Topline Catholics
Topline Catholics
Topline Catholics
Hello. This is (caller name). I'm calling from National Opinion Surveys. We are conducting a public opinion
survey and I would like to ask you some questions. I am not selling anything, and I will not ask for a
Could I please speak with the (MALE/FEMALE) in your household, 18 years or older, who celebrated a birthday
most recently?
These days, state and local governments often have to make tough budgetary choices. For each one of the
following, please rate how high a priority it is for your state or local government on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10
means it is a very high priority, and 0 means it is not a high priority at all. If you are not sure, please say so.
Here’s the first one.
[READ ITEM EVERY 3 QUESTION.] Rate how high a priority that should be from 0 to 10, where 10 means it
should be a very high priority, and 0 means it is not a high priority at all.
29. SSB: I’m going to read four statements. Listen carefully, then please tell me which of them—number 1,
2, 3, or 4—is closest to your own view:
1. The penalty for murder should be the death penalty ............. 33 22 38 36
2. The penalty for murder should be life in prison with the
possibility of parole ................................................................. 12 11 11 14
3. The penalty for murder should permanent imprisonment...... 12 15 11 9
4. The penalty for murder should be permanent
imprisonment and a requirement to work to make
restitution for the victim’s family.............................................. 36 47 34 30
(Don’t know/refused).................................................................. 7 5 6 10
30. On a scale of 0 to 10, please tell me how much you would support replacing the death penalty with a
penalty of life in prison without possibility of parole? Ten means you would be extremely supportive,
and zero means you would not be supportive at all, and you can choose any number in between.
Mean ......................................................................................... 5.6 6.8 5.2 5.6
10 – Supportive .......................................................................... 25 36 21 24
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 18 18 17 17
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 10 10 9 11
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 11 11 11 11
0 - 4 - Not supportive ................................................................. 33 21 38 33
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 4 4 3 4
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 4
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
Now, I'm going to read you some statements some people have made about the death penalty. For each one,
please rate how much you agree with that statement on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 means you are in total
agreement, and 0 means you do not agree at all, and you can choose any number in between. If you are not
sure, please say so. Here’s the first one.
[READ ITEM EVERY 3 QUESTION.] Give this statement a rating from 0 to 10, where 10 means you are in
total agreement, and 0 means you do not agree at all.
33. SSA: The death penalty carries too much risk of executing an innocent person.
Mean......................................................................................... 6.4 6.7 6.2 6.7
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 26 26 22 34
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 20 25 20 14
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 14 10 16 13
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 16 15 16 16
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 23 23 25 21
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 1 1 1 1
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 5
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
34. SSB: I don’t trust politicians with the power to decide who lives and who dies.
Mean......................................................................................... 7.0 7.4 6.9 6.8
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 38 37 39 37
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 19 24 18 16
6 – 7 ............................................................................................. 9 9 7 13
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 14 14 14 14
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 18 13 20 19
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 2 3 2 1
35. SSA: I don’t trust the government with the power to decide who lives and who dies.
Mean......................................................................................... 6.4 6.7 6.1 6.6
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 31 32 28 35
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 15 17 15 12
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 12 11 12 12
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 16 17 17 13
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 25 21 28 24
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 2 2 1 3
36. SSB: It’s not up to me to decide who lives and who dies.
Mean......................................................................................... 7.7 8.0 7.7 7.4
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 52 56 52 50
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 16 16 17 14
6 – 7 ............................................................................................. 7 6 7 8
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 10 8 10 13
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 14 13 14 15
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 1 1 1 2
37. SSA: With a sentence of life without parole, people at least have a chance to change while serving their
Mean......................................................................................... 5.9 6.1 5.8 5.8
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 25 27 22 28
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 15 14 18 11
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 14 14 16 11
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 13 13 13 13
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 31 28 30 35
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 1 2 1 1
38. SSB: With a sentence of life without parole, if new evidence of innocence emerges, the case can be
Mean......................................................................................... 8.7 8.9 8.6 8.7
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 66 71 63 68
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 14 10 16 13
6 – 7 ............................................................................................. 8 7 8 7
5 – Neutral.................................................................................... 6 7 6 7
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................... 5 4 6 5
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 1 0 1 0
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 6
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
44. SSA: The death penalty would be cheaper, more efficient, and more effective if we used it more rather
than less.
Mean......................................................................................... 5.5 5.3 6.0 4.8
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 24 24 26 21
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 13 12 16 8
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 12 12 13 11
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 13 10 15 15
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 33 39 27 41
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 4 3 4 5
45. SSB: The death penalty would be cheaper, more efficient, and more effective if we limited the number
of appeals.
Mean......................................................................................... 6.5 6.1 6.7 6.4
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 34 32 33 35
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 14 14 15 12
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 11 11 11 9
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 13 9 14 15
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 23 29 20 25
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 5 4 7 4
46. The death penalty makes me personally feel safer.
Mean......................................................................................... 4.5 4.0 5.0 4.1
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 19 15 22 17
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 10 10 12 9
6 – 7 ............................................................................................. 9 6 9 10
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 14 13 15 13
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 46 54 41 51
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 1 1 1 1
47. If we’re going to have the death penalty, we need to take every precaution to make sure innocent
people are not executed.
Mean......................................................................................... 8.9 9.1 8.9 8.9
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 71 74 70 72
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 11 11 12 9
6 – 7 ............................................................................................. 7 6 7 9
5 – Neutral.................................................................................... 4 5 5 3
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................... 5 3 5 6
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 1 1 1 1
48. With new technology like DNA evidence, we don’t have to worry about innocent people being wrongly
Mean......................................................................................... 5.9 5.9 6.0 5.5
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 23 26 23 22
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 16 16 17 15
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 14 13 15 14
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 15 14 15 15
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 30 29 28 33
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 1 2 2 1
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 8
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
49. The death penalty is a wasteful big government program because it costs a lot of money and it is not
Mean......................................................................................... 4.8 5.6 4.5 4.8
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 19 24 16 19
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 11 14 10 11
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 11 10 11 11
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 13 13 14 12
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 42 35 45 42
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 4 3 5 4
50. The death penalty does not deter murder because criminals don’t think about the punishment when
committing their crime.
Mean......................................................................................... 6.8 7.1 6.7 6.7
10 – Agreement ......................................................................... 37 40 36 34
8 – 9 ........................................................................................... 17 18 17 15
6 – 7 ........................................................................................... 12 10 12 13
5 – Neutral.................................................................................. 11 13 10 13
0 - 4 – Disagreement ................................................................. 21 18 23 21
(Don't know) ............................................................................... 2 2 2 4
Now I am going to read you some facts about the death penalty in the United States. Please tell me
whether you find these facts totally believable, somewhat believable, somewhat unbelievable, or totally
51. From sentencing to execution, the average appeal time of a death penalty case is 12 years, while a
person who receives life without parole starts serving the sentence immediately.
Totally unbelievable ..................................................................... 8 7 10 5
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 13 12 14 13
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 12 13 10 16
Somewhat believable................................................................. 35 33 36 34
Totally believable ....................................................................... 32 36 30 33
Unbelievable............................................................................. 21 19 23 18
Believable ................................................................................. 67 68 66 66
52. Since 1973, 138 people have been released from death row after being exonerated of their crimes.
Totally unbelievable ..................................................................... 6 6 6 5
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 13 14 12 14
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 13 13 13 13
Somewhat believable................................................................. 37 34 40 33
Totally believable ....................................................................... 31 33 29 34
Unbelievable............................................................................. 19 19 18 19
Believable ................................................................................. 68 67 69 68
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 9
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
53. Over the past 30 years, states in the South have accounted for 80 percent of all executions and have
the highest murder rate. States in the Northeast have accounted for less than 1 percent of all
executions and have the lowest murder rate.
Totally unbelievable ................................................................... 12 8 16 10
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 19 13 20 23
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 19 24 17 16
Somewhat believable................................................................. 30 32 30 29
Totally believable ....................................................................... 19 23 17 21
Unbelievable............................................................................. 32 21 36 34
Believable ................................................................................. 49 55 47 50
54. SSA: Prosecuting and defending one death penalty case can cost as much as $3 million dollars.
Totally unbelievable ................................................................... 11 8 14 7
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 13 10 13 15
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 15 15 13 17
Somewhat believable................................................................. 30 29 26 38
Totally believable ....................................................................... 32 38 33 23
Unbelievable............................................................................. 24 18 27 22
Believable ................................................................................. 61 67 59 61
55. SSB: Prosecuting and defending one death penalty case can cost as much as $3 million dollars. But
because only 1 in 10 cases results in an actual execution, the true cost to the state per execution is
about $30 million dollars, far more than the cost of a lifetime of incarceration.
Totally unbelievable ................................................................... 17 20 13 22
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 16 14 17 15
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 14 14 15 13
Somewhat believable................................................................. 29 30 32 19
Totally believable ....................................................................... 25 21 23 32
Unbelievable............................................................................. 33 34 30 36
Believable ................................................................................. 53 52 55 51
56. In order, the top five countries in the world who recently executed the most people were China, followed
by Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Pakistan.
Totally unbelievable ..................................................................... 8 7 9 9
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 13 12 14 14
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 18 18 17 18
Somewhat believable................................................................. 32 35 30 32
Totally believable ....................................................................... 29 28 30 28
Unbelievable............................................................................. 22 19 23 22
Believable ................................................................................. 61 63 60 60
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 10
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
57. Studies in states that have had the sentence of life without parole for a long time reveal that no one with
that sentence has been released from prison.
Totally unbelievable ................................................................... 14 15 14 12
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 23 18 26 21
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 18 16 19 20
Somewhat believable................................................................. 30 38 26 30
Totally believable ....................................................................... 15 14 14 18
Unbelievable............................................................................. 37 33 40 33
Believable ................................................................................. 45 52 41 47
58. DNA evidence is only available in less than 20% of murder cases.
Totally unbelievable ................................................................... 15 16 15 13
Somewhat unbelievable............................................................. 22 21 22 23
(Don’t know) ............................................................................. 17 16 19 14
Somewhat believable................................................................. 29 29 26 35
Totally believable ....................................................................... 17 18 16 15
Unbelievable............................................................................. 37 37 38 36
Believable ................................................................................. 46 47 43 50
Now I am going to read you some facts about the death penalty in the United States. Please tell me
whether these facts raise serious doubts, some doubts, minor doubts, or no real doubts about the death
penalty in your own mind. REPEAT PROMPT AS NEEDED
59. From sentencing to execution, the average appeal time of a death penalty case is 12 years, while a
person who receives life without parole starts serving the sentence immediately.
No real doubts............................................................................ 28 26 28 32
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 18 18 20 17
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 13 11 13 15
Some doubts.............................................................................. 24 27 25 19
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 16 18 15 18
No doubts ................................................................................. 47 44 48 48
Doubts....................................................................................... 40 45 39 37
60. Since 1973, 138 people have been released from death row after being exonerated of their crimes.
No real doubts............................................................................ 25 22 27 25
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 14 10 15 16
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 13 12 14 12
Some doubts.............................................................................. 27 30 25 27
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 22 26 20 20
No doubts ................................................................................. 39 32 41 41
Doubts....................................................................................... 48 57 45 47
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 11
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
61. Over the past 30 years, states in the South have accounted for 80 percent of all executions and have
the highest murder rate. States in the Northeast have accounted for less than 1 percent of all
executions and have the lowest murder rate.
No real doubts............................................................................ 23 20 26 22
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 15 14 15 15
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 17 14 18 18
Some doubts.............................................................................. 23 24 23 22
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 22 28 18 23
No doubts ................................................................................. 38 34 41 37
Doubts....................................................................................... 45 52 41 45
62. SSA: Prosecuting and defending one death penalty case can cost as much as $3 million dollars.
No real doubts............................................................................ 21 23 19 22
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 18 13 23 14
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 14 12 14 16
Some doubts.............................................................................. 20 23 18 23
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 27 29 27 25
No doubts ................................................................................. 39 36 42 36
Doubts....................................................................................... 48 52 45 48
63. SSB: Prosecuting and defending one death penalty case can cost as much as $3 million dollars. But
because only 1 in 10 cases results in an actual execution, the true cost to the state per execution is
about $30 million dollars, far more than the cost of a lifetime of incarceration.
No real doubts............................................................................ 18 14 19 20
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 15 15 16 13
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 12 11 14 11
Some doubts.............................................................................. 24 23 27 21
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 31 37 25 35
No doubts ................................................................................. 33 28 34 34
Doubts....................................................................................... 55 61 52 56
64. In order, the top five countries in the world who recently executed the most people were China, followed
by Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Pakistan.
No real doubts............................................................................ 29 28 29 30
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 17 17 16 17
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 17 13 19 19
Some doubts.............................................................................. 21 23 21 21
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 16 19 15 14
No doubts ................................................................................. 45 45 45 46
Doubts....................................................................................... 37 42 36 35
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 12
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
65. Studies in states that have had the sentence of life without parole for a long time reveal that no one with
that sentence has been released from prison.
No real doubts............................................................................ 22 24 21 22
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 20 17 23 19
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 17 17 18 17
Some doubts.............................................................................. 27 24 26 32
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 13 18 12 10
No doubts ................................................................................. 42 41 44 40
Doubts....................................................................................... 40 42 38 42
66. DNA evidence is only available in less than 20% of murder cases.
No real doubts............................................................................ 18 18 18 19
Minor doubts .............................................................................. 16 13 18 16
(Don’t know)............................................................................. 16 15 17 14
Some doubts.............................................................................. 26 26 25 28
Serious doubts ........................................................................... 24 28 22 23
No doubts ................................................................................. 34 31 36 34
Doubts....................................................................................... 50 54 48 51
67. Would you favor or oppose replacing the death penalty with a penalty of life in prison with no possibility
of parole if the money saved were used to fund crime prevention measures? [IF FAVOR/OPPOSE
ASK:] Is that strongly favor/oppose or somewhat favor/oppose?
Strongly favor............................................................................. 44 50 42 43
Somewhat favor ......................................................................... 21 22 20 21
Somewhat oppose ....................................................................... 9 9 10 7
Strongly oppose ......................................................................... 21 15 23 23
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 5 6 5 6
Favor ......................................................................................... 65 71 62 65
Oppose...................................................................................... 30 23 33 29
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 13
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
Now, I'm going to read you some statements people have made in support of replacing the death penalty with a
sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole. Please tell me whether each statement I read is a VERY
convincing, SOMEWHAT convincing, NOT TOO convincing, or not AT ALL convincing reason to replace the
death penalty with a sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole. If you are not sure how you feel about
a particular item, please say so.
convincing, or not AT ALL convincing reason to support replacing the death penalty with a sentence of life in
prison with no possibility of parole?
68. SSA: By the time the costs of all the trials and appeals are taken into account, the death penalty costs
more than imprisoning a criminal for life. The death penalty is a huge government program that has
bogged down law enforcement and wasted millions of dollars that could be used for many other
purposes. States are cutting back on police forces, shutting libraries and schools, and public hospitals
are closing emergency rooms, and yet we are spending millions of dollars on a death penalty system
when lifetime imprisonment with no parole would cost less.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 30 34 27 31
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 38 45 36 35
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 13 10 13 17
Not at all convincing................................................................... 16 10 20 13
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 3 2 4 3
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 68 79 63 67
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 29 19 33 31
[Cost w/restitution]
69. SSB: By the time the costs of all the trials and appeals are taken into account, the death penalty costs
more than imprisoning a criminal for life. The death penalty is a huge government program that has
bogged down law enforcement and wasted millions of dollars that could be used for many other
purposes. States are cutting back on police forces, shutting libraries and schools, and public hospitals
are closing emergency rooms, and yet we are spending millions of dollars on a death penalty system
when lifetime imprisonment with no parole would cost less. Keep these criminals in prison for life and
have them work and pay restitution to the victims’ families.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 32 35 30 35
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 37 42 37 32
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 14 11 18 11
Not at all convincing................................................................... 13 9 13 17
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 3 3 3 5
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 69 77 67 68
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 27 20 30 27
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 14
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
73. SSA: The death penalty is the worst of all the big government programs. It costs hundreds of millions
of dollars, has shown no evidence of being an effective deterrent or keeping society safer, and is too big
a role for the government to be taking. We should get rid of the death penalty, shrink the government
and give that wasted money back to the taxpayers.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 28 34 25 29
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 29 29 28 30
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 16 13 17 17
Not at all convincing................................................................... 24 21 27 21
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 4 4 3 4
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 56 63 52 58
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 40 34 44 38
[Not a deterrent]
74. SSB: The death penalty is not a deterrent, and we don’t need it. States without the death penalty have
lower murder rates than states with it. Murders happen either in the heat of the moment, or when
someone thinks they can get away with it. Criminals don’t think about the chance of getting the death
penalty when they’re committing a crime. Instead, we should use our resources on getting violent
criminals off the street and using life without parole for the worst cases.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 29 34 24 33
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 31 31 34 27
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 18 16 19 19
Not at all convincing................................................................... 18 17 19 17
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 4 2 5 4
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 60 65 58 60
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 36 33 38 36
75. SSA: Human life is the most precious thing in the world, and we need to respect it. The death penalty
offers the tragic illusion that we can defend life by taking life. In reality, the death penalty diminishes all
of us. Every life has value, and sometimes even the worst criminals can change and become better
people after years in prison. Killing is wrong, no matter who does it.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 28 33 24 30
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 32 37 30 32
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 18 11 21 20
Not at all convincing................................................................... 19 17 21 15
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 3 3 3 4
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 60 70 54 62
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 37 27 43 34
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 16
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
[Moral w/faith]
76. SSB: Human life is the most precious thing in the world, and we need to respect it. The death penalty
offers the tragic illusion that we can defend life by taking life. In reality, the death penalty diminishes all
of us. Every life has value, and sometimes even the worst criminals can change and become better
people after years in prison. Our faiths teach us that “thou shalt not kill” and that vengeance is God’s
and God’s alone. Killing is wrong, no matter who does it.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 30 37 23 36
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 30 26 35 22
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 20 13 22 23
Not at all convincing................................................................... 18 20 17 16
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 3 3 3 2
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 59 63 58 58
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 38 34 39 40
77. SSA: Our criminal justice system should treat all people equally, regardless of how much money they
make, where they live, or the color of their skin. In reality, the death penalty is applied unevenly and
unfairly, even for similar crimes. Some people are sentenced to die because they couldn’t afford a
better lawyer, or because they live in a county that seeks the death penalty a lot. A system that is so
arbitrary should not be allowed to choose who lives and who dies.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 37 43 33 37
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 32 38 29 31
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 15 9 18 17
Not at all convincing................................................................... 12 8 16 10
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 4 2 4 5
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 69 81 63 68
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 28 17 33 27
[Unfairness w/race]
78. SSB: The death penalty is particularly unfair along racial lines. Those who kill a white victim are much
more likely to face the death penalty than those who kill a black victim. A system that seems to value
some lives more because of race should not be deciding who lives and who dies.
Very convincing.......................................................................... 29 29 27 32
Somewhat convincing ................................................................ 30 38 30 24
Not too convincing ..................................................................... 16 10 17 20
Not at all convincing................................................................... 21 18 22 20
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 4 5 4 4
Very /somewhat convincing ................................................... 59 67 57 56
Not very /not at all convincing................................................ 37 28 39 40
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 17
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
79. Sometimes in a survey like this, people change their minds. On a scale of 0 to 10, please tell me how
much you would support replacing the death penalty with a penalty of life in prison without possibility of
parole? Ten means you would be extremely supportive, and zero means you would not be supportive
at all, and you can choose any number in between.
Now I am going to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only.
Strong Democrat........................................................................ 25 27 24 23
Not very strong Democrat ............................................................ 6 5 7 6
Independent/lean Democrat......................................................... 6 6 5 9
Democrat .................................................................................. 37 38 36 37
Strictly independent ................................................................ 27 27 25 31
Republican................................................................................ 31 30 35 23
Independent/lean Republican ...................................................... 9 8 10 7
Not very strong Republican.......................................................... 5 9 5 3
Strong Republican ..................................................................... 17 14 21 12
Other ............................................................................................ 3 3 2 4
(Not sure/nothing) ...................................................................... 2 2 2 5
81. In terms of politics, do you consider yourself VERY liberal, SOMEWHAT liberal, MODERATE,
somewhat CONSERVATIVE, or VERY conservative?
82. How old are you? (IF REFUSED, ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you belong to?
18-24 ............................................................................................ 8 11 6 8
25-29 ............................................................................................ 9 8 8 11
30-34 ............................................................................................ 5 5 5 6
35-39 .......................................................................................... 11 13 10 9
40-44 ............................................................................................ 6 5 6 8
45-49 .......................................................................................... 11 8 11 12
50-54 ............................................................................................ 8 6 9 10
55-59 ............................................................................................ 8 9 9 6
60-64 .......................................................................................... 10 11 10 8
65-69 ............................................................................................ 6 5 6 6
70-74 ............................................................................................ 4 5 5 3
75 and older ............................................................................... 11 9 13 8
(Refused) ................................................................................... 3 3 2 4
83. What is the last year of schooling that you have completed? (DO NOT READ LIST.)
84. Just to make sure we have a representative sample, could you please tell me whether you are from a
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish-speaking background? [IF “NO”, ASK:] What is your race--white, black,
Asian, American Indian, or something else?
White/Caucasian ........................................................................ 74 70 76 72
Black/African American.............................................................. 13 4 17 13
Hispanic/Latino .......................................................................... 10 23 5 7
Asian/Pacific Islander................................................................... 1 1 0 3
Native American/American Indian ............................................... 0 0 0 1
(Other)........................................................................................ 1 1 1 2
(Don't know/refused) .................................................................. 1 1 0 2
85. What is your religion?
Protestant (includes Baptist, Lutheran,
Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian and other
Christians)......................................................GO TO Q86..... 50 0 100 0
Catholic .............................................................GO TO Q86..... 24 100 0 0
Jewish .......................................................................................... 3 0 0 11
Muslim.......................................................................................... 0 0 0 1
Mormon, Latter Day Saints, LDS ................................................. 1 0 0 4
Other ............................................................................................ 7 0 0 28
None........................................................................................... 11 0 0 40
(Don’t know/refused).................................................................. 4 0 0 16
Death Penalty Information Center May 2010 Page 19
/Non- Non-
Total Catholic Catholic Christian
(n=1500) (n=347) (n=747) (n=406)
That concludes my interview today. Thank you for your time and cooperation.