HSE Plan For Site

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Project HSE Plan

XYZ Project

(Cross Refrence – Clause 4.4.6 and 4.4.7 of ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS18001:2007)

Issue # : 001

Date of Issue:

Revision # of Record : 01

Prepared by: (Project In


Reviewed by: (Regional HSE


Approved by: (Regional Head)

Table of Contents

SL# Sections Page#

I Executive Summary 3

II Objective, Purpose and Scope 4

III QHSE Policy of Company 5
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Roles, Responsibilities and Organization
IV Chart for HSEMS Implementation. Sub 6
Contractor Guidelines
V Project Details,Location and Scope of Work 16

VI List of Main Project Activites 19

VII HSE Committee 20

VIII HSE Induction & Training Program 24

Master List of Operational Control

IX 28

X Labour Welfare Measures and Health 31

XI Emergency Preparedness Action Plan 34

Appendix A- Relevant Operational Control
XII 49
Procedure of Environmental Aspect –
Impact Assessment
Procedure for Occupational Health and
XIV 52
Safety Hazard- Risk Assessment

I. Executive Summary

The objective of this HSE plan is to promote Health, Safety & Environment of
person working with Company Name and prescribe certain rules, procedures
and safe practices in order to comply with the applicable laws, Client / Company
HSE policies & to create a working environment free of condition and factors that
might contribute to an accident or injury /Illness. The project specific HSE plan
will provide guide line for safe execution of project.

The management and monitoring of the processes contained within these

procedures are the responsibility of the Company.The implementation of these
procedures will provide the platform on which we seek to attain and maintain
high standards of health, safety & environmental performance.

The avoidance of accidents and the promotion of a safe and healthy workplace
must be a common objective for all the Sub-contractors. A safe working
environment will be achieved through the active and equal participation of all
employees (and those subcontractors undertaking work for company) in

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identifying hazards, and then introducing control measures to ensure positive
elimination or reduction of the risk presented by them.

The objective of a Safety Management System is to provide a safe working

environment. This will be achieved through the implementation of planned and
controlled procedures that ensures all aspects of safety are considered at the
outset and that control measures are introduced to manage identified risks.

Safety is synonymous with quality, and by following the procedures contained

within this manual both individual and corporate professionalism will be
demonstrated underpinning our Company objectives of continuous improvement
and exceeding expectations.

II. Objective Purpose and Scope


1. To determine broad parameters of HSE Management at site.

2. To establish and define chain of command for resolution of all hazard and
prevention of pollution.

3. Continual HSE performance improvement by directing focus on the key

areas for improvement in a consistent manner.


This HSE plan explains the Health,Safety and Environment Issues at this
construction site and the procedures that shall be followed by all


These initial HSE Plan has been prepared to encompass many of the high
risk activities and operations which will initially be carried out on
construction site and the methods by which control measures are to be
put in place to minimize the risk of injury or ill health occurring in our
workplace and prevention of pollution.

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III. QHSE Policy of Company

IV. Roles Responsibilities and Organization Chart

for HSEMS Implementation;Subcontractor HSE

Director (Operations) & Regional Heads

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The Director (Operations) &Regional Heads of the region is ultimately
responsible & accountable for Safety within the region.

1. Ensure that Health & Safety Policy is carried out effectively at all the
projects under their control.
2. Review all significant region reports on Health, Safety & Environment
including those concerning accidents and reportable incidents.
3. Monitor management of the Company's health and Safety Policy and
ensure that all recommended corrective action is implemented.

Project Coordinators

The Project Coordinators of the region shall ensure the Safety at projects sites.

1. Ensure that Health & Safety Policy is carried out effectively at all the
projects under their control.
2. Review all significant region reports on Health, Safety & Environment
including those concerning accidents and reportable incidents.
3. Monitor management of the Company's health and Safety Policy and
ensure that all recommended corrective action is implemented.

Project Managers and HODs

Project Managers and Section Heads shall be responsible and accountable for the
safety of the subordinate staff and operations under their control. They are
expected to promote a high degree of Health, Safety and Environment
awareness among the personnel.

Their responsibilities are as follows:

1. They shall have overall responsibility on HSE issues (including sub-

contractors) for this project.
2. Ensure that scheduled Safety Committee Meetings are held and minutes
of meetings recorded & recommended corrective actions are
3. Arrange for the scheduled training of all employees in aspects of HSE care
relevant to their work.
4. Ensure that all incidents involving injury, damage to property as well as
near-miss incidents are reported to the concern and are thoroughly
investigated to identify the causes, so that there is no recurrence. They
are also responsible for implementation of corrective actions which are
recommended to avoid recurrence.
5. Report immediately any unsafe equipment, system or procedures and
ensure appropriate corrective action is taken.
6. Ensure that all subordinate staff is made aware of any potential HSE
hazard and know their individual responsibility.
7. They shall be responsible for the preparation of specific safe working
procedures for all hazardous works in consultation with Safety Officer.
8. They shall ensure that all the forms and formats of latest versions are
available and issued at site.
9. They shall also ensure that all the old version of documents destroyed and
if required to retained, they should be stamped as “Obsolete Documents”.

Project site HSE Officer

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Responsibilities shall be as follows;

1. Ensure the client and Company's procedures to be followed during

construction activities.
2. Ensure the promotion of HSE Awareness among the construction
personnel at all levels through audio/visual means, Safety meetings and
3. Ensure the Safety Inspections on Scaffolding, Equipment, Ladders, Lifting
Equipment and Tools on regular basis, recommend corrective actions and
monitor implementation of recommended corrective actions.
4. Ensure the preparation of safety statistics and submit on monthly basis to
Project Incharge, Regional Heads and corporate heads.
5. Advise Project managers on HSE related matters including hygiene of
labor camp and work site.
6. Ensure the monitoring of the improvements of safety performance in
weekly tool box meetings and Safety committee meetings at this project.
7. Ensure that the accident investigation and reporting procedure is
communicated to all employees.
8. Ensure awareness of emergency procedure among all employees. He shall
organize required training session at site.
9. They shall ensure that all the forms and formats of latest versions are
available and issued at site. They shall also ensure that all the old version
of documents destroyed and if required to retained, they should be
stamped as “Obsolete Documents”.

Engineers, Supervisors and Skilled Workers

All Engineers, Supervisors and Skilled Workers shall be responsible &

accountable to ensure the following:

1. Work under their control is executed in a safe manner in order to prevent

the risk of injury to personnel and damage to property.
2. Employees are made aware of any health, potential hazards and risk to
the personnel that may arise during their day-to-day or specific or out-of-
work activities.
3. No unsafe activity or condition shall be allowed, if any unsafe conditions of
plant, equipment and any unsafe act of any employees are noticed, the
same will be reported immediately to the line management.
4. To ensure that employees are made aware of their individual
responsibilities, accountability and targets for HSE protection.
5. All incidents involving personal injury, effect on health, damage to
property, effects on the environment, near-miss accidents are to be
reported immediately to the line management and the Safety Officer. An
investigation shall be carried out to identify root causes& recommended
corrective actions shall be carried out to avoid recurrence.
6. Shall complete all necessary reports as soon as possible in the event of
any incident and submit to the Project In-Charge & Safety Officer

Individual Employees

All the company personnel have a duty to themselves, all their co-workers and
any other persons who may be affected by their actions to work in the safest
manner possible.

In particular, Managers, Engineers, Supervisors and employees at all level must:

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1. Abide by all the laid down Company's Safety requirements as well as
statutory Health-and-Safety-at-work obligations.
2. Avoid any action that might have potential hazard to themselves or
3. Bring to the notice of Managers, Engineers, Supervisors or concerned
personnel of any potential health or safety hazard and any practices likely
to cause an accident or any unsafe practice or act being followed.

Sub-contractor’s responsibility towards health safety &


1. The sub-contractor will be responsible for conducting their work in a manner

that does not expose any employee, and / or property to unsafe conditions.
2. The sub-contractor will be responsible to ensure that their employees follow
the safe practices, safe work procedures and safe provisions as per the
company’s safety rules and regulations.
3. If sub-contractor fails to comply with any safety requirements or work
performed by their employee is unsafe, company may stop the work and/or
remove any non-complying employees, and immediately correct non-
4. The sub-contractor shall appoint a HSE Supervisor / Representative to
implement and enforce safe work procedures and safe practices effectively
before commencement of any type of work at site. His name shall be
conveyed to the Project Manager in writing.
5. The sub-contractor shall and abide by following general rules and specific
rules intimated during the course of work.
6. Each employee of the contractor must have his identity badge/card with him
while entering and during the time he is at work site premises.
7. A safety induction to all contractors supervisors, workmen will be held at site
to outline company name. safety requirements and procedures specific to
work site including the 'Contractors Rules'
8. Obtain certification of safety induction under gone from site HSE Officer /
HSE Representative on your identity badge/card.
9. Employees below the age of 18 years will not be employed. Employee
accompanied with child will not be permitted to enter the site.
10.Female employee will not be permitted to work at site between 6 p.m. to 8
a.m. i.e. during night hour, for any work.
11.The sub-contractor must perform their work safely, so that they do not
endanger themselves, other employee’s life or property.
12.The sub-contractor is responsible for conveying all pertinent safety
information and requirements to his employees (including his sub-
contractors) and should see that there is a strict adherence of the above.
13.The sub-contractor must comply with and is responsible for his employees
(including his sub-contractors) withal provisions of statutory regulations as in
force and laid down by the authorities. such as State insurance body like
ESIC, Office of Labor Commissioner etc.
14.The sub-contractor is required to maintain all registers such as employment
register, wags register, leave register etc. as per statutory requirements as
15.The sub-contractor supervisor / representative must be present at all times at
the site when the work is being performed by their employees. The job must
not be left only to the workers.
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16.The sub-contractor must submit the list of all the materials, tools and
equipment they want to take in use. They must be certified and approved by
competent person before taking in to use at the sites.
17.Additional safety rules or requirements may apply to specific work which are
hazardous because of the location or the nature of process / activity,
company’s representative will advise the contractor of additional safety
18.Special guidelines may need to be jointly established before work begins for
the jobs requiring the use scaffolding and/or ladders.
19.All fabrication, erection of scaffold / material hoist / passenger hoist / tower
crane etc. shall be discussed and got approved from company’s
representative before commencing the work.
20.The sub-contractor must obtain work permit from the concerned site engineer
prior to start of activity such as Working at Height; Hot Work ( welding &
cutting ); Deep Excavation And Entry in to Confined Space.
21.Violation of safety rules if observed at the site will be escorted out from the
site premises.

Responsibility Of Sub-Contractor’s Supervisor

1. The HSE supervisors shall ensure that all his employees have received safety
induction before commencing any type of work at site.
2. Ensure that he has received copy of 'Safety Guidelines For Sub-Contractors'
and all instruction pertaining to his job before commencing work at site.
3. Shall go through all safety measures, safe work procedures, understand
properly and ensure that they are implemented by their work force
effectively, if not shall be enforced strictly.
4. Shall ensure that employees engaged in any job or operations is fully aware
of hazards associated with and follows the safe method of working.
5. Shall attend and participate in all safety committee meetings.
6. Ensure that all personal protective equipment are provided, used and
maintained properly by their employees.
7. Ensure that safety belts with suitable anchoring arrangement is provided to
his employees working at height. No employee of his shall be permitted to
work at height without the use if safety belt.
8. Ensure that all accidents occurred on the site are reported immediately to the
company's safety officer / safety representative.
9. Any unsafe hazardous condition observed shall be corrected immediately or
reported to concerned site engineer immediately or to the company's safety
officer / safety representative.
10.Ensure that no equipment, lifting equipment, tools and tackles are taken in
use before obtaining clearance certification from company's competent
11.Ensure that all pertinent safety information and requirements are conveyed
to his employees and his sub-contractors, conveyed to him by the concerned
company's officials.

General Site Rules for all including visitors

1. The possession and use of alcohol and / or drugs at the project site is strictly
prohibited. Any employee appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or
drugs will not be permitted to enter or work at site.
2. Always obey instructions and comply with all safety rules, procedures and

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3. Work place to be kept neat and clean, wastage / scrap to be removed after
the completion of day-to-day work.
4. Make proper use of all safety devices and guards provided. They are for your
5. Wear all personal protective equipment provided for your safety, i.e. helmet,
hand gloves, goggles, safety belt, dust mask, etc. It is mandatory to wear
helmets by all while at work site.
6. Always walk. Never run at site (except in emergency).
7. Be alert and look where you are walking so that you don't slip or stumble. Use
regular aisles and gangways. Do not take short cuts.
8. Do not lift the load more than safe working load.
9. Do not take undue risk or chance while at work.
10.Do not work under suspended load. Keep clear. Do not lean on stacked
11.No one except the driver (operator) is allowed to ride on the dumper, tipper,
JCB excavator, bulldozer, crane, etc. No one is to operate such equipment
without proper authority.
12.Never start, operate, adjust or repair any machine or equipment unless you
are authorized to do so.
13.Before starting any machine or equipment, ensure that no one is in danger
zone and that safety devices are in place.
14.Do not adjust, repair, clan or lubricate any machine or equipment in motion,
or with engine running.
15.Treat all electrical wires as live wires. Do not insert bare electrical wires inside
the socket. Use three pin plugs.
16.All electrical equipment used at site shall be of good quality and shall be
fitted with good sound cable and earthing. No electrical equipment is safe if it
is misused.
17.If you get injured, get first aid immediately however slight the injury may be.
18.Report all accidents to your supervisors and the concerned engineer at site.
19.If you are sick while at work, report immediately to you are supervisor and
take proper treatment / advice from the doctor.
20.When working at height a suitable scaffold shall be provided for employees
for all work that can't be done from ground and/or ladder with access ladder
and working platform provided with guard-rails.
21.No employee shall be permitted to work at height of 2meters and above
without the use of safety belt with life line securely anchored.
22.Rolling gas cylinders is prohibited. For transferring gas cylinders from one
place to another, a hand trolley shall be used.
23.The gas welder shall examine his torch, valves and hoses etc. for any gas
leakages every day. Defective torches and hoses etc. shall be replaced.
Always use spark lighter to light your torch. Lighting torch with match-box is
strictly prohibited.
24.Always use oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders for gas welding and cutting
operation. Use of Domestic L.P.G. gas cylinder is strictly prohibited at sites.
25.For electrical welding works, a good welding machine with sound welding &
return cables shall be used. The welder shall not connect the earth to any
structures. The welding cable shall be without any joints.
26.During welding and gas cutting, molten metal and spark are likely to fall down
while working at height. The welder shall cover the length affecting the other
works by wet gunny bags.
27.Compressed air shall not be used to clean clothing, a body parts etc.
28.While digging pits and trenches, the area shall be fenced.
29.Report all unsafe acts / conditions observed to your supervisors.

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30.After completion of work, surrounding area shall be cleaned, scaffold if any
shall be removed immediately.

(Health, Safety & Environment Management System

Implementation Chart)

Managing Director

Chief Executive Officer


Regional Heads Management

Representative Corporat
e Core
Regional Team Team
Project Coordinator Assistant Management Corporate HODs

Project In charge

Site Core Team

Project Manager / HSE

Officer / Engineer /

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Organisation Structure










Site HSE Core Team: (Please mention the names of team


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Project Incharge: Mr.

HSE Officer: Mr.

Operations: Mr.


QMS: Mr.

PMV: Mr.

Store/Procurement: Mr.

Admin/HR: Mr.

V. Project Details Location and Scope of Work


1 Scope Of Work
192034 CUM
1. Excavation
4717 MT
2. Reinforcement
247039 SQM
3. Shuttering
54930 CUM
4. Concreting
40505 SQM
5. Water Proofing
24881 CUM

Page 12 of 57
6. Masonry
194400 SQM
7. Plastering
192.55 MT
8. Structural Steel
92364 SQM
9. Flooring

2 Total Area 80000 SQM

3 Location Of The Site

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Site Location

Location of
Project Site

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VI. List of Project Activites

1. Site Work, Excavation and Earth Work.

2. PCC and Reinforced Cement Concrete

3. Water Proofing and Roof Treatment

4. Structural Steel Work

5. Masonry Work

6. Plaster Work

7. Wood Work

8. Miscellaneous Work.

9. Concrete work

10. Reinforcement work

11. Shuttering work

12. Road activity

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VII. Health Safety and Environment Committee

HSE Meetings

There shall be a Health Safety Environment Committee Meeting comprising of

the Management (concerned Managers,Engineers, and Supervisors of the
project) and the sub-contractor's representatives in equal number as per Section
Committee. The formation of HSE Committee shall be documented and

The meeting shall be held minimum once in a month through project duration. As
a minimum HSE officer as secretary shall attend the meetings and the Project-in
charge shall chair the meeting.

The minutes of the meetings shall be recorded& circulated to all members with
the target of action taken. Every meeting the minutes of previous meeting shall
be reviewed for the action completed. The minutes should also be displayed on
the notice board in a conspicuous manner.


It is the policy of company that regular project site HSE meetings be conducted
by the Project-in-charge, Superintendent, and/or the site HSE Officer to:

1. Orient all company and sub-contractors trade’speople to project requirements

and objectives.
2. Identify areas on the site that present special problems or concerns, and
determine the best corrective action for each situation.

The company Project Site HSE Meeting program is arranged in three levels:

1 The Initial Project HSE Orientation Meeting.

2 Project Site HSE Committee Meeting.
3 Periodic (weekly) "Tool-Box" Safety Meetings.

Initial project HSE orientation meeting

The Project HSE Orientation Meeting is conducted by the Project-in-charge at

their respective site at the very onset of the project with all company employees
and sub-contractors trade foremen.

The meeting must be given the complete attention by all project participants
that it deserves. All sub-contractors will be required to participate. Attendance
will be documented.

Minimum items to be reviewed at the meeting include:

1. All HSE requirements of the company to be followed and implemented by all

company and sub-contractors employees during the course of their
employment at all project sites.
2. Company HSE rules and procedures.
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3. The project site utilization program, specifically with regard to
arrangements for stored materials, proper materials handling, traffic, access,
security, communication, etc.
4. Fire protection requirements and procedures.
5. Posting of all emergency phone numbers.
6. Specific project site precautions with respect to protection of workers and
protection of the public; temporary protection, fall protection, hard hat,
safety shoes, gloves, eye protection, etc.
7. Project site security issues and arrangements.
8. Notification to all company and sub -contractor’sparticipants that willful
and/or repeated violation may be grounds for suspension or termination from
the project site.
9. Notification of the expectation of regular participation in periodic safety

Site HSE committee meetings


The Company HSE Committee is made up of both employer and sub-contractors

employee representatives who are charged with the responsibility of general
oversight of the Company HSE Program. The Committee convenes monthly, and
performs the important functions described.


1. Meet regularly to review the overall HSE Program, and specific operating
issues that may arise during the period.
2. Serve in an advisory capacity to the HSE Officer and to management.
3. Familiarize themselves with applicable construction safety standards.
4. Review established company procedures and evaluate the effectiveness of
their implementation.
5. Recommend corrections and improvements in procedures, safety rules,
and company policies with respect to accident and illness prevention on
our project sites and in our offices.
6. Prepare and distribute minutes of committee meetings. Make records of
committee activities and forward copy to corporate safety manager.



Chairman : Mr. ( Project-in-charge)

Secretary : Mr. ( Project HSE Manager)
Committee Members : Mr. (Sr. Project Manager)
Mr. (Construction Manager),
Mr. (QHMS Dept.).
Mr. ( Admin Incharge),
Mr. (Store-In-Charge),
Mr. (PMV Incharge),
Mr. ( Sub-contractor civil),
Mr. ( Steel Sub-contractor).

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1 Develop company-wide action plans for compliance with HSE regulations.

2 Develop an action program for project accountability.
3 Provide suggestions and direction for efficient implementation of prescribed
corrective measures.
4 Direct the distribution of HSE regulations, programs, and other informational


1 Schedule and enforce participation in all HSE Committee meetings.

2 Prepare and distribute HSE Committee meeting agendas.

3 Report to senior company management regarding the status of all
4 Ensure preparation / record of minutes of meetings, and distribute to all
5 In the absence of the Chairman, the Co-Chairman is authorized to assume all
responsibilities and authority of the Chairman.


1 Participate in all HSE Meetings.

2 Assist with safety inspections.
3 Apply and enforce applicable laws and company regulations.
4 Report unsafe conditions.
5 Report all Incidents.
6 Contribute ideas and suggestions for improvement of HSE and better
communication of HSE programs and information.

Regular MONTHLY Project site Committee HSE Meetings shall be conducted, how
smaller the project may be. Minutes of meeting shall be recorded and circulated.

Meeting agenda items regarding health safety and environment will at a

minimum include:

1. Review of any observed actual or possible HSE violations or any incident

occurred. Determine and implementation of corrective measures, by
concerned responsible engineer / supervisor.
2. Any planned or other changes in the project site utilization program as
previously established.
3. Project site housekeeping and cleanup status; protection, safety, and
4. Review of stored materials and equipment.
5. Review of work permit system requirements of hot work, working at
height, confined space, etc.
6. Review of temporary power and maintenance, and any necessary
corrections or upcoming changes.
7. Review of any up-coming special requirements, if any.

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VIII. HSE Induction &Training Program

HSE Induction for New Employees and Visitors

A safety awareness video film been prepared to assist in carrying out Induction
Training to all employees at project site before commencement of work and
issue of ID Card to employees by their respective sub-contactor’s OR by SPCL
who has undergone HSE Induction Training.

The duration of HSE induction training for new employees for 30 minutes with
the help of class room sessions or video film.

Topics for First day at work, HSE orientation training of Workmen

1. Hazard Identification Procedure, Hazards on site :

# Falls
# Earthing Work
# Electricity
# Machinery
# Handling materials
# Transport housekeeping
# Fire
# Site.

2. Personal Protective Equipment

# What is available ?
# How to obtain it ?
# Correct use and care.

3. Health
# Site welfare facilities
# Potential health hazards
# First Aid/CPR.

4. Duties of the contractor

# Brief outline of the responsibilities of the contractor by law.
# Details of contractor’s accident prevention policy.l
# Building and other constructions welfare law.

5. Employee’s Duties.
# Brief outline of responsibilities of employee under law.
# Explanation of how new employees fit into the contractor’s
plan for accident prevention (Induction and Orientation).

Visitors to Site

No visitor is allowed to enter the site without the permission of the SPCL. All
authorized visitors should report at the site office. SPCL shall provide visitor’s
helmet (with visitor sticker) and other PPEs like Safety Shoes, reflective jacket,
respiratory protection etc. as per requirement of the site.
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HSE Training Program.

All employees engaged for this project shall be given 'HSETraining' under this
HSE Plan. Various topics for training are identified and mentioned below.
Training on these topics will be organized during the project tenure.

HSE Training Responsibilities

Project Manager & Section heads are responsible to ensure all employees receive
adequate training.

The Safety Officer shall co-ordinate with the section heads and administers the
HSE training. Also he is responsible for monitoring of the training as well as the
compilation of the safety training conducted.

HSE Training Schedule

No. Training Subjects Conducted By Participant Duration Target date

1. HSE Induction HSE Officer All employee at site 30 Minutes Prior to start
2. Emergency procedure & HSE Officer All employee at site 1 hrs. Once in 6
handling of fire months
3. Scaffolding erecting & Scaffolding Foreman/ Scaffolding Erectors 30 minutes Once in a
dismantling S.O. month
4. Use of power hand tools Elec.Sup./S.O. Worker using power tool 30 minutes Once in 3
5. Grinding operation HSE Officer Workers doing grinding 30 minutes Once in 3
6. Welding & gas cutting Fabrication Eng./ Safety Welders & Helpers 30 minutes Once in 6
operation Officer months
7. Mechanical & Manual Rigging Eng. / Safety Workers doing handling 30 minutes Once in 6
handling Officer months
8. Construction HSE Officer Engineers 30 minutes Once in 2
Environment and Supervisors months
9. Basic electrical safety PMV dept./ HSE Dept. For employees & 1 hrs. Once in 3
workers months
10. First aid training HSE Dept. All employee at site 30 minutes Once in 3
11. Fire Training HSE Dept. Workers 30 minutes Once in 3
12. Training for work at Execution & HSE Dept. workers 30 minutes Once in 1

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height months
12. IER & IOHSR QHMS & HSE Dept. All employee at site 1 hrs. Once in 3

Tool Box Meetings

A ‘Tool box' meeting shall be held by the concerned discipline supervisor /

foreman with the work-force under their control. Additionally, an extra ' Tool box
' talk shall be given by the concerned supervisor prior to start of every new

The record of tool box talk maintain at site & HSE Department also.

Propose topics under tool box meeting are:

1 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);

2 Safety in use of Hand Tools;
3 Safety in use of Portable Electrical Tools;
4 Safety while welding /gas cutting operation;
5 Safety in Scaffold, Erecting & Dismantling;
6 Safety while Working at Height;
7 Housekeeping & Fire Prevention;
8 Safety while Material Handling;
9 Demolition;
10 Safety while Grinding Operation; and
11 Emergency procedure.
12 Safety during excavations
13 Temporary electrification

Audits & Inspection

All Audits and Inspection shall be conducted by concered department/HSE officer,

as per the process defined in Operational Control Procedure and Apex Manual
ofd HSE Management System

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IX. Master List of Operational Control Procedure

Based on the Aspect Impact Assessment and Hazard Risk Assessment the Project
In-charge and Departmental Incharge Shall select suitable OCPs for the project
from the list as perA-2.2-11-57-01- Master List of OCPs. Please write the
responsible department in Column# 4. In case of Geneal HSE OCPs , please
indicate all the departments.

Document Code Process List Format Code Responsibility

SP-O-2.2/11-01 Operational Control Procedure -- HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-02 Use of Personal Protective A-2.2/11-01-01 HSE Department
Equipment A-2.2/11-01-02
SP-O-2.2/11-02 General Site HSE Procedure -- HSE Department

SP-O-2.2/11-03 Maintenance and Use of Fire A-2.2/11-03-01 HSE Department/

Fighting System A-2.2/11-03-02 Administration
SP-O-2.2/11-04 Site Preparation -- HSE Department

SP-O-2.2/11-05 Working at Heights A-2.2/11-05-01 Execution/

A-2.2/11-05-02 HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-06 Excavation A-2.2/11-06-01 Execution/
A-2.2/11-06-02 HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-07 Scaffolding A-2.2/11-07-01 Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-08 Concreting Work -- Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-09 Erection of Steel Structures -- Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-10 Machine Safeguarding A-2.2/11-10-01 PNM/Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-11 Electrical Work Safety A-2.2/11-11-01 PNM/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-12 Hot Works A-2.2/11-12-01 PNM/Eecution/
A-2.2/11-12-02 HSE Department

SP-O-2.2/11-13 Joinery Works -- Eecution/

HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-14 Power Tool Safety A-2.2/11-14-01 PNM/Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-15 Drilling and Blasting -- Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-16 Operation of Dumper A-2.2/11-16-01 PNM/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-17 Maintenance of Plant Machinery -- PNM
and Equipment Department /
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-18 Earth Moving Machinery -- PNM Department
SP-O-2.2/11-19 Working in Confined Space A-2.2/11-19-01 PNM/Eecution/
SP-O-2.2/11-20 External Cladding and A-2.2/11-20-01 Eecution
Façade Work Deparment
SP-O-2.2/11-21 Storage of Chemicals A-2.2/11-21-01 Store

Page 22 of 57
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-22 Road and Hot Bituminous A-2.2/11-22-01 Eecution/
Works HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-23 Storage of Diesel/High A-2.2/11-23-01 Store
Flammable Liquid Department
SP-O-2.2/11-24 Handling of Construction -- Store/Execution &
Material HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-25 Use of Ladders A-2.2/11-25-01 HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-26 Safe Driving -- PNM &
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-27 Painting -- Execution &
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-28 Working in Occupied -- Execution &
Premises HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-29 Management of Labour A-2.2/11-29-01 Administration/
Camps HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-30 Working at night A-2.2/11-30-01 Execution &
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-31 General Housekeeping A-2.2/11-31-01 Administration/
A-2.2/11-31-02 HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-32 Passenger Hoist A-2.2/11-32-01 PNM/Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-33 Mobile Crane Operation A-2.2/11-33-01 PNM/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-34 Underground Construction -- Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-35 Management,Operation and A-2.2/11-35-01 PNM Department
Maintenance of DG set A-2.2/11-35-02
SP-O-2.2/11-36 Bar Bending & Cutting -- Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-37 Demolition -- Eecution/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-38 Management of e-waste -- Administration/
HSE Department
SP-O-2.2/11-39 Food Safety -- Administration

SP-O-2.2/11-40 Material Hoist -- PNM/Eecution

SP-O-2.2/11-41 Computer Operations -- Administration

SP-O-2.2/11-42 Tower Crane Operation A-2.2/11-42-01 PNM/Eecution/
HSE Department

Page 23 of 57
X. Labour Welfare Measures & Health

Physical fitness of workmen

It shall be ensured that necessary medical examination as required under the law
or under the contract provision is done and a record of the same is kept.

Company shall not permit any employee / workmen to enter the work area
under the influence of alcohol or any drugs.

Medical Facilities

Medical Examination.

Company shall arrange a medical examination of skilled employees employed

as driver and operators of lifting appliances, transport equipment and other
eauipment before employing and maintain records of medical examination.

The Medical examination of company Employees & workers shall arrange once in
a six month.

First –Aid Facilities

It shall be ensured that at a construction site an first-aid center(mobile or static)

is provided and maintained in good order. An arrangemrnt is also made with a
nearby hospital for providing such ambulance van for transportation of serious
cases of accident or sickness of workers to hospital promptly.

First - Aid Boxes

Page 24 of 57
It shall be ensured that at a construction site one First – aid box for 100 workers
provided and maintained for providing First – aid to the building workers. Every
First – aid box is distinctly marked “First – aid”.

Location:- Site Office, Hostel Block, Academy Block.

Names of First aiders:- Mr.

HIV / AIDS prevention and control

Company shall conduct awaerness progrma at site to educate the construction

workesr on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Trasmitted Disases (STDs) .

The frequency of the HIV/AIDS awareness programe shall be on once in a six

month & the time shall be for 3 hrs.

Prevention of mosquito breeding.

Measures shall be taken to prevent breeding at site. The measures to be taken

shall include:
a) Empty cans, oil drums, packing and other receptacles
which may retain water shall be deposited at a central
collection point and shall be removed from the site
b) Still waters shall be treated at least once every week
with oil in order to prevent mosquito breeding.
c) Equipments and other items on the site which may
retain water shall be stored covered or treated in such
a manner that water could not be retained.
d) Water storage tanks shall be provided.

Posters in both Hindi and English, which draw attention to the dangers of
permitting mosquito breeding, shall displayed prominently on the site.

SPC at periodic interval shall arrange to prevent mosquito breeding by

fumigation / spraying of insecticides.

Alcohol and drugs

It shall be ensured at all times that no employee is working under the influence
of alcohol / drugs which are punishable under Govt. regulations.

Welfare measures for workers

Page 25 of 57
Latrine and Urinal Accommodation

Company shall provide one latrine seat for every 20 workers up to 100 workers
and thereafter one for every additional 50 workers. In addition one urinal
accommodation shall be provided for every 100 workers.

Latrine and urinals shall be provided as per Section 33 of BOCWA and maintained
as per Rule 243 of BOCWR and shall also comply with the requirements of public
health authorities.

Drinking Water

As per Section 32 of BOCWA, SPCL shall make in every worksite, effective

arrangements to provide sufficient supply of wholesome drinking water with
minimum quantity of 5 liters per workman per day. Quality of the drinking water
shall conform to the requirements of national standards on Public Health.
While locating these drinking water facility due care shall be taken so that these
are easily accessible within a distance of 200m from the place of work for all
workers at all location of work sites.

All such points shall be legibly marked “Drinking Water” in a language

understood by a majority of the workmen employed in such place and such point
shall not be situated within six meters of any washing place, urinals or latrines.

The periodic testing of drinking water shall be once in a month.

Labour Accommodation

Company shall provide free of charges as near as possible, temporary living

accommodation to all workers conforming to provisions of Section 34 of BOCWA.
These accommodations shall have cooking place, bathing, washing and lavatory

XI. Emergency Preparedness Action Plan


In view of the potential hazards involved in Construction, it is essential to evolve

a emergency plan so that if situation demands, personnel atIIM
Kashipurconstruction site can effectively make use of the available resources to
minimize the human suffering and property damage when unforeseen
circumstances may lead to a major emergency at construction site.

The plan out lines the course of action to be taken by various persons
(employees) during emergency.

Page 26 of 57
Any emergency is a situation created by an occurrence that may causeserious
injuries, loss of life or extensive damage to plant and property. To tackle such
major situations effectively, out side agencies may be required to be called.
Emergencies may result due to natural or un-natural causes.


In dealing with an emergency situation, the broad objective of the plan is to

provide a system capable of taking fast and effective action in an emergency
situation and to maximize effective utilization of resources available to:

1.Safeguard lives both at the site and in the neighborhood,

2.Contain the incident and bring it under control,
3.Action plan for all coordinating departments and agencies,
4.Minimize damage to property and neighboring environment,
5.Rescue and treat casualties,
6.Provide welfare assistance to casualties,
7.Identify persons affected, notify relatives, extend necessary assistance, etc.,
8.Evacuate persons to safe areas,
9.Restoration of normal operations in least possible time,
10.Minimize panic amongst employees and public out side our site premises,
11.Collect and log information, regarding latest status, action etc., and
12.Disseminate the information to all concerned to prevent panic.


Measures, which need to be taken during emergencies, may/shall require the co-
ordination of activities of many departments/services and may also require out
side resources. These emergency measures include:

1.Passing of information to all concerned,

2.Warning and advising the persons, who are likely to be affected,
3.Mobilizing and gearing up of site resources,
4.Calling up of outside agencies,
5.Initiating and organizing evacuation of such persons,
6.Collecting latest status, other information and requirements, and
7.Co-ordination between various agencies.

Possible emergencies at Name Of Project site:

1. Fire
2. Collapse of Structures / Lifting Appliances
3. Spillage, leakage and accidental emissions
4. Fall From Height / Serious Injury
5. Electric Shock
6. Food Poisoning
7. Crush injuries
8. Dehydration due to any cause
9. Snake bite, insect bite, scorpion & bee stings.
10. Burns, including chemical burns or burns due to welding or gas cutting.
11. Drowning
12. Sunstroke etc.

Page 27 of 57
Location of construction site:

(XYZ, Bazpur Road, Kashipur, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand -244713)

Construction site layout plan:

Construction site layout plan is given below indicating:

1. Site office,
2. Stores,
3. Steel Yard and Scrap Yard,
4. Plant/Maintenance Dept.,
5. Q.C. Lab,
6. Shuttering material Storage Area,
7. Location of equipment to be installed i.e. bending & cutting machine,
tower crane, hoist, air compressor, D.G., etc.
8. Civil material supply storage i.e. cement, brick, stone, etc.,
9. Electrical meter room,
10.Fire extinguishers,
11.First Aid Center / Boxes,
12.Main entrances / exit,
13.Welfare facilities like toilets, urinals, etc.,
14.Emergency control center,
15.Emergency assembly point,
16.Any others.

Page 28 of 57
Emergency Control Center:

The Emergency Control Center is located at Project Site

Following items are available at the control center:

1 Site layout plan,

Page 29 of 57
2 Telephone connection,
3 List of essential telephone numbers,
4 List of key persons with their addresses and telephone numbers,
5 List of employees at construction site, i.e. SPCL, Client’s, Consultant and
sub-contractor wise,
6 Copy of emergency plan, and
7 Torches.

Communication System:

Wireless System at Site. (Mention if mobile phone at site)

Sr. No. Location Emergency contact person Contact Nos.
1 Mr. Project
2 Site Office Mr. (Project
3 Operation Mr. (Sr. Project
Mr. (Const.
4 HSE Office Mr. (HSE
5 Admin Office Mr.
6 PMV Office Mr. (PMV
7 Store Office Mr. (Store
7 Quality Office Mr. ( QHMS

In case of failure of telephone line, Messenger compromising of watchman /

office boy and other personnel will be put in to action.

Key Personnel:

List of ( applicable) Government Authorities ( Central / State /

Local ):
Police Station
Telephone numbers– 100

Fire Brigade:
Contact No. 101

Hospitals: Rastogi Nursing Home, Awas vikas, XYZ

Page 30 of 57
Ambulance Services: 102

Emergency Vehicle: Vehicle no.

At all times one vehicle will be available at site for any emergency situation.
Vehicle registration No.

Emergency Organisation:

The Emergency Organisational structure and the responsibilities of various Key

Personnel are given here under:

Site Controller:

The Project-in-charge (PM) or in his absence the Construction Manager, Planning

Manager / Sr. Engineer will retain overall responsibility. His duties shall be:-

1. To asses the magnitude of the emergency and decide if employees need

to be evacuated from their work places.
2. To maintain a continuous review of possible development and assess in
consultation with Incident controller and Key Personnel, as to whether
shutting of all the operations or evacuation of persons is required.
3. To liaise with required emergency services ie. fire brigade, hospitals,
police and govt./state/local authorities.
4. To ensure that casualties if any are receiving adequate attention and care.
5. To control rehabilitation of affected areas after the emergency is over.

Incident Controller:

The Construction Manager or in his absence the Sr. Construction Engineer will act
as Incident Controller. On hearing of an emergency he will rush to the scene of
occurance and take overall charge and report to Site Controller. On arrival he will
assess the scale of emergency and decide if major emergency exist or is likely
and inform communication officer accordingly.

He will :-

1. Direct the shutting down operations and evacuation of the affected areas
and areas likely to be adversely effected by the emergency with the
priorities for safety of personnel, minimize damage to plant, property &
environment and minimize loss of materials.
2. Ensure that all Key Personnel and outside help is called in.
3. Provide advise & information to emergency team when they arrive.

Page 31 of 57
4. Ensure all non-essential workers/staff of the areas affected are evacuated
to the appropriate assembly point and the areas are searched for
5. Ensure continuous contact is established with emergency control center.
6. Report on all significant developments to the communication officer.
7. have regard to the need for preservation of evidence so as to facilitate any
enquiry into the causes and circumstances which caused or escalated the

Liaison Officer:

Administration Incharge or in his absence the Quality Engineer will work as

liaison officer and will be stationed at the main gate entrance during the
emergency. He will under the direction of the site controller handle police and
other enquiries. His responsibility shall include:

1. To ensure that casualties receive adequate attention, to arrange

additional help if required and inform casualties relatives.
2. To control traffic movements into the project site and ensuring that
alternative transport is available when need arises.
3. When emergency is prolonged, arrange for the relief of personnel and
organize refreshments / catering facility.

Communication Officer:

1. HSE Officer will act as communication Officer. He will, on hearing the

alarm, proceed to Control Center and maintain communication with the
Incident controller. He will:

a. From the information received, advise the Site Controller of the

situation, recommending (if necessary) evacuation of staff from
assembly points.
b. Maintain a log of the incident.
c. Provide advice to Site Controller & Incident Controller from the
information received.

Fire Fighting Team / Emergency Control Team:

Security personnel at site (except on the main gate) and all sub-contractors
safety committee members will be responsible for fire fighting. On hearing the
fire alarm the team members shall reach the site of fire immediately. The leader
of the team will advice on fire fighting operations. He will also inform the
Communication Officer, Incident Controller and Site Controller that incident has
occurred in such and such area (exact location). He will arrange to evacuate the
incident area and further cordon the area and stand by to direct the emergency
services. If told of a major fire the team leader shall inform the Incident
Controller and stand-by to receive further messages.

Page 32 of 57
Outside Normal Working Hours of the Project the trained fire fighting crew
members and their leader are responsible for fire fighting and rescue. On hearing
the alarm they shall proceed to the place of incident. At the site, all the members
will respond to the advice and information given by the Shift-in-Charge.

List of Trained Fire Fighter at the Site:

1. Mr.
2. Mr.
3. Mr.
4. Mr.

Company HSE Committee Members:

The area in-charge under which the incident has taken place will report to
Incident Controller and provide assistance as required. They will decide which
members of their staff they will require at the scene.

Site Plant-in-charge (Mechanical/Electrical):

He will report to the scene of the incident and close down the services as
requested by the Incident Controller.

First-Aid Team:

The administration officer shall keep the list of the First-Aid Team on duty. All
team members shall report to the Incident Controller / Shift-in-Charge on hearing
of the alarm. The emergency vehaical / ambulance driver, if safe to do so, shall
collect the vehaical / ambulance and park nearest to the scene of incident.
should it become necessary for the vehaical / ambulance to leave the site, the
first aider shall inform the Incident Controller / Shift-in-Charge that the vehaical /
ambulance is leaving the site, giving the name of the patient and destination i.e.
Hospital or Doctor's Clinic and request the Incident Controller / shift-in-Charge to
inform Hospital or Doctor's Clinic advising them about the casualties reaching

List of Trained First Aider at the Site

1. Mr.
2. Mr.
3. Mr.
4. Mr.


1. Warning Procedure:
In case of emergency the site Siren / emergency vehical horn will be blown
thrice in a consecutive cycle by the Security Officer at the Main Entrance of the
Project Site.

After controlling emergency the site Siren / Emergency Vehical Horn will be
blown continuously for one minute to indicate that the Emergency is Over.

Page 33 of 57
2. Evacuation Procedure:
On hearing the alarm:

1. Stop the work.

2. Disconnect all electrical equipment if any.
3. Leave the area quickly but calmly, without running, moving in opposite
direction to that from the incident unless you have specific emergency
responsibility designated.
4. Re-assemble at the Assembly Point so that checks are carried out to
ensure that everybody has evacuated.
5. If you are trapped or can not leave the area, inform the neraset personnel
in you vicinity of your presence by shouting or visual signals.
6. Evacuation team member for head count Mr. & Mr.

NOTE: During an Emergency Visitors who may not be familiar with the
Emergency exited at site must be informed of the requirement,
Guide them to evacuate to the Assembly Point.


Construction site

1. Fire Fighting Procedure:

On hearing the alarm:

1. Alert people in the area of immediate need of evacuate.

2. If you are a trained fire fighter and the fire you may attempt to extinguish
fire with the use of correct type of fire extinguisher or with sand bucket if
it is controllable.
3. Do not place yourself or others in danger by attempting to fight fire if you
are not qualified to do so.
4. Remove Gas Cylinder's / Inflammable material if any from fire area, if
without risk.
5. If extinguishing is not possible, withdraw from the area and communicate
to Site Controller for fire brigade help.
6. Stay away and keep examine the situation till fire brigade arrives at the
7. The frequency of the emergency fire drill shall be on once in a six months.

2. Collapse of Structures / Lifting Appliances

Page 34 of 57
1. Alert people in the area of immediate need of evacuate.
2. Disconnect the Power Supply.
3. Cordon off the area.
4. Before approach to casualty for rescue, ensure unstable / hanging
componetsabove your pathway are in stable condition from further
collapse and it is safe to procede for rescue.
5. Search for trapped or injured people.
6. Seek for emergency firstaid, arrange for strecher.
7. Stabilize the incident and provide life safety
8. After preliminery required firstaid, rush the casualty to an identified
hospital near by
9. In case of fatal or likely to be fatal, inform local police, H. O.(President,
Corporate HSE Head, Regional Head & Regional HSE Coordinator)
10.Conserve property.

3. Oil Spillage /Leakage &Accidental

1. SAFETY FIRST ! Do not attempt to perform any life or health threaterning
2. Try to STOP or CONTROL the relese at the source immediately.
3. If leakage, provide collecting trey / container below the leakage or block
flow that could potentially spill in to the environment
4. Prevent entry into drains and waterways.
5. Notify to Supervisor & HSE Officer immediately.
6. Use inert fuel/oil absorbent (such as buckets of sand, sawdust) to cover
and remove spilled material or contaminated soil collected for storage in a
special drum for later disposal of the waste dumpsite
7. Store the recovered product in the sealed air-tight containers/drums
8. In case of eye contact: immediately flush with plenty of water repeatedly
for at least 15 minutes;
9. In case of skin contact: immediately wash thoroughly with plenty of soap
and water. In case of skin exposed to high-pressure spray, the affected
person must be taken to hospital.
10.In case of contact with clothes: Immediately take off all contaminated
cloth ing and wash before reuse
11.If ground contamineted,, collect the contamineted mud & store it
12. In case of exposure to heavy concentrations of vapor, fumes or
spray, move the person to fresh air, keep warm and allow to rest; serious
incidents get immediate medical attention.
13. Eliminate all possible causes of ignition to avoid fires and explosions
– empty containers contain residues and should not solder, drill grind or
exposed to heat or flame
14. If the spilled chemical is of toxic nature do not stand in down wind
direction. Evacuate the people in down wind direction to crosswind and
upwind direction.
15. If possible; without endangering life, try to put sand on spillage. This
will help to disperse spillage in controlled way.

Page 35 of 57
4. Fall From Height / Rescue of worker dangling at
height with FBH
1. Concerned person shall not be moved in case he has had a fall from height
and is suspected to have injured his back.
2. First aid for any other injury sustained shall be provided at site.
3. The casualtiy shall be gently lifted and placed on a stretcher so as not to
disturb his back.
4. He shall be made comfortable by removing his shoes, loosening his clothes
and given some water to drink.
5. Immediately a vehicle will be summoned and the stretcher gently lifted and
placed inside the vehicle.
6. Simultaneously the Dr with whom the site has made standing arrangements
shall be contacted on telephone and informed about the condition of the
patient and told to be ready to receive the patient.
7. Some responsible person shall accompany the patient to the Dr. Remember
too many people do not help and are rather a nuisance.
8. All others concerned shall then be informed by the fastest means.
9. Work shall be stopped; all personnel shall be collected and delivered a tool
box talk highlighting the reasons for the accident, lapses that took place and
corrective actions that need be taken. We have to learn from our mistakes
and ensure that they are not repeated.

5. Electric Shock Procedure

1. A person being shocked needs to be disconnected from the source of
electrical power.
 Immediately call for emergency assistance Health Center and
 Do not endanger yourself. If the victim is still in contract with the
electricalcurrent, you must be careful to avoid being shocked
yourself. You cannot help ifyou become a victim, too.
 Do not touch the victim. The current can pass through you also.
 Do not touch the source of electricity.
 Break the current. Before you can do anything else, you must get
the victim freefrom the current.
2. Locate the disconnecting switch/breaker and turn it off. Alternatively, if the
disconnecting device cannot be located, the victim can be pried or pulled
from the circuit by an insulated object such as a dry wood board, piece of
nonmetallic conduit, or rubber electrical cord.
3. Victims need immediate medical response: check for breathing and pulse,
then apply CPR as necessary to maintain oxygenation.
4. If a victim is still conscious after having been shocked, they need to be
closely monitored and cared for until trained emergency response personnel
arrive. There is danger of physiological shock, so keep the victim warm and
5. Shock victims may suffer heart trouble up to several hours after being
shocked. The danger of electric shock does not end after the immediate
medical attention
 If the victim is not breathing, begin rescue breathing
 If it is needed, begin CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
 Do not attempt to move the victim unless he/she is in further
danger. Other injuries mayhave occurred that you are unaware of.

Page 36 of 57
 Cover the victim in a blanket and stay with him/her until help
arrives. Do not leavehim/her alone. Take steps to prevent or lessen
the severity of shock

6. Food Poisoning
Food poisoning can be caused by several different bacteria, such as salmonella
or botulism. Although certain types of food poisoning can be fatal, most cases
run their course in a couple of days.

Symptoms of food poisoning are similar to those of the flu, except for fever,
which is more likely to occur with the flu, and should be treated the same. They
usually begin from two hours to two days after eating the tainted food and

 Headache
 Nausea
 Diarrhea and/or vomiting
 Stomach cramps or pain
 More serious symptoms can include blurred vision, fatigue and a dry

Procedure to be followed in case of a Food Poisoning

 Sip water or diluted juice as soon as vomiting has decreased.

 If symptoms continue for more than 24 hours, or if you are unable to
tolerate any fluids, contact your primary care doctor or visit the
emergency department.
 Seek emergency care if you become dehydrated.
 Most adults can handle one day without nutrition, but continued
vomiting to the point of dehydration requires medical attention.
 Finally, be aware that adults can handle dehydration better than
small children and that high fever also can indicate a more serious




Immediately he becomes aware of the emergency and its location, and he will
proceed to the scene. On arrival he shall assess the scale of the incident and
direct all operations within the affected area with the following priorities:

Page 37 of 57
1. On arrival, he assesses the scale of emergency and if feels necessary, he
will advice his assistant to call the Key Personnel to the site.
2. Secure the safety of persons, which may require evacuation to the
assembly points in the event.
3. Minimize damage to Plant, Property and the Environment.
4. Minimize loss of material.
5. Have regard to the need for preserving evidence that would facilitate
subsequent enquire.
6. Hand over charge of operations to the Incident Controller when he arrives
on scene.


In case of any emergency and upon receiving instructions for evacuation from
the Incident Controller or any Key Personnel of emergency team., the employees
have to assemble at the following Assembly Point.

Assembly Points:-

A.Main Site Office (In Front of Main Entrance Point)

B. Labour Colony

C. Near “D” Cluster

Employees should remain at the Assembly Point till further instructions are
received from the Incident Controller.

XII. Appendix A – Relevant Operational Control


XIII. Procedure for Environmental Aspect and Impact


The site shall used the following format for conducting environmental aspect
impact aseesment. The aspect impact assessment shall be condcuted for all the
departments. Please refer Appendix A for Detailed Environmental Aspect
Impact Assessent of the site :

Page 38 of 57
Identification of Evaluation of the Impacts to Identify the
Environmental Significant Aspects
SL Activity/ Aspect-Impact Is Inputs
# Product/ Im
Condi Imp for
Services Environ Im tions pac
act control
mental pa QO I F C t Measures
sign LC/IPC/BC
Aspect ct Sco
ifica L IP
D/I re BC
nt C C
5 1 1
1 2 3 4 678 9 11 12 14 15 16
6 0 3




 Against Column # 04, please indicate the Environmental Impacts in

any of the following forms of Pollution;

Sl. Type of Pollution Abbreviation to

# be used in Column
# 06
01 Air Pollution AP
02 Water Pollution WP
03 Land Pollution LP
04 Local Nuisance LN
05 Wastage of Resources WR
06 Noise Pollution NP

 Against Column # 05, please indicate the whether the Environmental

Aspect is Direct/Indirect;

Sl Type Definition Abbreviation to

. of be used in
# Aspect Column # 05
0 Direct If the activity is within the control of D
1 Company
0 Indire If the activity is out of Control of I
2 ct company

 Against Column # 6,7,8,9,10,11 please assign the numbers as

defined in the following table;
Column # 6 Column # 7 Column # 8 Column # 9 Column # 10
Quantity (Q) Occurrence (O) Impact (I) Frequency of Control (C)
Measure Taken (F)
Wtage.Criteria Wtage.
Criteria Wtage.
Criteria Wtage.
Criteria Wtage.

Page 39 of 57
05 Excessive 05 Continuous 05 Global Ecological
05 Beyond 24 05 Not present or not
Concern Hrs. /Never at all effective

04 High 04 Several Times04

a Human Health 04 Within 16 Hrs.04 Known but not
Day Concern and less than monitored at
24 Hrs. regular interval
03 Substantial
03 Once a Day 03 Depletes Natural
03 Within 8 Hrs. and
03Needs Human
Resource Less than 16 H Interaction
02 Low 02 Once a Week 02 Causes Nuisance
02 Within 8 Hrs. 02 Secondary Control
01 Negligible01 Once a month01 Negligible impact
01 Immediately 01 Available and

 Against Column # 11 and 12 , please mention whether the

environmental impact is significant or not; under the following

 The figures assigned to all the columns shall be multiplied in

Column # 11. If the multiplied figure is greater than 32 then
the environmental impact shall be considered as significant.

 Against Column # 13, 14 and 15, please indicate the following in the
form of “Yes” or “No”

Cod Abbreviation
Colum e Abbreviation to be
n # used in Column #
13, 14 & 15
13 Violating the legal requirements as Mark “Yes”, if
LC laid down by any of the following; potential violating
 Local SPCB the legal
 Government of India requirement
Notifications (Otherwise please
 CCoE leave it blank)
 Local Municipality
 Factory Inspectorate
 Other Regulatory Authorities
 Corporate Norms (if any)
14 Interested party concern, -do-
IPC comprising of the following;
 Local community
 Nearby Industries
 Financial Institutions
 Regulatory Authorities
 Media
 Employees
 Suppliers/Vendors
 Others, if any
15 Business Concern -do-

Page 40 of 57
XIV. Procedure for Occupation Health and Safety Hazard Risk

The site shall used the following format for conducting Occupational Health and
Safet Hazard Risk Assessment . The Hazard risk assessment shall be condcuted
for all the departments. Please refer Appendix B for Detailed Hazard Risk
Assessent of the site :



Likelihood Criteria
Highly Unlikely 1 It is un heard in the industry
It has rarely occurred in other
Unlikely 2
construction companies
It has occurred in other construction
Likely 3
It has occurred in other project sites of
Very Likely 4
the company
It has occurred several times at the site
Certain 5
location in a year

Page 41 of 57

Human / Level Of
Level of Harm Weightage e/Equipment/
Community Concerns
Momentary No action Individual
Insignificant 1 Discomfort / required
Minor injuries (Non Minor damage Local or
Slightly Harmful
2 reportable) requires Community
Injuries, absence Moderate Governmen
from the work less damage t
Harmful 3
or equal to 48 hrs / Authorities
temporary disability
Major injuries, Major damages Industry/
absence from the Competitor
Very harmful 4 work more than 48
hrs / temporary
Fatal / Permanent Severe Global
Disability / Chronic damages/comp /Internation
diseases. Major lete destruction al
Harmful 5
incidents involving
large number of



Insignifica HARMFUL
nt (1) (3)
 (2) (4) (5)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(2) (2) (4) (6) (8) (10)
(3) (3) (6) (9) (12) (15)

Page 42 of 57
(4) (8) (12) (16) (20)
(5) (5) L (10) (15) (20) (25)


TRIVIAL Continue with the current activity. Monitoring is Acceptable
TOLERABLE required to ensure that the controls are effectively (Low Risk)
MODERATE maintained.
Urgent action is required including engineering /
SUBSTANTIAL operational controls / administrative controls / PPE /
Signages / Training / Behavioral monitoring
Immediate action should be taken. Work should not Not
INTOLERABLE be started or continued unitl the impact / risk has Acceptable
been reduced. (High Risk)

* All Intolerable Risks shall be considered as Potential Emergencies and

Immediate Action shall be Planned/Taken to Reduce the Risk Levels


Location of fire extinguishers: Available for use in case of Fire

Extinguisher Type- Capacity- Quantity
Sl. No. Location
DCP Co2 Mech. Foam

1 Site Office 1 1 --

2 Store 2 2 --

3 Electrical Panel 1 1 --

4 DG Room 1 1

4 Diesel Shed 1 1 --

5 Labour Colony 1 1 --

Page 43 of 57
6. Shuttering Yard 1 1 --

7. Near ‘D’ Cluster 1 -- --

8. Academic Block 1 -- 1

9. Cement God own 1 1 -

10. Client Office 1 1 -

ANNEXURE – II:Details of Emergency Response Kit at Project Site

Sr. No. Item Qty. Location

01 Nos. Safety Room,

1 First aid box 02 Nos Main Store,

04 Nos. Diesel shed

02Nos Electrical Main Panel Room

2. Sand buckets
02Nos Store

04Nos Main Office

04 Nos. Main Store &Diesel shed

02 Nos Elec. Main Panel Room

03 Nos DG Shed, Labour Camp

4 Fire Extinguishers
02 Nos In front of Main Office

02 no.s Client Office

04 nos. At Site

Page 44 of 57
5 Safety Helmets 200 Nos. Main Stores

6 Safety Shoes Pairs 200 Pairs Main Stores

Gumboots 50 Pairs Main Store

Oil spill absorbent 02 Nos. Main Stores
materials such as Spill
9 30/30 Main Store
Umbrella & Rain Coats

ANNEXURE – III: Reporting System for Emergency:

Page 45 of 57


Fall from Height DROWNING / OTHER








* Inform Head of Safety on phone and carry out investigation. Keep Project
** Arrange for site visit by senior management and investigation report in case

*** Arrange for compensation to the


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