KTU MTech CAS Cluster10

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Kerala Technological University (KTU) Cluster 10 Curriculum, Syllabi And Course Plan



Cluster No. 10 for PG Programs

(Engineering Colleges in Kannur, Wayand & Kasaragod Districts)

Curriculum, Syllabi and Course plan for M. Tech. Degree Program with
effect from Academic Year 2015 - 2016


M. Tech.
(No. of Credits: 66)

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number


Internal Marks

Total Marks
Name L-T-P


A 10CE6101 Advanced Numerical Methods 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
B 10CE6103 Theory of Elasticity 3-1-0 40 60 3 100 4

C 10CE6105 Structural Dynamics 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3

Advanced Theory and Design of RC
D 10CE6107 3-1-0 40 60 3 100 4
E 10CE61xx Elective –I 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
S 10GN6001 Research Methodology 0-2-0 100 100 2
T 10CE6109 Seminar - I 0-0-2 100 100 2
Structural Engineering and
U 10CE6111 0-0-2 100 100 1
Computational Lab
TOTAL 15-4-4 500 300 - 800 22



10CE6113 Advanced Concrete Technology
10CE6115 Forensic Engineering
10CE6117 Structural Optimisation

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number

Internal Marks

Total Marks
Name L-T-P


A 10CE6102 Advanced Metal Structures 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
B 10CE6104 Finite Element Method 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
Analysis and Design of
C 10CE6106 Earthquake 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
Resistant Structures
D 10CE61xx Elective –II 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
E 10CE61xx Elective-III 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
V 10CE6108 Mini Project 0-0-4 100 100 2
Structural Engineering Design
U 10CE6112 0-0-2 100 100 1
Studio Lab
TOTAL 15-0-6 400 300 - 700 18



Elective –II
10CE6114 Theory of Plates and Shells
10CE6116 Composite Structures
10CE6118 Fracture Mechanics

Elective –III
10CE6122 Advanced Prestressed Concrete Design
10CE6124 Analysis and Design of Substructures
10CE6126 High Rise Structures

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number Examination

Internal Marks

Total Marks
Name L-T-P


A 10CE71xx Elective –IV 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3
B 10CE71xx Elective–V 3-0-0 40 60 3 100 3

T 10CE7101 Seminar-II 0-0-2 100 100 2

V 10CE7103 Project (Phase 1) 0-0-12 50 50 6

TOTAL 6-0-14 230 120 - 350 14



10CE7105 Design of Bridges
10CE7107 Structural Reliability
10CE7109 Theory of Plasticity

10CE7111 Stability of structures
10CE7113 Random Vibration
10CE7115 Advanced Finite Element Analysis

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number Examination

Internal Marks

Total Marks
Name L-T-P


V 10CE7104 Project (Phase 2) 0-0-23 70 30 100 12

TOTAL 0-0-23 70 30 - 100 12




Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6101 Advanced Numerical Methods 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
To enable students to:

• Get awareness to different numerical solutions.

• Impart ability to apply mathematics to finding solutions to practical problems.


Introduction to numerical methods- errors in numerical methods-Systems of linear algebraic

equations- Eigen Value problems- power method- Jacobi method-Practical examples- Lagrangian
and Hermitian interpolation- Quadratic and Cubic splines- Multiple linear regression-Numerical
integration- Romberg integration- Gaussian quadrature- Newton – Cotes open quadrature- Taylor
series expansion of functions-
Ordinary differential equations- 1st order equations- Solution by use of Taylor series- Euler method
and its modifications- Runge-Kutta method- Higher order equations of the initial value type-
Predictor corrector methods- Milne’s method and Hamming’s method- Stability of solutions-
Ordinary differential equations of the boundary value type- Partial differential equations in two
dimensions- Finite difference method- Problems with irregular boundaries.

Expected Outcome

• Students get awareness of different numerical solutions.

• Impart ability to apply mathematics to finding solutions to real time problems.


1. Chapra S.C. and Canale R.P. Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill.
2. Smith G.D. Numerical solutions for Differential Equations,McGraw Hill.
3. Ketter and Prawel, Modern Methods for Engineering Computations,McGraw Hill.
4. Rajasekharan S., Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering, S Chand & company.
5.Rajasekharan S., Numerical Methods for Initial and Boundary value problems, Khanna
6. Terrence J.Akai, Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers, Wiley publishers.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction to numerical methods- errors in numerical methods-

I Systems of linear algebraic equations- Elimination and factorization 15
methods-ill conditioned systems- symmetric and banded systems-
Gauss Seidel iteration for sparse systems.

Eigen Value problems- power method- Jacobi method-Practical

examples- Systems of non-linear equations- Newton-Raphson method. 7 15


Langrangian and Hermitian interpolation- Quadratic and Cubic splines
(Examples with equal intervals only)- Data smoothing by least squares
III criterion- Non- polynomial models like exponential model and power 15
equation- Multiple linear regression-Numerical integration- Romberg
integration- Gaussian quadrature- Newton – Cotes open quadrature-
Taylor series expansion of functions
Ordinary differential equations- 1st order equations- Solution by use of
Taylor series- Euler method and its modifications- Runge- kutta
IV method- Higher order equations of the initial value type- Predictor 15
corrector methods- Milne’s method and Hamming’s method- Stability
of solutions.
Ordinary differential equations of the boundary value type- Finite
difference solution- Weighted residual methods for initial value
V 20
problems and boundary value problems- Collocation method- Sub 7
domain method- Method of least squares- Galerkin’s method.

Partial differential equations in two dimensions- Parabolic equations-

VI Explicit finite difference method- Crank-Nicholson implicit method-
7 20
Ellipse equations- Finite difference method- Problems with irregular

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6103 Theory of Elasticity 3-1-0 4 2015

Course Objectives
• To understand the behaviour of linear elastic solids under loads
• Provide a firm foundation for more advanced courses, for research and practise in Civil
engineering field
• To provide the student with various solution strategies while applying them to practical cases


Analysis of stress in 3D - Analysis of strain in 3D - Stress Strain relations - Two dimensional

problems in Rectangular coordinates - Two dimensional problems in polar coordinates - Torsion of
prismatic bars.

Expected Outcome

• Understand concepts, principles and governing equations related to the analysis of elastic solids
• To obtain skill and capability in analysing and solving problems in Civil Engineering


1. TimoshenkoS.P and Goodier. J.N., Theory of Elasticity, McGraw Hill.

2. SrinathL.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Sokolnikoff I.S., Mathematical theory of Elasticity, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. AmeenM., Computational Elasticity, Narosa Publishing House.
5. Boresi A.P., SchimidtR.J., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley.
6. T.G.Sitharam, Applied Elasticity, Interline publishing.
7. Phillips, Durelli and Tsao, Analysis of Stress and Strain, McGraw Hill.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Analysis of stress in 3D:Definition of stress at a point – Stress tensor –

Equilibrium equations Stress on arbitrarily oriented plane –
I Transformation of stress – Principal stress - Stress invariants – 10 15
Octahedral stresses – Traction boundary conditions, Hydrostatic and
Deviatoric Stress Tensors. Numerical examples
Analysis of strain in 3D:Strain tensor – Strain displacement relations for
small deformations – Compatibility conditions – Strain 8 15
transformations– Principal strains – Strain invariants, Octahedral
strains, Hydrostatic and deviatoric strains. Numerical examples
Stress Strain relations: Generalised Hooke’s law – Reduction in
number of elastic constants for orthotropic, transversely isotropic and
III isotropic media, Boundary value problems of elasticity – 8 15
Displacement, Traction and Mixed types. Navier’s Equations,
Beltrami-Michell’s Equations, Saint Venant’s principle. Uniqueness of
Solution. Numerical examples
Two dimensional problems in Rectangular coordinates: Plane stress
IV and plane strain problems - Airy’s stress function -Solution by 10 15
polynomials – Bending of cantilever loaded at free end, Bending of
simply supported beam with udl., pure bending of curved beams
Two dimensional problems in polar coordinates: General equations-
Equilibrium equations, Strain displacement relations and Stress strain
V relations, compatibility relations Biharmonic equations and Airy’s 10 20
stress functions- Problems of axisymmetric stress distributions - Thick
cylinders - Stress concentration due to circular hole in plates (Kirsch’s
problem). Numerical examples
Torsion of prismatic bars: Saint Venant’s Semi inverse and Prandtl’s
VI stress function approach – Torsion of Straight bars – Elliptic and 10 20
Equilateral triangular cross section. Membrane Analogy -Torsion of
thin walled open and closed tubes, Numerical examples

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6105 Structural Dynamics 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
To enable students :
• To understand the behaviour of structures under dynamic loads
• To familiarise with the dynamic analysis of structures subjected to time varying loads


Vibration studies and its importance–Systems with single degree of freedom –Undamped and
damped free vibration– Logarithmic decrement. Response of single degree of freedom systems to
harmonic, impulse, periodic and general loading. Vibration isolation –Vibration measuring
instruments – Methods of vibration control –Multi-degree of freedom systems –Lumped mass and
consistent mass – Shear building concept and models for dynamic analysis – Evaluation of natural
frequencies and mode shapes. Co-ordinate coupling - Orthogonality of normal modes - Forced
vibration analysis of multi-degree of freedom systems - Mode superposition .Distributed mass
(continuous) systems -Forced vibration of single span beams – Lagrange’s equation.

Expected Outcome
• Students will be equipped with the analytical tools required to determine the dynamic
response of structures
• Will serve as a pre-requisite to study the subject “Analysis and design of earthquake
resistant structures”.

1. Clough R W and Penzien J, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Biggs J M, Introduction to Structural dynamics, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics – Theory and Computation, CBS Publishers and Distributors,
4. Mukhopadhyay M, Structural Dynamics - Vibrations and Systems, Ane Books India, Delhi.
5. Humar J, Dynamics of Structures, CRC Press, Netherlands.
6. Anil K Chopra, Dynamics of Structures- Theory and Application to Earthquake Engineering,
Pearson Education, New Delhi.
7. Roy R Craig, Structural Dynamics – An Introduction to Computer Method, John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
8. Thomson W T, Theory of Vibration with Application, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
9. Weaver W, Timoshenko S P, Young D H, Vibration Problems in Engineering, John Wiley & Sons,

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Vibration studies and its importance to structural engineering

applications – Types of dynamic loading – Systems with single degree
I of freedom – Elements of a vibratory system – Mathematical model for
9 15
single degree of freedom systems- Equation of motion – damping in
vibrating system-Undamped and damped free vibration of single
degree of freedom system – Logarithmic decrement.
Response of single degree of freedom systems to harmonic, impulse,
periodic and general loading (Duhamel integral) – Numerical solution
II of single degree of freedom systems – Central Difference Method – 7 15
Average acceleration method, Wilson-θ method- Newmark – β
Vibration isolation –Vibration measuring instruments – Methods of
vibration control – Tuned mass damper – Multi-degree of freedom
III systems – Equation of motion – Lumped mass and consistent mass –
7 15
Shear building concept and models for dynamic analysis – Evaluation
of natural frequencies and mode shapes by solution of characteristic
Co-ordinate coupling - Orthogonality of normal modes – Stodola and
Rayleigh’s methods for the evaluation of natural frequencies and
IV mode shapes – Forced vibration analysis of multi-degree of freedom 7 15
systems - Mode superposition method of analysis - Response of
discrete systems to support motion.
Distributed mass (continuous) systems – differential equation of
V motion – Axial vibration of rods – Flexural vibration of single span
7 20
beams -simply supported beam, cantilever beam and fixed beam -
Evaluation of frequencies and mode shapes
VI Beam flexure including shear deformation and rotary inertia – Forced
5 20
vibration of single span beams – Lagrange’s equation.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Advanced Theory and Design
10CE6107 3-1-0 4 2015
of RC Structures

Course Objectives
This course is designed to
• Provide the ability to analysis and design basic reinforced concrete components;
• Study of advanced topics including theory and design of reinforced concrete structures


Basic theory and design philosophies-Advanced theory in Stress-strain characteristics of concrete -

Failure criteria for concrete. -Estimation of deflection and control of cracking, RCC beam – column
joints-Flat Slabs-Design of special RC members-Strut and Tie Models- Development- Design
methodology- .Design of concrete corbels, deep beams, ribbed slabs, pile caps. Yield line analysis of
slabs, Moment redistribution in continuous beams

Expected Outcome
• To design the main elements in reinforced concrete structures
• To study the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures
• To analyse and design flat slabs
• To design special reinforced concrete members and components


1. Park, R. and Pauley, T., Reinforced Concrete Structures, John Wiley

2. Varghese, P.C., Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, Prentice-Hall
3. Arthur. H. Nilson, David Darwin and Charles W Dolan, Design of Concrete Structures, Tata
McGraw Hill
4. Subramanian, N., Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Oxford University Press.
5. Gambhir, M. L., Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, PHI Learning Private Limited.
6. IS 456, Indian Standard for Plain and Reinforced Concrete- Code of Practice, New Delhi
7. ACI 318M, American Concrete Institute, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Review on Basic theory and design philosophies-Advanced theory in

Stress-strain characteristics of concrete under uniaxial and multiaxial
I states of stress - confined concrete- Effect of cyclic loading on concrete 10 15
and reinforcing steel. Stress block parameters-Failure criteria for
Estimation of deflection- immediate and long term deflection- control
II of cracking, estimation of crack width in RC members, codal 8 15
procedures on crack width computations.

III RCC beam – column joints- classification – shear strength- design of

8 15
exterior and interior joints- wide beam joints.

Flat Slabs – Structural requirements-Determination of design bending

IV moments-Direct design method – equivalent frame method- 10 15
comparison of flat slab with two way slab-Openings in flat slabs.
Strut and Tie Models- Development- Design methodology- selecting
V dimensions for struts- ACI Provisions- Applications. Design of concrete 10 20
corbels, deep beams, ribbed slabs, pile caps.
Yield line analysis of slabs, yield line mechanisms-equilibrium and
VI virtual work method, Hillerborg’s strip method. Limitations of yield 10 20
line theory-Moment redistribution in continuous beams.


Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10GN6001 Research Methodology 0-2-0 2 2015

Course Objectives
This course is designed to
• To attain a perspective of the methodology of doing research;
• To develop skills related to professional communication and technical report writing.
• As a tutorial type course, this course is expected to be more learner centric and active
involvement from the learners are expected which encourages self-study and group
discussions. The faculty mainly performs a facilitator’s role


Overview of research methodology - research process - scientific methods -research problem and
design - research design process - formulation of research task, literature review and web as a
source - problem solving approaches - experimental research - ex post facto research. Thesis
writing - reporting and presentation - interpretation and report writing - principles of thesis
writing- format of reporting, oral presentation - seminars and conferences, Research proposals -
research paper writing - publications and ethics - considerations in publishing, citation, plagiarism
and intellectual property rights. Research methods – modeling and simulation - mathematical
modeling – graphs - heuristic optimization - simulation modeling - measurement design – validity
– reliability – scaling - sample design - data collection methods and data analysis.
Expected Outcome
The students are expected to :

• Be motivated for research through the attainment of a perspective of research methodology;

• Analyze and evaluate research works and to formulate a research problem to pursue
• Develop skills related to professional communication, technical report writing and
publishing papers.


1. C.R Kothari, Research Methodology : Methods & Techniques, New Age International
2. R. Panneerselvam, Research Methodology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. K. N. Krishnaswamy, AppaIyerSivakumar, and M. Mathirajan, Management Research
Methodology, Integration of Principles, Pearson Education.
4. Deepak Chawla, and MeenaSondhi, Research Methodology – Concepts & Cases, Vikas
Publishing House.
5. J.W. Bames, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists, McGraw Hill, New York.
6. Schank Fr., Theories of Engineering Experiments, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
7. Willktnsion K. L, Bhandarkar P. L, Formulation of Hypothesis, Himalaya Publication.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

8. Douglas C Montgomery, Design and analysis of experiments, Wiley International

9. Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology: A step by step guide for beginners, Pearson Education.
10. Donald Cooper, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
11. Leedy P D, Practical Research : Planning and Design, N W MacMillan Publishing Co
12. Day R A, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press.
13. Coley S M and Scheinberg C A, Proposal Writing, Newbury Sage Publications.
14. Sople, Managing Intellectual Property: The Strategic Imperative, Prentice Hall of India, New
15. Manna, Chakraborti, Values and Ethics in Business Profession, Prentice Hall of India, New
16. Vesilind, Engineering, Ethics and the Environment, Cambridge University Press.
17. Wadehra, B.L. Law relating to patents, trademarks, copyright designs and geographical
indications, Universal Law Publishing


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Overview of Research Methodology: Research concepts, meaning,

I objectives, motivation, types of research, research process, criteria for
5 15
good research, problems encountered by Indian researchers, scientific
method, research design process.
Research Problem and Design : Formulation of research task, literature
review, methods, primary and secondary sources, web as a source,
browsing tools, formulation of research problems, exploration,
II 5 15
hypothesis generation, problem solving approaches, introduction to
TRIZ (TIPS), experimental research, principles, laboratory experiment,
experimental designs, ex post facto research, qualitative research.
Thesis Writing, Reporting and Presentation : Interpretation and report
writing, techniques of interpretation, precautions in interpretation,
significance of report writing, principles of thesis writing, format of
III reporting, different steps in report writing, layout and mechanics of
4 15
research report, references, tables, figures, conclusions, oral
presentation, preparation, making presentation, use of visual aids,
effective communication, preparation for presentation in seminars and
Research proposals, Publications, Ethics and IPR : Research proposals,
development and evaluation, research paper writing, layout of a
IV 5 15
research paper, journals in engineering, considerations in publishing,
scientometry, impact factor, other indexing like h-index, citations, open
access publication, ethical issues, plagiarism, software for plagiarism
Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


checking, intellectual property right (IPR), patenting case studies.


Research Methods - Modelling and Simulation : Modelling and
simulation, concepts of modelling, mathematical modelling, composite
V 5 20
modelling, modelling with ordinary differential equations, partial
differential equations (PDE), graphs, heuristics and heuristic
optimization, simulation modelling.
Research Methods - Measurement, Sampling and Data Acquisition :
Measurement design, errors, validity and reliability in measurement,
VI 4 20
scaling and scale construction, sample design, sample size
determination, sampling errors, data collection procedures, sources of
data, data collection methods, data preparation and data analysis.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6109 Seminar - I 0-0-2 2 2015

Course Objectives

(1) To enhance the reading ability required for the literature review regarding the project work;

(2) To develop skills regarding professional communication and technical report writing.


Students have to select a topic and present a seminar in first semester on any current topic related
to the branch of specialization under the guidance of a faculty member. It is recommended that
the same faculty member may serve as his/her supervisor for the mini-project in 2nd semester and
also for the main project during 3rd& 4th semesters. Hence it is also recommended that a topic,
possibly relevant to his mini-cum-main project may be selected as the topic for seminar-1, after the
consultation with the guide. The student will undertake a detailed study of the subject based on
current published papers, journals, and books and present it before a committee with the Head of
the Department as the chairman and two faculty members (Faculty advisor + Guide) from the
department as members. The presentation shall be of 20 minutes duration with another 5 minutes
allocated for a discussion session. The committee shall evaluate the seminar based on the style of
presentation, technical context, coverage of the topic, adequacy of references, depth of knowledge
and the overall quality. Moreover, each student has to submit a seminar report in the prescribed
format given by the Institution.

Expected Outcomes

The students are expected to :

(1) Be motivated in reading which enhances the literature review required for doing project work;

(2) Develop skills regarding professional communication and technical report writing.


1. M. Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Day R A, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press
3. Coley S M and Scheinberg C A, Proposal Writing, Newbury Sage Publications.

Course plan

Item Description Time

1 Abstract Submission 3 Weeks

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

2 Allotment of Topic and Scheduling Seminars 2 Weeks

3 Presentation Sessions 4 Weeks

4 Report Submission 4 Weeks

5 Publishing Grades 2 Weeks

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Structural Engineering and
10CE6111 0-0-2 1 2015
Computational Lab

Course Objectives

• Practical training for conducting experiments related to structural engineering.

• Ability to solve stress analysis problems.
• Ability to write algorithms for problem solving


Details of experiments

1. Review of testing methods of cement, coarse aggregate and fine aggregate as per Indian
2. Design of concrete mixes as per Indian Standard
3. Study of behaviour of RCC beams
4. Study of behaviour of RCC columns.
5. Accelerated curing experiments for concrete.
6. Study of behaviour of steel beams.
7. Free vibration analysis of steel cantilever beams.
8. Non- destructive testing of concrete
a) Rebound hammer
b) Core cutting
c) Ultrasonic pulse velocity
d) Pullout test
e) Detection of embedded reinforcements
9. Analysis of plates using software package.
10. Analysis of shells using software package.
11. Analysis of frames using software package.
12. Writing programs in any high level language for solving computational problems

Expected Outcome
• Acquire capacity to organise experiments for project work.
• Capability to use finite element packages for stress analysis.
• Building capacity to write programs for problem solving

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Expt. Title Hours

No. Allotted
1 Review of testing methods of cement, coarse aggregate and 2
fine aggregate as per Indian Standards.

2 Design of concrete mixes as per Indian Standard 2

3 Study of behaviour of RCC beams 2

4 Study of behaviour of RCC columns. 2

5 Accelerated curing experiments for concrete. 2

6 Study of behaviour of steel beams. 2

7 Free vibration analysis of steel cantilever beams 2

8 Non- destructive testing of concrete 2
a) Rebound hammer
b) Core cutting
c) Ultrasonic pulse velocity
d) Pullout test
e)Detection of embedded reinforcements
9 Analysis of plates using software package. 2

10 Analysis of shells using software package. 2

11 Analysis of frames using software package 2
12 Writing programs in any high level language for solving 8
computational problems

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Advanced Concrete
10CE6113 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
• The course is designed to provide anadvanced level knowledge on properties of concrete
and its performance based on the behavior of ingredients and environmental conditions.


Ready mix concrete, under water concreting, shotcrete, Temperature problems, High strength
concrete, High performance concrete, Fiber reinforced concrete, Ferro cement, Light weight
concrete, High density concrete, Durability, Test on Hardened concrete, NDT tests on concrete.

Expected Outcome
The students are expected to select concrete mix based on the requirement of the structure and
performance based on the environmental conditions.


1. Kumar Mehta.P., Paulo J.M. Monteiro., Concrete- Microstructure, Properties andMaterials, Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. Neville, A.M and J.J. Brooks., Concrete Technology, Prentice Hall.
3. Neville, A.M.., Properties of Concrete, Prentice Hall.
4. Zongjin Li, Advanced Concrete Technology, Wiley.
5. Gambhir,M.L., Concrete Technology - Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill Education (India)
Private Limited.
6. Shetty, M.S., Concrete Technology, Chand & Co.
7. Santhakumar, A. R., Concrete Technology, Oxford University Press.
8. IS: 10262, Recommended Guidelines for concrete Mix Design, Bureau of Indian Standard.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


I Ready mix concrete - manufacture, transporting, placing, precautions

5 15
and methods of purchase. Code recommendations

Temperature problems in concreting- Hot weather problems and hot

II weather concreting, large concrete masses, cold weather concreting, 5 15


Fiber reinforced concrete - Fibers types and properties, Behavior of FRC

III in compression, tension including pre-cracking stage and post-cracking 7 15

IV Ferro cement - materials, techniques of manufacture, properties and

7 15
application, advantages.


Light weight concrete- materials properties and types. Typical light
weight concrete mix- High density concrete -materials, properties and
V applications.High performance concrete-methods of obtaining high 8 20
performance concrete, factors controlling high performance materials,
properties, applications.
Durability and impermeability- Cracking, carbonation, alkali-silica
reaction, chemical attack-sulphate attack and chloride attack.Test on
VI Hardened concrete-Effect of end condition of specimen, capping, H/D
10 20
ratio, rate of loading, moisture condition. Compression, tension and
flexure tests.NDT tests on concrete- concepts-Rebound hammer, pulse
velocity methods.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6115 Forensic Engineering 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• To discuss the causes of damages observed in concrete and steel structures

• Know- how of repair and retrofitting


Failure of Structures: Causes of distress in structural members-Environmental Problems and

natural Hazards. Causes of deterioration in concrete and steel structures. Preventive measures,
Diagnosis and assessment of deterioration- Methods of repair of cracks- Repairing of corrosion
damage of reinforced concrete. Modern techniques of Retrofitting. Strengthening by pre-stressing.
Repair of steel structures

Expected Outcome
Student develops the capability to identify reasons of distress in structures and suggest repair/
remedial measures


1. Sidney M Johnson, Deterioration, Maintenance and Repairs of Structures, McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York
2. Dovkaminetzky, Design and Construction Failures, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi
3.Jacob Field and Kennenth L Carper, Structural Failures, Wiley Europe

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Failure of Structures: Review of the construction theory – performance

I problems – responsibility and accountability – causes of distress in
5 15
structural members – design and material deficiencies – over loading.
Environmental Problems and Natural Hazards.

Causes of deterioration in concrete and steel structures. Preventive

II 5 15
measures, maintenance and inspection.


Diagnosis and assessment of deterioration, visual inspection, non
III destructive tests, ultrasonic pulse velocity method, rebound hammer
7 15
method, pull out tests, Windsor probe test, crack detection techniques,
Case studies on diagnosis of deterioration – single and multi-storey
buildings – Fibre optic method for prediction of structural weakness.
IV Effect of corrosive, chemical and marine environment – pollution and
7 15
carbonation problems – durability of RCC structures – damage due to
earthquakes and strengthening of buildings – provisions of BIS 1893
and 4326.
Methods of repair of cracks, repairing spalling and disintegration,
V repairing concrete floors and pavements. Repairing of corrosion 8 20
damage of reinforced concrete. Repair of steel structures.
Modern Techniques of Retrofitting. Structural first aid after a disaster –
guniting, jacketing – use of chemicals in repair – application of
VI polymers – ferrocement and fiber concretes as rehabilitation materials – 10 20
strengthening by pre-stressing – case studies – bridges – water tanks –
cooling towers – heritage buildings – high rise buildings.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6117 Structural Optimisation 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• The ability to identify the importance of optimization in the civil engineering field
• Should be able to use optimization techniques for real life time applications
• Ability to apply optimization concepts for solving multi task applications


Problem formulation with examples-Single Variable Unconstrained Optimization Techniques-

Multi Variable Unconstrained Optimization Techniques-Constrained Optimization Techniques-
Indirect methods-Direct methods-Specialized Optimization techniques

Expected Outcome
• Understand various optimization methods
• Understand capabilities of optimization programmes
• Understand & analyse various techniques and apply them for real time situations


1. Rao S. S., Engineering Optimisation – Theory and Practice, New Age International.
2. Deb, K., Optimisation for Engineering Design – Algorithms and examples, Prentice Hall.
3. Kirsch U., Optimum Structural Design, McGraw Hill.
4. Arora J S. Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill
5. Rajeev S and Krishnamoorthy C. S., Discrete Optimisation of Structures using Genetic
Algorithms,Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 118, No. 5, 1992, 1223-1250.


Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


I Problem formulation with examples. 7 15

Single Variable Unconstrained Optimization Techniques ⎯Optimality

Criteria - Interpolation methods Quadratic Interpolation,Cubic
II 7 15
Interpolation -Gradient Based methods- Bisection, Newton Raphson,
Secant Methods.
Multi Variable Unconstrained Optimization Techniques- Unidirectional
III Search, Pattern Search⎯ Optimality Criteria. Simplex method - Gradient
7 15
based methods-Cauchy’s method, Newton’s method, Quasi Newton
Methods, Fletcher reeves method, Marquardt’s method.

IV Constrained Optimization Techniques ⎯Classical methods - Linear

7 15
programming problem.


Indirect methods- Transformation Techniques, Exterior and Interior
V penalty function. Direct methods—Zoudentijk’s method, Rosen’s GRG 7 20
Specialized Optimization techniques ⎯Dynamic programming,
VI 7 20
Geometric programming, Genetic Algorithms.


Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6102 Advanced Metal Structures 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• Acquire concepts of limit state design of steel structures.

• Impart ability to analyse structures and design using steel as a material


Plastic methods of analysis and design - Plastic design with LRFD concepts

Design of connections:

Design of light gauge steel structures

Design of industrial buildings

Design of members subjected to lateral loads and axial loads -. Design of Aluminium Structures

Expected Outcome
• Students get concepts of limit state design of steel structures.
• Students should be able to analyse structures and design using steel as a material

1. Gaylord ., Design of steel structures, McGraw Hill, New York.

2. Duggal.S.K., Limit state design of steel structures, Tata McH

3. Subrahmanian.N, Design of steel structures, Oxford.

3. Wie-Wen Yu.,Cold-Formed Steel Structures, McGraw Hill Book Company.

4. SP : 6(5) : ISI Handbook for Structural Engineers - Cold Formed light gauge steel structures.

5. SP : 6(6) : Application of plastic theory in design of steel structures.

6. IS : 801 : Code of Practice for use of Cold-Formed light gauge steel structural members in general
building construction.

7. Lothers, Advanced design in steel, Prentice Hall, USA.

8. Chen, W.F., and Toma,., Advanced Analysis of Steel Frames.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction - Plastic methods of analysis and design - plastic behavior

I under static and cyclic loading - static, kinematic and uniqueness
7 15
theorems - shape factors – moment redistribution - Analysis of single
and two bay portal frames

Plastic design with LRFD concepts - LRFD with elastic analysis -

II 7 15
Current and future design philosophies


Design of connections: Bolted connections - Failure modes of a joint -
High strength bolts - HSFG bolts - Seat angle and web angle
III connections - moment resistant connections - semi rigid connections - 7 15
Design of framed beam connection – continuous beam to beam
Welded connections - Stiffened beam seat connection - Moment
resistant joint Tubular connections - Parameters of an in plane joint -
IV Hotspots - Welds in tubular joints – Curved weld length at intersection 7 15
of tubes - SHS and RHS tubes - design parameters – Advance types of
welded connections.
Design of light gauge steel structures: Introduction – Types of cross
sections – Materials– Local and post buckling of thin elements –
V Stiffened and multiple stiffened compression elements – Tension 7 20
members – Beams and deflection of beams – Combined stresses and
Design of industrial buildings: Design of members subjected to lateral
loads and axial loads - Sway and non-sway frames, bracings and bents
- Rigid frame joints - Knees for rectangular frames and pitched roofs -
VI Knees with curved flanges - Valley joints – Rigid joints in multistorey 7 20
buildings - Vierendeel girders. Design of Aluminium Structures:
Introduction – Stress-strain relationship – Permissible stresses –
Tension members – Compression members

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6104 Finite Element Method 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• Provide the fundamental concepts of FEM and its applications in structural



Introduction - Boundary value problems - General procedure in Finite Element Method -

Formulation techniques - Basic elements - Interpolation and shape functions - Isoparametric
Formulation – coordinate mapping - Numerical Integration - Plain stress, plain strain,
axisymmetric problems

Expected Outcome
The students are expected to gain the fundamental ideas of finite element analysis and
appreciate its advantages in solving structural engineering problems.


1. Cook, R.D., et al, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley.
2. Desai, C.S., Elementary Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Chandrupatla, T.R., and Belegundu, A.D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
Prentice Hall of India.
4. Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall of India.
5. Gallaghar, R.H., Finite Element Analysis: Fundamentals, Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Rajasekaran, S., Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, Wheeler Pub.
7. Krishnamoorthy, C.S., Finite Element Analysis – Theory and Programming, Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Zienkiewicz, O.C., and Taylor, R.L., The Finite Element Method, Vol. I and II, McGraw Hill.
9. Bhatti, Asghar, Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: with Mathematica and
Matlab Computations

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction - Boundary value problems

I Introduction to approximate numerical solutions for solving 7 15
differential equations

Formulation techniques: Element equations using variational approach

II 7 15
- Element equations using weighted residual approach


Basic elements: Interpolation and shape functions - convergence
III requirements. 7 15
CST, LST, bilinear rectangle elements – solid elements
Isoparametric Formulation: coordinate mapping - One dimensional bar
IV element 7 15
Development of stiffness matrix for beam elements.
Two dimensional isoparametric elements - CST, LST, bilinear
V quadrilateral elements - Plain stress, plain strain problems 7 20
Introduction to higher order elements
VI Numerical Integration: Gauss quadrature
7 20
Axisymmetric problems

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Analysis and Design of
10CE6106 Earthquake Resistant 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• To impart awareness about the effect of earthquakes on structures.

• To study IS code provisions for the analysis, design and detailing of earthquake
resistant structures

Elements of earthquake engineering; Earthquake response spectrum; Earthquake effects on

structures; Review of damages during past earthquakes; Earthquake resistant design of structures;
Design philosophy and guidelines ; IS 1893 Codal provisions- Determination of lateral forces; IS
13920 Codal provisions- basic principles for design and reinforcement detailing for members and
joints ; Methods for repair & rehabilitation of damaged structure; Disaster mitigation

Expected Outcome
• Understand various aspects of earthquake engineering
• Capability for design and detailing of earthquake resistant structures
• Awareness of disaster management after earthquakes


1. IS: 1893, Indian Standard criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
2. IS: 4326, Indian Standard code for practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of
Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
3. IS: 13920, Indian Standard Ductile Detailing of RCC Structures subjected to seismic forces- Code
of practice, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
4. SP: 22, Explanatory Handbook on codes of Earthquake Engineering, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi
5. PankajAgarwal and Manish Shrikhande, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Prentice-
Hall of India, New Delhi.
6. Anil K Chopra, Dynamics of Structures, Prentice- Hall of India, New Delhi.
7. S. K. Duggal, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures-Oxford University Press

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Elements of earthquake engineering: plate tectonics theory- seismic

I waves- earthquake intensity and magnitude- characteristics of ground
7 15
motion - recording instruments - consequences of earthquake- seismic
Earthquake resistant design of structures: Design philosophy and
II guidelines –IS 1893 codal provisions; Determination of lateral forces- 7 15
Seismic coefficient method of analysis – Dynamic analysis.
Earthquake response spectrum - characteristics-design spectrum;
III Earthquake effects on structures: effect of architectural features and 7 15
structural irregularities- review of damages during past earthquakes.
Torsion in buildings - calculation of shear force; Stress-Strain
behaviour of concrete and steel under cyclic loads- Effect of concrete
IV confinement-Ductility of RC members- Modes of failure of beams and
7 15
columns- Desirable collapse mechanisms -Capacity Design philosophy;
IS 13920 Code provisions- basic principles for design and
reinforcement detailing for members and joints.
Examples on design of RC beams and columns using IS 13920; Shear
V Walls – functions, modes of failure- Design Examples; Design of 9 20
Methods for Repair and rehabilitation of damaged structures; Methods
VI for disaster mitigation; Vulnerability assessment and seismic 6 20
evaluation of structures – vulnerability reduction.


Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6108 Mini Project 0-0-4 2 2015

Course Objectives

(1) To support the problem based learning approach and to enhance the reading habit among

(2) To enhance the skills regarding the implementation aspects of small hardware/software
Each student has to do a mini project related to the branch of specialization under the guidance of a
faculty member. It has to be approved by a committee constituted by the institute concerned. It is
recommended that the same faculty member may serve as his/her Project Supervisor during 3rd&
4th semesters. The mini project is conceptualized in such a way that, some the outcomes of the
work can be utilized in the selection of the thesis. Hence on completion of mini project the student
can suggest possible list of their thesis topic in the second semester itself. The implementation of
the mini project can be software and/or hardware based one. Mini project is envisaged as a way for
implementing problem based learning. Problems of socially relevance and/or problems identified by
the institute/ research organizations/ industry/ state should be given high priority. In such
interdisciplinary and inter institutional projects, a student can have co-guide(s) from other
department/ institute/ research organizations/ industry. The university encourages
interdisciplinary projects and problem based learning strategy. The references cited for the mini project
shall be authentic.
Expected Outcomes
The students are expected to :
(1) Develop skills regarding enumerating and selecting problems, subsequent analysis, and
effective implementation of the solution;
(2) Be motivated and successful in the selection of the topic for the main project.
1. J.W. Bames, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists, McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Schank Fr., Theories of Engineering Experiments, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
3. Douglas C Montgomery, Design and analysis of experiments, Wiley International
4. Leedy P D, Practical Research : Planning and Design, N W MacMillan Publishing Co

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Item Description Time

1 Abstract Submission 2 Weeks

2 Allotment of Topic 1 Week

3 Preliminary Presentation Sessions 1 Week

4 Implementation Phase 9 Weeks

5 Final Presentation-cum Demonstration 1 Week

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Structural Engineering Design
10CE6112 0-0-2 1 2015
Studio Lab

Course Objectives
• Ability to model, analyse and interpret results using various structures using software packages
such as SAP2000, ETABS, ANYSIS and ABAQUS
• Provide a firm foundation for research and practice in civil engineering


Concrete Structures
Analysis, design and detailing of solid slabs in a typical floor for a residential building-Analysis,
design and detailing of beams in a typical intermediate floor of a multi-storey building- Analysis,
design and detailing of circular ring beam supporting an overhead water tank- Analysis, design
and detailing of a ribbed slab floor system- Generation of interaction curves for RC rectangular
columns- Design of slender columns subject to biaxial bending

Metal Structures
Design of Steel Industrial Building - Design of Steel Multi-storey Building - Design of steel Bridge -
Design of storage structures

Expected Outcome
• Understand concepts and principles involved in structural analysis and design
• To get fundamental knowledge in interpreting the results from FEM packages.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Expt. Title Hours

No. Allotted
1 Analysis, design and detailing of solid slabs in a typical 2
floor for a residential building

2 Analysis, design and detailing of beams in a typical 2

intermediate floor of a multi-storey building

3 Analysis, design and detailing of circular ring beam 2

supporting an overhead water tank

4 Analysis, design and detailing of a ribbed slab floor system 2

5 Generation of interaction curves for RC rectangular columns 2

6 Design of slender columns subject to biaxial bending 2

7 Design of Steel Industrial Building 2

8 Design of Steel Multi-storey Building 2

9 Design of steel Bridge 2

10 Design of storage structures 2

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6114 Theory of Plates and Shells 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
To enable students to:
• Identify the various thin walled structures in the form of plates and shells suitable for
use in different structural systems.
• Study the behaviour of the plates and shells with variable geometry under the action of
different types of loads.


Introduction to plates and shells - Assumptions in the theory of thin plates; Bending of long
rectangular plates; Pure bending of plates ; Small deflections of laterally loaded plates -Navier
solution and Levy’s solution for simply supported rectangular plates; Symmetrical bending of
circular plates - Classical Plate theory; Mindlin’s plate theory. Theory of folded plates; Introduction
to shell theory ;Cylindrical shells; Hyperbolic shells, Hyperbolic paraboloid shells and Conoids

Expected Outcome

Students will be able to:

• Identify the various thin walled structures such as plates and shells that are suitable for
different structural systems.
• Analyse the behaviour of plates and shells of different geometry under the action of
various types of loads

1. Timoshenko S.P. and Krieger S. W., Theory of Plates and Shells, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Chandrashekhara K., Theory of Shells, Universities(India)Press Ltd.
3. Ramaswamy G. S., Design and Construction of Concrete Shell Roofs, CBS Publishers.
4. Bairagi N. K., Plate Analysis, Khanna Publishers.
5. Kelkar V. S. and Sewell R.T., Fundamentals of the Analysis and Design of Shell
Strutures, Prentice Hall Inc.
6. T.K.Varadan& K. Bhaskar, Análysis of plates – Theory and problems, Narosa
Publishing Co.
7. Reddy J N., Theory and Analysis of Plates and Shells, Taylor and Francis.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction to plates and shells – Classifications, Assumptions in the

theory of thin plates; Differential equation to Bending of long
I rectangular plates to a cylindrical surface. 7 15
Pure bending of plates – Relation between slope and curvature,
bending moments and curvature; Particular cases of pure bending
Small deflections of laterally loaded plates - Differential equation;
II Navier solution and Levy’s solution for simply supported rectangular 7 15
plates-Effect of transverse shear deformation.
Symmetrical bending of circular plates - Differential equations;
III Uniformly loaded circular plates with simply supported and fixed
7 15
boundary conditions. Annular plate with uniform moments and shear
forces along the boundaries.
Classical Plate theory for Orthotropic plates and layered plates;
IV Mindlin’s plate theory - Navier solution and Levy’s solution for 6 15
orthotropic plates - Theory of folded plates
Introduction to shell theory. Classification of shells, Membrane theory
of shells, Application to spherical, conical and cylindrical shells,
Deformation of shells without bending - definitions and notations.
Shells in the form of a surfaceof revolution and loaded symmetrically
V with respect to their axis. 9 20
Membrane and General theories ofcylindrical shells - Circular
cylindrical shell loaded symmetrically with respect to its axis; stresses
incylindrical shell under dead and snow loads, symmetrical
General case of deformation ofcylindrical shells with supported edges;
VI Hyperbolic shells, hyperbolic paraboloid shells and Conoids. Analysis 6 20
ofcylindrical shells.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6116 Composite Structures 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
Composite materials are finding immense application in the field of aerospace, automobile and
civil engineering presently due to its outstanding material capability. It is required for the present
structural engineers to know the fundamentals of composite materials for designing composite
structures in various fields.


Introduction to composites; Composite Fundamentals, Structural applications of Composite

Materials; Manufacturing Processes. Mechanics of Composite Lamina; Failure theories. Micro
Mechanical Behaviour of Composite Laminates - Classical Lamination Theory, stress-strain
variation, In-plane forces, bending and twisting moments, special cases of laminate stiffness.
Laminate strength analysis procedure, Failure envelopes,. Free-Edge Interlaminar Effects, Analysis
of free edge interlaminar stresses, Effects of stacking sequence, Design guidelines. Bending and
Buckling Laminated Beams and Plates.

Expected Outcome

1. An ability to identify the properties of fiber and matrix materials used in commercial
composites, as well as some common manufacturing techniques.
2. A basic understanding of linear elasticity with emphasis on the difference between isotropic
and anisotropic material behavior.
3. An ability to predict the failure strength of a laminated composite plate.
4. An ability to use the ideas developed in the analysis of composites towards using composites in
aerospace design.


1. Jones M. Roberts, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Taylor and Francis.

2. Reddy, J.N , Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates: Theory and Analysis, CRC Press.
3. Calcote, L. R., Analysis of Laminated Composite structures, Van Nostrand.
4. Vinson, J. R. and Chou P, C., Composite materials and their use in Structures, Applied Science
Publishers, Ltd. London.
5. Agarwal, B.D. and Broutman, L. J., Analysis and performance of Fibre composites, Wiley.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction. Composite Fundamentals: Definition of composites,

Objectives, constituents and Classification of composites Structural
I applications of Composite Materials, Manufacturing Processes. 7 15
Review of Basic Equations of Mechanics and Materials and Linear
Elasticity in 3D and 2-D plane stress and plane strain
Number of elastic constants and reduction from 81 to 2 for different
materials. Stress-Strain relations for a unidirectional and orthotropic
lamina Effective Moduli of a continuous fibre-reinforced lamina -
II 7 15
Models based on mechanics of materials, theory of elasticity. Failure of
Continuous Fibre-reinforced orthotropic Lamina. Maximum
stress/strain criteria, Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu criterion.
Micro mechanical behaviour of composite laminates - Classical
III Lamination Theory, stress-strain variation, In-plane forces, bending 7 15
and twisting moments, special cases of laminate stiffness.
Laminate strength analysis procedure, Failure envelopes, Progressive
IV failure Analysis. Free-Edge InterlaminarEffects , Analysis of free edge
7 15
interlaminar stresses, Effects of stacking sequence, Hygrothermal
effects on material properties on response of composites .
Bending of Laminated Beams and Plates - Governing equations and
V boundary conditions, Solution techniques, deflection of composite
7 20
beams and plates under transverse loads for different boundary
VI Buckling of laminated beams and plates under in-plane loads and
7 20
under different boundary conditions.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6118 Fracture Mechanics 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• To gain knowledge of fracture mechanics

• To gain knowledge of using fracture mechanics in the actual design
• To gain knowledge of using materials with existing cracks and know the behavior of
existing cracks.


Introduction: Significance and theory of fracture mechanics –instability and R curve-Stress analysis
of cracks- fracture -Crack tip plasticity - LEFM testing- Elastic plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) -
Application to engineering problems- Mechanisms of fracture and crack growth- prediction of
fatigue crack growth under constant amplitude and variable amplitude loading - Fatigue - practical
significance of sustained load fracture testing- Basic Aspects of Dynamic Crack Growth-Basic
Principles of Crack Arrest -Fracture Mechanics Analysis of fast fracture and Crack Arrest.

Expected Outcome
• Students will understand how the theory is used in actual design
• Students will know about how to restrict the propagation of cracks

1. T. Anderson, Fracture Mechanics, CRC Pub.
2. D. Broek, Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Kluwer Academic Pub.
3. K. Hellan, Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, McGraw-Hill.
4. G. Sih, Handbook of Stress Intensity Factors.
5. M. Janssen, J. Zuidema and R. J. H. Wanhill, Fracture Mechanics, Taylor & Francis.
6. Prashant Kumar, Elements of Fracture Mechanics, Wheeler Publishing.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Fundamentals of the Theory of Elasticity and Indicial Notations.

I Elastic Crack Model: Elastic Stress Field at Crack Tip, William’s
7 15
Problem, Stress Intensity Factors, Fracture Toughness, Different Modes
of fracture, Direction of Crack Propagation.
Griffith Energy Balance: Basic Energy Balance, Fixed Grip and Fixed
II Force Conditions, Strain Energy Release Rate, Experimental 7 15
Plasticity Effects: Elementary estimates of Size and Shape of Plastic
III Zones, Plasticity Correction Factor, Plane Strain vs. Plane Stress
7 15
Conditions, Dugdale Model, Crack Tip Opening, J-integral and its
Applied Fracture Mechanics: 3-D Effects at the Crack Front, Fatigue
IV Crack Growth, Penny and Elliptical Shaped Flaws, Part-Through
7 15
Surface Cracks, Summary and Relevant Crack Tip Stress Intensity
Numerical Stress Analysis: Boundary Collocation, Conventional Finite
V Elements, Special Crack Tip Elements, Quarter Point Eight Node 7 20
Isoparametric Elements.
Analytical Stress Analysis: Westergaard Stress Function. Advanced
VI Topics: Fracture Toughness of Fiber Reinforced Brittle Matrix 7 20
Composites, Stress Intensity Factors at Crack Corners, Interface Cracks.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Advanced Prestressed
10CE6122 3-0-0 3 2015
Concrete Design

Course Objectives

• To impart to students the knowledge of methods of prestressing, analysis and design of various
prestressed concrete elements under relevant codal provisions


Basic concepts and need of prestressing, types and systems of prestressing, Devices and materials
used in prestressing, losses in prestressing. Analysis of members under flexure, shear and torsion,
Design of axially loaded members, flexural members and design for shear and torsion. Detailing of
reinforcement. Calculation of deflection and crack width, Design of end block, design of slabs.
Analysis and design of continuous beams, Composite construction and partial prestressing
Circular prestressing, Design of prestressed concrete bridge decks.

Expected Outcome
• Understand and use suitably the different concepts of prestressing
• Comprehend the design of various prestressed concrete members used in practice


1. Krishna Raju N., Prestressed concrete, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi.
2. Mallick S.K. and Gupta A.P., PrestressedConcrete,Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
3. Rajagopalan, N, Prestressed Concrete, Alpha Science.
4. Ramaswamy G.S., Modern prestressed concrete design, Arnold Heinimen, New Delhi.
5. Lin T.Y. Design of prestressed concrete structures, Asia Publishing House, Bombay.
6. IS 1343 -Indian Standard Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi.
7. IS 456 -Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Basic concepts and need of prestressing, types and systems of

I prestressing, Devices and materials used in prestressing, losses in 7 15

Analysis of members under flexure, shear and torsion. Design of axially

II 7 15
loaded members


III Design of flexural members and design for shear and torsion. Detailing
7 15
of reinforcement

IV Calculation of deflection and crack width; Design of end block, design

7 15
of slabs.


Analysis and design of continuous beams,Composite construction and
V 7 20
partial prestressing

VI Circular prestressing, Design of prestressed concrete bridge decks 7 20


Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Analysis and Design of
10CE6124 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• Ability to identify the soil-structure interaction

• Ability to select suitable foundation for different types of structures
• Should be able to analyse and design substructures


Soil-structure interaction, Contact pressure distribution, Selection of foundations, Design of

foundations -spread footing, combined Footing and raft foundation. Pile foundation, Estimation of
pile capacity, Design of pile cap. Retaining Walls-Different Types - Stability analysis and Design.
Introduction to well foundations – Types, Sinking stresses in wells, Design of well cap, Well
steining, well curb, cutting edge and bottom plug.

Expected Outcome
• Basic understanding of type and selection of foundations
• To analyse and design foundations


1. Swami Saran, Analysis and design of substructures, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company Pvt.
2. Donald P. Coduto, Foundation Design: Principles and Practices, Dorling Kinderseley (India) Pvt.
3.Bowles J.E., Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw Hill Book Company, NY.
4. Varghese P.C, Foundation Engineering, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction to soil-structure interaction - Soil-structure interaction

problems. Contact pressure distribution beneath rigid and flexible
I 7 15
footings on sand and clay - Contact pressure distribution beneath raft.
Selection of foundations. Structural design of spread footing, combined
Footing and raft foundation.

Structural Design of Shallow Foundation- spread footing, combined

II 7 15
Footing and raft foundation.


Pile foundation: Introduction - Estimation of pile capacity by static and
III dynamic formulae- Settlement of single pile - Laterally loaded piles -
7 15
Brom’s method - Ultimate lateral resistance of piles - Pile groups -
Consideration regarding spacing - Efficiency of pile groups
IV 7 15
Structural Design of Pile and pile cap


Retaining Walls-Types - Stability analysis of cantilever retaining walls
V 7 20
against overturning and sliding-Bearing capacity considerations-
Structural design of retaining walls
Introduction to well foundations – Elements of well foundations –
VI 7 20
Types – Sinking stresses in wells – Design of well cap, Well steining,
well curb, cutting edge and bottom plug

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE6126 High Rise Structures 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
• Provide ideas of various structural forms and the concepts of behaviour of common high rise
structures under gravity and lateral loading.


Introduction - Design Criteria, Design Philosophy – Loading - Gravity loading - Wind Loading -
Earthquake loading - Structural forms: Rigid frame Structures - Approximate analysis - two cycle
moment distribution - Portal method, Cantilever method - Braced frames - Approximate analysis of
drift- Shear wall Structures - Coupled shear walls - Wall frame structures - Tubular structures -
Core structures - Foundations for tall structures.

Expected Outcome
• The students are expected to gain the fundamental ideas of structural systems for various
combinations of gravity and horizontal loading considering their functional use and heights.


1. Taranath B.S., Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Building, McGraw Hill.
2. Dr. Y.P.Gupta, Editor. Proceedings National Seminar on High Rise Structures - Design and
Construction practices for middle level cities Nov. 14 -16, New Age International Limited,
Publishers, Madras -20.
3. Wilf gang Schuller, High Rise Building Structures, John Wiley and Sons.
4. Bryan stafford Smith, Alexcoull, Tall Building Structures, Analysis and Design, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.
5. T.Y.Lin, D.Stotes Burry, Structural Concepts and system for Architects and Engineers. John
6. Lynn S.Beedle, Advances in Tall Buildings, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction - Definition of tall building - need for constructing tall

I building - Historic background - factors affecting growth. 7 15
Design Criteria, Design Philosophy of High Rise structures
Loading: gravity loading - Dead and live load, live load reduction
techniques - sequential loading, Impact loading
II 7 15
Wind Loading, Analytical and wind tunnel experimental method,
Earthquake loading-equivalent lateral force method, modal analysis
Structural forms: Rigid frame Structures- rigid frame behaviour –
approximate determination of member forces under gravity loading -
III two cycle moment distribution 7 15
Approximate determination of member forces under lateral loading:
Portal method, Cantilever method

IV Braced frames: Types of bracings - behaviour of braced bents

7 15
Approximate analysis of drift


Shear wall Structures: behaviour of shear wall structures -
proportionate wall systems, non proportionate wall systems -
V horizontal deflection 7 20
Coupled shear walls: behaviour of coupled wall structures - method of
Wall frame structures: behaviour of wall frames;
Tubular structures: framed tube structures - bundled tube structures -
VI braced tube structures; 7 20
Core structures; Outrigger Braced Structures
Foundations for tall structures: pile foundation-mat foundation

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7105 Design of Bridges 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
To understand the theory and design methods of various forms of bridges.


Classification and components of bridge: road and railway bridge specifications, IRC provisions,
Foundation and substructure: Analysis and Design of piers- Analysis and Design of abutments, bed
blocks –Bearings-Design of R. C bridge slab –Design of T beam bridges-Design of Balanced
cantilever bridges- Pre- stressed Concrete Bridges- Steel bridges-Composite bridges

Expected Outcome
Students should be able to select a particular form of bridge to suit the requirements, analyse and
design the same.


1. Johnson Victor D., Essentials of Bridge Engineering, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.
2. Vazirani V. N., Design of Concrete Bridges, Khanna publishers.
3. Jagadeesh T.R and Jayaram M.A, Design of Bridge Structures, Prentice Hall.
4. Krishnaraju. N, Design of Bridges, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.
5. Krishnaraju.N, Prestressed Concrete bridges, CBS Publishers.
6. IRC 6, IRC 21, IS 800, IRC 18, IRC 24, IRC 83.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Classification and components of bridge. Review of road and railway

I bridge specifications and IRC provisions.
7 15
Foundation and substructure: Types of foundations, Piers - Forces on
pier, Analysis and Design of piers.
Types of Abutments- Forces in abutments, Analysis and Design of
abutments, bed blocks.
II 7 15
Bearings: Concrete, steel and neoprene bearings, Design of elastomeric
pad bearings.
Design of R. C bridge – deck slab bridges (Culvert).
III Design of T beam bridges Grid analysis- Courbon’s method- 7 15
Orthotropic plate theory
Design of Balanced cantilever bridge
IV Introduction to – continuous girder bridges, box girder bridges, rigid
7 15
frame bridges , arch bridges, Suspension bridge and Cable Stayed
Pre- stressed Concrete Bridges: Design of single span bridges-
V Introduction to various forms-Slab bridges-girder bridges-box girder 7 20
VI Steel bridges: Design of plate girder [bolted and welded connection]
7 20
Design of Composite bridge ( RCC slab over steel girder)

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7107 Structural Reliability 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
• Should be able to identify the uncertainty in structural systems
• Ability to extend reliability analysis concepts from structural elements to structural


General introduction to structural safety and reliability, Concept of uncertainty in reliability based
analysis and design. Random variables- Concept and definition, Probability axioms and probability
functions, Conditional probability, Common probability density and distribution functions and its
descriptors, Correlation between random variables. Joint probability distributions, Functions of
random variables- Expectation and moments of functions of random variables. Concept of failure
of a structure, Reduced variable space and basic definition of reliability index, First order second
moment index, Hasofer-Lind reliability index, Rackwitz - Fiessler reliability index. Second order
reliability method. System reliability, Simulation techniques in reliability estimation. Importance of
sampling, Variation reduction techniques, Time variant reliability- (introduction alone)

Expected Outcome
Students will be able to:
• Understand reliability concept and reliability indices
• Analyse structural systems using reliability method


1. Andrzej S. Nowak & Kevin R. Collins, Reliability of Structures, McGraw-Hill.

2. Robert E. Melchers, Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, John Wiley & Sons.
3. R. Ranganathan, Reliability Analysis and Design of Structures, Jaico Publishing House,
4. Ang, A.H.S. and Tang, W.H., Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design, Vol. 1,
Basic Principles, John Wiley, New York.
5. Ang, A.H.S. and Tang, W.H., Probability concepts in engineering planning and design. Volume
II, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


I General introduction to structural safety and reliability, Concept of

7 15
uncertainty in reliability based analysis and design
Random variables- Concept and definition, Probability axioms and
probability functions, Conditional probability, Common probability
II 7 15
density and distribution functions and its descriptors, Correlation
between random variables.

III Joint probability distributions, Functions of random variables-

7 15
Expectation and moments of functions of random variables.

Concept of failure of a structure, Reduced variable space and basic

IV definition of reliability index, First order second moment index,
7 15
Hasofer-Lind reliability index, Rackwitz - Fiessler reliability index.
Second order reliability method.
V System reliability, Simulation techniques in reliability estimation 7 20

VI Importance of sampling, Variation reduction techniques, Time variant

7 20
reliability- (introduction alone)

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7109 THEORY OF PLASTICITY 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• Introduce important ideas in the Plasticity approach.

• Prepare and motivate future specialists to continue in their study by having an insightful
overview of elasticity and plasticity
• To provide the student with various solution strategies while applying them to practical cases


Preliminaries of Elastic relations; Plastic Constitutive Relations ; Initial Yield Surfaces for
Polycrystalline Metals; Plastic Behaviour under Plane Stress Conditions; Plastic Behaviour of Bar
Structures; The Theorems of Limit Analysis; Limit Analysis in Plane Stress and Plane Strain; Limit
Analysis as a Programming Problem.

Expected Outcome

• Understand concepts, principles and governing equations related to the analysis of plastic
• To obtain skill and capability in analyzing and solving problems in Civil Engineering


1. Martin, J.B., Plasticity: Fundamentals and General Results, MIT Press, London.
2. Kachanov, L.M., Fundamentals of the Theory of Plasticity, Mir Publishers, Moscow.
3. Chakrabarty, J, Theory of Plasticity, McGraw Hill, New York.
4. Hill, R., Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford University Press.
5. Chen, W.F., and Han, D.J., Plasticity for Structural Engineers, Springer Verlag.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Preliminaries: Basic equations of theory of elasticity:- Equations of

equilibrium, constitutive relations for isotropic bodies, strain-
I 7 15
displacement relations, compatibility, displacement and traction
boundary conditions, admissibility of displacement and stress fields,
plane stress and plane strain problems.
Framework of Plastic Constitutive Relations:- Plastic behaviour in
simple tension, generalisation of results in simple tension, yield
II 7 15
surfaces, uniqueness and stability postulates, convexity of yield surface
and normality rule, limit surfaces.
Initial Yield Surfaces for Polycrystalline Metals:- Summary of general
form of plastic constitutive equations, hydrostatic stress states and
III plastic volume change in metals, shear stress on a plane, the von Mises 7 15
initial yield condition, the Tresca initial yield condition, consequences
of isotropy.
Plastic Behaviour under Plane Stress Conditions:- Initial and
subsequent yield surfaces in tension-torsion, the isotropic hardening
model, the kinematic hardening model, yield surfaces made of two or
more yield functions, piecewise linear yield surfaces, elastic perfectly
IV plastic materials. 7 15
Plastic Behaviour of Bar Structures:- Behaviour of a three bar truss,
behaviour of a beam in pure bending, simply supported beam
subjected to a central point load, fixed beams of an elastic perfectly
plastic material, combined bending and axial force.
The Theorems of Limit Analysis: Introduction, theorems of limit
analysis, alternative statement of the limit theorems, the specific
dissipation function.
V 7 20
Limit Analysis in Plane Stress and Plane Strain:- Discontinuities in stress
and velocity fields, the Tresca yield condition in plane stress and plane
strain, symmetrical internal and external notches in a rectangular bar,
the punch problem in plane strain, remarks on friction.
Limit Analysis as a Programming Problem:- Restatement of limit
VI theorems, application to trusses and beams, use of finite elements in 7 20
programming problem, incremental methods of determining limit load.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7111 Stability of Structures 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
• Provides students a strong background in buckling phenomenon, buckling in columns, beam
columns, frames, plates and shells
• Gives an idea of situations where the different structures are susceptible to buckling


Buckling of Columns -Methods of Neutral Equilibrium, Large Deformation Theory for Columns,
Energy method for calculating critical loads, Buckling of Built up Columns, Torsional Buckling,
Buckling of Frames, Buckling of Plates, Instability of shells

Expected Outcome
• Students become aware of the actual situations where stability becomes a governing factor


1. S. P. Timoshenko, J. M. Gere. Theory of Elastic Stability, McGraw Hill Book Co.

2. A. Chajes, Principles of Structural Stability Theory, Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Iyenger, N.G.R. Structural Stability of columns and plates, Affiliated East West Press Pvt Ltd.
4. F. Bleich, Buckling Strength of Metal Structures, McGraw Hill Book Co.
5. H. G. Allen, P. S. Bulson, Background to Buckling, McGraw Hill Book Co.
6. T. V. Galambos, Structural Members and Frames, Prentice Hall.
7. D. O. Brush and B. O. Almroths, Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells.
8. Ashwini Kumar, Stability Theory of Structures McGraw Hill Book Co.

Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction – Concepts of Stability instability and bifurcation,

different forms of structural instability - Buckling of Columns –
I Methods of Neutral Equilibrium – Euler Column – Eigen Value 7 15
Problem – Axially Loaded Column – Effective Length Concept and
Design Curve
Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Large Deformation Theory for Columns. The Behaviour of Imperfect

II Columns. Eccentrically Loaded Column. Inelastic Buckling of 7 15
Columns- Double Modulus Theory- Tangent Modulus Theory
Energy method for calculating critical loads – Rayleigh Ritz Method –
III Galerkin Method – Numerical Methods –Flexural Members and 7 15
Compression Members
Buckling of Built up Columns, Non-prismatic members- Effect of shear
on critical Loads
IV Beams and Beam Columns – Introduction– Beam Column with 7 15
Concentrated and Distributed Loads – Effect of Axial Load on Bending
Stiffness. Design of Beam Columns- Interaction Formula.
Torsional Buckling. Torsional and Torsional – Flexural Buckling of
V Columns, Lateral Buckling of Beams. Continuous beams with axial
7 20
load. Buckling of Frames – Introduction – Modes of Buckling – Critical
Load Using Neutral Equilibrium Methods.
Buckling of Plates – Differential Equation of Plate Buckling – Critical
VI Load of a plate uniformly compressed in one direction. Tension field
7 20
behaviour in Plate Girder Webs Post-buckling behaviour of axially
compressed plates. Instability of shells.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7113 Random Vibration 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• To understand the statistical concepts in vibration analysis

• To understand the behaviour of systems subjected to random vibrations.


Basic concepts in Probability Theory – Random process - spectral density functions – Properties of
various random processes - Random vibration - response of linear SDOF, MDOF and continuous
systems – Basics of nonlinear random vibration.

Expected Outcome

• Students will be equipped to solve random vibration problems

• Students will acquire basic knowledge in nonlinear random vibration analysis


1. Nigam, N. C., Introduction to Random Vibration, MIT Press.

2. Preumont Andre, Random Vibration and Spectral Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
3. Lin, Y. K., Probabilistic Structural Dynamics Advanced Theory and Applications, McGraw
4. Cho T. W. S., Nonlinear Random Vibration, Taylor and Francis.
5. Lalanne, C., Random Vibration, CRC Press.
6. Wirsching, P. H, Paez, T. L. and Ortiz, H., Random Vibration, Dover Publications.
7. Nigam N.C and Narayanan S, Applications of random vibration, Narosa.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Probability Theory – Random variables, Probability distribution and

I density functions – Expected value mean, variance, conditional
7 15
probability, characteristic functions, Chebyshev inequality, functions of
random variable
Random process - concepts of stationary and ergodicity– nonstationary
II process – auto and cross correlation and covariance functions – Mean 7 15
square limit, differentiability and integrability

III Spectral decomposition, power spectral and cross spectral density

7 15
functions – Wiener Khintchine relation

IV Properties of Guassian, Poisson and Markov process. Broad band and

7 15
narrow band random process – white noise


Random vibration - response of linear SDOF and MDOF systems to
V stationary and non-stationary random excitation. Response of 7 20
continuous systems – normal mode method
Nonlinear random vibration - Markov vector – equivalent linearisation
VI and perturbation methods - Level crossing, peak and envelope statistics 7 20
– First excursion and fatigue failures - Applications

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Advanced Finite Element
10CE7115 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

• Provides students advanced level knowledge in Finite Element methods.


Plate Bending, Error Estimation and Convergence, Finite Elements in Structural Dynamics and
Vibrations, Modelling Considerations and Software Use, Introduction to Nonlinear Problems,
Stress Stiffening and Buckling

Expected Outcome
• Students become aware of the various applications of Finite Element Methods in plates and
shells, structural dynamics and linear and non-linear problems in structural engineering.


1. Cook, R.D., et al, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Fourth
Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Singapore.
2. Desai, C.S., and Kundu, T., Introductory Finite Element Method, CRC Press,
3. Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Zienkiewicz, O.C., and Taylor, R.L., The Finite Element Method, Vols. I and II, McGraw Hill.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Plate Bending: Plate behaviour, Kirchhoff and Mindlin plate elements,

I boundary conditions. Shells: Shells of revolution, general shells, three- 7 15
and four-noded shell elements, curved isoparametric elements.
Error, Error Estimation and Convergence: Sources of error, ill-
conditioning, condition number, diagonal decay test, discretisation
error, multimesh extrapolation, mesh revision methods, gradient
recovery and smoothing, a-posteriori error estimate, adaptive meshing.
II 7 15
Constraints, Penalty Forms, Locking and Constraint Counting: Explicit
constraints, transformation equations, Lagrange multipliers, penalty
functions, implicit penalty constraints and locking, constraint counting,
modelling incompressible solids..
Finite Elements in Structural Dynamics and Vibrations: Dynamic
equations, mass and damping matrices, consistent and lumped mass,
III natural frequencies and modes, reduction of the number of degrees of
7 15
freedom, modal analysis, Ritz vectors, harmonic response, direct
integration methods, explicit and implicit methods, stability and
accuracy, analysis by response spectra
Modelling Considerations and Software Use: Physical behaviour versus
element behaviour, element shapes and interconnections, test CASs
IV and pilot studies, material properties, loads and reactions, connections, 7 15
boundary conditions, substructures, common mistakes, checking the
model, critique of computed results
Introduction to Nonlinear Problems: Nonlinear problems and some
V solution methods, geometric and material nonlinearity, problems of 7 20
gaps and contacts, geometric nonlinearity, modelling considerations.
Stress Stiffening and Buckling: Stress stiffness matrices for beam, bar
VI and plate elements, a general formulation for [ks], bifurcation buckling, 7 20
remarks on [ks], its use, and on buckling and buckling analysis.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7101 Seminar - II 0-0-2 2 2015

Course Objectives

(1) To enhance the reading ability required for identification of the thesis area and its literature

(2) To develop skills regarding professional communication and technical report writing;

(3) To establish the fact that student is not a mere recipient of ideas, but a participant in discovery

and inquiry;

(4) To arrive at a conclusion for doing Project Phase 1;

(5) To learn how to prepare and publish technical papers.


Students have to present a second seminar in 3rd semester. It is highly recommended that seminar-
2 may report the literature survey being conducted as a requirement for doing the main project.
Since the topic for the main project topic is to be finalized at the end of the second semester/ in the
beginning of the 3rd semester, one can perform the literature search and present it as a seminar
towards the middle of the semester. The Progress Evaluation Committee (PEC) formed in the
second semester itself, may be the panel of evaluators for Seminar-2 also. The presentation of
seminar-2 shall be of 20 minutes duration with another 5 minutes allocated for a discussion
session. The committee shall evaluate the seminar based on the style of presentation, technical
context, coverage of the topic, adequacy of references, depth of knowledge and the overall quality.
Moreover, each student has to submit a seminar report in the prescribed format given by the
Institution. It is recommended that the report for seminar-2 may be in the form of a technical
paper which is suitable for publishing in Conferences / Journals as a review paper. This makes a
student learn how to publish a paper and consequently develops a publishing culture among the
PG student community. The references cited in the report shall be authentic.

Expected Outcomes

The students are expected to :

(1) Be motivated in reading which equip them in identification of thesis area and its literature
(2) Develop the capacity to observe intelligently and propose and defend opinions and ideas with
tact and conviction;
(3) Develop skills regarding professional communication and technical report writing;

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

(4) Arrive at a conclusion for doing Project Phase 1;

(5) Learn the methodology of publishing technical papers.


4. M. Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Day R A, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press.
6. Coley S M and Scheinberg C A, Proposal Writing, Newbury Sage Publications.

Item Description Time
1 Abstract Submission 3 Weeks

2 Allotment of Topic and Scheduling Seminars 1 Week

3 Literature Review and Presentation Sessions 6 Weeks

4 Report Submission 3 Weeks

5 Publishing Grades 1 Week

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7103 Project (Phase 1) 0-0-12 6 2015

Course Objectives
(1) To start experimentation based on the background knowledge acquired through the literature
survey performed for seminar-2;
(2) To work on the topic, familiarize with the design and analysis tools required for the project
work and plan the experimental platform, if any, required for project work;
(3) To develop the skill of identifying research problems/ socially relevant projects;
(4) To enhance the skills regarding the implementation aspects of hardware/ software projects.
Each student has to identify a topic related to the branch of specialization for his/her main project
under the guidance of a faculty member and the related experimentations namely project - phase
1, should be started in the 3rd semester. The project topic has to be approved by a committee
constituted by the department. This committee, namely Progress Evaluation Committee (PEC),
should study the feasibility of each project work before giving consent. It is recommended that
students should execute the project work using the facilities of the institute itself. However,
external projects can be taken up in the 4th semester, if that work solves a technical problem of the
external firm. Prior sanction should be obtained from the Head of Institution before taking up
external project work.
Project work is to be carried out in the 3rd and 4th semesters and also to be evaluated in both
semesters. It is recommended that the same faculty member may serve as his/her Project
Supervisor during 4th semester also. This project phase is conceptualized in such a way that, the
outcomes of the work may be continued for the project - phase 2. Hence on completion of this
project phase, the student will make a presentation based on the work and suggest future plan for
his project - phase 2. The implementation of the project - phase 1 can be software and/or
hardware based one. This project phase is also envisaged as a way for implementing problem based
learning. Problems of socially relevance and/or problems identified by the institute/ research
organizations/ industry/ state should be given high priority. In such interdisciplinary and inter
institutional projects, a student can have co-guide(s) from other department/ institute/ research
organizations/ industry. The university encourages interdisciplinary projects and problem based
learning strategy. The following guidelines also have to be followed.
1. The student will submit a detailed project report for project -phase 1;
2. The student will present at least two seminars;
3. The first one in the beginning of the semester will highlight the topic, objectives and
4. A progress seminar can be conducted in the middle of the semester (optional);
5. The third seminar will be an end-semester presentation of the work they have completed till
the end of the 3rd semester and the scope of the work which is to be accomplished in the 4th
semester, mentioning the expected results.
All such presentations are to be evaluated internally by the progress evaluation committee (PEC).
All the references cited in the report for project - phase 1 shall be authentic.
Expected Outcomes
The students are expected to :
(1) Develop the skill of identifying industrial/ research problems/ socially relevant projects;
(2) Develop skills regarding enumerating and selecting problems, subsequent analysis, and
effective implementation of the solution;

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

(3) Have hands on experience in design and analysis tools required for the project work;
(4) Plan the experimental platform, if any, required for project work, which will be helpful in
actual real life project planning;
(5) Enhance the skills regarding the implementation aspects of hardware/ software projects;
(6) Acquire documentation and problem solving skills;
(7) Develop professionalism;
(8) Effectively communicate technical information by means of written and oral reports.
1. J.W. Bames, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists, McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Schank Fr., Theories of Engineering Experiments, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
3. Douglas C Montgomery, Design and analysis of experiments, Wiley International
4. Leedy P D, Practical Research : Planning and Design, N W MacMillan Publishing Co.

Item Description Time
1 Abstract Submission 2 Week
2 Allotment of Topic 1 Week
3 Preliminary Presentation Sessions 1 Week
4 Implementation Phase 9 Weeks
5 Final Presentation-cum Demonstration 1 Week

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

10CE7104 Project (Phase 2) 0-0-23 12 2015

Course Objectives
(1) To implement and complete the M. Tech. thesis work, which is normally based on Project -
Phase 1;
(2) To have a continuous work on the topic, and get improved results;
(3) To develop the skill of achieving specific research target in a limited time;
(4) To develop skills regarding professional communication and technical report writing.
Each student has to complete the project - phase 2 under the guidance of a faculty member, as
specified in phase 1, since this phase is generally an extension of the previous phase. It is
recommended that students should execute the project work using the facilities of the institute
itself. However, external projects can be taken up in this semester, if that work solves a technical
problem of the external firm. Prior sanction should be obtained from the Head of Institution
before taking up external project work. This project phase is also envisaged as a way for
implementing problem based learning. Problems of socially relevance and/or problems identified by
the institute/ research organizations/ industry/ state should be given high priority. In such
interdisciplinary and inter institutional projects, a student can have co-guide(s) from other
department/ institute/ research organizations/ industry. The university encourages
interdisciplinary projects and problem based learning strategy. The following guidelines also have to be
1. The student will submit a detailed report for project - phase 2;
2. The student will present at least three seminars
3. The first seminar in the beginning of the semester will highlight the topic, objectives,
methodology and the background knowledge and preliminary results carried over from the
phase 1;
4. A progress seminar can be conducted in the middle of the semester;
5. The third seminar, could be a pre-submission seminar, will be a presentation of the work they
have completed till the end of 4th semester and the scope for future work. The pre-
submission seminar has to be presented before the Progress evaluation committee (PEC) for
being assessed for the quality and quantum of the work. This would be the qualifying
exercise for the students for getting approval from the Department Committee for the
submission of the Thesis.
6. Incorporating the suggestions by the PEC, each student has to convert the project - phase 2
report to a Thesis and to submit to the University (Cluster) for external evaluation. At least
one technical paper is to be published in Journals / Conferences so as to meet the
requirements for final external submission.
7. The University will appoint an External Expert to evaluate the Thesis through a final
presentation by the student.
The comments of the examiners during this presentation should be incorporated in the work and
the approved Thesis is to be submitted to the Institution as hard bound copies, before the program
exit by the student. All the references cited in the Thesis shall be authentic.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Expected Outcomes
The students are expected to :
(1) Develop the skill of identifying industrial/ research problems/ socially relevant projects;
(2) Develop skills regarding enumerating and selecting problems, subsequent analysis, and
effective implementation of the solution;
(3) Have hands on experience in design and analysis tools required for the project work ;
(4) Plan the experimental platform, if any, required for project work, which will be helpful in
actual real life project planning;
(5) Enhance the skills regarding the implementation aspects of hardware/ software projects;
(6) Acquire documentation and problem solving skills;
(7) Develop professionalism;
(8) Effectively communicate technical information by means of written and oral reports.
1. J.W. Bames, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists, McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Schank Fr., Theories of Engineering Experiments, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
3. Douglas C Montgomery, Design and analysis of experiments, Wiley International
4. Leedy P D, Practical Research : Planning and Design, N W MacMillan Publishing Co

Item Description Time
1 Implementation Phase 10 Weeks
2 Thesis Preparation 3 Weeks
3 Pre-submission seminar-cum Demonstration 1 Week
4 Evaluation by the External expert 4 Weeks


A. Evaluation of Theory Courses

KTU follows a continuous academic evaluation procedure. This includes two internal
examinations and one end semester cluster level University examination. Besides, students should be
given proper assignments / course seminars which are essential aspects of a student-centric teaching
approach. The continuous assessment procedure and corresponding weights for awarding 100 marks
for a theory subject are as follows.

1. Two internal tests, each having 15 marks summing to a total of 30 marks

2. Tutorials / Assignments / Course Seminars summing to a total of 10 marks, and

3. Cluster level end-semester examination having 60 marks

B. Evaluation of Research Methodology

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

The course Research Methodology should be a common one for all specializations, which is
envisaged to provide a research orientation for PG students. The teaching - learning process for this
course should be a student-centric one in which the faculty-in-charge would take the role of a facilitator
in the system. Students should be given proper guidelines for practicing the various methodologies
which aims at the overall improvement of their skills required for pursuing research. The continuous
assessment procedure and corresponding weights for awarding 100 marks (fully internal) for Research
Methodology are as follows.

1. Three internal tests, each having 20 marks summing to a total of 60 marks

2. Tutorials / Assignments / Course Seminars summing to a total of 40 marks

C. Evaluation of Practical Courses

The continuous assessment procedure and corresponding weights for awarding 100 marks for a
practical subject are as follows.

1. Practical Records / Results summing to a total of 40 Marks

2. Regular Class Viva-Voce summing to a total of 20 Marks

3. Final Test (Internal & Objective Type) having 40 Marks

D. Guidelines for Seminar-I

Students have to select a topic and present a seminar in first semester on any current topic related to
the branch of specialization under the guidance of a faculty member. It is recommended that the same
faculty member may serve as his/her supervisor for the mini-project in 2nd semester and also for the
main project during 3rd& 4th semesters. Hence it is also recommended that a topic, possibly relevant to
his mini-cum-main project may be selected as the topic for seminar-1, after the consultation with the
guide. The student will undertake a detailed study of the subject based on current published papers,
journals, and books and present it before a committee with the Head of the Department as the
chairman and two faculty members (Faculty advisor + Guide) from the department as members. The
presentation shall be of 20 minutes duration with another 5 minutes allocated for a discussion session.
The committee shall evaluate the seminar based on the style of presentation, technical context,
coverage of the topic, adequacy of references, depth of knowledge and the overall quality. Moreover,
each student has to submit a seminar report in the prescribed format given by the Institution.

The weights for awarding 100 marks (totally internal) for the seminar-I is as follows.

1. Presentation (Verbal & Nonverbal Communication skills) : 20 Marks

2. Breadth of the topic (Coverage : Content of the slides and speech) : 20 Marks

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

3. Depth of knowledge (Ability to answer questions) : 30 Marks

4. Seminar Report in the prescribed format given by the Institution : 30 marks

E. Guidelines for the Mini Project

Each student has to do a mini project related to the branch of specialization under the guidance of a
faculty member. It has to be approved by a committee constituted by the institute concerned. It is
recommended that the same faculty member may serve as his/her Project Supervisor during 3rd& 4th
semesters. The mini project is conceptualized in such a way that, some the outcomes of the work can be
utilized in the selection of the thesis. Hence on completion of mini project the student can suggest
possible list of their thesis topic in the second semester itself. The implementation of the mini project
can be software and/or hardware based one. Mini project is envisaged as a way for implementing
problem based learning. Problems of socially relevance and/or problems identified by the institute/
research organizations/ industry/ state should be given high priority. In such interdisciplinary and
inter institutional projects, a student can have co-guide(s) from other department/ institute/ research
organizations/ industry. The university encourages interdisciplinary projects and problem based learning

There should be a Progress Evaluation Committee (PEC) for each student which is constituted by three
faculty members: (1) HoD as chairman, (2) Faculty advisor, and (3) Guide. This committee should
evaluate the mini project through 2 presentations - (i) a preliminary presentation which is to be held
soon after finalizing the topic, and (ii) a final presentation towards the end of the semester. In between,
the Guide and /or the Co-guide is entrusted for the continuous evaluation of the work progress.

The weights for awarding 100 marks (totally internal) is as follows.

(1) Preliminary Presentation (PEC): 20 Marks

(2) Progress Evaluation (Guide and/or Co-guide): 30 Marks

(3) Final Presentation-cum-demonstration (PEC): 30 Marks

(4) Report (Mandatory): 20 Marks

F. Guidelines for Seminar-II

Students have to present a second seminar in 3rd semester. It is highly recommended that seminar-2
may report the literature survey being conducted as a requirement for doing the main project. Since the
topic for the main project topic is to be finalized in the beginning of the 3rd semester, one can perform
the literature search and present it as a seminar towards the middle of the semester. The Progress
evaluation Committee (PEC) formed in the second semester itself, will be the panel of evaluators for
Seminar-2 also. The presentation of seminar-2 shall be of 20 minutes duration with another 5 minutes
allocated for a discussion session. The committee shall evaluate the seminar based on the style of
Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

presentation, technical context, coverage of the topic, adequacy of references, depth of knowledge and
the overall quality. Moreover, each student has to submit a seminar report in the prescribed format
given by the Institution. It is recommended that the report for seminar-2 may be in the form of a
technical paper which is suitable for publishing in Conferences / Journals as a review paper. This
makes a student learn how to publish a paper and consequently develops a publishing culture among
the PG student community.

The weights for awarding 100 marks (totally internal) for the seminar-II is as follows.

1. Presentation (Verbal & Nonverbal Communication skills) : 20 Marks

2. Breadth of the literature review (Coverage : Content of the slides and speech) : 20 Marks

3. Depth of knowledge (Ability to answer questions) : 30 Marks

4. Seminar Report / Paper in the prescribed format given by the Institution : 30 marks

G. Guidelines for the Project Work

Project work is to be carried out in the 3rd and 4th semesters and also to be evaluated in both semesters.
It is recommended that students should execute the project work using the facilities of the institute
itself. However, external projects can be taken up in the 4th semester, if that work solves a technical
problem of the external firm. Prior sanction should be obtained from the Head of Institution before
taking up external project work. Project evaluation committee should study the feasibility of each
project work before giving consent. The project work is also to be evaluated continuously, during 3rd &
4th semesters through presentation sessions. Based on these evaluations the grade is finalized in the
fourth semester. The internal committee (PEC) and an External Expert shall evaluate the project based
on four presentations by the student during these semesters. The first presentation in 3rd semester
should be held in the beginning of the semester which would highlight the topic, objectives, and the
methodology. The second presentation in the same semester should bring out the work progress
through the preliminary results and is to be conducted towards the end of the semester. These are
evaluated totally internally by the PEC.

The Project Phase - II will be an extension of the Project Phase - I. A student has to prepare a project
report, namely the thesis, towards the end of the 4th semester. Both the presentation and the thesis will
be evaluated by the Committee and the External expert. The third presentation on project is to be made
towards the end of 4th semester as a final internal presentation. At least one technical paper is to be
published in Journals / Conferences so as to meet the requirements for final external submission. The
fourth presentation is a repetition of the third one, but before an External Expert, appointed through the
process of submitting the M. Tech. Thesis to the University (Cluster). The external expert will assess the
quality and quantity of the work done by the student in the final (fourth) presentation. The comments
of the examiners during this presentation should be incorporated in the work and report and is to be
submitted as hard bound copies before the program exit by the student.

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

The weights for awarding 150 marks for Project shall be as follows.

A. 3rd Semester - Marks: 50 for Project Progress Evaluation

1. Preliminary Presentation, evaluated by PEC: 15 Marks

2. Progress evaluation by the Project Supervisor/s: 20 Marks

3. End-semester presentation, evaluated by PEC: 15 Marks

B. 4th Semester - Marks: 100 for Final Evaluation

1. Project evaluation by the supervisor/s: 30 Marks

2. Final internal evaluation by PEC: 40 Marks

3. Evaluation of the thesis presentation by an External Expert: 30 Marks

Branch:Civil EngineeringStream:Computer Aided Structural Engineering

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