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SQL Table-1
Aim: To create a table for students and execute the given commands using
SQL Queries:
A) To create a table Student with fields Studentid ,Studentname ,M1,M2,M3
and Set Studentid as a Primary key
create table Student(Studentid int primary key,
studentname varchar(10), M1 int, M2 int, M3 int);

B )To describe command is used to display the data definition, data types with
default values
Describe student;

C) To insert values into Student table for the fields

insert into student values(1100,'John',45,75,85);
insert into student values(1102,'smith',55,67,87);

D) To display the entire table student

select * from student;

E) To display the details of the student whose marks are greater than equal to 50
Select * from student where m1>=50 and m2>=50 and m3>=50;
SQL table -2
Aim: To create a table Consumer and execute the queries.
A) To create a table Consumer with fields Consumerid , Consumer name
,Gender,Pincode and Set Consumerid as a Primary key
create table consumer(consumerid int primary key,consumername
varchar(30),Gender char(1), pincode int);
B) Insert values into table
insert into Consumer values(1200,'Grace','F',100012);
insert into Consumer values(1201,'Nick','M',610012);
insert into Consumer values(1204,'Berry','M',420012);
insert into Consumer values(1207,'wood','M',210011);
insert into Consumer values(1209,'Helen','F',410011);
insert into Consumer values(1210,'Jennifer','F',510011);
insert into Consumer values(1211,'Jennifer','F',510011);

C) To display the consumer name from Table Consumer without redundancy

select distinct consumername from consumer;

D)To display the consumer name from Table consumer with redundancy
select all consumername from consumer;

E ) To Display the details of the consumer whose pincode ends with 12

select * from consumer where pincode like '%12';

F) To display the Department where the number of employees is less than or

equal to 3
Select dept,count(*) from employee group by dept having count(*)<=3;
ex.no 20
Aim: To create a table for the Employee and execute the SQL queries
create table employee(EmpId int primary key, Empname varchar(10), Dept
char(8), salary int);

insert into employee values(3100,'Smith','Finance',10000);

insert into employee values(3102,'Robert','Sales',9000);
insert into employee values(3104,'Martin','IT',11000);
insert into employee values(3105,'Mathew','Shipping',7000);
insert into employee values(3107,'Rose','Sales',10000);
insert into employee values(3108,'Miller','IT',10000);
insert into employee values(3109,'Adamford','Shipping',10000);

A) To display the details of employee whose dept is IT and the salary is greater
than or equal to 10000
select * from employee where dept='IT' and salary>=10000;
B) Display the Employee name in the Alphabetical order
select * from employee order by empname;
C) Display salary from greater to smaller.
select * from employee order by salary desc;
D) Display the column name empname as Employee name
select empname as Employeename from employee;
E) To increase salary of the Employee by 1000 where department name is
select empid,empname,salary+1000 from employee where dept='Shipping';
F) Enter a NULL value in the Department name of the Employee Table
insert into employee values(3111,'George','NULL',9000)
ex.no 21
Aim: To Execute the Aggregate functions using the Employee table
SQL Queries:
select * from employee;

a) To update the employee name from null value.

update employee set empname='Fathi' where empname is null;

b) To calculate the Total salary of the Employee Department wise

select Dept,sum(salary) from employee group by dept;

c) To find the minimum salary employee from employee table

select empid,empname,dept, min(salary) from employee ;

d) ) To find the Maximum salary employee from employee table

e) To calculate the average of the Employees Department wise

select dept,avg(salary) from employee group by dept;

f) To count the number of Employees

Select count(dept) from employee;

g) To count the number of Employees including Null values.

Select count(*) from employee;

h) To display the department wise count whose count is greater than 3 in each
select dept,count(*) from employee group by dept having count(*)<3;
To create table Stationary ,Stock,Sto and execute the commands.
1)create table stationary(Item_no int primary key,
-> Item varchar(20), Dcode int,Qty int, Unitprice int,StockDate Date);

insert into stationary values(5005,"Ballpen",102,100,16,20220331);

insert into stationary values(5002,"Gelpenclassic",101,200,22,20220912);
insert into stationary values(5006,"Erasersmall",103,210,5,20221202);
insert into stationary values(5008,"Eraserbig",103,60,10,20221101);
insert into stationary values(5010,"Ballpen0.25",102,100,16,20220711);

Create table Stock(Scode int primary key,Sname int);

Insert into stock values(101,”Ballpen”)
Insert into stock values(102,”Gelpen”)
Insert into stock values(103,”Eraser”)

Create table sto(Item_no int, dcode varchar(20),shopname varchar(10),Scode


a)To add a foreign key in the table Stationary the parent table is Stock
alter table stationary add foreign key (dcode) references stock(scode);
b) To create a Cartesian product of the table Stationary and Stock
Select * from stationary, stock;
c) To display the details of the Stationary and Stock using EQUI join
Select * from stationary, stock where stationary.dcode=stock.scode;

d) To display the details of the Stock and Sto using Natural join
select * from stock natural join sto;

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