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School Magalalag National High School Grade: 9

Teacher Pedro D. Caranguian Learning Area: TLE

Daily Lesson Log
Date / Time: Quarter: SECOND



a. Define series circuit. a. Learn how to solve a. Define parallel circuit. a. Learn how to solve
series circuits parallel circuits

Content Standard The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and underlying principles in performing measurements and
Performance Standard The learner independently performs accurate measurements and calculation based on given tasks.
Learning Competency Carry out Carry out Carry out Carry out
measurements and measurements and measurements and measurements and
calculations calculations calculations calculations

II CONTENT Series Circuit Solving Series Circuits Parallel Circuit Solving Parallel Circuit

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages EIM G-9 Module, pp 11-15

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from -Laptop, Chalkboard, Pen -Laptop, Chalkboard, Pen and -Laptop, Chalkboard, Pen and -Laptop, Chalkboard, Pen
Learning Resources and Paper Paper Paper and Paper

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson A. Pre-Activity A. Pre-Activity A. Pre-Activity A. Pre-Activity
or presenting the new lesson - Daily Routine - Daily Routine - Daily Routine - Daily Routine
- Greetings - Greetings - Greetings - Greetings
- Cleanliness of - Cleanliness of - Cleanliness of - Cleanliness of
Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance

B. Review of the past B. Review of the past B. Review of the past B. Review of the past
lesson lesson lesson lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for Let’s Understand: Series Circuit Parallel Circuit Parallel Circuit
the lesson TWO TYPES OF CIRCUIT Configuration Configuration
Circuits consisting of just A parallel circuit contains
one battery and one load multiple pathways, or
resistance are very branches. Each device in a
simple to analyze, but parallel circuit is on a
they are not often found separate branch. The
in practical applications. current flowing through a
Usually, we find circuits parallel circuit divides as it
where more than two reaches each branch.
components are
Because only part of the
connected together.
total current flows through
each branch, the amount of
current is different at
different points in a parallel

C. Presenting Series Circuit Series Circuit Exploring Parallel How to Solve

Examples/instances of new Circuits Parallel Circuit
lesson A series circuit consists Here, we have three
of a single pathway resistors (labeled R1, R2, Using the same collection
through which electricity and R3) connected in a of wires, D-cells and bulbs,
can flow. All of the parts long chain from one parallel circuits can be
of a series circuit—power Three resistors
terminal of the battery to explored in the same
source, wires, and connected in parallel
the other. manner. The effect of the
devices—are connected with 125 V Source
number of resistors upon
along the same (It should be noted that the overall current and the
pathway; the devices are the subscript labeling— overall resistance can be
connected one after those little numbers to the investigated. The diagrams
another, with no lower-right of the letter below depict the usual
branches. Current moves 􀂳R􀂴—are unrelated to the means of constructing the
through one device, then resistor values in ohms. circuit with parallel
the next, and so on. connections of light bulbs.
Series circuits are most They serve only to identify One will note that a study
commonly used in one resistor from of the overall current for
flashlights, holiday another.) The defining parallel connections
lights, and other simple characteristic of a series requires the addition of an
devices. circuit is that there is only indicator bulb. The
one path for current to indicator bulb is placed
flow. outside of the branches
and allows one to observe
In this circuit, the current the effect of additional
flows in a clockwise resistors upon the overall
direction, from point 1 to current.
point 2 to point 3 to point
4 and back around to 1. The bulbs that are placed
in the parallel branches
only provide an indicator of
the current through that
particular branch. So if
investigating the effect of
the number of resistors
upon the overall current
and resistance, one must
make careful observations
of the indicator bulb, not
the bulbs that are placed in
the branches. The diagram
below depicts the typical
D. Discussing new concepts Exploring Series How to solve a Series II. Follow the rules for
and practicing new skills #1 Circuits Circuit? parallel circuits.
a. Resistances in
A series circuit can be Let’s take a look at some parallel combine
constructed by example of series circuits according to the sum-
connecting light bulbs in that demonstrate these of-inverses rule.
such a manner that principles.
Parallel Connections of
there is a single pathway
Light Bulb
for charge flow; the
bulbs are added to the
same line with no It is clear from observing
branching point. the indicator bulbs in the
above diagrams that the
As more and more light addition of more resistors
bulbs are added, the causes the indicator bulb
brightness of each bulb to get brighter. For parallel
gradually decreases. circuits, as the number of
This observation is an Example I. resistors increases, the
indicator that the current Three resistors connected overall current also
within the circuit is in series with 125 V increases. This increase in
decreasing. Source current is consistent with a
b. Total current is
decrease in overall
determined by the
I. Follow the rules for resistance. Adding more
voltage of the power
series circuit resistors in a separate
supply and the
a. Resistance in series branch has the unexpected
equivalent resistance
add up. result of decreasing the
of the circuit.
overall resistance.

c. (Note: we'll answer

part iv before part iii.)
On a parallel circuit,
each branch
experiences the same
voltage drop.

d. The current in each

branch can be found
using Ohm's law.
e. Verify your
calculations by adding
the currents. On a
parallel circuit they
should add up to the
current from the
power supply.

E. Discussing new concepts Series connections of b. Total current is

and practicing new skills #2 light bulbs connected to determined by the voltage
the batteries. So for of the power supply and
series circuits, as more the equivalent resistance
resistors(bulbs) are of
added the overall
current within the
circuit decreases.
This decrease in current the circuit.
When one bulb is removed
is consistent with the from its socket, the other
conclusion that the c. Current is constant
overall through resistors in series.
in the parallel branches
resistance increases. remain “on”.
d. The voltage drop can
If an individual bulb in a
be found using Ohm’s Law
parallel branch is
unscrewed from its socket,
then there is still current in
the overall circuit and
current in the other
When one bulb is branches.
removed from it socket,
the other bulb in series
“go off” e. Verify your calculations Removing the third bulb
by adding the voltage from its socket has the
drops. On a series circuit effect of transforming the
they should equal the circuit from a three-bulb
parallel circuit to a two-
voltage increase of the bulb parallel circuit. If the
power supply. appliances in a household
kitchen were connected in
parallel, then the
refrigerator could function
without having to have the
dishwasher, toaster,
garbage disposal and
overhead lights on. One
appliance can work without
the other appliances
having to be on. Since each
appliance is in its own
separate branch, turning
that appliance off merely
cuts off the flow of charge
to that branch. There will
still be charge flowing
through the other branches
to the other appliances.
Quite obviously, the
appliances in a home are
wired with parallel
F. Developing mastery A final observation that Parallel Circuit
(Leads to Formative is unique to series Configuration
circuits is the effect of
removing a bulb from a

If one of three bulbs in a

series circuit is
unscrewed from its
socket, then it is
Again, we have three
observed that the other
resistors, but this time they
bulbs immediately go form more than one
out. continuous path for current
to flow. There’s one path
In order for the devices from 1 to 2 to 7 to 8 and
in a series circuit to back to 1 again. There’s
work, each device must another from 1 to 2 to 3 to
work. If one goes out, 6 to 7 to 8 and back to 1
they all go out. Suppose again. And then there’s a
that all the appliances in third path from 1 to 2 to 3
a household kitchen to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 and
were all connected in back to 1 again. Each
series. individual path (through
R1, R2, and R3) is called a
In order for the branch.
refrigerator to work in The defining characteristic
that kitchen, the toaster of a parallel circuit is that
oven, dishwasher, all components are
garbage disposal and connected between the
overhead light would all same set of electrically
have to be on. In order common points. Looking at
for one device in series the schematic diagram, we
to work, they all must see that points 1, 2, 3, and
work. 4 are all electrically
common. So are points 8,
If current is cut from any 7, 6, and 5.
one of them, it is cut
from all of them. Quite Note that all resistors, as
obviously, the well as the battery, are
appliances in the kitchen connected between these
are not connected in two sets of points. And, of
series. course, the complexity
doesn’t stop at simple
series and parallel either!
We can have circuits that
are a combination of series
and parallel, too.
G. Finding Practical What is the importance What is the importance of What is the importance of What is the
applications of concepts and of learning about series learning how to solve learning about parallel importance of learning
skills how to solve parallel
circuits? series circuits? circuits?
H. Making generalizations and What is a series circuit? How do we solve for What is a parallel circuit? How do we solve for
abstractions about the lesson series circuit? parallel circuit?
I. Evaluating Learning Teacher-made activities Teacher-made activities

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?




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