(Chap 5) Rules
(Chap 5) Rules
(Chap 5) Rules
C H A P T E R 5
You wake up in the middle of the night, sweating crazily. Results: t o perf orm what he calls the ultimat e rit ual of dark
It’s that unsettling night mare again. In the dream, you Option 1: You finally managed t o pinpoint the village magic. Unf ort unat ely, due t o our ignorance of his
were walking slowly amongst the houses of a village in your night mare - Xi Zhai village. You sent some spies activities, the rit ual is now complet e, and the people
unbeknown t o you. There were a lot of villagers on the there f or investigation, but things didn’t go smoothly as in Xi Zhai have all become his violent, bloodthirst y
street, but they were att acking each other violently they were const antly chased off by the violent villagers. puppets. It’s t ot ally insane t o think about what might
without saying any words, just incomprehensible Another strange thing is that our spies were desperat ely happen next if we don’t go and st op him. è Writ e
growls and howls, like they’ve lost all their reasons and sick aft er ret urning, as if they were inf ect ed by some ‘R6’ next t o the guard of row 4 on the enemy field as
become walking corpses or something. As you were kind of myst erious disease. Because of this, we decided a reminder. During the game, if you don’t destroy this
wat ching a fight, one of the men suddenly threw you t o send our army t o isolat e the place t o prevent the guard or destroy it bef ore round 6, nothing happens.
a fierce look and st art ed chasing you. You managed disease from spreading. But shortly aft er we set up From round 6 on, aft er you destroy this guard, you
t o t ake cover in one of the houses, held your breath camp near the village, we were ambushed. You were must immediat ely advance the boss’ Spell abilit y
as the mad man walked by the door. You thought you able t o make out the enemy’s leader from af ar, but you t o the next level and resolve its eff ect (as when you
were saf e as he disappeared around the corner, but couldn’t believe your eyes. That was no f ourth Zhang trigger a ).
just as you t urned your head, another t errif ying sight brother, but a very f amiliar figure: Zhang Jue! Isn’t he ___
struck you. In the darkness of the room, you could supposed t o be dead? How is this possible? è At the
make out a woman’s f ace, t orn and t wist ed like a st art of the game, lose 1 st amina and gain 1 . In addition t o the f avors you chose in Chapt er 3 and
demon’s with jagged t eeth, no nose, and a pair of Option 2: You finally managed t o pinpoint the village 4, you have one more f avor t o use in this chapt er.
bloodshot, nearly-popped-out eyes st aring straight in your night mare - Xi Zhai village. Aft er thorough For this additional f avor, choose one of the f ollowing:
at you. To your t error, she leapt over at you, st art ed investigation, the shocking truth has finally revealed y Jian Yong’s Favor: Mark the guard on row 4
t o choke you with her decomposing fingers, and itself: Zhang Jue is not dead yet. Your gut f eeling on the enemy field now. If you can destroy that
screeched at the t op of her voice: “SAVE USSS!!!”. It has been correct all this time. It t urned out Jue had guard bef ore round 7, gain double the reward
was that scream that sent you back t o your bed. This f oreseen the f ut ure and knew that the Yellow Turban from it.
is the third time you’ve had this night mare, and you rebellion would finally end in f ailure, so he f aked his y Zou Jing’s Favor: The last icon of the Emperor’s
st art t o have bad f eelings about it. death t o buy himself more time t o hone his dark magic Aid track in the Forge area is replaced with
prowess and draw up a nast y plot. He’s st art ed it in Xi . ( : Gain Glory equal t o the number of
That night mare is not the only strange incident Zhai, and will soon wreck havoc over the whole country. complet ed tracks on your main sheet.)
happening lat ely. Some of your men have been We must st op him what ever it t akes. è The in each
disobeying orders and carrying out destructive acts. weathered track of the Council area becomes . The
They don’t seem t o know what they are doing at in the non-weathered track of the Council area
times like those; it’s like they are suddenly caught becomes .
under a spell and st art acting violently. Aft er some
investigation, you f ound some sinist er-looking spell
t ags in their belongings. The men say they received
the spell t ags from random people in t own who
claimed that those are only f or good health and luck. Jian Yong’s f avor Zou Jing’s f avor
It’s more than clear now that it’s dark magic. But from
who? The Zhang brothers are all dead now. Or is there Option 3: Those Ten Eunuchs bast ards have st art ed *Not e: You may print and cut out the f avor t okens and
a f ourth dark magic mast er on their side? Aaargh! t o exert even more power over the young emperor. put in play the ones you have choosen as a reminder.
This is such a headache. Calvary commander Cao Cao predict ed that this would Aft er using a f avor, flip the t oken t o indicat e that it
inevit ably cause great chaos within the palace, so has been used.
What do you think all this could mean? armies from every province, including ours, had been
Option 1: There must be a f ourth Zhang brother! We ordered t o gather around the capit al, waiting t o react Non-Campaign Mode
must track this one down at all cost. if anything happens. However, just a couple of weeks
Option 2: Could this be... Zhang Jue’s back? aft er we arrived at the capit al, a shocking news came The non-campaign mode f or this chapt er will be the
Option 3: I wish I had time t o think about this now. in: Zhang Jue is not dead yet. His death was only a hoax, same as chapt er 4. Please ref er t o chapt er 4 rules
--- and he’s been hiding in a small village named Xi Zhai t o read it.
Chapter 5 Rules
Chapter 5 Chapt er 5 portrays what Shu’s Tactics originally is,
including all the areas from the previous chapt ers
with an additional track and a brand new area - the
Academy. However, some elements such as the Sun’s
Lending from chapt er 3 and People’s Support from
chapt er 4 are left t o be the special f eat ures of those
chapt ers, thus are absent in chapt er 5.
Extended enemy field
The enemy field now has 5 f ull columns. You can see
that the first box on row 10 is a normal field box,
not one t o be reinf orced. This means that during the
game, the enemy’s reinf orcement will st art from the
second box of row 10.
Main Sheet
Aft er you complet e this track, in every Income st ep
of the Preparation phase, you gain 1 Glory f or each
guard you have destroyed, or gain 1 bamboo gun
(t o use immediat ely) f or every 3 guards you have
destroyed. You might gain Glory and bamboo guns
Boss Card in any combination.
The Academy area Don’t read unless you have won in Chapt er 5.
For example, the Pressure ___
There is a new area below the Council area on the Points track in the Academy
main sheet of chapt er 5 - the Academy. area requires that the player A
You wat ch as the cloud of dark smoke slowly rises and
has crossed off 3 or more st arts t o disperse, accompanied by a malicious, hair-
boxes in the Spies track in the raising screech. That is Zhang Jue’s spirit departing
Drillground area t o be able t o this world. In order t o achieve mast ery of dark magic,
fill in it (A). he chose t o give up his physical body and become one
with the dark f orces. That was why we heard that he
was dead, because he was indeed half dead this way.
We were f ort unat e enough t o have act ed promptly
and so have managed t o st op him from t urning this
The Academy portrays the essence of milit ary training
nation int o his army of dead corpses. Anyway, this
and engineering. It is a school where soldiers with C must be his f at e. It is an immut able truth that those
pot ential are trained int o highly skilled elit es, as well
who do things against the heaven’s laws must suff er
as where sophisticat ed t echniques are developed t o
the most painf ul end.
be applied in battles. During the game, the Academy
provides the player with powerf ul boosts based on Rhino has just crossed off the third box in the Spies And thus, with the true death of Zhang Jue, everything
how f ar they have proceeded in the other areas. track (B), so he is now qualified t o fill in the Pressure about the Yellow Turban rebellion is now over. We
Point track (the box Rhino has crossed off in the Beaut y have won, and have been able t o preserve the Han
The Academy area requires the player t o t ake an Trap track (C) does not count in this sit uation). dynast y. However, they oft en say there wouldn’t be
action t o fill in its tracks by spending an it em.
smoke without a fire. The rebellion is a sound alarm
Rhino has a , but he has that the government is becoming weaker and weaker,
already used a t o access and even the public are st arting t o f eel this. The big
the Academy area bef ore f aces of authorit y, Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu,
Specifically, you may spend a , , , or , D (D), so now he cannot use it Cao Cao, just t o name a f ew, on the one hand claims
or a (cross off any 1 soldier you have), or a
anymore. Rhino spends 1 to t o devot e their lives t o the prosperit y of the dynast y,
(gained when destroying row 3 on the enemy field).
change his int o a and but on the other hand are st arting t o harbor their own
use it t o access the Academy t o thoughts and plans. It’s sad t o admit, but the time of
You can only access the Academy 6 times in a game, E
fill in the Pressure Points track. chaos is coming close.
each time by spending a diff erent it em. For example,
By doing this, he gains a to
if you have already spent a t o access the Academy,
use lat er in the game (E). Among the heroes st ands Liu Bei, first a descendant
you may not spent a t o access it anymore f or the
of the royal blood, and second a man of big will
rest of the game. Each time you spend a t ype of order Aft er you have filled in all the 6 tracks and great virt ue. It has been a great honor t o fight
or an it em t o access the Academy, remember t o tick in the Academy area (which means you alongside him, and I will continue t o support him if he
in the box next t o it as a reminder. have accessed the Academy 6 times), is ever in need. I have a strong f eeling that his career
you gain 9 Glory. will not just st op here, and he will become known one
There are 6 diff erent single-box tracks in the Academy
day. If anything bad happens in the f ut ure, Liu Bei is
area: Pressure Points, Poem, Music, Oil, Diplomacy,
the one t o trust.
and Cat apult. Each of those tracks is att ached t o a
specific requirement. In order t o access the Academy
and fill in a track, you must meet the requirement of
that track first.