6Токсикологическое исследование влияния
6Токсикологическое исследование влияния
6Токсикологическое исследование влияния
5. Donatia, A.; Ventrutia, A.; Cavallinia,G.; Masinia, treated with the CYP2E1 inducer pyrazole . J. Physiol.
M.; Vittorinia, S.; Chantretb, I.; Codognob, P.; and Gastro. and Liver Physiol., (289)308.
Bergamini, E. (2008): In vivo effect of an antilipolytic 12. Locci C. T. and Bergamini, E. (1982): Peroxisomal
drug (3,5-dimethylpyrazole) on autophagic proteolysis enzyme activities in regenerating liver of rats. Bull.
and autophagy-related gene expression in rat liver. Res. Exp. Med., 181(3): 225-230.
Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Commun., 366 : 786– 13. Locci C. T. and Bergamini, E. (1983): Effects of
792. antilipolytic agents on peroxisomal beta-oxidation of
6. Lillie, R.D. and Fulmer, H.M. (1976): fatty acids in rat liver. Biochem. Pharmacol., (32)11:
Histopathological Technique and Practical 1807-1809.
Histochemistry. 4th edn. New York, Mc Graw Hill. 14. Bergamini, E.; Tata, V. D.E.; Loccr Cubeddu, T.,
7. Pearse, A. G. E. (1972): Histochemistry, Theoretical Masiello, P. and Pollera, M. (1987): Increased
and Applied, 3rd end., vol. 2. Churchill Livingstone. degradation in rat liver induced by antilipolytic
London. agents:A model for studying autophagy and protein
8. Potapov, A. S.; Nudnova, E. A.; Domina, G. A.; degradation in Liver. Exp. and mol. pathol., 46: 114-
Kirpotina, L. N.; Quinn, M. T.; Khlebnikov, A. I. и 122.
Schepetkin, I. A. (2009): Synthesis, characterization 15. Donati, A. (2006): The involvement of
and potent superoxide dismutase-like activity of novel macroautophagy in aging and anti-aging interventions,
bis(pyrazole)–2,2-bipyridyl mixed ligand copper(II) Mol. Aspects Med., 27: 455–470.
complexes. Complexes // Dalton Trans.; 4488-4498. 16. Lu, Y. and Cederbaum, A. I. (2006):
9. Wilson, W.L. and Bottiglieri, N.G. (1962): Phase I Enhancement by pyrazole of lipopolysaccharide-
studies with pyrazole. Can. Chem., 21: 137-141. induced liver injury in mice: role of cytochrome P450
10. Lelbach, W.K. (1969): Liver cell nercrosis in rats 2E1 and 2A5. Hepatol., (44)1:263-274.
after prolonged ethanol ingestion under the influence 17. Bergamini, E. and Segal, H.L. (1987): Effects of
of an alcoholdehydrogenase inhibitor. Experientia, 25: Antilipolytic drugs on hepatic peroxisomes. Biol. and
816-818. Med.., 295-303.
11. Yongke, Lu.; Xiaodong, W. and Cederbaum, A. I.
(2005): Lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in rats
hours which increased degradation of liver pro- and stirring the mixture for 24 hours at room
teins [4]. temperature. Green crystals formed were filtered
Bergamini et al. [5], showed similar results and dried in vacuo.
of elevated activities of alanine aminotransferase 1,5-Bis(3,5-Dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-3-oxa-
(ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) pentanediacetatocopper (C18H28N4O5-Cu) was
when rats administered with 3,5- dissolved in 0.9% mammalian saline (9 gm so-
dimethylpyrazole at dose 12 mg/kg body weight. dium chloride dissolved in 1000 ml distilled wa-
Either LPS-induced liver injury in mice was en- ter) and injected intraperitoneally (ip) at dose 12
hanced by pyrazole, as indicated by pathological mg/kg body weight /day [3].
changes and increases in ALT and AST. LPS-
induced oxidative stress was also enhanced EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN
by pyrazole [6].
Treatment of rats with pyrazole elevated The animals were divided into 2 groups.
the hepatic microsomal dimethylnitrosamine de- 1- Control group:
methylase activity (DMNd) by several fold [7]. Animals of this group (24 rats) were main-
Pyrazole administration increased the toxicity of tained on normal diet throughout the whole ex-
dimethylnitrosamine when measured as a 50% perimental period. They were sacrificed after
lethal dose or as a histopathological effect on different times parallel to that of treated groups.
the liver [8]. 2- Group 2:
The administration of antilipolytic drug (3,5 Animals of this group (24 rats) were in-
dimethylpyrazole at dose 12 mg/kg body weight) jected daily for 6 weeks intraperitoneally (ip) by
revealed as early as 30 min many vacuolated 1,5-Bis (3,5-Dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-3-oxapentane-
lysosomes at the electron microscopic level and diacetatocopper freshly dissolved in saline (12
autophagic vacuoles are observed in the liver mg/kg bw/ day). Animals were then sacrificed 2,
cells after 1 hour. After 1 hr and 45 min, vacu- 4 and 6 weeks after beginning of the treatment,
oles often contain recognizable peroxisome [4]. 8 animals in each period were sacrificed 2 hr
Antilipolytic drugs induced both autophagic pro- after injection.
teolysis and higher expression of an autopagy Histological preparation
related gene. The effect of antilipolytic drug on For light microscopic studies, immediately
autophagy gene expression might not be secon- after sacrification, liver was removed carefully
dary to the stimulation of autophagic proteolysis and quickly fixed in 10% neutral formalin for 24
[3]. hr, washed in running tap water, fixed and stored
in 70% ethyl alcohol. Tissue pieces were dehy-
MATERIAL AND METHODS drated in ascending series of ethyl alcohol (70%,
80%, 90% and two changes 100%), cleared in
Animals two changes of xylene and embedded in molten
Healthy adult male albino rats (Rattus paraplast paraffin (mp. 50-58 oC). Sections of 5
norvegius), approximately three months old and microns thickness were cut using rotary micro-
weight (120 ± 5) g were used in the present tome (Leica, Model Rm 2125, Germany), and
study. The animals were kept under constant mounted on clean slides without using any ad-
condition of temperature for at least two weeks hesive medium. For histological examination,
before the experimental period. Animals were sections were stained with Ehrlich's haematoxy-
maintained on a standard diet, manufactured lin and counterstained with eosin [10].
especially for laboratory purposes, obtained from Biochemical analysis
Atimida Company for national development. Wa- Blood samples were taken from portal vein
ter was available ad libitum. Animals were kept and left to coagulate at 37ºC in incubator, centri-
under constant temperature (30±2Cº) and the fugated at 174 g/min for 15 min (1550 r.p.m) with
humidity was 45±5%with 12:12 light-dark cycle. centrifuge (Shanghai Surgical Instruments Fac-
Chemical used tory, Model 9-1). Sera were stored at -20Cº until
The ligand 1,5-bis (3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1- further analysis. Specimens from control and all
yl)-3-oxapentane was prepared following a pre- treated groups were obtained for examination
viously described procedure [9]. after 2, 4 and 6 weeks from starting the experi-
1,5-Bis-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-3- ment.
oxapentane (C18H28N4O5-Cu) was prepared by Serum albumin
adding a solution of 1,5-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol- Serum albumin was determined according
1-yl)-3-oxapentane (0.262 g, 1 mmol) in 2 ml of the method of Doumas et al. [11].
acetone to a suspension of Cu(CH3Coo)2 H2O
(0.199 g, 1 mmol) in 2 ml of the same solvent
autophagic vacuoles are observed in the liver model for studying autophagy and protein degradation
cells after 1 hour. After 1 hr and 45 min, vacu- in Liver. Exp. and mol. pathol., 46: 114- 122.
oles often contain recognizable peroxisome [3]. 6. Lu, Y. and Cederbaum, A. I. (2006): Enhancement
by pyrazole of lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury
Examination of sera of animals treated with
in mice: role of cytochrome P450 2E1 and 2A5.
1,5-Bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-3-oxapentane- Hepatol., (44)1:263-274.
diacetatocopper in the present study revealed a 7. Yityoong, Y. Tu.; June S.; Katherine F. L. and
significant decrease in serum glucose and albu- Chung S. Y.(1981): Pyrazole-induced cytochrome P-
min. Several investigators also obtained similar 450 in rat liver microsomes: An isozyme with high
results. In this concern, treatment of fasting rats affinity for dimethylnitrosamine. Biochem. and Bio-
with antilipolytic drugs (either 3,5-dimethyl- phys. Res.Commun., (103) 3: 905–912.
pyrazole at dose 12 mg/kg body weight) resulted 8. Ritva, P. E.; Mandy, M. R.; Emily, H. and Carolyn,
B. (1983): Pyrazole Effects on Mutagenicity and Tox-
in a decrease in free fatty acid and glucose
icity of Dimethylnitrosamine in Wistar Rats. Can.
plasma levels within 5-10 min and in a significant Res., 43: 496.
increase in the plasma glucagon to insulin ratio 9. Potapov, A.S.; Domina, G.A.; Domina, G.A.;
within 15 min. [18]. The administration of an- Khlebnikov, A.I., Ogorodnikov, V.D. (2007): Facile
tilipolytic drugs (3,5-dimethylpyrazole at dose 12 synthesis of flexible Bis(pyrazol-1-yl) alkane and re-
mg/Kg body weight) decreased the concentra- lated ligands in a superbasic medium // Eur. J. Org.
tion of free fatty acids, glucose and insulin in rat Chem.; 5112-5116.
blood plasma (by 10-15 min), and peroxisomal 10. Lillie, R.D. and Fulmer, H.M. (1976): Histopa-
thological Technique and Practical Histochemistry. 4
enzyme activities decrease significantly in 2-3
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hours which play an important role in the control 11. Doumas, B.T; Watsone, A.W. and Biggs, H.G.
of lipid metabolism [2]. (1971): Albumin standards and the measurement of
Stem cells may be stimulated and give rise serum albumin with bromcresol green. Clin. Chem.
to oval cell proliferation in periportal areas, dur- Acta., 31(1): 87-96.
ing chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis in 12. Bergmeyer, H.U.; Bernt, E.; Schmidt, F. and
rat [19]. Lindros et al. [20] reported that chronic Stork, H. (1974): D-Glucose determination with
treatment rats with the higher dose of hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-
genase. New York: 1196–1201.
4-methylpyrazole seemed to cause a relative 13. Potapov, A.S.; Nudnova, E.A.; Domina, G.A.;
decrease in the liver protein content. Kirpotina, L.N.; Quinn, M.T.; Khlebnikov, A.I.,
The administration of antilipolytic agents Schepetkin, I.A. (2009): Synthesis, characterization
(3,5-dimethylpyrazole at dose 12 mg/kg body and potent superoxide dismutase-like activity of novel
weight) can trigger autophagy and intracellular bis(pyrazole)–2,2-bipyridyl mixed ligand copper(II)
degradation of proteins in rat liver cells. Auto- complexes. Complexes // Dalton Trans.; 4488-4498.
phagic vacuoles are formed in a few minutes 14. Yongke, Lu.; Xiaodong, W. and Cederbaum, A. I.
and their number increases thereafter to reach (2005): Lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in rats
treated with the CYP2E1 inducer pyrazole . J. Physiol.
the highest values in a few hours [3]. Gastro. and Liver Physiol., (289)308.
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1-yl)-3-oxapentane-diacetatocopper has a toxi- studies with pyrazole. Can. Chem., 21: 137-141.
cological effect in blood and liver of albino rats. 16. Lelbach, W.K. (1969): Liver cell nercrosis in rats
after prolonged ethanol ingestion under the influence
of an alcoholdehydrogenase inhibitor. Experientia, 25:
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