Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Meal Planner
Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Meal Planner
Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Meal Planner
Introduction 5 Smoked Tofu and Green Beans 60
Berry and Cinnamon Breakfast Omelette 35 Chinese Fried Lettuce – Yow Choy 81
Dr Kim Andrews is a General Practitioner and has
Dr Kim’s Cauliflower Cheese 83
worked at Freshwell Health Centre in Finchingfield, Essex since 2004. Indian Inspired Coleslaw 36
Charlotte’s Simple Dahl 38 Salad Drawer Pakora 84
She graduated from Liverpool University with an Honours degree Guacamole 40 Baby Corn Rice 86
in Medicine in 2000 and completed her medical training Homemade Hummus 42 Chocolate and Brandy Mousse 89
in Merseyside and Essex before settling into rural general practice
Quick Red Onion Pickle 44
and specialising in diabetes.
Keto Chapatis 45 Final Feedback 90
Dr Andrews and her colleague Dr David Oliver, discovered low carb Keto Crackers 47
lifestyle medicine in late 2018 and together they founded Mrs P’s Brown Bread 48
the Freshwell Low Carb Project in 2019. They have been Veggie Mince Chilli 50
promoting this method ever since. Grandma’s Cabbage and Egg 53
Pumpkin, Pepper and Halloumi Traybake 54
with Lemon and Parsley Salsa Verde
Roasted Aubergines and Chickpeas 56
with Coconut Milk
Butternut Squash and Red Lentil Dansak 59
2 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 3
Vegetarianism. The practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat
– a term originating from the early 19th century, but a concept going
back as far as the 9th century BC. This way of life may be adopted for
many reasons, but may be motivated by animal welfare, health related,
cultural, environmental or economic preferences. In the UK in 2021,
approximately 10% of the population identified as vegetarian, with
younger generations significantly more likely to follow a meat-free
diet. A “Flexitarian” diet is also on the rise, with people avoiding meat
on some days, but not others e.g. Meat Free Mondays. The UK market for
meat substitutes is already worth nearly 500 million pounds, making it the
largest in Europe.
My name is Dr Kim Andrews and I have been a GP in Essex since 2003 after medical training in
Liverpool. I discovered low carb in 2019 after my dad managed to lose and maintain
a 4 stone weight loss after a lifetime of obesity and yo-yo dieting. As well as weight loss, my
father benefitted from putting his prediabetes into remission and coming off two blood pressure
medications. At the age of 72 he is now cycling 50km twice a week and can cut his toenails
without getting out of breath! It has been astonishing to watch and witnessing this has changed
the way I manage my patients. I no longer want to stick plasters over ill-health with medication –
I want people to fix themselves by fuelling their body correctly. I assure you it really does work
and the benefits can be life changing.
You may find yourself here because of a recent health scare – a new diagnosis of diabetes or
high blood pressure for example. You may just want to improve your diet moving forwards to gain
the benefits of greater vitality and avoid the development of chronic disease. Or you may want to
lose some weight - two thirds of the UK adult population are now overweight or obese - leading
to greater risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and some cancers. During the
lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, more than 40% of adults in the UK gained weight, with the average
gain being around half a stone (just over 3kg) – it appears snacking and comfort eating were the
main culprits. Does this sound familiar?!
4 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 5
estimates on number of portions, but this should not be taken as gospel. My advice is always
This planner aims to help those who are vegetarian to incorporate a low carbohydrate diet into
“only eat when you are hungry, and eat until you are full”. Take into account we are creatures that
their lifestyle. Essentially, starchy carbohydrates need to be considered a source of dietary sugar,
sometimes eat for reasons other than hunger – so if you could be bored or thirsty make sure you
as starch molecules are quickly broken down into sugar once they enter your body. This spike of
address this first before hitting the cupboards…..
sugar then causes your insulin level to rise, and insulin is a hormone that loves to store up excess
glucose as fat. The more starch and sugar eaten, the higher the insulin level has to be to manage Meat substitutes are food products made from vegetarian or vegan ingredients, which over the
it, eventually leading to insulin resistance as the body’s cells stop responding to the messaging. past few years have now become freely available in most supermarkets. I must admit to having my
And it is this situation that leads to weight gain, metabolic dysfunction, and many other bad things own concerns about these products, as in most (but not all) cases they tend to be highly processed
we want to avoid! That’s it for the science folks. If you are interested in learning more about why containing numerous ingredients – flip the packet over and take a look. A low carb lifestyle
a low carb method works, then head over to our website at, see our actively encourages against the use of processed foods and advocates creating meals based on
educational modules on our Freshwell app, or download the free Freshwell Low Carb Manual – ingredients you would find in your food cupboards at home. A famous faux meat burger brand has
which covers a low carb lifestyle in more detail. 18 ingredients listed on the packet – take a moment to compare that to the ingredients found in a
homemade beefburger – 2 – beef and salt. My feeling is that if you enjoy eating these products,
There are many variations of the vegetarian diet. This planner is based around an ovo-lacto
then limit them to once or twice a week, and in general stick to clean, unprocessed meals cooked
vegetarian diet, incorporating both eggs and dairy products. No fish is included. In my experience,
from scratch whenever possible. It is worth putting the time in for the benefits you will reap.
many people avoiding meat do find that their diet is understandably centred around starchy
carbohydrates such as cereal, rice, bread and pasta. With some thinking outside the box this can Many patients ask me if they should be supplementing their diets with vitamins or minerals,
be changed to create a new way of eating that will give you more energy and vitality. particularly those following a vegetarian lifestyle. I always encourage people to consume as
many micronutrients as possible within their diet but for those with intolerances or a very narrow
I must admit to not being a vegetarian myself, so this meal planner has been challenging to
diet, supplementation is likely to play a part. It is important to remember that any diet can have
create. As a family, we eat plenty of vegetables and dairy, but these are often included as
nutritional gaps – if you eat meat but only hamburgers and chips at every meal, you won’t be
ingredients or sides to the main affair rather than the focal point. Did you know that on average,
getting all your nutrients either! Many breads and cereals are fortified with additional vitamins, but
a human requires about 1.6g of protein per kg of bodyweight – that’s actually a huge amount
as you will be avoiding these foods on a low carb diet, you will need to source them in alternative
when you work it out and was an eye opener for myself and my own diet. In this meal planner,
ways. For the most, I do suggest that vegetarians consider supplementation with Vitamin B12 and
prioritising protein has been my objective, and in the main I have accomplished this using eggs,
iron. I also recommend Vitamin D3 (at least from October to April) to everyone living in the UK,
dairy, nuts, seeds and pulses. A glass of milk alone can contain 9g of protein! Pulses can be
as it is hard to consume enough in our diets and it doesn’t store well, so any Vitamin D gained
moderately high in carbohydrates, so if you are prediabetic or diabetic, you may need to reduce
from the British summer is quickly lost. If your diet consists of varied vegetables, nuts, seeds and
these slightly to prevent sugar spikes. Always look to get in extra protein whenever possible
pulses, you may well be meeting most of your mineral needs, but if not, you could also consider
– seeds such as flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are
supplementing with calcium and zinc.
punchy powerhouses – I suppose this is to be expected really when you consider what a seed is
capable of in nature. Sprinkle them on salads, yoghurt, soups and you can’t go far wrong. And what about protein powders? These have become more commonly used over the past few
years and now appear on the shelves in most supermarkets. In general, I always suggest that
This planner is not a panacea or a holy grail, nor a complicated scientific document debating
people get all the nutrients they need by eating a good, varied diet. However, there are times
plant-based protein versus meat-based protein. It is merely a simple recipe book to help people
when people are unable to get in the protein they need, so in some cases, protein powder may
get started on a vegetarian low carb lifestyle and show what can be done. There is no counting of
be a good choice as a convenient way to boost total protein intake. These powders are usually
calories, no weighing of portion sizes and no calculating of macros and micros. To me, food is to
very low in carbohydrates but make sure you check the ingredients lists as some do have added
be enjoyed – and having to count anything takes some of that joy away. Some recipes give rough
sugars or other carbohydrate sources and should be avoided. Beware of protein bars and shakes
Being or going vegetarian requires some planning, particularly with the combination of low carb -
but with the right mix of protein-based foods, it can be done well to support a healthy body. I hope
this meal planner gives you a starting point to base your new lifestyle around. As always, hearing
stories of weight loss and improved health always bring me great joy so please do get in touch if
you have a story to tell. Good Luck!
To thank you for taking the time to complete the survey, if you live in the Braintree District we
Dr Kim Andrews have free gym passes (to be used in Fusion Leisure Centres) at the ready - one of the team will
Freshwell Health Centre get in touch to distribute this to you if you kindly add your contact details at the end of the survey.
Finchingfield Thanks for your time, we really look forward to hearing your feedback and continuing to improve
Essex CM7 4BQ our materials.
8 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 9
Low Carb Basics
In the most basic of forms, a low 6 Avoid Ultra Processed Foods (UPFs) 9 Be careful with fruit – we are told to eat fruit
– I class this as any packaged food in the and obtain our “5 a day” but we believe fruit is
carb way of eating comprises
supermarket that has a list of 5 or more nature’s “dessert” and should be treated
of the following rules: ingredients – particularly if you don’t recognise accordingly. When eating fruit, stick to fruit that
the name of those ingredients or have them in grows in the UK – mainly berries and the
1 No bread or wheat based bread products your cupboard at home. occasional apple, pear or plum. Avoid any
such as wraps, pittas, crackers etc (and it tropical fruits like mango, pineapple, bananas
7 Avoid sugar (the food companies have over and grapes as these are packed full with
doesn’t matter if the bread is wholemeal, 100 names for sugar so don’t let them trick
seeded, artisan sourdough – sorry, but all must natural sugars. Avoid fruit juice at all costs.
you! – as well as standard white table sugar
be avoided!). 10
this would include brown sugar, coconut sugar, Avoid vegetable and seed oils including
2 No potatoes (including sweet potatoes). molasses, fructose, maltose, sucrose, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, soybean
maltodextrin, brown rice syrup – to name a oil etc.
3 No rice (again this includes brown rice). few!). Also try to avoid most artificial
sweeteners as evidence has shown some of These have been promoted to us as healthy
4 No breakfast cereals including but increasing evidence suggest they are very
these to cause levels of blood glucose to rise
porridge oats (I know - I thought it was inflammatory within our bodies and are best
and to light up those addiction areas of the
good for me too!). avoided. Stick to natural saturated fats like
brain that can crave sweetness. If you want
to add sweetness, then use sweeteners such olive oil, butter and coconut oil.
5 No pasta – other pasta options are now
available in most supermarkets. Aldi stock a at Stevia, Xylitol or Erythritol – these are more 11 When looking at food packaging, aim for
good soy spaghetti or mungbean fettucini. expensive but you won’t need much so it products that contain 10g or less of total
The larger supermarkets tend to stock pasta will last. carbohydrate in 100g. The food
shapes made of pea or lentil – a better option manufacturers will try and trick you with their
8 Eat above ground vegetables – these are far
for most as they have much higher protein
less starchy then their “below ground” “food traffic light” system- so ignore that!
levels – but are best avoided if you have
pre-diabetes or diabetes, as they have a
moderate carbohydrate content.
10 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 11
My 10 Low Carb Mottos Plant Based Protein Sources
1 Only eat when hungry - not when a mealtime 8 Avoid low fat diet options whenever “Prioritise Protein” is a favourite mantra of mine. more important for you to spend a bit more time
dictates it. possible – such as yoghurts, mayonnaise, There is mounting evidence that your body will thinking about what you are eating to ensure you
cream cheese, cottage cheese etc. In general, continue to tell you to eat until you hit the amount hit your protein targets. If not vegan, animal based
2 Breakfast is not the most important meal low fat options contain more sugar and the of protein it requires to function. So, if you are not products like eggs, cheese and other forms of
of the day – only Mr Kellogg said this and reduction in fat means less control of hunger. eating a diet with good levels of protein you firstly dairy, are excellent sources of protein but if you
I think he had an ulterior motive! If you are not If you are not diabetic and are more run the risk of being hungry. Too little protein will don’t each much of these then concentrate on soy
hungry when you wake, it is ok to skip concerned about weight loss, then using low also compromise your lean muscle mass which based products like tofu, and nuts and seeds. Fish
breakfast and try to have a brunch followed by fat products may be an option if weight loss becomes increasingly important as you age. is also high in protein and a good option if you are
an evening meal. stalls. Protein is needed for muscle repair and growth, pescatarian.
3 Don’t snack – it’s unnecessary and probably maintaining healthy skin, hair and bones, and
9 Avoid processed snack products claiming creating hormones and enzymes essential to Animal sourced proteins are deemed “complete”
means you didn’t eat enough fat and/or protein to be low carb such as protein bars, in that they contain the amino acids we need in
at your last meal. bodily functions. The levels of protein needed are
smoothies or shakes – they have a much higher than previously thought with humans the right proportions. Most sources of protein
4 Prioritise protein – I was shocked to recently ridiculously large ingredients list, are heavily needing around 1.5 - 2g per kg body weight per day from plants are “incomplete”, meaning that some
find out that a man needs 1.8g protein per processed and are often still quite high in – equating to approximately 110g for the average of the amino acids aren’t provided in sufficient
kg bodyweight per day, and women around “natural sugars”. woman and 130g for the average man. If you can, quantities to meet our requirements. When proteins
1.6g per kg – your body will keep telling you aim for at least 30g of protein (typically the size of are incomplete, our digestion doesn’t absorb the
10 Eat food that you buy as it was originally proteins very well and the amino acid that is in
to eat until you hit these targets, so aim to do produced/as nature intended it – and you a fist!) at each meal to hit these targets – which is
it in the most efficient way! easier said than done! limited supply restricts absorption of the rest. It’s a
can’t go far wrong! bit like building a house - there is no point in having
5 When in doubt eat eggs, pulses or dairy Proteins consist of several different amino acids. more slates than are needed if there aren’t enough
- to provide a protein hit and promote satiety. These are the building blocks of all the cells in bricks to complete the walls.
our bodies. Nine of these amino acids are termed
6 Eat larger meals less often – you are aiming ‘essential’ - this means that we need them and Luckily there is a simple way to combine foods to
for approximately the same daily volume of Eat. Real. Food. we have to get them from our diet as we cannot complete the proteins. Plan meals so that you are
food but split across two meals instead of three. eating protein rich pulses (peas, beans, lentils,
make them from other amino acids. There are also
another eight amino acids that we need but our chickpeas) with protein rich seeds (flax, hemp,
7 If there are more than 5 ingredients on the chia, sesame etc) or nuts. Soy beans (and products
packet and/or you don’t recognise the bodies can make them from other amino acids, as
long as we are getting plenty of the essential ones! made from soy like tofu or tempeh), have almost
chemical names, then don’t eat it complete proteins, but it’s still a good idea to have
(L-Cysteine hydrochloride or Glycerol Mono some nuts or seeds as well. A classic combination
Animal protein sources contain all 9 essential amino
Stearate anyone??).
acids in consistently high amounts but plant proteins of this kind is hummus, which is made with
often have far lesser concentrations, making it chickpeas and sesame seeds.
12 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 13
Plant Based
Adding in some complete proteins, even in small
Iron Sources
quantities, also helps. Complete proteins on a
vegetarian diet include dairy (eg yoghurt, cheese), Iron is an essential nutrient that plays an important ½ Cup of Tofu
eggs and also mushrooms and mycoprotein. role in many bodily functions. If you are deficient 6.6mg iron
in iron, you may look pale, feel tired or breathless,
The list below demonstrates some of the foods or suffer dizzy spells. Men and post-menopausal
found in a vegetarian diet that have higher levels of women need around 8mg per day but this
protein. See if you can incorporate some into your requirement is higher for premenopausal and
diet if you don’t already. pregnant women. It can be found in two forms
in food – heme and non-heme. Heme forms are 1 Cup of Tempeh
only found in animal products so will be lacking in 4.5mg iron
a vegetarian diet. However, non-heme forms can
be found in plants – the bad news is that it is less
easily absorbed, so guidelines recommend the
recommended daily intake to be 1.8 times higher
for vegetarians (around 14mg per day). That’s
a lot of iron to try and pack in daily! However,
the good news is that vitamin C maximises iron 1 Cup of Cooked Lentils
absorption, so try to pair your non-heme sources 6.6mg iron
with vegetables high in vitamin C, such as onions,
tomatoes, or peppers.
16 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 17
We are so pleased to have had great attendance Soul Food is supported by a team of volunteers
Megan Cornish, Mid Essex Alliance Administrator,
who has helped with research and edited various
Focus group and really useful suggestions shared, which we who give their time and culinary skills to prepare
have used to shape the project. Attendees (shown meals for the local community and is led by Rachael
documents within the planners, which we hope you
above) included ACTIVE ESSEX, PURPLE OLIVE Simpson the Community Outreach worker. In 2022,
will enjoy reading and learning from. Megan is new
to the team and has loved being involved in this CATERING, ESSEX WELLBEING SERVICE – the team started an allotment to grow produce for
project and can’t wait to try out some of the recipes PROVIDE CIC, and EASTLIGHT COMMUNITY the takeaway meals and regularly features produce
– perfect for lunch at work! HOMES. We discussed what the barriers and in their meals.
facilitators are to eating well, as well as what we
could add to our planners for them to be used and Rachael explains more about the Soul Food project:
Local Partners enjoyed as much as possible. The group gave us “We set up Soul Food takeaway service to help
great ideas for the language, content, and format of people in our local community who needed support
Special thanks go to those who helped us right at
our materials. with meals after the first lockdown. If the last couple
the start of the project, when we were exploring of years has taught us anything, it’s the importance
what to focus on in the manuals and understand We ran a focus group at HEALTHWATCH ESSEX of community, Jesus was big in community and
what matters most to people when it comes to and invited local people and organisations to sharing life together. Soul Food is open to all in the
eating good food. attend to share their views. Healthwatch Essex Soul Food local area, and everyone is welcome. Hospitality is
really helped us to plan out our focus group, The Gateway Project is key to our ministry and is at the centre of what do.
Survey distribution and Engagement Manager Dan Potts was a Christian community in We hope that Soul Food is more than a takeaway
Thank you very much to the local organisations particularly helpful, sharing his suggestions on Halstead, grown out of St and that it helps build community. We are widening
that helped us to gather views about the project. specific questions to ask the participants. We Andrew’s Church, Halstead. The project has been our services in November 2022 to offer sit down
We wrote a survey to find out what people thought were supported by BRAINTREE DISTRICT running a food outreach programme in their local meals and hope this will help people connect and
about ‘healthy eating’, and what might help them COUNCIL staff to deliver this focus group, community since June 2021. build friendships – watch this space!”
to eat well. We are so grateful to local Community specifically engagement officer Jo Norris and Health
Improvement Officer Katie Bright. We were also Soul Food provides a beautiful free weekly two Contact: @GatewayHalstead on Facebook
Pharmacies, GP practices, churches, leisure
centres, community fridges, plus parish and town supported by Colne Valley Primary Care Network course take away service and it’s available to
Councils within the Braintree District for displaying Health and Wellbeing Coach, Sharon Withnell, who anyone who needs it. Since the project’s launch it
has been fundamental in delivering our low carb has served over 2,000 meals, some of which have
our survey poster in their windows/noticeboards,
and some on their social media. Special thanks service for our registered patients, and helped to been included in our meal planners- we selected The Salvation Army
also go to BRAINTREE FOODBANK, specifically expand this work across the whole of Essex. Our the ones that Halstead residents loved the most! (Colchester)
Project Manager Lee Ranson, who not only helped team of facilitators are shown above, and our full
The idea for Soul Food developed out of a Thank you to all our lovely colleagues at THE
us to write the survey to ensure that it made sense, group with attendees are shown below.
door-step conversation between Rev Jo Parrot SALVATION ARMY in Colchester for sharing their
but also with his team of volunteers who added
(St Andrew’s Curate) and Rachael Simpson “Cooking on a budget” resource which helped to
copies of the survey to hundreds of food bank
(Community Outreach Worker) about the impact influence some of the recipes we created.
parcels, so that we could hear the views of as many
local people as possible. We are pleased to have
that the Covid pandemic was having locally, and It encouraged us to explore how we can utilise our
the church wanted to help meet the needs of the store cupboard staples to create nutritious options,
received very helpful feedback that we have directly
community. which taste good and do good, on a budget.
used in the meal planners, such as how our recipes
are written and formatted, as well as people’s
favourite recipes.
18 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 19
Katie & Giancarlo Caldesi Dr Jen Unwin Emma Porter
Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi own London’s Caffé Dr Jen Unwin is a clinical psychologist. And a Emma lives in Cheltenham with her two daughters
Caldesi as well as Caldesi in Campagna in Bray. lifelong carbohydrate addict. Jen wrote “Fork in the and husband. Just before her eighteenth birthday,
They co-authored The Gentle Art of Preserving and Road” which guides you in a clear way to identifying Emma was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and
Around The World in Salads which was nominated if you have carbohydrate addiction, finding the found it a very challenging disease to live with,
for the André Simon Food Book Award and the motivation to change your life, understanding how with as many ups and downs as she has had high
Guild of Food Writers’ Cookbook of the Year award. to build the right daily eating plan, the strategies and low blood sugars. Emma came across Paleo
They have both appeared on Saturday Kitchen. for long-term success, and where to go for low carb through her trainer and friend and within
Katie is also the author of The Italian Cookery Course. more information and support. In this beautifully 10 months, she fell in love with this lifestyle. Her
illustrated book, Jen teams up with top clinicians in once erratically controlled diabetes was suddenly
Giancarlo was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the field and with creative low-carbers who share in the best shape of it’s life and she wasn’t having
2012. Since then, he has lost nearly 4 stone and what they have learned about freeing yourself from to calculate the amount of carbohydrate she was
his diabetes is in remission after adopting the emotional and physical dangers of overeating ingesting all the time – managing to cut her insulin
a low carb diet. sugars, flours, and processed foods. intake by approximately 60%.
Both Katie and Giancarlo are passionate in wanting Check out the book and Jen’s website at Emma is the co-author of The Low Carb Diabetes
to share their story and spread the word that type 2 Cookbook and has a website The Low Carb
diabetes should be taken seriously, but at the same Kitchen, which has a collection of delicious,
time reinforce that you can help yourself back to nutritious recipes and blogs. Check it out at
health and away from this condition through diet,
Fork in the Road
not drugs. They have loved creating recipes that by Dr Jen Unwin
satiate and are easy to produce. “Quality, quantity,
movement” is Giancarlo’s mantra, and
I wholeheartedly agree!
The Low Carb Diabetes
. Cookbook – Dr David
Cavan and Emma Porter
Check out their wonderful,
low carb cookbooks:
The Diabetes Weight-Loss
Cookbook, The Reverse
Your Diabetes Cookbook,
The 30 Minute Diabetes
Cookbook, and The Low Carb
Weight-Loss Cookbook.
20 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 21
Our Low Carb Patient I felt rejuvenated and my daily activities became
enjoyable and so I decided after just five months to
Experts start running again. I hadn’t been able to do that for
Viv Hamilton
a few decades due to the aches and pains. I also
Viv and Pam are both members of our Low Carb I have been a vegetarian for practically all my
found I was not waking up to use the bathroom at
PCN Facebook group and are true advocates
night and felt more refreshed in the morning. I enjoy adult life. I started to slowly gain weight in my late
for low carb after obtaining truly life changing twenties and had the usual experience of yo-yo
food very much and I dine out and still stick to the
results from this lifestyle. They are both dieting. I had been obese for about twenty years
plan. When choosing a new restaurant, I look at
vegetarian and have contributed some lovely before finding out about low carb from the Freshwell
the menu first to see what I can eat and if I need to
recipes to this planner. You can read a little surgery and my husband and I made the switch
make substitutions, I ring the restaurant and ask. to a low carb lifestyle together. Initially we just cut
more about their own personal journeys here......
I find that the smaller places will be more than back on starchy carbs - there didn’t seem to be any
happy to help if you make the request in advance. guidance for how to be low carb AND vegetarian.
Cutting out wholegrains went against the traditional
Pam Moore As a grandmother I can enjoy my days with my
grandson who is a very active toddler and still have
advice for vegetarians who are told to combine
pulses with wholegrains to obtain complete proteins
enough energy to go to the gym for a Bounce Class from plants. I did some research and found out that
I started my low carb journey after years of feeling and Pilates. I do about 8-10 gym sessions per week small seeds (flax, hemp, sesame, chia etc) are not
unwell. I had heard of low carb helping to put but I do mix the activities up every six weeks or so. only low carb, they have a better nutritional profile
diabetes into remission, but I didn’t think it would than starchy grains and they are at least as good in
be easy to do. At 63 years old, I decided it was time I am forever grateful to all the support and complementing the profile of amino acids in pulses.
to look after myself after spending all my adult life encouragement I have had from the Colne Valley
nursing and looking after my family. Low Carb Group and I have definitely made some Low carb has been transformational for me. I have
new friends too. Daryl is always there to give me lost over 6 stone, feel a lot younger and am now in
I discovered the work of Dr David Unwin and found some helpful advice and listen to me when I need the healthy weight range. My IBS symptoms have
him to be so incredibly inspiring. A friend then disappeared, I have been deprescribed most of
someone. 2022 was a tough year and I couldn’t
my blood pressure medicine and I no longer have
discovered the Freshwell Low Carb Project locally have achieved what I have without everyone’s help.
arthritis pain in my knee. As my way of saying thank
to me and I went along to a meeting at the Guildhall
I have gone down from a size 18 to a size 10/12 you, I now help others on their low carb journey.
in Finchingfield. I met Viv and Daryl (the group
leaders) and thought that the work they were doing now. I love the new figure I have and the feeling of
was incredible. being alive is incredible. Shopping for clothes has
become so much easier too. My endocrinologist has
I got on the low carb journey straight away! I had bit told me that I have extended my life by about twenty
of a clear out of my pantry so I was not tempted by years.
eating high carb foods. Within a few days I noticed
my arthritic joints were not as painful, and my sugar Thank you for reading a bit about me. Now, for your
levels and blood pressure had dropped. I weaned wellbeing - just do it, you have so much to gain!
off my medication under my GP’s supervision and
the saving for the NHS for my drugs alone was
£1,500 per year.
• The Low Carb Weight-Loss Cookbook, • Fox and Herb – Deli and Gourmet Food
Katie Caldesi and Giancarlo Caldesi
95-97 High Street, Halstead, Essex, CO9 2JQ
24 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 25
Wellbeing Practitioner and have up to six
Services telephone sessions. You will be invited to join
There are free, local weight management the EWS Low Carb Facebook group and be
services to offer further support from trained staff, part of the supportive online community of
as follows. clients all on the Low Carb programme. Essex
Wellbeing Service also supports with lots of
• Colne Valley PCN Freshwell Low Carb other health and wellbeing related areas, such
Programme - for patients registered to either as smoking cessation, emotional health and
Coggeshall Surgery, Pump House, Kelvedon wellbeing support, and much more. Information
and Feering, Freshwell Health Centre, can be found at www.essexwellbeingservice
Elizabeth Courtauld, or Hedingham Medical
Centre. The programme incorporates the
4 week
easy-to-use Freshwell App, educational video
modules, and a dedicated health and There are also many other free services
wellbeing coach offering 1- 2-1 support in available to support you with your overall health
engaging with the educational materials, and wellbeing:
the setting of SMART goals reviewing
• Eating disorder - Beat offers a free helpline,
successes and challenges, and moving
open every day of the year from 9am to
forward towards desired outcomes over a
12-week period. A smart phone or laptop
with access to the internet is required.
midnight during the week, and 4pm to midnight
on weekends and bank holidays
0808 801 0677 or a 1-2-1 web chat via
The service incorporates modules for weight
management, education for prediabetes and
structured education for type 2 diabetes.
One-to-One Web Chat - Beat
More information can be found at
• Citizens Advice support with debt
management, tackling fuel poverty, and many PLANNER
other areas. Each area has their own citizens
advice, but their general contact number is
• Essex Wellbeing Service (EWS) Low Carb
808 223 1133.
Programme - The Low Carb Programme
is a self-guided programme that uses • Talking therapy - free and confidential talking
Freshwell resources. Participants can benefit therapy and practical support for adults with
from information, skills, tips and support to help common mental health problems including
them to adopt a low-carb approach and achieve anxiety and depression. For more information,
their health goals. By signing up to the Low visit: Health in Mind - Mid Essex IAPT
Carb Programme you will receive educational HPFT IAPT Services (
videos and get access to the Freshwell App
where you can find additional information, tips
and recipes. You will also be assigned a
26 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 27
(see recipes in bold)
(see recipes in bold)
MONDAY Greek yoghurt Cheese and Roasted Vegetable MONDAY Greek yoghurt with Cheese and spinach Veggie sausages
with blueberries mushroom omelette Quiche with a raspberries omelette with Dr Kim’s
Cheddar Crust served Cauliflower Cheese
with salad or swede
TUESDAY Scrambled egg with Home Made Hummus Veggie Mince TUESDAY Soft boiled eggs with Salad with boiled eggs Smoked Tofu and
fried mushrooms served with Keto Chilli served with Halloumi soldiers or feta cheese Green Beans served
Crackers and salad cauliflower rice with Baby Corn Rice
THURSDAY 2-3 hard boiled eggs Mrs P’s Brown Bread Mushroom Stroganov THURSDAY Berry and Cinnamon Mrs P’s Brown Bread Anda Bhurgi
dipped in mayo and sandwich with filling of served with swede Breakfast Omelette sandwich with filling of
salt your choice mash your choice
FRIDAY Mrs P’s Brown Bread Guacamole with Jasons’s Shakshuka FRIDAY Greek yoghurt sprinkled Grilled Halloumi with Veggie Mince Chilli
with low carb topping of Keto Crackers with Keto Chapatis with flaked almonds Indian Inspired served alone or with
your choice (try peanut and dessicated coconut Coleslaw cauliflower rice
butter or cream cheese)
SATURDAY Grilled halloumi with fried Charlotte’s Simple Dahl Chinese Omelette
SATURDAY Grilled halloumi with fried 2-3 veggie sausages Roasted Aubergines
and Chickpeas with eggs and mushrooms with Keto Chapatis and Chinese Fried
eggs and mushrooms with reduced sugar
Coconut Milk served Lettuce served with
baked beans
with cauliflower rice or cauliflower rice
Keto Chapatis
SUNDAY TWO MEAL DAY Fry Up! Try eggs, veggie Pumpkin, Pepper
SUNDAY TWO MEAL DAY – eat Fry Up! Try eggs, veggie Leek, Spinach and – eat brunch and sausages, beans and and Halloumi
brunch and evening sausages, beans and Feta Showstopper evening meal mushrooms Traybake
meal mushrooms served with salad or
roast vegetables
28 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 29
(see recipes in bold)
(see recipes in bold)
MONDAY Greek yoghurt with Sundried tomato and Mushroom Stroganov MONDAY Greek yoghurt with Mozzarella and Roasted Aubergine
pecans and blueberries feta omelette served with swede blueberries mushroom omelette and Chickpeas with
mash Coconut Milk served
with Salad Drawer
TUESDAY Scrambled egg with Vegetarian soup of your Cauliflower and
fried mushrooms choice (home made or Butternut Squash TUESDAY Scrambled egg with Cheese, antipasti Veggie Mince Chilli
shop bought – aim for Curry served with fried mushrooms and olives with Keto served alone or with
low carb with the least cauliflower rice or Crackers cauliflower rice
processed ingredients e.g.
lentil, cream based) Keto Chapatis
WEDNESDAY Toasted Mrs P’s Brown Grilled Halloumi with Jason’s Shakshuka
WEDNESDAY Toasted Mrs P’s Brown Cheese, antipasti Smoked Tofu and Bread with low carb Indian Inspired with Keto Chapatis
Bread with low carb and olives with Keto Green Beans served topping of your choice Coleslaw Rice
topping of your choice Crackers with Baby Corn Rice
THURSDAY Soft boiled eggs with Vegetarian soup of your Roasted Vegetable
THURSDAY Boiled eggs dipped in Mrs P’s Brown Bread Veggie sausages with grilled halloumi Soldiers choice (home made or Quiche with a Cheddar
mayo and salt served with filling of Dr Kim’s Cauliflower shop bought – aim for Crust served with side
your choice Cheese low carb with the least
processed ingredients salad
e.g. lentil, cream based)
FRIDAY Greek yoghurt with Anda Bhurgi Grandma’s Cabbage
FRIDAY Greek yoghurt with Left over Roasted Anda Bhurgi
flaked almonds and/or and Egg served with
flaked almonds and/or Vegetable quiche with
desiccated coconut cauliflower rice
desiccated coconut a Cheddar Crust
SATURDAY Berry and Cinnamon 2-3 veggie sausages Cheese Fondue SATURDAY Grilled halloumi with fried 2-3 veggie sausages Pumpkin, Pepper and
Breakfast Omelette with reduced sugar eggs and mushrooms with reduced sugar Halloumi Traybake
baked beans baked beans
SUNDAY TWO MEAL DAY Fry Up! (Try eggs, Roast Butternut
SUNDAY TWO MEAL DAY Fry Up! Try eggs, veggie Leek, Spinach and
– eat brunch and veggie sausages, beans Squash with Sage
– eat brunch and sausages, beans and Feta Showstopper
evening meal and mushrooms and Seeds served with
evening meal mushrooms served with salad or
portobello mushrooms
roast vegetables
topped with cheese
30 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 31
V e g e t i a n
32 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 33
Berry and Cinnamon INSTRUCTIONS
1 Gently beat the 3 eggs together in a bowl.
Breakfast Omelette 2 Heat a deep-frying pan with one teaspoon of
coconut oil.
A lovely recipe kindly donated by Emma Porter 4 Add in the egg mixture.
of The Low Carb Kitchen. You may not usually 5 Move the uncooked egg around the pan with a
think of eating berries and cinnamon with an spatula until all the egg starts to set and the
omelette but it works surprisingly well and is whole pan is covered.
packed full of protein – an excellent way to
start the day! 6 Cover omelette with cinnamon and remaining
blueberries and turn to low heat.
This is a delicious protein-packed breakfast.
A satisfying and speedy omelette with the 7 Cook for a further 1-2 minutes until the
cinnamon mostly melted in to the omelette.
delicious natural sweetness of blueberries and
cinnamon. Perfect for those seeking a sweeter 8 Fold the omelette in half and cook for a further
dish without all the carbs you find in a starchy 30 seconds.
cereal breakfast.
9 Serve immediately with a sprinkling of
pumpkin seeds.
Prep time: 2 mins
Cook time: 7 mins
Nutritional information:
Per serving
Energy 1093kJ / 262cal
• 3 large free range eggs
Fat 15g
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Of which Saturates 4.5g
• 50g / 1oz. blueberries
Carbohydrate 5g
• 1 teaspoon coconut oil
Of which sugars 4.5g
• Sprinkle of pumpkin seeds, optional
Protein 24.5g
Salt 0.6g
34 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 35
Indian Inspired
1 Chop or shred the cabbage, onion and carrots
(if using).
A recipe from Pam, a member of our Low Carb
Facebook Group, and low carb convert. Quick, 2 Place in a large bowl or container.
easy, and a lovely side course to complement
delicious veggie curries. 3 Add the salt, chaat masala, sweetener and
vinegar and combine well.
36 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 37
Simple Dahl
Serves 4 as main (375g/13oz portions)
or 6 as a lighter meal (250g/9oz portions) 1 Charlotte Soin was taught how to make dahl
by her Indian grandmother but over the years
This is a lovely spicy lentil curry kindly donated has added her own twists to the original
by Katie Caldesi from her Diabetes Weight Loss recipe. This dahl is simple comfort food, but
Cookbook. you can also add the odds and ends of
chopped vegetables, use it as a base for fried
or poached eggs, top it with some crispy fried
INGREDIENTS onions or serve it with a pile of steamed green
• 1 small onion, finely chopped vegetables doused in chilli oil. For a creamier
texture, use a whisk to break up the lentils.
• a thumb-length piece of fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped or grated I use split red lentils, which are quick to cook
and full of insoluble fibre to keep the net carb
• 1 garlic clove, finely chopped or grated count down. If you don’t have these, use
• 2 tablespoons ghee, butter or extra virgin olive oil quick-cooking brown ones or cooked and
• 1 teaspoon smoked paprika drained green lentils instead.
• 1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 Fry the onion, ginger and garlic in the ghee
• 2 teaspoons ground cumin for 3 minutes in a medium saucepan. Add the
spices, 1 teaspoon of salt and plenty of freshly
• ½ teaspoon chilli flakes ground black pepper and stir through, cooking
• 320g (11 ½ oz) split red lentils, rinsed for a minute before stirring in the lentils. Pour
• 400g (14oz) can cherry or plum tomatoes in the tomatoes and coconut milk, then fill
one of the cans with warm water and add
• 400g (14oz) can coconut milk that too. Bring to the boil and as soon as it
• a handful of baby spinach starts bubbling, reduce the heat and cook
• salt and freshly ground black pepper for 15–20 minutes or until the lentils are soft.
Stir frequently and add a splash more water
• a handful of chopped coriander, to serve as necessary to stop the lentils from burning
and to achieve a thick, spoonable consistency. The 30 Minute Diabetes
Per serving (375g/13oz portion) Season to taste. Cookbook by Katie &
11g net carbs, 13.9g fibre, 9.1g protein, Giancarlo Caldesi is
23.7g fat, 329kcal 3 Stir in the spinach and allow it to wilt. Spoon published by Kyle Books
the dahl into warm bowls and serve sprinkled (£20)
Per serving (250g/9oz portion)
with the coriander, if using.
7.3g net carbs, 9.3g fibre, 6g protein,
15.8g fat, 219kcal
38 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 39
Serves 4 as a side
1 Peel avocados and remove stones. Leave
chopped frozen avocado out to defrost.
Essentially a low carb recipe in itself, fresh
guacamole is so much better than shop bought 2 Mash up in a bowl with a fork or a spoon.
and you can make a lot more for the same price!
3 Add remaining ingredients and stir until well
4 Serve as a side with veggie chilli con carne, or
• 2 medium avocados – fresh or frozen as a topping for nachos or seed crackers.
• 1 tablespoon lime juice – fresh or bottled
5 Can be stored in the fridge in a sealed
• ½ teaspoon salt or to taste container for up to 4 days.
• 1 tablespoon fresh coriander (optional)
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• ½ teaspoon garlic powder
• Hot chilli powder, red pepper flakes or
cayenne pepper to give a bit of heat
(optional and to taste)
40 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 41
Serves 4
1 Place everything except water in a food
processor and process.
• 2 cups drained canned chickpeas 2 Add water as needed to make a smooth
• ½ cup tahini (sesame paste)
• ¼ cup olive oil 3 Taste and add more garlic, salt, lemon juice or
cumin to your preference.
• 1-2 cloves garlic or more as to your
preference 4 Serve drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with
• 1 tablespoon ground cumin a bit of cumin.
• Juice of one lemon plus more to taste 5 Serve with seed crackers as a snack, or with
• 1/3 cup water or as needed falafel and a tomato and cucumber chopped
salad as a main meal.
• Salt and ground black pepper to taste
You can buy falafel ready-made or most larger
supermarkets stock a dried falafel mix which can
be formed into balls and then deep fried.
42 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 43
Quick Red Keto
Onion Pickle Chapatis
Serves 2-3 Makes two chapatis
1 Slice the onion into thin slices or chop finely.
1 Combine all ingredients well until it forms
Another delicious recipe from our vegetarian 2 Put into a small plastic container or an old A must have for sopping up the last juices of a dough.
expert patient Pam. A perfect little onion relish that clean jam jar. a tasty veggie curry or to scoop up Ful Medames
can be enjoyed as a side with curry, as a chutney (see recipe). Would also work as flat tortillas for 2 Wrap in cling film and rest in the fridge for
with cheese and seed crackers, or as a salad 3. Sprinkle the salt on the onions. making sandwich wraps. It’s important not to a minimum of 10 minutes but up to an hour.
dressing. It can be stored in the fridge in a sealed overcook these wraps as otherwise they lose their
4 Juice the lime and add to the onion mix (you 3 Remove the dough and divide into two balls.
jar for 2 weeks just in case you have any left over! flexibility and will tend to crack when you bend
could also use ready made lime juice).
them. The xantham gum is imperative to bind the 4 Place a ball of dough between two sheets of
5 Add the same amount of apple cider vinegar. ingredients together and avoid crumbling. greaseproof paper and roll out using a rolling
INGREDIENTS This recipe was donated by a member of the pin into a thin, flat circle (it doesn’t have to be
6 Put a lid on the container and shake well. Public Health Collaboration, whose sister is a a perfect shape!).
• 1 large red onion
nutritionist in Canada and came up with the
• 1 lime juiced 7 Rest for 15-30 minutes. Its ready to enjoy! recipe. 5 Repeat using the second portion.
• Equal amount of apple cider vinegar 6 Heat a non-stick frying pan.
(preferably with the mother)
INGREDIENTS 7 Add a chapati and cook for 30 seconds on
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
each side until lightly browned – consider using
a timer here, as if you overcook the dough it
• 95g almond flour will lose its elasticity.
• 25g coconut flour 8 When cooked, place the chapati between two
kitchen tea towels to retain the moisture and
• 1 egg beaten keep it flexible and pliable.
• 3 teaspoons water 9 The chapatis will be ready after around
• 2 teaspoons white vinegar 10 minutes of resting.
44 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 45
Keto Crackers
Serves 2-3
1 Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl
and then add the boiling water and melted
An essential for any low carb cupboard oil/butter.
– these crackers are better than high carb
options (in my opinion!) and keep for a few 2 Combine well with a fork until it thickens.
weeks in an airtight tin – if they last that long…….
3 Line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper
and put the mixture in the centre.
4 Place another piece of greaseproof paper on
• 45g ground almonds or almond flour the top of the mixture and use a rolling pin to
• 45g sunflower seeds flatten it until thin and even – make sure you
don’t make it too thin – you shouldn’t be able
• 25g milled flaxseed to see any greaseproof paper under it.
• 20g chia seeds
5 Remove the upper paper, and if you wish, use
• 45g pumpkin seeds a pizza cutter or knife to score the flattened
• 45g sesame seeds mixture into square cracker shapes.
• 1 tablespoon psyllium husk powder 6 Place in an oven preheated to 150C for 45
• 1 teaspoon salt minutes – be careful not to burn.
• 2 fluid ounces of coconut oil 7 Turn off the oven, but leave the crackers
inside until it has cooled.
• 8 fluid ounces of boiling water (approx. 1 cup)
8 If you haven’t pre-cut your crackers – then feel
free to snap the sheet into shards.
46 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 47
Mrs P’s Brown
Serves: Approximately 18 slices
I suggest using a 2 lb loaf tin. This will create
a perfect farmhouse tin loaf. However, if you
1 Preheat your oven to 180°C / 350°F. would like to mould it in to a round or oval
2 Place the milled flaxseed in to a deep mixing shape you can do. Just ensure that the dough
Here is a super easy low carb “brown bread”
bowl with the baking powder and sea salt. isn’t too wet.
recipe kindly donated from Emma Porter of The
Low Carb Kitchen. As with most low carb baked Combine the two ingredients and make a well The nutritional information is a guideline,
goods, the bread is more dense but still delicious. in to the middle of the mixture. please always note that different ingredients
It will keep in your bread bin for 4 days or in the 3 In a separate bowl whisk eggs, oil and water, nutritional value can vary depending on
fridge for up to 8 days. until well combined and smooth. brand. Please also always check the back
of packaging for any added ingredients,
A quick, simple and nutritionally dense low carb, 4 Pour the egg mix in to the well of the flour and salts and sugars and avoid where possible.
brown bread recipe. Free from grains and gluten, using a wooden spoon combine the wet and
this recipe is delicious toasted or enjoyed as an dry ingredients together to form a thick batter.
open sandwich.
5 Spoon the batter in to a greased loaf tin (we
recommend a silicone tin but you can use
greaseproof paper if necessary). Pop in the
INGREDIENTS oven for 25 minutes until you have a solid
crust and the bread has risen (this will be a
• 300g / 10oz brown milled flaxseed small rise). If you do not have a fan assisted
• 5 large eggs oven then this may take a little longer. Nutritional information:
• 2 tablespoons / 1 fl oz olive oil (suitable 6 Carefully remove the bread and allow to cool Per 100g Per slice (20g)
alternatives: coconut oil or avocado oil) on a wire rack. Energy 2200kj/534kcal 336kj/106kcal
• 4 tablespoons / 2 fl oz water 7 Allow the bread to cool completely before Fat 45g 9g
storing in a tin. It will keep at room temperature
• 2 teaspoons baking powder Of which 4.3g <1g
for up to 4 days, or in the fridge (in a sealed
• 1 teaspoon sea salt container) for up to 8 days. Alternatively slice Saturates
up and freeze for up to 3 months. Carbohydrate 2.2g <1g
Of which 1.3g trace
Prep time: 5 minutes sugars
Cook time: 25 minutes Protein 19g 3.8g
Salt 2.4g trace
48 ll The
ManualI Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 49
Veggie Mince
Serves 2-3
1 Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the onions
until softened.
Chilli is an excellent option for a quick, filling
meal. And there is no reason that a meat free 2 Add the chilli, cumin and coriander and fry
version based around veggie mince shouldn’t for few mins without burning.
be just as tasty! Feel free to adjust the amount
of chilli to suit yourself. 3 Add the mince and fry for five minutes until
coated well with the spices and the mince is
4 Add the chopped cauliflower and coat with the
• 1 onion chopped
• 400g veggie mince
• 1 small cauliflower chopped into small florets 5 Add the tin of chopped tomatoes.
• 1 red pepper chopped into thin strips or bite 6 Add 500ml boiling water to the vegetable
sized chunks stock cube, add to the pan and mix well.
• 400g tin chopped tomatoes
7 Cover with a lid and cook on low heat for
• 1 heaped teaspoon ground cumin 15 mins.
• 1 heaped teaspoon ground coriander
• 1/2-1 teaspoon dried chilli flakes 8 Add the chopped pepper, coriander and
2 squares of dark chocolate and cook for
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil or ghee a final 5 mins.
• 1 vegetable stock cube
• 500mls boiling water 9 Add salt and pepper to taste.
• 2 squares dark chocolate (aim for 85% or above) Serve with a large dollop of sour cream and
• Salt and pepper to taste a generous sprinkle of cheddar cheese.
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander
• Sour cream and grated cheddar cheese
to serve
50 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 51
and Egg
A recipe from Pam, a member of our Low Carb
1 Cut the cabbage into 1 cm strips (and grate
Facebook Group, and low carb convert. Quick,
the carrot if using).
One from theand a lovely
family side course
cookbook to complement
– my mum’s
Cabbage veggie
and curries.
Egg - is a staple from my 2 Add the olive or coconut oil to a deep frying
childhood. So easy, but the eggs pack in some pan on medium heat.
protein, and it’s a delicious combination. Enjoy it
with cauliflower rice and a vegetable curry. 3 Once melted, add the chopped shallots and
• 200 g cabbage (can be red, white or a fry until soft but not browned.
I N G R E combination
D I E N T S of both) finely chopped or
4 Add the chopped garlic and light soya sauce
and stir well.
• 1 medium cabbage - either sweetheart
• 1 small red onion finely sliced
(preferable) or savoy 5 Break the eggs into the pan and scramble with
• 1 medium carrot grated (optional) the onions and garlic.
• 1 medium carrot grated (optional)
• ½ teaspoon salt 6 When the eggs are formed add the strips of
• 4 eggs
cabbage (and grated carrot if using).
• 1-2 teaspoon chaat masala
• 2 medium finely chopped shallot onions
7 Stir well and add the water.
• 2-3 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
• 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic
8 Cover and simmer for approx 10 minutes until
• 1 teaspoon sweetener – erythritol or xylitol
• 1 teaspoon salt (more to taste) the cabbage is soft.
• 1 tablespoon light soya sauce
• 3 tablespoon fresh chopped coriander or other 9 Add the salt to taste and combine well.
• 1-2herb
tablespoons of olive or coconut oil 10 Serve with cauliflower rice.
of your choice.
• 2 tablespoons of water
52 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 53
Pumpkin, Pepper For the dressing
The Reverse Your
Diabetes Cookbook by
Katie & Giancarlo Caldesi
& Halloumi Traybake •
a large handful of parsley
1 heaped teaspoon small capers, rinsed
is published by Kyle Books
with Lemon & •
1 small garlic clove
finely grated zest and juice of ½ lemon
Parsley Salsa Verde • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
• ½ teaspoon dried oregano
Serves 2
Warm up the oven, raid the fridge and get supper 1 Preheat the oven to 240C/220C fan/475F/gas
on the table within 30 minutes with this fast,
mark 9.
colourful and delicious traybake. Any vegetables
will work here including broccoli, aubergine, 2 Put the vegetables, herbs and garlic into a
green beans or cauliflower. Go for a variety of large mixing bowl with the oil, salt and pepper
brightly coloured vegetables, add the chickpeas and toss through. Spread in a single layer on
for crunch and the cheese for satiety. Try to find a baking tray and roast for 20 minutes.
the small capers in brine or salt, which taste better
than the large ones; a jar keeps in the fridge for 3 Remove the tray from the oven and add the
months. Any remaining chickpeas, halloumi or chickpeas, tossing them into the vegetables
pumpkin can be frozen. and spreading them out in a single layer.
Scatter the halloumi over the top and return
the tray to the oven for 10 minutes or until
INGREDIENTS the cheese has browned and the vegetables
• 200g (7oz) pumpkin or butternut squash, are cooked through and lightly charred.
cut into pieces about1cm ( ½ in) thick
4 To make the dressing, pile up the parsley,
• 1 red onion, sliced or 6 spring onions capers, garlic and lemon zest on a board and
• 1 red or yellow pepper, sliced chop them finely together. Put this into a bowl
• 1 courgette, cut diagonally into long slices and stir in the lemon juice, oil and oregano.
Add salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
• 1 tablespoon chopped thyme leaves or a few
whole sprigs 5 Serve the traybake on the tray with the
• 2 garlic cloves, unpeeled and lightly crushed dressing drizzled over the top or pile on two
plates with the dressing in a jug on the side.
• 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
• 120g (4 ¼ oz) cooked or canned, drained Per serving (using pumpkin)
chickpeas 25g carbs, 8.7g fibre, 22g protein,
53g fat, 677kcal
• 110g (3 ¾ oz) halloumi, cut into fingers or
cubes about 2cm (3/4 in) wide Per serving (using butternut squash)
• salt and freshly ground black pepper 31g carbs, 10g fibre,
22g protein, 53g fat, 705kcal
Photography credit: Photography by Maja Smend
54 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 55
Roasted Aubergine
and Chickpeas with
Coconut Milk
Serves 2
1 Place the washed aubergines on a baking tray
and roast at 200 C for 40-45 mins till soft.
A lovely warming vegetarian curry designed
by Pam, a member of our Low Carb Facebook 2 Fry the onion in a large frying pan in your fat
group. The recipe calls for 4-6 finger chillies, but of choice, with the salt, until soft.
feel free to use less or more depending on how
spicy you enjoy your meals. If you don’t have any 3 Add the chopped tomatoes and turmeric to the
fresh chillies to hand, you could also swap with onion and cook on low heat.
dried crushed red pepper flakes.
4 Pound the chillies, ginger and garlic with a
pestle and mortar till well crushed or finely
chop. You could use a mini processor to help
INGREDIENTS with this step.
• 2 medium aubergines
5 Add your chilli paste to the pan and cook on
• 1 can chickpeas low heat until the oil separates from the
• 1 can full fat coconut milk spices.
• 2 tablespoons of olive oil or ghee 6 Remove the aubergines from the oven and
• 1 medium onion chopped when cooled enough to handle, chop into bite
size cubes and add to the pan.
• 1 teaspoon salt
7 Cook for a further 10 minutes.
• 4-6 fine finger chillies (red or green)
• 2 cloves garlic 8 Add the drained chickpeas and the coconut
• Ginger – a slice around an inch cube in size
(or 1 tablespoon of “easy” or chopped 9 Cook on low heat until the sauce thickens –
frozen ginger) approx. 10-15 mins.
• 2 medium tomatoes - chopped
10 Add chopped coriander with the stalks and
• 1 teaspoon turmeric mix well.
• Fresh coriander - chopped Serve with a side of cauliflower rice or with Keto
Naan Bread from the Freshwell Low Carb Manual.
56 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 57
Butternut Squash
and Red Lentil
Serves 4
1 Soak the lentils in water for 20-30 mins and
Designed by Pam, our vegetarian expert patient. then rinse until the water is clear.
Delicious with a side of cauliflower rice and
mopped up with a keto chapati (see recipe) or 2 Add the oil to the pan and fry the chopped
Naan bread (see recipe on app or in the Freshwell onions on medium heat till soft.
Low Carb Manual)
3 Add the garlic and cook for 3 mins.
60 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 61
Serves 2
• 60g courgette chopped into small pieces 6 Allow to warm through, stirring regularly to
stop the mixture sticking.
• Half a large onion finely chopped
• 1 red bell pepper chopped into small chunks 7 Cook for 5 – 10 minutes, until the mixture is
an even colour and the cream is beginning to
• 250g mushrooms (tinned or fresh – a variety thicken.
of different mushrooms adds some interest) –
leave smaller mushrooms whole and slice 8 Serve with cauliflower or baby corn rice,
larger ones celeriac or cauliflower mash or some lentil
• 1 teaspoon tomato puree or soy pasta.
• 100ml double cream or sour cream
• 1 vegetable stock cube crumbled
• 1 teaspoon Salt (or to taste depending on how
salty your stock cube is)
• 2 teaspoons Paprika
• 1 teaspoon Sage
• 1 teaspoon Parsley
• 1 teaspoon Thyme
• Butter or ghee for frying
62 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 63
Anda Bhurgi
(Spicy Indian
Scrambled Eggs) INSTRUCTIONS
1 In a frying pan, heat the oil.
Serves 2
2 Add the chopped onion and stir until softened.
Another recipe that comes well recommended 3 Add the chopped tomatoes and mix well –
from a Public Health Collaboration ambassador. cook for a few minutes until any excess liquid
Onions and spices transform scrambled eggs has evaporated.
into a warming, tasty meal within minutes. It can
be used as a side dish for curries or as the main 4 Add the chillies, ginger and garlic and
event with a dollop of yoghurt. combine.
6464 l l The
ManualManual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 65
Cauliflower and
Butternut Squash
1 Preheat the oven to fan forced 210°C/230°C
Serves 4 /450°F/Gas mark 7.
6666 l l The
ManualManual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 67
Serves 4
• 2 cloves garlic finely diced 7 Pour the whisked eggs on to the mixture in
the pan.
• 1 finely sliced tomato
8 Add the erythritol.
• 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil (optional
but makes the dish taste so much better!) 9 Agitate the mixture slightly (do not disturb the
tomatoes) and allow to flatten like a pancake.
• 1 teaspoon salt
10 Cook until the desired colour is reached and
• 1/4 teaspoon erythritol then turn over with a spatula (you may need to
cut it in half to do this).
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
11 Remove from the frying pan and serve with
cauliflower rice.
68 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 69
A delicious and simple roasted vegetable quiche
Roasted Vegetable with a cheddar crust. Quiche is such a brilliant
way to use up any leftover vegetables, especially
Quiche with a at the end of the week when food provisions are
looking a little depleted. It is filling and great for
lunch or dinner. It can be sliced and enjoyed on
Cheddar Crust the go, served at a picnic or a family lunch. You
can choose whatever roasted vegetables you want.
Serves 8
I love a good quiche (I have chickens so there are
always some eggs hanging around waiting to be 1 Preheat oven to 180°C / 350°F.
eaten!), but since going low carb I have tended to 2 Start by making sure your vegetables have
stick to frittatas or omelettes to avoid a carb laden been roasted. (read notes).
base. Emma Porter of The Low Carb Kitchen has Notes:
come up with this delicious cheddar crust which is It will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.
perfect if you have a bit more time. Emma roasts 3 In to a mixing bowl, place ground linseed,
the veg herself, but you can easily purchase bags cheddar, sea salt and olive oil. Combine You can replace the ground brown linseed with
of frozen Mediterranean roast vegetables which ingredients together. ground seeds.
would work well defrosted. Tips on roasting vegetables:
4 Add water, little by little until you have a dough.
Prep time: 10 mins I have put approximately 5 tablespoons of Roast some chunky chopped up veg (eg. red
Cook time: 35 mins water, because you will need to judge how onion, courgette, pepper, broccoli etc) tossed in
much you need to form a dough. olive oil with a sprinkle of sea salt for 40 mins
5 Press the dough in to a quiche / pie dish. (flip the veggies 20 minutes in).
6 Prick it with a fork.
7 Pop it in the oven for 10 minutes to blind bake.
• 150g / 5oz ground/milled flaxseed (or any
other ground seed) 8 Remove from the oven. Nutritional information:
• 70g / 2oz cheddar cheese, grated Filling: Per slice
• ½ teaspoon sea salt
9 In to a bowl, place the eggs, coconut milk and Energy 336kj / 106kcal
• 2 tablespoons / 1 fl oz olive oil
pepper. Whisk together.
• 5 tablespoons / 3 fl oz water (approximately) Fat 9g
10 Pour the mixture in to the pastry crust. Add in
Mixture: Of which Saturates <1g
the roasted vegetables and crumbled feta.
• 6 large eggs
Carbohydrate <1g
• 3 tablespoons / 1.5 fl oz tinned coconut milk 11 Place, carefully in to the oven for 20-25
• Pinch of ground pepper minutes, until the mixture has turned solid. Of which sugars Trace
• 352g / 2 cups worth of roasted vegetables 12 Carefully remove from the oven and allow to Protein 3.8g
• 50g / 2oz feta (more or less, depending on cool.
Salt Trace
what you like) 13 Enjoy whilst warm or eat cold for lunch!
70 l The Freshwell Low Carb Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 71
Vegetable Fondue
Ingredients per person (multiply as needed)
7272 l l The
ManualManual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 73
Roast Butternut Babs’s Ful
Squash with Sage Medames
1 Preheat the oven to 200C. 1 Drain and rinse the tins of beans.
and Seeds 2 Place the squash in a roasting tin and bake Serves 3-4 2 Place in a saucepan and add a can (use the
whole for 60-90 minutes until the skin starts to tin from the beans) of cold water.
colour. I first experienced this Middle Eastern dish at
3 Add the cumin and salt.
Serves 4-6 3 Heat the butter in a frying pan until it froths University, when a friend with Sudanese roots
and smells nutty. introduced it to me. Ever since, it has become 4 Bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer
a staple meal in our house, tarted up with some and leave uncovered for around 20 minutes
A comforting squash side, that basically cooks 4 Add the sage leaves (can be left whole or sprinkled feta cheese. It is basically a simple until most of the water is absorbed. Add extra
shredded into smaller pieces) and seeds. water if needed or drain any excess water
itself. If you have the oven on already, pop in a savoury stew made with fava beans, chickpeas
and spices. Fava beans aren’t always the easiest away if too wet.
halved butternut squash – and forget about it. 5 Fry for 1 minute until the leaves are crispy and
When you are ready you can either remove the the seeds are toasted. to find but butter beans make a good alternative 5 Squash and smash the beans up roughly
contents and mash with a fork or simply put on and can be found on most supermarket shelves. using a fork or the back of a wooden spoon.
6 Once cooked, cut the squash in half
the plate as it is to scoop out. The sage and seeds lengthways and scoop away the seeds.
This is eaten for breakfast in the Sudan and
6 Add the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, diced red
give it a little flourish and add some protein. To Egypt but I prefer it as an evening meal. Some
onion, salt and pepper and chopped tomatoes
make this a main meal in itself, you could sprinkle 7 Pour any juices from the roasting tin into the variations also include topping with chopped up to a bowl and combine well.
crumbled feta cheese on to the top or serve with a butter mixture. boiled egg – again upping the protein. Make some
side of grilled halloumi cheese. keto chapatis (see recipe) or gram flour pancakes 7 Add the jalapenos or chilli flakes if you are
8 Pour the butter mixture on to the squash and looking for a little kick of heat.
(see Budget recipe book) to scoop up the stodgy
serve with a good few grinds of black pepper.
bean mix and enjoy the middle eastern vibe! 8 You can either add the tomato and oil mixture
to the beans and stir in, or place the tomato
INGREDIENTS mixture on top of the beans like a dressing.
9 If using feta cheese or boiled eggs, then
• 1 medium butternut squash • 3 tins of fava or butter beans sprinkle over the top.
• 50g salted butter • 2 teaspoons cumin
10 Feel free to garnish with rocket or fresh
• ½ teaspoon salt parsley - I like an extra glug of olive oil across
• 8-10 sage leaves (marjoram, basil or thyme
would also work well) • 100mls extra virgin olive oil the dish to give it a beautiful sheen.
• ¼ cup lemon juice
• A handful of pumpkin seeds (or sunflower
seeds, or a combination of both) • 2 garlic cloves finely chopped
• 2 large ripe tomatoes roughly chopped
• Ground black pepper
• 1 medium red onion finely diced
• Feta or Halloumi cheese (optional) • 1 tablespoon chopped jalapenos or
1 teaspoon chilli flakes (optional)
• Salt and pepper to taste
• Feta cheese crumbled or sliced boiled
eggs (optional)
• Rocket or parsley to garnish (optional)
74 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 75
Serves 2-3
• 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
• 1 large onion finely chopped 1 Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. If using
Shakshuka is proper Middle Eastern comfort
cumin seeds add them to a dry pan first and
food - a North African dish of eggs poached in a
• 1 large or 2 medium bell peppers, any heat them for 1-2minutes ensuring they do not
sauce of tomatoes, peppers and spices. This was
colour, thinly sliced burn.
originally made for us by Jason - a vegetarian
University friend who works with refugees in the • 2 cloves garlic – finely chopped 2 Stir in the onions, bell peppers and garlic and
Midlands and was shown how to cook this by a cook until the veg is soft.
client. It is usually eaten for breakfast or lunch but • 1 tin chopped tomatoes or 2-3 large
I like it as an evening meal. It is a little similar to tomatoes roughly chopped 3 In a bowl mix the tomatoes, chilli, ground
the Mexican dish of huevos rancheros with a few • 1 teaspoon ground cumin or cumin seeds cumin, paprika, bay leaves, parsley, half the
extra spices thrown in for good measure. coriander and salt.
• 1 teaspoon paprika
Shakshuka is best made in a wide, thick based 4 Stir the tomato mixture into the vegetables in
pan if you have one. Make sure you do not turn • 2 bay leaves the pan. Add the chilli or cayenne pepper if
the heat up too high. There are many variations of you are using.
• 1 teaspoon salt
this recipe, some including garlic, so feel free to
5 Simmer uncovered for around 10 minutes, until
experiment. • dried chilli flakes, or a pinch of cayenne the juices have reduced – approx. 10 minutes.
pepper (optional)
If you wish, you can also add a handful of spinach
6 Make 4 deep wells into the tomato mixture,
or top with sprinkled feta or cheddar cheese – yum! • 4 large eggs
and crack an egg into each of the depressions.
• Crumbled feta cheese (optional)
7 Cover the pan and poach on a gentle heat
• 1 small bunch of fresh coriander, parsley until the eggs are firm – be careful not to
or both roughly chopped (optional) overcook as the eggs will go dry
(approximately 10 minutes).
76 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 77
Leek, Spinach & INSTRUCTIONS
1 This is really an assembly of ingredients
A fabulous dish kindly donated by Katie Caldesi. 2 Preheat the oven to 200˚C/fan 180˚C/
gas mark 6. Generously grease a 20cm (8in)
I was first served this by Dr David Oliver – my
springform cake tin with some butter.
low carb partner in crime – on a relaxed Sunday
afternoon. Use frozen spinach and a jar of 3 Prepare the leeks first using as much of the
roasted red peppers in olive oil to save yourself green end as you can, unless they are very
some time. It certainly meets its namesake as tough. Cut them finely into half-moons. Put the
it looks great and is super tasty to boot – well leeks into a large frying pan with the butter, oil,
recommended! ¼ teaspoon of salt and some black pepper
and fry gently until tender – about 10 minutes.
4 Leave the leeks to cool and then mix with the
INGREDIENTS ricotta, feta and two of the eggs. Season again
• 10g (¼ oz) butter, plus extra to grease to taste.
• 500g (18oz) leeks (trimmed weight) 5 Squeeze the excess water from the spinach
• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and whizz in a food-processor with the
• 250g (9oz) ricotta remaining egg, ¼ teaspoon of salt, some
black pepper and the nutmeg. Make the
• 100g (3 ½ oz) feta, grated crumble by rubbing the butter into the almonds
• 3 eggs, beaten and Parmesan in a mixing bowl.
• 900g–1kg (2–2 ¼ lb) frozen spinach, or 300g
6 Make the base of the cake by opening out
(10 ½ oz) cooked and squeezed spinach the peppers and patting them dry with a
• ¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg kitchen paper. Lay them down to fit the base
• 200g (7oz) roasted red peppers (drained of the prepared tin, cutting them as necessary.
weight) They should come up the side by 1.5cm(5/8in)
all around.
• salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the crumble 7 Next spoon half the leek mixture into the tin The Diabetes Weight-
and press down lightly with the back of a Loss Cookbook by Katie
• 25g (1oz) cold salted butter, diced spoon. Now do the same with the spinach & Giancarlo Caldesi
• 100g (3 ½ oz) ground almonds mixture and then with the last of the leek mix. is published by Kyle Books
• 50g (2oz) Parmesan, finely grated
Sprinkle the crumble over the top in an even layer (£20)
and place on a baking tray in case of any leaks.
Per serving 5.2g carbs, 18g protein, 24g fat, 8 Bake for 30 minutes or until the crumble is
4.6g fibre, 314kcal golden brown. Leave the crumble to cool for Photography by Susan Bell
10 minutes before transferring to a serving
dish. Serve warm or at room temperature.
78 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 79
Chinese Fried
Lettuce - Yow Choy
Serves 2-4 as a side
• 1 level teaspoon erythritol or xylitol 8 Combine well and serve with cauliflower rice
and a protein source of your choice.
• 2 cloves finely diced garlic
• 3 teaspoons water
Photography credit:
Photography by Susan Bell
80 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 81
Dr Kim’s
Cauliflower Cheese
Serves 4 as a main meal, or 6 as a side
1 Preheat the oven to 200°C. Discard the outer
cauliflower leaves. Cut the cauliflower into
This is a recipe from my first meal planner – reasonably chunky florets and toss these plus
The Freshwell Low Carb Project 4 Week Rotating the inner leaves with the oil and some salt and
Meal Planner. I have included it here as I consider pepper. Spread out in a large roasting tray,
it to be an absolute staple – a perfect side dish to making sure the cauliflower isn’t too crowded.
many meals or great as a snack all by itself. Roast for 20 minutes or until tender and lightly
The egg, crème fraiche and cheese help to pack browned.
in the protein as well as being super tasty!
2 Meanwhile, mix the crème fraîche, mustard
and egg yolk together with a good amount of
freshly ground black pepper and a little salt,
INGREDIENTS then stir in the grated hard cheese.
82 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 83
Salad Drawer
Serves 4 as a side
1 Break or chop up the onion or veg into small
thumb sized pieces.
An odd name I know, but essentially I find this a
fantastic dish to make when we are left with the 2 In a bowl mix the flour, salt and spices, and
odds and sods at the bottom of our salad drawer! water – whisk well to avoid any lumps.
Basically, chop up any veg or onions lurking in
the fridge (doesn’t matter if they are a little past 3 Should form a wet pancake batter like
their best), coat in a gram flour batter and deep consistency.
fry. Delicious, crunchy, little balls of delight will
4 Add the veg to the bowl of batter, combine
result in no time at all. Serve on the side with a well and leave to sit.
curry (almost like a bhaji), or play about with the
recipe to produce sides for other dishes – my 5 Heat up your deep fat fryer or use a pan of oil
hubby adds sage to make a side for a roast dinner but be careful! (refined olive oil probably works
instead of potatoes. You could even make these best in this situation).
sweet by using apple and sesame seeds and
sprinkling with some erythritol. Anything goes and 6 Use a tablespoon to scoop a serving from the
it means you can use up all your sorry looking veg bowl of veg and batter and place in the hot oil.
to make something super tasty – nobody would
7 Remove when the pakora is lightly browned
know it was made with scraps from the fridge! and place on a piece of kitchen towel to
absorb any excess oil.
INGREDIENTS 8 Serve warm with a yoghurt dip or as a side to
• Approx 275g of any bits of veg or onion found a main meal.
in the fridge – we have used onion,
cauliflower, broccoli, bell pepper, mushrooms etc
• 100g gram/besan flour
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon caraway seeds
• 1 teaspoon dill seeds
• 100mls water
86 ll The
Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 87
Chocolate and
Brandy Mousse
1 Place the cream in a pan and heat gently
– do not boil!
Makes 6-8 portions
2 Break the chocolate into small pieces and add
to the pan. Stir gently until the chocolate is
A decadent, rich dessert perfect for a dinner melted.
party! It is super quick to make and can be
done the day before leaving you more time to 3 Add brandy.
spend with your friends and family. 4 Add the Mascarpone.
5 Spoon into small shot glasses.
88 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 89
Final Feedback
It is really important to us that we work with local To thank you for taking the time to complete the
people to produce these meal planners and any survey, if you live in the Braintree District, we have
future materials, as well as finding out whether free gym passes (to be used in Fusion Leisure
you have enjoyed the content, and whether it Centres) at the ready - one of the team will get
has helped you work towards your health goals. in touch to distribute this to you if you kindly add
We would love to hear from you. Please email your contact details at the end of the survey.
any general feedback to mseicb-me.lowcarb. Thanks for your time, we really look forward to
[email protected], such as what recipes you hearing your feedback and continuing to improve
have tried out, what you liked or disliked, and our materials.
any improvements you may have seen with your
health. If you have a little bit longer and would
be so kind as to complete a quick survey for us -
please follow the link:
or scan the QR code below.
90 l The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual The Freshwell Low Carb Vegetarian Manual l 91
Recipe photographs: © and © Kim Andrews © Megan Cornish © Emily Fallon