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Research About Partograph

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Available online at http://www.journalcra.com

International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 8, Issue, 07, pp.35235-35237, July, 2016

ISSN: 0975-833X
*Harpreet Kaur Bajwa, Nidhi Sagar, Mamta and Jasbir Kaur
DMCH College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab


Article History: Prolonged labour is a leading cause of death among mothers and newborns in developing countries.
Received 22 April, 2016
Early detection of abnormal progress and prevention of prolonged labour cansignificantly improve the
Received in revised form outcome of labour. The partograph is a simple chart for recording informat
information about progress of
20th May, 2016 labour. A descriptive study was carried out to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding
Accepted 09th June, 2016 partograph among 60 staff nurses selected by convenience sampling technique, working in Labour
Published online 31st July, 2016 ward of selected hospitals of district
district Ludhiana, Punjab. A structured questionnaire for knowledge,
Likert scale for attitude and checklist for practices regarding partograph. More than half of staff
Key words: nurses (55%) had good knowledge, majority (90%) had positive attitude whereas only 18.3% had
racticed partograph. The association of knowledge with attitude ( p≤ 0.01) and practices (p<0.05)
Partograph, regarding partograph among staff nurses was found to highly significant with a weak positive
Knowledge, relationship between knowledge and attitude (r= 0.455; p=0.000)=0.000) whereas a strong positive
Attitude, relationship between knowledge and practices( r= 0.701; p= = 0.016). A statistically significant
Practices. association of knowledge and attitude with education was found and the association of attitude with
experience in labour ward and
and number of deliveries conducted was also found to be significant.

Copyright©2016, Harpreet Kaur Bajwa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Att
Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Harpreet Kaur Bajwa, Nidhi Sagar, Mamta and Jasbir Kaur, Kaur 2016. “Study
Study on knowledge, attitude and practices regarding Partograph among
staff nurses”, International Journal of Current Research,
Research 8, (07), 35235-35237.


Labour has been considered to be the most painful journey a To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding
woman ever under takes. Although it is a natural process but partograph among staff nurses.
complications can arise at any time during its course. The need
to improve maternal health is currently a major issue on the MATERIALS AND METHODS
international scene. Approximately 800 women die from
pregnancy or childbirth related complications, around the A descriptive research design was used with convenience
world everyday. One of the tools used in the intranatal period sampling technique. The sample for the study consisted of 60
is the partograph, a preprinted one-page
page form on which labour staff nurses working in Labour ward of Dayanand Medical
observations are recorded. It consists
sts of three components, that College & Hospital, Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Pal Hospital,
is monitoring and managing of (a) Fetal condition (b) Deep Hospital, Civil Hospital, Pahwa Hospital, Shah Hospital
Maternal condition (c) Progress of labour.
labour It has been of district
istrict Ludhiana, Punjab. Data was collected in the month
observed that maternal
aternal mobility rate increases because of of January 2015 using a structured questionnaire for
insufficient facilities
es in the health care settings, inadequate knowledge, Likert scale for attitude and checklist for practices
knowledge and attitude of health care personnel regarding regarding partograph. The research tool was validated by
partograph as shown in one of the studies depicting that consulting experts from field of Community Health Nursing,
majority of nurses (91.3%) had unsatisfactory score of Obstetric & Gyeacological Nursing and Medical Surgical
knowledge however the attitude regarding partograph was Nursing. The latest estimate of MMR brought by the Office of
positive. RGI puts the MMR at 178 per 100,000 live births in 2012 in
India. This is a substantial improvement from an estimated
*Corresponding author: Harpreet Kaur Bajwa, MMR level of 437 per 100 000 live births in 1990 1990-91. But
DMCH College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab India is unlikely to reach the targeted level of 109 per 100000
35236 Harpreet Kaur Bajwa et al. Study on knowledge, attitude and practices regarding Partograph among staff nurses

live births by 2015. Early detection of abnormal progress and As per education, maximum number of staff nurses were with
prevention of prolonged labour can significantly reduce it . GNM, currentlyworking in Private hospital had experience of
Obstructed labour and ruptured uterus contributes up to 70% of 0-5 years in Labour ward and conducted more than 15
maternal mortality. Tools and techniques to monitor labour deliveries.
thus play an important role in saving women’s lives. Analysis
was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Table 1. Association of knowledge with attitude regarding
partograph among staff nurses
t Value r Value
Variables Mean± SD Mean %
p Value p Value
The findings of the study revealed thatmore than half of the Knowledge 12.63±2.893 52.62 14.628 0.455
staff nurses were between the age group of 21-30 years with Attitude 19.27±3.705 80.29 0.000** 0.000**
mean age 27.28±5.533 and most of them were married.
Table 2. Association of knowledge with practices among staff
nurses regarding partograph

t Value r Value
Variables Mean± SD Mean %
p Value p Value
Knowledge 14.91±2.914 62.12 2.345 0.701
Practices 12.91±3.961 64.55 0.041* 0.016*

As per present study a statistically significant association of

knowledge and attitude with education was found and the
association of attitude with experience in labour ward and
number of deliveries conducted was also found to be

Fig. 1. Distribution of staff nurses as per Level of knowledge DISCUSSION

regarding partograph
Labour has been considered to be the most painful journey a
woman ever under takes. Although it is a natural process but
complications can arise at any time during its course. Thus
concern has been raised about the quality of intrapartum care
within health facilities. The use of a partogram for the
management of labour has been shown to be beneficial. In the
present study, more than half of staff nurses (55%) had good
knowledge regarding partograph while less than half of staff
nurses (43.3%) had average knowledge similar to other study.
In this study, conducted by conducted by Fantu Abebe et al.
(2012) showed more than half (53.4%) of the study
participants have good knowledge of the partograph. In the
present study, it was found that majority of staff nurses (90%)
had positive attitude regarding partograph whereas only 18.3%
staff nurses had practiced partograph as supported by a study
conducted by Hapwaya Shamabo Daphen Namoonga (2012)
which show that 86% respondents had positive attitude
Fig. 2. Distribution of staff nurses as per attitude regarding
partograph towards utilization of partograph, however the utilization of
partograph was low (70%). The findings of present study
revealed that there was a highly significant association of
knowledge with attitude ( p≤ 0.001) and practices (p<0.05)
regarding partograph among staff nurses as supported by
another study done by Opiah et al. (2012) which showed that
there was significant relationship between knowledge of the
partograph and its utilization (P < 0.05). The findings of
present studyrevealed that a statistically significant association
of knowledge and attitude with education. Also there was a
significant association of attitude with experience in labour
ward and number of deliveries conducted.

Fig. 3. Distribution of staff nurses as per practices regarding The present study concluded that staff nurses had good level of
partograph knowledge and positive attitude regarding partograph.
35237 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 08, Issue, 07, pp.35235-35237, July, 2016

However there was low level of practices. The association of bitstream/handle/123456789/3070/hapwayashamam

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a strong positive relationship between knowledge and Assoc., 57(8):408-411
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partograph among staff nurses. amongst trainees of workshop on labour and partograph. J
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