Lbi 31587c

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19D901205G4 16 WIDEBAND

DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Cover
CIRCUIT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Cover
PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
OUTLINE DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13

DESCRIPTION radio is programmed using the Phoenix part of the TQ2310

and limiting the file to 2 channels. Digital Channel Guard is
The 440-470 MHz Synthesizer/Interconnect board for not available in the PSX-200 and will not function if pro-
PSX-200 two-way radio is microcomputer controlled. A grammed by the TQ2310.
phase locked loop synthesizer generates the transmitter and
receiver frequencies in a common voltage controlled oscillator Programming information for the EEPROM is included in
(VCO). The frequency range of the VCO is 146.666-171.666 the instruction manual for the Programmer.
MHz. The frequencies are tripled on the transmit/receive
board. The microcomputer also controls the generation of In addition to providing the normal radio functions, the
Channel Guard tones and provides the carrier control timer microcomputer has the ability to execute a maintenance diag-
when in the transmit mode. nostic instruction set to aid in troubleshooting the radio. Fur-
ther details are included in the Service Section of this manual.
The Synthesizer/Interconnect board also contains interface
circuitry for voltage protection and level shifting, an audio
processor, a microcomputer, a frequency synthesizer, a micro- CIRCUIT ANALYSIS
phone preamplifier, and an electrically erasable PROM
(EEPROM). The EEPROM stores the binary data for the CHANNEL SELECT
transmit and receive frequencies, Channel Guard tones and the
CCT delay on a per channel basis. Four addresses of the 16 x Frequency selection is controlled by MODE A/B switch
16 EEPROM are used for each receive and transmit channel S601 in the receive circuit on the Tx/Rx board. When pressed,
which will include synthesizer, channel guard, and CCT code. A- is applied to microcomputer U801-37 causing the micro-
A block diagram of the Synthesizer/Interconnect board is computer to select channel.
shown in Figure 1.
When the mode switch is released (Out), the microcom-
NOTE puter applies +5 VDC to the EEPROM through Q802. The
The EEPROM provides the user with the capability to frequency bit code corresponding to the channel 1 is then
reprogram the radio to meet changing system loaded into the synthesizer.
Option indicator H2 is controlled by the CAS line and is
turned on when the selected channel is busy.
Programming for the EEPROM is accomplished by using
the Ericsson GE universal radio programmer TQ2310. The

Printed in U.S.A.
LBI-31587 LBI-31587

MODE A/B WATCHDOG TIMER selected, new frequency data is received on the clock, data, The output of the VCO is taken from the source of Q105
and enable lines and the synthesizer immediately begins gen- and applied to RF output buffers Q106 and Q107. These
Mode A/B switch S601, located on the transmit/receive The watchdog timer consisting of reset switch Q803 and erating the new RF frequency. This serial data determines the buffers provide drive for receiver injection, transmitter exciter,
board, provides the channel selection capability of the radio and timer U802, monitors the operation of the microcomputer and VCO frequency by setting the internal dividers. The reference and feedback buffers Q108 and Q109.
may be used to provide mobile-to-mobile communications generates a reset pulse in the unlikely condition that the micro- oscillator frequency applied to the programmable divide by R
through an intermediate repeater (repeated path) or direct mo- processor fails to function properly. counter is divided down to some lower frequency as indicated Transmit and Receive Switch
bile-to-mobile communications. For example: channel 1 (Mode by the input data and applied to the internal phase detector.
A) maybe programmed for the repeater frequency (repeated When the microcomputer is operating properly, reset pulses A transmit/receive PIN diode switch, D105 and D106
path) while channel 2 (Mode B) would be programmed for the from U801-35 are applied to the base of reset switch Q803 The phase detector compares this signal with the output of directs the RF output to the transmitter or receiver. The switch
mobile receive frequency (direct path). Judicious programming through delay network R836 and C805. Q803 turns on, ground- the internal - N counter. The output of the ÷ N counter is a is control led by the DPTT signal from the microcomputer.
will allow selection of repeated or direct communication paths ing the clock timer input which, in turn, holds the microcomputer function of the RF frequency which is divided down by the When DPTT is high, D105 conducts and RF is fed to the
on selected channels. RESET input high. dual modulus prescaler and the ÷ N counter. When operating transmitter and to the receiver when DPTT is low, allowing
on the correct frequency the inputs to the phase detector are D106 to conduct.
When the microcomputer is not functioning properly, the identical and the output voltage of the phase detector is con-
MlCROCOMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEM reset pulses will not be present. Q8O3 will turn off and the timer stant. Under these conditions, the VCO is stabilized or locked
Dual Modulus Counter
will generate a square wave to reset the microcomputer. on frequency. If the compared frequencies (phases) differ a ±
The microcomputer responds to the manually initiated func- error voltage is generated and applied to Q102. This error
tions of Push-to-talk, and Mode A/B. All other operations occur The VCO frequency is fed back to dual modulus prescaler
voltage is then supplied to the VCO through the frequency
automatically and are controlled by the microcomputer. FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER acquisition circuit and low pass filter. The capacitance of
U102, through buffers Q108 and Q109. The counter divides
the VCO frequency by 64 or by 65 depending on the status of
varicap D102 varies in accordance with the applied error
When the PTT switch is pressed A- is applied to microcom- The frequency synthesizer generates the transmit and receive the modulus control line. The divided down reference fre-
voltage, thereby resetting the VCO to the correct frequency.
puter U801-38 from J911-2. The microcomputer immediately frequencies for all channels under control of the microcomputer. quency is 4.16 kHz.
Capacitor C104 is a holding capacitor to store the "hold"
mutes the receiver by turning on Q807 which provides a low level The frequency synthesizer consists of a reference oscillator voltage for the phase detector/sample and hold circuit. C105
to J903-4 to mute the receiver. The microcomputer then delays 10 Y201, synthesizer IC U101, bilateral switch U103, low pass The output of the dual modulus counter is applied to the
is a ramp capacitor which also is part of the sample and hold
milliseconds before loading the synthesizer with the transmit bit filter, VCO Q105, buffers Q106 and Q107, and high speed dual circuit. The value of C105 determines the rate of charge of the ÷N counter in the synthesizer. It is then divided down and
code. This allows the audio amplifier to he turned off before the modulus prescaler U102. compared in frequency and phase with the divided down
synthesizer frequency is changed. After this delay the microcom- frequency from the reference oscillator. The ÷N count is set
puter turns on PROM power switch Q802, applying +5V to by the microcomputer.
Reference Oscillator The lock detect line provides lock status information to the
EEPROM U806. The transmit bit code is then loaded in parallel
microcomputer through a one shot FF (part of U802).
from the PROM into the microcomputer and then serially into the
The reference oscillator consists of Y201, a junction FET MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER
frequency synthesizer over the clock and data input lines.
Q201, varicap D201, tuned coil L201, and associated circuitry. Acquisition and Low Pass Filter
The 5 PPM Colpitts oscillator operates at a frequency of 13.2 A preamplifier stage (Q901 and associated circuitry) is
Once the bit stream is loaded into the synthesizer an enable
MHz. Voltage is provided by the 8.5V continuous supply. A The output of the synthesizer is applied through driver provided for the standard electret microphone without a built-in
pulse and a 10 millisecond channel change pulse is provided to
temperature compensation network consisting of R201 thru Q102 and high current buffers Q103 and Q104 to the low pass preamplifier.
allow the synthesizer to generate the correct RF frequency. The
R206, provides a temperature compensated voltage to varicap filter. The low pass filter consisting of R109-R111, and C106-
microcomputer immediately begins monitoring the LOCK DET
D201 to maintain the correct frequency. The temperature com- C108 eliminates undesired pulses on the VCO error control With this microphone, MIC HI is coupled through J911-5
line to verify that the synthesizer is "on" frequency. If the
pensator, utilizing an inverse DC S-curve output characteristic, line to provide a constant DC level to frequency adjusting to the preamplifier stage. The amplified output is coupled
synthesizer is not locked on the correct frequency negative pulses
varies the output voltage to the varicap as a function of tempera- varicaps D102 and D104. through C312 and R301 to the audio processor.
will be present on the LOCK DET line and the microcomputer
ture. The temperature compensation network maintains fre-
will reload the synthesizer in an attempt to lock it on frequency.
quency over a temperature range of -30°C to +60°C (-22°F to When a channel change pulse is received bilateral switch For optional microphones with a built-in preamplifier,
If the synthesizer is locked on the correct frequency, the micro-
+140°F). The varicap is also used to modulate the oscillator. U103 is turned on to bypass the low pass filter effectively audio is coupled through J911-4, bypassing MIC PRE AMP
computer will key the transmitter by pulling the input line to
inverter U804A low. This allows the output of U804A to rise to increasing the bandwidth and decreasing channel acquisition Q901.
Diode D202 produces a negative DC level at the gate of FET time. The channel change pulse is 10 milliseconds wide.
+8.5 VDC, forward biasing transmit select diode D105, permit- Mic bias is provided by the 8.5V CONT Source through
Q201 depending on the amplitude of the oscillations. This, in
ting the synthesizer generated RF frequency to pass through to bias network R904-906.
effect, produces a negative feedback, RF to DC, and prevents the
the exciter through P151. Minimum RF output level at this point Voltage Controlled Oscillator VCO
oscillator from going into limiting. Slug tuned coil L201 sets the
is 8.0 dBm. Typical attack time of the transmitter is 50 millisec-
frequency of the oscillator. Modulation voltage from the audio AUDIO PROCESSOR
onds. The VCO is a wide range JFET oscillator with an operating
modulator is applied to the reference oscillator through R214.
Modulation is adjusted by R212 and applied to varicap D201 range of 134. 33-185.66 MHz. The divided down reference
At the same time transistor Q806 is turned on, applying The audio processor provides audio pre-emphasis with
through C201 and R209. R212 adjusts the deviation. Refer to the frequency is 4.1666 kHz. VCO frequency is controlled by an
DPTT to audio switch Q301. Q301 is also turned off, removing amplitude limiting and post limiter filtering. A total gain of
service section for adjustment procedures. error control voltage from the synthesizer and set by varicap
the "short" from amplifier U301A and enabling the audio proc- approximately 24 dB is realized through the audio processor.
D102. Frequency range centering is provided by L102. Audio
essor. 20 dB is provided by U301B and 4 dB by U301A.
The synthesizer IC contains three dividers, a phase detector, modulation is provided by the audio processor and applied to
two shift registers, and a lock detect circuit. When the PTT switch the VCO through C138 and R116.
is pressed (transmit), released (receive), or a different channel
Copyright© January 1986, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.

LBI-31587 LBI-31587

Figure 1 - Synthesizer/Interconnect Board

LBI-31587 LBI-31587

The 8.5 Volt regulator powers the audio processor and applies The output of summing amplifier U701A is applied to When the CG DIS line is pulled high (>8.5V), the micro-
regulated +8. 5V through J903-2 to a voltage divider consisting SERVICE NOTE buffer/amplifier U702B through a two-pole active voice reject computer does not sense any changes. Channel Guard disable
of R306 through R309. The +4.25V output from the voltage filter consisting of U701B and C and U702A and D. The active transistor Q701 will turn on when the CG DIS line goes above
R313-R315 are 1% resistors. This tolerance must be
divider at the junction of R307 and R308 establishes the operat- maintained to assure proper operation of the post filter shunts all frequencies above 300 Hz to ground, thereby 8.5 V and shorts the output of the filter to ground. This disables
ing reference point for both operational amplifiers. C305 pro- limiter filter. Use exact replacements. preventing those frequencies from interfering with the encoded the encoder by preventing any signal from going out on CG
vides an AC ground at the summing input of both operational signal. The output of U702B is the assigned CG tone signal. HI and will also disable the decoder since no limited CG tone
amplifiers. This signal is applied to the audio processor through CG will go to the microcomputer. The receiver will be muted since
deviation control R724. Channel Guard deviation is set for no CG is decoded. Disabling the decoder this way will never
Audio direct from the microphone is coupled to the audio The audio processor output is coupled through the audio and 0.75 kHz. allow the audio to open up, while taking the radio off hook
processor through C312 and R301 to the input of operational REF OSC modulation controls to the transmitter. R212 and R320 (pulling CG DIS low) will always make the radio open up.
amplifier U301B-6. set the modulation sensitivity for the VCO and reference oscilla- CG Decode Turning CG Disable transistor Q701 on causes the DC bias to
tor. change. It will take 2 or 3 seconds for the bias to restore itself
When the input signal to U301B-6 is of a magnitude such that after the encoder is disabled.
the amplifier output at U301B-7 does not exceed 4 volts P-P, the Shorting switch Q301 is turned on in the receive mode (DPTT In the decode mode COMB DPTT is high, U704B is turned
amplifier provides a nominal 20 dB gain. When the audio signal is high) to short out U301-A and prevent any interference from on and audio from the SW Vol/Sq Hi line is applied to sum-
level exceeds 4 volts peak-to-peak, diodes D301 and D302 con- the transmit audio circuits. ming amplifier U701A through bilateral switch U704B. This SQUELCH TAIL ELIMINATION (STE)
duct on the positive and negative half cycles providing 100% signal is amplified and filtered by U701A, B, C and U702A,
B and D, so that only the CG signal (if present) is applied to STE eliminates squelch tails when the radio is on hook or
negative feedback to reduce the amplifier gain to 1. This limits
the audio amplitude at U301B-7 to 5 volts peak-to-peak.
CHANNEL GUARD hard limiter U702C. The CG signal is squared up for compari- off hook. When Channel Guard is disabled (off hook) the
son by the microcomputer to determine if the CG signal is decoder is still looking at the received signal. The RX MUTE
Resistors R303, R304, R305, and capacitor C302 comprise Channel Guard provides a means of restricting calls to specific correct. If the microcomputer determines the CG signal to be line is high, as would be normally expected. The Channel
the audio pre- emphasis network that enhances the signal to noise radios through the use of a continuous tone coded squelch system correct, RX Mute transistor Q807 is turned off. The RX Mute Guard decoder is looking for the STE burst (phase reversal in
ratio. R304 and C302 control the pre-emphasis curve below (CTCSS). Tone frequencies range from 71.9 Hz to 210.7 Hz. line is pulled high by pull up resistor R715 through D819. This tone Channel Guard). If an STE burst is detected, the RX
limiting. R305 and C302 control the cut-off point for high fre- turns on bilaterial switch U704A and allows the audio on the MUTE line will go low for about 200 ms. This will prevent
The microcomputer selects the assigned tone information
quency pre-emphasis. As high frequencies are attenuated, the FLTRD VOL/SQ HI line to pass through to the receiver. the squelch tail from being heard. After 200 ms, the RX MUTE
from the EEPROM memory for each channel, transmit and re-
gain of U301B is increased. ceive, and generates the Channel Guard signal. This signal is line will go high again; by now the transmission has ended and
applied as Walsh Bit l and 2 to summing amplifier U701A. These CHANNEL GUARD (CG) DISABLE the squelch will hold the audio closed. The off hook STE does
The amplified output of U301B is coupled through C307,
two bits are summed together and filtered to provide a smooth not affect the operation of the Channel Guard while on hook.
R313 and R314 to a second operational amplifier U307A.
sine wave for tone Channel Guard. The CG DIS line has a double function. It can disable the Another way of looking at it: the radio will go quiet for 200
The Channel Guard tone inputs are applied to U301A-2. The encode or the decode CG function. The encode disable func- ms any time STE is detected. If it was on hook it will stay quiet
CG tone is then combined with the microphone audio. The switched volume/squelch Hi signal to the summing am- after the 200 ms, if it was off hook it will revert to noise squelch
plifier is controlled by bilateral switch U704B. In the encode tion is controlled by the PTT switch while the decode function
is disabled within the microcomputer software. To disable the operation. STE operates only on the tone the radio is pro-
A post limiter filter consisting of R314, R313, R315, C308 mode COMB DPTT is low turning U704B off and preventing any grammed to receive. If the signal has a Channel Guard tone
and C309 provide 12 dB per octave roll-off. R313 and C307 input from the SW Vol/Sq Hi line from interfering with the decoder, the CG DIS/CONTL line should be grounded. The
microcomputer will detect that the line is low, and turn RX the radio is not programmed to receive and the microphone is
provide an additional 6 dB per octave roll-off for a total of 18 dB. encoding signal. off-hook, STE will not be active.
MUTE transistor Q807 off. The decode filter/limiter circuit is
not affected, it continues to operate. The detection software
also does not stop working. This allows the off hook STE to CARRIER CONTROL TIMER
The Carrier Control Timer (CCT) is contained within and
controlled by the microcomputer. Each time the PTT switch is
activated an internal counter begins to count down. If the
counter times out, the transmitter is unkeyed and a 100 mV
rms l kHz tone is sounded until the microphone is unkeyed.
The CCT is set for l minute.

LBI-31587 PARTS LIST LBI-31587

19D901205G4 440-470 MHz (Tin Contacts)
19D901205G16 440-470 MHz (Gold Contacts) - - - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - - R130 19B800607P680 Metal film: 68 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - - CRYSTALS - - - - - - - - -
D101 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148. R131 19B800607P222 Metal film: 2.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. Y201 19A703049G1 Quartz: 13.200 MHz.
SYMBOL PART NO. DESCRIPTION D102 19A700085P3 Silicon, capacitive. thru
D103 19A700047P2 Silicon, 100 maw, continuous dissipation; sim to DO-15. TRANSMIT AUDIO
NOTE: WHEN REPLACING BOARDS, CARE R134 19B800607P221 Metal film: 220 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
SHOULD BE TAKEN TO ASSURE THAT BOARDS D104 19A700085P3 Silicon, capacitive. - - - - - - - - - - CAPACITORS - - - - - - - -
WITH OLD CONTACTS ARE NOT INTERMIXED WITH R135 19B800607P820 Metal film: 82 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
D105 19A116925P1 Silicon. C301 19A700235P16 Ceramic: 18 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW.
BOARDS HAVING TIN CONTACTS. REPLACE THE R136 19B800607P101 Metal film: 100 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
BOARD ONLY WITH ONE HAVING THE SAME and C302 19A702250P211 Polyester: 0.47 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW.
GROUP NUMBER AS THE ORIGINAL. D106 R137 19B800607P820 Metal film: 82 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C303 19A703314P10 Electrolytic: 10 µF -10+50%, 50 VDCW; sim to Panasonic
D107 19A700025P6 Silicon, zener: 400 mW max; sim to BZX55-C5V1. R138 19B800607P221 Metal film: 220 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. and
- - - - - - - - - - - JACKS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - - - - - - - C305 19A701534P8 Tantalum: 22 µF ±20%, 16 VDCW.
- - - - - - - - - - CAPACITORS - - - - - - - - -
J101 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G4). Polyester: 0.68 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW.
C101 19A703314P2 Tantalum: 220 µF, -10+50%, 10 VDCW. U101 19B800902P1 Synthesizer: CMOS, Serial Programming; sim to C306 19A702250P212
and J101 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16). MC145159P.
C307 19A703314P10 Electrolytic: 10 µF -10+50%, 50 VDCW; sim to Panasonic
C102 U102 19A703091P1 Digital: /64, /65 Prescaler; sim to MC12017P. LS Series.
C103 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 - - - - - - - - - - INDUCTORS - - - - - - - - - - U103 19A700029P44 Digital: BILATERAL SWITCH. C308 T644ACP268J Polyester: .0068 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW.
PPM/°C. L101 H343CLP10022 Coil, Fixed: 10 µH ± 10%.
C309 T644ACP210J Polyester: .0010 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW.
C104 19A702061P69 Ceramic: 220 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 L102 19A705315G1 COIL, RF REFERENCE OSCILLATOR
PPM/°C. C310 19A700233P2 Ceramic: 150 pF ±20%, 50 VDCW.
L103 H343CLP12922 Coil, RF: 1.2 µH ±10%. - - - - - - - - - - CAPACITORS - - - - - - - - - and
C105 19A702061P91 Ceramic: 1800 pF ± 5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ± 30 thru C201 19A703314P4 Electrolytic: 47 µF -10+50% tol, 16 VDCW; sim to Pana- C311
PPM. L105 sonic LS Series. C312 T644ACP315K Polyester: .015 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.
C106 19A700004P8 Metallized polyester: 1 µF ± 10%, 63 VDCW. L106 19A700024P4 Coil, RF: 180 nH ± 10%. C202 19A702248P304 Ceramic: 39 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, N470 ±60 PPM. C313 T644ACP322K Polyester: .022 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.
C107 T644ACP333K Polyester: .033 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW. L107 H343CLP12922 Coil, RF: 1.2 µH ±10%. C203 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 - - - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - -
C108 19A702250P111 Polyester: .047 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW. PPM/°C.
D301 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148.
- - - - - - - - - - - PLUGS - - - - - - - - - - -
C109 19A703314P2 Tantalum: 220 µF, -10+50%, 10 VDCW. C204 19A702061P43 Ceramic: 43 pF ± 5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ± 30 PPM. and
and P151 19A701785P3 Contact, electrical. (Used in G4). D302
C110 C205 19A702061P73 Ceramic: 330 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 PPM/°C.
P151 19A701785P13 Contact, electrical. (Used in G16). - - - - - - - - - - - JACKS - - - - - - - - - - -
C111 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 C208 19A702061P57 Ceramic: 82 pF ± 5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ± 30 PPM.
J301 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G4).
- - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - - - C209 19A702052P20 Ceramic: 0.033 µF ± 10%, 50 VDCW.
J301 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16).
C112 19A702061P65 Ceramic: 150 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 Q102 19A700059P2 Silicon, PNP: sim to MMBT3906, low profile. C210 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30
PPM/°C. PPM/°C. J302 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G4).
Ceramic: 33 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 Q104 J302 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16).
C113 19A702236P38 C213 19A702061P61 Ceramic: 100 pF ± 5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ± 30 PPM.
PPM/°C. Q105 19A702524P2 N-Type, field effect; sim to MMBFU310.
C114 19A702236P36 Ceramic: 27 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 - - - - - - - - - - - PLUGS - - - - - - - - - - -
Q106 19A701808P2 Silicon, NPN; sim to MPS 6595. - - - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - -
PPM/°C. and P301 19A701785P3 Contact, electrical. (Used in G4).
D201 19A700085P3 Silicon, capacitive.
C115 19A702236P7 Ceramic: 1.2 pF ± .25 pF, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ± 30 D202 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148.
P301 19A701785P13 Contact, electrical. (Used in G16).
PPM. Q108 19A700023P2 Silicon, NPN: sim to 2N3904.
C116 19A702236P19 Ceramic: 5.6 pF ±.5 pF, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 Q109 - - - - - - - - - - INDUCTORS - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - - -
PPM/°C. Q301 19A700023P2 Silicon, NPN: sim to 2N3904.
- - - - - - - - - - RESISTORS - - - - - - - - - - L201 19B801161P2 Coil, RF: sim to Standex EF-247.
C117 19A702236P23 Ceramic: 8.2 pF ±.25 pF, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30
PPM. R101 19B800607P220 Metal film: 22 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. L202 19A700024P29 Coil, RF: 22 µH ± 10%.
- - - - - - - - - - RESISTORS - - - - - - - - - -
Ceramic: 1.0 pF ±.25 pF, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 R102 19B800607P224 Metal film: 220K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C118 19A702236P6 R301 H212CRP322C Deposited carbon: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
- - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - - -
PPM/°C. R103 19A702931P388 Metal film: 80.6K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
Q201 19A700060P3 N-Type, field effect; sim to J310.
R302 H212CRP327C Deposited carbon: 27K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
C119 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 R105 19B800607P122 Metal film: 1.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
and R303 H212CRP322C Deposited carbon: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
PPM/°C. and
C120 R106 - - - - - - - - - - RESISTORS - - - - - - - - - - R304 H212CRP133C Deposited carbon: 330 ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
C121 19A702052P20 Ceramic: 0.033 µF ± 10%, 50 VDCW. R107 19B800607P560 Metal film: 56 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R201 19A701250P354 Metal film: 35.7K ohms ±1%,250 VDCW, 1/4 w. R305 19A701250P369 Metal film: 51.1K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.
C122 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 R108 19B800607P100 Metal film: 10 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R202 19A701250P288 Metal film: 8060 ohms ±1%, 250 VDCW, 1/4 w. R306 19A701250P303 Metal film: 10.5K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.
R109 19B800607P105 Metal film: 1M ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R203 19A703813P1 Thermal: 5K ohms ±2%; sim to Midwest Components P1H- R307 19A701250P278 Metal film: 6.34K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.
C123 19A702061P65 Ceramic: 150 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 and 502. and
R110 19B800607P273 Metal film: 27K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R204
PPM/°C. R308
C126 R111 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. Metal film: 909 ohms ±1%, 250 VDCW, 1/4.
R205 19A701250P193 R309 19A701250P303 Metal film: 10.5K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.
C127 19A702236P10 Ceramic: 2.2 pF ±2.5 pF, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 R112 19B800607P560 Metal film: 56 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R206 19A703813P2 Thermal: 20K ohms ±2%; sim to Midwest Components R310 19A143400P38 Deposited carbon: 1.3K ohms ± 5%, 1/4 w.
R113 19B800607P220 Metal film: 22 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. P1H-203.
C128 19A702236P38 Ceramic: 33 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30
R311 H212CRP247C Deposited carbon: 4.7K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
R114 19A702931P388 Metal film: 80.6K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. R207 19A702931P317 Metal film: 14.7K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
PPM/°C. R312 H212CRP347C Deposited carbon: 47K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
R115 19B800607P680 Metal film: 68 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R208 19B800607P104 Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C129 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 R313 19A701250P330 Metal film: 20K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.
thru PPM/°C. R116 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R209 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
R314 19A701250P310 Metal film: 12.4K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.
and R210 19B800607P122 Metal film: 1.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C132 19A702061P65 Ceramic: 150 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 R117 R315 19A701250P350 Metal film: 32.4K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.
R211 19B800607P181 Metal film: 180 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
and PPM/°C. R118 19B800607P222 Metal film: 2.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R317 H212CRP310C Deposited carbon: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
C133 thru R212 19B800784P106 Variable: 5K ohms ±20%, 1/2 w.
R120 R319 19B800607P273 Metal film: 27K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C134 19A702052P20 Ceramic: 0.033 µF ± 10%, 50 VDCW. R213 19B800607P100 Metal film: 10 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
and R121 19B800607P151 Metal film: 150 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R320 19B800784P106 Variable: 5K ohms ±20%, 1/2 w.
C135 R214 19B800607P222 Metal film: 2.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
R122 19B800607P681 Metal film: 680 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R321 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C136 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 and
and PPM/°C. - - - - - - - - - - - SOCKETS - - - - - - - - - -
R123 - - - - - - - - INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - - - - - - -
C137 XY201 19A702742P1 Crystal socket.
R124 19B800607P100 Metal film: 10 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. U301 19A700086P4 Linear: Dual Op Amp; sim to 4558.
C138 19A701534P8 Tantalum: 22 µF ±20%, 16 VDCW.
R125 19B800607P562 Metal film: 5.6K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C139 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30 thru
PPM/°C. R129


LBI-31587 PARTS LIST LBI-31587

CHANNEL GUARD R722 19B800607P471 Metal film: 470 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - - JACKS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SOCKETS - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - CAPACITORS - - - - - - - - - R723 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. J806 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G4). XU801 19A700156P5 Socket, IC: 40 Pins, Tin Plated.
C701 19A703314P4 Electrolytic: 47 µF -10+50% tol, 16 VDCW; sim to Pana- R724 19B800784P108 Variable: 10K ohms ±20%, 1/2 w. J806 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16). XU806 19A700156P15 Socket, IC: 8 Pins, Tin Plated.
sonic LS Series.
R725 19A702931P388 Metal film: 80.6K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. J810 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G4).
thru - - - - - - - - - - - CRYSTALS - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - - R726 19A702931P358 Metal film: 39.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
Y801 19A702511G3 Quartz: 6.000000 MHz.
D701 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148. R727 19A702931P317 Metal film: 14.7K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. J810 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16).
R728 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. thru
- - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - - - J812
R729 19B800607P122 Metal film: 1.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - CAPACITORS - - - - - - - - -
Q701 19A700023P2 Silicon, NPN: sim to 2N3904. - - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - - -
R730 19B800607P681 Metal film: 680 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C901 19A701225P3 Electrolytic: 220 µF, -10+50%, 25 VDCW.
Q803 19A700023P2 Silicon, NPN: sim to 2N3904.
R736 19B800607P223 Metal film: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C902 19A703314P4 Electrolytic: 47 µF -10+50% tol, 16 VDCW; sim to Pana-
- - - - - - - - - - CAPACITORS - - - - - - - - - Q806 19A700023P2 Silicon, NPN: sim to 2N3904.
R737 19A702931P317 Metal film: 14.7K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. thru sonic LS Series.
C702 19A703314P4 Electrolytic: 47 µF -10+50% tol, 16 VDCW; sim to Pana-
sonic LS Series. R738 19A702931P321 Metal film: 16.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. Q808 C903 19A700233P6 Ceramic: 680 pF ±20%, 50 VDCW.
Q812 19A700022P2 Silicon, PNP: sim to 2N3906. Electrolytic: 22 µF -10+50% tol, 25 VDCW; sim to Pana-
C703 19A703314P10 Electrolytic: 10 µF -10+50%, 50 VDCW; sim to Panasonic R739 19B800607P223 Metal film: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C904 19A703314P5
LS Series. and sonic LS Series.
R740 19A702931P305 Metal film: 11K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. C905
- - - - - - - - - - RESISTORS - - - - - - - - - -
C704 T644ACP368J Polyester: .068 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW. R741 19A702931P322 Metal film: 16.5K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
R801 19A702931P325 Metal film: 17.8K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. C906 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30
C705 T644ACP333J Polyester: .033 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW. R742 19B800607P473 Metal film: 47K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. PPM/°C.
R803 19B800607P222 Metal film: 2.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C706 19A701534P2 Tantalum: 0.22 µF ±20%, 35 VDCW. R743 19A702931P284 Metal film: 7320 ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. C907 19A702052P3 Ceramic: 470 pF ± 10%, 50 VDCW.
R804 19B800607P473 Metal film: 47K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. thru
C707 T644ACP333J Polyester: .033 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW. R744 19A702931P317 Metal film: 14.7K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
R805 19B800607P104 Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C914
C708 T644ACP368J Polyester: .068 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW. Metal film: 332 ohms ±1%, 250 VDCW, 1/8 w.
R745 19A702931P151
R807 19B800607P101 Metal film: 100 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C915 19A702061P99 Ceramic: 1000 pF ±5%, 50 VDCW, temp coef 0 ±30
C709 T644ACP310J Polyester: .010 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW. R746 19A702931P309 Metal film: 12.1K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. and PPM/°C.
and R808 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C916
C710 R747 19A702931P289 Metal film: 8250 ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. thru
- - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - -
C711 T644ACP333J Polyester: .033 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW. R748 19A702931P358 Metal film: 39.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
R811 19B800607P223 Metal film: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. D901 T324ADP1041 Silicon: Rectifier; sim to 1N4004.
C712 R812 19B800607P104 Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
- - - - - - - - - - TEST POINTS - - - - - - - - - D902
C713 19A702250P113 Polyester: 0.1 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.
TP703 Part of printed circuit board. R813 19B800607P471 Metal film: 470 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - - - LEDS - - - - - - - - - -
C714 19A703314P4 Electrolytic: 47 µF -10+50% tol, 16 VDCW; sim to Pana- thru
R816 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. H902 19A134354P9 Optoelectronic, yellow; sim to Hew. Packard LMP4719.
sonic LS Series. TP705 Part of 19A701522G9 & G10.
R820 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C715 T644ACP310J Polyester: .010 µF ±5%, 50 VDCW. - - - - - - - - INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - - - - - - -
H903 19A134354P3 Optoelectronic, green; sim to New Packard 5082-4955.
thru U701 19A701789P1 Linear: Quad Op Amp; sim to LM324. R822 19B800607P122 Metal film: 1.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. Part of 19A701522G9 & G10.
C717 and R823 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - - JACKS - - - - - - - - - - -
C718 19A703314P4 Electrolytic: 47 µF -10+50% tol, 16 VDCW; sim to Pana- U702
sonic LS Series.
R826 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. J901 19J706214P4 Connector: 4 contacts rated @ 7 amps; sim to Molex 09-
U703 19A700086P2 Linear: Dual Op Amp; sim to 1458. thru 67-1042. (Used in G4).
C719 19A703314P5 Electrolytic: 22 µF -10+50% tol, 25 VDCW; sim to Pana- U704 19A700029P44 Digital: Bilateral Switch. R833
sonic LS Series. J901 19A116659P185 Connector: 4 contacts rated @ 7 amps; sim to Molex 09-
R836 19B800607P272 Metal film: 2.7K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. 80-1045. (Used in G16).
- - - - - - - - - - - CABLES - - - - - - - - - - R837 19B800607P101 Metal film: 100 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
- - - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - - J903 19J706214P7 Flat wafer: 7 contacts rated @ 7 amps; sim to Molex 09-
W701 H212CRP910C Deposited carbon: 1 ohm ±5%, 1/4 w. R838 19B800607P122 Metal film: 1.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. 67-1072. (Used in G4).
D702 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148.
thru R840 19A702931P317 Metal film: 14.7K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. J903 19A116659P186 Connector: 7 contacts rated @ 7 amps; sim to Molex 09-
D704 SYSTEM CONTROL 80-1075. (Used in G16).
R841 19B800607P101 Metal film: 100 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
- - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAPACITORS - - - - - - - - - J904 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G4).
R842 19B800607P122 Metal film: 1.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
Q702 19A700076P2 Silicon, NPN: sim to MMBT3904, low profile. C801 19A700235P15 Ceramic: 15 pF ± 5%, 50 VDCW. J904 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16).
R843 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
C802 19A703314P5 Electrolytic: 22 µF -10+50% tol, 25 VDCW; sim to Pana- J905 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plate, 14 mm length. (Used in G4).
- - - - - - - - - - RESISTORS - - - - - - - - - - sonic LS Series. R844 19B800607P471 Metal film: 470 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
J905 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16).
R701 19A702931P358 Metal film: 39.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. C803 19A701534P3 Tantalum: 0.47 µF ± 20%, 35 VDCW. R853 19B800607P562 Metal film: 5.6K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. J906 19A703248P5 Post: Tin Plated, 21 mm length. (Used in G4).
R702 19B800607P272 Metal film: 2.7K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C804 19A701534P4 Tantalum: 1 µF ± 20%, 35 VDCW. R854 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. J906 19A703248P15 Post: Gold Plated, 21 mm length. (Used in G16).
R703 19A702931P358 Metal film: 39.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. C805 T644ACP310K Polyester: .010 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW. R861 19B800607P562 Metal film: 5.6K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. J910 19A116659P184 Connector, printed wiring, 11 contacts; sim to Molex 09-
R704 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. C806 19A703314P4 Electrolytic: 47 µF -10+50% tol, 16 VDCW; sim to Pana- R862 19B800607P223 Metal film: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. 75-1116.
sonic LS Series. R863 19B800607P471 Metal film: 470 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. J911 19A116659P183 Connector, printed wiring, 8 contacts; sim to Molex 09-
R705 19B800607P154 Metal film: 150K ohms ± 5%, 1/8 w.
C807 19A702052P3 Ceramic: 470 pF ± 10%, 50 VDCW. 75-1086.
R706 19B800607P103 Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R864 19B800607P472 Metal film: 4.7K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
J912 19J706214P4 Connector: 4 contacts rated @ 7 amps; sim to Molex 09-
C808 19A700235P9 Ceramic: 4.7 pF ±0.25 pF, 50 VDCW, temp coef N150 Deposited carbon: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.
R707 19A702931P388 Metal film: 80.6K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. R866 H212CRP310C 67-1042. (Used in G4).
R708 19A702931P358 Metal film: 39.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. J912 19A116659P185 Connector: 4 contacts rated @ 7 amps; sim to Molex 09-
C809 19A702052P3 Ceramic: 470 pF ± 10%, 50 VDCW. - - - - - - - - INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - - - - - - - 80-1045. (Used in G16).
R709 19A702931P383 Metal film: 71.5K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
C810 19A702052P20 Ceramic: 0.033 µF ± 10%, 50 VDCW. U801 19A703244P40 Microcomputer: HNOS, 8-bit. (Used in radios without J920 19A703248P7 Post: Tin Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G4).
R710 19A702931P384 Metal film: 73.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. and Dual Priority Scan).
C811 J920 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plate, 14 mm length. (Used in G16).
R711 19A702931P383 Metal film: 71.5K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. U801 19A703754G4 Microcomputer: HNOS, 8-bit. (Used in radios with Dual
C812 19A702052P3 Ceramic: 470 pF ± 10%, 50 VDCW. Priority Scan). J921 19A703248P7 Post Tin Plated: 14 mm length. (Used in G4).
R712 19A702931P391 Metal film: 86.6K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
U802 19A116968P3 Linear: Dual Timer; sim to Signerics SA556N. J921 19A703248P17 Post: Gold Plated, 14 mm length. (Used in G16).
R713 19B800607P272 Metal film: 2.7K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - - DIODES - - - - - - - - - -
U803 Part of Heat sink Assembly 19B801346G1.
R714 19B800607P182 Metal film: 1.8K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. D801 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148. - - - - - - - - - - INDUCTORS - - - - - - - - - -
U804 19A116180P33 Digital: Hex Inverter/Driver with OC outputs; sim to 7416.
R715 19B800607P473 Metal film: 47K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. thru L901 H343CLP12922 Coil, RF: 1.2 µH ±10%.
D808 U806 19A704032P1 Digital: 16 x 16 bit RAM; sim to XICOR Part No.
R716 19B800607P681 Metal film: 680 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. X2444P.
D813 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148.
R717 19A702931P325 Metal film: 17.8K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - - PLUGS - - - - - - - - - - -
D816 P907 19A700102P10 Printed wire: 3 contacts; sim to Molex 09-52-3032.
R718 19A702931P383 Metal film: 71.5K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. - - - - - - - - - - - CABLES - - - - - - - - - -
D817 19A700025P6 Silicon, zener: 400 mW max; sim to BZX55-C5V1. Deposited carbon: 1 ohm ±5%, 1/4 w.
R719 19A702931P382 Metal film: 69.8K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. W801 H212CRP910C
D818 19A700025P3 Silicon, zener: 400 mW max; sim to BZX55-C3V3.
R720 19A702931P383 Metal film: 71.5K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
D819 19A700028P1 Silicon: 75 mA, 75 PIV; sim to 1N4148.
R721 19A702931P350 Metal film: 32.4K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.



Changes in the equipment to improve performance to simplify circuits are identified by a "Revision
- - - - - - - - - - TRANSISTORS - - - - - - - - -
Letter", which is stamped after the model number of the unit. The revision s tamped on the unit
Q901 19A116774P3 Silicon, NPN: sim to 2N5210. includes all previous revisions. Refer to the Parts List for the descriptions of parts affected by
these revisions.
- - - - - - - - - - RESISTORS - - - - - - - - - -
R901 19B800607P561 Metal film: 560 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
To correct parts list. Changed D817, D818, R863 and R864. Deleted D809. Added Q812
R902 19B800607P122 Metal film: 1.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. and R866.
R904 19A702931P350 Metal film: 32.4K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w.
D817 was 19A700025P3 - Silicon, zener; sim to BZX55-C3V3.
R905 19A702931P358 Metal film: 39.2K ohms ±1%, 200 VDCW, 1/8 w. D818 was 19A700025P8 - Silicon, zener; sim to BZX55-C6V8.
R906 19B800607P562 Metal film: 5.6K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R863 was 19B800607P122 - Metal Film: 1.2K ohms ±5% 1/8 w.
R864 was 19B800607P122 - Metal Film: 1.2K ohms ±5% 1/8 w.
R907 19B800607P222 Metal film: 2.2K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. D809 was 19A700028P1 - Silicon; sim to Type 1N4148.
R908 19B800607P561 Metal film: 560 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
R909 19B800607P471 Metal film: 470 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. To correct parts list. Changed R863 and R864. Deleted D809. Added R714, C807, Q812
R910 19B800607P221 Metal film: 220 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. and R866.
R911 H212CRP122C Deposited carbon: 220 ohms ±5%, 1/4 w. R863 was 19B800607P122 - Metal Film: 1.2K ohms ±5% 1/8 w.
R912 19B800607P681 Metal film: 680 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. R864 was 19B800607P122 - Metal Film: 1.2K ohms ±5% 1/8 w.
D809 was 19A700028P1 - Silicon; sim to Type 1N4148.
R914 19B800607P681 Metal film: 680 ohms ±5%, 1/8 w.
R915 19B800607P562 Metal film: 5.6K ohms ±5%, 1/8 w. Rev. B - SYNTHESIZER/INTERCONNECT BOARD 19D901205G4 & G16
To improve regulator operation. Added D107.
- - - - - - - - - - - CABLES - - - - - - - - - -
W901 19A700184P1 Jumper. To reduce the transmitter audio sensitivity to a nominal 80 mV level. Changed C313 and
thru R302.
W904 H212CRP910C Deposited carbon: 1 ohm ±5%, 1/4 w. C313 was T644ACP310K - Polyester: .010 µF ±10%, 50 VDCW.
thru R302 was H212CRP356C - Deposited carbon: 56K ohms ±5%.
To reduce the transmitter audio sensitivity to a nominal 80 mV level. Changed C313,
19B801346G1 R302, D817 and D818.
U803 19A704970P1 Linear: 5 Volt regulator with Reset Output; sim to SGS
L387. C313 was T644ACRP310k - Polyester: 010 µP ±10%, 50 VDCW.
R302 was H212CRP356C - Deposited carbon: 56K ohms ±5%.
D817 was 19A700025P3 - Silicon, zener; sim to BZX55-C3V3.
- - - - - - - - - MISCELLANEOUS - - - - - - - - -
D818 was 19A700025P8 - Silicon, zener; sim to BZX55-C6V8.
4 19A700068P1 Insulator, bushing. (Used in G1).
5 19A700115P3 Insulator, plate. (Used in G1).
6 19A702364P208 Machine screw: TORX Drive, M2.5 - 0.45 x 8. (Used in
7 19B800952P1 Support. (Used in G1).
8 19A134717P1 Linear: 5 Volt Regulator; sim to MC7805CT. (Used in
15 19A700033P3 Lockwasher, external tooth: M2.5. (Used in G1).
16 19A700034P3 Hex nut, metric: M2.5 x 0.45. (Used in G1).
17 19A701312P3 Flatwasher, metric: No. 2.5MM. (Used in G1).

BACK VIEW OF COMPONENT BOARD (19D901205, Sh. 6, rev. 0)

(19A704836, Sh. 3, Rev. 0)





(19D901205, Sh. 7, Rev. 0) (19D901205, Sh. 8, Rev. 0)

(19A704836, Sh. 3 & 4) (19A704836, Sh. 3 & 4)



(19D901205, Sh. 5, Rev. 4)

(19A704836, Sh. 1, Rev. 1)



(19D90179, Sh. 1, Rev. 3)

(19D901719, Sh. 2, Rev. 0)


(19D901719, Sh. 3, Rev. 1)


(19D901719, Sh. 4, Rev. 1)


(19D901719, Sh. 5, Rev. 1)



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