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BANYUWANGI Commented [WU1]: Gunakan Bahasa Inggris

Taufik Hadi Ramli1*, Achmad Suhermanto1, Rudi Andi1, Frederik Dony Sangkia2

1 Program Studi Budidaya Ikan, Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Karawang

2 Program Studi Budidaya Perairan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk
*[email protected]

Vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is a brackish water commodity that is currently in great
demand and is a leading product of the aquaculture sector in Indonesia. This is because some
of the advantages possessed by the vaname shrimp, among others, can be maintained with a
high stocking density, rapid growth, has a high resistance to disease and environmental
changes. The mating process occurs through four stages, namely approach, pursuit, pride and
mating. This process can be known by looking at the behavior of the male parent who swims to
follow the female parent. They both looked like a chase. Then the male parent swims parallel to
the female and turns her body towards the female shrimp's belly. After that, the male grabs the
female and releases sperm that attach to the thellycum. In the maintenance of larvae that must
be considered is the management of water quality and feed management. This is because water
is a living medium for aquatic organisms, so it determines the survival of larvae.
During the period of high maintenance and market demand continues to increase where the
shrimp farming process includes the hatchery stage to enlargement. Vaname shrimp hatchery
activities are inseparable from the availability of quality fry.
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with an area of sea that can be managed.
Indonesia has a very large diversity of marine and fishery resources and with the potential for
results to continue to increase. Indonesia is a Marine country that is rich in marine resources and
is one of the largest exporters of Fisheries and marine products in the world. Fisheries have a
contribution to gross domestic income (GDP) which continues to increase. In terms of
production, fishery production in Indonesia continues to increase every year (Purwono et al.,
Vaname shrimp is one of the leading commodities owned by Indonesia in addition to
seaweed. This type of shrimp ranks second after seaweed. In addition to the expensive price,
shrimp enthusiasts are also quite high and even become a world export commodity and
Indonesia ranks second after China. This type of shrimp is widely developed throughout the
region in Indonesia. This is because Indonesia is a tropical country that gets sunlight all year
round. Vaname shrimp cultivation process requires full sun or sunlight (Saputra et al., 2021).
Vaname shrimp (Litopanaeus vannamei) is an introduced species that is currently widespread
and widely cultivated in Indonesia. White shrimp known to the public by the name of vaname is a
shrimp native to Latin American waters that belong to the family Penaidae. This shrimp is
considered to be able to replace tiger prawns which decreased production in 1992 due to natural
factors in the form of environmental changes. The decline in tiger shrimp production is inversely
proportional to the demands of the need for shrimp both in local and international markets as a
food ingredient that continues to increase. To meet this demand, in 2001 Indonesia as one of
the shrimp producing countries began to cultivate vaname shrimp (Anam et al., 2016).
To achieve the target and increase production in shrimp vaname (Litopanaeus vannamei)
farming there are several technologies used to make reference to the achievement of production
targets so that production can increase every year. The technology that can increase the
productivity of vaname shrimp are traditional, semi-intensive, intensive and super intensive. The
difference between the four technologies is the use of feed, technology and dense stocking used
on land (Nasution & Yanti, 2015).
PT Ndaru Laut company is a company engaged in the field of Fry seeding, which is addressed
at jalan raya situbondo km 13 Banyuwangi. The company began its construction at the end of
1986. Until 1988, with an initial production run in August 1988. Vaname shrimp hatchery
business at PT. Ndaru Laut has a very large value and opportunity to be developed optimally in
the market because in Banyuwangi Regency has high water resources so that it is suitable for
the sustainability of the vaname shrimp hatchery business. Seeing the potential and
opportunities of it, the author wants to know the financial analysis at PT. Ndaru Laut,
Banyuwangi, East Java. Therefore, based on the background of the authors carry out research
at PT. Ndaru Laut, Banyuwangi, East Java.
This research was conducted on November 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023 at PT. Ndaru Laut,
Banyuwangi, East Java. The tools used in this study are water pumps, feed scales, buckets,
thermometers, refractometers, pH meters, DO meters, secchi disks, digital scales, microscopes,
and hemocytometers. Ingredients used vaname broodstock, disinfectants, lime, feed
supplements, artificial feed, probiotics, vitamins.

Data acquisition methods used during this study include primary and secondary data. Primary
Data is a type of data collected directly from its primary source such as through interviews,
surveys, experiments, and so on. To obtain the primary data, the observation or observation
directly in the field of vaname shrimp hatchery techniques (Litopenaeus vannamei) and vaname
shrimp hatchery business analysis. Secondary Data is data taken through intermediaries or
parties who have collected the data before, in other words, the researcher does not directly take
the data itself into the field. To obtain secondary data, interviews were conducted with officers,
external field supervisors and the surrounding community to obtain information on the
procedures for vaname shrimp hatchery techniques (Litopenaeus vanamei).

a. Containers Preparation
Container preparation is an activity to prepare the larva tub and all facilities and equipment
before the water filling process. Maintenance container activities take place after the completion
of the harvest in the tub. The stages of preparing the maintenance container include washing the
tub and equipment, preparing the aeration system and filling the water.
Before production operations, all larva facilities and equipment (such as aeration hoses, heaters,
lead weights, aeration stones and circulation filters). Artemia tanks are washed using a
detergent solution, rinsed using fresh water and then dried. Next, the tub and equipment that
have been used are cleaned with a detergent solution and rinsed using fresh water. The tub is
allowed to dry and in the morning the installation of an aeration hose equipped with ballast Tin
on the culture tub with a distance between the aeration points is 40 cm. A circulation filter is
installed on the drainage channel. The filter system can be moved up and down when water
circulation is carried out (external filter is made of perforated pipe and connected with the outlet
cover pipe). Furthermore, the necessary equipment such as feed dippers, buckets,
thermometers and glass beakers are provided for each maintenance tub.
The aeration bubble exits through a hose that has been equipped with an aeration stone, the
initial stage is made small and even, and then gradually enlarged according to the development
of the larva. Preparation of the container is the activity of drying and cleaning the tub from all
forms of dirt that sticks using densifektan disinfectant materials serve as an exterminator of
pests or bacteria that are still attached to the walls or bottom of the maintenance tub. Organic
materials such as ammonia that is still left in the previous cycle, will interfere with the life of the
larvae in the future. The maintenance tub to be used must be disinfected so that it is free from
disease. The way, the tub is dried (dried in the sun), then the base and the walls of the tub are
brushed. To be more sterile use chemical substances such as chlorine at a dose of 100 ppm,
KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) 10 ppm, and formalin 50 ppm. Preparation of the container
is done by watering chlorine Ca (ClO)2 500 mg L-1 and then the container is washed using
detergent 10g L-1, after that rinsed with clean water, then drying for 24 hours. Installation of
aeration and replenishment of sea water after the drying process (Iskandar et al., 2021).
b. Larva Rearing
Water is the main medium that plays a role in the maintenance of aquatic biota. The success of
vaname shrimp farming is determined by the good or bad quality of sea water used. After the tub
is washed then sprayed with water that has been mixed disinfectant (sanocare PUR) to taste.
Next, the tub was given 1 ml of formalin liquid and then the tub was closed using a plastic
sheeting. Before the tub is filled with water rinsed using fresh water first at the time of filling the
water, the maintenance tub can be filled using sterile sea water. The incoming water is filtered
using a bag filter in order to avoid small particles entering the maintenance tub. Tubs that have
been filled with sea water, given several treatments, namely the administration of disinfectant
solution (sanocare PUR) 1 ppm and then in the afternoon given a solution of EDTA 10 ppm and
administration of treflan 0.05 ppm, 3-4 hours before stocking naupli and aerated. The purpose of
this treatment is to prevent disease pests at the time of larval maintenance.
c. Naupli Stocking
Stadia naupli is a vulnerable-stadia, because naupli is still very weak to environmental changes
(more easily stressed). Stadia naupli is still going with the flow, has not been able to swim
against the current. Naupli comes from PT. Delta Windu Purnama. The characteristics of naupli
quality is to have active movement (phototactically positive/response to light), free of
contamination (ecto/endoparasite), bright body color (not dull), and all parts of the body
complete (no defects). For naupli stocked in PT. Ndaru Laut a tub 2-2.5 million naupli.
Naupli stocking is done after the process of filling seawater in the maintenance Basin has
reached 15 tons. The parameters of sea water quality in the larval bath are not too different from
the naupli media (pH, temperature, alkalinity, and salinity). Acclimatization is the process of
adjusting the conditions of naupli media before being stocked into the cultivation tub.
Acclimatization is done so that naupli can move to new media (cultivation tubs) with optimal
conditions, so that metabolic processes can run well and launch the moulting process.
Acclimatization is intended to prevent high mortality (mortality) during and after stocking (Ansori,
Before naupli arrived at the hatchery site, 500 L tanks were prepared and filled with sea water
with a salinity of 30 ppt as much as 90% or about 450 L. Turn on the heater with a temperature
range of 32-33⁰C then clean the hose for flow throw by rinsing it with water. After naupli comes
in input on the tank capacity of 50 L give aeration and adjust the water level to the limit of 40 L
then drain the water on the tank 40 L using seser and ballast and then move the tank spatial
acclimatization. Install the flow throw hose and let the water flow until the temperature reaches
32⁰C or about 30 minutes and then put on the maintenance tub.
Table 1. Water Quality Parameters at a time of stocking
Parameters Range literature
DO >5 ppm 3 – 6 ppm
(Afrianto & Muqsith, 2014)
pH 8,0 – 8,3 7 – 8,8
(Afrianto & Muqsith, 2014)
Salinity 30 ppt (Wyban & Sweeney, 1991)
Temperature 30 – 310C 30 – 33⁰C (Atikah, 2018)

Water quality measurement results show that the quality parameters of temperature, water pH,
DO and salinity are still in a decent condition as shown in Table 1.
The temperature stability of the cultivation tub is a vital parameter because it is related to the
body's metabolism, and this can affect the growth rate. After stocking naupli, the temperature of
the larva tub is attempted to reach 32-33⁰C (if necessary assisted using a heater). Temperature
stability is always maintained from stadia naupli to harvest. Acclimatization of temperature,
salinity, pH, and other water quality is done to avoid the death of nauplius at the time of stocking
and carried out for 30 minutes-L hours (Panjaitan, 2012).
d. Larva Handling
The development of vaname shrimp larvae includes stadia Naupli until reaching PL4, which is
maintained in modules A, B, C, and D. Before and at the time of entry naupli tub maintenance is
done filling sea water that has passed Ultraviolet (UV) twice and then given EDTA treatment 10
ppm 12 hours before entry naupli. When naupli entered stadia zoea 3, mysis 3, and PL1,
circulation was carried out by removing 2 tons of water and adding 2 tons.
Plankton feeding is done 8-12 hours before naupli becomes zoea 1 in accordance with the
standard. Plankton feeding the following days follow the standard program that has been set
right. When the Fry have reached stadian PL4, the tub harvest will be harvested, the
temperature decrease will be done the day before harvest by opening the plastic sheeting.
e. Larva Feeding
The larvae are given feed in the form of natural feed and artificial feed. The natural feed given to
vaname shrimp larvae is algae and Artemia. The algae that are commonly given are types of
Chaetoceros. Natural feed in the form of Chaetoceros entered into the maintenance tub in the
morning before naupli entered as much as 2 tons or a density of 50,000 cells/mL. After naupli
develops into zoea, enough plankton is available as biofeedback in the tub. The greater the
stadia and shrimp growth, the higher the need for feed. The nutrient content of the feed greatly
affects the survival rate of vaname shrimp larvae (Putri et al., 2020).
Table 2. Plankton Quality
Stadia Plankton Density
Z1 50.000 sel/mL
Z2 60.000 sel/mL
Z3 70.000 sel/mL
ZM 80.000 sel/mL
M1 80.000 sel/mL
M2 Artemia
M3 Artemia
PL1 – PL 4 Artemia

In Table 2 is the standard of plankton feeding on various larval stages, but before giving
plankton must first pay attention to the larval stages in the tub to be fed. And for stadia M2-PL 4,
natural feeds are used, namely dead artemia and live artemia. Artificial feed given to the larvae
of vaname shrimp consists of a variety of feed mixtures and auxiliaries that are tailored to the
dense stocking and the needs of the larvae. The percentage of types and number of feed
mixtures is different at each stadia. Artificial feed is given after the larvae enter the zoea stadia,
because in these stadia the larvae need a lot of energy for the moulting process. Artificial feed
with a complete composition of nutrients is needed for the larvae. The frequency of feeding on
the maintenance of vaname shrimp larvae is 6 times a day.

Tabel 3. Larvae Feeding Commented [WU2]: Gunakan Bahasa Inggris

No Rearing Time Feed Type
1 24.00 Artificial Feed
2 04.00 Artificial Feed
3 07.00 Artemia + probiotic
4 08.00 Artificial Feed + plankton
5 12.00 Artificial Feed
6 13.00 Artemia
7 16.00 Artificial Feed
8 18.00 Artemia
9 20.00 Artificial Feed
f. Water Quality Management
Water quality management is done by giving probiotics and molasses, giving EDTA, dolomite,
measurement of water quality parameters, as well as water turnover as much as 5-20% of the
water volume of the maintenance container, which is done from stadia mysis to stadia post larva
(Iskandar et al., 2021).
Analisis Data
The parameters observed during the study were survival rate and effort analysis.
a. Survival Rate

SR x 100%

SR : Survival Rate
Nt : Fish number day-t
No : Fish number day-0

b. Business Analysis
a. BEP

b. R/C Ratio

R/C Ratio

c. PP

x 1 Year Commented [WU3]: Gunakan Bahasa Inggris

d. ROI

x 100%

3.3 Data Analysis

All research data were analyzed descriptively using Microsoft excel 2019 program and


Vaname shrimp hatchery cultivation container is used for larval rearing and natural feed culture.
Larva rearing container consists of module a, module B, module C, and module D. larval rearing
containers have different sizes. As shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Larval Container
Units Capacity (ton) Total
A. 01 – 15 35 14
A. 09 70 1
B. 01 – 15 35 14
B. 09 70 1
C. 01 – 15 35 14
C. 09 70 1
D. 01 – 15 35 14
D. 09 70 1

In the hatchery module is where the larvae of stadia naupli sampe PL4 are kept. The larva tub is
filled with sea water that has gone through Ultraviolet (UV). 12 hours before entering naupli
water ditreatment with EDTA 10 ppm and Sanocare PUR 1 ppm, and given treflan 4 hours
before entering naupli. EDTA serves to bind heavy metals in the maintenance tub, Sanocare Pur
serves to sterilize newly entered water in the maintenance tub, while treflan serves to reduce
pantogen in the water environment.
Natural and artificial feed given into the maintenance tub easily changes the quality of the water,
so it requires good handling and water changes. Water change Program, probiotic and auxiliary
materials maintenance of water quality and disease prevention materials in accordance with
established standards.
Figure 6. Maintenance Water Temperature Chart

Based on the above chart the results of water quality measurements larval rearing get numbers
30-33⁰C the temperature is optimal for seeding shrimp vaname. This is in accordance with the
opinion (Atikah, 2018) which states that a good temperature is 30 – 33⁰C.

Figure 7. Graph pH Water Conservancy

Based on the above larval maintenance water pH chart obtained angaka 7.9-8.1 the figure is
optimal for seeding shrimp vaname. This is in accordance with the opinion (Ramadhanthie et
all., 2021) which states that a good pH is 7.5 – 8.5.

Figure 8. Salinity Water Maintenance

Based on the larval maintenance water salinity chart above shows the number 30-32 ppt this
number shows the salinity that is optimal for vaname shrimp hatchery, agree with (Sa'adah &
Roziqin, 2018) the stable salinity is 29 – 32 ppt.

Figure 9. Ammonium nitrate

Based on the ammonium graph above shows the number 0.1 – 3 which means it shows the right
number for vaname shrimp hatchery.

Figure 10. Graphene nitrite NO₂

Based on the results of the graph nitrite yield figures 0.1 - 3 which means it is still viable for
breeding shrimp vaname.

Figure 11. Alkalinity Chart

Based on the alkalinity chart above produces numbers 151 – 164 checks with a period of 2

Figure 12. Graph Survival Rate (SR)

Based on the data contained in the graph above, the survival rate of vaname shrimp fry is quite
good for the survival of the vaname shrimp hatchery business.

4.1 Analisis Usaha Pembenihan Udang Vaname

4.1.1 Cost Commented [WU4]: Cek penulisan kembali
1. Investment Costs
Large investment spent in the vaname shrimp hatchery business at PT. Ndaru Laut is Rp.
3,563,800,000, with depreciation of Rp 369,819,998. the investment cost is obtained from
PT. Ndaru Laut.
2. Fixed Costs
Fixed costs are costs incurred, whether they are used or not. Vaname shrimp hatchery
business in PT. Ndaru Laut requires a fixed cost in one year is RP 1,307,819,998.
3. Variable Costs
Variable cost is a cost that is used to meet the aspects of production that will be produced.
These costs will affect the size of production capacity. Variable costs incurred in the vaname
shrimp hatchery business at PT. Ndaru Laut is Rp 7,058,842,600 / year. The fee is used for
the maintenance period for one year.

4.1.2 Acceptance Of Seeding Sales

PT. Ndaru Laut has 60 preservation tanks with a density of 2-2.5 million naupli per tank.
Based on the results of interviews and observations in the field, stocked Fry will produce SR
50%. Each cycle filled tubs totaling 60 tubs in turn. Fry produced each cycle is a total of 1.25
million times 60 tubs equal to 75,000,000 fry. One year there are 12 cycles, with the number of
Fry produced is 75,000,000 times 12 equal to 900,000,000 fry. Sales of Fry from PT. Ndaru Laut
to farmers usually give a bonus of 15%. The number of Fry sold is 765,000,000 fry. Fry price
offered is Rp 52 per head, so that the receipts obtained:
Total receipts = 765,000,000 shrimp seeds x Rp 52
= 39,780,000,000 / year
4.1.3 Total Seeding Costs
The Total cost of vaname shrimp hatchery is the overall cost used for hatchery needs in
each cycle up to one year. Total cost of seeding:
Total cost = 1,307,819,998 + 7,058,842,600
= 8,366,662,598 / year
4.1.4 Advantages
The company will be said to be worth it if it gets profits and its business is sustainable.
Advantages obtained :
Profit = 39,780,000,000-8,366,662,598
= 31,413,337,402 / year

4.1.5 Break Event Point (BEP)

Break Event Point (BEP), is an analysis parameter used to determine the limit of
production value in the vaname shrimp hatchery business to breakeven, ie no profit or no loss.
In this situation the gain or loss is equal to zero (Wawoh et al., 2019).
Brek event point (BEP) On vaname shrimp seeding efforts in PT. Ndaru Laut
Banyuwangi there are several aspects one of which can be seen from the price is Rp. 52.

BEP Rupiah

BEP result (Rp) from vaname shrimp hatchery at PT. Ndaru Laut is Rp 1,307,819,997 so
that PT. Ndaru Laut will break even if the receipt of Rp 1,307,819,997.

a. BEP Ekor

25.150.375 ekor
The result of BEP from vaname shrimp hatchery at PT. Ndaru Laut is 25,150,375 tail, so
that PT. Ndaru Laut will experience a breakeven point in producing a product of 25,150,375
4.1.6 Return Cost Ratio (R/C Ratio)
The result of BEP from vaname shrimp hatchery at PT. Ndaru Laut is 25,150,375 tail, so
that PT. Ndaru Laut will experience a breakeven point in producing a product of 25,150,375

R/C Ratio

Return Cost Ratio obtained from vaname shrimp hatchery business in PT. Ndaru Laut is
4 in this case indicates the vaname shrimp hatchery business in PT. Ndaru Laut is feasible,
because it is in accordance with the indicator return cost ratio with a value > 1 which is
considered profitable and feasible to run this business. Commented [WU5]: Cek penulisan kembali

4.1.7 Payback Period (PP)

Payback period obtained from the calculation of vaname shrimp hatchery business
analysis at PT.Ndaru Laut to find out in what year will return the capital. Here is the payback
period of vaname shrimp hatchery in PT. Ndaru Laut.

x 1 tahun

x 1 tahun

Then the investment costs incurred at the beginning of the business will return on a
period of 1 Year 3 months, or will return the investment costs.
4.1.8 Return On Investment (ROI)

x 100%

x 100%

8,814% Commented [WU6]: Cek penulisan kembali

Return On Investment on vaname shrimp seeding efforts in PT. Ndaru Laut is 8.814%
which means the ROI value has the meaning that every Rp 100, - invested capital will generate
a profit of Rp 8,814.
Based on the results and discussion obtained in the vaname shrimp hatchery business at PT.
Ndaru Laut as follows :
1. Seeding techniques start from container preparation to harvesting with yields that are
always good and increase with each cycle. The growth rate of Fry is quite good so as to
produce Sulvival Rate (SR) 50% and the water quality in the maintenance process is
very good for vaname shrimp hatchery by reaching a temperature of 33⁰C, pH 7.9 - 8 and
salinity 30-32 ppt.
2. Vaname shrimp hatchery business in PT. Ndaru laut is a viable business to run with a
profit value of Rp 31,413,337,402, R / C ratio 4, Payback Period 1.3, Break Even Point in
the price of Rp 1,307,819,997, BEP in the tail 25,150,375 tail and Return of Investment
Based on the results of observations and observations after carrying out research at PT. Ndaru
Laut, Banyuwangi. Companies must improve in terms of management of aquaculture waste by
adding an WWTP (Wastewater Management Installation) in order to protect the marine
environment which has begun to decline in water quality by protecting the environment. So that
the cultivation process can run smoothly and well.


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