/cm3.

(b) Work out, in kg, the mass of the oil in the tank.

..................................... kg
(Total 8 marks)

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com


Working Answer Mark Additional Guidance

(a) 53 – 5 × 3 × 3 80 2 M1 for attempt to find volume of cube

125 – 45 (e.g. 5 × 5 × n where n ≠ 6) and subtract volume
of the hole (e.g. 3 × 3 × n where n ≠ 6)
(5 × 5 – 3 × 3) × 5 (needs to be dimensionally correct)
(25 – 9) × 5 A1 cao
16 × 5 Alternative method
M1 for attempt to find area of the cross section
and multiply by the depth of the prism
(depth ≠ 6)
A1 cao

(b) 64 ÷ 80 0.8 2 M1 ft 64 ÷ “80”

A1 ft (to 2 sf or better)

Total for Question: 4 marks


Working Answer Mark Additional Guidance

45 200 minutes 6 M1 for 120 × 20 × 30 (= 7200)

M1 for “72000” ÷ 120

A1 for 600 cm3 min oe

M1 for

M1 for “120000” ÷ “600”

A1 for 200 minutes or 3 hours 20 mins oe

SC B1 for 4 hours

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

Total for Question: 6 marks

Working Answer Mark Additional Guidance

Unknown length = x + 3 – x – x = 10x2 + 24x 4 B1 for x + 3 – x – x oe or 3 – x

3–x – 18 seen
or x – 1 + 2x + x – 1 oe or 4x – 2
Cross-sectional area seen
= (x + 3)(x –1) + (x + 3)(x –1) +
(3 – x)(2x) M1 for correct expression for 1 area
from cross-section or for 1 volume
= x2 + 2x – 3 + x2 + 2x – 3 + 6x – 2x2
of cuboid(s)
= 4x – 6 + 6x
= 10x – 6 (brackets not needed)
= (10x – 6)(x + 3) M1 for correct method for total
= 10x2 + 24x – 18 cross-sectional area
OR at least 2 volumes added
OR OR volume of surrounding cuboid –
at least 1 vol
Unknown length = x + 3 – x – x =
3–x (brackets needed)
= (x + 3)(x + 3)(x –1) + A1 for 10x2 + 24x – 18 oe
(x + 3)(x + 3)(x –1) +
(2x)(3 – x)(x + 3)
= (10x – 6)(x + 3)
= 10x2 + 24x – 18

Unknown length = (2x – 2) + 2x =
4x – 2
Surrounding area
= (4x – 2)(x + 3) = 4x2 + 10x – 6
So A = 4x2 + 10x – 6 – 4x2 =
10x – 6

So V = (10x – 6)(x + 3) =
10x2 + 24x – 18

Unknown length = (2x – 2) + 2x =
4x – 2

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

Surrounding volume
= (4x – 2)(x + 3) (x + 3)
V = (4x – 2)(x + 3) (x + 3) –
2x(2x) (x + 3)

Total for Question: 4 marks


Working Answer Mark Additional Guidance

6x 3 M1 for a correct volume formula in terms of x, e.g.

πx (2x) =
πx (2x) or

A1 for π(2x) = πh or 3πx (2x) = πx h or

2 2

x (2x) =
x h (or better)

A1 for 6x cao

Total for Question: 3 marks


Working Answer Mark Additional Guidance

(a) 905 3
M1 (= 848.2…)

or (= 56.54...)

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

M1 (dep) (may be implied)

A1 904 – 905 inclusive

(b) 4.92 3
M1 for

M1 for correct process to reach

oe (= 119.3…) or
(implies 1st M1)

A1 4.915-4.925

Total for Question: 6 marks


Working Answer Mark Additional Guidance

FE (a) 1 gallon = 4.54 litres, No 5 Response may convert into gallons,

200 gallons = 908 litres litres, or cm3
= 908000 cm3
Vol of tank Calculations may be performed in
602 × x π × 180 = different orders
M1 Using formulae to find volume of
908000 < 1017876.02 tank

OR B1 Converts between litres and cubic

Vol of tank
602 × π × 180 = M1 reads off graph for 1l, 2l , 4l, 5l or
2035752.04..cm3 10 litres within tolerance (4.4 – 4.6)
Half vol of tank
= 1017876.02 cm3 A1 Answer in cm3, litres or gallons
= 1017.876…litres
C1 Decision and reason QWC:
1017.876 ÷ 4.54 = 224 Decision should be stated, with
gallons appropriate supporting statement

224 > 200

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

(b) “908000” cm3 × 0.85 g/cm3 771.8 3 M1 “908000” × 0.85

= 771800 g
M1(dep) 771800 ÷ 1000

A1 770 – 772

Total for Question: 8 marks

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

E1. Fully correct answers to this question were only given by 23% of candidates. In part
(a) it was common to see the volume of the 5cm cube being given correctly but then
incorrect calculations for the hole were frequently seen. Some candidates thought the hole
was a 3 cm cube and not a square prism with length 5cm. Where candidates tried to
subtract two sensible volumes they were awarded a mark, however it was quite common
to see candidates try to subtract 9cm² away from 125cm³ and therefore achieve no marks.

In part (b) full marks were awarded for dividing the mass of 64 grams by the volume
calculated in part (a) and 39% of candidates scored 2 marks usually for doing this. A large
number of candidates divided volume by mass or multiplied mass and volume and so
gained no credit. It was disappointing to see 39% of candidates gaining no marks at all in
this question.


The most successful candidates structured their working clearly, often annotating the diagram to
show different sections to match their calculations. Some identified that as the trough was a
prism, it was not essential to consider volume but worked with the cross-section areas instead.
Large numbers with zeros led to many arithmetical errors and many candidates did not
recognise that they had to consider the rate of leakage. These errors along with problems
converting between minutes and hours meant that many candidates presented final answers
which were far too large. Candidates need to be encouraged to make use of estimation and
consider the reasonableness of any answer reached. Perhaps most importantly, candidates
need to practice solving unstructured problems and compare the efficiency of a variety of
approaches so that they can select appropriate methods to use.


This was another question that required organisation as well as basic algebraic skills.
There were many instances of addition and multiplication being confused and brackets
being omitted leading to incorrect expansions. The majority of candidates attempted this
question, with varying degrees of success. Over 38% of candidates were able to score at
least 1 mark and often 2 marks. These 1 or 2 marks were generally awarded for finding at
least one correct expression for a cross-sectional area or for a volume (brackets could be
ignored) and/or for finding a correct expression for the total width of the shape or the
height of the middle of the H.

Those who had a correct strategy for calculating the volumes were let down by their
algebraic skills. Brackets were often missing when they were essential. It was rare to see
a complete method leading to a correct formula. Methods chosen were varied from
working out the cross section by dividing it into separate areas or working out the
surrounding area and subtracting the "missing bits". Working with the area seemed to be
preferred to working out volumes.

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Edexcel Maths GCSE - Volume (H) PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

E4. Many candidates were able to score one mark for writing a correct formula for the
volume of the cone or the volume of the cylinder in terms of x, and some were able to
equate two correct formulae, but few could rearrange the equation accurately to find h

in terms of x. A common error here was . A small number of candidates were

able to compare the two volume formulae and simply write down the answer without

E5. In part (a), for the volume of the cylinder many used the diameter instead of the
radius, others used the surface area. For the volume of the hemisphere – many did not
divide by 2, others used 4 × pi × r^2 and then divided by 2 Most candidates realised they
had to add two answers together. Other errors in accuracy were through premature
rounding. Just under 60% of candidates failed to gain any marks, about 16% of
candidates gained full marks. In part (b) working was not always clear in this question and
premature (or incorrect) rounding of values in responses where the working was sparse
often cost candidates method marks that they might otherwise have gained.

Of those who made a reasonable attempt, many used 4/3 pi r^2 as their initial formula.
Others got as far as R^3 = 119.3 but then took the square root instead of cube root. Those
candidates that started by quoting an equation were the most successful. The correct
answer was seen from just over 14% of candidates.

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