CPP Project 2

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Moving person trncking &automatie afendance system


Msng perv tracking battaty, atterare vyer


The basic steps involved in PCB Designing are as follows,

Utilizing minimum space by proper placement of chips.
The IC's should be soplaced that the connecting tracks have to
cover a minimum distance.

" The number of layers required must be determined.

Providing required connectors for all the points, which need to

be brought out of the PCB.

While designing the PCB, we first placed the

chips so that a minimum area was covered. This was done after
preparing a rough out lay. The IC's, which had most number of
connections between them, were side by side.

There are 2 layers for tracks and the upper

Screen for components. In the first layer, horizontal tracks and the
upper screen for components. In the first layer, horizontal tracks were
used, while in the second layer, vertical tracks were used, as far as
possible. This was done in order to give the PCB a neat look and
avoiding overlapping of tracks.
The power supplies needed that is +15V,
+5V, +12V, -12V, -15V and GND are taken from external circuit using
a connector.





Moving person tracking &automatic attendance system


Moving person tracking &automatic attendance system

Encoder Decoder

A0 1 18 VDD

A1 2 17 DOUT

A2 3 16 OSC1

A3 4 15 OSC2

A4 5 14 TE

A5 6 13 AD11

A6 7 12 AD10

A7 8 11 AD9

VSS 10 AD8

Voving rerson track1ng &automatic attendance system

General Description
The 212 encoders are a series of CMOS LSI's for remote control
system applications. They are capable of encoding information
which consists of N address bits and 12_N data bits. Each ad
dress/ data input can be set to one of the two logic states. The
programmed addresses/data are transmitted together with the
header bits via an RF or an infrared transmission medium upon
receipt of a trigger signal. The capability to select a TE trigger on
the HT12E or a DATA
trigger on the HT12A further enhances the application flexibility
of the 2 12 series of encoders. The HT12A additionally provides
a 38kHz carrier for infrared systems.


Operating voltage
2.4V~5V for the HT12A
2.4V~12V for the HT12E
Low power and high noise immunity CMOS technology
" Low standby current: 0.1_A (typ.)at VDD=5V
" HT12A with a 38kHz carrier for infrared transmission medium
" Minimum transmission word
Four words for the HT12E
" One word for the HT12A
Built-inoscillator needs only 5% resistor
" Data code has positive polarity
" Minimal external components
HT12A/E: 18-pin DIP/20-pin SOP package

Moving person tracking automatie attendance systenm


A0 1 18 VDD

A1 2 17 VT

A2 3 16 OSC1

A3 4 15 OSC2

A4 5 14 DIN

A5 6 13 AD11

A6 7 12 AD10

A7 8 11 AD9

VSS 10 AD8

Moving person track1ng &automatic attendance svstem

General Description

The 212 decoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control
system applications. They are paired with Holtek s 212 series of
encoders (refer to the encoder/decoder cross reference table). For
proper operation, a pair of encoder/decoder with the same number of
ad-dresses and data format should be chosen.
The decoders receive serial addresses and data from a programmed
2 12 series of encoders that are transmitted by a carrier using an RF
or an IR transmission medium. They compare the serial input data
three times continuously with their local addresses. If no error or
unmatched codes are found, the input data codes are de-coded and
then transferred to the output pins. The VT pin also goes high to
indicate a valid transmission. The 2 12 series of decoders are
capable of decodinginformation that consist of Nbits of ad-dress
and 12 N bits of data. Of this series, the HT12D is arranged to
provide 8 address bits and 4 data bits, and HT12F is used to decode
12 bits of address information.

Operating voltage: 2.4V~12V
Low power and high noise immunity CMOS technology
Low standby current
Capable of decoding 12 bits of information
Pair with Holtek s212 series of encoders
Binary address setting
Received codes are checked 3 times
" Address/Data number combination
" HT12D: 8 address bits and 4 data bits
" HT12F: 12 address bits only
Built-in oscillator needs only 5% resistor
" Valid transmission indicator
Easy interface with an RF or an infrared transmission

Miving ferson trar ng autinats stendance system

LM7805 Series Voltage Regulators

Plastlc Package
TO-220 (T)



Top Vlew
Order Number LM7805CT,
LM7812CT or LM7815CT
See NS Package Number T03B

Output current in excess of 1A
" Internal thermal overload protection
No external components required
Output transistor safe area protection
" Internalshort circuit current limit
" Available in the aluminum TO-3 package

Voltage Range
" LM7805C 5V
" LM7812C 12V
" LM7815C 15V

Movng person track1ng &automatic attendance system

General Description

The LM78XX series of three terminal

regulators is available with several fixed output voltages making
them useful in awide range of applications. One of these is local
on card regulation, eliminating the distribution problems
associated with single point regulation.
The voltages available allow these
regulators to be used in logic systems, instrumentation, HiFi, and
other solid-state electronic equipment. Although designed
primarily as fixed voltage regulators these devices can be used
with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and

The LM78XX series is available in an

aluminumTO-3 package, which will allowover 1.0A load current
if adequate heat sinking is provided. Curent limiting is included
to limit the peak output current to a safe value. Safe area
protection for the output transistor is provided to limit internal
power dissipation. If internal power dissipation becomes too high
for the heat sinking provided, the thermal shutdown circuit takes
over preventing the IC from overheating.

Considerable effort was expanded to make

the LM78XX series of regulators easy to use and minimize the
number of external components. It is not necessary to bypass
the output, although this does improve transient response. Input
bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located far from the
fiter capaitor of the power supply. For output voltage other than
5V, 12V and 15V the LM117series provides an output voltage
range from 1.2V to 57V.

Moving person track1ng &automatic attendance system






Moving person tracking &automatic aftendance system

General Description

The LM555 is a highly stable device for

generating accurate time delays or oscillation. Additional
terminals are provided for triggering or resetting if desired. In the
time delay mode of operation, the time is precisely controlled by
one external resistor and capacitor. For stable operation as an
oscillator, the free running frequency and duty cycle are
accurately controlled with two external resistors and one
capacitor. The circuit may be triggered and reset on falling
waveforms, and the output circuit can source or sink up to
200mA or drive TTL circuits.


Direct replacement for SE555/NE555

" Timing from microseconds through hours
Operates in both stable and monostable modes
Adjustable duty cycle
Output can source or sink 200mA
Output andsupply TTL Compatible
Temperature stability better than 0.005% per degrees C
" Normaly on and normally off output

Moving person tracking &automatic attendance system


1 2 3 4

Pin1 : Antenna
Pin2: Data In
Pin3 : Ground
Pin4: Vcc

M s pS aans &atTmatic atiendance svste


" Frequency 43392 MHz

5-12V Single Supply Operational
OOK IASK Data Forrnat
Up to 9.6 kbps data rate
" 4 Pin cormpact size module
+5 dbm out put power (12V. Voc )
SAW based architect
Vertical/Horizontal mount
Directy connect to microcontroller
" Low Power Consumption sutable for battery operated devices
Direct plug and use
No esternal components required
High performanceSAW based Architecture with a maximum
range of100 feet at 4800 bps data rate
Interface directy to Encoders and Microcontrolers with ease
Can be directiy in your PCB
Right Angle Pin (Flat Out ) is the standard in these modules
. Can be used with Fixed Code and Rolling Code Encoders or
direct with Microcontrollers.

The TWS-434 and RWS-434 are extremely small, and are

excellent for applications requiring short-range RF remote
controls. The transmítter module is only 1/3the size of a
standard postage stamp, and can easily be placed inside a
small plastic enclosure.
TWS-434: The transmitter output is up to 8mW at
433 92MHZ with a range of approximately 400 foot (open
area) outdoors. Indoors, the range is approximately 200
foot, and willgo through most walls....

Moving person trackiag &atomatic attcndanoc system


The TWS-434 transmitter accepts both linear and digital
inputs, can operate from 1.5 to 12 Volts-DC, and makes
building a miniature hand-held RF transmitter very easy.
The TWS-434 is approximately the size of a standard
postage stamp.

433 92
Pin -1 Gnd
Pin -2 Data Input
Pin-3 Vcc
12 3 4| Pin -4 RF Output

TIT TWS-434 Pin Diagram

Moving person tracking &automatic attendance system


1 2 3 4 5 67 8

" Pin1: Ground

Pin2: Digital Out
Pin3: Linear Out
Pin4: Vcc 5V
Pin5: Vcc 5V
" Pin6: Ground
Pin7: Ground
" Pin8: Antenna

Movng person tratk1ng &automatoattcndancc aystcm


Miniature Size
" Wide Operating Range
" LowPower Consumption
Improved Data Transmission
No Alignment Required
No External Components PIN Configuration and Size
" Wide Range of Application
Analogue and Digital Output
RWS-434: The receiver also operates at 433.92MHz, and has a
sensitivity of 3uV. The RVWS-434 receiver operates from 4.5 to
5.5 volts-DC, and has both linear and digital outputs.
Click on picture for larger image

RWS-434 Receiver


1 2 3 4 56 7 8


pin 1:Gnd
pin 2: DigitaL Output
pin 3: Linear Output
pin 4: Vcc
pin 5:Vcc
pin 6: Gnd
pin 7: Gnd
pin 8 :Ant ( About 30 - 35 cm )
RWS-434 Pin Diagram
Moving person tracking &automatic attendance system


1G 20 VCC

1A1 2 19 2G

2Y4 3 18 1Y1

1A2 4 17 2A4

2Y3 5 16 1Y2

1A3 6 15 2A3

2Y2 7 14 1Y3

1A4 8 13 2A2

2Y1 9 12 1Y4

GND 10 11 2A1

Moving person trackmg &automatie attendance Sstem

General Description

These buffers/line drivers are designed to improve both the

performance and PC board density of 3-STATE buffers/ drivers
employed as memory-address drivers, clock drivers, and bus
oriented transmitters/receivers. Featuring 400mV of hysteretic at
each low current PNP data line input, they provide improved
noise rejection and high fan out out-puts and can be used to
drive terminated lines down to 133W.


3-STATE outputs drive bus lines directly

PNP inputs reduce DC loading on bus lines
Hysteresis at data inputs improves noise margins
Typical IOL (sink current) 24 mA
Typical lIOH (source current) -15 mA
Typical propagation delay times
" Inverting 10.5 ns
Noninverting 12 ns
Typical enable/disable time 18 ns
Typical power dissipation (enabled)
Inverting 130 mN
Noninverting 135 mW

Moving person tracking &automatic attendance system


Moviag person tracking &automatic attendance systcm


Project1 - Mic rosoft Visual Basic (design] -[frmAttendence (Form))

- X
12:5 x4C5

loving person traking system with automatic attendance system

Class id Tes1

Tagl Tag3
Tag id



Tirme e4



Movn8 NTN tkngn A outonmatie alivnlance yofem

Visual Basic (VB) is an event driven Mcrosoft

programming language and associated
development environment from Microsoft for
its COM programming model. VB has been
replaced by Visual Basic NET. The older
version of V8 was derived heavily from
BASIC and enables the rapid application Mggsot
development (RAD) of graphical user Visual Basic
interface (GUI) applications, access to
databases using DAO, RDO, or ADO, and creation of ActiveX
controls and objects.

A programmer can put together an application using the components

provided with Visual Basic itself. Programs written in Visual Basic can
also use the Windows API, but doing so requires external function
In business programming, Visual Basic has one of the largest
bases. With 62% of developers using some form of Visual Basic, it
currently competes with C++ and Java Script as the third most popular
programming language behind C# and Java.
Visual Basic was designed to be easy to learn and use. The language
not only allows programmers to easily create simple GUl applications as
but also has the flexibility to develop fairly complex
well. Programming in VB is a combinationattributes of visually arranging
components or controls on a form, specifying and actions of
of code for more
those components, and writing additional lines are defined for the
functionality. Since default attributes and actions
created without the
components, a simple program can be
programmer having to write many linesversions, of code. Performance
but with faster
problems were experienced by earlier become less of an
computers and native code compilation this has
code executables
Although programs can be compiled into native presence of runtime
from version 5 onwards, they still require theruntime is included by
libraries of approximately 2MB in size. earlier versions of Windows it
default in Windows 2000 and later, but for
must be distributed together with the
Moving person tracking &automatic attendance system



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