CAT4 Pharm MCQ

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CAT 4 - MARCH 2023



1. Drug absorption in gut following oral administration is,

A. Mostly occur in colon

B. Rapidly absorbed in ionic form
C. pH of stomach is not affected
D. Mostly occur via passive diffusion
E. Takes 60min to absorb completely

2. Factors that are needed to readily pass through a membrane

A. High lipid solubility

B. Low water solubility
C. Increased concentration gradient
D. Increased ionization
E. High molecular weight

3. Drugs that inhibit CYP450

A. Phenobarbitone
B. Phenytoin
C. Erythromycin
D. Warfarin
E. Isoniazid

4. The ligand that is correctly matched with its main physiological receptor

A. Atracurium - ligand gated receptor

B. Insulin - tyrosine-kinase linked receptor
C. Dopamine - nicotinic receptor
D. Prednisilone - nuclear receptor
E. Noradrenaline - G protein coupled receptor
5. Half life of a drug maybe helpful to determine

A. Time to reach steady state

B. Rate of absorption
C. Distribution into different compartments
D. Dose of drug
E. Amount absorbed

6. T/F regarding

A. Scientific validity in a study is a must in ethical clearance

B. If drug benefits are more than risks consent shouldn’t be take
C. Animal use in clinical trials need not be reveiwed by an independent
ethical committee
D. Infomed consent is not essential for phase IV
E. Prisoners are a vulnerable population in medical research

7. Regarding G-protein receptors

A. Cyclic GMP is recognised as a secondary messenger

B. G inhibit adenyl cyclase
C. Activated by agonists that produces results in miliseconds
D. On activation, alpha subunit is dissociated from alpha-beta-gamma
E. Also known as ionotrophic receptors

8. Regarding the development of drugs

A. Man is used in pre clinical trials

B. Phase I trials are called first in man trials
C. Phase II trials are conducted to measure the efficacy
D. Preclinical studies are carried out on healthy human
E. Randomization in clinical trials is done to minimise the selection bias

9. T/F regarding drug distribution

A. Free form is active

B. Bound form can cross blood brain barrier
C. Bound form cannot filter through the glomerular filtrate
D. Blood flow affects distrubution
E. Precense of other drugs may change the distribution
10. The renin angiotensin aldosterone system

A. Angiotensin II increases release of aldosterone

B. Angiotensin is a peptide autocoid
C. Drugs that inhibit Angiotensin converting enzyme increase pottasium
D. Renin is secreted in response to increase in intra vascular volume
E. Vasoconstriction occurs through AT1 receptors

11. Which of the following drugs have enzyme inducing properties

A. Cimetidine
B. Morphine
C. Diazepam
D. Sodium valporate
E. Griseofulvin

12. Systemic bioavailability is determined by

A. Hepatic blood flow

B. Hepatic clearance
C. Volume of distribution
D. Extent of absorption
E. Plasma half life

13. Regarding pharamcodynamics,

A. Hypersensitivity reactions may cause variation in drug responsiveness

B. Orally administered drugs maybe metabolized by gut flora
C. Rapid desensitization is called tachyphylaxis
D. Propanalol has high hepatic first pass metabolism
E. Anatgonists are drugs that don’t activate the receptor although they
bind to it

14. Which is true regarding endogenous substance and its anatgonist

A. Acetylcholine is a pharmacological anatgonist of histamine

B. Ipratropium is an antagonist of epinephrine
C. Dopamine is an antagonist of seratonin
D. Glutamate is an antagnist of GABA
E. Atropine is a physiological antagonist of acetylcholine

15. True or false regarding,

A. Beta blockers are tapered after a long term use due to upregulation
B. Activation of muscarinic receptors increases secretions
C. P glycoproteins are efflux transporters
D. Pinocytosis is a passive process
E. Tachyphylaxis occurs due to a long term use of drugs

16. Patient who had gone to eye clinic was examined by the
ophthalmologist by putting some eyedrops into his eyes. After coming back
home he developed severe vomitting and severe eye pain. He was taken to
the GP and he suspects of angle closure galucoma. The eye drops should be,

A. Parasympatholytic
B. Parasympathomimetic
C. Sympatholytic
D. Sympathomimetic
E. Both parasympatholytic and sympathomimetic

17. A petient was on treatment for hypothyroidism. He has changed to a

new thyroxine 3 months ago. His repeat TSH levels are markedly increased
suggesting of treatment failure. This is classified as,

A. Type A adverse drug reaction

B. Type B adverse drug reaction
C. Type C adverse drug reaction
D. Type D adverse drug reaction
E. Type E adverse drug reaction

18. 20yo boy coming with organophophate pesticide ingestion. He was

sweating, increased salivary secretion and had several episodes of vomitting
with decreased levels of consciousness. HR - 62bpm and BP - 80/50mmHg .
On auscultaion course crepitations in lungs were heard. Muscle fascicultaions
also could be seen. Which statement is true regarding the management?

A. Adrenaline is first line treatment for hypotension

B. Atropine is the drug of choice
C. Atropine reverse muscle paaralysis
D. Paradoxime anatogonize the effect of Ach on nicotinic receptors
E. Paradoxime has to be given after the first hour of ingestion

19. Which of the following is not affected by liver impairment

A. Reduction of chemical in the drug

B. Oxidation of drug entity
C. Conjugation of chemical entity
D. Hydrolysis of a drug entity
E. Acid neutralization of the drug

20. What is the target receptor of a person taking corticosteroids regularly

A. G protein coupled receptors

B. Ligand gated ion channels
C. Nuclear receptors
D. Tyrosine kinase linked enzyme receptors
E. Voltage gated ion channels

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