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1. Explain the terms: data center technology .
2. Virtualization technology. 3. Explain web technology in detail. 4. Explain different types of clouds in detail. 5. Explain different types of hypervisors in detail. 6. Explain the term emerging cloud software environments. 7. Explain cloud computing and grid computing. 8. Explain standards for security in brief. 9. Explain LAMP and LAPP in brief. 10.Write a note on : Digital signature. 11.Hashing. 12.Explain additional considerations in threats and attacks. 13.Explain identity and access management in detail. 14.Discuss following cloud issues : Longevity 15.Business continuity. 16.Explain following IOT technologies: Sensor networks. 17.GPS. 18.Explain the terms: multimedia cloud. 19.Jungle computing. 20.Explain the following innovative applications of IOT: Smart power grid. 21.Cyber physical systems. 22.Explain online social and professional networking in detail. 23.Write short note on multitenant technology. 24.Write short note on amazon cloud services. 25.Explain service-level agreement cloud issues. 26.What is cloud-based smart devices? Explain it. 27.Explain cloud computing goals, benefits and challenges. 28.Explain service model in cloud computing. 29.Explain broadband networks and internet architecture in cloud computing.
30.Explain the term cloud applications in brief.
31.Give short notes on : Ajax 32.Xml 33.Write down the features of cloud and grid platform. 34.Explain some Microsoft cloud services in brief. 35.Short note on: threat Agents. 36.Security threats. 37.Explain single sign on technology (SSO) in cloud computing. 38.Discuss the concept of business continuity and stability. 39.Explain performance of distributed systems in the cloud. 40.Explain the concept of enabling technologies for the internet of things. 41.Explain the autonomic cloud engine. 42.Explain following enabling technologies for IOT: sensor networks. 43.Zig bee technology 44.Explain retailing and supply chain management. 45.Characteristics of cloud. 46.What is Microsoft azure. 47.Explain cloud security mechanism. 48.What is intelligent fabrics. 49.Explain service technology used in cloud computing. 50.Write notes on: virtualization of cpu. 51.Virtualization of memory. 52.Notes on : google cloud application. 53.Write the different standards for application developers in detail. 54.Write the programming on Amazon Aws and Microsoft azure. 55.Notes on : identity and access management. 56.Hardened virtual server Images. 57.What are issues occurs in cloud computing. 58.Explain the performance of distributed systems and cloud. 59.Write different examples of home based cloud computing. 60.Explain how the cloud will change operating system. 61.Write note on : mobile cloud. 62.What are the innovative applications of the internet of things ? 63.Short note on : public key infrastructure. 64.Explain docker at a glance in detail.
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