Nav2013 Enus Intro 05
Nav2013 Enus Intro 05
Nav2013 Enus Intro 05
Module Overview
The financial core of a company is its chart of accounts, a list of the general ledger
(G/L) accounts where G/L entries accumulate during a fiscal period. General
Ledger entries are automatically created through different business documents,
such as purchase invoices, as a result of business transactions. Before these
documents can be used correctly, different master data - such as customers,
vendors, and items - must be created and maintained.
Note: For running companies where a posting setup is in place and a chart of
accounts already exists, you might have to create additional G/L accounts
occasionally, for example, for transactions from a new type of revenue. To learn
how to create new G/L accounts, refer to the Finance Essentials in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 course.
This lesson introduces the most important fields and buttons on the G/L Account
Card page.
You can reach G/L account cards from the Chart of Accounts page. This is
explained in the next lesson.
The General FastTab contains various fields that define what and how G/L entries
are handled in the G/L account.
Field Description
No. The number of the G/L account. Notice that
number series are not used for G/L accounts so this
number is entered manually.
The Posting FastTab contains the fields that determine how the G/L and VAT
entries are recorded.
Field Description
Gen. Posting Type Defines whether the account is used only with a
sale or purchase transaction or with both types of
transactions. This field is used together with the
VAT Bus. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting
Group fields to find the account that the program
posts VAT to. It is only filled in for revenue and
expense accounts where VAT is involved.
VAT Bus. Posting Identifies the default VAT business posting group
Group for the account. This field is used with the VAT
Prod. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Type
fields to determine VAT percent and VAT
calculation type and to find the G/L accounts where
the program posts VAT.
VAT Prod. Posting Identifies the default VAT product posting group
Group for the account. This field is used with the VAT Bus.
Posting Group and Gen. Posting Type fields to
determine VAT percent and VAT calculation type
and to find the G/L accounts where the program
posts VAT.
After the posting types and the posting group codes are assigned to a G/L
account, these codes are automatically inserted in a journal, sales, or purchase line
when the G/L account is selected.
Actions Tab
On the Actions tab in the ribbon, you can access the Apply Template function.
This function is available when master templates are prepared with RapidStart
With master templates for G/L accounts you can do the following:
• Create multiple default G/L account setups for accounts that are
frequently created, such as expenses.
• Use these templates as a basis when you create accounts of this type.
• Eliminate repetitive data entry for similar account creation.
When a new G/L account is created in the G/L Account Card page, the Indent
Chart of Accounts function can be run.
Note: The Apply Template function is also available for the other master
data discussed in this module: customers, vendors and items.
The Navigate tab in the ribbon contains the options shown in the following table.
Account Group
The Account Group of the Navigate tab is used to enter and review account
related information.
Option Description
Ledger Entries Displays all ledger entries for the account.
The Balance group of the Navigate tab displays information about the balances
and transaction amounts for one or all G/L accounts. Each page accessed from this
tab contains filters to help you view the information more specifically.
Option Description
G/L Account Displays the balance or net change for the G/L
Balance account over time.
G/L Balance Displays the balance or net change for all G/L
accounts for a specific time period.
The ribbon on the Chart of Accounts page resembles the ribbon on the G/L
Account Card page, but with slightly different options.
Actions Tab
The Actions tab contains one function: Indent Chart of Accounts. This function
is used to perform the following:
Establish the hierarchy by using the account types Begin-Total and End-Total.
When the Indent Chart of Accounts function is executed, the Totaling field of
End-Total accounts is updated with the range of account numbers in the related
Begin-Total and End-Total section.
The Navigate tab contains the options shown in the following table.
Account Group
Options Description
Dimensions - Single Functions exactly like the Dimensions
function on the account card.
Balance Group
Options Description
G/L Account Balance, G/L Functions exactly like similarly named
Balance, G/L Balance by options described in the "G/L Account
Dimension Cards" lesson.
Customer Cards
At first, the customers are migrated from pre-existing databases, by using
RapidStart Services. However, new customers must also be created. Depending on
the different application areas and functions therein that a company is using,
different fields of the customer card will become important. This lesson provides
an introduction to the most important fields on the Customer Card page, that is,
those fields necessary for a simple sales process.
Demonstration Steps
Note: Notice that the City field did not automatically populate with the city
name. This is because the Post Code field lets users enter a post code that does not
have an assigned city. In this case, users must manually type the city name.
The new customer, Paint outlet, is now created and ready for business.
Note: You do not have to look up and select data from the setup pages. If you
know the value to be filled in, you can type it directly.
Vendor Cards
At first, the vendors are migrated from pre-existing databases, by using RapidStart
Services. However, new vendors must also be created. Depending on the different
application areas and functions therein that a company is using, different fields of
the vendor card will become important. This lesson provides an introduction to
the most important fields on the Vendor Card page, that is, those fields necessary
for a simple purchase process.
Demonstration Steps
Note: Notice that the city field is now filled with Amsterdam. A combination
of post code and city is predefined in the system so that you can type (or lookup
and select) either in the Post Code or City field, and the other field is then filled in
The business posting group specifies who is sold from, and will, in combination
with the product posting group (determined by the item on the sales document),
determine the income statement account to post to.
m. Click the drop-down arrow in the VAT Bus. Posting Group field,
and select EU. In combination with the VAT product posting
group, the VAT business posting group will determine how VAT is
calculated and on which account it is posted.
n. Click the drop-down arrow in the Vendor Posting Group field,
and select EU. The vendor posting group maps the accounts
payable account, payment discount accounts, invoice and
application rounding accounts, and interest and fee accounts that
relate to vendors.
o. Expand the Payments FastTab.
The new vendor, XY Paint Supply, is now created and ready for business.
89 Radcroft Road
Detailed Steps
1. Create a new vendor card.
a. On the navigation pane, click Departments.
b. Click Purchase > Planning > Vendors.
c. Click New to create a new Vendor Card page.
Item Cards
Before buying and selling items, you must set up information and policies that the
program uses in item transactions. All this item-specific information is entered and
maintained in one central place: the item card.
When you create document lines for a specific item, the relevant information from
the item card is entered in most of the fields on the lines and the line amount is
calculated according to the quantity you enter.
When you set up a new item on an item card, there are fields that must always be
filled in, fields that can be filled in as needed, and fields in which you cannot enter
anything because they are maintained by the program.
The tables in the following topics explain all the fields on each item card FastTab
to give you direction on how to fill in the fields. The following codes in the Fill In
column indicate whether the field must be filled in:
man = Mandatory
opt = Optional
aut = Automatic
General FastTab
The following table explains every field on the General FastTab and gives
directions on how to fill it in.
Invoicing FastTab
The Invoicing FastTab holds various figures and options that relate to cost, price,
and posting of the item.
Replenishment FastTab
The Replenishment FastTab holds information that the system uses when
supplying items, whether by purchase or production.
Note: For detailed information on most of the fields on this tab, refer to the
Manufacturing I in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 course.
The following table explains every field on the Replenishment FastTab and gives
directions on how to fill it in.
The Planning FastTab holds information that is used by the automatic materials
requirement planning (MRP) system.
The Foreign Trade FastTab holds information that relates to a company's trade
with other countries or regions.
The last two FastTabs on the item card are for special purposes and are not
covered in this training manual, except for the following short overview:
• The Item Tracking FastTab governs the use of serial and lot numbers
assigned to the item for tracking purposes.
• The Warehouse FastTab holds information about how the item is
received, stored, and shipped in special warehouse activities.
Only the minimum required fields are filled in for this demonstration.
Demonstration Steps
Multiple number series are set up for item numbers to group different items by
their item numbers. Notice in the first number series line that both the Default
Nos. and Manual Nos. fields are selected. This means that you can either have a
number created automatically (by pressing the ENTER key after you insert a new
record) or manually (by typing it) in the No. field. With the last four number
series, you must type a number manually. The item number must be filled in. After
that, it identifies the item in all types of processing with the item. This is also the
case for number series in other master data records such as vendor cards and
customer cards.
e. Select the second line, ITEM2 (the paint number series), and then
click OK.
f. In the Description field, type "Paint, sunflower yellow".
g. Click the drop-down arrow of the Base Unit of Measure field,
and then click New.
h. Click the drop-down arrow of the Code field, and select CAN.
i. In the Qty. per Unit of Measure field, leave the default value of
j. Click OK.
k. In the Shelf No. field, type "B6" to specify where you want the
item placed in the warehouse.
l. Expand the Invoicing FastTab.
m. In the Costing Method field, leave the default of FIFO.
Note: Notice that the Profit % field now shows a calculated profit of
approximately 48 percent.
You do not have to fill in the remaining FastTabs and fields now. The new item,
70105, Paint, sunflower yellow, is ready for further processing.
As the product designer at CRONUS, you are responsible for setting up new items.
The vendor of the ANTWERP conference tables has informed you that the
matching chairs are now available. CRONUS has decided to take this item into
their arrangement.
The new item must be set up, according to the following conditions:
Detailed Steps
1. Create the new item card.
a. On the navigation pane, click Home and then click Items.
b. Click New to open a new Item Card page.
Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways
Each G/L account can be managed in a G/L Account Card page that holds the
setup information and links to related entry details. The list of all existing G/L
accounts is displayed in the Chart of Accounts page, which is the central
interface to the company's financial records.