Stevy Imelda Wowi-Potential of Sea Cucumbers As Fuctional Foods-IJMS 2024

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ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences March 2024 Vol 29(1):97-103 e-ISSN 2406-7598

Potential of Sea Cucumbers as Fuctional Foods

Stevy Imelda Murniati Wodi*1,2, Eko Nurcahya Dewi3, Putut Har Riyadi3, Delianis Pringgenies4,
Roger G. Dolorosa5
1Doctoral Program, Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Jacub Rais, Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java, 50275, Indonesia
2Aquatic Product Processing and Storage, Department of Fisheries and Marine, Politeknik Negeri Nusa Utara

Jl. Kesehatan No.1, Tahuna, Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi 95812, Indonesia
3Departement of Fisheries Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Diponegoro
4Departement of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Diponegoro

Jl. Prof. Jacub Rais, Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java, 50275, Indonesia
5College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Western Philippines University

Puerto Princesa Campus, Palawan Philippines

Email: [email protected]


Sea cucumbers have great potential for managing water resources because they have filter feeder properties that
can clean water from harmful substances. Apart from that, sea cucumbers also contain active compounds which
have properties as functional foods and can help prevent cancer. Samples of sea cucumbers were collected from
Karimunjawa, Central Java, and Surabaya. The research included tests for bacteria, chemicals, and heavy metals
on dried sea cucumbers, as well as amino acid analysis. Two species of sea cucumbers were identified: Holothuria
atra and Stichopus variegatus. H. atra had a higher amino acid content and the highest collagen content among all
the amino acids (14,600mg.100g-1). Both types of sea cucumber samples contain amino acids that have anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. This is due to their content of saponins, tannins, flavonoids,
steroids, and terpenoids, which are beneficial for health. Additionally, S. variegatus has been found to have
antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. The amino acid analysis of S.
variegatus shows the presence of sulfate and alanine compounds, which are not found in H. atra. Research has
shown that sea cucumbers can be consumed as supplements or additional food to support health and prevent
various diseases, including cancer. The use of sea cucumbers as functional food ingredients also has the potential
to manage water resources sustainably. In conclusion, H. atra and S. variegatus sea cucumbers have great potential
for managing water resources for functional food and cancer prevention efforts. Their high content of amino acids
and other phytochemical compounds makes them a good choice for development as functional food ingredients.

Keywords: amino acids, anti-bacterial, health, saponin, sea cucumber

Introduction ingredients for a long time. They are rich in nutrients

and bioactive compounds like collagen, omega- 3
Sea cucumbers are marine animals that live in fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants (Pringgenies et
warm and tropical waters. They have many benefits al., 2018; Husain et al., 2023).
and excellent properties for human health. Some of
these benefits include being a high source of protein, Currently, sea cucumber is receiving attention
containing active compounds that have antioxidant, in functional food research and efforts to prevent
antitumor, and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as cancer. Many studies have been conducted to
being able to boost the immune system (Pringgenies uncover the potential of sea cucumber in managing
et al., 2018; Danga et al., 2019). aquatic resources and using it as a food ingredient
with additional health benefits. Functional food refers
Sea cucumbers have both economic potential to food that provides extra health advantages beyond
and can be processed into various products such as basic nutrition. Processed sea cucumbers, such as
food, medicines, and cosmetics. They also have a crackers or other processed foods, are believed to
high market value in the international market. Sea offer similar benefits to raw sea cucumbers. However,
cucumbers, also known as sea cucumbers, are a type there is still a lack of comprehensive research
of marine animal that offers numerous health comparing the differences between processed sea
benefits. In some countries, sea cucumbers have cucumbers and sea cucumbers collected directly
been used as food and traditional medicine from the sea in terms of their health benefits and

*) Corresponding author Received : 15-11-2023

© Ilmu Kelautan, UNDIP DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.29.1.97-103 Accepted : 23-01-2024
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences March 2024 Vol 29(1):97-103

their effects on cancer prevention. On the other hand, method. The solvent was replaced every 24 h, with
sea cucumbers also serve as marine organisms for occasional stirring, and this process was repeated 3
cultivation and have antibacterial properties. times. The maceration results are filtered using the
(Pringgenies et al., 2018; Djunaedi et al., 2021, Whatman filter paper. The filtrate obtained was then
Pringgenies et al., 2021). concentrated using a rotary evaporator at 40°C until
it forms a paste. This resulting filtrate was a crude
Understanding these differences is important extract of the sea cucumber, which will be used for
because it can help the community and food further analysis.
producers comprehend the specific health benefits,
they can derive from sea cucumbers. Furthermore, Antibacterial activity test
this research will enhance our understanding of the
potential of sea cucumbers in managing water The ability of the sea cucumber extract sample
resources, including conservation and sustainable to produce antibacterial activity was tested using the
management efforts. overlay method. The extracted sample was applied to
the surface of Zobell agar media, forming small
By gaining a better understanding of the circles with an inoculating needle. Each petri dish was
potential of sea cucumbers as a functional food and divided into 6-8 quadrants for the inoculation of
how they differ from processed sea cucumbers, it is symbiotic bacteria. The bacterial inoculation was then
hoped that people will be encouraged to include sea incubated at room temperature for 48 h. The tested
cucumbers in their healthy diets. Furthermore, this pathogenic bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus
research can also contribute to cancer prevention (Gram-positive) and Escherichia coli (Gram-negative).
efforts by highlighting sea cucumbers as a food The bacteria were cultured in 10 ml of liquid Zobell
source that is high in bioactive compounds and media and incubated on a shaker at 120 rpm for 24
antioxidants. h. Pathogenic bacterial culture (1 ml) was taken and
transferred to 100 ml of warm liquid Zobell soft agar
This research aims to investigate the potential media. The bacterial culture and media were poured
of sea cucumbers as a functional food by studying onto agar media previously inoculated with symbiotic
sea cucumbers collected directly from the sea. The bacterial isolates and incubated for 48 h at room
research results will provide a comprehensive temperature. The formation of inhibition zones
understanding of the potential of sea cucumbers in around the isolates indicates antibacterial activities
managing water resources for functional food and (Pringgenies and Dananjoyo, 2011).
cancer prevention. The findings of this study are
expected to provide valuable information for the Phytochemical test
community, food producers, and the scientific
community in optimizing the use of sea cucumbers to A phytochemical test was conducted on
promote the health and sustainability of water samples of sea cucumber methanol extract, following
resources. the method described by Pringgenies et al. (2021).
The purpose of the test was to determine the
Materials and Methods presence of saponins, tannins, flavonoids, quinones,
alkaloids, steroids, and terpenoids in the samples.
Sea cucumber were collected from the waters The research was conducted exclusively on wet sea
of Karimunjawa Islands, Central Java. Sampilng was cucumbers, specifically the H. atra variety. Processed
done at night during low tide. sea cucumbers are not tested due to their exposure
to additional chemical processing, such as heating,
Sample extraction which can potentially impact the phytochemical
results of the sea cucumbers.
The sea cucumber samples were cleaned to
remove any dirt. Then, they were soaked in fresh Heavy metal content
water overnight to eliminate salt and parasites that
may be attached to their bodies. The sea cucumbers The dried and cleaned sea cucumber samples
then were dried in a drying cabinet at a temperature were ground to make sea cucumber flour. The sea
of 45°C for two days (Pringgenies, 2014). The cucumber flour samples were then put in a round
process of sample extraction follows the method plastic container and brought to Diponegoro
described by Pringgenies et al. (2018). Each prepared University Integrated Laboratory. They were tested for
sample was cut into pieces measuring 2-5 cm. The the presence of heavy metals like Arsenic (As), Lead
extraction process begins by dissolving 200 g of the (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and Mercury (Hg) using the
prepared sample in 1000 ml of methanol solvent. The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) method
mixture was then covered with aluminum foil. The and Mercury Analyzer in the Testing and Calibration
extraction was carried out using the maceration Laboratory at Diponegoro University in Semarang.

98 The Potential of Sea Cucumber (A.I.M Wodi et al.)

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences March 2024 Vol 29(1):97-103

Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) method spines covering its surface. It has a long and
following standard procedures from Mutiah et al. cylindrical shape. The processed sea cucumber is
(2022), Absorption Spectrophotometer analyzed with assigned as Holothuria atra, which has a black body
different wavelength based on targeted heavy metal color, although there are other color variations such
that want to analyzed. as dark brown or dark gray. The body surface of the
Holothuria atra sea cucumber is generally rough and
Amino acid analysis covered in many fine spines that resemble hairs, as
shown in Figure 1. The extraction results of S.
The sample used for amino acid analysis was variegatus sea cucumbers and the processed results
sea cucumber powder collected from Karimunjawa of H. atra sea cucumbers are shown in Figure 2.
waters and processed sea cucumber crackers
collected from the market in Surabaya. Before the Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity
analysis, the sample was prepared by measuring the
protein content and undergoing acid or base The sea cucumber sample was analyzed for
hydrolysis. The hydrolyzed sample was then analysed phytochemicals, and it was found that the Stichopus
using HPLC (High Performance Liquid variegatus species contained saponins, tannins,
Chromatography) following standard procedures flavonoids, steroids, and terpenoids. However,
(Pringgenies et al., 2016). This analysis converts quinones and alkaloids were not detected. It is
proteins into amino acids, allowing them to be important to note that no phytochemical analysis or
detected by chromatography. The results of the antibacterial tests were conducted on processed sea
analysis were detected by a detector and recorded by cucumbers.
a recorder. The computer then displays the data as
retention time and peak area graphs, which The sea cucumber sample was analyzed for
correspond to the characteristics of each amino acid. phytochemicals, and it was found that the Stichopus
variegatus species contained saponins, tannins,
Result and Discussion flavonoids, steroids, and terpenoids. However,
quinones and alkaloids were not detected. It is
The sea cucumber sample found in the important to note that no phytochemical analysis or
Karimunjawa waters has been identified as the antibacterial tests were conducted on processed sea
Stichopus variegatus species, which is characterized cucumbers. Research results indicate that sea
by its golden or yellowish color. This is why it is also cucumbers contain saponins. Saponins can have a
referred to as the golden sea cucumber. cytotoxic effect on cancer cells, which can be used in
cancer treatment, such as holostane-type
The sea cucumber known as Stichopus triterpenoid compounds (Shushizadeh et al, 2019).
variegatus has a soft and flexible body, with
small The test results on the gram-positive
pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and

Table 1. Phytochemical Test Results of Stichopus variegatus sea cucumber extraction

Compound Saponins Tannins Flavonoids Quinones Alkaloids Steroids terpenoids

Activity + + + - - + +

a b

Figure 1. Identified samples of Stichopus variegatus (a) and Holothuria atra (b).

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ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences March 2024 Vol 29(1):97-103

Table 2. Results of pathogenic bacteria testing on extracted Stichopus variegatus sea cucumber

Test Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli

Activity + +
Heavy metal content
Arsenic (As) Plumbum (Pb) Cadmium (Cd) Mercury (Hg)
H. atra 0,00001 0,05 0,02 0,0005
S. variegatus 0,00001 0,05 0,02 0,0005

Figure 2. The extraction results of Stichopus variegatus sea cucumber (a) and the processed product of Holothuria atra sea cucumber made
into sea cucumber floss (b).

Amino acids mg.100 g-1






Glitamic Acid

Aspartic Acid

Aspartic Acid


Hyaluronic Acid






Glutamic Acid

Figure 3. Amino acid content: Stichopus variegatus and Holothuria atra

the gram-negative pathogenic bacterium. E. coli in or not present. The detection limits for Arsenic (As)
the sample extract of sea cucumber showed that the were 0.01 ppm, Lead (Pb) was 0.05 ppm, Cadmium
sea cucumber sample extraction has positive activity (Cd) was 0.03 ppm, and Mercury (Hg) was 0.0005
against both test bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus ppm. However, the analysis results showed that
and E. coli bacteria, as shown in Table 2. none of the samples contained detectable levels of
these metals.
The analysis results for heavy metals Arsenic
(As), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and Mercury (Hg) in The results of the amino acid analysis showed
the sea cucumbers Holothuria atra and Stichopus the content of various amino acids in unprocessed
variegatus indicated that they were rarely detected Stichopus variegatus sea cucumber. The amino acids

100 The Potential of Sea Cucumber (A.I.M Wodi et al.)

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences March 2024 Vol 29(1):97-103

were listed in descending order of their content in variegatus sea cucumber. The high content in
milligrams per 100 g: Glycine (7190), Arginine processed sea cucumbers is likely due to frying them
(3320), Sulfate (1488), Alanine (1260), Glutamic in cooking oil. The frying process increases the
Acid (1217), Proline (980), Serine (980), Leucine concentration of collagen in sea cucumbers. Frying
(960), Valine (915), Methionine (898), Threonine alters the protein structure in sea cucumbers and is
(819), Lysine (810), Phenylalanine (610), Isoleucine believed to enhance collagen bioavailability. Collagen
(580), Aspartic Acid (360), Histidine (168), is generally known to be beneficial for skin health.
Chondroitin Sulfate (79), Tyrosine (75). The contents Furthermore, research has shown that the highest
of Collagen and Cystine were not detected, as shown content of glycine is found in S. variegatus sea
in Figure 3. cucumber (7190 mg.100g-1) and is higher than in H.
atra sea cucumber (5390 mg.100g-1). There is
The processed sea cucumbers were directly abundant information on the benefits of glycine in
obtained from the market in Surabaya. The price of preventing various diseases and disorders, including
fried sea cucumbers of the H. atra is Rp. 30,000.100 cancer. Supplementation with the appropriate dose
g-1. On the other hand, the price of unprocessed sea of glycine is effective in treating metabolic disorders
cucumbers of the S. variegatus species varies greatly in patients with cardiovascular disease, certain
depending on the type of sea cucumber. Specifically, inflammatory diseases, obesity, cancer, and diabetes
the price of the Stichopus variegatus species is Rp. (Razak et al., 2022).
325,000.100 g-1. The reason for using different
samples from the same class, which is the Research on S. variegatus sea cucumber
Holothuridae sea cucumber, is to inform the public showed that it contains sulfate compounds and
that the more popular sea cucumbers for Alanine, which are not found in H. atra sea cucumber.
consumption have different nutritional values and Sulfate compounds have long been known to have
health benefits. It has been proven that raw sea wound healing properties. Meanwhile, Alanine is
cucumbers have antibacterial activity (Pringgenies et commonly found in commercial supplements or
al., 2014), antifungal activity (Pranoto et al., 2012), health drinks. Consuming Alanine can enhance
and potential as an anticancer agent (Pringgenies et muscle endurance and improve athletic performance.
al., 2018). However, the general public is only familiar
with the name sea cucumber. Unsaturated amino acids in sea cucumbers,
such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
Research results indicate that the sea docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have anti-inflammatory
cucumber species Stichopus variegatus contains properties and can help reduce the risk of heart
various compounds, including saponins, tannins, disease (Innes and Calder, 2020). These amino acids
flavonoids, steroids, and terpenoids. It has been help reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and
found to have antibacterial activity against triglycerides in the blood while increasing levels of
pathogenic bacteria such as S. aureus and E. coli. good cholesterol (HDL).
Additionally, sea cucumbers contain compounds like
saponins, phenolics, and polysaccharides, which Unsaturated amino acids, particularly DHA,
have the potential to act as antioxidant and anti- found in sea cucumbers, play a crucial role in the
inflammatory agents. These effects are significant in development of brain tissue. Consuming DHA can
preventing the development of cancer and reducing enhance cognition, memory, and learning ability.
the risk of inflammation that contributes to cancer. Additionally, this amino acid has neuroprotective
properties that safeguard the brain against oxidative
Both processed and unprocessed sea damage (Pringgenies et al., 2016). The presence of
cucumber samples contain saturated and unsaturated amino acids in sea cucumbers has been
unsaturated amino acids. The saturated amino acids shown to facilitate the synthesis of anti-inflammatory
found in these samples are Collagen, Arginine, and antioxidant compounds, among others (Carletti
Threonine, Leucine, Valine, Lysine, Hyaluronic Acid, et al., 2022; Bordbar et al. 2011; Khotimchenko,
Hydroxyproline, and Glutamine Hydrochloride. On the 2018). Sea cucumbers belonging to the
other hand, the unsaturated amino acids present are Holothuroidea class are highly valued as food and
Glycine, Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Serine, and traditional medicine in Asia due to their rich content
Aspartic Acid. Overall, the amino acid content in both of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals,
types of sea cucumbers indicates that H. atra sea and amino acids. Various compounds derived from
cucumbers consistently have higher amino acid sea cucumbers exhibit unique biological and
content compared to Stichopus variegatus sea pharmacological activities, such as anticancer,
cucumbers. anticoagulant/antithrombotic, antimicrobial,
antioxidant, antihyperlipidemic, antihyperglycemic,
The collagen content is highest in H. atra sea anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, and radio-
cucumber (14600 μg.100g-1) and undetectable in S. protective properties (Shi et al, 2016).

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The research on untreated sea cucumbers cucumber also has antibacterial properties against S.
reveals that they contain saponin, while processed aureus and E. coli bacteria. Additionally, it contains
sea cucumbers have lower saponin levels. This is saponins, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, and
because processed sea cucumbers are washed terpenoids. Both Holothuria atra and Stichopus
multiple times before being processed, which causes variegatus sea cucumber species are functional
the saponin to dissolve in water and lose its bitter foods that can be used as preventatives against
taste which is disliked. Saponin is known to have cancer.
numerous potential health benefits. Studies have
demonstrated that saponin in sea cucumbers has the Acknowledgement
potential for various activities, including anti-cancer,
anti-obesity, anti-hyperuricemia, anticoagulant, The author would like to thank the Head of the
antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiangiogenic, Central Laboratory for Research and Services at
antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and Diponegoro University for providing the opportunity to
immunomodulatory activities (Fagbohun et al., conduct research. Thanks are also extended to PT.
2023). Sea cucumbers were found to have nutritional Kalbe Farma tbk for their support in sample analysis.
value and health benefits after extensive research.
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