EP3 U1 Higher A
EP3 U1 Higher A
EP3 U1 Higher A
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami związanymi z 1 This programme told viewers about elephants
telewizją. (10 pkt.) and showed where they live and what they eat.
1 We find out tomorrow’s weather on the weather _____________________
f______________. 2 On this programme, participants answered lots
2 We can change TV channels, sitting on the sofa, of difficult questions. _____________________
with a r______________ c______________. 3 On this programme, participants laughed a lot
3 An a______________ tries to sell you something. and tried to play football in a swimming pool.
4 A person who watches TV is a v______________. _____________________
5 We use c______________ to record a film or 4 This programme was a competition with a lot of
television programme. really good young singers and dancers.
6 A s______________ is the flat part of a television _____________________
where you see the picture. 5 On this programme, we found out the result of all
7 Doctor and Hospital are names of the football matches that day.
m______________ dramas. _____________________
8 A s______________ is a general word for
Unit 1 test A
As a young man in the 1920s, he tried to make
money in all sorts of ways. First he tried selling 10 Uzupełnij dialog. (10 pkt.)
medicine. _____ That wasn’t very successful A Blake, I’ve got some amazing news!
either. B
1 2
Really? ____________ me all ____________ it!
A Well, I won the singing competition!
In 1923, he rented a small room and started an B
____________ kidding! That’s great.
exciting experiment. _____ He had a few bicycle A
Thanks! ____________ your news?
lights, a pair of scissors, a small electric motor and B
Oh, ____________ news, really. Nothing much
some other bits and pieces. happened last week!