IOT Security Unit 1 Notes
IOT Security Unit 1 Notes
IOT Security Unit 1 Notes
1. Security Requirements in IoT Architecture
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of interconnected devices that can communicate and
exchange data. Securing this ecosystem is crucial due to its widespread adoption and the sensitive nature
of data it often handles.
2. Integrity: Guaranteeing that data has not been tampered with or altered during transmission
or storage.
3. Availability: Ensuring that systems and data are accessible when needed.
4. Authentication: Verifying the identity of devices and users in the IoT network.
Example: In a smart home system, confidentiality ensures that your temperature settings aren’t visible to
outsiders, integrity guarantees that these settings aren’t altered by unauthorized parties, and availability
ensures you can access your thermostat controls when needed.
2. Security in Enabling Technologies
IoT relies on various enabling technologies, each with its own security considerations:
c. Cloud Computing
• Solutions: Encryption, access controls, regular security audits, secure API gateways.
• Security Challenges: Privacy concerns, data integrity, unauthorized access to large datasets.
Example: In a smart retail environment using RFID, tags on products could be encrypted to prevent
unauthorized reading of product information or prices.
3. Security Concerns in IoT Applications
Different IoT applications face unique security challenges:
a. Smart Homes
b. Healthcare IoT
d. Smart Cities
Example: In healthcare IoT, a compromised insulin pump could lead to life-threatening situations.
Implementing end-to-end encryption and strict access controls can help mitigate such risks.
4. Security Architecture in the Internet of Things
A comprehensive IoT security architecture typically includes:
4. Cloud/Data Center Layer: Secure data storage, analytics security, privacy preservation.
Key Components:
• Hardware Security Module (HSM): For secure key storage and cryptographic operations.
• Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): For real-time analysis of security
• Identity and Access Management (IAM): For managing user and device identities and
Example: A smart city traffic management system would employ device-level authentication for traffic
sensors, encrypted communication channels, secure APIs for data access, and a cloud-based SIEM for
monitoring the entire system.
5. Insufficient Authentication/Authorization
One of the major security issues in IoT is inadequate authentication and authorization mechanisms.
Common Problems:
Example: A smart lock with a default password of “0000” is easily compromised. Implementing a strong
password policy and adding biometric authentication can significantly enhance security.
Example: In a smart building, RBAC can ensure that maintenance staff only have access to relevant
systems (e.g., HVAC controls) but not to security cameras or tenant data.
7. Threats to Access Control, Privacy, and Availability
Access Control Threats:
• Credential theft
• Session hijacking
Privacy Threats:
• Side-channel attacks
Availability Threats:
Example: A compromised smart thermostat could be used to infer when a home is vacant, posing a privacy
risk. Implementing data minimization and encryption can help mitigate such risks.
8. Attacks Specific to IoT
IoT systems are vulnerable to various attacks, including:
Example: In a smart grid system, a Sybil attack could create multiple fake energy consumption reports,
potentially destabilizing the grid. Implementing strong device authentication and anomaly detection can help
prevent such attacks.
9. Vulnerabilities
Common vulnerabilities in IoT systems include:
Example: An IP camera with an insecure update mechanism could allow an attacker to push malicious
firmware, potentially turning the camera into a botnet node.
• Key Capacity: The amount of secret information that can be securely stored or transmitted.
Authentication Methods:
• Blockchain-based authentication
Authorization Frameworks:
• OAuth 2.0
Example: A smart lock might use PKI for device authentication, where each lock has a unique certificate.
Authorization could be managed through ACLs stored in the cloud, determining which users or other
devices can unlock the door.
Common Protocols:
• End-to-end encryption
• Certificate pinning
Example: A smart meter using DTLS to encrypt usage data ensures that even if intercepted, the data
remains confidential during transmission to the utility company.
13. Attack and Fault Trees
Attack and fault trees are graphical representations used to analyze potential security vulnerabilities and
system failures:
Attack Trees:
Fault Trees:
Example: An attack tree for compromising a smart home might have “Gain Control of Smart Lock” as the
root, with child nodes like “Exploit Weak Password”, “Intercept Wireless Communication”, and “Physical
2. Secure Design
5. Deployment
Example: In developing a smart city traffic management system, the planning stage might involve
identifying critical intersections and assessing the risk of traffic light manipulation. The design stage would
include choosing appropriate encryption for traffic light controllers. Testing might involve simulated cyber
attacks to ensure system resilience.
This comprehensive overview covers the key aspects of IoT security. Remember to review each section
thoroughly and consider creating or requesting simple diagrams to aid in your understanding and recall
during the exam.