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Gothic Lit Vocab

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Gothic Literature Vocab Unit

Please follow the directions in each section of the packet to study the vocabulary from this unit.

Quick Review: Parts of Speech

Part of Speech Definition Examples
Noun A person, place, thing, Tacos, Emily, him, the
or idea mall, perseverance
Verb A word used to Hear, become, happen
describe an action,
state, or occurrence
Adjective A word to describe a Intelligent, mean,
noun empathetic, creative

SECTION 1 – DEFINITIONS: Please write the definition of each vocab

word in the space next to the word. Please pay attention to the
correct part of speech listed!
1. Anthropology (noun): the study of human beings

2. Apathy (noun): lack of feeling or emotion

3. Archaic (adjective): having the characterisitcs of the language of the past

surviving chiefly in specialized users.

4. Arsenic (noun): a solid chemical element that is used especially in wood

preservatives, alloys, and semiconductors and is exetremely toxic in both pure and
combined forms.

5. Beacon (noun): a light house or other signal for guidance

6. Benevolent (adjective): marked by or disposed to doing good

7. Bilious (adjective): of or relating to a yellow or greenish fluid that is secreted by

the liver and that aids especially in the emulsification and absorption of fats;of or
relating to bile

8. Circumvent (verb): to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem

9. Dubious (adjective): unsettled in opinion; doubtful

10. Grimace (verb): a facial expression usually of disgust, disappoval, or pain.

11. Grotesque (adjective): a style of decorative art characterized by fanciful or

fantastic human and animal forms often interwoven with foilage or similar figures
that may distort the natrual into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature.

12. Impervious (adjective): not allowing entrance or passage

13. Indifferent (adjective): marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for

something; apathetic

14. Lavish (adjective): expending or bestowing profusely; prodigal

15. Malady (noun): a disease or disorder of the animal body

16. Melancholy (adjective): depression of spirits; dejection

17. Melodramatic (adjective): of, relating to, or characteristics of melodrama

18. Mutiny (noun): forcible or passive resistance to lawful authority

19. Obliterate (verb): to remove utterly from recognition or memory

20. Oppressive (adjective): unreasonably burdensome or severe

21. Pallid (adjective): deficient in color

22. Peril (noun): exposure to the risk of being injured, destroyed or lost; danger

23. Prevail (verb): to gain ascendancy through strength and superiority

24. Serene (adjective): marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose to

25. Thwart (verb): to oppose successfuly;defeat the hopes or aspirations of

26. Torrent (noun): a violent or forceful flow of fluid

27. Uncanny (adjective): seeming to have a supernatural character or origin;eerie,


28. Vagrant (noun): usually disparaging; someone who has no established residence
and wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support

29. Vague (adjective): not clearly expressed; stated in idefinite terms

30. Vanquish (verb): to overcome in battle; subdue completely

Quick Review: Synonyms & Antonyms

**You can find synonyms and antonyms in a thesaurus**
Definition Examples
Synonym A word or Pretty Nice, delightful,
expression that pleasing,
has nearly the heavenly,
same meaning as sweet
another word
Antonym A word of Pretty Unpleasant,
opposite meaning horrid, ghastly,

Section 2 – SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS: In the table below, find 2
synonyms and 2 antonyms for each vocab word. If the vocab word
does not have any synonyms or antonyms, please write “none.”
Vocab Word TWO Synonyms TWO Antonyms
1. Anthropology Folklore, sociology Zoology, engineering

2. Apathy Unconcern, disregard Concern, curiosity

3. Archaic Obsolete, outmoded Modern, current

4. Arsenic Ratsbane, poison Harmless, organic

5. Beacon Signal, light Dull, obscure

6. Benevolent Compassion, generous Unkind, cruel

7. Bilious Liverish, testy Pleasant, amiable

8. Circumvent Avoid, dodge Face, endure

9. Dubious Doubtful, skeptical Certain, undoubtful

10. Grimace Moue, face Smile, grin

11. Grotesque Antic, bizarre Nice, pretty

12. Impervious Inaccessible, unmoved Sensitive, open

13. Indifferent Fair, unbiased Biased, unfair

14. Lavish Rich, lush Starve, limit

15. Malady Disease, illness Healthy, wellness

16. Melancholy Depressed, sad Happy, joy

Sensational, historic Calm, normal

17. Melodramat
18. Mutiny Revolt, emeute
Subservience, obedience

19. Obliterate Annihilate, destroy Build, create

20. Oppressive Severe, difficult Free, calm

21. Pallid Pale, wan Vivid, lively

22. Peril Danger, hazard Safety, security

23. Prevail Dominate, obtain Lose, surrender

24. Serene Calm, peaceful Agitated, disturbed

25. Thwart Frustrate, checkmate Help, aid

26. Torrent Deluge, flood Drip, leak

27. Uncanny Weird, eerie Usual, natural

28. Vagrant Roaming, vagabond Settled, resident

29. Vague Unclear, obscure Clear, definite

30. Vanquish Beat, best Free, release

Section 3 – Writing a Sentence: Using the vocab words, write an
original sentence, each using one vocab word, in a way that shows
me you know the word’s definition. Be sure to use the word’s
correct part of speech!
Good Example: The epic hero vanquished his enemies into the deepest
pits of hell.

Bad Example: I know the definition of vanquish.

Vocab Word Sentence

1. Anthropology

2. Apathy

3. Archaic

4. Arsenic

5. Beacon

6. Benevolent

7. Bilious

8. Circumvent

9. Dubious

10. Grimace

11. Grotesque

12. Impervious

13. Indifferent

14. Lavish

15. Malady

16. Melancholy

17. Melodramat

18. Mutiny
19. Obliterate

20. Oppressive

21. Pallid

22. Peril

23. Prevail

24. Serene

25. Thwart

26. Torrent

27. Uncanny

28. Vagrant

29. Vague

30. Vanquish

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