First of all, let us praise and thank to Allah SWT for His blessings,
mercy and guidance so that we can all gather in this place. Wish
Allah pleasure with what we do today.
People are certainly familiar with the internet. Children to adults use
the internet in everyday life. we shouldn’t be surprised , because at
this time the internet can be accessed easily via mobile phones. So
that way, people can access the internet wherever an whenever
they are. And also, when they have a PC or lap top computer at
home, they also can access the internet. There is also a place that
provides internet facilities and it is spread everywhere including in
small cities. Place is “Warnet”
The use of social media in everyday life certainly has good and bad
impacts on its users. The black and white that I mentioned in the
opening of my speech meant the bad and good effects of the social
media that we use in our daily lifes
I’ll start with the good impact or what good things we can get from
social media :
That’s all my speeches to say. Thank you for your attention ladies an
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb