TOCTPStrategyPaper Shams
TOCTPStrategyPaper Shams
TOCTPStrategyPaper Shams
Article in International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management · December 2002
DOI: 10.1108/09600030210455429
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1 author:
Shams Rahman
RMIT University
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Abstract Many attempts have been made to study factors influencing the performance of
supply chains. These studies are generally quantitative and involve rigorous statistical analyses.
This paper describes an application of a systems approach known as the thinking process of the
theory of constraints not only to identify critical success factors in supply chain management, but
also to understand causal relationships between these factors. The study was conducted in a
group-based model building environment with a group of students who specialised either in
logistics management or e-commerce. The results suggest that understanding the dynamic nature
of supply chains through cause and effect relationships is critical to the formulation of supply
chain growth strategies.
Over the last four decades implementation of operations management
principles and strategies, such as materials requirements planning (MRPI and
MRPII) (Orlicky, 1975), just-in-time (JIT) (Monden, 1981), total quality
management (TQM) (Deming, 1986; Juran, 1992), lean manufacturing (Womack
and Jones, 1996), and theory of constraints (TOC) (Goldratt, 1988), have helped
companies to reduce manufacturing costs as much as practically possible. As
the CEO of Hong Kong-based company Li & Fung highlighted:
. . . you can try to squeeze the cost of production down 10 cents or 20 cents per product, but
today you have to be a genius to do that because everybody has been working on that for
years and there's not a lot of fat left. It's better to look at the cost that is spread throughout the
distribution channels (Magretta, 1998, p. 108).
It is only recently that management of business enterprises have realised that
effective supply chain management is the competitive strategy that now has
the most potential to reduce costs further (Dyer, 1994, 1996; Lee et al., 1993).
Although the interest in supply chain management, both in industry and in
academia, has grown rapidly over the past few years, the concept can be traced
as far back as Forrester (1958, 1961). Using industrial dynamics techniques,
Forrester tracked the effects of delays (material flow lead time and information International Journal of Physical
flow lead time) and decision policies within a simple but representative supply Distribution & Logistics
chain consisting of a manufacturing plant and its warehouse, distributors, and Vol. 32 No. 10, 2002, pp. 809-828.
# MCB UP Limited, 0960-0035
retailers. In this seminal work, Forrester (1961) demonstrated the importance of DOI 10.1108/09600030210455429
IJPDLM sharing information with partner organizations in the supply chain, strategic
32,10 alliances and supply base management, vendor-managed inventory, and the
impacts of delays across the supply chain at a time when these vocabularies
were not part of the business literature.
To date many attempts have been made to identify critical success factors in
supply chain management (Holmes, 1995; Power et al., 2001), investigate the
810 relationship between logistics strategy and business processes (Brewer and
Hensher, 2001), identify drivers behind successful strategic supplier alliances
(Monczka et al., 1998), assess the impact of TQM practices on logistics and
supply chain performance (Anderson et al., 1998; Tan et al., 1999), measure the
effect of supply management orientation on supplier performance (Shin et al.,
2000), examine the role of communication in supply chain management
(Ellinger et al., 1999), and investigate the impact of information technology on
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logistics capability (Cross et al., 1997). These are quantitative studies that have
applied rigorous statistical analysis including factor analysis (Power et al.,
2001; Tan et al., 1999; Anderson et al., 1998), structural equation modelling
(Shin et al., 2000; Anderson et al., 1998) and canonical correlation analysis
(Brewer and Hensher, 2001).
In this study, a system approach known as thinking process (TP) was
applied to identify critical factors of effective supply chain management,
determine the causal relationships between these factors and investigate their
interrelationship with supply chain performance. These relationships would
help managers to analyse and develop growth strategies in supply chains.
Philosophy of TOC
The working principle of TOC provides a focus for a continuous improvement
process. The principle consists of five focusing steps (Goldratt, 1990, p. 5)
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Figure 1.
Process of on-going
IJPDLM (4) Elevate the system's constraint(s). If existing constraints are still the
32,10 most critical in the system, rigorous improvement efforts on these
constraints will improve their performance. As the performance of the
constraints improves, the potential of nonconstraint resources can be
better realised, leading to improvements in overall system performance.
Eventually the system will encounter a new constraint.
812 (5) If in any of the previous steps a constraint is broken, go back to step 1. Do
not let inertia become the next constraint. TOC is a continuous process
and no policy (or solution) will be appropriate (or correct) for all time or
in every situation. It is critical for the organization to recognise that as
the business environment changes, business policy has to be refined to
take account of those changes.
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and Kendall (1998). The purpose of this study is to address the first question:
what to change, i.e to identify core problems which reduce the effectiveness and
efficiency of supply chains. The CRT tool was used for this purpose.
that the lack of space in the warehouse (UDE1) is due to excess inventories that
resulted from making parts to stock (UDE2) and items being stockpiled prior to
storage (UDE3). So, UDE2 and UDE3 were connected to UDE1. The reason for
UDE3 happening is suggested to be due to parts being delivered to the
warehouse in large quantities as well as a result of delivery schedules not
matching the rate of usage. (This has been identified in Figure 2 as R1, which is
simply a reference number and has no significance). R1 is, therefore, connected
to UDE3 and is read ``if R1 then UDE3''. Management suggested that the main
reason why parts were delivered in too large quantities (R1) was that work
orders were larger than division's needs (R2). It was also suggested that cycle
Figure 2.
A current reality tree
times were longer than necessary (UDE4) and that UDE2 was related to the size Constraints'
of the work order (R2). Therefore, R2 was connected to R1, UDE2 and UDE4. thinking process
Note that of all the UDEs and Rs only UDE1 is linked to two UDEs (UDE2 and approach
UDE3). This must be read with a ``logical AND''. Thus, the relationship between
UDE1, UDE2, and UDE3 should be read as follows: if there are excess
inventories that result from making parts to stock (UDE2) and items that are
piled up waiting to be stored (UDE3), then there is not enough space in the 815
warehouse (UDE1).
The tree was constructed starting with the UDEs and working down
(Figure 2). However, the tree should be read ``bottom-up''. The management
confirmed that the tree (Figure 2) represented the issue at hand and identified
R2 (work orders are often larger than division's needs) as the core problem.
In this example the process of building the CRT was illustrated using a
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first session, students used nominal group technique (NGT) to brainstorm the
problem and identify five to ten UDEs of failing to organise and run an efficient
supply chain. Groups then identified factors most likely to cause such effects
and developed cause-effect relationships in the form of a casual diagram.
The actual models were developed in the second session. The TP was
applied to develop the casual relationship between causes and effects. Since the
students had no prior knowledge of TP and its analytical tools such as the
CRT, the author of this paper developed the causal trees on white board with
feedbacks and suggestions agreed by the groups.
Figure 3.
Causal relationships
based on inventory
management cost
IJPDLM coordination and communication among supply chain partners and by aligning
32,10 product-process design with appropriate supply chain structure (see Figure 4).
Figure 4.
Causal relationships
based on cycle time
thinking process
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Figure 5.
Causal relationships
based on customer
Figure 6.
Causal relationships
based on customer
This research not only identified elements of successful SCM but also
developed the causal relationships between these elements. Understanding
820 the dynamic nature of the supply chain through cause and effect relationships
is critical to the formulation of supply chain growth strategies. For instance,
consider the case of ``long cycle times'' shown in Figure 4. The cause and
effect diagram in Figure 4 identified cycle time as an element of successful
SCM and the following two factors or ``paths'' show the main causes of this
Path I. No appreciation for SC-wide performance ! product-process
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Figure 7.
Causal relationships
based on distribution
Figure 8.
Causal relationships
based on cost of supply
Problems like long cycle times are influenced by complex inter-relationships Constraints'
between many factors. With a better understanding of these relationships, thinking process
managers would be able to devise strategies for further improvement and approach
growth in supply chains.
During the second session of the group-based model building exercise, two
important aspects of SCM emerged which were not identified during the
nominal group discussions. These are supply base management and 821
environmental policy. The following subsections will describe the impact of
these two aspects of SCM and develop branches for the CRT.
Figure 9.
Causal relationships
based on supply base
IJPDLM Environmental policy
32,10 Inadequate environmental policy can result in a number of adverse effects.
These can include direct effects on costs of running businesses through low
usage of recycled resources and indirect effects of degrading the local and
global environment on customer satisfaction and market share (see Figure 10).
Today, many researchers are in agreement that the environment makes good
822 business sense and is an opportunity rather than a threat (Porter and Van der
Linde, 1995; Shivastava, 1995; Hutchinson, 1996). A number of case studies
have demonstrated that that there is compatibility between environmental and
business goals (see Eden, 1994). By considering the environment in the design
stage of its products, Xerox improved its ability to recover and reuse parts for
future equipment. Implementing an end-of-life equipment take-back policy,
Xerox's European operations saved over $80 million in 1997 (Maslennikova
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Figure 10.
Causality due to lack of
product retake policy
thinking process
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Figure 11.
A CRT for a supply
chain system
IJPDLM four other UDEs were identified during the model building exercise. These are
32,10 responsiveness, flexibility in the supply chain, incomplete orders, and
percentage of products recovered, recycled and reused. All four measures are
non-cost measures of supply chain performance and are related to customer
Responsiveness and incomplete orders have frequently been suggested in
824 the literature as measures for supply chain performance (Altiok and Ranjan,
1995; Cook and Rogowski, 1996). Responsiveness can be considered as
response time and on-time delivery, whereas incomplete orders can be
considered as fill rate (Beamon, 1999).
Measures such as flexibility, and recovery and reuse rates are seldom used
in supply chain analysis. Flexibility can measure a supply chain's ability to
accommodate variety, volume and schedule fluctuations from the chain
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To date, most of the studies undertaken on supply chain management have
focused on a wide range of issues and are generally quantitative in nature. This
research applied a qualitative approach not only to identify the critical success
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factors in a supply chain, but also the causal relationships between these
factors. Management can use these relationships to develop growth strategies
for their companies. However, these relationships need to be tested by large-
scale empirical studies.
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IJPDLM Appendix
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Figure A1.
Categories for legitimate
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