IOCL Khunti
IOCL Khunti
IOCL Khunti
Name Of Work:- Provision of power cable with cable tray, MCC panel for additional Pumps in ATF Pump House, Supply and Installation of
HCD, FLP lights in ATF Tank Farm Area along with allied Civil and Electrical works under Khunti Terminal under Bihar State Office.
1 ATF Services
2 Structural steel work riveted,bolted or welded in built up sections,
trusses &
framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying KG 10000
a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete:
16 ii) 225 mm (16 Bricks & 0.0195 cum per Mtr) M 200
17 Laying class-B 50mm dia GI pipe for cable routing under flooring/ EB
post leading including sealing both ends with jute and Bitumen M 200
18 Laying and installing following sizes of perforated GI cable trays
including horizontal and vertical bends, reducers, tees, cross members
and other accessories as required and duly suspended from the ceiling
and/or fix to steel/RCC columns, beams or any other structure
members with MS suspenders, angles, channels, etc complete as per
the direction of IndianOil
38 iii) S/E of 5 Meter high galvanised Octagonal pole with top 60mm(A/F),
bottom 130mm (A/F) made up of 3 mm thick plate having a base plate
of size 210 x 210 x 12 with Double arm 1500mm long bracket arm made
up of 48 O.D. pipe with EN 8 grade galvanised foundation bolts and
anchor plate on suitable concrete foundation as per standard drawings
enclosed herein(Civil & Electrical works shall be paid separately) having EA 7
fixing arrangement for mounting 2 Nos. of 250W Metal halide
luminaries (on opposite sides)
39 Installation of 100W LED Flame proof well glass lighting fixture with
integral Control gear box,FLP Double compression Ni plated brass cable
gland ,lugs etc complete suitable for mounting to above lighting pole as
per attached specification of the LED lighting fixture and accessories EA 10
46 Laying FRLS Armoured Aluminium Power cable- 3.5 Core*50 Sqmm M 850
47 Laying FRLS Armoured Copper Power Cable- 4C*2.5 Sqmm M 400
48 Installation of FLP JB with Switch
49 12 Way FLP JB with Switch EA 1
50 HCD Works-Supply Part
51 Installation of Flameproof cum weather proof (IP 66 or better) min SIL 2
certified Hydrocarbon vapour detectors along with calibration
kit,accessories and structural supports, canopy/sunshade etc as
perspecification and tender document.