PRC (Professional Regulation Commission) : History

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PRC(Professional Regulation Commission)

The Professional Regulation Commission is responsible for the administration, implementation and enforcement of regulatory policies on the regulation and licensing of various professions and occupations under its jurisdiction. It is the instrument of the Filipino people in securing for the nation a reliable, trustworthy, and progressive system of developing professionals whose personal integrity and spiritual values are solid and respected, whose competencies are globally competitive, and whose commitment to serve the Filipino nation and the whole community is strong and steadfast.

The Professional Regulation Commission was first created as a national government agency by Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 223 dated June 22, 1973, signed by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos. It was previously called the Office of the Boards of Examiners created by Republic Act No. 546 on June 17, 1950, under the Civil Service Commission (CSC). The PRC became operational on January 4, 1974 with the assumption into office of the first set of appointed Commissioners and Associate Commissioners. That year, Arch. Eric C. Nubla assumed office as Commissioner. The PRC was placed under the Office of the President for general supervision and coordination. The Implementing Rules and Regulations of P.D. No. 223 was promulgated on December 9, 1974. Under P.D. 223, professional regulation was standardized for the thirty-three (33) professions then under the PRC. The PRC Coat-of-Arms designed by the Heraldry Commission was officially adopted on February 1. The CSC building at P. Paredes Street in Sampaloc, Manila became the PRC Main Building on February 12. The PRC started issuing certificates of registration in Filipino with English translation. Proclamation No. 1276 was issued declaring June 22 to 29 of the year as "Professional Consciousness Week." Computerization of the database of registered professionals started with the assistance of the National Computer Center. In 1975, the PRC started issuance of computer-printed registration cards with one-year validity. It also started accrediting professional organizations. On October 11, 1975 Presidential Decree No. 839 was issued placing the PRC under the general direction and coordination of the CSC. In August 1976, the PRC entered into an agreement with the Civil Service Commission to register all board examination passers as civil service eligibles pursuant to R.A. 1080, as amended. In 1977, the PRC started issuing registration cards valid for 3 years pursuant to Letter of Instruction No. 567. The agency conferred the first "Outstanding Professional of the Year" awards. Proclamation No. 1646 was issued declaring June 22-29 of every year as "Professional Consciousness Week." The year 1981 saw the completion and inauguration of the PRC Annex Building. In 1982, the PRC conducted mass oath-taking ceremonies of new professionals. The Specialty Board of Interior Design under the Board of Architecture was created.

In 1983, the Specialty Board of Landscape Architecture under the Board of Architecture was created. Two microcomputers are acquired in 1984 to start off computerization of Application, Registration and Examination System. The PRC created the database of applicants for examinations in 1987. In 1988, the Board of Accountancy started the monitoring of performance of schools on licensure examinations. In 1990, partially-computerized licensure examinations started with the August physician licensure examinations using computerized answer sheets. PRC developed the Test Questions Databank System in 1991. Partially-computerized licensure examinations started with the physician licensure examinations in August, followed by partiallycomputerized licensure examinations for midwives, accountants, medical technologists, and nurses. Enhanced partial computerization of licensure examinations was also implemented for marine deck and engine officers. During the same year, Executive Order No. 496 was signed by President Corazon C. Aquino instituting procedures and criteria for the selection and recommendation of nominees to vacant positions in the Professional Regulatory Boards. The first Commission Planning Conference was held. In 1992, Atty. Hermogenes P. Pobre assumed office as Commissioner. Executive Order No. 200 was issued institutionalizing partial computerization for all licensure examinations. Computerized application forms were pilot-tested in the CPA licensure examination. In the same year, the PRC formulated its Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) to computerize vital agency operations, leading to the partial computerization of licensure examinations for marine deck and engineer officers through a Test Question Databank System and computerized checking and rating of test results. The Commission implemented the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for all professions and resumed the conferment of "Outstanding Professional of the Year" awards, which was discontinued from 1986 to 1991. The Commission also started the conferment of the "Outstanding Accredited Professional Organization of the Year" award. The first PRC Commission Planning Conference was held. The year 1993 witnessed the implementation of fully-computerized examinations in fifteen professions through the Test Question Databank and correction of test papers by Optical Mark Reader. Lloyd's List commended the PRC for its computerization of the maritime examinations. Executive Order No. 56 placed the PRC, with thirty-seven (37) Professional Regulatory Boards and two (2) Specialty Boards and 271 staff, under the Office of the President. CPE was implemented in fifteen professions. Delinquent professionals were delisted from the rolls of registered professionals. In 1994, Republic Act No. 7836 ("Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act") was enacted, transferring the regulation of the teaching profession from the CSC to the PRC. Enhanced partial computerization of licensure systems was mandated by Executive Order No. 200, leading to a dramatic decline in the release of examination results to an average of 70 days from 160 in the previous year. Computerized application forms were pilot-tested in the CPA licensure examination. PRC started conferment of "Outstanding Accredited Professional Organization of the Year" award. In 1995, the Office for Professional Teachers was established. CPE Councils for each of the professions were constituted. Examination results were released in an average of 14.4 days from 70 days in 1994. PRC monitored the performance of schools in licensure examinations. President Fidel Ramos issued Executive Order No. 266 on July 25 institutionalizing CPE and making it mandatory for the renewal of professional license.

In 1996, decentralization of agency operations began with the full operations of regional offices in the cities of Baguio and Cebu. PRC Offices were also established in Legazpi, Cagayan de Oro and Davao. The first licensure examination for teachers in August was administered to 97,560 examinees. The Central Office Local Area Network was installed. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Coordinating Council for Services approved the Mutual Recognition Agreement proposal of the PRC. Licensure examination results were released in six days from an average of fourteen days in 1995. The First Conference of Professionals was held in June. Administrative Order No. 260 was issued in March further strengthening the CPE Councils by attaching them to the PRBs and providing for their personnel complement and Trust Fund. The Office of the CPE Councils was inaugurated on September 11. The year 1997 saw the conduct of the Regional Management Conference with the approval of Regional Action Plans and the Operational Framework for Administration of Regional Offices. That year, the Regional Offices processed 59% of total applications for examinations. The Regional Coordinating Unit under the Office of the Chairman was established. The CPE was fully implemented for all professions with the issuance of Executive Order No. 266. Physical improvements were completed at the PABE Office, OFAS and frontline offices. A survey to gauge public awareness and perception towards the PRC was conducted nationwide. Licensure examination results were released in an average of 5 days. Guests from Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Mongolia visited the PRC to observe the computerized examinations and CPE programs. In 1998, the PRC celebrated its Silver Anniversary with President Fidel V. Ramos as Guest of Honor and Speaker at the Awards Night. As it was the Philippine Centennial Year, the agency rededicated itself in the service of the Filipino nation and in nurturing the Filipino professionals for the 21st century. At the Annual Planning Conference in Subic Bay, the PRC formally adopted its Vision and Mission and its first Commission Strategic Plan. The Maritime Affairs Office (Marine Deck and Marine Engineer Officers Divisions and International Affairs Division) was created to cater exclusively to marine officers. The Quality Policy Manual of the maritime professions was promulgated while the Educational Statistics Task Force was established. The PRC Auditorium, Memorabilia Hall, PABE Library were inaugurated during the PRC Week celebration. PRC-Tuguegarao opened its doors to the public. That year, Regional Offices accounted for thirty-eight percent (38%) of total applications for examinations and for the first time released reports of ratings to examinees in the regions. In 1999, the agency was formally awarded the ISO 9002 Certification by the Anglo-JapaneseAmerican Environmental Quality and Safety Certification for licensing of marine deck and engineer officers. The database of marine officers was established in compliance with R.A. 8544. PRC signed memoranda of agreement with some colleges and universities in Manila to ferret non-qualified examinees with fake documents. The manualization of central and regional operations and compilation of Commission and PRB issuances started. The Regional Budget Program was adopted. PRC launched its website in tie-up an application service provider. Information dissemination campaign on CPE, licensure examinations, and test questions databanking system was conducted. The year 2000 saw the approval of the PRC Modernization Act. Test results were released and published simultaneously in Manila and the regional offices, within an average of three (3) days. The statistical report on performance of schools (1994-1998) was released to the Commission on Higher Education. Regional Offices in Iloilo and Tacloban were inaugurated. The Commission directed the decentralization of monitoring of CPE provides and programs and the provision of CPE database to Regional Offices. The Regional Email Communications System was operationalized.

Commissioner Alfonso G. Abad assumed office as Acting Chairman in February. The Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 8981 were adopted in February 15. Hon. Antonieta Fortuna-Ibe assumed office as the first lady Chairperson on August 1. The Commission set new Thrusts and Priorities in 2001: Customer-Focused Service, Modernization through Full Computerization and Restructuring, Integrity of Licensure Examinations, Good Governance, Protection and Promotion of Filipino Professionals and Support to National Development Priorities. Processing of professional IDs was reduced from 6 months in August to only 10 days at the end of the year. PRC started the streamlining of systems and procedures and improvement of basic facilities. A streamlined procurement system was installed with the creation of a new Bids and Awards Committee. PRC declared all-out war against syndicates and fixers. The new accounting curriculum was approved by CHED. The Philippines was authorized to operate the APEC Engineer Register in October 19. In 2002, the Good Governance Code of Ethics was adopted by the Commission in June. Courtesy Lane for Filipino nurses was opened while Customer Service Centers were established nationwide through memoranda of agreement with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Philippine Postal Corporation, curbing the proliferation of fake and overpriced stamps and generating millions of pesos in revenues for the government. National Statistics Office Batch Request Entry and Query System was inaugurated. "Zero Backlog" in issuance of Professional Identification Cards was registered. The PRC fully complied with the February 1, 2002 deadline by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the revalidation of the 1978 Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping or STCW Convention Certificates. It also met the IMO deadline for on-line verification for maritime professionals which can be accessed by flag and administrations. The Government-Private Networking for Good Governance was conducted on September 16 where memoranda of agreement were signed with 18 institutions. A Special Lane was created in November to cater exclusively for nurses and overseas contract workers. PRC started to formulate agency annual budget using Zero-Based Budgeting. PRC fully implemented the Electronic Procurement System. Good governance among the professions was launched with the signing of Executive Order No. 220 ("Directing the Adoption of the Code of Good Governance for the Professions in the Philippines") on June 23, 2003. The "no deferment" policy was implemented. The Asia Pacific Economic Council Engineer Registry with PRC as National Monitoring Committee was activated while the International Accounting and Auditing Standards was adopted. The Commission complied with the International Maritime Organization deadline for revalidation of '78 STCW Certificates and facilitated the issuance of '95 STCW certificates. Customer-focused service was attained through streamlining of procedures, color-coding and revision of forms, flowcharts, Customer Relations Officers, and daily customer surveys. The new and upgraded PRC website was launched with separate portals for each profession, PRB and APO. The year 2003 was networking with government agencies and private institutions. Memoranda of Agreement with the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education and the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration required professionals to secure valid and updated PRC ID and certificates of registration for employment purposes. The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Employers Confederation of the Philippines, the Management Association of the Philippines, and the Personnel Management Association of the Philippines helped out in the drive to flush out fake professionals by requiring job applicants for professional positions to submit PRC IDs and registration certificates. The PRC networked with 25 government agencies and private associations to assist in various good governance related measures. Regional/field office budgets were rationalized in accordance with volume of clientele

and catchment area. Through reforms in bidding, the Commission generated millions in savings in the procurement of computerized application form and ID/answer sheets. After a brief stewardship of Chairperson Alcestis Guiang, Dr. Leonor Tripon Rosero assumed as Acting Commission Chairperson. In 2004, the PRC worked for the passage of new professional regulatory laws: Electronics and Communications Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, Customs Brokers, Guidance Counseling, Dentistry, Veterinary medicine, Medicine, Architecture, Physical Therapy, Medical Technology, and Accountancy. Professional Identification Cards were released in 5 days, 10 days for professional teachers. Dr. Leonor Tripon-Rosero assumed office in August as Commission Chairperson. Implementing the Government Electronic Procurement System in 2005, the agency improved its procurement process and reduced its expenses on supplies and materials by 21 percent equivalent to savings of P5.6 million. The Electronic New Government Accounting System became operational after its turn-over by the Commission on Audit, with PRC becoming the one among twenty national government agencies implementing the project. The eCash Management System became operational in the central and all regional offices. Service convenience was provided to transacting public through the Doxpro Call Center Facility and the PRC Text with Globe and Smart. With a marked increase in total income, regional offices were commended. For Test Question Databank System build-up, all Professional Regulatory Boards complied with the requirement of at least 500 test questions input for each subject, except for subjects that were temporarily assigned to current PRB members due to vacancies. The first seminar-workshop on CompetencyBased Testing was conducted for Professional Regulatory Boards. The development of all LERIS modules was completed. In 2006, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo directed all government agencies to move towards ISO certification through Quality Management System in Administrative Order No. 161 dated October 6, 2006. The LERIS Online Application System and Walk-in Examination System were pilot tested and successfully conducted for four examinations. New Rules of Procedures in Administrative Investigation was approved. The 3-year Information Systems Strategic Plan (2007-2009) was approved with the start of several ICT projects: Voice Over Internet Protocol Communications System, Office Systems Automation, Security and Disaster Management and Database Migration. On September 11, the PRC was attached to the Department of Labor and Employment pursuant to Executive Order No. 565. On October 9, 2006 Executive Order No. 565-A was issued, delegating the Presidential power of control over the PRC to the DOLE Secretary. The ID Express Lane was inaugurated in December 2006. In 2007, the PRC Citizen's Charter was promulgated pursuant to the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007. WES Test Centers were inaugurated in the cities of Iloilo, Cebu and Davao. The Central Office underwent complete make-over. Regional Offices were conferred awards during PRC Week for personnel productivity and income collection. The regions accounted for 49 percent of examinees, and 51 percent of IDs processed. In 2008, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo directed the PRC during the Education Summit to update licensure examinations to reflect technical and scientific requirements of business and industry. Atty. Nicolas P. Lapena, Jr. assumed office as Commission Chairperson. A Planning, Research Statistics and Development Unit was created. The CPE was re-institutionalized while the PRC Hymn was adopted. The remote conduct of the WES in Manila was successfully conducted. Regional Offices accounted for P430.3 million in collections or 48% of the

Commission's total income and 60 percent of total transactions. The Commission authorized Regional Offices to approve travel orders within their territorial jurisdiction. For 2009, the Commission welcomed the Real Estate Service as the newest profession under the PRC with the approval of Republic Act No. 9646. Regional Office buildings in Legazpi and Tuguegarao were inaugurated. PRC and the CHED signed a Memorandum of Agreement on the monitoring of performance of schools. The year 2010 saw the approval of The Roadmap to Quality Professional Regulation as the short and medium-term strategic plan of the Commission. A Committee on Research was created to screen and approve all requests of PRC data for use in individual researches, ensure the confidentiality of the data and to monitor and supervise the research undertaking. The PRC and CHED issued a circular requiring State and Local Universities and Colleges to secure an authority from CHED to operate board programs and for PRC not to admit applicants for licensure examinations effective January 2011 from educational institutions which failed to comply.


Investigates cases against erring examinees and professionals. Its decisions have the force and effect of the decisions of a court of law, with the same level of authority as a Regional Trial Court. After the lapse of the period within which to file an appeal, Commission decisions become final and executory.

Formulates rules and policies on professional regulation. When published in the official gazette, these rules have the force and effect of law.

Administer, implements, and enforces the regulatory policies of the national government, including the maintenance of professional and occupational standards and ethics and the enforcement of the rules and regulations relative thereto.

The Commission is headed by a Commission Proper composed of a Chairperson and two Commissioners. The Commission has a unique structure.
It supervises 43 professional regulatory boards (PRBs), and at the same time, extends technical, legal, and administrative support to the latter. The members of the PRBs, all presidential appointees, in turn regulate the professions under their jurisdiction. It has 4 stakeholders: the 80 million Filipinos, the 42 accredited professional organizations and 2.3 million Filipino professional, the 42 Professional Regulatory Boards with 159 member, and the 484 PRC employees. It has 3 major operating offices: Licensure Office, Regulations Office, Office of Financial and Administrative Services, and two ad hoc offices: Maritime Affairs Office and Office for Professional Teachers. It has 10 field offices: in Tuguegaro, Baguio, Lucena, Legaspi, Tacloban, Iloilo, Cebu, Davao, Cagayan de Oro, and Zamboanga.

Each office is headed by a Director responsible for the supervision of the different divisions, units or section under their respective jurisdiction, which are described and enumerated hereunder.
Licensure Office

Application Division. In-charge of the assessment and evaluation of qualification of applicants in licensure examinations; assists the various professional regulatory boards in the prequalification of applicants prior to admission to sit in the licensure examinations. Examination Division. In charge of the administration and supervision of the conduct of licensure examinations. Rating Division. In-charge of processing examination results; responsible for the correction and rating of examination answer sheets and the eventual release of examination results.

Educational Statistics Task Force. In-charge of the collection and processing of statistical data relative to the performance of schools in licensure examination and the interpretation of the results thereof.
Regulations Office

Registration Division. In-charge of the registration of successful examinees in licensure examinations; responsible for the maintenance of the registry of registered professionals. Legal Division. In-charge of investigating complaints and/or cases against registered professionals or applicants in licensure examinations, hear and adjudicate the same. Standards and Inspection Division. In-charge of implementing professional standards of the various professional regulatory boards and monitoring compliance thereof.
Office of Financial, Administrative and Support Services

Budget Division. In-charge of the preparation and allocation of the agencys budget. Accounting Division. In-charge of accounting and analyzing financial transactions of the agency; responsible for the monitoring of the agencys income and expenditures. EDP Division. In-charge of the development and maintenance of various electronic and computerized application systems, databases, software and hardware of the Commission. Administrative Division. In-charge of maintenance, allocation and supervision of all the resources of the Commission which is composed of the following sections: Personnel Section - in-charge of hiring, promotion and evaluation of the personnel/work force of the Commission Property Section - in charge of the maintenance and monitoring of the agencys properties, supplies and materials inventory General Services Section - in-charge of housekeeping and maintenance of Commissions buildings, machinery and equipment Records Section - is the central repository of all the records of the Commission Office for Professional Teachers - in-charge of processing, evaluation and prequalification of applicants for examination and registration of professional teachers; maintains registry of professional teachers
Maritime Office

Marine Deck Officers Division. In-charge of processing, evaluation and pre-qualification of applicants for examination and registration of marine deck officers; maintains registry of marine deck officers. Marine Engineer Officers Division. In-charge of processing, evaluation and pre-qualification of applicants for examination and registration of marine engineer officers; maintains registrey of marine engineer officers.

Seafarers Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Section. In-charge of processing and evaluation of qualifications of marine officers for the issuance of certificates of competency and endorsement and revalidation thereof. Secretary to the Regulatory Boards. In-charge of assisting the various professional regulatory boards in the discharge of their duties, functions and responsibilities.

PRC Officials

COMMISSION PROPER HON. TERESITA R. MANZALA Chairperson Tel: 736-8018 Telefax: 735-4476 [email protected] HON. ALFREDO Y. PO Commissioner Tel: 314-0049 Telefax: 735-1536 [email protected] HON. JENNIFER J. MANALILI Commissioner Tel: 735-1488 Telefax: 733-1045 [email protected] ATTY. ARISTOGERSON T. GESMUNDO Assistant Commissioner Tel: 736-2249 [email protected]

EDGAR C. COSTIBOLO Officer-in-Charge., Information and Communications Technology Division Tel: 735-1491 * 314-0017 [email protected]

JESUSA D. MENDOZA Officer-in-Charge, Internal Audit Services Division Tel: 314-0019

PRISCILLA C. REYES Officer-in-Charge, Planning and Monitoring Division Telefax: 733-1047 [email protected]

ATTY. CARLOS G. ALMELOR Secretary, Professional Regulatory Boards Tel: 314-00-18 Telefax: 735-1533 [email protected] SOSITA V. ONG Assistant Secretary, Professional Regulatory Boards Tel: 314-0018 Telefax: 735-1533

LICENSURE OFFICE AMELIA T. EMPAYNADO Director, Licensure Office Telefax: 314-0024 [email protected]

AIDA G. ACOBA Officer-in-Charge, Application Division Telefax: 314-0027 [email protected]

REBECCA C. GARCIA Officer-in-Charge, Examination Division Tel: 735-4703 [email protected]

GINA A. CONSIGNADO Officer-in-Charge, Rating Division Tel: 735-1534

ALFONSO C. VILORIA Officer-in-Charge, Educational Statistics Division Tel: 314-0039 [email protected]

REGULATIONS OFFICE ATTY. PHARSON B. MAMALO Officer-in-Charge, Regulations Office Tel: 735-4671

ATTY. DIOSDADO ANSELMO Q. LALUSIS Officer-in-Charge, Legal and Investigation Division Tel: 735-1248 PERLA D. SAYANA Chief, Registration Division Tel: 736-2248 [email protected]

LORD LOUIS P. VALERA Officer-in-Charge, International Affairs Division Tel: 314-00-19 [email protected]

CERILA L. EDEN Officer-in-Charge, Standards and Inspection Division Telefax: 314-00-48 [email protected]

OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (O.F.A.S.) SARAH EDNA A. TABIJE Officer-in-Charge, O.F.A.S. Tel: 314-0045 Telefax: 736-2243 [email protected] TRICIA D. CAMARA Officer-in-Charge, Accounting Division Tel: 314-0025

DOMINGO RODILLO H. MANGUBAT Chief, Administrative Division Tel: 314-0026

ELEONOR B. QUILANG Officer-in-Charge, General Services Tel: 314-0046

JANE R. SEVESES Officer-in-Charge, Budget and Management Division Telefax: 735-1513

ROBERTO C. ONG Officer-in-Charge, Cash Division Tel: 736-2245 Telefax: 736-2242

JOSEPHINE R. BONTO Officer-in-Charge, Cash Disbursing Section Telefax: 314-0021

ANITA P. DOMALANTA Officer-in-Charge, Human Resource Management Division Tel: 736-2246

AURORA H. MENDOZA Officer-in-Charge, Records Management Division Tel: 314-0020 [email protected] EMMA T. FRANCISCO Officer-in-Charge, Supply and Property Division Telefax: 736-2247

OFFICE FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS WAYNE B. CRISPIN Officer-inCharge Telefax: 7362252 opt.prc@gmail.


MARITIME OFFICE CRISTETA R. BALDOVINO Officer-in-Charge, Marine Engineer Officers Division Tel: 733-1046 [email protected]

HENRIETTA P. NARVAEZ Officer-in-Charge, Marine Deck Officers Division Telefax: 736-2253 [email protected]

MARIE JANE L. EDQUID Officer-in-Charge, Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers Telefax: 314-0023 [email protected]

REGIONAL OFFICES TEOFILO GAIUS M. SISON, JR. Officer-in-Charge, Baguio Regional Office Ground Floor, Court of Appeals Administration Building Upper Session Road Extn., Baguio City Tel: (074) 305-8024 * (074) 444-7603 (074) 304-3180 * (074) 304-3080 Fax: (074) 424-5053 [email protected]

ESTRELLA C. MALIK Director, Cagayan de Oro Regional Office Elfante Building General Antonio Luna St., Cagayan de Oro City Tel: (088) 231-3723 (08822) 721-917 Fax: (08822) 712-772 [email protected] ATTY. DAN V. MALAYANG Officer-in-Charge, Cebu Regional Office 979 V. Rama Ave., St., Guadalupe, Cebu City Tel: (032) 253-9993 (032) 253-5330 Fax: (032) 254-3497 [email protected] JOSEPHINE V. LIAMZON Director, Davao Regional Office 2nd Floor Granland Business Center Rafael Castillo St., Davao City Tel: (082) 234-0007 to 08 Fax: (082) 234-0006 [email protected] LILY ANN R. BALDAGO Director, Iloilo Regional Office 2nd Floor N.B. Building, Lopez Jaena Street, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel: (033) 329-2730 * (033) 329-2733 (033) 329-37-05 Telefax: (033) 329-2410 [email protected] ELENITA L. TAN Officer-in-Charge, Legaspi Regional Office Regional Office No. V, Regional Government Center Site, Rawis, Legaspi City 4500

Tel: (052) 481-3079 Fax: (082) 481-3323 [email protected] MA. RHODA G. GLIANE Officer-in-Charge, Lucena Regional Office 2nd floor Grand Central Terminal Ilayang Dupay, Lucena City Tel: (042) 373-7316 Fax: (042) 373-7305 [email protected] GERMAN P. PALABYAB Director, Tacloban Regional Office 2nd Floor Robert Yu Building., (beside GSIS) Marasbaras, Tacloban City Tel: (053) 323-9385 Fax: (053) 323-9828 * (053) 323-9729 [email protected] RODRIGO F. BALAQUI, JR. Officer-in-Charge, Tuguegarao Regional Office Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Tele/fax: (078) 304-0701 * (078) 304-3703 [email protected] ATTY. SENANDO N. ESTEBAN Officer-in-Charge, Pagadian Regional Office 149 F. S. Pajares Street, Pagadian City Tele/fax: (062) 925-0080 [email protected]

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