User Manual - User Registration
User Manual - User Registration
User Manual - User Registration
Version 2.0
Release September, 2015
Project Execution by
1. User Registration and its approval by State Administrator.........................................................................3
2. Profile Update ..........................................................................................................................................8
3. Exit from the Portal ...................................................................................................................................9
4. Search Box ................................................................................................................................................9
Soil Health Card Application-User Manual
All the Users who would like to use the system should have a valid Login ID and Password to access the
Application and it should be created by themselves.
Open the Mozilla Browser and type the URL of the application in the address bar. The URL of the main
site is The URL of Demo site is .
Sample Tracking
Register a new user
URL of the
application portal
Helpdesk Email Id
In order to create an account for a newuser, Click on ‘Register New User’ as given in Figure-1. Then Internal
User Registration form would be displayed as in Figure 2 and 3.
Here, an account for a user –Laxman Singh, who is the Lab In-charge of District Soil Testing Laboratory,
Haridwar is being created. Enter the details in all the sections-User Organisation Details, User Details, User Login
AccountDetails, as given in Figure 2 and 3.
Soil Health Card Application-User Manual
User Roles
In User Login Account Details select the roles assigned to the user in the soil testing laboratory or the office
where he is posted, for which approval by higher authority is required. More than one role can be assigned to a
single user. In this case, the user has selected1) Sample Registration, 2) Lab In-charge, 3) Analyst, 4)Fertilizer
Soil Health Card Application-User Manual
Recommendation, 5) MIS & Directories update and 6) District MIS Users for which approval is sought. After
entering all the information click on ‘Submit’ button and the form will be submitted tothe Higher authority for
their approval. If all the entries of the form were correct, a message- ‘ Your account creation request has been
submitted….’ will be displayed in the screen after submitting the form(Figure-4)
Please note that all the users who would be using the system should have a role/activity to play and a login-id
should be created according to that role/activity.
But in order to view the ‘Report’ section, Login ID/Password is not required and any user could access the
portal and click on the link provided to access the reports.
Registered Soil Samples could be tracked by clicking on Sample Tracking Icon and entering a part of Sample ID.
All the user requests from a State/UT for the creation of Login Id and password would be sent to the State
Administrator of the concerned State/UT for their approval. State Administrator of each State/UT should Login
into the system and approve the pending requests. Only after the approval of the Administrator , the user login
account becomes active and the user could log into the system.
Since the sample Login ID was created for a user-Laxman Singh- in the State of Uttarakhand, the State
Administrator of Uttarakhand should login now for approving the requests of all users registered with the
system. Enter the Login ID and Password of State Administrator as in Figure-5.
The State Administrator is logged into the portal. There are two roles/activities which will be done by the State
Administrator- User approval and MIS & Directories Update. Select ‘User Approval’ and click on ‘Pending
Requests(Figure – 6)
All the requests received from various users of the State and pending for approval could be seen by the
Administrator . Select the users for which approval is to be granted, by clicking on check box. Then make the
user Active and then grant the roles based on the activities being done by that user( Figure-6 and 7). Then click
on ‘Update’button .
Search box could be used for locating the request of a particular user .
Soil Health Card Application-User Manual
Now user registration process is completed and the user is made Active. This usercould login into the portal and
start using the application.
Soil Health Card Application-User Manual
2. Profile Update
Updating Profile of a User
In order to update the profile of a user, follow the procedure given below:-
· Click on ‘My Profile’
· Then click on ‘Update Profile’ . Enter/modify the required fields
· Click on Updatebutton
Register for a New Role
Soil Health Card Application-User Manual
Change Password
Click on ‘Log Out’ available on the top right corner of the screens to exit from the portal at any time.
4. Search Box
Search Facility is provided in almost all the screens where a particular record satisfying the selected criteria could
be searched.