The 7 Types
▪ Radio
▪ Microwave
▪ Infrared
▪ Ultraviolet
▪ X-Rays
▪ Gamma
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of
all possible frequencies of electromagnetic
radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is a form
of energy that travels through space at the
speed of light. It is made up of oscillating
electric and magnetic fields.
The electromagnetic spectrum is typically
divided into 7 types(will be show later), each
with its own range of frequencies and
The electric field is a force field that is
created by electric charges. It is measured in
volts per meter (V/m).
The magnetic field is a force field that is
created by moving electric charges. It is
measured in Teslas (T).
Magnetic & Electric fields
The electric field is a force field that is created
by electric charges. It is measured in volts per
meter (V/m).
The magnetic field is a force field that is created
by moving electric charges. It is measured in teslas
(T). The magnetic field is responsible for a variety
of phenomena, including the attraction of
ferromagnetic materials and the induction of electric
They are vector quantities, which means that they
have both a magnitude and a direction.
The electric and magnetic fields are closely related.
A change in one of the fields will cause a change in
another. This is known as electromagnetic induction.
Electromagnetic induction is the basis for many
modern technologies, including transformers,
generators, and motors.
The 7 types in the spectrum
The 7 types in the electromagnetic
spectrum: Radio, Microwave, Infrared,
Visible light, Ultraviolet, X-rays, and
Gamma. Let’s learn about them.
Radio waves
Radio waves are a type of
electromagnetic wave with wavelengths
ranging from a few millimeters to
hundreds of kilometers.
• Radio waves were first discovered by
German physicist Heinrich Hertz in
1887. Heinrich Hertz
• They are the lowest-frequency Radio waves
electromagnetic waves.
1857 – 1984
• They can penetrate many materials,
such as walls and buildings.
• They can be reflected by the ionosphere.
This allows radio signals to be transmitted
over long distances
• They can be reflected by the ionosphere, a
layer of charged particles in the Earth's
atmosphere. This allows radio signals to be
transmitted over long distances. Hertz's first radio transmitter,
consisting of a pair of one meter
copper wires with a 7.5 mm spark gap
between them, ending in 30 cm zinc
spheres. When an induction coil
Microwaves applied a high voltage between the
two sides, sparks across the spark
Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic gap created standing waves of radio
radiation that are non-ionizing, which means frequency current in the wires,
which radiated radio waves.
they do not have enough energy to remove
electrons from atoms and molecules. This makes
them safe for use in a variety of applications,
including cooking, communication, and radar. Percy Spencer
Discovered the
• Percy Spencer is credited with inventing the Microwave oven
microwave oven in 1945. He noticed that a 1894 – 1970
candy bar in his pocket had melted while he
was working on a magnetron, a device used to
generate microwaves.
• Microwaves can be used to transmit data over
long distances. This is because they are not
easily absorbed by the atmosphere.
• Microwaves can be used to heat food. This is
because they can cause water molecules in
food to vibrate, which produces heat.
• Microwaves can be used to heat plasma. This
is because they can transfer energy to
electrons in a plasma, which causes them to
Infrared light is a type of electromagnetic
radiation that lies between the visible light
spectrum and microwaves. It is invisible to the
human eye, but we can feel it as heat. Infrared
light is emitted by all objects that are warm,
including the human body.
• Infrared radiation can be seen through
cameras, but not through a naked eye.
• William Herschel discovered it in 1800,by
setting up an experiment in which sunlight
was passed through a slit and then through a
prism, forming a spectrum on his table. He
arranged three thermometers in such a way
that the central one could be placed at
William Herschel
Discovered Infrared
different points in the spectrum. He noticed light
that the temperature increased beyond the red 1738 – 1822
end of the spectrum, even though there was no
visible light
• Used in tv remotes to transmit data from
remote to tv.
• Used in infrared cameras as they can be used
to see in the dark or through fog. They are
often used by the military, law enforcement,
and firefighters.
Visible light
Visible light is the only type of
electromagnetic radiation that is visible to
the human eye
• The color of visible light is determined by
its wavelength. Red light has the longest
wavelength, and violet light has the Wilhelm Röntgen
shortest wavelength. The other colors of the Discovered X-Rays
rainbow are in between red and violet.
1845 – 1923
X-rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation,
like visible light, but with higher energy and
shorter wavelengths. They are invisible to the
human eye, but they can pass through most
objects, including our body, making them useful
for medical imaging.
• X-rays are produced when high-velocity
electrons collide with a metal target. The
collision generates high-energy photons,
which are then emitted as X-rays.
• Excessive exposure to X-rays can damage the The first medical
skin, eyes, and other organs. X-Ray, taken by
Wilhelm Röntgen
• Long-term exposure to X-rays can increase
the risk of cancer.
Gamma Rays
Gamma rays are also produced by nuclear decay Paul Villard
and other radioactive processes. They are the Discovered Gamma Rays
most penetrating form of electromagnetic
radiation, and they can pass through even the 1860 – 1934
densest materials. This makes them a challenge
to detect and shield, but it also makes them
useful for medical imaging and cancer therapy.
• Gamma rays were observed in 1900 by French
physicist Paul Villard. He was studying the
radiation emitted by radium. He noticed that
there was a type of radiation that was even
more penetrating than the α and β rays that
had been previously identified. He called
this new type of radiation "gamma rays." A gamma ray burst, an
incredibly powerful explosion
• Gamma rays are ionizing radiation, which that releases more energy in a
means that they can damage DNA and other few seconds than the Sun will
emit in its entire lifetime.
molecules in cells. This damage can lead to They are the most energetic
cancer, but it can also be used to kill events in the universe since
cancer cells. the Big Bang
Thank you!
Hope you’ve learnt
something new!