FCE WritIng Assessment Criteria
FCE WritIng Assessment Criteria
FCE WritIng Assessment Criteria
Assessment of Writing
Assessment scales
Examiners mark tasks using assessment scales that were developed
with explicit reference to the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR). The scales, which are used across
the spectrum of the Cambridge English General and Business
English Writing tests, consist of four subscales: Content,
Communicative Achievement, Organisation, and Language:
Communicative Achievement Organisation Language
Demonstrates complete command of the Text is organised impressively and Uses a wide range of
conventions of the communicative task. coherently using a wide range of vocabulary,including less common lexis,
Communicates complex ideas in an cohesive devices and organisational with fluency,precision, sophistication, and
effective and convincing way, holdingthe patterns with complete flexibility. style.
target reader's attention with ease, fulfilling Use of grammar is sophisticated, fully
all communicative purposes. controlled and completely natural.
Cambridge English: First Writing Examiners use the following assessment scale, extracted from the one on the previous page:
3 Minor irrelevances and/or Uses the conventions of Text is generally well- Uses a range of everyday vocabulary
omissions may be present. the communicative task organised and coherent, using appropriately,with occasional
Target reader is on the to hoId the target a variety of linkingwords and inappropriate use of less common
whole informed. reader's cohesive devices. lexis.
attention and communicate Uses a range of simple and some
straightforward ideas. complex grammatical forms with a good
degree of contra I.
lnfonned The target reader is infonned if content points and/or forms, i nfinitives, verb patterns, modal forms and tense contrasts.
requirements are addressed and appropriately dloped.Some Grammatical Grammatir.al control: the abiilty to consistently use grammar
content points do not requiremuch development (e.g. "state what control accurately and appropriately to conveyintended meaning.
isx") while others requireit ("describe", "explain"). Where language specifications are provided at lower levels (as
Cambridge English: Key (KU)and Cambridge English: Preliminary
(PET}), candidates may have control ofonly the simplest exponents
3. COMMUNICATIVE ACHIEVEMENT ofthe listed forms.
Conventions Conventions of the communicatiw task include suchthings
of the asgenre, format, register,and function. For example. a personal
c:ommunicative letter should not bewritten as a formal report should belaid Range Range:the variety ofwords and grammatical forms a candidate
t.ask out accordingly, and use the right tone for the communicative uses. At higher levels,candidates will makeincreasinguse
purpose. of a greater variety of words, fixed phrases, collocations and
grammatical forms.
target reader's Holdingthe target readl!l"s attention is used inthe positive
attention sense and refers tothe quality of a text that allows a reader to
derive meaningand notbe distracted. Itdoes not refer totexts Overuse Overuse refers to those cases where candidates repeatedly use
that force the same word because they do not havethe resources to
a reader to read closely because they are difficult tofollow or useanother term or phrase the same idea inanother way. Some
make sense of. words may unavoidably appear often as a result of beingthe
topicofthe task; that is not covered by the termoveruse here.
Communiciltiw purpose refers tothe communicative
requirements as set outinthe task. e.g. make a complaint,
nl c:omplex suggest alternatives. Errors and slips Errors are systematicmistakes. Slips are mistakes that are non
ideas Straightforward ideas are those which relate to relatively limited systematic, i.e. the candidate has learnedthe vocabulary item or
subject matter,usually concrete in nature,and which grammatical structure, butjust happened to make a mistake inthis
requiresimpler rhetorical devices to communicate. Complex instance. Ina candidate's response, where most other examples
ideas are those which of a lexical/grammatical point are accurate, a mistakeonthat
are of a moreabstract nature,or whichcover a wider subject point would most likely bea slip.
requiringmore rhetorical resources to bringtogether and express. Impede Impede communication means gettinginthe way of meaning.
communication Meaning can still be determined indicates that some effort is
requiredfromthe readertodetermine meaning.
Linking words. Linkingwords arecohesive devices, but are separated here to
cohesive refer to higher.frequency vocabulary which provide explicit
devices,nl linkage. They can range from basic high frequency items (such
as "and", "but") to basic and phrasal items (such as "because",
"first of all", finally").