Nav2013 Enus Intro 02
Nav2013 Enus Intro 02
Nav2013 Enus Intro 02
Module Overview
This module introduces the general concepts of the user interface design in
Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013. With the user interface, you can focus, prioritize,
and apply your expertise. Key data is visualized so that you better understand
your business.
The user interface has different components, which are discussed in this module.
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 User Interface image shows the following
components of the user interface:
• Explain the Back and Forward button, the address bar, and search.
• Explain the concept of the ribbon.
• Explain the different components of the ribbon.
• Show how to use the ribbon.
• Explore the navigation pane.
• List the information that is available on the status bar.
• Explain how to use the list page.
• Explain how to use the card page.
• Explore the Role Center.
Back and forward buttons on the controls of Microsoft Dynamics NAV to the left
of the address bar enable you to move through pages that you have previously
When you use these buttons, you can see the path in the address bar changing.
If you click the drop-down button, at the right side of the Forward button, you
see the travel history. It shows you a list of previously visited pages, and it makes it
easy to return to a specific one.
Address Bar
The address bar shows the path of your present page. You can also move within
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 by clicking the name or arrow buttons and making
your selection.
At the right side of the address bar, you can find the refresh button.
Note: To update the active window, you can also use the keyboard shortcut
You can find any page, report, or view present on the Departments page of your
installation by using the Search field in the upper-right corner of the address bar.
When you start to type characters in the Search field, a drop-down list shows
page names that contain the characters that you type. The drop-down list
changes as you type more characters, and you can select the correct page from
the list when it is displayed. The second column in the drop-down list shows the
navigation paths to the found pages, and it is sorted by the structure of the
Departments page.
The Ribbon
A ribbon is a command bar that organizes a program's features into a series of
tabs at the top of a window. Using a ribbon increases discoverability of features
and functions, enables quicker learning of the program, and makes users feel
more in control of their experience. A ribbon can replace both the traditional
menu bar and toolbars.
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the ribbon is available on most pages and
visible by default.
Press CTRL+F1 to toggle between collapsing and expanding the ribbon. This
creates more space for the current page to display. To move in the ribbon, you
can either use the mouse or keyboard shortcuts. Press the ALT key to display
keyboard shortcuts in the ribbon.
From all pages where the ribbon is visible, the ribbon can be customized to help
you be more productive. The “User Personalization” module discusses this.
At the upper-left side of the ribbon, you can find the Application menu. If you
click this button, you see a drop-down menu with several options.
Name Description
Page When you click on Page, you see a submenu with the
following options:
• Open in New Window – Opens the page in a new
window. This means that you can toggle between
the different pages.
• Copy Link to Page – Copies the link of the active
page to the clipboard. You can paste the link to,
for example, Microsoft Word. From there, you can
then run the page.
These options are not available on the Role Center
Set Work Date The default work date is the date that is specified in
the Date and Time dialog box in Control Panel. To
perform tasks such as completing transactions for a
date that is not the current date, you may have to
temporarily change the work date.
Use this function to change the work date.
Select Company You may have to change the company that you are
working with. The companies that you work with can
be stored in the same database or in different
Use this option to select a company.
You can also open the Select Company window by
selecting the company name in the status bar at the
bottom of the program window or by pressing
Changing the texts that are stored as application data is not part of the
multilingual capability. This is an application design issue. Examples of such texts
are the names of items in the inventory or the comments for a customer. In other
words, these types of texts are not translated.
In addition, the profiles are also multilingual. The profiles included in the North
America (NA) version contain captions in the following four languages: en-US, en-
CA, fr-CA and es-MX. All other local builds have bilingual profiles only. For
example, the German build has en-US and de-DE. A user can personalize a caption
or action group in one language. However, be aware that when the profile is
viewed in another language, this caption is not translated as it is part of a
personalization or a configuration. If the user wants the new caption to be in the
new language, the user can rename the caption or action group. The profile is
then bilingual.
To have the system suggest the posting date of 31 December, 2013, she changes
the work date to 12/31/2013.
Select a Server
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you may have to change the company that you are
working with sometimes. The companies that you work with can be stored in the
same database or in different databases. If the company is stored in a different
database, you must select the server before you open the company.
Note: Use the Select Server option with the current default to quickly restart
the system.
• Tabs
• Groups
• Actions
The ribbon organizes a program's features into a series of tabs at the top of a
window. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 the following tabs are generally used:
Dividing commands into groups structures the commands into related sets. The
group label explains the common purpose of its commands.
Examples of groups typically used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 are as follows:
• New
• Manage
• Process
• Report
• View
• Functions
The actions on the ribbon give you single-click access to functions and data.
Note: You can change the existing layout of the ribbon by creating new tabs
and groups, or by adding or removing actions from existing groups and tabs.
The “User Personalization” module of this course explains how to customize the
From the navigation pane, you can open list places. An example of a list place is
the customer list. From a list place, you can open individual cards or documents.
The navigation pane displays one menu at a time. Use the activity buttons at the
bottom of the pane to change from one menu to another.
• Home
• Departments
The Home menu is a default activity button in navigation pane of the Windows
client that displays items that link to List Places. The Home menu is designed for
your user role. It contains your Role Center, plus all the list places that are most
frequently used in your role in addition to relevant views of list places.
You can customize the Home menu by adding and hiding items. The "User
Personalization module" explains how to customize the navigation pane.
From the Departments page, you can access all the areas of the application for
which you have permissions. If you find a useful link in Departments, you can
copy it to your Role Center or Home activity button.
Every user is assigned a job-related profile by the administrator. Your profile gives
you a Role Center and one or more activity buttons that you can use to access the
tasks, lists, reports, and documents that you use most frequently. In addition, users
typically have access to the Departments page.
When you click a department, you have different navigation options available.
You can browse to other departments. For example, from financial management,
you can browse to general ledger.
• Lists
• Tasks
• Reports and Analysis
Note: You can hide the Departments menu for a user or a profile. Refer to
the "User Personalization" module for more information about how to hide the
Departments menu.
In addition to the Home and Departments activity buttons, you can also reach
several other navigation pane activity buttons. These additional buttons can be
predefined in your user profile, but you can also create new activity buttons. An
example of a regularly used additional button is the Posted Documents menu, in
which you can find an overview of posted sales and purchase documents.
You can change the active company by double-clicking the company name in the
status bar. This opens the Select Company window, where you can switch to
another company name.
Similarly, you can change the work date by double-clicking the work date in the
status bar. The Set Work Date window opens so you can change the work date.
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, pages are the main way to display and organize
data. Pages offer a visual experience closely aligned to Microsoft Office and
In the Windows client, every user has a Role Center page, customized to the
individual needs and tasks that each user performs. Other types of pages, such as
list pages might display lists of customers or sales orders, whereas others such as
document pages, focus on user tasks.
• Card
• List
• Role Center
• Card Part
• List Part
• Document
• Worksheet
• Confirmation Dialog
• List Plus
• Navigate Page (Wizard)
• Standard Dialog
List Page
A list page displays content from a table in a list format. List pages can be
displayed as list places (as part of the navigation layer) or in task pages.
Most records in the database are presented first in list places, one for each record
type, such as Sales Orders, Items, Cash Receipt Journals, and Posted Sales
Shipments. List places may be filtered by default configuration, such as Sales
Orders, Partially Shipped, and you can set your own filters to limit the number of
records shown.
1. Ribbon
2. Filter pane
3. List
4. Sorting pane
5. FactBox pane
If you double-click (or press ENTER) on a line in the list, the record opens in a new
window in the default mode (Edit, View, or New) of that particular record, for
example View mode if it is a posted document.
You use filters to display certain accounts, customers, entries, or other records by
specifying criteria for fields in a table. You can use the filter pane on a page to
specify a single field filter.
If you want to filter on more than one field, then you must use the Advanced
Filter function on the filter pane.
The filter pane in list pages can also be used to create Views at the navigation
pane. When a filter is defined and you expect to use it again, you can streamline
your work by using the Save View As function.
FactBoxes on list places and task pages give you additional information about the
selected record. This means that you can quickly find related information about,
for example, an order or a customer. This helps you make solid business decisions
in a timely manner.
For example, on the Customers list place, you can use the Customer Sales
History FactBox for a quick overview of a customer’s sales statistics without
opening the customer card. The FactBox includes a count and links to sales orders,
quotes, invoices, and other information so that you can drill-down to the
document that you want.
You can specify which FactBoxes you want to display on a page. You can also
show and hide FactBox fields. You can add FactBoxes from the list available, but
you can only add various charts to what can be selected. The "User
Personalization" module explains how to customize FactBoxes.
You use a card page to view and edit one record or entity from a table. The card
page displays selected fields from the table. An example of how to use a card
page is for editing a customer.
1. Ribbon
2. Expanded FastTab
3. Collapsed FastTab
4. FactBox pane
FastTabs organize data in separate groups on a page. You can expand and
collapse FastTabs so that you can control how much information you see at one
time. To expand or collapse a FastTab, click the small arrow on the far right of the
You can promote fields from a FastTab to show on the FastTab header when the
band is collapsed. This enables you to view important summary information
without expanding the FastTab.
The "User Personalization" module explains how to promote fields and how to
display or hide fields on a FastTab.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides several different Role Centers for users who
have different jobs in a company. Your administrator assigns you a user profile
and can customize the Role Center to make sure that it presents the information
that you need for your job. Then you can make additional adjustments to make
the user interface fit your work habits.
• Activities
• Outlook
• Charts
• My Notifications
• Lists
• Online information
The Activities part contains stacks of documents. These are known as Cues. Select
a Cue to open the corresponding list or journal.
The Activities part also shows the default activities that people can perform
based on their job role. For example, the order processor activities that can be
performed include creating a new sales order and creating a new sales quote.
The Outlook part provides an overview of your email messages, calendar, and
Outlook tasks. You can click an item to open the corresponding folder, email
message, or appointment in Outlook.
Your Role Center may contain one or more graphs that display information that is
relevant to your work. Rest the pointer over a part of the chart to see the related
data in text. If you click a part of a chart, you see a list of the records on which the
part of the chart is based.
In the My Notifications part, you can see notes that your colleagues have sent to
you. You can click a note to open the document that is related to the message.
On list places and tasks pages, you can add and use notes much like on a Role
Your Role Center may contain one or more lists with customers, vendors, or items.
You can decide which customers, vendors, or items to include on the list. By
selecting a line and clicking Open, you can open the card for the customer,
vendor, or item.
Your user profile defines which lists are available in your Role Center. For example,
the order processor profile has the My Customers and My Items lists available,
but it does not contain the My Vendors list.
You can have live product and business information displayed as a continuous
slide show on your Role Center with links that you can select to open a website
and read the full content.
Role Centers are associated with user profiles to provide only the information and
activities that a profile is generally interested in. You can customize a Role Center
to include or remove additional information and activities related to a profile.
If a user has no user profile assigned, then the default Role Center is applied for
that user. You can also change the default Role Center that opens when you open
the Windows client for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
You are the accounting manager at CRONUS International Ltd., and uses the
default Role Center (Sales Order Processor). However, this Role Center is not
aligned with your daily activities. Therefore you are advised to use the accounting
manager profile.
Detailed Steps
1. Open your User Personalization card.
a. In the Search box, enter User Personalization, and click the
related link.
b. Double-click the line with your user ID to open the User
Personalization card.
Note: You can find your user account on the status bar.
Note: The new Role Center takes effect the next time that you start Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2013 with your Windows user account.
Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 user interface gives you a quick overview of
the information relevant to your job and lets you focus on your own tasks. Having
a general understanding of the different components, such as the Role Center, the
ribbon, the navigation pane, and the pages, is important to start exploring the
personalization options of the user interface.
(√) To find any page, report, or view present on the Departments page.