1. Prayer
Let us start our class with an opening prayer.
Everyone, please rise.
Miss__________ kindly lead us.
(A student will lead the prayer)
2. Greetings
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ma’am Lovely!
2. Motivation
Are we clear?
Yes, ma’am
Are you ready?
Yes, ma’am
That’s great! Let us start! Each group will have
one minute. Let’s have the first group.
(The first group will go in front to draw from
the lingo dispenser and will play the game
(The teacher will instruct the students to draw proper afterwards)
from the lingo teacher dispenser and will give
a go signal if they can proceed to the activity
Unlocking of Difficulties
Segmen-Tastic Adventure
This selection box has some words that
highlight different aspects of the linguistic
1. course (4)
2. degree (5)
3. School (4)
4. Study (6)
5. Group (4)
a. Generalization
Is that clear?
Yes, ma’am
Words that will be played on the audio
1. Ability
2. Segment
3. Phrase
4. Tone
5. Form
c. Assignment
Is it clear?
Yes, ma’am
Also, your output must be in landscape form.
Yes, ma’am
I will provide a Google Drive link where you
will upload your output on or before
September 30, 2024.
(See Appendix B)
Is everything clear?
Yes, ma’am
Do you have any questions, class?
None, ma’am
Alright, with that, I hope that you have learned
something today! Thank you so much for your
participation. Goodbye and thank you 1-I,
class dismissed.
CRITERION 5 4 3 2 1
Accuracy of All sounds in All sounds are Most sounds Some sounds Many sounds
Sound the words are correctly are correctly are correctly are incorrectly
Identification accurately identified identified with identified with identified or
identified and with minor 3-4 errors. 5-6 errors. missing. 7 or
listed with no errors (1-2 more errors
errors. minor errors) have been
Clarity of The The The Presentation is Presentation is
Presentation presentation is presentation presentation is somewhat unclear or
exceptionally is clear, well- mostly clear clear; disorganized;
clear, well- organized, and organized; organization poor
organized, and and minor issues in and communication
effectively effectively communication communication of sound
communicates communicates need
all identified the identified improvement
sounds with sounds.
Team Members Members Team Collaboration Poor team
Collaboration work collaborate collaboration is is uneven; one collaboration;
seamlessly well with evident, but or both significant
together, with mostly equal contributions members imbalance in
equal and contributions, are uneven; contribute contribution or
effective though one some members minimally lack of
contribution may contribute less coordination
slightly more
Appendix B
CRITERION 5 4 3 2 1
Accuracy of All sounds in All sounds are Most sounds Some sounds Many sounds
Sound the word/s are correctly are correctly are correctly are incorrectly
Identification accurately identified identified with identified with identified or
identified and with minor 3-4 errors. 5-6 errors. missing. 7 or
listed with no errors (1-2 more errors
errors. minor errors) have been
Clarity and Speech is very Speech is Speech is Speech is often Speech is
Articulation clear and mostly clear somewhat unclear and unclear and
articulate; and articulate; clear, but with poorly poorly
excellent minor issues noticeable articulated; articulated;
enunciation of with issues in significant major issues
each sound. enunciation. articulation and issues with with
enunciation. enunciation. enunciation.