2023-05-18 CL Florists Delivering Vibrant Bouquets For Mother - FINAL-3 - Headings
2023-05-18 CL Florists Delivering Vibrant Bouquets For Mother - FINAL-3 - Headings
2023-05-18 CL Florists Delivering Vibrant Bouquets For Mother - FINAL-3 - Headings
Here are some innovative ideas for Mother’s Day that leading avant-garde American florists have
come up with in self-isolation times. Read the descriptions and match each with its corresponding
heading A-H. There are two headings you do not need to use.
1. Calma, Miami
The florist Elizabeth Jaime specializes in tropical, Art Deco-inspired arrangements made with
statuesque flowers that often have an artificial look: shiny anthuriums, birds of paradise and dried
fan palms. But recent changes in flower availability have prompted her to experiment with softer,
more romantic compositions with a focus on striking palettes. For Mother’s Day, she will choose
blooms in shades of bright pink and yellow, a scheme inspired “by the start of spring. She has
included a gift bundle, in which one of her bouquets will be accompanied by rose-hip body oil and
a dry brush kit. Bouquets from $75.
F. Sugary treat
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She has included a gift bundle, in which one of her bouquets will be accompanied by rose-hip body
oil and a dry brush kit.
… incorporated blooms from her garden and plucked from West Texas roadsides in her
For Mother’s Day, she’s hoping to make ebullient bouquets with whatever she has on hand.
… which will be paired with a box of almond pralines.
Her spare use of components — sometimes just one or two per arrangement — imbues her work
with a distinctly modern feel
“We try, when possible, to focus on seasonality and locality in the interest of being good stewards
of the land.” For Mother’s Day, Field & Florist will fashion bouquets out of whichever plants are
flowering on their farm…
Locavore: someone who tries to eat food which is grown or produced near where they live